Harry Potter, but NOW he’s an AUROR

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years after Voldemort's defeat Harry Potter now head of the aura office noticed strange temporal anomalies time fragments from past events began intersecting with the present causing distress the ministry of magic was in disarray Harry gathered a team of top aers including Hermione and Ron to investigate the anomalies grew more frequent and alarming during a routine investigation Harry encountered a younger version of himself facing the mirror of arisd the vision vanished leaving Harry perplexed and apprehensive about the increasing anomalies Hermione discovered old texts indicating a possible connection between the anomalies and a mysterious artifact called The Hourglass of Eternity rumored to control time Harry realized he must time travel to find the artifact with Hermione crafting a Time Turner they prepared for Harry's journey into various eras the clock was literally ticking transported to the Past Harry Revisited the battle of Hogwarts he saw Fallen friends and foes painful memories resurfacing his resolve strengthened to end the anomalies in godric's Hollow Harry encountered his parents Echo their brief Bittersweet interaction reminded him of the stakes and his mission's urgency moving through time Harry Met Dumbledore's memory at the ministry Dumbledore hinted at Secrets hidden within the department of mysteries urging Harry to look deeper Harry arrived at a time before Voldemort's rise and witnessed Tom Riddle discovering horcruxes this glimpse into Riddle's transformation into Voldemort was chilling and informative back in the present the anomalies intensified Hermione decoded more texts suggesting someone was trying to misuse The Hourglass of Eternity to alter History Harry Revisited his parents' tragic night amid familiar sorrow he found a clue in the dark marks Aura indicating the villain's identity tied to Voldemort's followers countering a youthful Snape Harry heard hints about an artifact's creation snap's veiled advice though reluctant guided Harry to look for Hidden Truths in an ancient era Harry met the founders of Hogwarts they spoke cryptically of a balance that must be maintained a balance threatening to collapse Harry's final stop brought him to grindelwald's era amid chaos he found The Hourglass of Eternity he realized the new villain aimed to rewrite history for dark purposes returning with The Hourglass Harry faced the new villain a descendant of Voldemort the ensuing battle was fierce but Harry's determination to preserve time's Integrity prevailed the villain defeated Harry secured The Hourglass in the department of mysteries protected by powerful enchantments the temporal anomalies ceased and balance was restored back at the ministry Harry reflected on his journey encounters with Echoes of friends and foes reminded him of his duty to prot protect not just the present but the past and future too
Channel: Storytime
Views: 1,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Department of Mysteries, Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Harry Potter, Hogwarts founders, Horcruxes, Hourglass of Eternity, Snape, Voldemort, time travel
Id: EnF1OMzfiGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 6sec (186 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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