The Real Life Goodfellas Murder Scene The Brutal Beating Of Billy Batts

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okay everybody this is moody dash cam today we are following the murder of billy bats famous scene in goodfellas first location is 114-47 lefferts boulevard which is robert's lounge jimmy burks club second location is 111-16 queens boulevard forest hills henry hills club the suite so we're going to go to robert's lounge first this story includes billy bats which is really his name is william bentvena henry hill jimmy burke tommy desimone so it should be a fun one let's flip it around and get into it okay so if you've been watching my channel for a while you may already know that i have a video on robert's lounge which i'll link in the description but the sound quality on the video is horrendous just a warning but it does have some good information about robert's lounge in it which is where we're going first so this all started if you guys have seen good fellas you know already what i'm talking about but this all started when billy bats gets home from prison for a drug charge he was uh he was there for six years and when everyone comes home from prison they throw a little party for them you know which i guess is the right thing to do so just like the scene the movie tommy desimone shows up and billy bats they say hello to each other and billy bats makes a comment about tommy shining shoes now it was like a little friendly joke and but you can't joke around tommy decimal ruthless killer as you guys already know so he looks at henry hill and says i'm going to kill that [ __ ] so he pretty much vows to kill him now billy batts is a made man in the gambino crime family you can't touch a made guy you get killed for even you know bumping shoulders with one the wrong way so for him to say he's gonna kill him obviously he's an unhinged guy to begin with but he knows the consequences he understands it and he doesn't care he's going to do it anyway turning onto the block now leftwards boulevard it'll be on the left it has a big um outdoor eating area these covered eating spots because i believe it is a jamaican place but i could be wrong could be other island food that doesn't say right in the driveway like it's meant to be like you own the place look at that look at the perfect pork chop so this is the building right here now this wasn't your normal hangout jimmy burke was a ruthless guy right here 47. so i guess it's not actually that place maybe at one time it was all connected but i know this exact address is robert's lounge now this was not your normal place like i said he was a killer so there were boxy courts in the back and buried people under and when they played bocce they'd be like this works for you and throw the ball um this was the spot that they shot spider in the foot and then went on to kill him and made tommy bury him in the basement under some concrete jimmy also s collected i guess bought stole and sold stolen goods out of here not just your average hangout would it be new york without a dead rat a big dead rat right outside of establishment i mean that's the real streets right there for you and then dead rat so here's the street this is lefferts boulevard this all went on the 70s late 60s early 70s all right back to truck you guys could check out my parking job too come on that's pretty good that is pretty good yes and just so you all know i did not get my truck washed that's just the rain that does that it's still pretty dirty i guess i'm not the only one that parks bad you see that guy up on the curb but all right i'm gonna speed this next part up on the way to the suite on queens boulevard i'll play you guys this scene of spider getting shot in the foot and eventually killing him oh another fun story is uh burke got a tip that the fbi was going to come search that place and look for all the bodies so he moved all the bodies and right when the fbi gets there he's in the basement just finished all dirty laying fresh concrete in the basement because he just dug up spider's body to get rid of it and he was finishing the floor so they showed up and he's sitting there all innocent like he's doing nothing all right like i said i'll speed this up i'm gonna play you guys that scene because it's a good scene [Music] why don't you go [ __ ] yourself what the tommy the world is coming through ready like that how's that all right what's the [ __ ] matter [Music] mmm [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay we are a couple of minutes away here from the suite a few things i wanted to mention robert's lounge maybe the most important thing that has happened there is the planning of the lufthansa heist i have a video on that also i will link that in the description too in the movie goodfellas he gets tommy desimone gets mad and kills billy bats in the same night that's not exactly how it happened he gets mad at the comment in robert's lounge and then two weeks later catches him again at the suite now for those of you who aren't very familiar with the names um henry hills played by ray liotta jimmy burke is played by robert de niro and tommy de simone is played by joe pesci in goodfellas just to keep you on track with what we're doing here all right we're gonna around this next corner here we'll be right in front of the place so like i said a couple weeks later um billy batz is at henry's bar this week drinking with uh henry and jimmy burke tommy desimone comes in a little bit late sees that billy's there leans over to henry hill and goes i'll be back in a few minutes with a body bag henry knows what that means of course so jimmy sits there gets uh billy a little bit more drunk you know nice and loose and then he's talking to billy bats with like his arms on his shoulders type thing tommy comes back in and jimmy tightens up around billy bats so he's now he's holding him he holds him as tommy beats him with the butt of a 38 revolver so pretty much pistol whips him to death in this bar he just beats him down to the ground with it now it's late at night at this point so they don't think anyone else is in the bar but they made a mistake one of the members of their crew is in the bar his name is alex he's in there with his girlfriend and once he notices that a maid man is getting killed in front of him he wants no party so he starts to get up to try and leave in the middle of them killing billy bats as he's getting up jimmy and tommy both turn to him like they're about to kill him too in the heat of the moment they were going to kill anybody they would have killed him and his girlfriend right there that's how crazy these two guys were but henry kind of settles them down and then grabs grabs uh alex and the girlfriend who right here that hibachi about we're going to pull over to the left yeah it's a bike lane i don't want to hear about it so like i said henry grabs them and safely gets them out of the bar and then locks the door so they didn't have to get killed also so this right here 111 16 was the sweet this is where billy bats was beat down with the butt of a gun and when they thought they thought he was dead so they bring him outside put him in the trunk of their car and now they have to go to tommy's house to get a shovel and if you know the movie they wake up as a mother and end up eating breakfast with the mother while the guy's dead in the trunk they did actually wake up the mother in real life i don't know if they sat and ate breakfast that seems kind of crazy they need to wake up the mother then they hop back in the car and they're gonna go upstate they're gonna bury him at jimmy burke's friend has a dog kennel that's upstate and they're gonna bury him at the on the property of the dog kennel he's like i bet a bunch of dogs were buried there that was probably the reasoning behind it so they go and bury him there of course nothing goes as planned three months later the friend buries uh not berries the friend sells the dog kettle to developers and they're gonna dig up the area so burke tells hill and tommy desimone to go dig up the body so they go upstate they dig up the body and eventually the body ends up in the trunk of a car in a car crusher in a junkyard in new jersey we are right here you can imagine queens boulevard my truck like these gangsters really walk the street one more wide shot and we'll get back in the truck now henry when he bought this place when he kind of took this place he did not want to be a mob hangout but quickly turn to a bob hang out like everything does [Music] i forgot if i mentioned the date or not date was june 11th 1970 this all went down and that is pretty much everything i have to tell you about billy bats getting killed now they killed a maid member so they did pay for that in their individual ways i'll see you guys there next one i kill home and i want what i gotta get i got [Music] [Music]
Channel: MOONEY Dash Cam
Views: 236,174
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Murder, Billy bats, Billy batts, William bentvena, Killer, The suite, Henry bill, Henry hill, Jimmy Burke, John gotti, Tommy desimone, Joe Pesci, Jimmy Conway, Robert dinero, Ray liotta, Mob, Mafia, Forrest hills, South ozone park, True crime, Cosa nostra, John gotti jr, Jimmy calandra, Sammy the bull, Salvatore gravano, Michael franzese, Driving, Dash cam, Tour, Robert’s lounge, Spider, Goodfellas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 24 2022
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