The Rapper Who Ate His Roommate

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Brotha Lynch would eat human flesh...only if that shit was cooked!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/WiccedPisser 📅︎︎ Dec 24 2021 🗫︎ replies

It is believed that he was set up by his roomates ex-boyfriend and Black Market Record capitalized on his case. To this day he still claims he did not kill and eat her.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DustyTears 📅︎︎ Dec 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
hardcore a sub-genre of hip-hop where rappers will take their lyrics imagery and messaging to the darkest brinks that they can possibly imagine at times this genre gives us some hard-hitting intense storytelling that is both effective and artistic other times it can be a bit gimmicky and seem more like a competition to say the most messed up thing possible even if it means nothing however there is another category of hardcore that has made the genre as controversial as it is and that's when artists actually do the things that they are rapping about today we'll be talking about big lurch an artist whose crime was more intense and disturbing than anything he ever rapped about a crime that included class a drug use murder and actual cannibalism this crime greatly overshadowed the career of big lurch so unlike other episodes where we dive deep into their musical career we're instead going to cover that briefly before jumping right into this insane case because trust me there is more than meets the eye when it comes to the case of big lurch [Music] antron singleton was born on the 15th of september 1976 in fort worth texas he had an early interest in poetry but in the 80s this turned into a passion for hip-hop and he started rapping under the alias g spade this would later become big lurch because of how tall he was standing in around 6 foot 6 in size in retrospect lurch had a lot of success in the 90s from an underground perspective and he wasn't even really doing hardcore at the time he started collaborating with the likes of e40 rbl posse mystical and too short many of these artists are still well known today and had a huge impact on the hip-hop scene in the 90s specifically in the west coast big lurch wasn't as well known as some of his contemporaries but he was right there with them collaborating networking and rubbing shoulders with some of hip-hop's biggest names on top of this he was quite talented and sounded right at home with the rappers he collaborated with us apart from his solo career lurch formed a group with two other musicians dooney baby and rick rock together they created the trio known as cosmic slop shop and released one studio album the family from everything i was able to find this album was also quite good and definitely well put together unfortunately this didn't translate to sales and the album wasn't that successful they had one song called sinful that did decent numbers and got a small bit of radio play but apart from that the cosmic slap shop weren't all that successful and although there was a lot of potential and talent within the group numbers weren't there and the group disbanded in 1999 that was the end of lurch's musical endeavors in the 90s and although he wasn't a famous artist by any stretch that particular decade wasn't all bad he got his foot in the door collaborated with quite a few accomplished rappers and managed to release a full studio album through a record label with the group that he helped create it looked like the 2000s might have been the decade that lurch could truly find his success but it started off in the exact opposite direction on the 16th of september 2000 antron was hit by a drunk driver and was badly injured in order to cope with the pain that his crash brought him he started taking pcp otherwise known as angel dust a highly addictive hallucinogenic drug that also numbs the user although it could technically be used to numb somebody's pain pcp is one of the most intense drugs in the world as we've learned with so many cases where people do insane things while unfortunately for lurch and those around him he would be right in the midst of this insanity less than 18 months after his car crash [Music] in the early 2000s big lurch had started to perform hardcore music it wasn't a new genre by any means of the imagination and he had definitely dabbled in it before but he was ready to make a full project in the sub-genre while he was recording this project he was living in a los angeles apartment with a few friends including 21 year old tanisha yasayas and her boyfriend thomas moore on april 9 2002 thomas moore and antron started smoking pcp together according to antron and almost all of the people who were in the apartment that night what actually happened was a blur but the next morning one of tanisha's friends alyssa allen entered the apartment and found tanisha's body her chest had been torn open tooth marks were found on her body and small parts of her remains were seemingly missing shortly after this antron singleton was found in the streets of la near his apartment he was completely naked covered in blood and he was screaming at the sky he was immediately apprehended and taken into custody a medical exam was conducted that showed that singleton had recently consumed flesh that was not his at first glance this case was open and shot antron singleton had taken pcp with his friends and a few hours later he killed and ate parts of his roommate now it is more convoluted than that and we'll talk about that soon but as far as the justice system was concerned this was more than enough singleton pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity but this defense failed and in 2003 he was found guilty of murder and aggravated mayhem and was subsequently sent to life in prison without the possibility of parole as i mentioned previously antron was working on a hardcore album and unfortunately for him some of these songs were used against him in court specifically the song i did it to you a song where he talked about murder in a cold and unabashful way and compared himself to multiple different fictional horror characters and real life serial killers [Music] [Applause] [Music] this song was from the album it's all bad and it was actually released by the label that he was working with a year after he was sentenced a very strange and morbid promotional tactic they used was through the album artwork of this record it was a photoshop picture of big lurch holding a platter with a human skull on top of it very obviously alluding to the horrid crime that he had committed it was around this time that people started to ask some questions the label were obviously trying to profit off this crime and this put some interesting question marks on the case the more people looked the more people found and as it turns out there was a lot more discrepancies with this case than people think [Music] big lurch didn't necessarily profess his innocence immediately however he always claimed that he had no idea what had happened on that night and that it's entirely possible that there was a lot more to this story the first reason there may have been some discrepancies was his label he was signed to a record company called black market records from sacramento and it's safe to say that they had quite the reputation they would promote their artists as dangerous criminals and they did everything in their power to sell this gangster image to the masses we already talked about the disturbing album artwork that they released but what you might not know is that black market records had actually done this before with another artist named x-rated raided was another rapper from the sacramento area who went to prison around 10 years prior for murder black market records his label at the time released four albums while he was behind bars and although it was apparent that x-rated was involved in most of this it's also very clear that black market records were willing to market his music in whatever way possible allegedly they did the same thing to big lurch apparently when they found out that he was smoking pcp for his pain they decided to provide him with even more drugs in order to authenticate his gangster image and make his music more believable this same argument was made by tanisha's mother carolyn stinson who actually filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the label claiming that they had fed antron the drugs that led him to do this this lawsuit didn't really go anywhere but this theory remained quite popular for a while however it's not the most popular alternative to what happened that night a documentary called big lurch rhyme and punishment was released in 2011 and big lurch and tanisha's mother told us a different side of the story as far as her boyfriend he was a gay member i believe he didn't want to set all this up he was beating on her she had all her stuff packed ready to leave the day all this happened they got me high on purpose to take advantage of me she got hit in the back of the neck with a uh one of the little kids scooters because a handfriend was on the scooter bloody hampering but they said they didn't know who that was but it wasn't his it's not even no proof that i actually did the murder my prince wasn't on her weapon it was a dope house they didn't find no dope in the dope house though she didn't smoke the pcp it was like somebody pulled it down you know the bottle was pulled down her throat because she had so much in her system they said ain't no way she could have smoked that footprints fingerprints on doors you know bloody fingerprint you know shoe at the back door you know and it's like where all this evidence go it was dna who dna was they said dna came up lost so they made it look like he did all this work to her there's no way he could have done that work because the way she was messed up hatred had to been there and like he said he didn't hate her all right so that's a lot to digest so let's quickly break down everything that was just said firstly carolyn stinson claims that tanisha's boyfriend thomas moore was the man who orchestrated this killing apparently they had been fighting both verbally and physically and tunisia was more than ready to leave the apartment and the relationship antron also believes that he was set up because of the amount of pcp found in his system and her system according to the medical examination it was a surreal amount of pcp and this immediately raised some eyebrows secondly there was a lot of details about the case that was oddly looked over for example as carolyn mentions in the clip there was a bloody handprint on the scooter that was used in the attack this handprint did not match antron's hand but it was never looked into further there was also footprints and fingerprints around the actual crime scene that again was not looked into furthermore the tooth marks on the actual body did not match the teeth of antron and he actually believes that they more than likely belong to a baby pit bull that lived in the apartment as well on top of all of this there was a lone shoe that was found right by the crime scene that didn't belong to antron or tunisia and this again was not investigated further it seems like at the very least there was a lot of negligence when it came to this case big lurch did a 36 minute interview with vlad tv where he spoke about this case further and claimed the only reason he pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity was because his lawyer told him to do so since his incarceration big lurch has been studying the law himself to try and get a retrial so far this has been unsuccessful but based on a letter i found that he sent to a fan he is still optimistic and hopes that a retrial will happen in all honesty based on the evidence that wasn't analyzed and the facts that were ignored it does seem like a retrial should happen i'm not saying that anybody is innocent or guilty but when you look at the facts that were ignored it's clear that there could be something else that happened on that night and we may not have all the answers regardless of the mystery that surrounds that night the results were the same and they are absolutely horrific it was honestly hard to read about the details of that night because of how intense and disturbing they were and this case has been remembered as one of the darkest moments in hip-hop's history [Music] you
Channel: Deburke321
Views: 1,263,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UYV1glRiU5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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