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the four of us are taking on the Mythic Boss Challenge and we can only use the boss weapon that matches our skin to win the game I think there's a llama right there what the heck what do you got Eagle eyee Vision they do call him Cipher Eagle Eye huh yeah I think that that flows off the tongue guys okay we definitely want to go big building yeah guys guys let's all land same spot over here okay there's a striker right there perfect let's go hey guys real quick let's kill the bots in here obviously besides Peter like off rip so they don't like kill us uh blue blue shotgun blue shotgun for you Preston no way the prophecy is coming true okay okay so to my knowledge we are allowed to use our guns but our goal is to get the Mythic yeah you got to get the mythics guys I think I think the real ones are on us now I think I could be wrong yeah I see one in front of me I see one in front of me this guy me I don't think he's real I see him I see him knock knock knock definitely real definitely real oh I got a real guy on me oh yeah this guy's definitely real he's dead though Josh I'm coming to you Jos is on him in my box in my box full box full box wa wo wo where' he go he's one knocked one all right where's the reboot van at oh he's right here he's he's white he's 37 he's so dead how is he not dead dude he must have got inside I think 26 on me 26 oh I got one one knocked another one in there Prest chasing you going up stairs on this wall on me dead dead dead dead he's dead he's dead huge boys huge you going for the re yep I'll get him I'm going to drop this SMG for your cyer okay all right perfect perfect nobody panicked nobody panicked here we go here we go wait is Peter dead or no Peter's not dead we have not killed him's on me Peter's on me right here let's get Mr Peter come here Peter you're good this dude is Beefy bro nah dude he ain't that beefy now when he got the auto shoty why is he emoting he's dancing dude boy hit the emote I got no ammo Peter's dead Peter's dead that's that's another team another team another team guys I still don't have an SMG I gave you the blue one no that one is that's the wrong one it's a burst dropped AR all right I got a gray one I'm going to go to the Vault yo who has The Medallion we should go in the vault Josh can you open the vault for us yeah yeah coming right now hey not bad boys not bad who needs the who needs the big Shield oh they're on me I'm holding I'm holding oh come on I got one Michael Myers's down me on me R friend F FR you're good knocked knocked knocked nice sniper I got three shotgun bullets to my name I have extra now Preston knocked one up top one another one on me up top I'm coming I'm helping you in his box dead dead let's go get off me nice boys clean it guys The Vault the vault is open by the way vault is open we should modify our guns if you can let me know let me know if there's a oh a gold Striker bro gold Striker who needs that oh I could cry gold no let's keep moving let's keep moving still 64 players left wao what the fud okay let's go uh we should go to fencing Fields oh wait they have it already have we have to take them out Oscar's Mythic is literally in storm no one's uh which one which one which one grand Glacier I don't think we're going to make it dude what if we get on this on the train right here guys we might have to split up oh fudge dude no you're crazy if you're splitting oh no we have to get it there's no other option hey yo shots up ahead I'm pushing towards these shots oh d d stay hidden stay hidden we don't want them to know oh yeah oh get these guys they're Bots I'm going I'm going I'm going courage I need to tell you something what I'll tell you later shut up don't even try that oh that was just class that was class right there one shot over there one HP over there got him I got him I got him oh there's a medallion here but I think that's for me I think that's Valerie let's let's go kill that team maybe yeah yep yep yep what are these little bosss do little ball Stacks it's on my chin Shield tin Shield jump boost and speed boost a bit oh wait sick I pop one they're here they're here they're here you see them at the house oh there's a lot of loot here a lot one of them's knocked one of them's knocked I'm coming I'm coming UH 60 on him he he's The Medallion he's The Medallion right here 24 come here coming it's right here be careful careful oh yo AR right here yo uh gold yo Mythic AR Mythic AR take it come here coming be careful wait be careful PK be careful PK nice okay so we got two mythics guys we' got two mythics now we got more we still got more people of us by the way Grand Glacier isn't where the tiger is scyth the tiger's at lavish layer wait you're right right there fried fried HP HP dead dead who's that grand Glacier oh yeah that's not even the guy we're going for oh let's go yeah that's the fifth Mythic the one that we don't need so it's somewhere in circle actually we can get all the ones that we need I think we need to go north I think we need to go north people over here um there's a squad honestly it's safe to literally just take out every Squad we see by the way if anyone needs Shield tell me and I'll drop you Med Medallion shooting at Cypher right now yeah on Cypher a AI nice I tell something what I'll tell you later shut up got him on me right here one Dead trying to run for me cracked him dead in front of me here oh so my I'm FY I'm frying my gun actually speeds up as I shoot that is nuts I got him I got him right here guys we are slaying out the lobby I love it I'm coming I'm coming do you guys see any medallions coming up I'm not seeing any I I'm not either right here right here right here right here yeah I'm out yeah fry him fried one one dead dead knock she want me in cyer dude me and cyer are doing target practice right now I'm trying dude I'm so far behind so often where are these Medallion players man they're hoarding them man they're hoarding him wait how many kills do courage have I have five he has nine I have eight guys we can drop a little 40 kill win wait am I at the bottom forer I see a medallion Northeast ruined reels yo I'm going to try to wait for you guys here I I'm going to wait for you guys they're they're by me at ruined reels oh no they're sweaty they're sweaty no cage I'm coming cage my shock wave just didn't work so dead boys cage just box up as hard as you can I'm trying I'm not used dude they're shock wave launching they're sweaties careful bro don't take them easy don't take them easy all right I got have some medion I fried him for 80 don't take them easy one one knock one knocked one knocked one I'm one I'm one all I'm on my way I'm coming for dud I see him he's he's he's over here he just head shot sniped me bro with no help he's low P he's low over there yeah he just got away I need I need a revive I need a revive Prest Preston all right CER get up Preston has six Med kits Preston I'll need a make you I'll need a make you I know I've been holding on to him for this whole reason all right take these buddy here you go do you all know where The Medallion gu dead at I found the Medallion guys right here medall dropping you into his teammate I'm coming I'm coming he's be the door dropping into his team he's dead he's dead he's dead nice Med we got two medallions down here boys two medallions I got one guys get my card where get his card guys we have all four medallions I'll pick up the guns for youall but I can't use them encourage I have your shotgun oh that's Preston shotgun oh P come take this yeah just drop it drop it I'm right here I'm looking for your shot right now C I knew those Med kits were com in handy all right it is going to start taking for five Scythe oh yeah when this next one closes yeah you got to go do I go for the boot here or in zone go for the boot go for the boot we need the boot we have everything we need to complete the challenge now courage you're alive yeah no it didn't work you you cut it too early what the heck Josh you got to go too bro once this closed it's going to take for five you got to go after this you got to go my Med kit cut off GG I'm dead Josh no way it ends like this dude we can always go back in right we can we got to get like Rifts or something it's going to take way too hard there's no way to get back in there you just got to get in you just got to get in I'm sprinting in buddy I'm sprinting in bro I can't out run the storm that's what I'm saying it's a personal problem oh my gosh he's a he's a medit a thanks buddy this team is shooting the guys who just got rebooted we got to push these guys together because we had all four of the mythics I one time we completed the challenge now we just have to win wa this guy just shot me with a grenade launcher he spam me with a grenade launcher I'm coming Dad hey I I don't have a I knocked him I knocked him what the heck2 I'm flying I cried one oh God he's the one that killed me we got to take these guys very serious careful hey yo wow this guy is blast oh what the heck hold him in storm hold him in storm I'm I'm I mean I'm frying him I'm frying him Nice Shot cyer CER cleaner take the stor damage sniper take the storm damage you can you can hold on I'm behind I'm behind 16 cracked 55 cracked one shot I'm stuck on a tree courage please courage you have mats box up box up C oh my God I have no ammo I have no ammo I'm dead I'm dead courage you have to clut you have the clutch I'm dead the storm ticks too hard yes up you're good you're good you're good box the what I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming I'm coming 2 you one 2 V one clutch it up for us guys clutch it up keep keep keep keep building keep building building keep building no matter what no matter what keep building keep building keep building what the I'm to build Z Zone Zone Zone zone I'm dead he Bro One V One One V one you have mats cyer you have mats for you have mat you have mats no I don't know what you're saying I was non stop building I was outside the box I just needed you to build for me while I po my20
Channel: TBNRFrags
Views: 761,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, challenge, funny, comedy, family, family friendly
Id: XFaD66aS1MI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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