The *RANDOM* BIRD Challenge in Fortnite!

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today I'm taking all the birds in fortnite randomizing them and only using one color of weapon depending on which skin I get if I get tender Defender it's going to be gray weapons only Sergeant Drake will be green weapons budgie will be blue feathered West is purple pluck is gold weapons and finally if we get the giant chicken it's going to be Mythic weapons only to complete this challenge I'm going to have to get a win with two of these birds so make sure to watch the whole thing cuz it gets crazy this might be crazier though Guys YouTube is telling me that 77% of you watching right now are not subscribe I upload every single day so don't miss out make sure you subscribe with the bell for more daily awesome videos let's do this first up we got budie with him it's going to be blue weapons only I mean look how adorable he is adorable budgies need to be free budgie needs to fly towards Aries we're going to take him down oh my gosh look at that flight pattern it is just phenomenal never seen a bird fly like this for real for real okay let's uh line this up oh a bit of a low Drop for me but that's okay I'm going hit a little slide here hopefully that's not bad I think we're good maybe open this up two blue weapons that's actually amazing oh shoot there's somebody right here down they go o and we got a hand Canon what the heck we got every blue weapon ever just at our disposal break down here break all these barrels at once then we can get the rest of the barrels that we left behind what the heck I'm stuck that's when a good time to fly would be I'm going to break this there's barils above that'll heal me and I even found some more heals here oh shoot somebody's right there it's time for this bird to fly bam bam I can't hit a deagle shot bam there we go I will take the uh running gun frenzy Auto thank you very much okay I'm liking what we got honestly I think we're ready we're going to fight Aries you see I can't use his Mythic but I can use The Medallion which honestly is probably the worst Medallion out of every Medallion but we take these small victories no matter how small you got more guards send them at me it's time to deagle you I can't hit with this thing there we go three in a row maybe no I okay I'm not using that thing until I see a person all right Aries come on down oh you think you can fly I can fly I'm using my shotgun there we go oh perfect I'm actually going to take this the Hammer Pump over what I got and I'm going to grab that Medallion okay sweet I'm actually going to take the ranger pistol over the drum gun believe it or not let's heal up a little bit just to Max and we are zooming and booming I'm feeling good slightly misunderstood we're going to go double of the uh flow Berry Fizz and gatekeeper shotgun that's what I like to see all right it's time to fly in style well not really fly but this is the closest we're going to get okay actually now that I think about it probably get one of these Avatar mythics and think about it which Avatar Mythic would be perfect for a bird yep you got it right air bending baby let's get it oo Fly Like a Bird get him moving we cruising let's go over to Mount Olympus can we just go up oh we can look at that just like a bird you know just go wherever you want I think there's somebody here actually they are here bam oh give me this AR where is it there we go I think somebody just took out Zeus so uh see if I can surprise him here goes nothing big jump oh my gosh are you here you are here can't build there awkward give me that Medallion Medallion filion I'mma heal like a stallion kind of vibing give me that new FL Berry Fizz RZ and then we're out of here oh my gosh we are out of here me to hit this into one of these ooh I really do be feeling like a bird though okay here we go switch it up into a deagle I lined that up and everything the bird strikes from the top ropes I will say that I have a pretty unique Loadout right now we got to keep on moving I want more medallions I got two but I want more off the cliff ooh what's up bro okay thought you were in zero build that's all right happens to the best of us I just love how you can go over water with this just like a bird can fly over water I mean it makes sense can I hit this [Music] oh absolutely boded bird is the word let me tell you that we ain't stopping we got momentum we got Movement we got motion son you ain't never seen a bird move like this up look at that fight over there I'm coming me just hop out of this form flying at [Music] him 90 on them o nice little trade I did not think they were going to hit me I'm going to be honest that really hurt don't mind me as I heal up we're sitting on 7 HP that is no bueno let me tell you this medkit got to patch my wings now it's time to reload everything yep ooh like how he like Twirls the mag with a deagle is really cool okay we're chilling let's move I see somebody over there I don't have any Shield that part is not good I'm going to go away trying to deagle him you scared of a bird you should be we still shoot where I was so I'm going to get out of here don't mind me getting some heals ooh cheap big pots Bird's got a drink whatever's in a big pot it's good for me I'm hiding I'm setting a trap for them got to move I'm moving how's that Miss healing up a little bit you never fought a bird this tough have you I'm out of here again you see the problem is I need he heals I have no Shields I'm probably going to lose that fight I mean I've lived this far but that's just from Pure skill this is ending only one way buddy oh let's go give me that mini give me that medall that's just the way it is oh and the banana and the banana okay we're chilling let's move get some motion wind power my legs wow I have like no mats but I have dashes now which is fantastic a little bit of a problem is that somebody captured the island and now they're probably stacked so I need to get some mats come on let me up here I just want to loot a little bit ooh bir love flow berries I just feel it I have no I have no uh actual proof of that good blo yeah let's hit a rift birds love to fly right what the heck is that there's a giant base over there and there's a giant base over here oh my gosh they're looking at me what on Earth are they doing now they're dancing they really want to win this game huh they really want to win this game huh ow where you going [Music] Batman thank you for the loot all purple weapons too nice they were trying to play tactfully like Batman they didn't know Batman's arch nemesis is a bird well at least in the fortnite story arc invented by uh me Keep On Moving would that win lots of Loot on the ground let's get a car a nice blue McLaren yep ooh that color is nice and that boost is nice too it reminds me of Budgy pull into town and ooh another car wait a second through the window stop panicking de's kind of fun to use if you have zero expectations for it let's get one with a red dot oh that's make it so much better oh it's a one V one situation let's go okay get in the car wait this is the one with no gas how did I flip this car I have no clue that's actually a Marvel of science where oh where is the last guy checking over here is where I eliminated the last guy we are zooming I like my cars like my like my birds flying I like how Bud's head just pops out of the top of the car plastic I also like that uh their eyes are like on the side of their head which is I just love it honestly Great Character design best bird at least top five all right one V1 situation oh I think they're right here the Red Dot did come Andy let's go but now is just win one of two let's see what we get next next up we have the giant chicken and with him it's going to be Mythic weapons only you better hope I don't run into Peter Griffin and I'm going to dive right away and head over to the fire Shrine yes you know uh the Avatar bending mythics are mythics so they will most certainly count this is a massive chicken butt by the way holy smokes all right let's line this up and we are headed to it is anybody going to land with me it doesn't look like it looks like somebody's going to go land at that location there all right that's fine more of the marrier give me that uh firebending Mythic is it good no will it do for now probably not but I'll make it work to at least get a bunch of materials and then we can go attack this guy over here with the fire chicken oh my go fire chicken go crazy oh my gosh fire chicken went wild wow you just disorient them it actually works a little bit that's one flaming chicken splash us out and honestly we're off to a better start than I thought we'd be so there's that what is this drawing looks great nice little painting on the wall let's go over here sounds like we got more loot oh it was in the ceiling another painting wow what I really want to find is like a water Mythic or I need to go take out a boss it's either or and trust me I am not taking out any boss with just a fire mythic so ooh look at these slippers oh this computer wow nice setup I'm out of here have shock waves on shock waves oh gosh let me out break this fence it's time for me to head over to Grim gate because I need that Medallion to win actually more importantly I would say I need that shotgun honestly I could use any Mythic weapon so uh yeah give me anything please G wagon struggling to get up this hill but it's all good looks like nobody's fought any boss yet which is fantastic we got a build fight over there and pleasant pza though that's none of my business oh my oh my gosh somebody's right here don't worry about it I hope am I not hitting you that's not really not hitting you it's aiming at you this thing sucks I don't know what they're doing oh there we go there we go eventually we're going to take you down okay okay you're just healing I don't like that I don't want to talk about it I actually don't don't want to talk about it that goes to show you how ineffective the fire bending is that's all right okay that's okay let's head over to Grim gate it looks like there's somebody here I don't know I'm here I'm going to try to do something bro get your booty over here I'm getting jumped got to leave let's just get some more materials and I got to hope that they fight each other and take out the boss I mean I'm a chicken that's pretty non-threatening right oh there's somebody coming through behind me here goes nothing oh shoot fire chicken that's not doing anything I'm out of here holy smokes I would love if I could get like another element maybe that'd be really good water bending would be just phenomenally useful we got some stuff on the ground here I'm going to take that big pot I'm just going to try to loot up until I find something else or somebody nearby I'm not very stealthy oh I see him building through the wall there okay I'm just going to leave or at least try to sounds like they're getting closer to fighting the boss all here goes nothing coming in hot oh my go tell me that worked oh my gosh no no no no I dropped the Mythic I I lost the Mythic the one thing I wanted dude oh my gosh I messed up I got The Medallion but not the Mythic honestly don't know how I did that but I've got to leave now can't show my face around here now mind you I can use weapons to take out bosses and stuff but I cannot use weapons to fight other players unless they're Mythic weapons I'm going to try to take down Hades I guess any weapon we'll do right now um let me grab Ranger pistol sure that actually might be really good fighting the boss though come on Hades get all your minions I would use fire Benny here but using it against these minions would be horrifically bad I believe is so bad I might die from using it oh my oh my gosh I took him down wow I did not expect that the pistol's actually really good for taking down bosses good to know all right let me grab that and we are big chilling I actually like our load out in a weird weird way I got somewhat close range with the fire bending I mean not really it doesn't work close range so this guy's chasing me oh my gosh 23 white got him I think that's a Mythic over there oh my gosh it is the Mythic are you kidding me he came to fight me he had a Vengeance that's actually so massively good for me grab all this we got to get out of here to infinity and beyond the other guy still waiting for me here out he's got to be really cautious just try to sniping me oh boy what is that is there another guy here give me that I can't take his W I literally can't oh my gosh I got to leave this guy's right here though maybe I don't have to leave maybe I do see you later let's take a second to heal they want to take down the Mythic chicken but they can't got him the chicken lives to tell another day long live the chicken give me this what's in here I won't take that or I will take that actually what's up bro oh my gosh you got slammed you're trying too much dude you're trying too much four people left and nobody stop this giant chicken let's hit this Ro okay I'm going to look for a little bit of heals I don't need much so oh there's a med kit right there ah look at that it's taking me way back fire bending funny it's time to fly like chickens do oh my there's somebody up on the very height of that building oh they are we got two people oh that's what I'm going to do got him three people left I know one person went into that bunker over there I saw them the rest of everybody honestly I don't know we're going to Dart over there wonder if I could block them down there if they're in there here's the magic if they're in the hole they're absolutely screwed if they're not in the hole I'm safe there's a good chance they left already wow I got to get bodied there's also a chance that they're right down there it's a 1 V one scenario they're probably not down here right all right well it's was just checking going up I'm moving I'm get to this car we're going to see what's good the Mythic chicken whip oh shoot you're shooting at me buddy all right they were one HP let's go the random bird challenge is complete GG
Channel: TG Plays
Views: 1,654,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tTiHSuDaYaE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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