You Should Be Unbelievably Angry At Your Debt!

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[Music] live from the headquarters of Ramsey Solutions broadcasting from the PODS moving and storage Studios it's the Ramsey show where we help people build wealth to work that they love and create actual amazing relationships Rachel Cruz Ramsay personality number one best-selling author and co-host of the smart money Happy Hour podcast ever popular with George Campbell is my co-host today also my daughter opened phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five that's triple eight eight two five five two two five Jennifer is with us Jennifer is in Indianapolis hi Jennifer welcome to the Ramsay show hello hi what's up um I have a question so my husband and I um our own two small businesses we that we each that's our daytime jobs and um I'm starting a third one but we're really struggling with budgeting for those businesses because they are not consistent income every month and so knowing how to budget and our expenses um there are there isn't much personal expenses because we are get debt free other than our property um and so I'm just struggling of how to get started and how to plan um with the inconsistent income and is this question more Jennifer for the businesses how to budget for those specific small businesses or the money you're bringing into your household budget um really for all of them but specific more specifically the businesses okay and are you and your husband are the is this the only type of work you guys do are these two businesses that you're running um yes and I'm starting a third one that is um [Applause] I want to transition from my current role and I have discovered that there are no resources and so I would like to fill a need for my current position and step out of that and work into um this this other business okay I'll let you handle the business side I can do the I can help you with the household budget though so when you so Jennifer for you guys you and your husband y'all need to create if you haven't already obviously a pretty detailed budget for your household and like you said there's not many bills that have to pay because you guys are debt free you just have your property your home that you owe money on um so so we always talk about prioritizing so it's giving first and making sure your four walls are covered food shelter utility transportation and then everything else underneath is prioritized line item Wise by what's most important and so for some months for you guys if it's less than what you're bringing in then you're gonna say okay we're gonna have to cut you know the the bottom three line items in the budget or or lower some of the amounts throughout the budget so you kind of have a plan for the lower months and then when you guys have high months yes go and enjoy some of that but also keep some of that aside so on the low months you can even pull from that fund as well so it's a little bit of kind of gymnastics throughout it but having that in place having a prioritized budget is really important and then a fund to be able to say we can pull from some of this money that's not an emergency fund but just for those lower months to do what we need to do so that's kind of on the household side but I think Dave's a little bit okay the business that you're running now what do you make yes I make a hundred thousand dollars a year for mine profit yes and you want to start another business why um so I'm a behavior consultant and um as I'm an independent contractor and I have noticed a need and I have um uh in the business that I do and so I'm looking to start something else that I would hopefully transition out of the independent Contracting than into this other um the business okay so you're not in business you're just an independent contractor correct uh yes about being in business you just mean you're 10.99 you don't operate a business with a with it with business expenses associated with it you don't have employees you don't have uh products you simply work for someone on contract yes sir and you're calling that being in business okay I got you and and you don't want to do that anymore you want to do something else correct and what is it you want to do um I would like to have a subscription-based website doing what um providing materials for people in that are currently independent contractors to help kind of supplement the work that they're doing because as an independent contractor you've realized oh gosh I wish I had this and a lot of people need that so I could yes step in that space okay okay I want you to just work on that at night that's what I'm currently this is a sad thing yeah that right now is worth zero and the other's worth 100K so um you know you're not going to transition out of that anytime soon to get your subscription up to 100K and you get to quit doing your day job uh as a contractors it's going to be a while okay so let's just keep with that now why is your hundred thousand Here regular um it's um each month I um turn in billable hours and so uh depending on schedules and things like that what's your worst month what's your lowest month um eight grand yeah and and you said you make a hundred grand eight grand is a hundred grand 8 300 a month is a hundred thousand okay so then my higher months can be upwards of 10 um okay so your your variability is not that much you could lay out a budget easily on eight grand and then just do minor adjustments what's your husband make around 160. yeah so you have a 260 000 income to work with and then you can adjust a little bit off of that so you don't have a lot of variability a lot of volatility in your income not so much so much in my husband yeah but you can you can anticipate that I mean you can look up and go because we're not doing a budget for for November right now we're doing a budget for July right now or August okay and he know he knows right now what August is going to look like um yeah pretty close pretty close yeah you're look you you don't you guys don't go to zero you're making a quarter of a million dollars a year okay you don't go to zero so you make enough money to run a budget on twenty thousand bucks a month 15 20. and the inconsistent yeah they make the adjustments on the overages or the underages yeah that and you know you guys just may be able to live on way less than that is what's going to adjust it's just how much you save per month right exactly it may get to that point too so yeah you guys are doing great Jennifer I mean you guys are making incredible money serious money and I and I appreciate the you know the intentionality around the budget because I think for some people when they when they are independent contractors or they're doing freelance work or there is this inconsistent income a lot of people just write off a budget and say well I can't do a budget because I don't have a consistent income so I think the question is is really good but you guys aren't in dire you know you should be fine even when you're low month you have a very consistent 15 to 17 000 a month very consistent that you could easily do the budget on that part and I think your side gig Jennifer is awesome I just I know friends in a field similar to what you're talking about so anything that can help them you see a need that's when businesses and your passion really do help so I encourage the yeah the work at nights and weekends of doing that so I think that's exciting absolutely this thing started on a nights and Weekend Deal this is the Ramsay show foreign [Music] buying Market but there's a way you can get an edge Churchill Mortgage works with you to understand your budget and your goals and the Churchill Mortgage home buyer Edge offers you fast pre-approval and a secured interest rate plus Churchill has bumped up their seller guarantee to ten thousand dollars giving your offer the best chance of being accepted and helping you win in today's market go to today to learn more [Music] [Applause] Rachel Cruz Ramsey personality is my co-host today I'm Dave Ramsey your host this is common sense for your dollars and cents a concept Congress can't grasp it's called the Ramsay show thank you for being with us the number is triple eight eight two five five two two five Aaron is with us in Las Vegas hi Erin how are you good guys thanks so much for having me I really appreciate it sure our pleasure how can we help well um my wife and I love the show we've gone through FPU we're in baby step six right now so we're super excited about that but a couple months ago our situation changed um I'm currently in the process of being diagnosed with a very rare form of muscular dystrophy um and uh so just uh the reason why I say in the process I've had a genetics test as a possible match my doctor is 90 sure and I've done a biopsy but next week I actually find out the results of the biopsy and so we've obviously done the baby steps we're in a good situation that way but I guess my question is what insurance and what type of long-term planning would you suggest in this and I guess am I too late to get to the party to get insurance in this sort of situation now life insurance uh yes yes you're too late to the party yeah okay all right um sorry uh the uh and then how you plan for it would be based on I don't know anything about muscular dystrophy in this Millennial I mean I remember sure like the Telethon when I was a kid or something and that was that was when the dinosaurs were on the earth and I don't know what this prognosis means for you do you so far I know it's very rare there's less than a thousand people in the U.S that have what I have and um it's I'm fully functional right now but it's possible in the next 10 to 15 years I could be uh in a wheelchair and I could lose um a breathing function so I'd have to have a respiratory device Oh Aaron I'm so sorry oh wow thank you and then that um following that uh stage it probably doesn't end well I'm guessing it's very possible yes it continues to deteriorate or does it Plateau off with the breathing device it it can Plateau but more than likely it will deteriorate from there how old are you I'm 46. okay all right so we're talking about 60 years old give or take exactly okay all right I'm sorry man that's hard to face something like that I'm um do you guys have kids uh no we did not okay how's your wife uh she's so supportive very very very awesome yeah she's great well I think one of the things I'll tell you from working with families I don't know anything about the medical world except that um they call it practicing medicine for a reason they're practicing and so the things in other words things change and you extra opinions and continuing to study and continuing to argue with the uh what's in front of you is good not in a denial way but just not accept that that one guy says okay you're gonna be gone in six months you go well maybe not maybe I'm gonna try this and you know so on So You Know You're Gonna you're gonna you're gonna become an expert on this Dad blame it you know to be an advocate for yourself so I'm going to tell you to continue to do that and don't just accept one thing and walk away I don't think you were going to anyway but second third fourth and later on eight opinions just keep working the problem uh now while you're doing that uh there is a I have perceived in others not myself I've not experienced this okay so just like someone calls me up and says I've got a a stage four uh cancer diagnosis and they're giving me four months to live okay that call has come in here over the years several times or I've actually sat with people in a room where they were telling me this stuff and they're they're uh already have processed the emotions and now are going okay what the flip do I do kind of thing all right so that's why you're calling so um in in that case what I found is is that facts are your friends and so there is a tremendous piece that comes from having your spiritual house in order number one but then number two uh getting your house in order financially and you say okay if this unfolds I got about this many years and we're talking wheelchair and then I got about this many years on a breathing device and if it doesn't stop deteriorating I've got this many years and so you you okay based on that I'm going to lay out a plan and then if I get a different result I'll change the plan but if you go ahead and make sure okay I got a will in place I'm going to investigate and find out and make sure Dave's right about life insurance I'm going to say this is our wealth building plan we're going to continue to pay off the house we're going to do this and this and this and you know you you the more detail it sounds ridiculous but the more detail you say given this diagnosis this is the exact plan once that detail is in place it gives you just like a release you know a sense of Peace but having the medical be chaotic and the financial future being chaotic simultaneously is almost more than some folk can bear so I'm going to encourage you to do what continue the journey you started with this phone call and that is really detail out exactly what how what is your version of the baby steps facing this rare for form of muscular dystrophy dystrophy uh because it's almost chronic in that it's not it's not a a one year or two year diagnosis it's a 15-year or 20-year diagnosis right and so today it is anyway it may change next week and it may change for the better next week so facts are your friends details in the financial Arena are not you being cold they're giving your wife peace and you peace and then you can turn back around and concentrate on being well does that make any sense at all no it it totally does and just hearing about this I mean we found out in March and like you said it's it's about you know emotionally trying to register it and then trying to figure out what the facts are yeah and I feel like we're at that place right now and now I'm going oh wait I have to plan about the future now and figure that out which is why like you said I called yeah and it's a different it's a different future than it was in March and truthfully there may be a a a a treatment that comes a year from now you know and then the the thing changes again because you're not going to stop studying this you're living it you know Aaron do you guys know medical bills um have they given you guys any direction like your insurance do you guys know financially at all what the costs will be at certain stages of this and it's because it's so rare rare they're still I mean it's just being discovered sort of thing so I I'm in a research study right now good just put me in one to hopefully take care of some of the medical bills but also figure what this thing out and how it does in the long term right yeah yeah well I can tell you this you know continuing a big old pile of money in your 401k and a paid for house is still going to help the situation so that part didn't really change right right I mean it it it's if you live with this at deterioration and disability um or you don't and you leave her with the situation either way a big old pile of money and a paid for house ain't gonna be bad right that's true so you know we could keep working four and six you know the only question is in between like Rachel's saying do we need to pile up some cash for interim treatments or uh treat you know we're gonna fly to Czechoslovakia because there's a treatment there that's not covered by Insurance heck I'm going man Heckle paying off the house get on an airplane let's go you know and we'll change redistribute that cash in a different way uh out of the budget and of course you're going to anticipate your income changing potentially as well as you go along and so all of that goes with it but just you know uh keep adjusting the plan but the more detail the plan is the more peace she's going to have you're gonna have and then you can turn in your energy around to fighting the disease instead of fighting the money and that's what people that are like with a cancer diagnosis are doing as well so man I'm so sorry and Aaron we're here for you we're not going anywhere if you need something you call anytime we'll and tell your wife to call if you for some reason aren't able to get on the phone we'll help any way we can thanks for calling man I'm sorry [Music] thank you hey guys being free to make your own medical decisions is a big deal these days Christian Healthcare Ministries gives members the freedom to choose the doctors and providers they want without the frustration of worrying about networks and with no waiting period to join it's a membership-based non-profit Ministry where hundreds of thousands of Christians share funds to pay for and pray for each other's medical bills for over 40 years chm has helped families living across all 50 states so cfchm could be right for your family check out more today at budget [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] Rachel Cruz Ramsay personality is my co-host today in the lobby of Ramsey Solutions on the debt free stage Greg and Lindsay are with us hey guys how are you we're great Dave how are you better than we deserve where do you live live in Knoxville Tennessee well some of us from over there Rachel's husband Winston's from Bearden there so when I was born in Marvel so there it is Marvel that's how you say it that's how you say it if you're a Yankee it's Maryville for the rest of you but all right welcome guys how much debt have you paid off paid off 117 802. all right and how long did this take 14 months way to go guys and your range of income during that time 162 to 198 000. cool what do y'all do for a living we are both CPAs good you're killing it too way to go so what's the 119 000 what kind of debt student loans how long you been out of school graduation years yes four or five or four years 2019. yeah good good for you guys good for you guys so what happened 14 months ago that Lit these two CPAs I get Smiles on their faces I didn't have to pay the loans 14 months ago yeah well actually we I refinanced it was all my loans um well our loans but my loans um but yeah no it's kind of just started by um we went to a trip to South Dakota and that's where I proposed to her yep that's very patriotic yeah and then we had a 30-hour road trip back and I started thinking what can we listen to I'm tired of our playlist and I was like I should listen to that show that I watched in college the Dave Ramsey Network so we listened to it for 30 hours straight and we're like we're casual in the wedding we're cash flowing our honeymoon and we're kicking out this debt yeah so yeah it let us on fire it was 30 hours straight yeah by the time you got there by the time you got home the whole thing was laid out oh yeah I had the budget in the spreadsheet already and everything you drive a minute I want to play with a spreadsheet yeah that's cool guys so it did not take uh I guess both of your trapped in the car with me gotta help you and uh so well with us probably I mean this wasn't that long ago so it would have been Ramsey personalities yeah and so uh uh you didn't have to really talk one another into it both of you were on board oh yeah we were on board um yeah both feet in and we talked to each other and and you know it was hard at first but just right when we got into it we were 100 and you know didn't look back at all everyone kind of thought we were crazy I think a little bit but yeah beans and rice it out and um bottom shelf at the grocery store but you know it came and went and then right when we paid it off we were like well what do we do now it was it was our life for that so how long have you guys been married then uh it'll be two years in November okay okay yeah so we actually we had a 117 000 that we shared as a part of our journey here because it's what we did together but I paid off my loans before that road trip and then we both paid off cars too before but we consider our true beans and rice Journey yeah so you were married right right yeah she made me uh she made me wait to propose until I paid off my car wow I was wondering if um he thought I was joking or not so like he did do it so I guess he was really listening yeah so great oh my gosh started like The Newlywed Journey obviously doing this so for most for your married life you've just known this life and then you've paid it off and how does it feel like are you like looking at each other like oh my gosh we did it we like actually did it because what y'all are so like light as you're talking about it for some people it's like you can feel the weight of the sacrifice y'all are like having fun while doing it it seems so just yeah I don't know y'all seem so light with it yeah it really was such a fun journey I look back on it with so much emotion it's just it was just such a Sentimental part of our story and so I think just being up here we're so happy to be here and yeah although it was a lot of hard work but there's a lot of laughs too I mean what was the hardest part uh yeah I would go first yeah I would say the hardest part for me at least was definitely you know we were making friends at our church and really wanted to build relationships with our friends and you know a lot of things that they like to do is go out to eat and stuff like that so we had to say no and we were really comfortable with saying no but it didn't get easier you know as time went on it's just a matter of explaining to people like this is our our journey right now this is our chapter in life and everyone was super supportive but some some weeks you wake up and you're like I make all this money and I feel like I'm not spending it but we both knew the long long term play and it was for us so yeah that definitely was the hardest part I think the hardest days for me there weren't too often but the day is just when you're like oh I'm four or five years out of college at my CPA license and then we make 200 000 a year yeah but you're getting on your knees to get like bottom shelf shampoo and like the ding cans and everything you know the cheap food so um I guess anybody who else might feel that way I would definitely say off of say off of social media because comparison was a big thing so I think Joy yeah we really unplugged there and it helped us really just totally stay plugged in so for sure so even with friends in the social aspect you know you yeah they're all like of course the go-to is like yeah let's go out to dinner right so did people did y'all switch it up for other couples listening they're like gosh we're gonna get on this journey and they may even have little kids and they're like oh it going to be worth it like what were things that y'all did that you were like oh yeah we can still have fun and be newlyweds and it's so exciting and we don't have to spend a ton I think one of the biggest things we would invite people over and have like a movie night we'd make popcorn make dinner you know just get creative um yeah hiking and just being outdoors so we actually found that being on the debt free Journey we got more in shape because we couldn't eat out so much so it kind of leeched into other areas of our life which was pretty nice so yeah well you got the Smokies you're out there to hike too yeah yeah very cool you guys all right now two CPAs you know that the number two career I'm most likely to become a millionaire CPAs and you guys you guys got it squared CPA squared here so uh very you guys are really on track it's pretty incredible to be baby steps Millionaires and what do you tell people the key to getting out of debt is when you look back on it yeah I would say you can't be 50 50 you can't have one foot in one foot out you've gotta you know look at your partner your your spouse and just be all in and that means you're all in you're not gonna um you know spend money willy-nilly you have to really just dedicate yourself to it and yeah yeah I think the fact that we're both in it together made a huge difference I can't imagine not being on the same page that was a total game changer for us and then yeah I think also what Greg said I can't imagine pulling off what we did if we were lukewarm about it because it was kind of it felt almost easy for us because we knew the answer to every question along the way it was always no like no spending don't do this don't do that and I can't imagine if we were lukewarm and it was kind of a consideration that'd be so much a lot of stress right yeah lack of clarity is stress it's anxiety yeah way to go you guys I'm so proud of you who was bragging on you along the way friends and family I would say friends and family but each other I mean at the end of the day that's that's what it comes down to your partner the person that's gonna do it alongside with you so yeah well done you guys we've got the uh live and give box for you it's the baby steps Millionaire's book so you can read about yourself you're getting ready to be one and uh The Total Money Makeover book you you've lived it already you can give it away or whatever same with the Financial Peace University membership if you haven't done that as a newlyweds you probably ought to still do that it's not only about getting out of debt and um as CPAs you'll actually find some things that you might learn too it's not all about the numbers so well done you guys we're very proud of you you're amazing you're Heroes thank you so very very very cool Greg and Lindsey Knoxville Tennessee 118 000 paid off in 14 months that's after they restarted the beans and rice and they did some stuff before they got married making 162 to 198. count it down let's hear three two one yeah I love it man so good what a sharp couple nobody's gonna be surprised when they're millionaires by the time they're 30. it's the one-track mind it's like there's nothing else that momentum I couldn't listen to me for 30 hours in the car oh my gosh try being your daughter ha ha ha [Music] ha [Applause] [Applause] [Music] thanks for joining us Rachel Cruz Ramsay personality is my co-host today hey if you're a new listener and you're trying to figure out all these uh all this lingo you hear around here like baby steps and where you are in the process and what we think your next best step is and all that click the get started button it's a free free process at we'll help you figure out where you are and where you want to go next get started at uh John's with us in Canada hi John welcome to the Ramsay show hi guys how are you doing better than we deserve what's up yeah uh thanks for taking my call um so my wife and I just got married uh just over a month ago um and we're looking at buying a house within the next couple years good for you um thanks thank you um so our question was uh we have the option to um take out up to 35 000 out of uh out of my retirement um if you pay that back within the next 15 years and then there's no penalty on that so you can take up to 35 000 um and use that as a down payment as part of your down payment for a home um so we're just wondering if we should take that money and use it uh or if we should just leave it leave it where it is what's your household income uh about 140. and how old are you uh 25 okay John do you guys have any other debt any Consumer Debt no other debt okay and any cash savings uh so we have about uh 170 and then plus about 30 in the retirement so it's totaling about 200. um so we're just wondering if we should use the 30 in the retirement as well if we should just stick to the 170 that's great well you guys have good a great cash well you get 170 000. well I you know I don't know I'll just be in there I was up here and there I guess was it your was it mostly yours that you're just saving or did you guys actually got married that's combined she was saving too yeah sure we're both uh we're pretty good Savers um and so we've been out of school I mean you're incredible savers you're you're like world-class superhero savers I mean you're 25 you just got married and you enter this conversation wanting to borrow 35 000 or take 35 000 out and then you come along and drop this bomb on us that you got 170 Grand laying there dude you need to leave your retirement alone put the 170 down or however many other hundreds of thousands you can say between now and the time you buy a house put all of that down and then go and get the house paid off quick but let's not unplug the income the the great growth that you would have on the 35 000. see that's what you're missing out is the the uh uh the the money that that 35 000 would have made that's what you're that's what you're losing now because I'm I'm I think I'm understanding and I don't know I'm not an expert on Canadian retirement but I think I'm understanding from you you can do this without a penalty right yeah so you take out the money and then you pay it back with if you pay it back within 15 years yeah I heard that part but there's no penalty yeah so so but what you do lose is all the money you would have made on the 35 000 as an investment yeah I guess we were just thinking if if that money added to the deposit on a home would save us I don't know the same amount of money or more or less no because your home mortgage rate is lower than your investment return okay so not leave the investment alone because dude you're super Savers you're gonna knock it out you're going to save another 35 000 while we're talking you guys are amazing so yeah let's let the Investments be the Investments and then you guys be the Super Savers with the down payment and then reach over and pay that house off and work baby steps four through six which is retirement saving fifteen percent and throwing everything else at the house and you're going to get this house paid off in no time yeah well done John well done wow pretty amazing yeah you're just trying to get that last little bit of manipulation going here and there's no need for it yeah because you are the secret sauce my man not that little bit of manipulation Tim Is With Us in Phoenix hey Tim what's up Central for you so I'm on my very early stages I've read the book once um working on my second time through I would say I'm on step 0.5 I'm I'm in the middle the middle of really putting together and figuring out what my debt actually is um and just kind of planning for how I'm gonna go about this the reason I called in was I have a fairly expensive truck that I bought last year and I bought it as a business vehicle using you know a tax write-off where it's over a certain weight then I can write off the whole vehicle now I'm I'm ready to you know go all in on this but and and get myself you know like what I guess I would call like a junker car but something reliable and try to get you know no payments going but when I sell this vehicle I'm going to get hit with all of those um you know tax write-offs I got last year as as income this year yep um and I I don't even know if it's the right decision to do that plus the upside downness you get from you know uh I would say I'm probably six thousand upside down okay so you oh six thousand more on the car than it's worth correct okay and and how much do you owe on it uh sixty two thousand okay and what's your household income uh I make about 225 a year okay and what other debts do you have um so in total uh that's part of what I've been doing here in absolute Polo and it's kind of a scary number especially because of how it's laid out here I am 666 670.91 in that okay and does that include a mortgage okay how much of that's mortgage 477 960. so you got you got 200 Grand you got 175 Grand in debt okay and you make and you make two what I'd make somewhere around 225 it ranges I am uh you know mission guy so uh as long as I do good it stays good but uh it can change yeah are you single I'm not I am married how many kids three kids okay how does she feel about all this debt um that is something where I am uh having a little I mean she's game but I don't think she's all in yet no you're you're not him all in you're trying to figure it out still it's okay we'll get we'll give her a minute okay yeah yeah I think the toughest thing for her is how it affects a kid's lives how yeah um how it affects what we Define different things like that yeah well um we're coming up on the clock so let me jump in here hard okay um I think you can probably keep the truck and just pay it off as a part of paying off two hundred thousand dollars worth of debt but you're 175 000 worth of debt but you're gonna have to commit to do that in a very short period of time and that's going to mean about two years worth of hell for your for your lifestyle your lifestyle that you've been living has got to go completely away because we're going to use almost all of your income to clear 175 in two years in other words we're going to put about 80 grand 90 grand out there a year out of your income on debt right and then do you be debt free except your house in two years but there's gonna be no vacations and eating out during that time which is going to involve your spouse being on board so and you've got to get the kids will be able to get more details and understanding before you're going to want to do what I just prescribed so we'll help you get the two of those things going you more details in her as well it's called Financial Peace University you may have heard us talking about it's nine lessons and we're going to give it to you for free as our gift because I've been young and broke like you and you are broke sir oh yeah you make a lot of money but you're broke and so you guys really need to clean this up because you have the potential to be very wealthy in the future but not living the way you're living now so hang on we'll give you a copy or we'll we'll sign you up for the class you and your wife go through as our guest it won't cost you a thing it's called Financial Peace University the only thing you have to do is promise the call screener that you will actually attend the class if I give it to you for free you don't get to go for free unless you make that promise because you got to go and you gotta actually do the class and go watch the lessons with your wife and the two of you discuss it and then go change your life you're overdue to do that [Music] hey it's Rachel Cruz if you love this show and want a deeper dive on your money Journey we have a Weekly Newsletter that gives you trending and helpful articles and tips on following the Ramsay way just go to today to sign up for our newsletter again that's to sign up for our Weekly Newsletter [Music] [Music] live from the headquarters of Ramsey Solutions broadcasting from the PODS moving and storage Studios it's the Ramsay show where we help people build wealth to work that they love and create actual amazing relationships Rachel Cruz Ramsay personality number one best-selling author many times over and co-host of the smart money happy hour broadcast podcast here on the Ramsey networks along with George Campbell she's my co-host today my daughter as well open phones a triple eight eight two five five two two five Anthony starts this hour off in Houston hi Anthony how are you I'm good how about y'all better than we deserve what's up so my wife and I want her to be a stay-at-home mom once we start having kids but if we go down to just my income as it is now we'll be house poor so I'm in a field that has overtime and my idea is to just throw money at the principal and then refinance from our 30-year to a 15-year fixed rate and hopefully bring our monthly payment down does that make sense well you would reduce the principle enough that going to a 15-year would not cause your payment to come up and you can reduce it even more I guess so what do you owe on the house uh we just bought it and it's approximately 174 000 Leo and what do you make and what does she make uh I bring in after your tax ties and benefits approximately four before overtime her income varies but 800 to a thousand is ballpark a month yes yeah a month you're talking about take on pay yes sir so she's not working full-time no sir so losing her incomes probably really not going to be a problem she doesn't make anything huge problems but it's just the technicality of being house poor and just losing no it's not you know the point is you're not going to be health support if you're a house poor over 800 bucks you're already house poor how much is your payment a month Anthony with choa it's about 17.50 a month all right well if we're only on your income it's a little high but you're not house poor oh okay yeah are you are you guys expecting just talking about the future well it's kind of just plain for the future how old are you I'm 24 I'm just about to turn 24. what does she do uh tutoring and then teaching at a homeschool type program and you do not have children now correct okay so it's more just a hypothetical we're just talking about the future what would we do in that scenario okay all right yeah so here's here's and you don't have any other debt except this correct good okay do you have any money saved Anthony yeah we do have an emergency fund that's it roughly 9 000 right now okay well it's higher but done a good job Anthony you've done a good job and you're thinking about it clearly um so here's what I would do I would tell her to Triple her income until she has a baby she don't make nothing so whatever this homeschool gig is that pays nothing is a nice Ministry but she could go make a bunch of money right now before she gets pregnant tutoring yeah let's go let's go make a pile of money both of you and then you got an extra big old pile and then if you if you did throw 50 000 say at this house and then refide it yeah you would be able to do what you talked about and that would be an awesome plan okay but the absolute but but the the good news is is you're not really dependent on her income to uh survive and prosper yeah you can make it if you if she wants to be if you guys want to choose for her to be a home mom stay-at-home mom I think you can afford it but the more money you pile up the more you're going to be able to afford it no duh Dave right but that's yeah but but that's y'all gotta you know even if y'all start soon try Anthony math tells me within you know you still have close to a year uh for her to be working so you guys could spend you know this next year just saying okay even if she gets pregnant she can still work um and just like he's saying pile up that money now and Anthony the truth is too everyone's story is so different with this you guys may go do this for three years until you get pregnant right I mean like you haven't you you don't know and so uh doing what I can what I could on the front ends yeah which is pile up a bunch of money to be able to to put to the principal I think cash stacking business both of you you picking up OT and her changing her uh because 800 bucks man she didn't make anything and she's got the ability to make a lot more than that and I would I would say let's reset that with the goal of okay we're going to pay a price now which ensures that we'll be able to afford for to to live this this desire to stay at home and so yeah you're paying a price to win live like no one else so that later you can live and give like no one else that's it so you guys are really doing well by the way I want to say it again I said it once I mean you're 24 25 years old and you got your crap together way more than most people and you're actually thinking which is way more than most people do Sean is in Los Angeles hey Sean welcome to the Ramsey Show Steven Rachel I feel so blessed to talk to you guys today thank you so much you too what's up um so I have a little twofold question here and so it's about navigating baby steps three being four so um you'll probably need some facts I was going to spit them out real quick I'm 34 years old and I'm a full-time um pastor at a church I just completed baby step three and I'm super super excited um single never married and I don't have kids and I'm thinking I'll make roughly around 65 to 70 000 this year um I currently rent a room and a house so I don't own property but as I enter baby steps 3B 4 5 and 6. my first question about baby step four is as I receive my money and I get paid in Gross amounts I'm currently just setting that amount for my taxes in a separate savings account this will be my first year doing the quarterly estimate so how do I plan for exactly what that 15 will be throwing into retirement of my take home I've heard take home pay on the show no it's not fifteen percent of take home it's 15 of gross but if you want to not be doing anything because you're saving 100 of it to 3B that's okay with what we teach too okay um now how would I calculate that 15 of my take home 15 or 70 degrees okay that's true that's that makes it easy then and then when I approach baby step 3B you know of course living in California um when it comes to saving for a house where would I uh you know how do I realistically get ready for that when you know the the housing prices are so far out there and I'm making you know what I make now gonna be very difficult it's very difficult to buy a house in Los Angeles California making 60 Grand 70 grand very hard can it be done yeah but I mean it's it's one of the most expensive real estate markets in the world [Music] I mean La Manhattan Tokyo London these are this is the four big dogs Paris you know I mean this is it and so in terms of expense San Francisco's right there with it too um you know so I mean it's gonna be hard but you can do it you're probably gonna end up making some other choices like living further out in order to do home ownership with that kind of income and I wouldn't pause baby step four to save up for a house in La 1965 I would be putting some to retirement Sean so I would because it doesn't take a while it's gonna be a while [Music] if you're like most people your home is your most valuable asset and when you want to make improvements it can feel like everything costs too much or takes too long but something as simple as custom window coverings from can completely change your space and add value to your home we've recommended for over a decade so you know you can trust them from blinds drapes and shutters to motorized Shades they make it easy and affordable to upgrade your entire home and their team is ready to help with everything from design consultation to measuring and installation plus there are never any misleading quotes or hidden fees ever whether one their wash and guarantee and and see why is the number one online retailer of custom window coverings go to now and save 45 off selected products visit today for more info foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] personality is my co-host today thank you for joining us if you like this show we could use some help share it leave a five-star review subscribe follow all of those little actions sound like they're not much but they make a big difference in how YouTube or Spotify or apple or radio ratings all work it's a big deal and we know a bunch of you are sharing the show and telling people about it thank you because there's a ton all our ratings and indicators all our statistics tell us there's a whole bunch of new people this year so thank you and it had to come from you because we don't spend uh 300 million dollars on Advertising for the show and we don't own any football stadiums like sofa or somebody like that excuse me gotta got this allergies are bad all right and Leslie is in Lynchburg hey Leslie what's up hi uh Mr Ramsey and Rachel thanks so much for taking my call today sure um I I am 43 I'm single and my income is around 53 000 a year I work in the social work field um I currently have a hundred thousand dollars in student loan debt that I'm going to be tackling um the reality of it is for me it's going to take like if I'm throwing everything at it it's going to take me between five and six years on my income and um is that really prudent like my employer currently matches my 401k at six percent is it really prudent for me to miss that six percent given my age and you know my circumstances yes yes it's the only way to do it because here's what's going to happen the more you fret about the retirement not getting funded the more you're going to sacrifice and the more you're going to take extra jobs and the more you're gonna live on beans and rice and you're going to do it in three and a half or four years instead of five okay because part of your issue is you do need to do something to get your income up while you work on this see if you if you had a fabulous side Hustle and I don't know it may even be something in the social work field I don't know what that is necessarily but if you can pick up some um some private case work or something and add twenty thousand and it's an uncomfortable number of hours that you're working um but 20 000 added to this equation a year would cut the whole deal in half it cut it from five years to two and a half years and that's how I want you thinking and the fact that you're frustrated about not putting money into the retirement which you should be because I agree with you it's scary and it's uh and it's bad to be missing out on the match and it would drive me a little crazy and but that's one of the reasons we use that process we use that tension in the air to cause you to get deeper and deeper and deeper and more and more and more on your sacrifice more and more and more intense Rachel yeah and it's just and I think honestly like just just knowing say you were still funding retirement you would see that six percent whatever that match is that you go up to that is money that could have been paying towards the debt so I think even mapping that out to say okay what if I pause retirement how much faster would I get out of debt if I had a great side hustle and all of it like map up the plans because I think there's you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel and I don't think pausing for three to four years is going to be detrimental to you I know even at your age at 43 it's not I mean if you're 65 and we were talking about this that's more of the like even more scary is you just feel the weight of it more but you're still young you're good do you have any money in retirement right now yeah it's uh about 20. okay okay so yeah how long have you had this debt okay so I rushed my case this that's been laying around languishing for five years already yeah and um but and what moves the needle on the debt is you getting unbelievably angry at the dead and visceral about it um you know you know like when you're dealing with someone in your world in the Social Work World when they need to have a huge life transformation because the way they're behaving is not working they have to change then they need to do that with a level of intensity life transformation doesn't happen um gradually or with ease it's not an intellectual thing it's a primal thing you know what I'm saying in your world You observe that the people that that get better in their social interactions whether it's with their family or wherever you're doing that they get they get really sick and tired of being sick and tired they're growling they're howling at the moon it's very ah right and yes that has not happened yet for you on this hundred thousand that's why it's still sitting there and so that's what I'm kind of prescribing is this deep guttural almost uh thing where I'm just like I've had it I'm sick and tired of this you know that kind of thing you get that thing going down inside you get that version of Leslie going yeah and I think most obviously that that the way your life is looked for five years five to six years with this debt it's going to have to look different in the future in order to clean it up because if you keep doing what you've been doing you're gonna keep getting what you've been getting so I think just kind of that pep talk in the mirror of like all right it's it's summer of 23 until summer of 25 like it's I'm I'm doing this and and and time goes quick too that's the other thing yes the sacrifice is not fun working long hours you're gonna be exhausted but you're gonna look up and be like okay it's been two years like I did it and the more you sacrifice Leslie your time by working the more again probably not a ton of sacrifice in your lifestyle because you know it's not like you're making a hundred grand so there's going to be some tension though and that's okay because it's for a period of time and I'm telling you the more intense you get with it the more Focus you get like what he's saying that's when you're going to see this progress so you're doing incredible work just in the world so that like that amount and I want I want freedom for you Leslie like I want you to have a level where you're not stressed and this level of control over your income in your life so you deserve it you do yeah be rewarded for all your hard work yeah you work too hard to be broke and you're doing too much good to be broke and just keep telling yourself that it's a it's a it's a thing you got to get into here and you know the this whole guys out there this whole student loan thing um there's a lot of different dynamics that are happening not only with the Biden Administration for giving and then the Trump Administration pausing and the Biden Administration for giving and then not forgiving and then the Supreme Court and then Biden comes out and announces a new plan which is a worst version worst version of the plan that was already in place before he even got in office um and it's now now you can stand up for 25 years and hope for forgiveness this is the new plan they announced last week which is just so ridiculously laughable then it just sounds like the federal government the idiocy that comes out of Washington DC it's just idiocy and that's not a political party thing there's just a there's a ton of idiocy coming out of there and it's got D's and ours on it and so you know you just got you guys got to look up and not depend on that that's one of the variables going on but the other variable if you just set aside all of the Washington garbage and the hyperbole in the rhetoric and all that and you just say gosh I make 40 make fifty three thousand dollars a year I'm 43 years old I got a hundred thousand if you just lay those three numbers out there in her life I know exactly what that means it feels that is that that hundred thousand is a big mountain and it feels like it can't be climbed it feels like or if it is it's gonna take so long and and that sensor that that little tinge of hopelessness that is normal when you have numbers that were the num where the number is so big that it steals a little bit of your hope and you think the only light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train that keeps you from getting started and sometimes the most important thing is to start and then the next most important things turn up the heat you know and then the next most important things turn it up again we talk about how health and money are parallels that are following this doctor guy on Instagram and he posted today he said uh 90 for 95 of you not being where you want to be healthy wise is your mind wow your body will follow yeah and there it's that decision making you guys it's so powerful it's so powerful and money and I was watching the Arnold Schwarzenegger uh documentary that's good and first the first one was a bodybuilder he talked about the exact same thing your mind and your body will follow yeah this is the Ramsay show [Music] thank you hey Dr John deloney here I'm a huge fan of both meditation and prayer and good mental health includes slowing down gaining control of your thoughts and plugging into something bigger than you and Halo makes it easy to start a daily practice of meditation prayer and finding peace Hollow is the number one Bible app in the world and you can tailor content towards your faith tradition from scripture readings and prayers to meditation and journaling hallow makes it easy to practice prayer meditate and build a deeper more meaningful spiritual life and ReDiscover true peace go to Ramsay today to get three months of hallow for free that's Ramsay thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] personality is my co-host today in the lobby of Ramsey Solutions on the debt free stage Amanda is with us hi Amanda how are you I'm good how are you guys better than we deserve where do you live uh Wentzville Missouri yeah which is near St Louis oh okay outside St Louis cool well welcome to Nashville thank you good to have you and all the way down here to do a debt free scream how much you paid off uh 36 850 way to go how long did that take about 27 months good for you and your range of income during that time I was at about 49 to 65. good for you cool what do you do for a living I'm a licensed veterinary technician oh yeah good that's fun yeah and uh what kind of debt was the 37 000. I mean all kinds of things a bed a car personal loans medical debt um an air conditioner unit is kind of what started everything um you living life pretty much and it's all on the card yeah wow yeah you were normal basically yeah so what happened uh 27 months ago two and a half years ago well two years prior to that I got a divorce in 2018 um after being married for 20 years um amicable um so that all went fine but two years after that you know I had refinanced the house and all those kinds of things and you know just your basic house stuff the air conditioner unit um failed and I needed a new one and I was already had other debt obviously and I had to put it on credit and got guilt-tripped a little bit from some family members of like oh well why'd you do that and are they with you today no no it's not them so I mean that's somebody that loves you that guilt trip that okay yeah so it just kind of got the ball rolling of just being fed up basically of just not being able to make ends meet not having an emergency fund not having any of those things so you know the stress of that and I was on a single income so it was just me I didn't didn't have the ability to rely on a second income so I had to figure out what I needed to do for me good for you that's amazing so during this time what would you say were the things that were the most helpful so people listening right now that were like hey my numbers are matching up with hers what I wonder what are the things she did that she saw a lot of progress I mean really was my brother-in-law got me kind of started on the night of the air conditioner purchase um he's I was all upset about you know the family being upset of me doing that so um he asked me to come over they lived like two minutes across the way and I went over and he started talking to me about budgeting and um talked about your Total Money Makeover book and is like I'm gonna get you this book I want you to read it he showed me how he did his Budget on Excel I kind of went from there so shout out to Greg um but I read the book within probably about a week and it just was common sense I mean it was just very simple to follow and easy steps to maneuver through so I just I was already halfway to the emergency fund pretty much so it took me about two months to save that and then I um just started tackling just smallest to largest just as you guys say and you know little wins basically chipping away chipping away chipping away 27 months that's a lot yeah you would like 49 000 you pay I mean that that's something that was that was my lowest pay because that was right at the start of the pin you know like we were kind of in the midst of the pandemic and um our hours I'm in oncology um technician so I do chemo for animals so we had to be segregated from the rest of the hospital and they had to cut our hours quite a bit so I mean we lost probably eight hours of paycheck which you know doesn't sound like a lot but yeah it's a lot so we we lost a little bit of money but thankfully with my job they give amazing bonuses they offer double time time and a half they want people to like work there yes and so that's mostly what you did the size that that was the biggest part of it minus just all the coveted bonuses from them and obviously the government bonuses I put every single penny of anything extra went right to it I didn't spend it on anything extra or you know lavish in the government's handout I just did I was just like yeah first of all I'm just gonna pay off all the debts so then um yeah I mean I just worked through it that way and then uh I pet sat for some co-workers um throughout that time I didn't even incorporate that probably in there that much but a portion of it was pet sitting for co-workers and whatnot good for you yeah yeah that's amazing yeah what was the One debt that you paid off that you were like that feels the best that you're like probably the personal loan yeah yeah yeah so when um this is interesting I'm just watching you and listening to your body I'm watching your body language and listening to you I I get the sense that that when stuff comes at you you just lean into it that that's your nature yeah um and there wasn't like this Panic moment it's like this just sucks and I'm tired of it yeah I just needed a plan and that was basically what I needed I needed somebody to point me in a direction and I mean I'm great at following directions so it just kind of fell in sync came on yeah okay so there wasn't a there wasn't really a freak out moment it was more of a just like a disgust moment and game on okay yeah okay all right because I mean we all react differently to these kinds of things when crap comes at us like this you know yeah you just kind of get in panic mode where you're like oh man I gotta come up with this amount to add to what I'm already paying in other debts and you know and then just to pay off the car and like all those things like you like you say oh everyone thinks so you got to live with a car payment but you don't I mean you don't have to live with any of it it's all personal choice of what you decide to spend your money on yeah and I'm a spender like Rachel yeah girl I feel you I knew I liked you so what uh what do you tell people the key to getting out of debt is um sticking to a plan um saying no to all the co-workers who eat out lunch every single day I bring my lunch every day to this date I might eat out maybe once every couple months if that but I just can't stand the fees these days um I don't know not not listening to the masses of everybody trying to put their input in like you always say they don't really get a say in what I choose to do I heard a guy say yesterday don't follow the masses because the M might be silent [Laughter] stuff Amanda proud of you we got the uh live and give box for you the baby steps millionaires book because that's the next chapter in your story you are on your way you have a whole different vision for things than you did and hey way to do it to just as I think as a single woman you just decided I mean I just think I just always commend people that just you did it on your own you know and that's something to be really proud of Amen really proud of you are a hero for sure thank you we're proud of you it's awesome yeah Total Money Makeover book as well uh which you got the whole thing started for you you'll be able to give it away when somebody comes across the street with an air conditioner bill yeah and um you know in the uh and the Financial Peace University membership if you haven't done that yet do it because that'll help you that'll help you get in gear on the uh moving on to the next step to the wealth I mean just getting free is one thing but getting free so that you can be generous and become wealthy that's the whole deal I'm proud of you well done Amanda all right who was it came to cheer you on over here I got my dad my boyfriend Mike and my my sister all right well they're all they are Camp Amanda without a doubt uh good stuff good stuff all right Amanda from St Louis 37 000 paid off as a veterinarian Tech 27 months it took making 49 to 65 000 all by herself count it down let's hear a debt free scream three two one I'm dead free yeah that's how you do it ladies and gentlemen from St Louis I'm just saying wow very cool very cool I mean there is an advantage to doing this on your own because you don't have to talk anybody into it but the disadvantage is you're doing it on your own that's right right it's it's the it's the double-edged sword either situation but it's something about which it sounds like she had such great Community around her but part of that is not being lonely in the process because I think it can be isolating if you're like I'm the am I crazy you kind of start to feel like am I the only one you know in this and so when you have people around you to cheer you on it is but there's I think even that much more of a like a good Pride a healthy Pride like I did that like I did that so I think it's awesome a lot that's a lot it's a it's a big story she's walked through the past few years and she's chosen to just absolutely own it and it's incredible yeah absolutely she happened to it it didn't happen to her that's right I like it I like it that's how Victor not a victim this is the Ramsay show [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] personality is my co-host today open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five Audrey's in Lansing Michigan hey Audrey what's up sure how can we help husband and I are facing a little bit of like a moral dilemma we're just kind of looking for an outside opinion on it um so we we work at the same place right now it's um a family business in the sense that a lot of my family works there most of the people who work there I'm related to um we make a low income there right now um and it's it's not what either of us want to be doing long term I really want to go to college and he wants to be a chef um but if we leave them we're leaving them in a really bad position um our business that didn't do well last year so we're just wanting to make sure that we're not being selfish um or just just trying to navigate what's the right thing to do okay does your family or his family own the business uh no my um my uncle is the manager of Pittsburgh business the business as a whole my family does not own okay that that would relieve a lot of moral dilemma um I'm not sure there's a moral dilemma anyway but anyway it would relieve a lot of the relational pressure um it's not you're not harming your family uh only the company needs your help but they don't but they can't afford you anymore yeah we we make enough to where they never could have afforded you because you make a low income yeah we we we can pay our bills you told me you wanted to leave because you had a low income now don't back out on it yeah that's what you said I didn't say it yeah yes sir okay how old are you guys Audrey uh we're both 22. what do you make um a little under 4 000 a month each combined combined I I can only work two days a week um I have a one-year-old so I'm at home with him most of the time okay so they're going to lose a part-time employee that they hardly pay anything and they're going to lose an employee that's 22 years old yes sir I think they'll be okay okay where are you feeling pressure Audrey who is someone have there been conversations or you guys are just reading the story and thinking oh gosh if we leave or is there is there outside pressure is there anyone else in the family that's like no Audrey you can't you can't do this move um not really in that sense uh it's just a lot of people have left recently even though like it's such an amazing business environment and everyone's awesome it's just a lot of people have left and we don't want to be another couple people to I guess her everybody says once people leave everyone else has had to pick up so much of the slack um we just so I I hear you I hear you and I and I commend your you know selflessness your your heart around this I think it's a very gracious um mindset that you're in but also Audrey you and your husband need to go live your own lives if this is the decision that you guys want to make for you all you can't you can't be dependent upon how everyone else is going to feel in your life there's a point you have to give that you're and that's not being unkind the way you leave is is could be unkind right so you can be gracious in how you do that but the decisions you make in your life yeah they have to be for you lots of notice with a smile with gratitude for the time I've been here and um but I want to give you plenty of now to show you because I know we've lost some other folks I don't want to leave you guys an alert so we're going to give you a lot of notice um maybe a month notice instead of two weeks or instead of two minutes okay so that's a lot of class and and the second things I got a lot of class on is just gratitude uh thank you so much for what you meant to us early in our lives here and then can I have permission to be mean for a second yes sir okay if this business is dependent upon a 22 year old and a part-time 22 year old to make it it's not gonna make it if you're the last thing that when you step out causes this thing to fold up like a tent it wasn't going to make it anyway honey yeah I I think I think they will yeah I think we're probably just yeah y'all are being very sensitive yeah you're just being very sensitive yeah I just what I'm trying to say there is not to put you guys down but I'm trying to say that you're if if it comes down to uh one or two people inside of Ramsey being here or not being here whether Ramsay folds up tent or whether Ramsay doesn't make it then we were probably gonna make it anyway yeah and that's so you it just is and they've been through a hard season I hear you saying that a lot of people have left so yeah they're feeling more and more pressure so you're more and more insensitive to that which is and you've heard the family all talks about the ones that left and you don't want to be one of those but you're getting ready to be and that's okay and uh yeah you can't uh you can't be responsible for how someone else decides to um interpret all of this you guys are you're not being mean you're not being unethical you're not being unkind you're not being greedy you're not being any of those things and and and anybody that tries to put that on you guys is not telling the truth okay so I would go in with you and your husband sit down with your uncle who's the manager and say hey we're going to move on how can we do that in a way that is the kindest to you and to this place because we're so grateful for this place I mean do you want us to give you a month's notice do you want us to leave this minute um what is the best thing for you all because we're going to move on because we can't making money here this place is struggling and you know we have other dreams or 22. my husband has a dream yeah I'm being a chef I have a dream of being this and we're gonna go live that dream and how can we do that that is the kindest to you into this place and we want to be classy help us to do that teach us we're young uh you're you're the old wise manager teach us how we can be good uh how we can leave with class because we're leaving and if he tries to pull something that causes you to stay just smile and say no we're not going to be able to stay how can we leave in a way that's going to be the most helpful yep and you may have to repeat yourself a couple of times it sounds like how does that feel Audrey [Music] just knowing that it's not wrong I I know that my uncle is one of the most amazing people tell him that he'll be very good at it yeah just tell him that just say you know we admire you so much the last thing we want to do is hurt you we think you're one of the most amazing people but that doesn't change our decision yep I mean I've had people leave here and they go you know Dave you changed my life and you know my family's changed because I got to work at Ramsey and I will always be friends and thank you you're an amazing leader and tell me things like that as they're leaving and then I've had other people give me the bird and walk out the door you know so I mean it's um you know but you can you can you can decide who you are it doesn't change who I am right doesn't change who your uncle is it you just said decide who you are and that that's what we're telling you to do yeah and I think it's a and I think it's a healthy exercise for you and your husband you guys are you're feeling this nudge to go do something else and it takes courage and maybe I mean at 22 I know you know you have a little one and all that but it you're continuing to grow into yourself Audrey and into who you guys are as a family you and your husband I mean it's you're making these adult-like steps and you're facing adult-like conflict and decisions and it's scary and it's uncomfortable so um but it's you're good you're not morally doing anything wrong so here I say that what I want you to you started this conversation stuck and I want you to leave this conversation not being stuck that that's our goal okay you're not stuck wave goodbye with a smile and do it now not in a year thanks for calling in hun open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five you jump in we'll talk about your life and your money you know Rachel it's disturbing to me like when we get kicked off a radio station sometimes because they change the format to rock and roll or whatever oh yeah that in like three weeks no one in that City cares it turns out that no it turns out that I mean when you leave people get over it oh I hear you people get over it you know ah yes people get over it they they they manage they manage their lives without you they're gonna be fine this is the Ramsay show foreign hey it's Rachel Cruz if you like what you heard in this episode and want to know more about getting started on the Ramsay baby steps go to and click the get started button we'll help you figure out the best next step for you based on your specific situation that's and click get started [Music] [Music] live from the headquarters of Ramsey Solutions broadcasting from the PODS moving and storage Studios it's the Ramsay show where we help people build wealth to work they love and create actual amazing relationships Rachel Cruz Ramsay personality number one best-selling author my daughter co-host of the smart money Happy Hour podcast downloads once a week with George Campbell make sure you check that out it's a lot of fun she's my co-host today open phones here at triple eight eight two five five two two five Charlotte is in Lexington Kentucky hey Charlotte how are you hello how are you better than we deserve what's up friend friend behind on all bills each month you don't sounds like you got a mess kiddo what's going on um yeah I do um I'm 36 single two kids um I've been working two jobs for almost five years now and I just cannot get caught up to stay current on all my bills let alone start emergency funds hear you so what do you make um what I bring foam each month between both jobs is 3 200. but my my debt if I make the minimum payments each month is 1900 so that leaves me about 100 how much is your rent um so I have a mortgage and it's 560 a month okay that's good news and um are you getting child support um yes but not consistent enough to rely on why um he just chooses to pay it when it's convenient to him well the courts in Kentucky will help him with his discipline you know that you've started good okay um that didn't fix the problem but it just fixes my aggravation at him and and I'm just joining you in that um how old are your babies I'm 15 and 11 for 12 15 and 12. Lord so they ate a lot especially during the summer yeah so what kind of debts have you got um car payment how much do you owe on the car sixteen thousand okay and um and what else um student loans that are about 16 000 when you add them all up um I have I've lived life and went on a cruise in April and so I'm paying on my I'm HDO on the cruise uh sixteen hundred okay okay what else I've got two like a firm loans one's for a mattress and one's for tires how much are those and how much are those um oh and my Tire the tires are about 700 and then the mattress like 200 on okay all right and then I've got uh my braces that that I owe about 3 200 on and then medical bills that I probably owe about um probably about six thousand dollars if I had a lot how long you been single you said um it's about 10 years what do you do for your jobs Charlotte um I am a quality manager and I've actually had a conduit and I've been there 18 years and then on my server at Cracker Barrel and I've been there almost five years all right um let me give you a couple of observations I've been doing this a long time so I've sat with people in your situation a lot okay um you've been um living on nothing right on the edge scared for a long time and that has caused you to give yourself permission to do some stupid things that have made it worse okay yes like a sixteen thousand dollar car you can't afford because the other old car was breaking down all the time and you couldn't handle that extra fear added with all the fear you already had so you said I'm going to get at least one thing in my life that is reliable because this guy paying child support certainly isn't that's 100 True just in October that happened yeah and um and then you got I well I'm not gonna get out anyway I might as well live my life so I'm going on the cruise oh and then the dadgum tires go out so we gotta have tires because you can't roll this sixteen thousand dollar car without a tire oh right and so what happens is we end up going from crisis to crisis because we're trapped and um so we got to get out of this but it's going to be radical are you ready um I'm ready we're gonna go with you Ben's not working yeah I'll hold my hand we're going to jump off it wasn't an evil laugh from him hold my hand we're gonna jump off the cliff together here we go and the water's cold and it's deep so we're okay get ready to jump here we go it's gonna be different here we go run back here we go that's what I'm laughing about okay I will go with you we're going to help you and I'm gonna put people around you I'm going to give you a financial coach free of charge I'm gonna pay for it because I can't stand how trapped you are it's driving me crazy okay uh and then I'm gonna pile a bunch of books on you that I need you to read all of them and turn your stupid television off okay one of them is on Career from paycheck to purpose I'm gonna give you two of them from Ken Coleman and I want you to go to a Ken he's our he's our career expert because you don't make nothing and I want you to go get a job making twice what you're making now you're worth a whole lot more than you're getting paid okay well I tried to tell my boss that no he ain't listening you've been there a long time and so it's time to start looking and it's time to retool reset your mind uh comb your hair out and get ready to go on an interview girl here we go all right okay because you need to go make some more money you've been starving a long time and um uh so I'm going to send you a bunch of career books and Ken Coleman is our career guy I'm gonna send you one on proximity principle ones from paycheck to purpose read them both okay we're going to put you into Financial Peace University which is our nine week class and take your 15 year old with you it's nine lessons you can either do it online or you can do it local church either one we're going to pay for all this you don't call it doesn't cost you a dime I just want you to go do it all because my heart's hurting for you okay okay I get where you are I I know exactly where you are and how how tired you are and uh you got a new friend that's going to help you and Rachel and me okay and thank you you're probably gonna sell your car because you can't afford this car this car payment is the car payment is what drowning you you got a great mortgage your mortgage is awesome your car payment is horrible it's probably killing you and then you ain't doing any more stupid stuff like cruises and you're not eating out you're not going to reward you you're going to clean up this dadgum mess and you're gonna work your butt off like never before and it's going to be for a short period of time and this time we're actually going to get some traction and move the needle instead of spinning our Wheels all the time because you've been spinning your wheels for a decade so got this Charlotte you hang on we're gonna get you with a coach we're gonna get you the books we're gonna get you into FPU and you're gonna call us back if you need some help hang on foreign well you've all played the telephone game the first person Whispers a message to the second person who Whispers it to the third and so on around the table until the original message has completely changed multiply that confusion by a hundred if you run a business with different software systems that don't talk to each other that's why there's netsuite by Oracle in the early days of Ramsey we were using different systems for all of our business units we needed one single source for accurate data netsuite was the software we used to optimize and take us to the next level netsuite gave us the visibility into all of our numbers so that we could communicate across departments and plan ahead better and as we grew it scaled with us next week worked for Ramsey and it will make a difference for your business too join the more than thirty four thousand customers who trust netsuite to help make them smarter and make better decisions and level up their operations to learn more get a free product tour at Ramsey that's Ramsay foreign [Music] personality is my co-host today the Ramsey Show question of the day is brought to you by neighborly your hub for home services for over 40 years neighborly has an exclusive network of trained local service providers backed by the neighborly Done Right promise so if it's not done right neighborly will make it right it's a great company visit today to learn more all right today's question comes from Jeremy in Colorado I'm a big fan of your show and love the videos I'm married and we have a one-year-old daughter I've been renting but I'm contemplating purchasing a house my gross based salary is 243 thousand dollars take-home pay after 401k and insurance is eleven thousand dollars a month we are paying 2200 in rents so my question is how do we know when we're ready to buy a house and how much money do I need to to buy I'm thinking I'm trying to think through the down payment and the mortgage payments but I know there are other expenses during the buying process and monthly that I'm not thinking through and I want to be prepared um great question Jeremy so when it comes to owning a home and buying a home we always tell people to be completely debt free and to have three to six months of expenses saved in the bank and then you're gonna move on to what's called baby step 3B so what you're going to do Jeremy is figure out okay we're going to try to get at least a five percent down payment ideally more than that 20 would be incredible because you could avoid PMI and other types of insurance and these fees that you're asking about later but we would recommend at least you know five ten percent down and your monthly mortgage payment being no more than 25 of your take-home pay so it'll be kind of around what you're paying prefer your rents right now honestly is what it'll end up being well no because the your take it says take-home pay is eleven thousand after 401K in Insurance 25 of your take-home pay not counting 401K insurance it's just after tax takes oh after tax that's true yes you're making 243 000. that's 20 000 bucks a month so your take-home pays not eleven thousand you know your take on pay you're counting 401K Insurance how that out after taxes is nowhere near eleven thousand it's probably more like fifteen and so a fourth of your take-home pay not counting insurance and taxes with a properly withheld tax amount all we want to take out is taxes okay and then 25 percent of that number so you make a lot of money you're going to be fine uh you you know you need to decide if you want to stop your 401k temporarily to be able to save even more and build that down payment up but uh that's baby step 3B it's okay to stop that for a little bit but that 25 take-home pay formula does include like HOA fees Insurance all of that yeah within that principal interest taxes insurance and HOA okay um and because that's the cost of owning the house uh not your electric bill not your water bill that kind of stuff and so uh but it's just what we're trying to do is not have have you be house poor where your house payment is a huge percentage of your take-home pay but in your case you probably can go to a three to a four thousand dollar house payment without any trouble uh you're going to be right in you're still going to be right in there and um probably four uh maybe maybe between thirty five hundred and four but somewhere right in there and that's on a 15-year fixed rate with as big a down payment as you can scrape up before you make the purchase now we've got a great blog on real estate how much money do I need to buy a house and it's in great detail some of the stuff we just covered at we will put the link in the show notes for those of you on podcast and in the description for those of you on YouTube and so you'll be able to pull that link up on and reiterate what you know am I ready to buy a house because everyone's running around right now like a chicken with their head cut off if you don't know what that is you'll learn it from your country grandmother but if everybody's running around like crazy right now thinking I gotta buy a house You Gotta Buy house gotta buy a house gotta buy a house gotta buy a house if I don't buy a house if I don't buy okay you know it's always been that way I've been doing the show for 30 years there's always been people with house fever and they lose their minds and they go with a big old debt they got big old car payment they got student loans coming out their ears and then they go buy a house and they're broke and they can't figure out why the purchase of a home was not a blessing it's because you bought a house when you're broke that's why you know you shouldn't do that so we are you know Ramsey you're just too conservative if not we just are using some freaking common sense a little bit of restraint in a culture where no one ever tells anyone no for anything no you shouldn't buy a house you're broke get yourself where you ain't broke and then you buy a house and then it won't be harmful to you it'll be a blessing it doesn't affect me I don't care if you do it or not but if you're asking me how I can be a blessing to you how I can make your life better we're here to tell you that and that's what we've done how much money do I need to buy a house it's a great blog at in the show notes or in the description on YouTube don't miss that and Jeremy you ought to go read that too that'll get him there amen Tyler's in Eugene Oregon hey Tyler welcome to the Ramsey Show hello how are you guys doing today better than we deserve what's up um so I have an electric I'm an electrical contractor and my truck just busted on a job and the truck's been giving me problems for a very long time seems like every two years end up in five grand into it to do head gaskets or or whatever and then just did it again and I'm just wondering if I should just fix it or bite the bullet and go get a new truck uh depends on what kind of bullets you're biting if you got any money yeah I got enough to pay for but it tightens it up pay for it how expensive a truck are you gonna buy I'm looking at 70 grand okay because you just spent five well no this truck keeps giving me problems I have no other means for I understand I understand but I'm just suggesting sir that you're overreacting maybe you need a new truck but I don't think you need a seventy thousand dollar new truck how much do you make Tyler a year uh uh after tax is about up it varies but my last year was like 110. yeah what do you wire houses or commercial buildings what everything but in this area it's just mostly houses yeah so not a single person's ever hired you to wire a house based on the truck you drove no they all they cared was you showed up and plugged stuff in where it worked now the showing up part I'm with you on brother okay I think your truck's laid down I think it's time to get rid of it but you don't need a 70 000 truck that's construction site bullcrap let me tell you who the broke people are on the construction site the people with no trucks you all know the rich people are on the construction site the people with old trucks so it's still worth it to get a used truck just yes starts falling apart and get rid of it exactly because you know what that seventy thousand dollar truck's gonna be backed into with the guys skid steer the first week you own it yeah you've seen it happen I have too I grew up in construction man I didn't make this stuff up it's I've been there I've been standing on the site when this happened so no get you a you know the truck you got is probably worth five grand it's probably a piece of crap right I could sell it for 20 still really decent truck yeah it's still it's like a collector's type of truck it wasn't supposed to be a work truck but it turned into oh okay but a twenty thousand dollar work truck is an excellent truck compared to what you have right now as far as reliability wouldn't you agree with me yeah it's just used cars scare me since this has been Ronnie says you drive it off a lot it's used yeah yeah when you've been driving your new truck for a year that's called used okay and so you you know maybe maybe 20 not you know let's let's go I'm good with 30. yeah pay cash you're gonna pay cash and buy a 30 000 Truck Yeah and sell your truck for 20. dad gum man your life's awesome oh we're out is a net 10. it's not like a fairly like a family heirloom what is something what is it oh it's a Harley Davidson F350 okay no sell it sell it okay yeah I was just worried another car becoming a hassle down the road 100 of cars are a hassle all of them break it's just a matter can we get something wrong with this idea that a used car a hundred percent of the time is going to be awful it's not there's great reliable used cars trucks too yeah don't buy a worn out used work truck buy a good one for 30k that's been gently used in oh a little old lady drove it to church on Sunday I mean come on this is the Ramsey Show foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] personality is my co-host today open phones a triple eight eight two five five two two five David is in Washington D.C hi David welcome to the Ramsay show hello there I appreciate you taking my call from the first time listener and caller so um appreciate it sure what's up so um I am going through um it looks like a divorce um we're separated at the moment um and uh thank you um so it's it's kind of um filmed it off a bit but the major thing is is uh the house you know she kind of left me for someone so she's living over there but um and she said at first that you know I didn't want the house and now she wants you know the equity of the house so um with the way things are in the state of Maryland because I've talked about the DC but um that they are she can take the half in the divorce and they do not allow you to just um pick the name of the house or anything like that so what I have to do is I have to do two options and I have a third but and I know you might say I know just from the way I've been listening to for the last two hours here that uh I feel like you'll say the third but hear me out first uh the first option is to um go ahead and let her take money out of my 401k and uh for the difference that she would get in the house and uh and then what would have to happen is um she could take her name off the deed but not all alone and she'd have to give me like a certain amount of time say five to seven years to refinance that round uh and the reason I say that because what's left is it would jump my uh three percent loan up to about eight percent and um it would jump me from like a two thousand dollar payment to like closer to four four thousand two hundred something like this yeah um and it's I don't want to jump to that so then the second option is um that she waits and is willing to wait to an agreement of five or seven years and then she gets whatever Equity I've put into the house and improvements and she would then get half at that time and um if if she rejects that in the third and final that's a dumb idea okay in the third and final one let's see I don't want you to jump to this one because sell the house ding ding ding ding ding ding we have a winner ladies and gentlemen David was like no Dave I told you not to jump to the conclusion hey David do you have children do you have children do you have children we have two children at um 27 25 and one's just graduating law school okay so they don't have anything to do with this house okay why are you why are you jonesing to keep the house um I've used it for Ministries um you know like allowing missions to come and uh I post several groupings um in the house and that's one of the things my wife never liked um so one of the things she left for but um but the big thing um is that uh I I uh the kids grew up in it and and I looked in the local area and for the same price I'm paying for this house I would basically get in a two-bedroom apartment kind of where I started at 20. and uh and and though I would be out of debt and we told that I was going to be paid off obviously any credit cards or anything would be gone with that it just it doesn't sit well with me on that and I don't know if that's a pride issue or if it's just uh why like what you're describing is not logical okay um if you got half the equity of the house and you kept your uh and obvi I would say half the 401K is hers anyway isn't it well we're she's this is after she takes her half to correct I mean right now we have about 400 okay you're basically going to split all the assets down the middle is what amounts to you yeah I mean though she had a long-term Affair yes but Maryland I understand your heart's broken and she's wrong I'm not arguing that uh I'm just talking the problem with a divorce is it turns a marriage into a business transaction right and in the business transaction the um law and the judge doesn't care about your feelings I hear them and I I'm with you on your feelings I got no issue with that it's not right um it feels like she should get nothing to me but I didn't write these laws and I don't get to do them so my guess is she's gonna does she have a 401k uh yeah our assets are around uh two and 2.2 million yeah total yes bulk of it yeah and then again is there debt on the house uh yeah there's that some debt left 250 000 worth of 6.50 yeah um okay so you're exaggerating when you say you end up in a two-bedroom condo if you're going to walk out of us with over a million dollars retirement I know I know and you make what a year 200 000. yeah you make plenty of money you're not in a two-bedroom condo David okay listen that's just your anger and your hurt talking what's my budget but yeah no that's not your budget I'm doing your budget right now in my head and I'm better at it than you are apparently well in Washington DC no in Washington DC I mean it's talking about Maryland is what he's talking about but the uh Baltimore almost and so it's still not that I mean you're selling one house you're getting half the equity out of that you make 200 000 a year whatever the other assets are going to be split um and you know you're going to have some money to buy something else uh I I so you're what 52 years old 53 years old 57 57 yeah okay um and this is a 20 it's a 30-year marriage yes okay we've been together for 36 years yeah I'm so sorry David so this is what dude you've just got so much grief going on that it's really hard to process this I think you're going to be glad that the break is clean if you don't have any interfa have to have any interface with her except weddings and funerals in the future in other words if this house if this house means you have to keep working with her I don't think that's going to be good for you spiritually and emotionally you you need a clean break and be going away and I I wouldn't keep the house I really would you can keep it if you want to and you can do option number one is what you laid out um but you're trying to be you you know it I'm just listening to your story and it feels like you're grasping at straws trying to hold on to the past your kids your kids didn't leave anything in that house they have a future life they've got degrees their mom and dad got divorced it kind of feels like almost the last page David of that time of life and you were forced to turn the page because of your wife's decisions and so it it it is that last bit of this was my old life I would think that's how I would probably process it like it is and so there's all of that and with this type of divorce I mean grief is the word I mean it's it's a death of what was that relationship that was so um there's a lot a lot there David but yeah from just the financial aspect which is what we do best on the show is well it's emotional and spiritual I I but just from the for the facts is a b and c option one two or three yeah the third is gonna be best for you David you and I are close to the same age and I've had lots of friends go through this similar stuff and the ones that uh have constant ties back to a spouse that every time they have to deal with them it picks the wound open again and if you can just leave them alone and let them go over there and do their thing the wound can heal but when you have to go back and you have to negotiate and then she goes and gets married and gets mad and decides she's going to sue bring you back into court and try to force your refinance um or you're right up to the line on the refinance and you're 30 days over so she wants to drag you into court there's always there's always this crap going on odd infant item it just goes on forever and and there's just a a financial and a relational and an emotional mental health benefit to a clean break and you don't get one in this deal without selling the house so you can do option one if you want option two sucks don't do that for sure but you can do option one if you want but if I woke up in your shoes sir I'd get rid of the house it's just a freaking house there's a house on every corner in DC up in there this is the Ramsey Show [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] therefore is God's chosen people holy and dearly loved clothe yourselves with compassion kindness humility gentleness and patience Rick Warren said humility isn't denying your strengths it's being honest about your weaknesses Susie's with us in Minneapolis hi Susie welcome to the Ramsay show hi hi what's up okay this is without going too much in my past I married when I was 30 years old and um didn't really know to look that finances were such a huge deal I was always brought up with while watching my dad and my brothers and everybody provide very beautifully and I married a man that I should have looked into his past but found out you know like that is in their marriage he has gambling problem and I went through 15 years of trying to fix all the stuff he was doing deceitful under my back and in the meantime lost the house and and bankruptcy as our closure and everything stripped from underneath me painful thanks so I've been divorced 10 years and I um you know in the meantime I was a stay-at-home mom and I had when I found all this stuff out I started I I started a cleaning business and I I got myself out of this whole mess and I bought a townhouse and I sold that recently um it was pretty much paid for and put it into a house and I modeled that um good for you I cut my cars paid for I have zero zero debt I'm good five now in 10 years I've haven't really dated um never found a real godly man or somebody is uninterested and I hear I signed a man but I don't get my heart don't want to get my heart involved but it kind of is I've went on about seven days with them but in the meantime I'm kind of hearing some things that I'm not loving with finances when I can't the car payments he's living in a little town house and so I have to be honest and say you know tell my past and say you know I'm at an age that retirement's going to be coming soon and I just can't get myself into a situation like I had been in again so is he smart I mean he's 55 too he's got he he's just about his townhouse worth 250. um he's got a 30-year mortgage on it which would mean he's not I I don't think any of that matters it doesn't no you you already know that that you don't agree with what he's doing you don't know the details don't matter what he's doing is scaring you yeah that's what I think I heard did I hear that well you yeah it's like we don't think he's got a gambling problem but we think he's just kind of normal have you have you mentioned it to him Susie like you're like yeah yeah woman I just want a stable situation to be in if you say that out loud then that explains it what I don't want to look like some money hungry woman but I went through all this hell for a decade and a half before and so I've kind of wounded and in that wound it makes me a little bit scared when I look over and see any kind of debt makes me scared and it's okay to say that that doesn't mean you're weird it actually just means you know who you are okay good and if you're not attractive to him based on you having an authentic open conversation about what has happened to you in your past and the views and the values that that has given you to go forward then you didn't find your guy great am I wrong he's been very old I didn't say he was a liar you see though and tell me this this just thinking out loud for you know we have a small portion of the U.S population that follows the Ramsay plan right so majority of people out there don't so I would be curious oh it's it's huge Rachel if you would say to him like Hey this is the plan that I do I don't believe in debt like here are the things that I've done to not just protect myself but a way to live with money and you may find Susie possibly that he's like oh I've never thought I thought you always had to have a car payment and not that you're going in to rescue him but he may have never even thought of a different way of living because nothing that you're saying is outrageous a lot of people do 30 or more so a lot of people have car loans and again it's not um you might be his wake-up call I don't want you to be a savior wait I don't want you to like go in and like yes then not I don't want that mentality at all for you Susie but just through conversation if he's a man of character and a man that's like okay I understand common sense I totally get Susie while you're coming at it like this that makes complete sense and I've never thought about never having a car payment well sure if I got 240 000 that you said he'd put down on a town home he's probably got money in the bank he could ride off the car you know pay off the car today it's like he may just not even think through does that make sense like he may not even thought think about this way I think you misunderstood me the how the house he bought was 200 the townhouse he bought was 250 000 and he's got a 30-year mortgage but we don't know how much money he has in the bank no I don't but I don't think a lot I don't either but you you and I are both you and I are both guests save Susie's relationship because I'm excited that you went on seven dates with them yeah I want it to work for you Susie yeah I'm not trying to run him off I'm just saying I think me too I I think you don't know enough because you've been afraid of how you're going to be perceived when you be you I want you to be real comfortable with being you because I've talked to you for just a few minutes and I really like you the whole I go I think you need to hear my whole story and this is why I have to ask I went through bankruptcy when I was 28 Rachel was a baby well I didn't know if I was gonna be able to feed her it scarred me for life I don't borrow money and if you don't like that about me I'm okay with that I'm still going to be me if it was your first date and you're asking for his tax returns and 401K status like that would be weird that's weird you're seven dates in and you guys are adults this is what you talk I mean you're not 18. I knew I was good with it he was fine telling me all of it you know yeah I'm just saying nothing that he's doing is completely absurd do you know what I'm saying like he's living a quote unquote very normal way of living but that may not be up to your standards Susie if he doesn't want to change then that is that would be that could be an issue you know 18 conversations from now not the next one if he's saying I'm going to stay in debt and I think this is okay I understand that you don't want to do that because of where you came from then you got to decide but today you don't have to make that decision you just started the conversation you're okay you're okay you're not out of line and by the way Rachel's saying he's not either at this stage but now you do need to get lined up before you put a ring on it right well yeah I just I always just envision myself at this age to find somebody that was established I'm like he is established he's not doing drugs he's not gambling he doesn't beat his children he is established he's fine Dave well I mean seriously his biggest sin is he's got a car payment this guy's a winner I mean really think about it Dave Ramsey just said that well I mean you know yeah we can get rid of the car payment we can't get rid of it like a character okay that's it that's that's the line well that I know that's huge he has a decent guy he's a good godly man you said earlier I'm going with that yeah and I'm with Rachel but I don't think this is going to be one conversation I think it's a gradual thing you just keep talking about this is who I am and you're not ready to throw down an ultimatum today get rid of the car payment or I'm gone we're not doing that today it's not but at some point you guys do need to get a line yes before you start making it permanent but it's it's okay seven more dates hello you know let's just keep the door open keep talking keep walking and if at some point he bows up then you'll have to decide at that point do you know are you are you willing to engage and you probably aren't based on hearing you but I don't think this guy's gonna blow up I don't hear it I don't hear anything in here that is so I may be wrong I'd love to hear back how this uh love story ends I know Susie update us yeah we're not we're not very good at matchmaking around here so if we actually score on one it'd be nice to hear about yeah that puts us our number there's ultimately to financial peace daily with the Prince of Peace Christ Jesus [Music] Dave here you can find all of our shows with the Ramsay Network app on your smartphone it's the only place to listen to the entire back catalog of episodes download the Ramsay Network app in your favorite app store today foreign [Music]
Channel: The Ramsey Show
Views: 102,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dave ramsay live, dave ramsey, dave ramsey channel, dave ramsey live, dave ramsey live show, dave ramsey live stream, dave ramsey podcast, dave ramsey radio show, dave ramsey show, dave ramsey show full show, dave ramsey show live, ramsey, ramsey solutions, the dave ramsey show, the dave ramsey show live, the ramsey show full episodes, the ramsey show
Id: I1h3JVD0TVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 35sec (7535 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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