The Ragu To End All Other Ragus

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we're gonna make that awesome short rib ragu this one is one of my favorites i love the used popper deli for it but you can use any pasta you want you could even use gnocchi and we just made gnocchi in a couple videos back so that would be great let's prep all the ingredients and then let's sear those short ribs [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all those ingredients are prepped besides the short ribs obviously we're going to season them up in a second i just want to show you everything i have chianti right here we're going to use two cups of this the plum tomatoes that we already we already did we have our onion we have our garlic we have our carrot i have a block a rind of parmigiano reggiano cheese so if you have one of these this is a great time to use it when you're making a ragu i normally put it in pasta basil or pasta ichachi but for this it's going to be phenomenal it's just going to add to the flavor this is fresh thyme and we'll let this go in the ragu and we'll just pull out the stems at the end when all the leaves have broken down into it here are the short ribs 4.99 a pound at whole foods which is a good deal for whole foods sometimes costco will have a good price on these too and you know maybe a local butcher or supermarket [Music] we're gonna use the dutch oven this works really well for braising for making a ragu in the oven i'm gonna heat this up to about medium heat let it take about seven minutes right now to get hot enough after that salt's been on there a little while you might want to just pat it dry okay and just resist the urge to really crowd them this doesn't take that long [Music] so this side right here is like one of the narrow side you want to you want to cook this also do all the sides and just repeat for all the batches see how nice that is okay pull these out when you're done with your last ribs turn the heat down to medium low so here are all the short ribs they're all seared perfectly see that they're brown all over and you know it took about 30 minutes to do 12 of them there's a ton of fat in here you don't need any olive oil you don't need anything else you could actually take a little bit out of it if you want i'm not going to do that so let's do the carrots and the onion medium low if you want to kind of sweat these you don't want to burn them all right so we're going to get these really soft and then we'll put the garlic in it's been cooking for about 10 minutes you can see softened up a lot put the garlic in basically we're building flavors here let this cook around for a few more minutes all right so the garlic got a little color on it one ingredient i didn't mention before was tomato paste oh and also bay leaf normal standard can in america will be six ounces you'll see these in the store all the time different brands they kind of all taste the same this is cento let me use half of the can right here three ounces if you put two ounces or you put five ounces or even if you put the whole candy it's all gonna be fine so don't worry about it and it's been about five minutes on that paste you can see how it turns the oil red the beef fat basically and we're gonna use two cups of red wine i'm using chianti here this is a good wine it's uh it's like a thirteen dollar bottle uh santa margarita keon chianti it'll do the job and you can even use something that's not that expensive we're not trying to cook this wine out at all we're not doing that let this simmer for about a minute and then we'll get the tomatoes in [Music] here's the parmigiano-reggiano rind put this in there gonna let that cook in there the whole time i have two bay leaves if you don't like bay leaf don't use it at all here's all that thyme it's not that much even though it looks like a lot [Music] i'm gonna cover it we're gonna cook it in the oven at 300 degrees in the middle of the oven you're gonna have to make some room two hours covered one hour like that you need about three hours all right so let's get it in [Music] it smells phenomenal right now just so good at the one hour mark i just turned a couple of them over 99.9 of the time when you're cooking it this way in the oven you're never going to get any sticking and we have zero sticking so for now we're just going to leave it cracked to about here you can see that so it's open if you take it off completely you might get a little too much evaporation and it might thicken up too much in that last hour [Music] the meat is extremely tender and see like right here this came out without the bone you want to get the bay leave out you want to get any of those time stems you want to get any bones definitely that are left in there we're going to put all the meat over here on our cutting board just tasting that now it's the most delicious sauce everything is so good about this so you see this right here this is the part that was over surrounding the bone this all has to be removed this is inedible so i'm going to get rid of this right here i'm just going to make a little cut through it and this meat is super tender it's not the easiest thing to get this off but you do need to get it off when you break down your meat you're not going to be able to eat this then it will be inedible and so you really need to get rid of it so this right here all that now there'll be some meat on the back of it depending on how how much work you want to do you might be able to salvage almost all that meat and if you're worried about your hands touching the meat use some gloves if you're cooking it for your family you're the boss here to cook you know okay and this is the bad part again right there [Music] you can't eat it it's like all right so here is all the meat that we have and i'd say it's probably a good two pounds there so it was four pounds of short ribs right maybe two and maybe maybe a little bit more could i have done a better job of course i could have let's shred all this up and let's put it back in our pot of uh sauce you know ragu all right let's get all that delicious short rib beef right in there we have a lot of salt on here let's see if it's seasoned well enough [Music] this is one of the best things ever it needs maybe maybe a half a teaspoon of kosher salt right here but it's pretty good i'm going to use papadely here i have this brand flora this is a good brand follow this one's good too dececco makes one it's not too many brands of papadely that you're going to see in the store you can make your own obviously that's the easiest pasta you can make because you're just you just you could roll it with a rolling pin and just cut rustic pieces yourself salted water you want to do two tablespoons kosher salt per gallon of water and this is right about to boil just stir it for about a minute so it doesn't stick all right so i heat my pan up to about medium low we don't want to over sauce our pasta there's a lot here so you know you might have leftovers and you can always add more but you can't take it away [Music] i think that's good enough for right now i'm going to add a little bit of pasta water too the rag is thick and it's not going to stick to my pan because i heated that pan up first if you don't do that with stainless then you're going to have a problem yeah this pasta said eight minutes but that's not done not even close on the bag said eight minutes i knew that was wrong because i've used a brand before and it said 16 minutes on the back and it looks like the same gauge and everything so you got to make sure that it's good don't just say oh this person said to do this and it didn't come out right ultimately whether something's gonna be good or bad is based on your ability to do it yourself the smell is just it'll just stop you in your tracks all right so it's very al dente [Music] i think i can use my pasta spider this is not that long make sure you drain it pretty well there see that how much is coming out you can definitely pull it wet though because this is a very thick ragu okay you know let's just gently fold this in there we're gonna get all that sauce to really grab we want it to absorb into the pasta that's why we're finishing it like this or at a minimum really mix it well in a bowl and try to mix it as best you can this is going to be a little too hard to flip it's going to be it's going to be too much too heavy i'm going to grate some cheese in there this is parmigiano-reggiano [Music] let me try a bite many times this is one of my favorite dishes personally like i i even like this better than like a ravioli all right let's take a picture of this so then we can eat it for dinner all right thanks buddy here you go you got another bite if you want [Music]
Channel: Sip and Feast
Views: 2,809,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: short rib ragu with pappardelle, short rib pasta, braised short ribs dutch oven, Italian short, italian short ribs recipe, sip and feast, pappardelle, pappardelle ragu, beef pasta recipes, italian cooking recipes, comfort food recipe, beef ragu
Id: x9V8MX58AdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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