How This Geometry Dash Player Became Unbeatable

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in a world where pixels Collide and music ignites the soul a legend would emerge the rhythmic Symphony of TAPS and jumps consumed their every waking moment little did they know they would find themselves competing against the biggest cheater in Geometry Dash history and come out on top this is the rise of zoink geometry Dash's greatest Protege and player to date so I started off playing Geometry Dash just like the rest of us starting from the bottom and slowly making their way up the ranks and one day we'll complete the most famous extreme demon of all time in bloodbath however little did he know everything would change from this very moment with his drive to improve at the game unparalleled to this day when you try to answer the question of how a player improves at a rapid Pace in Geometry Dash there are usually three main paths that can be explored the first of those being a gradual exponential increase in skill slowly climbing up the ranks over the course of over a year the vast majority of Highly skilled players followed this path with their skill progression resembling the climbing of a ladder where the higher you go the tougher it gets however this path requires a lot of patience with the majority of the Geometry Dash Community where kids are adolescent teenagers may not have fully developed at this time so the next natural course of action is to skip the multiple steps and shoot straight from the top wrong on day one this process is known as jumping where a player with not nearly as much experience as players who can complete the hardest levels but goes for one anyway often taking them months or even years to complete one level but once they've done it they've become accustomed to the hardest levels in the game I can complete them at a faster and faster rates the third and final way to gain skill is to purchase z-bot for two dollars and cheat your way to the top deceiving the entire Community for years on end actually not no don't do that because that's not fun for anyone so what path did zoing take after seemingly going for the latter wrap with this early bloodbath completion during the pandemic in 2020 he immediately went for the top attempting to jump from bloodbath all the way up to zodiac which at the time was the third hardest level in the entire game to further complicate things for our friends he made the jump while playing on his native refresh rate of 144 Hertz they're easy to get third-party softwares that can increase your game's frame rate altering the physics of the game in favor of the player the majority of the top 10 players at the time would use the FPS bypass all the way up to 360 FPS but zooke was not to turn he made a huge push to complete the top 5 level Against All Odds he would record a run of 97 crashing at the infamous ending but would not be denied as he would complete his jump from bloodbath with his zodiac completion coming on October 24th 2021 which at the time of completion was still well in the top 10 ranked number six zoink had announced himself onto the playing's team this was only the appetizer of the 30 course meal that was in store for him he would complete a pair from the passive verification shortly after being well a very fast level with carpal tunnel using spam sections and demos a faithful remake of Phobos that was verified nearly three years prior after those completions pair with other notable runs and completion here and there 2021 would reach its end with zoink having established themselves as an underrated player in the playing Community but zoink would come out firing at the gates in 2022 as just days after the ball drop he would record his first uploaded progress on slaughterhouse the hardest level in the entire game 51 may not seem like that much of an insane run when looked at today but the time of this run being recorded the level had only received one Victor being doggy if zoinker to become the second Victor of the hardest level of the game it would for sure give him massive boost in popularity however just stays following this upload the cupid circles would be rated and instantly placed at the number one spot knocking slaughterhouse out of the top it's unknown if this led zoink to change their course or not considering that after displacement zlink would tackle a bunch of other levels including calculator core and bloodlust it would become the first American Victor of hard machine a few weeks later the same day that he would receive a new keyboard that would Elevate his play at this time in the community using a keyboard instead of a mouse was seen as foolish until it was discovered that using the right keyboard can actually give you a lot of benefits that the traditional Mass wouldn't for example the keyboards don't obtained the core star k70 has an 8K pulling rate allowing for nearly zero input latency allowing for easier execution of hard or frame perfect jumps he would go on to prove the superiority of using a keyboard with a completion of tartarish just 8 Days Later having completed the level which stood at number one longer than any other level and the fourth hardest at the current moment so uncle is rapidly approaching the top players entering the top 50 on the stats view around this time he would complete two more top 10 demons being the golden followed by sonic wave Infinity including the entirety of the new RGB Trilogy in just one month with half of the top 10 finished could make the decision to grind out slaughterhouse again with a nice surprise run of 68 on circuited circles on top for good measure you make incredible runs including 23-93 79 86 percent and finally 91 on April 4th at this point soda has had still only recorded one Victor with the recent explosive of whisker leaving the position wide open additionally the level had been swapped with stick up in circles returning to the number one spot likely giving a huge boost in drive to keep playing he'd continued the grind of the level on the switch channel recording runs of 92 and 93 but eventually after over 75 000 attempts he'd finish the job yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I'm done I'm finished Swank was now a factor of the hardest level of Geometry Dash being the second factor of the level behind doggy holding the title of having the current number one demand completed is I feel that it's only been accomplished by a select few individuals and zoink made that presence known of slaughterhouse as the first top one but this isn't close to the end of the story for him his next step would be pushing for the top 10 with four levels still looting him including six Cuban circles speaking of which that's what his next big level would be you grind out the level on his twitch Channel with his completion coming on April 20th but it wasn't without some controversy for those who don't know sakuma circle's got a redecoration in order for the level to be rate worthy today in the process of the level being upgraded some of the hitboxes in the wave at 66 percent were slightly misaligned in a way that made plain level in full detail easier than on the Legacy version which the majority of players use however hitboxes would later be updated in the decorated version to match the real hitboxes but what if this update didn't reach Zork as the optimized version that he beats level on has the old hitboxes making this completion ever so slightly easier than the normal completion there was a mixed view from the community as if the record should count however in the end the record was deemed legitimate and the completion counted with that aside the last three levels in the top tens did no chance as one quick complete firework true fat and finally on May 18th he'll complete Arcturus to round out the entire top 10. during the handful of players to achieve this feat both the hardest list of 10 levels out of any top 10 Victor zoinket submitted himself as one of the best players in the game currently but didn't get the coverage that other players had received despite beating the entire top 3 in the span of just one month he hadn't yet received the rights to a level of verification which is a very effective way to boost your popularity especially if the level in question is both well known and difficult so what was his big verification going to be no extremely hard levels were in need of a verifier at the time so there wasn't an option there the next best option is to join a race to verify a level that is already released on the servers normally these races are very hard to come by with on average one or two level races a year but the time was right for zoink as two very popular levels in the community had ongoing races that had a high amount of progress he had two choices silent club step and a possible level made several years ago or Acura more recent creation that had a number of active competitors with more modern gameplay and decoration zooke chose to commit to ackeron and join the battle of the verification but it wouldn't come easy Akron being a heavily inspired by Taurus holds a lot of similarities to its gameplay but cranked up to 11 being only 67 seconds in length Akron features high amounts of condensed difficulty with near impossible ship and wave gaps that will truly test a player's patience what separates the Actron from Silent clubs up and other hard levels however is it's balancing while silent clips that features an extremely hard pre-drop the levels difficulty falls off in the second half apart from a short Duel at 62 percent the last 76 of the level doesn't come close to the top levels today it's essentially a test of nerves after eking your way through the hardest pre-drop in the entire game Akron on the other hand doesn't hold back with the entire level being very consistent in its difficulty with no breaks whatsoever the last 20 in particular is up there with the most chokable end sections in the entire game it's nearly every click in this part is a frame perfect complicating matters further but slunk was not deterred by this Behemoth level making slow but substantial progress and after only a week recorded a run of 66 percent just days after that he would take a Stranglehold of the race to beat the level recording runs of 82 percent followed by an outing of 91 on June 2nd he had made it to the ending one of the biggest tests of nerves that the game has ever seen the previous verifier at the level recorded countless deaths within the last 20 percent with the farthest recorded run being 96 could zoink bypass that or would he repeat history the ending would get designed as he racked up several deaths in the closing seconds of the level eventually he would put the level to the side and tackled other projects over the summer with Acron on the back burner for the time being slinkly completes six levels within the top 50. it makes substantial progress on abyss of darkness which was placed at number one on the demon list just days after doing's 96 fail on Akron he'd make progress at its usual lightning speed recording runs of 66 77 and eventually 95 on June 25th along with a run of 9 to 100 to Boots the slopped him in a rather peculiar spot with at least 95 on two potential top one demons would he finish off aod or go for the kill on Akron which at this point had still not been verified he would make a choice rather quickly announcing that he was dropping abyss of darkness and returning to akaran the timing commitment was there with taking the necessary time to grind out the level he get close several times throughout the month of July but he couldn't find the completion he'd occasionally complete levels on the main list and spend some time with silent club step which was verified on July 17th however Akron still loaded him with his interest in GT declining it seemed as his chances of being the first to complete the level were dwindling with space UK and wolves showing interest in the Akron sweepstakes once again he takes some time off for himself he had taken roughly two weeks off but had returned to the game around mid-august and took on silent club step which had just been placed at number 4 on the demon list after being hyped up as the new hardest level in the game zoink made quick work of the once impossible challenge taking just over 20 000 attempts on a top 5 demon and was the first picture of level after pacco's verification zoink catching a stride make a quick return to Actron hoping to break the 96 barrier the team only could not be broken oh it wouldn't have to wait long for that barrier to be broken by one percent he will now achieve the farthest run on the level space and wolves had lost interest in the level again and one of the Helix was too far behind to keep up with them it was only a matter of time until he finally broke through the curse that the best every player who had touched the level finally on August 22nd he closed the book for good no way after 72 000 attempts Swank had gotten his big verification one that would solidify him as the best active player with space UK showing signs of potentially stepping away from the game however what was still an ongoing debate is whether here a space was a better player outright with the 2020 Awards looping in just a few months so we could make his case that he was the best player exactly one week after his Agron verification he'll go back to the level which he had left at 95 percent abyss of darkness taking him only 26 000 attempts in the process Far and Away the record for the fewest attempts on the level just a week after that he would complete another top 10 demon in Oblivion taking him just 4 days and under 10 000 attempts an anomaly in the present day this means that zone completed silent club step akaron abyss of darkness and Oblivion in the span of three weeks Dear God he continuous quest to complete the main list over the coming weeks and months beating newly verified Android levels before they were even placed on the list he was quite literally Unstoppable when faced with an extremely difficult level in kyuki he put his head down and cooked becoming the first Victor of Kiki less than 20 days after its release in less than 20 000 attempts 10 days after first starting the level juki would later be placed at number 3 on the demon list so yeah he beat the third Hardest Level a level harder than both silent clubs at and abyss of darkness in 20K son can establish themselves as the clear and cup best player however during the 2022 Awards zoika plays third in the voting behind doggy who plays second and Spacey K would win the award for the second straight year but zoink came out of 2022 as the best player in my eyes provides insane speed and efficiency in place with the hardest levels in the game he finished the year ranked second on the SATs viewer only behind space himself it wouldn't take long to 2023 if I was going to change that however with his completion of EXO a level with that which he ironically left uncompleted on his profile for years he overtook space UK taking the new number one position on the stats viewer now there was no argument zlink was on top with nobody able to match up with him by this point he completed over two thirds of the main list with only around 20 levels to go until he would once again make history and twitch was the first to achieve this goal back in 2020 followed by space himself we completed their Journey around 8 months prior he was in the final push but still made room for another verification being awareness this level had been in a lot of controversy as of late but I'll spread the details just know but this level is freaking hard number two on the demon list today with talks about potentially being number one he also beat it in only 27 000 attempts as the number of levels left on the main list dwindled his confidence improved becoming the first Victor of edge of Destiny a very hyped remake of blade of Justice in only 4 days and spawn killed minus dry beating the level in six days and 5.5 K attempts 5.5 k for a level ranked number nine on the demon list my goodness there was no stopping him from achieving your skulls and on April 23rd he would complete the last level required for the main list that has to be it bro yes yes [Applause] being officially the third Victor of the main list zoinkat solidified himself in the Hall of Fame of top players there's a legitimate case for him to be the best player to ever touch the game and with a lot left in the tank zoik is only 15 years old today and shows no signs of slowing down I don't want to promise anything but it's fully capable of beating the entire list if he's up to the task and what makes this Reign even more impressive is the bombshell that was dropped on the community just two days after his completion of the art of the blade space UK sewing's biggest competitor throughout 2022 was caught and exposed as a cheater hacking essentially for their entire career making zoink only the second person to complete the main list alongside and swish we're essentially reliving the days of Riot versus cyclic where the best legitimate player went toe-to-toe with a cheater and won upon the news breaking to the young Champion who'd reflect about his time as a player in a YouTube Community post zoink much like most of the community looked up to him as a player and some of us may not be where we are today without his community presence he concludes the post with the announcement of making an effort to improve himself as a person one that I along with the community support Foley even with the whole Mindless done so I can still finding levels to complete apart from his usual completion of every new rooted level within the usual of two days he just recently verified an update to Cosmos a hyped up level that has been in the works for over a year and that takes us to today Brazilian gets including levels on the externalists perhaps in an effort to one day finish the entire demon list and is the first player to ever reach 7 000 less points on the stats viewer Maybe just one day swink will finish the entire demon list in effort which has never been accomplished before in an effort which would immortalize his playing career for eternity foreign
Channel: OneAlphaHelix
Views: 418,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geometry dash, geometry dash 2.2, geometry dash 2.11, zoink, zoink gd, zoink acheron, one alpha helix, zoink silent clubstep, zoink slaughterhouse, gd best players, gd top players, gd texture pack, the race to beat silent clubstep, the race to beat acheron, spaceuk, spaceuk exposed, spaceuk hacking, spaceuk the golden, one alpha helix acheron, zoink geometry dash, spaceuk gd, acheron gd, spaceuk hacker, geometry dash zoink, gd, gd 2.2, acheron verified, acheron, tidal wave
Id: K1Sf_CNMamM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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