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your daily youtube live streams and more and today for you we are back with the quarry that's me and that's that's me my lovely girlfriend she's joining us for part two because you guys hit the like button so everyone make sure you hit the like button makes meryl come back for the third and final part i think so wow so hit the like button guys subscribe with the bell yeah and uh this stream is also sponsored by 2k so big shout out to them and if you guys want to get the game link will be in the description below again uh cory's an all-new uh teen horror narrative game where you choose every choice big or small it shapes your story determines who lives to tell a tale also has an incredible hollywood cast the quarry is available on ps5 ps4 xbox series xs xbox one and windows pc on steam so you can click the link in the description below and it will take you where you can buy the game they're also coming out with a new multiplayer mode for the quarry called wolf pack which samara scene really liked the idea of it's going to launch on july 8th uh where you and up to seven friends or invited players can watch along and vote on key decisions creating a story shaped by the whole we love that group so you really do love to see it i know a lot of you guys were hyped for this walk through so why don't we go ahead and get this started let's make some noise chat we're gonna hit continue i we were at a pretty intense part yeah it was just getting like actually scary it was getting real scary yeah real spooky yeah oh and the last thing i'll say this game is rated 17 plus if you guys are younger than that might not be suitable for you there's some swearing there's some adult themes violence etc you can ask your parents if you want to watch it that's not up to us 17 plus um just just a little warning okay just a little worrying because they do play a lot of like yeah family friendly stuff they don't tune in thinking it's rainbows and this is a good game this is a good game it's just you know i i don't swear anything but those were in the game so that's my uh that's my thing oh yes i'll sign your permission slip trenton no worries no worries okay let's go ahead and hit continue let's get it started here um wait continue oh oh couch should i do a couch go jump back into where you left oh okay we can do couch go up yeah i think this guy we went to go watch jurassic park jurassic world i think that guy's in it like th this app no it literally i think it i think it is but it looks very much nice someone said turn off the lights but i just want to show you okay the lights are off these are just studio lights so you want me to turn the lights off we can't see anything i can't see anything the background looks kind of cool in mind you look so horrible i look horrible you look i could set the lights a little lower should i do that maybe let me do that oh i opened up the wrong thing oh [Music] i mean nobody even notices probably okay there all right we're good we're good all right ryan ryan okay i am ryan yes so this is all right i'm up to bat guys i'm up to bat you look so much better in your camera than i look in mine i look like gray that's the camera i'm going to use after this walkthrough is done this one right now you haven't been using it i don't know either this is the camera i'm going to start using for everything so yeah all right all right all right do you remember the clues that they gave you it was it was i i don't even know what it was it was so fast and and there was a there was a hunter and it was just oh abby here what oh try drawing trying what can you draw would attack you i would just call it a wolf right that dude got messed up i'm not doing good nick hey buddy can you tell us what happened i'm a little attacked where's happy he's super out of it man we need to know what happened all right there was there was a guy there but there was some kind of some kind of adam what the hell what [ __ ] kind of animal does this oh boy i mean she's okay dude she's right over there because teeth run on top of me i thought she was a bear a full-size bear would have crushed them there's no way i thought we don't get bears around here no ah oh [ __ ] look at that oh that black stuff that's that's infection that's and it's it's spreading this is bad this is really bad dude how did it already get infected ryan is in jurassic park apply pressure yeah right you probably you should apply pressure to wounds i don't know 100 sorry you should get like a turn kit though do you know how to make a turn kid in real life you can make one with like a sandwich it's okay and like a shirt [ __ ] that yeah stop the bleeding we should amputate but what we should cut it off before the infection spreads what bro you are not a doctor um maybe we should go to the hospital you're an idiot yeah i'm gonna say you're an idiot wait should we say why just hear me yeah why would we do that i don't know man look at that black stuff homie what what do you think it is do i look like a doctor i mean you said to amputate it so like what's the name i don't even know what i saw holy [ __ ] okay so he isn't jurassic world that actor knew it i mean he looks the same i mean it's literally him yeah call out i'm not going to call out wait i will call out yeah there's just four of us we could beat this thing up i've got a gun and i know how to use it sort of don't say the sort of fart out loud ryan what if it's jacob or emma what if it's not be careful i feel like they would yell back wouldn't they it was probably nothing yeah but is it gone yeah when they call back yeah yeah you better run very brave all right so uh law just sounding pretty good right about now yeah i should have been there the whole time oh shoot i'm not going to shoot unless i first first see it that looks like a human or something don't shoot don't shoot i'm here hey does anybody have any dry clothes i'm i'm [ __ ] freaking all our bags are still in the minivan [ __ ] of course yeah yeah what happened to you where's emma let's see where emma is what happened to those kids jacob where's emma oh [ __ ] oh jesus christ um i i left emma on the island and i told her i'd be right back ouch wait the island yeah why well no i just i just thought i saw someone no someone no you know i i don't know it's probably nothing well i feel like somebody's gonna die in our walk through oh jesus christ i can't believe i haven't told you this yet i i saw a [ __ ] body in the lake like a dead one oh no no no no um one of the one of the swimmers from the varsity swim team you got lost on the way to practice and it was yes a dead one dumb ass of course you did jacob no for real i did i i figured it must been one of the counselors that didn't show up but i couldn't tell cause it was like oh no bloaty and gross something's not right i gotta go get emma uh excuse me hey i need this okay it's not safe out there dude we gotta protect nick and abby yeah and i need to save emma all right she's out there alone you don't even know if she's in trouble you don't even know if you're in trouble are you trying to piss me off no i'm trying to save my girlfriend's life [ __ ] yeah i don't think she's your girlfriend dude what get me just let go i don't want to shoot him accidentally yeah [ __ ] stop we're in a real mess here guys you're acting like pricks jacob wouldn't you like if you didn't like it there's someone around here ryan sorry this is [ __ ] make sure she's safe if she's on the island she's definitely fine and what risk another run-in with captain deliverance no thanks okay there's probably another boat by the zip line either way i can make it to the island from there shouldn't someone go with him right we need to get back to the lot they're unorganized right now they need uh oh nick can't focus yeah i have an idea a wheelbarrow not the wheelbarrow guys i used to call it a wheel barrel about you guys wheel barrel i think that sounds like a better name emma samara you're up it's my turn so guys if emma dies it's samara's fault because she's controlling the character right now all right ready don't worry emma we got you let's see what tonight brings hmm i mean you should put your clothes back on it's a little cold okay the other guy said he was cold right and it's suddenly riding solo on a freaking hold up wasn't her clue with her well one thumb yeah like she has to use her phone or something so anything involving phone picking vlogging or taking a photo or something and she like uses a flashlight like seriously yeah oh no uninhabited island that this brave like not warmed up i feel like i'd miss a prompt right now no no you can't miss it emma i'm sorry in advance if you die okay full disclosure i've suddenly found myself on a a strange tiny little island all alone with nothing to do but show you guys around so there's a tree house over there i'm gonna go and see if i can't dish out some of that sweet sweet panoramic goodness yeah it does because here's the thing not that i want to go back because i don't but even if i did i can't because then i'd look like the super needy one when he was the one who who stormed off in the first place god you know what sorry i'm bending well explore venting you know what [ __ ] it let's do it to the tree house fellow emma needs some help yeah she does she needs a she's a good therapist when she gets home oh my gosh this is us okay check the cabin movie hmm it's not a cabinet there's like oh there's something there hey get ready though there's a card this is the meeting shelter it's a shelter where you meet at okay i'm trying really hard to make this interesting but sometimes a thing just is what it is it's about to get real messed up i already know it i think i've made my point it's about to get so messed up guys i would not be honest me are you gonna go underneath this island itself after it flooded into the lake pretty cool huh you know when i was little i used to think that islands just kind of would float in the middle of those tears kind of like an air bed i think those are does but i'm older and wiser now and realize that not everything's always as it seems kind of like how you thought you were just having a hot summer fling and then it turns into babysitting a big hairy man-child who's all sad because you don't want to go steady with him and write him love letters every freaking day and while we're talking about it you don't mind that we're talking about it right why why is it up to me to justify my feelings when he's the one who got all bluff about it you know oh look a metaphor in the narrative by mean of fork in the road how fitting here's the big question do i take the high road no literally and forget about it or do i continue on the path i'm on and keep ranting about myself i'm life if you go up guess since this isn't live the choice is up to me if you go up that's like where they saw the thing yeah and if you go on the path it's like a foresty area but i don't know if those things like go across here what are you thinking i don't know what do you think i don't know i mean i mean i feel like there's going to be someone at the top area you know i mean probably yeah um chad is saying up huh all right wait wait we're going i mean it's your choice it's your choice this is your story like for her when it gets to the girls is your story okay everybody's saying up like literally everybody's saying all right okay moving up in the world let's do this you might notice the darling rustic vibes this walkway is radiating they want her to die though i think honestly i don't know what y'all are doing with your walkways but if you're not spending a full hour pulling a splinter out of a snotty kid's finger don't you dare call it authentic don't worry the kid was fine i'm a good counselor and what doesn't kill you will make you stronger oh boy all right look she's like vibrating right now yeah right i like your coverage with your phone yeah good coverage yeah oh this is gonna get scary stable like i mean it's probably fine like it's kind of sketch oh where does it go it goes all the way to the like the house thing so that um yeah yeah the show's telling you i mean oh gosh that place looks scary repair that place literally looks haunted look at that what's that red thing in the window i don't know no it's like a light or something i think someone said dead i can tell by the camera angle yeah careful this is probably a quick time not too shabby well literally is too shabby but these views oh man you're gonna blow your tots there's also a zip line which i guess you can watch me crap my pants on that thing what the hell i'm here aren't they that'll be good i'm gonna carpe this dm so damn hard it won't know what hit it first we gotta get there and there's still so much to talk about i hope abby's i mean okay i got i i want to like contribute my thoughts but yeah i hope abby's okay let's make sure a little earlier if you didn't see it i kind of sort of made out with nick but it was a dare i'm not like a [ __ ] or anything oh and for context abby likes nick well actually they like each other in truth i just wanted to fan the flames a little watching them stumble around each other like drunk jellyfish was exhausting poor kid was like a deer in headlights it's cool though they're smart they'll get it i bet they're out there in the woods right now just absolutely going for it absolutely dying remember guys no spoilers in chat or i was gonna get banned and even if you know something don't tell us an option that's good okay so this is the zip line right yeah i think it's a small zip line are you gonna take this only go back to there this is i thought it would go back to the main island you can walk to it maybe oh my gosh imagine you just walk up and die do you think i could oh i think down there just leaves up here anyway i think so too i think we were going to get here like regardless it was just which route it was like a metaphor like yeah you got to take the high grammar all right show what you got somewhere look through the window first that's a good idea the music is getting a little sinister car keys police car keys i think it's maybe you're on it yeah that's weird okay so the cop is yeah i mean we know the cop looks like it's this guy's brother yeah situation oh my oh my god her hand just scared me oh that was the red thing can you go around the left side or no oh you can't go over the left side that's the right side no i think samara does this thing sometimes where i say left and she looks right you do that you do do that it's not like i'm not trying to it's just something you do yeah i know i feel like we've talked about this before i just get my left and here we are as promised one extremely rickety and even more underwhelming tree house in another world perhaps young jacob and i would settle down here in play house together honey i'm home what's that now i forgot the children's bedtime well now that's a fine how do you do she's a lot i don't know if i can handle that take it all in folks that's the summer camp experience right there and i should turn off her flash it seems somebody forgot to clear the place out i guess one of the kids left their stuff or maybe one of the guys back there but i don't recognize this did you hear that looks like we have a choice on our hands do we snoop through someone else's belongings or do we open the spooky trap door and die a horrible painful death i don't think we do i don't think we do i don't think we opened the drop door i think we searched the bag opening the trapdoor sounds like a bad idea like it just sounds like and the way she said like die uh something like that might have actually been like foreshadowing like if you open it you will die going to search the bag because i feel there's nothing bad that can happen look at that poster it's just hang tight just a heads up oh my gosh maybe that's a clue something you have to do yes there's the best bag it is and you know what i'm putting some clothes on maybe there's like a gun like and if she really want to she could do both yeah like but at least i'm looking at the bag first i feel like that's better oh that's good okay we got some flips oh let's go just a little taser okay you're ready i think there's something up there and it is not gonna make me jump i can promise you that much okay your tapes are ready goodbye cruel world the final curtain is calling and we did not choose this option right i did not choose open oh shoot i think he tasered that thing oh i don't know her spring might be good i don't know i'm gonna tease her take photos [Music] okay goodness grace yes oh this yeah hang tight don't mess up don't mess up down okay i'm not gonna backseat you do it oh see ya oh we're good we're good [Music] that's a victory royale baby hairspray right i think so right are you gonna i think spray i don't think all right all right oh he's getting murked who would have thought she's emotionally resourceful i wonder what happens if you don't search the egg like am i dead already oh my gosh the taser's got more juice in there right my nose are like wide open i feel like we should leave you could use trapdoor like you might not be able to i don't know it's up to you i'm gonna use the trapdoor the windows open both she's kind of she's kind of killing it right now emma go i'm killing it what do you mean but i'm saying like i didn't expect this from early look at this weirdo get the freak down there bro what the heck is that i don't that's like not even like a is that it's a freak ah great i'm out of here ah all right back to me chad back to me it's uh guys you know his nickname let's go chat let's get it up in chat let's get make some noise for big d baby big d all right dilski the dilly willy the dill pickle easy i got it he's okay are you in pain no no sorry i'm just i'm really hungry this guy did a 180. he's looking great now okay yeah come on he's like still kisses well i don't know if we'll be able to find you a horse but maybe some granola nobody's made any australian jokes yet strength oh did i get it oh what the heck let's just see what it says strength strength can be surprising knowing one's own raw power tapping into a previously unknown energy i suppose there are forces that work within us all and with one hand it gives with the other hand it could rip away bro this guy is like this wolf he's like i don't care i put him up hands up in his mouth okay this is good they should have been here the whole time this will open the nurse's station should be plenty of stuff in there well hopefully we can just get him cleaned up for now i'll get you something neat maybe get him like some advil or something yeah you and i are gonna find a landline oh uh yeah um isn't there one in mr h's office yep we'll come meet you i'm grabbing that gun i'm grabbing that gun do you think that whatever attacked them out there is i don't know has their scent or something what i don't know like what if it got a taste for blood and now it's gonna track them down uh i doubt it i just feel like if we stick with them we're whoa i didn't i really don't think that whatever attacked them out in the woods is gonna get into the lodge okay yeah yeah you're probably right come on let's go call for backup i'm stressed when i'm closing here so dead you never came down here at night while camp was in session what no did you a couple times yeah uh is that the hag of where are you going i i i i thought i just heard my name i didn't hear anything hag of hack it's cory yeah it's definitely her that's our hag no not only do we have to deal with this wolf werewolf just be hopeful well that's good news yeah so what now dial nine followed by one then one we gotta call for help who should i call uh mr h the only number i got is to this phone okay then 90-1-1 you mean 9-1-1 who says 91-1 that's pretty good i don't know anyway yeah but like what should i ask for like please bro police ambulance everything call the whole say every single person just come over now the whole squad got to show up call the police oh shoots with guns we need a lot of backup out here so they'll say 9-1-1 what's your emergency and then i say like paramedics and stuff but like help my friends may have been attacked by a bear or maybe not a bear but or how smart they are so it's very possible they might be mounting an attack on us right now and we really need backup just make something up i'll just yeah oh dude just like bit my friend in the woods okay just like you need bodies here so you can get out what's wrong dead uh that's weird well that's weird phones go dead sometimes out here right when you're about to call the cops though it's a coincidence bro you try the hang up thingy what here the girl's gonna talk to him what are you doing i don't know it's what they do in movies when the phone goes dead tap on the little thingy we're not in a movie okay well you're in a game that how do you know the guess is what they want you to think man you cut the line you see the werewolf nice phone's a no-go no one has signal is there anywhere else in the landline well not a landlord the radio room thing what the radio hut has some old broadcast gear where you do your announcements where i curate my sweet summer jams yeah and where i do the pa announcements it has some old equipment there i think we could probably break something up and get a message out all right yeah let's head over there and see if we can contact somebody put that back dylan dude no is he you gotta be crazy yeah you gotta be [ __ ] crazy if you think i'm gonna go out there without something to defend myself it's more of a safety concern oh do you think i'm gonna shoot my eye out or your whole head don't be a dick man i know how to use this if we take that gun we take that gun it's it's probably the weather what weather ryan maybe maybe it was the bears ryan you're being oh there's a little chopped in this thing a little too optimistic that uh cut our phone line and just cut out all the power what if that bear is waiting for us out in the hallway fair point thank you finally we should probably tell caitlin that we're going to the radiohead they're probably freaked yeah okay yeah let's go i like his low stance i like it oh my god yeah we should probably leave that with caitlyn i'll be defensive yeah yeah cause he has a gun already they don't need two do you think she really needs it though uh she needs it just as much as we do if she's staying in the lodge we're going out there you literally just said there might be something dangerous in the lodge when like 20 seconds ago okay sure but that's because i really wanted the gun just give her the gun man i'd give her the gun yeah they already have one like i think every like group should have like i'm gonna get the gun uh all right you're right hey we'll still have mine okay correct you're nice to me oh i might let you hold it don't write a check that you're asking cash my ass has got quite the bank account right that's the first nice thing the game has told us yeah and i interrupted something like yeah we're about to blow each other's heads off bang bang bang that's good right chin up big guy it's good right i wouldn't really know what to do with it okay i trust you oh thank you so much dylan you're so generous and handsome yeah no problem don't mention it where are you going i'm stretching scaring me please be a girl please be a girl you are back to emma samara you're back to emma here you go take my keyboard yeah she's in horrible condition but you got this okay back to oh my gosh back at scory island they don't get really like they didn't get creative with the name no well there's a big zip line up there that's the one oh okay that's the one that makes sense i was like how am i i'm just going to slide from one little thingy okay you need to go lady okay hold on i know i know even when things look dire i know i know [Music] what do you think it already made a noise it did so maybe i should just do it quickly to get it over with it did make a loud noise it did i think you just get it over with right because if i'm doing it slowly and it already heard the noise yeah like she looked like quickly it's gonna make an even louder noise i don't know i think you go quick yeah yeah okay that's pretty loud that's pretty loud oh my gosh uh i think you reel in you don't jump this right i don't think i can reel in i think that's a horrible idea oh you jumped for it oh my gosh yeah that's a good idea i thought she was going to jump off i thought i was like there could be rocks at the bottom you're like dead right i mean i don't think i had time at all but jump look down below she was dead we did it let's freaking go imagine i just die now oh [Music] man he gets on the zip line imagine she starts doing take the l moonlight kayla said don't let emma die please she's my favorite so that's on you and that's it i'm trying i'm trying i will try my best if it was up to andre she might have died there so so far so good good to see you it's nice to see you too a time again is it yeah right back at you strength yeah that looks really good strength can be surprising no one's own raw power tapping into it tapping into a previously unknown energy i suppose there are forces that work within us all and the straight hand it gives and with the other it could rip away as always there's more to see and as always the choice is yours would you like to see more let's see more but let me open the window because it is hot put a couple minutes look at that there's some frozen things okay but but if it's if it's you then i'm waiting it's a girl okay oh if you don't come back in time i'm just killing the girl like like like i'm just gonna i'm gonna hit reel it in all the time bro look at this [Music] give me a sec all right okay we're good we're good we're good we're good bro okay look at me if i was on this this would be a six seven right for streams come on which one do you prefer right or left right or left which one right or left right or left right or left right left okay i've seen everyone say right like two people said left and they probably just like mixed up right and left all right okay let's see more okay guys you gotta focus up because like samara's not here what what's that a clue oh it's goodbye again i'll leave you with this remember who your friends are remember who's looking out for you why is she me why'd she do that yeah was that nick it was nick but like does that do for me you know it looked like he pushed back against the big guy okay we're gonna continue for we're just gonna play like two minutes without samara well like those visions those are the best options right i think you can replay those clips really where i couldn't find anything oh wait can you oh tear it wait camp but you can replay vision hmm it looks like he like it looks like he picks up the guy with just his hand is he turning into is he turning into one of those things because look i look how big that guy is there's no way him at normal strength can pick that guy up that's tough i don't i don't know what to do there exactly what is this i like how you can see the map we got a few more locations but and that shows you what paths you've taken i like how they're like little movies too that's cool yeah i mean from what i've seen it looks like those guys hunt like the infected things but we don't know what the infected things are yet and if it bit nick then he would turn into one maybe i'm thinking it's kind of tough because like i don't know anything could happen i thought these visions give you like the best possible outcome right so when it comes down to it we gotta choke out the guy that's what we gotta do the kitchen's pretty cleaned out oh shoot i left my bag i brought you this okay okay really quick are the tarot cards always the best option it shows um what do you mean because look look at this strength one okay i want to point something out replay the vision okay you see nick one of the hunter guys comes and he chokes him out but he lifts him up with his only his hand he's like turning into like uh one of them i mean he can't have his own strength so is this the best option like when it comes to it we should choke the guy out or is it just i don't know i don't know i don't know and until don they gave you glimpses at the stuff you want to avoid we've been treating it like as a good thing wait wait that doesn't even make sense is it let's see this wait i want to see where is it where it goes like that one was fine is it the ones you should avoid it might be that was just for until dawn i think it just i don't know i honestly have no idea i think it's just showing you a possibility like i i don't think it's necessarily the one you should do or the one you shouldn't do i think it's just oh boy it's just an option thank you that looks fun wait tutorials is there no tarot card like all right i know i can google it i just don't want to mess up [ __ ] i don't even know what happened it was all just a blur how are you feeling it shows you a possibility not necessarily the best thing apparently yeah how are you holding her i'm uh well i i'm just happy you're okay are you okay i'm sorry i i just asked you that it's okay we'll see what happens when the situation comes all right they're off to find a radio or something what's with the um uh oh uh they found another in mr h's office so just in case what happened to the lights not sure any better i'm doing okay kind of wait are they going to the radio hut phone's dead they're going to try to send out an sos or something we're holding down the fort uh should i speak out did anybody else hear that somebody's walking i thought you said dylan and ryan already left wait stay here i'll check it out uh don't go it's too dangerous we don't know what's out there it could be dangerous yeah that's why i'm gonna check it out did we mess up like i think this has to happen i think it's gonna go to the girl there you go katelyn samara you're up batter's up why don't i get to go into situations that are like clearly not great the girls are just like some girl by herself going towards the noise how is this by the way yeah this is sauce don't get her killed i'll try my best either said don't get her killed somewhere i will try to get her killed i will try to save her yeah i don't know if these hunter guys are good or bad but they were shooting at them so like they're shooting at the wolves things that's not bad i don't know if they're good or bad maybe they try to trip you out when they start putting blood on themselves i would say they're probably good but if our running theory is right where if somebody gets been they turn they might try to kill nick maybe we should talk to him if he gives you the option try it right okay you're telling me i mean it's probably probably dark in there so you're gonna talk to him if you get a chance are you gonna like fail a quick time and keep me posted bobby let him maybe that keeps you safe yeah like what kind of blood are they covering themselves in like them old breath there's like moonlight on her like forehead i thought you're gonna talk to him when he gets a chance you lost a gun i'm sorry it's gonna get us killed we're fine what my finger like my nail like i hit s but i guess like my finger was like this so when i hit we need that gun we needed that gun how do you feel you sentenced her to her hey so somebody said she would have lost either way there you go it's time to say yeah thank you what yes so like i was just you know thinking about like the start of summer and when we first met and uh started camp and well like now that summer's over and you know is that like the last time i'm going to see each other you know you're here there what are you saying hey don't worry about caitlyn she's tough i know i'm sorry she's distracted just get through the night okay once that samara's soul gigi is still all love you're such a one-pump fat guy maybe i was misreading the situation back there but kind of felt like a little bit more was going to happen wait well did you want a little bit more to happen are you dumb hey sorry no i just mean i didn't like you of course i wanted it to happen i just didn't know if you did too that seems like such a long time ago now you didn't want it to happen though um you can tell me yeah i i guess you're just saying that cause i'm hurt [Music] caitlyn's getting mugged right now yo the other guy should use his voice instead of walking around like a boss oh my god what happened jesus where's the gun we gotta get out no we have to hide uh run run you gotta pick he's gonna let's hide he seems pretty bad at finding us yet right like he seems pretty bad at finding us right he's walking like jason you could go hey kids um i know you guys are scared but i'm here to help you right need some communication here we need good comms right now the comms are bad they're so awful bad comes this dude was never good at hide and go seek oh see i skipped the scenario where i would have choked them out yeah i think you did right unless that comes later no that was in that room it looked like yeah yeah it was the radio hut has like an actual radio i thought it was just like for your morning announcements oh yeah yeah it used to be more of a actual radio station actually um uh you know i mean it is still technically but nobody brings their radio to camp anymore yeah it's weird actually that there used to be kids with their radio and their portable cd player and everything and you know nowadays everything we need is on the phone but mr hackett takes it has anyone in chat use the cd player you have a cd player yeah i use the cd player did you guys ever use cd player like a portable you ever had a portable cd player like the yeah on the first egg it came i had a stereo though distracted by technology it seems so old now no i'm not deflecting give it a thing wow so is is that something like yeah oh my god um quantum physics wait what yeah uh you don't really seem like a science guy oh yeah i mean you know not not here um oh oh are they they just moonwalk right at the same time they deserve each other i'm sorry i'm so completely fascinated by this what do you mean by not here not here at camp i do that at home and then here i um you're a wise wise cracking smart ass uh that's a little harsh but no okay so maybe i was a little nervous when i arrived in an uncomfortable social situation and i overcompensated a little bit by making a bunch of jokes you played into it yeah i mean people kind of enjoyed the blase dylan uh you enjoy the blase dylan let's get some big d's in chat let's go no yeah like you know whatever man it's pretty cool um i like dylan dylan well it's nice to meet you dylan i'm ryan ryan well actually i'm let's get the [ __ ] out of here ryan you guys are dum-dum and stupid stupid get going y'all didn't hear that wolf just howl what's going on like now's not the time and chat in the woods all right i'm a little freaked out what if i stop here oh it's kind of cool angle that's weird it like pointed us in the right direction did you see it those are nice cabins yeah they're thick too they're huge we really broke open that door and still broken open oh shoot [Music] it go into here first just see if i can find anything it seems like it's there like on purpose uh fudge scooby-dooby-doo did we yeah pick up that flyer one more time does that give us like an extra clue it doesn't if it's the same i don't think even if it's a different person okay i just want to make oh rabies don't get rabies maybe it's like the most awful thing you can get yeah don't get raised yeah baby's like a zero out of ten you don't want rabies okay from what we've deduced so far you want nobody else to get bit yeah because we may have killed ryan yeah possibly you might be dead i think it's part of the story though yeah all good i'll get all good all right we're playing as ryan alternate between the boys the boys are back in town oh this place is kind of a dump huh yo is that a chainsaw when i was a camper here it was barely working it hadn't been used for years and it took me a really long time actually to get this place cleaned up and looking the way it is so i'm sorry if it's not up to your standards but i've been putting in a lot of tlc okay okay let me get this set up all right all right anything over here we can use the power tools no um that's mr h wanted more storage so it's kind of how he lets me keep the station going gotcha so uh how far does it go oh um well it was designed just to broadcast to the pas around camp for announcements and to you know portable radios and whatever so i think the range is about a mile oh how do you even know all this stuff uh i just kind of picked it up hmm the tech technical stuff has always been a little uh hard for me to get a handle on well if you like i could show you the robes like a class yeah it's easy like climbing sign me up teach anyways this thing's gonna need a bit of a power up um but that's where this comes in what the flip is that that's magnet it's supposed to be a signal booster it's kind of janky looking but it's worth giving a shot so we can actually talk to people with this thing yeah well it's not a two-way radio so um you know we can talk uh but then the best we can do is switch it over to the receiver and see if anyone broadcasts anything back which is unlikely but well i mean it is what it is i guess yeah so what should i say uh just like make it sound urgent we're hello how's it going out there this is uh uh we need help this is uh we are counselors at hackett's quarry summer camp and there's been a horrible accident attack some stuff bad here we need your help uh there is a swarm of bears and they are everywhere and there's these hunters too and they seem to be shooting at the bears but also at us um which is not good and a few of our friends are hurt and um we are in desperate need of help so please there's vicious bears and uh we don't know what to do so please uh come help us sos uh this is uh an emergency s savers ship come on down please help us that's what sos stands for why is that swarm of bears it actually stands for save ourselves uh heard of bears an sos yeah i've heard of bears but i ever put out an sos all right i i guess i should just like switch this over to the receiver and see if we get anything back okay yeah i'm gonna keep an eye out while you do all this techy stuff okay yeah sure you sound so confident i believed you uh ah that ain't no bear sir that is some strange looking bear homie check it another couple unaccounted for that's totally us holy [ __ ] they're talking about us how because we just told them on the [ __ ] radio [ __ ] they've been looking they know where we are man we can't stay here [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] hey let's let's stay calm okay um let's let's go find caitlyn and everybody okay okay yeah okay i wasn't i wasn't sure no he's gonna say frick you i i i wasn't sure man [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was that i have no idea oh homie's coming up to the door someone typed in chat it is just the bear i was on the road [Music] can you get those power tools please is it a bear guys can jump like that your bears do be scary though okay who would you rather verse a bear or this dude a bear yeah yeah i mean it wouldn't end well well but well i mean like what hide get ready maybe i should have what is that there are two of them is it laura and the other guy [ __ ] what caitlyn abby and nick they're coming up oh no they're coming toward us we gotta warn them open the door be like what about the thing up top yeah okay yeah we can tell them to hide or something no that was before i think [ __ ] no oh [ __ ] hold the button uh caitlyn get into a building now do not come up here there's an animal outside the radio oh that's pretty easy you broke that door you broke it oh [ __ ] dude why would they get in that one then go to different cabins it broke that door why would they get into a cabin with no door doesn't even make sense they yeah should the locks broke i don't know i don't know i don't know if that has any like thing but can they open handles someone said it's just a dog someone said fuzzy wuzzy had no hair we gotta kill it i think we gotta kill it we gotta try i'm gonna shoot this thing i've played fortnite enough i'm about to crank up some nineties go for it do it kill it we gotta kill it that's not a normal animal man i don't think a gun's gonna cut it what do you know big d why wouldn't it what would it be why wouldn't it be you got a well if it's got hearing like a like a dog maybe i mean we could we could play a really high-pitched feedback loop i was about to do this to the max and i mean it would hurt like hell but okay fine let's do it feedback thing all right all right but like get your gun ready yeah i mean that chainsaw too oh my god okay come on dylan let's do this um come on it's almost mom take a breath dylan just take her breath i'm sure you can you don't make anyone more anxious in these situations i'm already anxious i'm anxious right now there's something missing i do what's missing homie you better figure out what's missing oh crap i pulled the wire oh no i'll cover you do enough go quickly i don't know what to do okay okay just just hang on hang on [ __ ] i chainsaw i'm not gonna shotgun i'm freaking out just a flesh room that you know the wire get the wire get the wire what get the wire yo he is so comprehensive plug it plug it into the thing i didn't know what to do maybe i messed up i don't know but if our theory is that it infects people then we need to get that hand off what do i do the button the button oh where it works shock you need to get that arm though like [Laughter] oh [ __ ] my hand right for me yeah he was in shock just hold on why did you do that what you told me to that was a bad idea did i make a good i don't know okay that was that was all you um i mean hopefully it doesn't spread no i think we're okay for now we ran into one of those hunter guys ah crap yeah chase this out of the lodge i think we lost him on the way up here you get a message out oh my god great i feel so anxious what the hell was going on oh my god tell them what happened oh um i'm okay i i i mean i'm not um but it's it doesn't doesn't hurt okay you're in shock holy [ __ ] [ __ ] uh did that thing do this no well sort of caitlyn where's your gun i lost it one of the friendly locals wanted to say hi homie what the [ __ ] did you shoot at us who is this yeah who's there where's that laura no no who was she should we follow her oh [ __ ] dylan what is that oh my god wait is that a body uh do we mess up is emma dead it looks like brown hair though emma's gone on that is a person wait so she shot at something so she probably shot at one of those creatures but then why is it a human you shoot at them and they convert back [Music] oh you're back now it's like that's one less vermin in the world and it doesn't that we wouldn't have no like let's take a look it doesn't look like anyone yeah no cards means no reading simple as that keep looking though there are still cards to find somewhere out there wait we missed ourselves or a scam lady you don't even know what the cards mean lady we spend so much time looking toward the future it's easy to forget that the past told secrets too worth remembering that oh so it's 1953 that's all i remember i'll be here what else i'll wait what else there's the books at the start of the game do you remember them massacre at the cabin or something do you remember that i'm trying to think of what else you're my camera now hack it's quarry what else jake what me three times in a row for real how's this possible how could you do this to me this dude's dumb as rocks though yes there was the podcast true you got to remember all this info what in god's green earth was that um god sucks ass that's the head emma is that you i mean he's he's definitely missing a few brain cells right wait he's going up to where no that's different oh okay i thought he was going up to where emma was i was like oh my gosh that would be bad news bears yeah yeah all of this is his fault so if you accidentally kill him don't feel too bad um yeah i wouldn't feel horrible he brought this upon everyone and now like more followers he doesn't have a hand kind of lost his hand because of me but like how about if he like turned into one of those things and died i'm saying yeah but he lost his hand because of this dude we already have one of the homies that got bit though so like is he dead for sure i don't know that made me question my decision oh well that bozell [ __ ] hell somebody else has been here okay i'm gonna walk this way because it might give me another clue i'm also looking for like a card oh oh there's a camera wait what i'm glad i went this way oh homie you don't know how this thing works come on memory card oh the memory card from a broken dirty camera lost in the woods maybe there's something on here put it with the other part of the car that you took out i'll just go back to the car when it started well because homie want to go for a swim with his not-so-act like as soon as like the fight happened they should have gotten in the car and left yeah i don't know again this guy's a few brain cells off of smart so i'm just going to walk into the the leafs over here oh see just random stuff like that you can find cards how justice an eye for an eye not exactly in some cases but cause and effect actions and consequences there's a balance to everything and we all play a part in making sure the skills aren't tipped yeah that's gonna be important see sometimes you just gotta go into like a random spots there's the hiccups oh my gosh there's barking parking me you gonna bump into emma god that's actually funny jesus christ oh my god no way am i glad to see you oh oh jesus christ ah you left me back there you [ __ ] oh god emma come on ugh we did leave here but what the [ __ ] is going on look i don't know okay some like bear attacked nick and abby back there yeah me too but it definitely was not a bear what who when why sorry the 5ws i'm glad you're okay yeah barely i mean that thing that attacked me at the treehouse was like what it was like what emma like out of a horror movie okay um well it was probably just like a a bear trying to defend itself you know don't be a fisherman you know it wasn't a [ __ ] bear you're right you're right and now we have these [ __ ] the hunters running all over the place so that's a fun new wrinkle what look don't ask a new wrinkle okay we've got to get out of these woods yeah no [ __ ] sherlock this is a good relationship you know jacob you don't have to be a dick about literally everything hey you're not a peach yourself apologize nope hey i'm trying to keep us alive i've been doing pretty good by myself what i don't need you to rescue me i'm not gonna suddenly fall in love with you just because you're my knight in shining armor you know i wouldn't be surprised if you set this all up oh my god what [ __ ] it now i'm gonna be mean to her oh me please run oh shoot oh my god oh my god no she's dead sorry homie just this dude is [ __ ] they're not going to be boyfriend and girlfriend no they're not i'm hiding how do you seem to work well versus these things look at me crouched in the bush oh my gosh i wanna i wanna wait a little tall my best so like it gives me more breath you know what i mean oh i think i'm dead i think i'm dead guys might be it oh [ __ ] oh the pig skull is very oh that's a lot of traps oh this is actually huge blur it watch your step homie dude you are so oh my gosh didn't he see them i thought he saw them pried open you can't pull free homies having like he gets all the polar pride areas oh [ __ ] it might be game over for him i'm not gonna lie i'm gonna try my best guys but look okay we kind of we're kind of thinking they're all right right i think so they haven't attacked us yet and it seems like they're i mean i think we initially should have like talked to them at the start yeah but that wasn't an option so just one more time for everyone watching this is 17 plus game you guys aren't 17 plus your permission from someone a watch um and there will be swearing so this is a girl we do not know is she like one of those hunter dudes i don't think so should we do something what can we do she's dead i mean with the body that's kaylie hackett mr h's daughter oh i thought she went home with her brother kaylee yeah i thought so too oh man poor kaylee nick you smell so good um intervene intervene you'll right there intervene right maybe dial it back a bit huh um wow nick what are you i want to taste you hey uh come here oh nick what the hell get off oh watch out get off all right [Music] right i don't want to help him he's like turning into a monster comfort abby then i mean i think he's fine it's like two feet of water it's okay you're okay what did i do i i don't know he's so cold okay let's get him in the pool house dry him off how are we gonna save him i don't think we are i mean he's definitely turning into like a werewolf or something yeah it's like how do we save him though have a girl i don't know if we can there has to be a way to save them just try to rest i'm sorry it has to be ah quit moving so much it's pretty clean from what i could tell i mean it's not bleeding but you need to see a doctor the how it works right look this is what i've got left from the nurse's station ooh fun you better hope we find you some real help before they wear off kind of like a couple pills we need to be keeping a record of everything that happens for the police yeah dead girl in the pool needs some explaining huh easy man maybe like photos whatever we can i've got a funny feeling the cops are not going to want to believe any of this crazy [ __ ] unless we've got some hard proof from now on if you've got your phone and you see something take a photo or a video or whatever you okay over there abby look why don't you look around and see if you can find anything to help make nick more comfortable the shock into your face okay you gotta like find some clues or something all right me in the showers let me check what's in the toilet i mean i make you do this that you don't think there's anything and then there's going to be something all right there's nothing but there could have been that's true that's true me on that that board over there mm-hmm i wonder where caleb is q hey q q who's caleb i think the sister yeah chris oh yeah so like the sister was the one that they saw in the pool so we got one kid missing he's probably one of those demon things may walk by the lockers oh you're good more toilets oh they're deep too i'll keep her going actually looking up oh no that's so creepy but i think there's something at the end oh i feel like walking every shower i like it [Music] we gotta pick between the moon and the other one though if we want like a did you just sniff how many chapters are in this game chat so we know how to space it out what the frick um well this is not gonna come for nick i don't think that's the hag of hackett sporty for sure hours ago there's 10 chapters we still got a waste yeah is this one like five wow you can go into the last one well nick there's absolutely nothing for you so we found a little drawing do you want the drawing i just like oh there's 12 chapters apparently i don't know nope there's nothing for them we'll give them the bad news or you can talk to the people like there's nothing me talk to them be like yo uh i can't here that better thanks i guess that's what we do to comfort him hey yo something is not right with that boy dude is real sick did you see how he freaked out in the water yeah he was like uh he was like a fish out of water right uh sure you know something was weird when i tried to clean his wounds too at the lodge what do you mean all of his clothes were bloody but i couldn't find where he was bit or scratched or whatever he just kept moving around like he didn't want me to see how badly he was hurt huh rabies he's not frothing in the mouth i think abby would beg to differ point yeah isn't aquaphobia a symptom of rabies hydrophobia yeah but i think it's more about a fear of drinking not just getting wet this was like like my cat in the bathtub yeah amen yeah like do we just keep dunking them in water we need holy water that's what we need abby oh he's looking messed up don't go closer is it can i please taste you of course i have a bite do you like me not right now nick you should be aggressive just let's get him tell me he's literally like dying really we're gonna be nice beating them up that's such such such what good news it's such a cop-out answer it is a cop-out answer it is you gotta be aggressive abby uh what i've got something to ask you uh yeah okay why don't you like me abby should we be nice she does like him yeah nick i do like you no you don't you're not like me he's just not getting it it's like what do you mean tell me the truth i am telling you the truth he did like him sure him what not really very smart aren't you oh stupid happy stop this isn't you but this this isn't you whoa abby abby everything okay holy [ __ ] um huh oh don't shoot him i'm not if he comes at me though i'm shooting him no don't i do if he comes at me i'm killing him no don't don't it's just if you shoot him he's dead like we lose him but there has to be a way to save him i think it doesn't look like it i'm sure we can find a way [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] i'm so done i was gonna shoot him and you're like no we can save him and now i don't have a head huh he literally ripped my head off like completely like the head is gone i thought you could save everybody no not past a certain point if he was bit that might have been his path and like there's no cut like once you make certain decisions like even if they're still alive it's too late for saving someone say we can glue her head back on we can't glue her head back on do you think it might have like not saved that decision and then like i don't think so listen at the end of the day i don't feel bad it's your character your choice i will give my suggestion but you have to make a choice okay you got abby killed you were saying nothing because you were not decisive enough not to shoot you were you got abby killed because you were not decisive no we can save him you got him killed hurry kill done with you you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna sabotage all of your characters no yeah yeah i'm gonna kill all of them no yep yep reanimation jutsu oh my gosh okay maybe it'll give you a shot still i mean it says you're playing as abigail and we saw her get her head ripped clean off so i mean it's possible that you get another shot of this oh my gosh wait oh my gosh i actually wait no it's past the point oh is it packed so we just have to watch her get her head ripped off again oh that's my bad i didn't know how are you supposed to know i thought maybe i thought maybe like oh this is rude yeah this was this was straight up brutal oh can we get a rip and chat for abby okay well at least emma's alive it's all spam use a life you can use a life huh is that a thing someone said use a life can we pick up her reboot i'm sure there's a reboot van somewhere someone's saying use a life you can't use life she's one shot anyway her art sucked let's be honest her hearts suck oh my gosh maybe like a med spray or something i mean well that was at least uh very eventful you know now we know now we know if somebody gets a bit and we don't like amputate the limb yeah kill them they're as good as dead you have three lives to revive a character your choice i don't think so you for sure have three lives wait really okay so if i were a counselor oh yeah at an all-season camp partying around the bottom of the air and it like a tarot card go to the menu go to main menu yeah go to main menu i don't know chad what are you guys talking about after you beat the game you get three lives oh shakin didn't you go back hit continue says continue it better not play off or it rips your head off again i swear you have to complete the game at least once to have the rewind ability the [ __ ] is a man i feel like she should have been able to shoot him after you yeah okay so if i were a counselor at an off-season camp partying around a bonfire and it started to rain and there were monsters i would go to the lodge all right emma yeah okay there's no way we're saving her okay we got one down two down two down i mean unless there's a way to save nick i guess like turn him back from that i don't know maybe it is possible but you know what now we can calm down a little bit we don't have to like you know we ain't gonna get a perfect story now right yeah gotta get out of here you gotta at least let a couple people die all right on your turn you just i'm not even gonna give you input anymore okay you just do your thing okay someone said let's go tg killed two people nick's skin exploded off his body he's gone yeah but the girl turned back into like a girl so it really did explode though i thought he was exploding for a second like i thought he was dying and then it was just like no shot to kill a character off one of those like shooter don't shoot menus oh that's not good that's weird that's weird i think she'll i think abby will still be good we should need like maybe some stitches or something put in rice yeah oh my gosh he's climbing on the rocks wait do i still go this way sir can you go down that path the other way yeah oh you did did you wait oh didn't you come through oh you're there okay give me you do that it's kind of smart i came up from there yeah well you know there's a guy there so i'm dropping the 30 ball finally gotta get everybody killed you thought this was the save everyone play through this is the killer everyone plays with the problem with these you get so emotionally attached i wasn't so emotionally attached to abby but like i just like when they all survive yeah who's your favorite person um i don't know it's a good question who's yours mine's nick now that he turned into a werewolf i kind of like ryan i like ryan the best oh no d dylan are you like dylan got his hands cut off i like dylan and ryan i like that i like them both they're both my favorites it's better when you get a different ending than others there you go that's what makes it unique because like everybody's story is different right that's why if you guys want to check out the game link in the description below you can go ahead and make decisions where we made other decisions and you could have your own very customized game that's why it's important to check out the game with the link in the description below and big shout out to 2k for sponsoring this stream hit that like button too if you want to see samaritan part three because she ain't coming back if you guys don't hit the like button she's not she told me i'm not she's like those people better hit the like button yeah otherwise where am i supposed to go exactly like a cabin wasn't doing i mean yes but like this oh come on i've never done this before pogba's doing fast all right don't run don't know i think he's just chill right okay sorry it's your game plan you have got to stop god damn goddamn [ __ ] kids son what ah stop stop squirming give me the track is she bit hot how am i supposed to know i don't know let me look at her nah get the [ __ ] away from me oh i want to talk to these people can that be an option hey i mean they don't seem bad no they don't why don't they want to talk to them caitlyn dude's in force with guns at night like it's kind of great abby this doesn't feel safe someone typed emma is making a foolish move uh-oh abby it's actually pretty good ryan her and that guy are not getting back together she's gonna put that out there no shot this dude abandoned her three times right this dude literally pulled the thing from the car we should try and kill him you think so i'm just gonna fail a quick comment she's chilling all right see i'm up all right so samara smear lost one let's see if i can uh mostly because of my fault were you gonna shoot him yeah cause he's like turning into a zombie but you know he might have just been groaning in pain like it could have been like one more step when we find an antidote before each other eyes were like no and he threw me across the room yeah no you're right you know no you're right i mean it wasn't an obvious choice no it wasn't look we just got to focus we we can still get out of this a lot together okay well not all of us yeah no [ __ ] he's like but nobody liked abby except for ryan he's a werewolf i'm really bad with names guys hey oh [ __ ] where the [ __ ] is chris hackett who's there i need your help please who are you my name is laura oh it is so don't let me in it's not safe out here uh yeah there's a crazy woman with a gun killing people i'm not killing people holy [ __ ] you laura kearney you're laura kearney yeah you were supposed to be working uh helping out in the nurse's office right and you never showed up you and the guy what's his name back yes max yeah yeah yeah uh mr hackett said that you had changed your mind last minute i i think that we should i think that we should listen to her inside open the door dog i'm gonna open the door slowly just keep your hands up okay okay oh my gosh what happened to her she looks a little different she didn't through it here we are again it's like tough to win with everyone all right yeah it's hard really you kind of almost have to like how many did you lose on yours yeah why don't we take another look at what you've found fair enough justice or the other one justice an eye for an eye not exactly in some cases but cause and effect actions and consequences there's a balance to everything and we all play a part in making sure the scales aren't tipped the moon how poignant tonight of all nights to harness your fear and anxiety and turn them into intuition if you can do this and plan ahead your cunning might just save your life now tell me would you like to delve deeper into one moon one possible future just like might save your life what do you think make your choice guys the moon which one do you want justice or the moon can you reward a little bit this is why when we set up the other channel guys you guys are gonna see we're gonna have it lit all right what do you think justice or the moon everyone's singing man honestly i'm blaming everybody in chat too for abigail dye because we're all in this together oh did you just see off you go then top top one down remember isn't that terribly what the heck lady why are you gonna say it like that are you all in the same room no samara's at her set up in my i met mine uh why where have you been for the past two months we did come one night early that was our mistake oh it's you get to be back to laura wait you should hit escape though and see the just watch it one more time the thing you can hit it right now yeah and go to turret go down to the moon hit replay e that's emma i think that's good that's laura is that laura but this is like a past vision what does it matter your choices here it's gonna say maybe that's how she loses the eye but like oh you're still alive even though you left him i thought he shot him he may have shot the other thing oh hey come here come on she's like tranquilized right now oh sounds like it i mean you don't hear a shot or something i wonder if you um stayed with him if he like last longer and then you could talk to her [Music] what have you done to max shut up you can't just shut up shut up this is an interrogation i ask you answer name yeah laura kearney who are you traveling with and what is your relationship max brinley he's my boyfriend who's telling us you're engaged where are we headed last night to hack it's cory summer camp you already know this what have you done with max no i ask you answer that's how this works okay i like i like how you're going with this fine what do you want to know oh well ah why are we going to hack his quarry last night max and i are camp counselors oh [ __ ] counselors aren't due until today i told you we drove up and got there early we figured we'd just go to camp why didn't you go to the motel like i told you because we were like way closer to the camp and we're broke okay sheriff hack it wait hack it like chris hackett don't change the subject what the [ __ ] is going on here man you have no idea what's going on here not a goddamn clue you just stepped in some grade a double prime go ahead and kill yourself cosmic type [ __ ] young lady and your only option is to buckle the [ __ ] up and do what i say do you understand you didn't take that [Music] please he just stop trying to intimidate me and tell me what the [ __ ] is going on is is max alive i feel like i'm going crazy we might learn if they can survive what the um let's go interesting move somewhere interesting move oh he's back what me during the daylight they turned back you [ __ ] oh you think and that's why they tell us what the [ __ ] going on max i know you're sorry what that's why they leave for the night to walk up at night yeah but then [ __ ] and then maybe they want to keep like his daughter and son alive so that's why they like don't make a big deal about it he killed his daughter yeah she didn't know yeah okay it's starting to make sense this would have helped i would have told you okay i don't know if i would have told you shoot him are you killing this you just left me to [ __ ] die lord you really care if i'm okay [ __ ] you i was scared i was running to get help yeah with some help oh well oh god we're live aren't we all i'm saying is i guess i know i can't count on you when [ __ ] hits the fan oh he didn't even come with us it is what it is what's up max laura nobody asked man yeah why am i naked what i mean after we got attacked the next thing i know i'm waking up in a jail cell and you're gone and now you're back again and and i'm super naked and there's blood and stuff everywhere i think it's the night i mean what the [ __ ] happened i think so oh my god that's what he wants to keep his kids alive so that's why he doesn't bring it to like the bigger police i think right yeah so our host was very keen on getting me to confess but i honestly couldn't tell you what i was meant to be owning up to jesus what he used to try to get you to talk the pincher the blade three-hole punch no it he wasn't torturing me who does this guy think he is well sheriff of north kill apparently north kale yeah max what did you even look at the map hack its quarry in north kill that's the town oh i lost some brain cells last night sorry i gotta look at his name badge and are you gonna stab him or what what happens if you don't like she disappears from existence get dressed what's he giving you i'm not gonna be the guest of honored fashion week i'll tell you that much hey did i say you could talk to each other sorry sir very compliant i want to gain okay i can see that what'd you do with my real girlfriend the cop didn't expect this you're actually playing it pretty smart all right buddy play strong bars come on [Music] your turn let's go i'm not going anywhere we can talk right here come on hey hey let's get the [ __ ] off come on move good boy he's kind of mean about it okay stop struggling oh that's good you're going to be on the comments laura i mean max is like screwed he's one of those demon things what the hell did you do to her shut up okay okay i wonder yeah i could see that what's on the walls while the town of north carolina sleeping the hag in the woods started weeping as the bodies decay the wolves hunt their prey and the sheriff continues his creeping okay it's limerick oh excuse me it's a spoon ew you ever seen the matrix where they bend the spoon remember that can you guys bend the spoon with one hand what do you think okay so you got a spoon of lyric limerick and a false brick not a chance i need some sort of lever no spin spin spin spin spin spin let's spin get it to get the spoon get the spoon get the spoon get the spoon get the spoon get the spoon get the spoon get the spoon put it in your room [Music] oh ah yes hello did you put your hand in there no i mean she could hit somebody with a break see what tristan is like she makes it to where they are in the future regardless of what she does here i take it back she's my favorite character really watch it man i bruise easily he's my favorite character give me a break her big b and ryan are my favorite only i can call him big d hey the second we get out of here you're toast [ __ ] oh sure what second you get out we'll answer your questions that's what you're gonna do wait wait we'll answer your questions you just can't lock us up in here with no goddamn explanation and expect us to be all butter and cupcakes okay just work with us here you have nothing to bargain with come on come on hey you can't just leave us in here hi come back that that dude's just useless like he's like a useless human yeah [ __ ] some pinkie pocky what what in the family friendly son of a binky bonky binky son of a binky okay monkey it's just a foot it'll heal i meant the interrogation oh yeah can't break old max many have tried many have failed i'm being serious max he just he asked a lot of dumb questions he said if you ever feel down bad remember you're not going to get off my back jeez i'm sorry where is this by the way is it like on camera oh hey did you get a look at his name badge you mean it's not really detective dick whippet it's hackett sheriff hackett yeah that's the guy you think he's related to chris hackett probably my god like the chris hackett yeah who's the chris hackett as in camp leader mr hackett of hackett's quarry remember man he's like i'm sorry i lost a lot of brain cells when i transformed into the beast the [ __ ] does that mean though you know where we set up maybe it's some kind of crazy camp counselor kidnapping ring that's i mean what he's not acting like i don't know it's up to you i already got one of your characters killed i'm not i can't i can't backseat game anymore chad it's not exactly acting like a typical kidnapper but he's not acting like a typical cop either well how do you know how kidnappers act i'm just trying to get us out of here and i can't get us out of here until i have some clue of why the [ __ ] we're in here i don't know what if we can't make sense of it what well you have to we just gotta make sure she lives sometimes things just don't make sense the rest can die yeah what then her big d and we're stuck in a backwater jail cell for the rest of our lives so you're leaning on me quite a bit 66 percent lighten up this isn't for ever forever max you can't just hold us here forever he didn't seem too convinced of that you gotta stay positive you can't think like that why not one more time this game is rated at 17 plus i said at the start of stream i say it like every hour but if you guys are just tuning in you know and and you're younger than that um that that's what's going on i already explained it a bunch so i don't feel bad if you guys tune in and and say anything but um this game is rated 17 plus for 17 plus you're in a great spot if you're younger that you should probably get a parent or something that's it could say you can watch um so just a heads up okay that's it they're gonna swear we won't accept it right no [ __ ] that there you go about the rest of the summer max and school i mean i've been dreaming about becoming a vet since i was five years old i'm not gonna let this fleabag [ __ ] stop me we're gonna get out of here i'm gonna study to be a vet and you're and you're not gonna you're dumb what you're gonna fizzle out and fade away i saw the letter max what are you talking about the rejection letter for college she's like the dumb dumb letter bag you were poking around on my stuff i can't believe you didn't tell me is it because you're dumb i i was embarrassed wait your grades were good and you wrote a great essay apparently not good enough [ __ ] have you been making plans max what the [ __ ] i don't know what do you want me to say i'm sorry max max would be like can we just back up to the time you left i know i know hey it's not the worst thing to happen this summer i'm sorry i shouldn't have kept it from you you know you can talk to me about anything right yeah like how about the time you left me oh look he appreciates our sympathy wow you're really grasping at straws here huh okay let's just focus on getting out of here for now great sign me up we need to go over it from the beginning like from when we left home like from when we ran into the cop so after we ran into the whatever we ran into yeah actually yeah that's when [ __ ] started getting weird the dude acted super weird when we said we almost hit an animal you remember that it was like he already knew or something yeah yeah that was really sketchy what if he's not even a real cop well he's got to be dirty but i mean i think he's a real cop we're in a police station i mean yeah but there's like nobody else around is this a police station right yeah that is concerning especially the whole hackathon thing let's just go with the idea that they're both in on it okay so we're supposed to meet chris hackett at the camp and instead there's nobody there and we get attacked by something and then the cop shows up that part's all fuzzy for me i i remember the steps and a smell like wet fur and abandoning you but i don't know dog collar with the name ian on it ian ian hacking is that the one i don't think it was a dog that attacked us whatever it was was big the kid's name like person-sized thing yeah it really did a number on you like i'm surprised you're not more messed up like i vividly remember the things teeth ripping into you what is messed up about that is laura i don't have a scratch on me what hey okay so weird question do you remember before we got lost you got lost well yeah but before that i was all like whoa look at the moon it's so big so cool to see a full moon in the middle of the woods and you were all like yeah no [ __ ] max it happens once a month yeah so right so you know this only happens once a month full moon what if uh okay no stop that's not ridiculous no it's not like it's a slight chance it was a werewolf are you out of god damn mine oh my gosh seriously what the [ __ ] what what what what's so funny i said literally the exact same thing okay do you you got anything better i mean like zombies aliens that means oh my gosh ryan right yeah you want answers i've got answers interrupt me again you're on your own i like her whatever would it really be so crazy with all the [ __ ] that we've been seeing with nick with a thing on the roof okay we really start to explain a lot of stuff dylan i'm just trying to keep an open mind okay this is like your ghost stories how is it so different from your girls those are those are just campfire stories like there has to be a rational explanation for everything for all of this okay you were not talking so rational when you separated me you told me to and if it's bite with which your face to cleave limb from torso oh just what you did the right thing see she's got a whole poem about it there's more to all this than you think darn we should have shot ryan just let me finish what's his name then you can decide for yourself if you believe me or not i don't care but i think you should hear all of it i'm about to go through the game off stream get back to this point the next few weeks were long save him kept us fed and let us take showers but aside from that i only barely saw him i as much as we could about what happened that night it was like trading conspiracy theories we talked about the cop the camp the accident the woods the thing in the basement what happened to max we just kept going over it all again and again and nothing was making sense all we knew is that we needed to get out of there interesting wait she out or she instantly how'd she get hurt i don't know it looks like a clown i can't take this anymore it's not that bad they're probably in the same crap at camp no i can't take being in here anymore oh yeah well that part's pretty tough we've got to do something we've got to get out of here we need a plan we keep saying that but it's been weeks so you know let me know if you have one that's really not very helpful max you are forgetting something what just the e.t.b.t tiny detail that i may or may not be a [ __ ] werewolf laura so what what can we do really we run off into the sunset only to be stopped when i turn into a nasty ass monster and kill you and eat you and then i run off alone into the sunset with little bits of you stuck in my teeth it's just one problem at a time well at least we got that down pat that's what's really going on and we won't until we get the hell out of here okay i guess there was one well it seems to me that we only have two real options yeah we can play nice and try to get this guy on our side but so he'll let us go or we try to catch him off guard and make our escape are you gonna pick you're kind of more leaning to the nicer side i am it's up to you that's your decision okay so let's say we get on his good side what then brunch in mimosas every sunday till he sees the error of his ways yeah i was being rhetorical the dude doesn't have a good sight to get on i mean he won't even talk to us half the time i don't know i think we could crack him laura i think he's just biting his time until he can figure out a way to get rid of us permanently ugh you're right escape's the only way hey what's he gonna do to us that's any worse if we get caught right let's just not get caught deal yeah deal okay here's how it's gonna go down next time he opens your cell to take you to get washed up you jump him you tackle him down and take the keys from his belt drag him into your cell lock him in there unlock my cell and then we'll steal his car and just drive right the [ __ ] out of dodge right okay that's not really a plan though you know that's just kind of saying let's escape but we have a lot more words no he won't be expecting it we're in every teen now we'll catch him in the back foot they probably attempt it and then that's how she hurts her eye i mean he's feeding them right feels like i'm watching a movie right [Music] come on wait what does he do with them no wow ow careful really careful really well that didn't work ah what [Music] genius but what about my shower [ __ ] all right it's okay take your [ __ ] clothes off [ __ ] off get back that's what's going on get the [ __ ] away from him [Music] come here show her what happened get off of me oh my gosh have a seat oh my gosh we're going to see him turn quit squirming said you want to be a vet right call us an internship that's actually funny no you're not gonna believe it until you see it for yourself just [ __ ] ask next time then dude geez don't get too close just wrapping things up here oh down to 20. over i mean they're not gonna help you no it's gonna happen well i'll tell you it's not gonna be pretty but don't worry i'll be back at dawn you're really gonna leave me here all night fine just don't get too close ah you think that's how she hurts her eye she gets too close yeah i feel like this would be a little traumatic seeing your boyfriend be a werewolf for like eight hours clawing at you for eight hours even though he can't get you that would be like i guess he's like really trying to be like this is why i'm keeping him locked up like serious it'd be funny if you like choose to get close or not and like your eye reverse to normal or not in the future right that'd be cool she's like oh let me just take off this patch i don't need oh that's actually true that could be possible i don't know oh be like i don't know you could be like a vet because she's trained to be a vet or you can be compassionate doesn't matter it's your choice just like abigail don't worry max just like abigail yeah yeah right and ryan are you all right named nick oh yeah yeah i don't know i just don't feel so good um what do you need what can i do things are about to get weird chat make sure you keep watching this this is i'm kind of stuck next to this big-ass pipe so i'm not exactly cool just stay back okay you shouldn't be this close there's not a lot i can do about that right now max i don't feel so good max mommy what's going on you had like chubby little fingers right i feel like we could save ryan oh my gosh okay so i guess there's no saving her eye then oh [ __ ] oh no saving that oh okay it's okay everybody's losing something you know big d lost a lost hand she lost an eyeball abby lost her head yeah mostly my fault i'll say mostly my most okay i could have not listened to you yeah you could have not listened to me but i was pretty suggestive well i can understand why you thought not yeah it wasn't an obvious reason it wasn't miss abby okay we have laura back look at this dog see what that bastard cop's hiding go take a peek at him there's smoke covering it oh my god oh my gosh gosh it's like one of those halloween like like haunted rooms yeah okay let's not come on baby turn the lights down there anything over there maybe okay oh no i already wanted the bathroom maybe there's like a card in one of the toilets though nice sometimes if you just walk like into mermaid and they're like yeah is this this is a coffee station or something it's like a shut down station or something though like it looks abandoned locked figures and i guess i can't leave max better keep snooping or i could go back to my cell and wait i guess you like make the wrong moves you die you just disappear from the future like we thought we were talking to someone weird she's not here anymore [ __ ] i'm gonna need to rest soon so do we feel better about the cop now um yeah i mean i i i don't think he's doing it the best way but i think like you know i i don't think he's bad the heck is that whoever was wearing this can't be doing too well oh the fire damage oh the previous sheriff was killed in the fire six years ago see you see how i said a little exclamation mark she said she's tired we should probably go back to sleep your check i'd keep exploring maybe there's like a negative effect if she doesn't get sleep or something maybe or you gain knowledge to bring to the people she hasn't shared like more yet right oh okay so definite werewolves july 7th this happened last year oh my gosh crazy you know this game is based on written arms this must be what he used to knock me out i can hide this in my cell what happens if we don't find that bad i don't think you're able to like not find it or she like hits him over the head like she might just like the brick or something or just she has to escape if she's talking to the people right i don't know there's so many options for this game so that's why you guys should download the game link in the description below um shout out to 2k for sponsoring the stream and uh you can explore a little more down there too right downstairs if you wanted to this is again your you're in control in control of your storyline or something you know character a chariot you think she didn't pass it out she many options for these games is like what's he hiding i i think mostly the werewolf lady i think mostly the werewolf is the issue here i mean there's probably more to it for sure but i mean he's gonna know you're out anyway you have a bandage over your eye the only place he hasn't explored is a hallway down there but you know to the left and then to the right up the stairs might not be anything here but oh i was that was just suggestion by the way you didn't have to come here so uh oh oh i'm missing cats and radcliffe and edward benson i wonder who they are [Music] sauce computer we have to go the other side [Music] hello okay not only is there werewolves but there's a ghost yeah my not so much a hint as a slap in the face day in months but no year come on laura think 1953. i try it i how would you know his birthday let's let you try again if you go back like punching someone there's got to be like a clue you find that lets you get in yeah it's up to you you can go back here we looked at the calendar though july 7th we saw that someone said you missed the door upstairs i'm just worried she's going to like pass elders because she keeps saying she's tired like i think the outcome will be the same if you pass that it's up to you this is you control this girl you make the decision i mean i might not be able to get it you're zooming i want to close doors i think did you going through the first door here no i don't think you did did you take a board the second door then you win in this one you didn't go in the other one you can go in the first one i don't think yeah i'm getting resident evil vibes a little bit when it goes like the certain angles you can go in here right is that a is that an ultrasound i'll never mind 56. oh there we go oh boy 56. that means [Music] anything else in here are you good all right book it before you look at before you go slump this is some strange things vibe almost like stranger things but all right we're about to hack the computer got the uh the code miku and george together forever 1864 96. [ __ ] yeah weren't hikers at all but ghost hunters who went in search of answers and fell victim you'll have one of those quarry never to be seen again like us except we're we're more like um ghost investigators specter sleuths sure so what happened next well according to reports from the local paper the north kill gazette some hay bales caught fire during the opening night and that spread pretty quickly before they knew it the whole place was up in smoke including the show's leading lady and her alleged baby okay [Music] maybe that ghost is like good why is there a werewolf santa ghost i don't know like what is enough okay maybe she makes where you like the werewolves maybe she's the one that said like kill them all because they like maybe they were responsible for the fire that killed her son or something so now she like haunts the place to get revenge well what's up with the werewolf she makes them she makes the worst i don't know it's a theory all right it's a running thing you gotta run i didn't hide it in the brick right had it in the brick in the brick add in the brick had it in the brick had it in the brick and the brick and then the brick out in the brick had it in the brick house [Music] and just hide it away so you just hide that brick hide that brick hide that brick [Music] somebody got it i wasn't even listening hi that brick hi there brick oh oh you want to tell me what happened oh i could ask you the same thing why didn't you run you've got an unfinished distance oh crud that's just cat this doesn't mean i trust you i don't care left him once before i just want to help him you turn around hands against the wall seriously i am too tired to argue me too oh this is good we put it in the brick touching a little too much happy yeah you could have left the syringe there yeah i'll brew some coffee oh is she like free now i thought we were homies i know so close what is that what's this an education i wonder if it's like watching him you just give him an ipad nah peggy he just needed a little ipad you're a werewolf and you have an ipad you don't turn into a werewolf option choke him out nice job cleaning up the eye i mean oh jack diagonals it's harder than they make out in the textbooks especially when nobody's helping you you're the doctor uh animal doctor and no i'm not and i probably never will be you just have them stuck in here forever yeah you know just cause you know doesn't mean you know you know uh what i don't know who's dumb or him or max it's close i'm not this isn't what it seems to be you're gonna have to be more specific you and max are in just as much trouble as i am my family we didn't mean to hurt anybody um we're just trying to survive like everybody else do you understand not really but like to keep their families safe are they gonna we're like to enter this thing once and for all a little ominous we so how is your family involved my family is down at the bottom of a well oh what family is the most important thing in the world but if your whole family you know like every last one of them decided to jump down the bottom of a well they're all just hanging on the end of a rope how can one person be expected to pull them all back out you can't if you pull on that rope i'm just gonna fall right down at the bottom of the well with the rest of them and what's the point of that right so you you're the one at the top of the well with a rope and do you think hackett is a werewolf yes yeah that's probably why i thought that was obvious yeah okay yeah i got it i thought he was just ditching him so it might be like his whole family or werewolves yeah he's the only one that's not a werewolf yeah let's see how smart you really are why wouldn't they just like get in the cages every time the moon is information well what does it mean read it when full the moon above shines first the beast internal shall outward burst one by one leads lambs to slaughter it stalks your breath but shuns clear water and should you yourself be cursed armed with silver and the first when moon is full before its wane rend the beast that cursed you slain no longer shall you face your blight or fear the dread of full moon's light you gotta kill the beast that turned you i guess yeah where do you kill the first one ever and if it's a bite with which you're faced cleave limb from torso with great haste perchance you'll save your cursed soul before infection takes its toll starting to get the picture it's not a lot to go on you gotta read it between lines and frankly it's [ __ ] why did they have to make it rhyme i don't know but it's all we have to go on can't believe abby died a wolf that bit you and you'll be cured it has to be silver has to be full moon seems pretty straightforward to me if you can kill the werewolf and that's a big f i just want to cure max it's not as straightforward as you think who's the og right yeah if you knew all this why didn't you just kill it in the storm shelter when you had the chance it's not so i'm i was when i was straightforward no it's not they're not so easy to hit i was trying to protect you too lying it's probably his wife or something you're not telling us everything i'm telling you everything you need to know i don't believe you what if killing ain't an option what if you had to use science use science just like that oh genius wait i'll set an 80s montage going i'm serious definitely you think it's his wife like or a kid killing not an option i think you're protecting someone or his brother even like someone look take some time to think about all this i'll be back in the morning seen enough oh i was so confused there for a second oh did he actually have an ipad i feel like he can't be mad at lauren after leaving him because he sliced her eye how it works yeah an eye for an eye like one one of them was in control i don't think i'd believe a word he just said if i hadn't watched it on his app hey i hadn't seen that on my ipad i believe him you can't tell me you really trust that guy now i didn't say that i said i believe him about the werewolf stuff not the science bit i don't know what he wants he's a dirty lion kidnapping cop laura we should be careful of anything that [ __ ] says well [ __ ] him he's had his chance to fix this we're getting out of here and we're gonna fix it on our own we leave him in the cage hey laura yeah i saw what happened what i did to your eye yeah is it bad yeah it's pretty bad i infected i'm so sorry she also has no pain it wasn't you i know it wasn't you i know you've been in control for a while i know but it was we're gonna fix you max i promise i promise i said let me in there chris i know they're in there oh the counselors that didn't show up [Music] said you scrapped an abandoned car a while back i i worked out the rest [ __ ] why why'd you think chris jesus travis you still here that's [ __ ] up [ __ ] bet one of them chris was i supposed to do you're right what was that wait he didn't catch it he would go in the back thanks for sleeping you shot me i'm telling mom your lucky stars wasn't silver but you're playing a shot i can't keep them here forever i am handling i'll fix this maybe if you'd done your job they would've been at the camp that night you ever think of that so they only die if you shoot them a silver bullet had done my job you'd all be in prison you were thinking that was all bobby and caleb and those hikers that that that [ __ ] journalist dammit travis what are we gonna do now whatever happened to we're all in this together shh man let's go to my office shouldn't talk here max uh max ah what is it travis was just in the hall talking the cop so with chris hackett was he here to let him have to replay this whole game no and save her and get back to this point the werewolf max chris hackett is the one that bit you down on the storm shelter that makes sense why he was panicking to leave so fast yeah he was who would have i was like why would he leave them all there i mean i guess thinking about it i could have and yet you didn't it all makes sense that's why chris's car was at the lodge that night travis was protecting him that's why he followed us and that's why he didn't kill the werewolf in the storm shelter because it was his [ __ ] brother god it's so obvious if if chris was the one that bit me then yeah then that's our cure that's how we fix you jesus laura are we thinking the same thing gotta kill chris tomorrow we're getting out of here i'm gonna get travis's gun and kill chris hacker he should have just gone to the motel probably right like the motel was such a better option hey help her lure needs help laura laura are you okay [Music] what goddammit hell is going on laura we're just holding it out in front of them out like a light it's a very classic keychain path chose i wonder what like what's the other option okay should we let him out though like should we starting to think you were really sick well maybe i should consider acting as my major i wouldn't go that far would you leave me in there go before he wakes up you're a werewolf i would tell you to leave me in there i mean i think it's just the smarter choice how does google win like the pull moves yeah i mean they're definitely gonna have to lock them up somewhere for the full moon exit maybe we should grab our staff we need silver ammo he must have some around here i'm shooting max no okay then i'm gonna take it back i'm shooting max i want to know how that lady ties into everything right it seems like random it seems like very different right now ooh he's got the keys i got the keys and the glock on my side interesting the whisper there's nobody in here what the [ __ ] he makes them what is it shotgun shells he loads him with silver that's where he was last month hunting what's up with the two hunters though i'm confused with that well i guess i won't be needing this anymore maybe they like know about it take matters into their own hands maybe we're free bro you're still werewolf joe uh you pick i don't know i mean not until chris is dead no max we're not free until chris hackett is dead that doesn't work we've got much time i know you're right but you have to kill a monofilament we'll celebrate when it's over we're going straight to hackett's quarry and we're ending this tonight is that when this is i think does she meet up with them tonight but he's not with him i know he's not with her he'd be a werewolf are they not gonna break up after this because they definitely should and i made my way here to camp left max at the island seemed like the best place for him surrounded by water oh that was him that's it that's the story actually at this eye patch though that's a little she's leaving something out and i'll jump in at the same time wait the island like like our island like the one in the lake yeah why because jacob he went back there looking for emma and he hasn't come back yet neither of them has oh [ __ ] they're not there now sure well if they were there they're not there now what's that supposed to be don't make me spell it out for you i've just come back from there and there's one werewolf and no people oh oh [ __ ] all i know is i have to do this i have to kill chris hackett before it's too late after you saw me at the pool after i shot chris i went back to the island expecting max to be back to normal oh he thought she thought it was chris but it was his daughter [Music] i think hi crap do you think she kills max i think she kills max why wouldn't she just keep him in the cage like what or like handcuff him to something or like i don't know i don't know if he explodes so i don't know if the hand goes first oh yeah sure yeah the cage seems like a way better bet like i don't think this dude's gonna kill him like the cop wouldn't just kill him max well also the cops in the cage max to be honest she made a bad move she's gonna lock them away max oh my god hold on okay oh my gosh oh my gosh give it back to me in a moment of terror actually when did she get that [Music] like oh thanks you broke my phone can they swim well they're scared of water so all she needs to do is run into water so they're actually big chilling if they're in the center so it makes sense why she did put him on the island but then like she should have maybe let everybody know like please [Music] so the werewolf i killed can't have been chris that wasn't a werewolf it was haley hackett chris's daughter whatever i shot that was no girl unless i i guess it turned back after i shot it when i went to the island wait so how come max didn't kill you then wait then shouldn't she be a werewolf she's gonna have to kill max i don't know i want to see where the bite is he tried i got away i need to end this we don't have much time wait so isn't she gonna have to kill max maybe you just have to kill or you just have to kill like the og one and then everyone that he i think what the heck is that [Music] so this is our new guest smell good donut go on take a bite dumb [ __ ] animal let me go let me [ __ ] go get your hands off me please let me go okay and he'll be ready to happen please please oh my god there's the gorilla oh oh is there is your money that you want cause like my dad's got buddy like lots of it are you i mean not really but you can get something probably please just let me go please i'm so sorry oh jesus christ got to pick him up by the neck right that's too bobby i can't tell if they're good or bad like i actually can right hey hey hey where are you going i mean they might just be trying to like get all these kids out of the way so then like they don't accidentally shoot a kid you know oh [ __ ] oh is that that might be chris and they hide them away so that nobody can go [Music] [Music] i'll find a way to fix this i'll bring abby back can you skip cutscenes because i'll replay this it's okay nosy little rat aren't you poking your nose where it doesn't belong don't believe everything you hear anyway here we are again let's see what you've brought me this time shall we chariot the chariot at the reins of a chariot we would all feel safe federal taking control determination to make our choices valiant can't skip cut scenes in some cases foolish many seek refuge and charity how am i going to get back to where we are but not kill abigail some cases they're not as safe as because i need to russia is going to divorce me no i literally am fine with it it's really hard to keep everybody alive it's fine i feel bad like i don't know why i actually feel bad like these games you can't but i feel bad when i played until dawn i killed somebody i feel bad though i mean yeah but that's that's what that's what it is maybe somebody has a save online i could use probably then you have to play up until this point in that save right yeah i mean i would just do that while we watch like a show or something she was nice she was nice well he said good andre feel bad if it was emma it'd be like whatever emma kind of deserved like a lot of the like or like the jacob guy i don't i literally would not care if he trend said that don't break the door down in the beginning by the way and you can save dylan's hand wow we're not actually married guys i just say divorce because it's funny um not like divorce is funny it could be funny i don't know let's hit see more it sounds more dramatic than we're gonna break up that helped nobody what was that seeing me a few more times before the night's over my favorite chocolate as long as you follow the road of course there you go you don't need to save abby you just need to get me bubble wrap we'll find a way to save her no it's okay you don't even need abby we just need a bubble waffle yeah but i feel bad i want chapter seven okay maybe we play this one out and then we're done for this one sure how many did you say there were ten yeah if we don't place one out we might oh we're on chapter eight yeah i would say either leave it now or where is chris hackett shut up oh my god okay wait let me let me let me test one thing yeah [Music] would die really yeah so if we didn't search the bag she would she would have been dead and then if i missed the button for that she also would have been dead oh my gosh um two hours wait let me just see give me a second guys uh this one here there's about two hours and change okay oh i think we wrap it up here i think so because you want it to still be like two hours yeah otherwise the third power would be too short and if i ended here and i'd finesse it somehow and try to get abby back um it'll take me less work so what you guys do i do right now is hit the like button the next part will be the last one yes hit the like button and then click the link in the description below show take two that you're interested in games like this i mean they'll sponsor more streams and then i get to play more walkthroughs of games you guys like and we could figure this all out together i think it's fun i love these games so click the link in the description below check out everything about the game um hit the like button if you want to see samara in the next part okay unless you don't want to see some air in the next part hit the like button right now guys if you want to see some air in the next part don't hit the like button i guess um make sure you subscribe with the bell and uh let me give a couple shout outs here we have faze victor victius landon rosales uh both who became members mia hawkins the platinum army uh king k yell locky plays hellraiser uh phantom luke taylor lizard13 all who became members thank you guys 69 dragon slayer thank you for that andre parish shout out to you as well appreciate that five months uh dragon slayer again thank you landon rosales monkey float thank you so much for the kind words can you do costumes tomorrow i think my customs tomorrow uh probably not but i'll definitely warn you guys ahead of time when i do customs uh blacks yt thank you for the five nathan bessman uh shout out to you as well um what the heck i don't know what this means is talking about you yeah i think it's the one that i think that's it it can't be that makes no sense nathan i have no idea what you're talking about bro if you want to clarify i'm not even going to read it but yeah isaac cortez thank you for that sam edwards typical gavin edwards shout out to you as well yes for that fire merch um [Music] shout out to gary the blue flashlight for 32 months um and thank you for the 10 too hey thank you blue flash it's all good brother appreciate you so much you didn't have to do that big shout out to your brother and uh thank you for support anything you need dude king k y'all thank you braylon owen shout out to you as well for the 50. you guys are the best youtuber person i love samara's decisions well big shout out to you appreciate your support and uh he likes your decisions thank you i try to make good decisions there you go caleb amy thank you brayden uh lantry abnormal minion david the trucker thank you tell us tomorrow said hi you hope you have a great day hello david batman thank you for that you said i'm batman of course you are dream doll thank you for the five batman thank you for becoming a member as well as manby and steven flynn with the nine months that's gonna be it for this one guys though uh there's gonna be one more part to this walkthrough so make sure you guys subscribe with the bell hit the like button if you want to see some air in the next one we're at 6.6k likes can we get 6.9 k likes in the stream everybody hit that like button and uh i also upload on tg play so go watch that new video but again big shout out to take two for sponsoring this stream as well and if you want to check out the game there's going to be a link in the description below go click that link show them that you guys like this game all right and then you can of course pick up the game there yourself you'd love to see it i love you all you guys are the greatest of all time and i'll see you guys later thanks for watching hope you're an awesome day and peace out
Channel: Typical Gamer
Views: 355,330
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n7dzzd93H74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 2sec (11522 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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