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your daily youtube live streams and more and today for you guys i'm here with my lovely girlfriend samara gosh this is crazy this is crazy how we're like so far apart but look at this look at this yeah what are you guys waiting for my camera looks way worse than your camera i gotta transition over that camera eventually but yeah this is so this is the quarry okay this is a really really cool game and um this this stream is sponsored by 2k so big shout out to them and uh we got a lot of things to talk about okay this is my 2k and super massive games the creators of until dawn which samara plays one of my honestly i don't like picking favorites but it might actually be my favorite game of all time the camera's there by the way it might actually be my favorite game of all time okay there you go so good so the quarry is an all-new teen horror narrative game where you where every one of your choices big or small shapes your story and determines who lives to tell the tale it also has an incredible hollywood cast okay the quarry is available on playstation 5 ps4 xbox series xs uh xbox one and windows pc via steam all right we're going to be doing the entire walkthrough i think samara will probably be here just for the first walk-through and then i'm going to be doing the entire walk-through on the channel so this is one of the games that i will be finishing guys and if you enjoy that i need you to hit the like button okay i need everybody to hit the like button okay look someone says mara i love your hair thank you samira's face looks like glass it's so shiny samara wears moisturizer your face glows like that in real life it's so beautiful honestly okay so uh you can click the link in the description below and it'll take you to where you can buy the game and then there's gonna be a new there's a new multiplayer mode for the quarry called wolf pack which will launch on july 8th where up to seven friends or invited players watch along and vote on key decisions creating a story shaped by the whole group so that's really really awesome and uh we're gonna be giving away five of co the codes for this game um during the stream so i'm gonna go ahead and give away one right now i'm just gonna go ahead and uh should i'm just gonna put on screen for a second yeah there you go look that's the code and around steam and you guys can get this game for free [Applause] there you go i'm gonna put um i don't know i guess i'll put a couple every hour so if you guys want the game here's the code if you guys redeem the code send me it on twitter i want to see it okay all right but without further ado let's jump into this we're doing couch co-op which means that uh we're gonna pass the controller and uh take control of different characters so one more thing that i want to mention i know some of you may be younger and that's totally cool this game has some mature themes it's rated 17 plus so there's gonna be some blood violence um adult themes it's a little scary then it's a little scary so if you guys are not old enough you don't gotta watch it all right or if you want to ask your parents i guess i think most of you are gonna be fine unless you're gonna be cool um but this is like an uh 17 plus game so just heads up on that one yeah i don't want anyone coming up to me later and being like they fed the f word in this stream like yeah they're going to say the f word in this stream okay they're going to i won't but but they will all right so that got that out of the way again big shout out to 2k for sponsored stream check out the link link in the description below and you want to get this started does it work oh boy wait how do i yeah okay wait wanna unplug this and replug it back in i want to make sure that the controller works yes very important it might work during the thing otherwise i mean we could use the mouse and keyboard yeah mouse and keyboard okay so let's do couch co-op yeah it's just passing oh is this pass the controller and play with friends but i guess this this can be like an experience you know so and and if you're wondering how some american here these are open-back headphones so they're actually quite loud yeah so it's american here i i boost them the match full volume so i will be able to hear even though i don't have headphones yeah there you go okay i can tilt the screen to you too so you don't have to lean all the way over here although i like close okay so let's do couch co-op oh okay so player one uh i get to choose a character so there is laura jacob abigail dylan ryan emma nick and caitlin dang there's a full cat okay and and while we're playing this i want you guys to pick a character in your head and just see what happens to your character by the end hopefully they'll be alive hopefully they'll be alive we'll try our best to keep everybody alive yeah okay who are you gonna pick i i'm gonna pick um i might pick abigail or [Music] they have like a like a little bit of a story thing there too we love that okay polite awkward impressionable i know who i'm picking okay caitlyn's like headstrong she's quick wit all positive things too that's good too yeah independent determined i think i'm gonna go with ryan okay okay i'm team ryan here so i'm gonna add my character all right and then for you who do you want um [Music] what are you thinking either okay either this chick or or or um the not her not her okay yeah either this chick okay let's see more comfortable on camera than off okay let's get it going here which one are you thinking okay next one next one next one oh okay let's see um you know what no keep going i'm gonna pick her she's gonna pick laura she's bag's packed and ready for adventure so he is independent and determined we love that all right okay we're good we're good we have our thing wait this randomly assigns a little character how do i start because i only see quickstart right um i think that's how you do it no i think probably okay let me just pick my character again okay all right and then you are i mean with these types of games you usually like it usually swaps between characters oh you have to pick all of them oh okay so how about i just get all the boys yeah sure you wanna do that okay um so i'll get all the boys jacob you're on my team all enough dylan because these types are usually like you usually get a chance to play everybody and nick yeah okay so then you are going to get the rest of the cast here or do you want some boys oh i just added a player whoops let me uh delete that player there we go so who do you want you you want all the girls yeah okay so you want all the girls yeah all right so whenever whenever a dude goes down that's your person okay do you want to venture into hackett's cory you guys ready for this okay we're gonna try to make them all survive right but it's just our decisions it's it's hard though it's hard okay definitely yeah okay so this is gonna be like a movie guys let's go ahead and jump into this let's hit play yeah let's see should we turn off the light we can turn off the lights oh shoot okay player two it starts with you yeah that's good turn all the way off let me see okay that's good that's good okay oh it starts with me okay so you get the mouse and keyboard here all right yeah ready you're ready okay so starting off with some air first it's quite exquisite the graphics are quite nice yeah there's a bunch of really known actors in this oh really this one too [Music] i'm excited to see who i think stewie from um i don't remember not from family i was gonna say from the other one i have okay but the greatest part here is i have no idea what's going on like i didn't read into it at all yeah no i just read the the me neither i already turned off copyright music and stuff they kind of gave me the lowdown on how to avoid any copyright issues so okay who's driving do you think it's one of my guys hopefully yeah i didn't even play until dawn so this is like the first time no you don't oh my god until dawn you should play it so good yeah no spoilers in chat we're going through this together okay okay grab the ready you can lean back you can chill i know i just wanna like i wanna like if i at the ready okay these games i don't know about this one but until dawn sometimes there's like the quick vision one if you don't hit like yeah there'd be like the quick ones the quick options and if you don't choose the first one die is this like a feral beast in the woods or what's going on it's miku do you need to meet him this is a nice drive you guys ever go driving in i like driving in a night yeah i don't know if i drive in this area at night but yeah this looks a little spooky route 919 june 24th laura oh no no uh internet why'd you kill the music i think you know why um i don't think i do okay it begins with it l what movie is he like lesbians lost max we're lost we're just we're in geographic flux right so lost that's debatable oh my gosh quick time event safety tip okay like the animation take a moment to consider the following as it will guide you through the various twists and turns that may appear during your stay at hackett's quarry what you see here are quicktime events or qtes okay which will help you to act at just them that's what i was talking about that's what i was talking about what you're saying you don't want me to lean with you it's a dangerous place if you're not paying attention i don't know this i gotta it okay take your eye off the ball and it could spell disaster the path you tread is yours to choose but that doesn't mean there won't be obstacles along the way you just full failed again i mean everybody probably oh just doing something up oh my gosh why did i panic freeze i don't know how many of you dropped it there and everyone dies because of it i'm man the roads are definitely getting worse out here i guess it's all part of the rustic summer camp experience oh right that's where we're going i lost track like 200 miles ago 200 miles ago huh you know what max is okay it doesn't make you any less of a man you know if columbus hadn't gotten lost and landed on these golden shores there would be no united states of america their faces are serviced apple pie columbus never actually landed in north america what are you talking about didn't even know he wasn't in asia are you serious just another guy who didn't want to admit he was lost well just another guy who's got a whole day named after him so put that in your pipe and smoke it i feel like this guy isn't in the character's oh pick leaflet or pick me up later in the map i think i'm at right now i think so okay voila the big choice yeah yeah no but seriously what happened to the the normal map this is the normal map the one on the phone look at the road no bars of course not my guys looks sleepy see so we are well i guess they don't put summer camps on maps have you seen any signs for it bro you good hey eyes on the road what the heck is that right right right oh my god were you gonna hit right if i didn't say anything no i like i panicked i was scared there's a lady in the car i know what was in the back seat i don't know a ghost lady that was barbara are you okay yeah yeah i mean still in one piece jesus christ what do you think that was a bear what no she's like no max are you stupid it was a person oh are you serious this would be the worst situation i'd ever be in i don't know i mean it was really close like really close but maybe we didn't i don't know if they hit it the game would be over like the demon's dead earlier was one of mac's traits being dumb um what is it he's not even in one of the characters so i think he gets i think ah okay i just hit my knee oh the ghost just hit me oh maybe it looks worse than it is uh i should check out the damage before we try to start it up again huh could you grab my uh the toolbox he's gonna die he's gonna oh no he's gonna die he's gonna die when we put the trunk down he's gonna die he's so dead he's so dead he's so dead so dead so dead we're never seeing him again can we get a preemptive rip for max oh you have to walk around wait what go help him out help him out you got to help him out you see us yeah it's not so bad your mom's gonna kill me no this ghost is gonna kill you what the heck you gonna go explore the words of the wood sphere wow the graphics are nuts this is like a movie hi this is me hello stream oh yeah it's a it's a wheel you have to i think no maybe i don't know do a loop to loop around the car oh oh there we go tutorial unlocked interrupts cue to view hit queue interrupts click on it i feel like we should know this right do you know what it interrupts at certain times throughout the night opportunities will present themselves giving you the chance to take matters into your own hands it is worth noting that they are only suggestions you don't have to act upon that okay oh my god in fact sometimes it's better not to shoot all right it's mary well good luck with that um hit back escape you can use okay oh oh you you don't have to sneeze oh no thank you for interest oh max's see he is dumb he's dead because we snooped in hey max we know you're dumb and now you're dead do you need a hand yeah actually if you could just shine a light right here here you go perfect thank you the sooner we get out of here the better just picture yourself curling up in front of a big old fire pit singing campfire sing-alongs i don't think people curl up right in front of big old fire pits why not uh they don't want to catch on fire then picture yourself going up in front of them something is breathing behind that tree i don't want to walk anywhere oh oh oh oh are you moving the light or no all right you didn't see that maybe let's just get in the car and like lock the doors where are you going just over here just stay there for a second okay i'm almost done fine are you my boss complain i'm gonna say hurry up okay stick together is good yeah i think he's dead if you leave him hurry up what's going on i'm worried that there's somebody down there are you serious yeah that they could be hard to beat i didn't think we actually hit anything well i don't know i just i heard something okay like a woman do you think we hit her no she just crazy you want to check it out okay all right just don't go too far okay be careful i feel like holding my elbow or your elbow this is so creepy this is like an extra long movie that you can play that's what i like about these games and everybody can die would you i feel like i wouldn't let you do this right would you let me go off into the woods by myself no i'd call out be like is anyone there like yeah make a noise but i mean she's like oh no oh no she's an independent woman i think i don't oh what's that oh no oh a room special sideshow spectacular you can press q to view ooh this is a poster for a traveling sideshow looks like it's been here a while left forgotten in the woods are those burn marks around the edges what happens if you hit the question mark anything no can you spin it around or something okay all right well that's um a little creepy that's weird uh what's going on so you got the little poster there that's good i feel like i should be walking [Music] but maybe like it's closer to your boy how am i supposed to get back like i don't even know where there's a little cutscene i didn't like it oh i do i just keep leave max max is gone why would you go this far laura why would you go this far laura i think i can i think i have to go back i mean you're too far gone now max is screwed oh my gosh oh silas i don't know i'm just gonna keep walking i run oh i can pick up the pace a little bit i feel like i feel like even with a phone it would be really hard to see at night here yeah the pitch dark forest he looks a little scared i'm a little scared that'd be scary you run into a bear or something [Music] oh me where are you i think that's an iphone 13 pro max max is gonna be full dead when she goes back oh dodge it down imagine you just what would happen if i hit the branch and just like boom i wish i got my controller to work the five years what's wrong is all right holy [ __ ] talk to you what's going on what's going on there's something out there like i was there was noises all around me honey take a breath it's okay it's the woods there's a lot of stuff out there there's animals it's easy to freak yourself out [Music] can we just leave it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's go got in the car before like she was present there we go burn like a kid max come on here we go here we go we're getting out of here oh no max i just okay give me a minute give me a minute we've got to go matt you're not helping right now can you just i am trying to get us out of here all right enough [ __ ] i'm sorry honey i'm sorry not time to have an argument guys okay it's okay i guess that's what most arguments happen oh yeah you would be yelling at me right now i would tamara would just be straight up yelling really we're gonna be okay oh [ __ ] oh my god my heart just exploded all right is that like a little roll it down huh hi officer how are you doing this evening are either of you injured really we're fine we're just a little shaken up mm-hmm is he a real officer-in-law right bro well you folks want to tell me what happened here hath chosen hey cute that guy's creepy right i don't trust him for a minute no he's getting on his neck twists and turns could be from shaving hands and unexplored with each step taken you tread a path of your own matched with its very own consequences there will be moments throughout your stay that show you that the choices you've made the pantheon could have gone another way at hackett's quarry there's no such thing as the wrong way but be warned some paths are more dangerous than others that's funny like the path that looks good is sometimes the worst right okay cops people are saying cop is the imposter yeah he looks real size we swerved off something jumped out i'm gonna be honest we um something jumped out right in front of the car and we didn't want to hit it so we swerved and you know here we are it's good something jumped out he's so creepy i'm sorry it was so dark and it happened so fast and they were gone they they ma'am did you hit someone no no god no of course not you know i mean i don't think so i don't know sir keep the car running sir you made him anxious you made him anxious is this kind of like the all-time scariest [ __ ] i don't know this is my first cop what like ever uh yeah i'm not a criminal she's just a material girl [Music] oh he hits a winch i'm trying to trust him a little more homie has a witch like how did they hear him come in right maybe because they were revving their car now you folks want to tell me just what in the hell you are doing all the way out here this late at night i honestly don't know dismissive taking the site so we're heading we're heading up to hackett's core summer camp okay we're new counselors you're one night early no no we know um but we figured we'd get in early and scope it out you know i mean they know we're coming we called ahead and to be honest sir one of us kind of oversold their navigation skills and got us completely lost cop looks like he's going through it you're not going to make it to heck it's quarry not tonight oh it's the nearest place you can bunk up there for the night okay definitely have fun i think we're just gonna stick to the plan sir i mean mr hackett knows we're coming and we called ahead no ma'am you're gonna head to the harbinger motel do you understand what do you think i mean why not the quarry what's up should we be insistent yeah i think i think like they'll do respect sir why can't we go to hack it's corey because i told you to go to the motel i hope in the case here sir okay i just don't understand what the problem ma'am please step out of the vehicle officer she didn't do anything ma'am if you wouldn't mind stepping by the vehicle it's your character okay starts beating us up for sure son remain in the vehicle bro are we gonna get shot i'm scared okay why is he so on edge okay so we are right about here why is he so weird andrew motel is here right okay and where was hackett's corey again well i'm sure the fine folks at the harbinger motel can guide you there first thing in the morning all right guess we stay in the hotel yes so harbinger motel stay on the road is that their slogan what if there's someone out there yeah i'll have a look good night the blood on his neck is sauce right but i've also had blood in my neck from shaving but that doesn't look like a rash like that's just like a little splatter of blood like if it's a shaving thing like your skin's kind of red that was like just blood okay i mean there's a reason he's saying go to the motel what is the reason is he trying to take us down or is he trying to like does he know this area is like haunted or something that guy was giving me major weirdos they do needed like at least a dozen shows oh my god i know what was up with the thing did you see this what is it blood nice to meet you how old are they this would be like teens like 16. i think like yeah they're teenagers all right let's get back on the road yes i think i've had enough woodland encounters for one nate thank you very much i agree so where's this motel okay so we're here and the motel is here okay but we're going here what's there heck it's corey how'd you do that i don't know it kind of tricked him into showing up very slick are you sure we shouldn't just get to the motel just listen to this guy's advice honey you really want to listen to the advice of some creep ass cop who told us in the middle of the creep ass i don't want to trust him a little bit right i know like he might know something we don't let's hit the roadshow would you guys go to the quarry or the motel oh my god if he called me ma'am one more time i was gonna shove that badge up his dick seriously do i look like a man to you i've got like 20 years before i'm a male mm-hmm what 20 is debatable i mean i'm kind of into mams okay we're done here we're kind of in you guys would go to the motel yeah i think i would go to the motel too honestly can we go like just get off the road did we just like lose laura and this dude because of this you got to be kidding me there's nobody here we drive all the way the [ __ ] out here can we just look around before we jump to conclusions did you actually even talk to mr hackett or did you just leave a message what's the difference this this is laura hello i guess he doesn't check his voicemail how was i supposed to know that i just look at the chat someone said clearly there's somebody no the motel's a bad idea and then someone said if you go to corey it's really bad which one is it i'll get the car next come on max don't be a dick i'm sorry i'm sorry he's dead right there that's his dying spot nope oh let me go inside is anybody home no spoilers chat no spoilers oh look through a window or something is max driving away um you just like got the car on oh okay i thought he was gonna like leave us oh this one no looking through if you get close to each window does it do that like that one there can you look at it or not i like how you can see in now yeah [Music] you do that on the uh the windows on the right hand side that you tried before that one maybe just keep going try is there like a gate here or something we have to go down the steps then and like look around the house yeah okay i mean the lights are on so that's a good sign yeah i know right downstairs yeah maybe somebody's here oh what the heck is that what is that i don't like that either by the way chat as oh there's something there too um do you guys like the double face cams i like it it's kind of fun tree walk tree house oh that's cool it's like a fun area right i want to go to summer camp yeah i'm gonna go to the quarry chat how many of you guys are going to summer camp this summer yes fun what doesn't kill you will make you stronger fun laura there's no one here come on just give me one more minute okay i mean what is that i would not walk up to that like a slanted leg okay it has a lock on it yeah [Music] uh hey hey are you okay i'll be right back i'm gonna get some help graphics on her eye are so good by the way i'm sorry if i saw someone crouched over eating right i might leave no clothes on like um max get over here what's going on maybe leave them alone bunker i think they might be stuck i don't know just bring some tools so we can break the law no don't do that whatever you can don't we're gonna get you out of there i might have to do it quickly hey wait what are these i don't know you just said tools why didn't you just bring look there's someone in there um i'm not seeing anyone what no look i'm looking i am let me see [Music] hey the graphics on her eye didn't there was definitely someone there okay okay so oh take the hammer dig through maybe the hammer the hammer will definitely do more damage yeah i don't know the wrenches would probably like wait wrenches i only see one yeah i don't know what do you think a hammer the hammer yeah the wrench could like open stuff though that the hammer couldn't like cut a lock or something maybe the wrench i don't know i mean i think they're both good emma you think i don't know wrenches makes me think that each of them are going to get one and that's better than one person having one syringes go wrenches okay yes are you sure see there's two so they do have them okay okay you're confident confident confident yeah saw it online okay that's nice a brother-wise hammer would have been one one person wait i don't know she's like double timing it i don't know what you can do okay oh it was just to open the law you need a hand yeah we know this dude's gonna die like he has to die right again if you guys want to check it out and get this game for yourself link in the description below and uh i'm going to give away another code right now for the game full copy of the game guys uh big shout out to 2k they provided the codes for these and again show them some love click the link in the description below yes and let's go ahead and post another code you guys ready for it you guys got to be quick if you guys redeem it send me a picture on twitter kinda sounds similar three two one oh massive great timing redeem it redeemer we got three more codes after this three more so make sure you watch this whole stream you can get a free copy of this game uh but go check out more information link in the description below all right it's enough time yeah the screenshot alright alright there you go all right you've seen the evil dead right hello what is this are you hurt do you exist this guy's very like doesn't believe anything she says you would have to would you believe me if i said i saw like a person you would have to yeah why he's like be careful and he sits down bro hey he's kind of useless uh that's pure bait something's gonna happen go for it pick it up a dog's name i need to call her you can view it looks too big for a dog oh i don't like that human wearing a dog collar don't max max dead um can we go back to see like hon maybe it was a possum or something no there was he's dead we're right here this is where he does i swear hey been kind of a night you know let's just get to the motel we can come back here first thing in the morning we can check everything out to the motel let's just pan out exhausted i know i am i think our imagination oh my god max max just want to stay at the hotel next guess what help i think i'm bleeding a lot where does he i mean samara i mean do what you think do what you think you leave him somewhere that's so messed up like honestly he wasn't helping all first and foremost he didn't believe me second and foremost third third and foremost he was kind of dumb and like you know it's not going anywhere i'm gonna cut my loss is that a cop does this look like the goddamn harbinger motel to you the cop was the imposter oh my goodness apparently the same thing happens if you help him i think yeah i mean the fact that we couldn't pick him like you kind of know he's probably not gonna last too long none of this would have happened if you went to the hotel right they should have just gone to the motel well i mean that was our choice no there wasn't an option is it a choice no you're just saying it's a choice i think no there was no choice okay that's probably how the game starts i mean wait how do the other camp counselors come through like i guess i guess the cop hides everything i guess so then they start coming like over the next day samara's first major choice was leaving max to die this playthrough is going to be a lot of fun what is this oh my gosh so oh is this the dude is the cop bad or does he just know there's like something evil there and he like oh my friend oh they do this lady for it we are friends aren't we i've waited for you i've waited yes so it's not the dude no time to get there enlightening there's no need to worry the mocap is insane right i think it looks like a movie as your guide into the unknown it's exciting yes and terrifying she looks like she's on the verge of death you're like you're brave enough is the cop good or no like me the cop just shot max in cold blood you're like me good but like you didn't find anything and so i've nothing to show you you need to look harder the cards are out there if you don't help me how can i help you we're supposed to be friends you said so yourself search harder she's on the border of life and death yeah there are secrets out there you know secrets and lies paths to uncover on which i can shed light if you let me i thought he was putting max out of his misery because he knows yeah he might have been and remember it's like a zombie type thing that doesn't kill you will make you stronger so okay so we got eight camp counselors yeah and we gotta try to make them all survive yes is that even possible it is possible i'm sure oh oh it's me all right all right i'm gonna go take me in take me all right wait you're in the other room what are you talking about ah you have the longest arm look how long you're oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] you're gonna grab what the drink okay go are we getting ourselves massages it's not seven now max wasn't part of them no yeah okay yeah fair enough no nodey okay it's all right you're here now right you're here now all right this is this is this is fun this has been a lot of fun so far let's keep it going what do you guys think am i gonna you guys are gonna i don't know if you guys are gonna like my decisions i'm gonna be honest samara will be back in a minute bro look how clear this face cam is look i should start using this one right like 100 like compared to this one trash this one so good look at it look at it oh my gosh bro 100 yeah as she ran away she should have mentioned how he got rejected from college i like that well lee said he would have left me too okay well all right can i get this started all right i am jacob look at jacob looks like he he's in he's in like he's a bodybuilder you know yeah all right here we go excuse me hackett's quarry forever that's a good uh chapter one no bad bad that looks pretty beautiful i mean nobody knows that some dude got shot here like a couple hours ago right these kids better hope samara isn't on the control when their lives are on the line oh it's open ladies piece of love see you later kids yeah heck it's quiet forever see you later kids wait summer camp done you know how many hearts are broken in the last day if so yeah it's like a romantic apocalypse yeah i think it is done yeah they'll get over it you never know i'll get over it yeah well i mean they're just kids you know they'll get over it uh-huh like they'll get over emma what that's not the same thing oh so that's not why you're in a bad mood i'm not in a bat you know what we had her last night together and we're cool oh yeah so cool that you're never gonna see your special little boo-boo bear ever again she's pretty hearing that oh come on dude the cabin walls are made of band-aids and rat turds okay i get it so wait is laura just like he's been stuffed and locked last night i mean apparently somewhere okay this is um you've heard of spatial awareness before right special awareness is for nerds uh be a lamb and grab the last couple of bags boy yes boss say hi to emma for me you're a bad person yes i am i feel like you got to like you got to be good at tetris to like really organize your car i mean this place looks pretty cool this underground part is very interesting oh this guy that i was gonna pick if i could pick one character only this was my guy right here according to reports from the local paper look at his shoes i like his shoes what are you uh what are you listening to good to know okay can i can i look at this real quick i just want to see if i see any blood wait there's no lock on it or anything no you can't but there's no lock on it how about if i talk to him again oh i can talk to him again hello whatever man you think i just keep doing it until he answers he died does the game work like that sometimes oh my gosh i like how it just shows her face like real big hello yeah this dude hard just just ignoring him he's listening to the weather by the way yeah just listening to the weather all right i gotta go inside and i gotta um get the bags talk to my girl you know this card has been here forever at least we finally get to see inside all right all right jesus christ who keeps locking this door hey hey are you guys gonna help with the bags or what oh um you know i was actually just working on fixing uh the door it's broken cool thanks guys [ __ ] bolted it really who would have thought okay i'm thinking this side is still gonna be like blocked but is there stuff you can like collect in this game or what i need i mean there's things that you could definitely like you know when you notice something and then it shows up in your thing 1953 wow anyone in chat from 1953 still going strong nearly 70 years on holy wait 1953 oh you got to be like set i guarantee there's nobody from 19 born 1953 in chat 1953 you'd only have to be a light like 69 years old right oh wow i just no wait wait yeah yeah 69 years old nine years old apparently everyone's 69 in chat i'm 69 no you're not someone said you have to be 69. nice skill your grandma's here nice all right so we're in the library of some sort ugh horror i hate horror you hate horror well this is going to get so much worse for you can i grab it after or oh blood castle elia sparks slaughter by sunrise jose rodriguez very interesting slaughter by sunrise i feel like oh oh hey yo hey yo nothing here nothing here looking around big bear oh there's some insignias on the wall some there's a lot here what the heck i feel like there's so much to explore there's a giant bear they kind of want you to go for is this food keep out counselors only okay you know i thought i was a counselor i really did this homie's looking a little sad okay really dude locking me out okay in my defense a it was dylan's idea and [Music] two it's british said idea oh yeah right is that is that right i don't write the rules man okay whatever look you can help me with the bags or what no i gotta stay here and wait for mr h to return our cell phone sorry jesus christ okay and why are the stairs blocked well apparently it's to keep raccoons and other pesky varmints from ransacking the place mr h's words are not mine oh boring i feel like raccoons could jump over that fairly easily i i feel like that wouldn't be a difficult feat i feel like there's something more devious at hand here this is the darkest hallway of my life all right it's just pure darkness they gave their cell phones someone l idea yeah it's a definitely risky business what's near is that you dylan i can only deal with one [ __ ] at a time jacob oh my gosh it's actually pretty funny come on bobby let's go yeah i mean maybe he's just unlikable right like they like locked him out of the house they like poor guy they haven't been very kind to them no the other one made fun of them [Music] okay so this is where people eat i've actually never have you been to summer camp i have not i always wanted to go really yes i thought it would be very fun fair enough oh that's where the bags are i'm always scared i didn't explore enough not after this i feel like the time for summer camp as an adult is pretty much over there all right probably get the bags great all by yourself huh yep i guess you have to get used to that oh my god you are so mean at least i'm honest oh okay here we go okay you're not telling me the whole truth about you and emma are you son are you son what about you oh okay so now i'm the one who's not taught in the whole story huh oh well this is the bait i just gotta take jake oh sorry i just got so distracted about that rhyme i forgot what we were oh no no uh you were telling me how you totally have the thing for ryan wait are we talking about ryan the sailing instructor with the sexy brooding loner thing that totally doesn't do anything for me at all sexy okay sure look it was all settled by the girls in bunk seven like second day of camp it goes ryan me of course then dylan emma abby okay nick and then mr h uh okay are you almost finished please yep that's it that's everyone you're so mean to him so she really just dumped her ass huh i don't okay her whole thing is like how are we gonna make this work different schools blah blah blah my whole thing is like you know maybe long distance blah blah blah blah blah and she was just like hey dude we were long distance dude we were long distance yeah do not pass yeah look at this this man just got you wrapped all the way around that dainty little finger how does she do it close distance maybe i like it brave and it would be brave oh but i mean seriously come on she's right it's just like a stupid summer fling what else did i think was gonna happen uh let's see uh love stability engagement marriage house kid affair kid divorce loneliness child support visitation lawsuit surprise who hurts you lady emptiness retirement grandkid grandkid grandkid a nursing home and finally dying in each other's arms and then being buried in each other's arms like those thousand-year-old skeletons they dug up in rome or something that's pompeii oh [ __ ] i'm sorry that was ryan and me uh let me see ah here it is yours just says roadhead oh actually that's just a generic all men list oh oh it seems legit all right okay so are we sure caitlyn isn't buying it wasn't trying to tell her on anything look it better be one more night in the great outdoors might actually kill me hey what doesn't kill you will make you stronger well i haven't killed you yet and you're still pretty pathetic stop being mean to him right he's lifting that trunk up with one arm that that hood uh okay so um so strong totally not hard if i was like a huge [ __ ] and i wanted to break down the van so we'd have to spend another night here uh what exactly would i need to do well you'd probably break the fuel line or i don't know rip out the rotor arm and yes that would make you a total [ __ ] okay and what does a rotor arm look like again it's like a arm that's all rotary you know it's under the little black dome with the leads poking out jake you do realize that even if we somehow did get stuck out here one more night with emma wouldn't make a difference i might kill him tricks made it right yeah sure okay i'm going to hate him now if he rips at the rotary we'll just have to find out bro homie homie oh no no i have to pick one break the fuel line or steal the rotary arm i feel like breaking something is harder to repair it yeah so if i steal the rotary arm yeah then you'll still have it you can put it back i would have done none of these i can't believe you're getting us all killed i didn't do anything come on with me buddy i'll put you right back tomorrow no harm no foul homie's really going for the hail mary huh right up here my dudes why did they look like they're up to something hey jacob what no dude please oh nick bro yeah i can't catch come on now boom oh there it is oh man good side freak homie oh oh me i wish i had some singles freaks oh me surrounded by freaks why is he doing that to his phone god i'm gonna get the whole new technology thing but take me back this is a pretty terrible thing to do yeah that is charged up our phones like a little bit nothing's ever your fault is it you know you should really just she's tiny she's like three feet tall of course is being dumped an emergency oh man i might kill that guy off honestly uh okay well at least i had a relationship this summer oh damn now we burn yeah well maybe not everyone is looking for a hook okay okay let's all put our little dicks away get this show on the road huh where's everybody else why why would i know that um sometimes you know stuff i don't yeah i don't i don't even know how to respond to that you say nick you're way smarter than me and you're a super hot star who gets any cheeky ones okay yeah keep german junior oh my gosh holy yeah he's down bad i mean if he's the type dude to pull out the rotary arm he might be the type of dude that i wouldn't want to hang out with you know so like he's sabotaging everybody else just so that he can do you want to wear the headphones for when it's yours so you can hear better i can still hear just like if you're the one majorly playing here all right wow i can hear you talking really well through here yeah here's your open back you should move over a little more though i just don't want the headphones you're good you're good yep all right ladies and gentlemen time to kill everybody i mean wait actually you know what time it is what after you hit pause because it is time to give away another code ladies and gentlemen type hype and chat if you want me to drop a code for the game right now we've given away two codes so far courtesy of 2k games and we're about to give a third one out of five all right so let's get some hype in chat come on come on come on come on come on look at chat blowing up blowing up the quarry baby the quarry count us down samara three two one boom all right that is the next one right there and um one of you like luckily like three of you now are gonna take the game home for free tweet us a picture if you you are the person who redeems it i wanna see okay um but let's go ahead and continue the storyline here go let's ahead into it i am an artist is she an artist i mean she's drawing hey there party bear oh my god it's perfectly fine we are officially empty nesters high five up top is this the girl who he was a high fiver up oh my gosh well you gotta focus you're about to get your phone back aren't you let's go collect our bags and away from this mosquito i hate mosquitoes i hate mosquitoes inside they suck me yep basically taught us what we have to do here find someone with a key shape our destiny then by shape our destiny i mean shape our way through this crappy lock and grab our bags um should we leave our bags or break in you choose i'm gonna break in okay let's do it we better not get in trouble i won't tell if you won't tell mr hackett's gonna find out so what he'll just think it was a bear or something have you ever seen a bear in these woods no but that doesn't mean they're not out there fair point all right let's do this one three mr hackett one two three uh that's like owner of it i know but we haven't seen him yet oh you chose a path without the power i know i broke in i have positive thinking yeah it's like a better listen to it because i'm always right might be helpful later are you sure they're gonna think it was a bear oh my god relax i'm just proud of you killed someone hey all right well i'm just gonna take another look around make sure we didn't miss anything that's me whenever we leave hotels looks fun though like it does oh three show goes up in flames this place be in the news oh you view it a scrap from a local newspaper the north kill gazette it doesn't look recent something about a fire was it here at hackie story i think that's what happens like a freak show goes on fire and then like yeah some of them stay or something i don't know just check the other bunks probably can't believe i'm actually gonna miss all those lumpy loose springs huh this was little izzy's what the frick is terrifying i wanna play a game is that hers like it's sentimental it says it was little izzy's like i don't know who that is was it somebody at camp i don't know i don't know either should i leave it because it looks creepy i don't know or keep it like can i keep it and give it back to her no i mean if i can't give it back to her yeah you can probably just stay here you creepy little thing half updated that changed the path apparently but like path updated doesn't necessarily mean like like it's a massive change it just means like it's a change it's a change like there might be one decision that makes sense or like maybe if we leave that thing it gets haunted and attacks us and we have to fight it off or something you know right the same i don't know the graphics are nuts right what did she say like i don't know she just took her bag you go over there i like her little backpack right she got some dirt on her arm i think that's in tattoo oh never mind oh there's a crow are you inside oh yeah there's a little thing it's a big ac unit this is where probably the big guy lives wait what the heck is she doing it's gonna be weird not waking up to dylan's morning announcements okay well it's good we know where this place is we need to make an announcement or something yeah hey hold up i'm just gonna open up the stream for a second just watch that back hey you can go you can keep going i'll pause it for you my gosh there is there's like a face what the heck creepy that's so creepy can you kill the bird for loot or no crap yeah it's got like purple or gold dude i think yeah just gotta focus up yeah some tires they're great for the environment just explore just explore okay view evidence view evidence hurry unlocked very lush so jacob hasn't seen this oh i didn't know i didn't hear your thing sorry q an empty vial with an unpleasant odor click on it i feel like you shouldn't like smell random things you know i feel like if you find a random vial like chad if any of you guys find something like that like don't smell it i don't know i'd smell it it's a fart no jar someone just said in chat you can go to each cabin oh san francisco oh it's one of these songs they're cute they're cute it just tells you like what the sign is well i wanna know okay i wanna know okay okay all right where should we go that building to the left the left yeah i actually don't know if that building will do that oh this is a pool that actually looks really fun i want to go i feel like the door is like blacked out like this i don't think you can go to it can you go to the pool from here though like on that ledge but you already found some clues i'm curious go to one cabin just check one cabin see if you can go i think you're good i think you're good how about the building you came from is there like a basement or something to it just look back at it building it came from a big one yeah okay me there was one at that uh is that a golf cart looks like it ready to roll are you ready to roll yeah i guess so unless you want to go exploring finally so are they pals seems like it time to let loose and the moose this caboose excuse me how are you so dramatic annoying confident it's just acting that's what the people want so you're faking it i mean in a way faking it is just being yourself but louder you should try it sometime you never know who you might impress no it's too late now anyway for what you and nick you never know unless you put yourself out like i'm sure okay so that's not going to kill them can character if i wanted to put myself out there what if he ends up being a dud i was playing until dawn i think i remember that's how i killed somebody i forgot i'm sweet okay then watch you couldn't summer fling we're going to school like four states away he gets it yeah sure but that's us you and nick where he's at the scene when do you get his handle hit him up oh i already have his email it was in the fact that they gave to us on the first day email are you 93. what's wrong with email i'm really going to miss you abby oh hold up oh but the lodge is that way go right here why come on scenic route one last victory lap around the camp would you pick chat i don't know you want to wear these you can wear them you wear them no they kind of answer your head a little bit they eat your head yes i'm wearing headphones like you can't rock my headphones they like hurt my ears i want to see the scenic okay i mean seen a crowd but like if we die um you know sure what's the victory two months no technology i kind of thought it was nice to be offline ugh i didn't all he ruins my subscribers you're dead you know what i actually believe you abby was that a compliment your charm is infectious what can i say i'd subscribe with the bell or not as soon as you get home sub share smash that like button oh my god okay well now i'm really regretting it i felt like that was a personal attack my favorite spot the fire pit the island mad secluded right is is that smoke uh should we tell someone um it looks pretty contained it's probably just mr age burning some stuff before you know he closes camp for the summer yeah speaking of which we should we should probably you know get back oh yeah worried nick's you know gonna leave without you well no they're probably like all waiting for us um everyone's waiting for us everyone yeah nick waiting for you all everyone we get it she likes nick okay so we s ugh [Music] dylan put me in big d big d on the track let's go big d baby let's get a big d in chat it's 401. jacob i got you i got a full tank of gas so oh [ __ ] me [Music] oh idiot does nobody own phone chargers anymore there's no signal out here anyways dude okay this place is like patchy's balls your balls are patchy what no it's okay i'll just go get some juice from mr h before we go and yo uh you you say it like that hey nick hey where were you guys oh the british would you like to know yes i knew ignore her please why you said he's like where are you guys just got to get these bags up on to the oh hey hey here let me um let me get it for you i can take care of my own bag thank you because i mean it's really not that big she can take care of her own bag take care of her own bag thank you hey cool poor guy rough out here for him monday oh shoot goodness gracious uh abby do you need yeah can i somebody redeemed the code i just want to say thank you got distracted at least it wasn't a life or death situation dude just dies imagine like how she's like we can do our own bags and then guys she's like you guys like do you help me yep hey has anyone seen ryan oh yeah he's probably off being all brooding and mysterious and alluring somewhere i'm here what were you doing under there having a little knee part oh i was listening to a podcast actually he's got the deepest voice right podcast nice that's cool what's it about protective i want to be friendly yeah what's it about is it about me you think i was listening to a protest about you okay if anyone you got a podcast about them it'd be me yeah if there was a podcast called how to look and smell like a butt oh my god you are so childish look and smell like a butt no it's it's a paranormal podcast this episode is actually the live the longest it's gonna be most resourceful the hack is corey the who of the what's it where now what's the hag of heck it's corey she don't know about the hack of hackett's quarry uh if i did would i be asking dumbass tell her about the hack of hackett's quarry uh i don't think she wants to know about the hacker hackathon just please stop saying the hag of hackett's quarry it's just this campfire story for the kids it's um they're supposedly an old woman who died in a fire a few years back she haunts the woods looking for a lost baby boy there are like reports of whispers or whatever and then this figure that floats around you know textbook ghost stuff some people say that if she catches you alone she'll try to turn you into her son um okay or something i don't know i don't like that clear anyways haggai gets corey give me that up right here in the podcast man cool story bro i don't like that guy either which one seriously though you should have seen the first time you told the story to the kids at the campfire they were scarred for life i mean not for life you got to be careful with this stuff man this shit's true come on do [ __ ] what's the holdup hack of tears hey yeah you're done mr h drop to it get those butts in gear sorry mr h we had to liberate some luggage shut up maybe if somebody didn't spend so much time trying to press the ladies ball as ghost stories you asked ghost stories the hag of hackett's quarry hey you still have the van key mr h well yes i do you know i'd lose my head if it wasn't stuck on back to the office i go give me a hand would you ryan i think homie got stung by a bee i'm not gonna lie right yeah you're straight what's up dj dylan chance i could get a little charge i wanna have some tunes for the road no can do should i be annoyed come on sure come on that's like super unchecked hey dude i'm like the chillest flippin bro in the whole world man i just need some tunes for the ride man all right that's enough five minutes like five minutes that's all i need man you said no dylan okay yeah i know but i was just running through the video okay i think it's all been negative when we have the little things that pop up right gosh darn it i got to put my hand on the keyboard i can see how you oh it's me again oh now we get to play as ryan the bigger iron chris i'm actually glad we got a moment to talk about uh uh oh i'm not fired am i no that's um it's just you know about the whole thing with the hold that thought partner i'm gonna have to take this oh yeah okay oh sorry hello though they're almost out of here all right you're cutting it pretty close just hold your damn horses all right everything's a-okay on this end bobby and i are geared up if he's in the area this is a waste of time you know what i know it no should i have he's gone quiet probably staying out of the way speaking of which the longer you keep me on this damn phone the longer it's gonna take me to get rid of these damn kids yeah of course adios sorry i wasn't i wasn't listening i i was just like waiting like i mean i heard i i mean i was i didn't hear what you were we're cool champ just come on it sorry i pushed you out like that couldn't you hear when to walk away from the wait he like hung up the phone uh you need a hand looking for the keys no end of summer busy busy you know anyway you were asking me oh yeah yeah it was just the whole animation school thing what you thought i should do right you know listen whether or not i should like leave my sister with my grandparents since i'd have to live on campus you know my mom's not exactly around so i wouldn't want to leave sarah on her own you know our family's small enough as it is well family is important ryan dang it he's like homie you're not really helping right i feel like i'm gonna lose some brownie points if i go frustrated or should i be like this is important to me i mean if you don't concern them you'll find out if everything's okay okay yeah let's do that is everything okay you got a hot date tonight oh boy if you only knew so uh he's like uh are we gonna die you need me for you're one of my favorite counselors ryan you know that one of the good ones but do you know how many calls i get from parents letter after letter with these terrified kids that they send home hmm i i didn't realize that believe it or not scaring kids away from sleep away can't it's kind of bad for business so maybe just ease up on the ghost stories we apologize i didn't realize it was such a big deal gotta understand the repercussions of your actions buster it's a big part of being a counselor a leader yeah just stick to kumbaya next time okay what's that you guys don't do kumbaya anymore good grief i'm outgrowing my own cliches seriously chris what's going on i just want to get you guys safely out of dodge before the sun goes down homie already messed up the car so yeah why why it's getting dark ryan and it's not safe to drive in the dark and safety is the first step towards fun just give me a minute we're in the good goddamn are they will you say goodbye to caleb and kaylee for me he sort of just snuck off well you'll see him again next year caleb works at the scrap yard during the off season and kaylee well she's still figuring out what she wants to do she's got her whole life i thought it was way too realistic they both just come and go as they please really teenagers am i right i actually could have used the help packing up since we were short staffed hey you guys seemed to manage all right but i'll tell them both you were sad you missed them unlocked at the van put the keys in my pocket came in the office there you go let's skedaddle we already know when it gets nighttime this game is going to get messed up oh yeah like real messed up i feel like sure they're all ready to go for real decisions things are getting messed up really soon wait how did you get your phone back before the rest of it i never turned it in hey you should have turned it off before you handed it in dylan them's the rules you noob you knew i try not to dwell on the past man good cause it's time to dwell on the minivan get on with our respective lives move it let's go what's the problem ah dude i don't know i i think there's something wrong with the engine mr h yeah you can see that yeah dude it's just like kaput all right let me try what dude i'm telling you all right it's busted well maybe you're doing it maybe you're doing it wrong i don't like this guy the [ __ ] dude enough enough both of you [ __ ] come on no i'm gonna get that guy killed on purpose damn it i thought i told you kids to check everything we did it it should be working yeah well coulda and shoulda doesn't mean it is does it damn it strange getting mad uh oh okay okay look it's not that big of a deal okay we'll just spend one more night here no no just stop let me think he's back right dude honestly if anybody okay damn it you're right you're right yeah what yeah you're right what happened to you missed that like hey brian come here for a sec make sure that everybody is inside though he's out tonight lock the doors no one in no one out no one got it okay i'll be back first thing in the morning and we'll get you all on the road you just have to keep everyone inside i'm leaving can you promise me you'll do that should i say seriously yeah wait we have to stay inside until tomorrow why where are you going ryan i need you to trust me like i'm trusting you can you do that lock the doors and for god's sake keep the noise down this dude is out like through these kids let's be honest it's not one kid's fault that if anyone dies so what was that about he uh said to stay inside that we're not leaving until the morning are you kidding me i am [Music] are you kidding me what are we supposed to do well we should go inside like he said we could go inside until morning yeah or or we could do something else i'm gonna be insistent yeah no no no no no we should really listen to what chris told us to do of course who cares what chris told us to do he's not our boss anymore p a r t why the [ __ ] not all right it seems like the stars have aligned for us no okay okay okay one last epic bonfire just as a reminder one more time this game is mature 17 plus so if you guys don't want to hear swearing if you're not allowed to or anything i would definitely tune off but if you can or if you get permission this game is a lot of fun blow out for all time and we got two more giveaway codes oh dude [ __ ] yes i'm in nick you're in yeah i'm in dylan's inn obviously my man caitlyn i go where my people need me yeah okay um what do you say [Music] yeah men mr hackett seemed pretty insistent we stay in the lodge he was just trying to freak us out you know like um like one of ryan's stupid ghost stories why would he want to scare us he did seem freaked out yeah i don't think he was trying to freak us out jacob i think he was really freaked out by something jesus christ chris seemed real serious about this guys just say you're in man come on one last night no dude he won't even know promised no no dude dude it's all good all right group is getting bored of ryan you don't want to disappoint daddy yeah well someone's got to give a [ __ ] oh you know what i don't even care what you guys do oh i'm doing christian ryan come on man wait he likes ryan all right all right all right hack a tears party planning committee let's do this um okay first things first nick and abby you go get some firewood uh emma and i will go to the stores for some supplies and uh dylan you just i don't know figure out how to charge the phones or something all right let's do this how's it gonna go to the store with no car like stores like storage what um mr h is like i told you kids to stay inside now i'm gonna snap on you like it's call of duty oh hmm these old men need better hobbies what why are they doused in blood oh hello lady i was hoping you'd come back to be let's see what you found empty-handed you need to look around you find my cards and i can help you where i'm from we look out for each other are you supposed to find cards find them please hi crow i was like i'm not even looking you better be going it's still early and the moon is bright but time won't wait not for those with a story to tell be careful look out for yourselves and look out for my cards did we miss any chat or like right are they coming up ahead because like i feel like we looked in most places okay be on it stuff's gonna get really interesting no okay i know like okay this isn't no don't put your leg over me what is this why okay oh it's swords it's literally the general stories i was wrong how'd they get here though so here we are stranded in the great american wild with nothing but our wits to guide us me vlogging for humanity ravenous he's going vertical she's never gonna make this movie movie maybe she's making tick tocks oh maybe first course filet al jacob rich and full body this rare beefcake may leave an irritating taste lingering on the palate and acquired taste some would say oh wow what looks like you're trying to thread a needle with a packet of loose sausages oh my god i'm almost done okay jesus christ and for the record your analogies are very hurtful okay i'm almost there you gotta hit your hand one second this is the one wait do you want you don't have to click it yeah whoa and scene do you i mean i could have kicked it you listened it for me maybe you need the door intact yeah hide in here now okay so if i were a beer where would i be hiding beep beep beep beep beep beep beep what are you doing oh uh it's my beard helps me dar for beers huh how am i just noticing how super lame you are what but it it's my beard dude my beard i'm gonna go over here smear hand on the mouse really well okay anything could happen oh you gotta do this mystery right here there you go there you go you got this go ahead samara's gonna get one of the characters killed i promise you guys it's like don't know what i was expecting 1952 oh oh hell yeah oh jackpot hey uh check out my giant melons oh see you just cut a hole in it mm-hmm you pour in your vodka it's party time you just you pour the vodka right in it yeah it's the most fun you could have with a hole in watermelon or well second most okay i'm gonna leave you two alone and go low for some more party supplies [Music] you have to move now there you go look for cards i want to find one at least it looks like the lady flowers promoting a traveling show oh come on no it's not looks like her yeah look in spots that people wouldn't like look you gotta look in spots that like people weren't like yeah back there back there on that shelf to the left what's that yeah what is that you see that what is that pick it up yeah it's shining it's just part of the suitcase it's a cardboard box okay you can't get in there yet i don't think wait smears like by brute force kick the door wow like puts you through a little maze here huh right why is this crap 1953 okay don't forget 1950. i feel like 1953's look out the window oh look in the chest maybe oh yeah wait what was that no i think you might have got the clue indicator yeah walk by it's like a chest there though okay absolutely nothing i think on that box maybe oh hello old friends oh yeah me leave him yeah i'm not gonna scare him because then he'll think like oh you're joking and then he's gonna get killed yeah maybe i should give the guy a break because then like if he sees something like yeah exactly there was something like i think it's better you explore this all but there was like an opening to that locker area back there get on the other side though yeah check this whole shelf to your right i wonder where this goes locked locked locked again call jacob jacob come check this out it's good to get them closer yeah all righty then door buckle up because you are about to put your hands on the keyboard lady you can't you can't you got to focus up somebody behind it oh i got creepy music golly miss molly don't worry i kept this place locked up i feel like you missed the whole storage area back there pissed when we made a stash what no i mean he left us stranded here it's like um human rights or whatever sure yeah all right now let's see what we are working with hold that the door will latch otherwise oh hell yeah in and out job done boom i want to look around go for it why am i getting scared all right put you in the freezer there's like a body or something oh it's just ice cream oh those are old jacob check this out what i can't move or else the door will latch they look like camping supplies oh okay um there's tents back at the fire pit so just let's let's go cute cute get a beard okay looks like we've gotten all it's freaky oh we should grab them 7739 what is it see that gun oh cool and uh code take the gun take it okay i'm done oh yes let's go okay just check see if there's anything else here you're good i think i'm glad we got a gun right okay so i think it must be the safe so you're uh you're gonna keep the gun huh yeah for bears okay uh well i am gonna find something to call this lot back to camp check the yeah you see how that door opens there to the cage just like a quick exit yeah a little sus oh i don't i didn't like how it put you in that angle right oh my gosh his shiny leg scared me for a second okay make sure to get this safe right what was the code 773 oh i'm in hey very nice ammo what else is in there uh just some fireworks fireworks yeah but i don't think we should no no no no emma fireworks he's said to be quiet the guy literally said to be quiet so leave him then i think let's leave them or you could shove firework in one of their eyes i don't know i don't know do you guys take them right i mean they're loud they're loud they are loud and he said people saying fireworks cause massive wildfires i don't know it's like half and half yeah okay don't don't take them leave them leave them i i think it's smart because one of the things he said was like be quiet fireworks are very not quiet you got a gun why can't i have firecrackers the gun is for bear protection and the fireworks could start a forest fire that's stupid four sweaters hey i found these like torn up bags back there they were pretty messed up and i think they might have had blood on me oh oh stop stop stay right there oh dude peanut butter peanut butter [ __ ] we have to sacrifice anybody let's sacrifice him what are butter pops no what i can't believe it um okay um pop pop peanut butter butter pop pop pop oh my god they're like the greatest snack of all time what are they are they like popcorn what no no no no they're nothing like popcorn they're like their own thing like their own sub genre of food snack i want you know what i have an house i was a kid you are in for such a treat okay wait is there an expiration date on that bag um no they're still good oh my god they're like 20 years older okay look they pre-date expiration dates you're going to love them yeah oh my god it's you oh man what well i saw before so we can load up all our booty in there uh i'm sorry what booty oh it means like um like treasure or buds no before that wheelbarrow uh yeah um okay uh it's like um it's like a barrel with wheels you can put stuff in it and just wheel it around oh i thought it was a wheeled barrel this weird old wheelbarrow right yeah wheelbarrow he's first i thought it was wheel barrel which way he said it like that too right that's how she made fun of it uh i feel like a lot of people messed up yeah i'm scared stuff's about to go down okay it's dylan give me this a big d guys let's get a big d in chat again wait should we give away another code ladies and gentlemen we have two more codes two more codes to give away let's get some hype in chat let's get some hype in chat who wants to see a code given away here anybody want to code everybody want a code who wants a code who wants to go would anybody want a code more coats more coats go fill up your water yeah all right so this is a code for you guys to redeem it on steam you get the full game okay you get the full game you guys ready for it if you guys get it make sure you uh tweet me on twitter and i want to see who gets it go that's the code eight b three t four dash four six x g r dash q p q three c only one person can get it there we have another code one more code again guys go ahead and check out this game link in the description below and uh the multiplayer mode is gonna be sick because you get to pick uh like up to seven friends who can uh do the story along with you let me just click on clues real quick oh same posters oh oh okay so i think if you go over some things you can like redeem extra clues somewhere he says this post is for a traveling sideshow it looks like it's been a while left forgotten the woods are those burn marks around the edges whatever these poses are doing in chris hackett's possession you must have forgotten to take this one down then this one over here headline scrap i can't collect these but damaged memorabilia these flyers are promoting a traveling show called harold sarako the date list indicates it took place over six years ago these are the same poster on the walls in the woods related to it it like brings that yeah why does chris hackett have them was he connected to harum sakuram in some way yeah makes sense okay i wanna know what happened with uh the girl laura has she been like oh right i mean i think max is dead you can view your path a matt max is for sure just straight up dead but oh there's like a oh that's nice there's a map okay here we go all right the inner sanctum it's just an office this is where the magic happens yeah let's just make this quick sure just give me a sec to get this going and engage is it is it fake that if you call 911 and don't have a signal it'll still go through yeah all right i thought like i don't know i didn't know that uh what's it called the one that you're listening to right now uh bizarre yet bonafide so like ghosts and stuff it's like we'll try to connect like to any tower yeah not like you're selfish weird and the wonderful digging up weird mysteries and discussing if they're well bona fide banner fad get it your wit knows no bounds so should we check out what mr h keeps in his private den of sin uh i don't know we need to get more guns so yeah stuff okay well i don't i mean come on what kind of dirty secrets is the owner of a summer camp full of impressionable young children gonna have anyway bruh not mr h i know he's cool it's always been cool to me okay so what we're gonna do is double back should i check the cell phones make sure they're charging can't you like speed it up at all i can try to encourage them go for it you guys can do it it's not working dudes we're gonna have to wait all right okay good schedule whoa look at this old thing hey give me your number i want to try it out why should we take his shot or should we just i don't know i mean homie's going for it he's been going for it okay go for it uh so that i can ask you out on a date uh um smooth i think if i tried to say oh number on this thing it would just explode though hello what what who is it uh hello it's weird i thought i heard someone hmm maybe you should have asked them out on a date damn it i missed my shot okay oh drill master got one of the codes let's go let's go love it stream snipes and oh there's a gun give me the gun what's the gun for uh chris everyone just rocket guns yeah bears bears bears here yeah yeah he said they don't really come around because he's got the gun dude yeah take it just leave it alone just leave it alone nope no take it what if we need it yeah dude what if we're out partying tonight out in the woods and we end up in a sort of most dangerous game situation like when people hunt other people yeah yeah well i mean think about it it's camp is over and hunting season has just begun true what what if okay bear with me here what if what's on the menu tonight is us well then i guess we would need to protect you yes exactly that's why imagine grabbing the gun screws we don't know how to use it and we don't run what about for fun no okay yeah yeah totally well we know where the gun is if we need it your call man take the gun take it take the what the heck is that um wait should i explore this first yeah i wonder if you like to find something like sauce you can go back to the gun and take it and he'll like oh it's just two kids kaylee and caleb packet weird kids huh music's really weird i like them yeah me too um weird kids they're pretty reclusive you have to admit all right that's it we're checking this why does homie have a hatch underneath his office do we go in though what is this i mean we have to check it out for sure is that a trap door let's go with let's go yeah let's go suspicious i feel like the other one goes to the basement yeah huh we're gonna try to avoid mr h have a secret trap door in his office that goes to the basement maybe it was here before this was his office he's like a million years old this has always been his office it's probably for storage yeah or so that he can make a quick getaway when the heat comes down uh okay or it's for storage go ahead open it up it's like there is four bodies in here all right well it looks like a pit of eternal darkness so you're being climb down take a look look you can squeeze through there you opened it you climbed down i feel like we're gonna die if we go down there let's climb down i'm curious i'm curious curiosity kills the cat though oh no this leads to where the laura chick is in the deep yeah what's down there oh my god ryan you will not believe this what what what it's nothing oh hey i had you go in there for a second didn't i no maybe just shut up i think i made the wrong choice it is uh pretty spooky down here though and it smells very unnatural so yeah okay i'm coming back up oh sh okay so i think next time we climb the ladder be ready because we have to do a prompt probably right get used to this you better hope mr rachel can catch you taking his baby out for a joyride this game's stressful oh sorry bud gotta take this one second hello hack it's quarry summer camp what doesn't kill you will make you stronger what can i do for you on this darn toot and doozy of a day is that your impression of mr h uh yeah uh-huh yeah yeah i you're absolutely right he does need to be nicer to dylan and uh what's that you want him to give dylan his phone number that's a little forward but i can see what i can do smooth why did i look at the numbers like that there was a hand watch it over bottom left corner okay nope not doing that gun nope oh oh laura kearney and max brindley oh yeah those are the ones that never showed up yeah it's because of these goobers that we had to work extra shifts this wait laura kinley and max kinley those are the people were they brother and sister then that was laura kinley and max kinley i think they're like chad were they brothers and sisters or what sure oh they were married wait date that's not what he said dating i think i'm a monster without coffee okay can i get the gun again like can i just give you like we really need it right yo leave the gun alone man you got it boss i wonder if he keeps saying that if you're doing it they have different last names dylan what the [ __ ] man i'm sorry i just really really want to know what it feels like to hold it um i told you to leave alone twice yeah sorry cut it out do not andre i swear no oh it doesn't you just look at it all right we're good should i talk to him or should i see what's in here yo my guy toss me the keys uh so you can poke around in chris's private area i i'm sorry is that something that only you're allowed to do hardy harjar come on what's the harm in looking it's you're not a little bit curious i'm not gonna touch anything fine don't let me regret it he touches the gun again oh my gosh i beefed it you missed it play sports you got to work on those if that was a life or destiny we would be dead we would be dead yes we would but you know what we're not fashion icon mr h knows what he likes i'm sure he does wow an achievement catch every car key yo right hey hey maybe we shouldn't what um uh ryan whoa what the [ __ ] these monitors this is the camp huh is mr h spying on us no no i mean no no he can't be these are just they're all different trails in the woods around camp sure most of the cameras are pointed away from camp so it's not like he's spying on the kids unless they wandered out into the woods you know these are just probably just trail cameras what are trail cameras people set them up to catch weird random [ __ ] okay yeah like what i'm running in this room and stuff goes down big foot size that kind of thing interested i didn't know that mr h was into that kind of stuff [ __ ] maybe he likes that podcast that you listen to secret hobby i guess expensive hobby yeah i mean what else are you gonna do out here yeah i guess camp probably does get pretty lonely when there's no one else around yeah okay but why go through all the trouble of hiding this room through a secret door in the closet that part is weird yeah that's weird i mean that's all that stuff exactly secret right like it's just hidden by stuff yeah that's what a secret is ryan it's weird it's majorly weird i don't disagree with you but it's it's got to be something juicy in here dylan it's it's none of our business and if you really want to know you can ask him tomorrow sure that won't be an awkward conversation like at all okay yeah maybe i will all right i i'm leaving the secret lair have fun hey you just admitted that it's a secret lair i feel like there's something in here for us he got a microphone you think something's going to pop up imagine what was that it's probably nothing homie it's probably nothing oh me hello what if i started this one do you think it'll happen again um how was that probably nothing you something's gonna happen all right okay these are boring is he not gonna say anything oh huh max bentley that is weird how do i look at the other what are these check family back left camera check faulty back left it's creepy should we check the cameras one more time yeah i know i know laura and max are the two from the start all right i think this is cool let's get out of here probably can't they bring the chargers like where they're going right left to right well there's some pretty heavy duty stuff in here yeah maybe let's not touch that first thing i see is ibuprofen like oh yeah there's some heavy stuff right there ibuprofen that's the hardcore stuff advil hmm [Music] what are you doing and like why does this just like like why is it let you see it again that's why i'm suspicious you know i guess that's it in here no oh my god let me have the gun you're not getting it apparently should i take the phone nice full up do you think it ups the charge the longer you wait i don't know um i i can talk to him that's what i wanted so got anything going on when you get back home school or uh jerry's out i understood girlfriend uh not exactly boyfriend free agent cool yeah me too are the uh phones oh yeah probably you want to check oh let's just give him another minute or two just to be sure oh oops so if you do go to school in the fall like that's good you can talk somewhere picked out a major or i don't know man it's kind of hard to talk about right now oh have you not decided what you're gonna do with your life hey are the phones done yet wait somebody said i i should check the top cameras oh like those up there but you can't really look up to them can you i'm gonna try scroll up ah he can't all right i think i've explored everything should i talk to the guy one more time or should i just we should just go to the party you're kind of grumpy yeah he's a little grumpy yes still 28 hey dunza all right cool let's go thank you so polite need the drawer unlocked honestly so what's that miss room i don't think i missed him oh it's nick ready this would be a lot easier with mr h's chainsaw it's really very pretty out here when there's no kids around yeah they can get kind of obnoxious huh yeah they always seem to listen to you during painting class you've seen my class just walking by we've got to shut them all the way nobody can have relationships yeah well there's because relationships lead to death no thinking about if they're kissing or something they're gonna be distracted why don't you choose that's actually in until dawn like it literally happens like that rocky road or shady glade i think rocky road like ice cream yeah rocky run good choice better six this way better sticks yeah you're like burning or whatever i think we've got enough i gotta keep my hands on my keyboard look at you right here uh i like your shirt not yet oh okay can you stick to the path kind of oh what does this say oh quartzite i'm gonna rock at the corner this place was an actual quarry uh yeah apparently some of the caves are in pretty deep it's like a honeycomb under there cool okay pure pure quartz is white to gray though i have my rock expert here so we're good that's tamara by the way tamara's a resident rock expert uh danger falling rocks oh shoot um okay definitely keep your hand on the keyboard are you sure this is scared i'm scared what are you scared no are you why no are you scared you're scaring me should i go right or left i think left there's like less cliffs for roxaval yeah i mean it does look like that because one side's trees but then like i don't know i feel like either either way you're probably gonna have a quick um i'm scared i'm gonna mess it up don't mess it up like you drop the keys i'm going a hanged man ain't to be the hangman is to surrender and by doing so gain new perspectives look carefully and consider that sometimes one needs to be strung up in order to let go interesting i'm gonna keep going left i think that walks around you don't need to go through there right oh shoot so you want to think about what's next like after we die it's heavy man no i mean like the future yeah sometimes all the time it's overwhelming i know what you mean sometimes i just tried anxiety let it happen you know what what is that like whatever happens is what was meant to happen so if rock crushes me right now i don't know i'm not sure we're supposed to know yeah fate just seems so convenient how so because if it's all predetermined and you do something terrible then you have the excuse of saying well it wasn't really me because everything's been pre-planned and then i'm not really in control of my actions am i i never really thought about it like that before i mean well it's it's totally okay if you believe that yeah no i'm scared oh stuff's about to go down i know and i'm at the freaking wheel huh i'm at the freaking wheel somewhere oh my gosh i'm getting really close to this guy oh you could've oops i mean it's really pretty though at least like horse is really nice is really pretty i just want to see if you can go over there there's going to be a jump scare or something something has to pop out it's been too peaceful for the last five minutes they're like nicely walking through a forest oh i know where we are yeah up here here hold these sure a show i want to see you wiggle wiggle you know this view is just wow like um can we go he's like uh what's going on imagine it's not actually a horror game it was fake and now you just go camping and dating simulator damn abby you're really good no no i gotta like i'll join like just saying that no she likes him i can get a little bit of a doubt i'll remember it better later why do all these kids have that's really cool you know that about yourself um yeah i guess so i we can't have them dating everyone knows what they're capable of we need everyone to be as independent as they can i mean of course i just don't know what you'll figure it out this looks like a gameplay scene dodge the shotgun shot i'm so dialed did in hear that huh oh fudge it's probably nothing oh listen there's something there oh oh my oh my god it's so tiny don't pick it up that's you that's you oh my god hold on hold on don't get close just save abby i saved her right oh this this is um hunted by a creature of indeterminate origin don't breathe you need to stop breathing tricking the beast into taking you for nothing but a corpse and where's the fun and hunting then which is already dead watch the visuals alter or listen to the sound change as the threat approaches when the danger is passed run pick the right moment and run for your life be warned exhaling or running at the wrong time manages to mark you as the creature's quality causing serious consequence why do i have to be the one that does this how do you how do you stop pretty it'll show you it'll show you so like when it turns green i run right [Music] am i gonna die then you just got to hold it until it like falls down it's just abort boards are like can actually hurt you a lot you almost just mow me today i'm sorry i'm sorry oh little piggy cheerful cheerful at least we get for a good story to tell a big husband how do you know we can't let them like each other because then he's gonna sacrifice herself himself okay but if it came down to it would you sacrifice yourself for me in the quarry yes just so i wouldn't have to hear it later like oh my gosh we both lived but you couldn't hear it later if i was dead no but like there's probably a way for us both to live but yeah wally stop you said like audrey did in australia piggy wiggy pudding inside that's what i just said we still have one more code to give away by the way oh caitlyn go ahead i'm glad that i don't have to be like good luck good luck yeah my neck my back why niku is a snack like steve's knife it also looks like a snack oh my gosh finally get my phone back and it's just a big dumb brick perfect i am an artiste that looks sauce that little place there somebody was in there look okay guess what mr h is a voyeuristic creep he has hidden cameras everywhere and a secret room no that's not well no backup what his eyes are everywhere he's always watching us knock it off man he he's just got trail cameras set up you know forest surveillance that kind of thing oh you don't think that's weird well he's got a perimeter to check kids should protect he'll probably just to keep track of wildlife you guys have no imagination so uh what's going on here everything ready weird light in the treehouse i i did see a weird light in the tree house across the lake yeah that was pretty spooky maybe it's your girlfriend brian the hack of heck it's cory i told you never to say heck of heck it's corey again what's wrong with saying hack of hack is corey are you done kind of a tongue twister right you know what just you're done you're not seeing each other again after tonight literally because you're gonna die i can't have just realized that just trying to set the mood what mood mood the vibe you know speaking of setting the mood i have work to do okay cause playlists don't make themselves i mean i guess they do but what all right right guy time to get wood yikes wording oh i know what i said abby nick just in time we got wood we've already done that joke it's mostly just kindling um that's all we need there's already a big pile of logs here we could have gotten more but there was a hog or a boar but nick was very very brave and took one for the team oh my gosh it can't be the hog of hack it's cory what i thought you hated that phrase big jokes take big sacrifices you're so brave really either him the other guy or him and her in the day i need a little pick me up were you making them i feel like one chick and the other guy two are gonna hook up at one point oh special delivery [Music] whoa whoa whoa where the hell did that gun come from dude relax okay it's not even real uh well i mean it's a real gun but it's just for shooting bears we found it in the storage room okay fine fine we'll put it down thank you guns are no joke dip [ __ ] and and we bring you a hand hand-picked selection of only the finest that hack it's quarry we have one here right now no freaking when does laura come back anyway peanut butter butter pops i think we have everything in your mouth i didn't even know you could still find these anyway hey cool your jets there cowboy all right these are spoken for dude you can't just shove those in my face and not expect me to want a pop-pop pop them in my mouth come on emma please hand me the shotgun what you're gonna shoot me over them no dumbass okay we are going to shoot for them nah dude absolutely not no stern okay there is no way i'm leaving you dillweeds alone with a gun come on the shooting range is like right over there okay it'll be fun okay look you and me old-fashioned shootout first prize peanut butter butter pops all to yourself dude i guess you don't really want them then huh fine you're on yeah just hold on he's like british so what are the odds of him still having an accent now and eating the same treat that they had okay then you can be the ref we need an objective third party marshalls would be different we're trying to get a party started here jacob okay well the main party's not gonna die just cause you're off on a little side quest come on the main party's not going to die because you're off on a little side quest all right is it literal or fashion shootout look there's a clearing we can use as a shooting range back there but if i see either of you [ __ ] around i am turning this car around he'll be good he's australian oh wait is he british australian james singh is awesome australian australia that's right yeah wait is it gonna be me give me that back give me that back give me that it looks like we're in different rooms though i know it does your setup your background looks way cooler doesn't it this room is way better yeah all right okay so what's up folks up just so you know i was an expert marksman third class three years in a row ranked highest in camp each year i'm just like he's australian you're guessing lisa our resident australian has said that she's he's just like you just have one little peanut butter okay then for sure there's no peanut butter butter pops never even seen you shoot yeah that's because you've never shot before you know that you know of okay i think i would know if you're actually boys i'm going to stop you right there as much as i'm enjoying your charming machismo the moment step foot on the shooting range we're playing by my rules okay and what i say goes got it okay good now i'm gonna go set up some targets and get more shells do not move a muscle or touch his gun until i'm back obviously touch the gun something's going to run up i don't know all right she cuts all bossy like i'm always hot pencilled okay thank you bye bye so um [Music] how's your little one-on-one with abby in the woods it's okay it was it was okay hey atta boy so i mean what happened well we flirted a little she's really smart yeah um yeah oh he's definitely i mean you see the deal don't be gross look no sweat okay we all get performance anxiety sometimes you just better make your move before a real man swoops in speaking of let me show you how a real man shoots his gun are you guys seriously still thumping your chest at each other no i think he's got brains things are gonna get crazy guys please just give me the gun uh-uh you'll have it when i say you'll have it all right huddle up boys this is how we're gonna do this you're shooting the one on the left what that's good food then jacob's turn keep your fingers off the trigger okay you're ready to shoot then right right got it aye aye two things remember the spread remember the recoil this is a shotgun we're not sharp shooting here the flashlight shows you where you're aiming i'm viewing a tutorial this is we're gonna have to use this i'm sorry to have to say there may well be times during your stay at hackett's quarry where you'll have to defend yourself using potentially deadly force when engaging in combat simply aim your weapon and shoot where the flashlight is pointed [Music] take note if you're up close and personal with your target you'll do more damage the farther away the larger the spread and injuries may not be this is stressful this is a time and place for the use of weapons and you may want to consider all your options remember it's not always wise to pull the trigger that's how people get hurt oh the squirrels pulled the bear why is the bear look like something wait so should i just not pull the trigger on this first part i'd be like i don't want to do this competition anymore maybe if i save ammo yeah maybe you think ops where is this a tutorial you got it we got a decent amount of ammo i don't think we're gonna run yo i'm scared should i shoot the watermelon what all right nick one point oh i hit it okay we're too far back to do any real damage all right nick this time for real okay there you go this is closer now should i shoot the watermelon is that blood all right nice shot i'm lucky i wanted him to get the ones uh point to you nick good job nick all right should i just miss with this guy i don't want him to get in what you got i'll miss like two out of three or i'll miss all right i'll shoot two out i don't wanna i've hurt your eyes nick i don't want to give you any more performance anxiety all right all right just shut up and shoot he does not look like he knows it oh you're not going to i thought you're an ultra elite pro yeah with like a rifle no it's okay you probably would have missed me anyway hey disqualified for being a dumb he's really dumb friendly yeah yeah sorry jacob better luck next time better look next time hey i didn't want to say it but you're both very mean let's see you asked for it bro oh blam you thought this was over what the whoa you just gotta give her the gun if anything happens [Music] is he gonna be a scary lady don't be scared oh it's right okay i'm getting a lot of like double i mean oh it's night time the monster guys come out oh my gosh what look how long my ears are oh my gosh [Music] guys i'm gonna be honest if you're watching right now it's about to get very scary it's about to get spooky very very scary it's nighttime so if you're a little baby you can leave now okay oh my god but if you're a strong independent person who's capable of handing their scarediness you tune in right now all right you tune in right now i am gonna go no i'm just gonna get it i for one cannot handle it so i'm just kidding um okay i guess we get into this ah this game 17 plus don't forget and chat to uh 2k for sponsors check out the game link in description below moderators we'll link it in chat too almost 10k viewers let's go guys that's crazy for like a non-fortnite stream guys [Applause] we should play spooky games like this we should we should play more often right this is a fun setup so fun i like this a lot we could definitely work on it would you guys want to see us play more games like this yeah let us know i'll just come and sit okay new idea i like the two cameras come on people we might never see each other after tonight let's make some memories well what do you have in mind how about the ultimate game of secrets and lies truth or dare but dylan's style okay house rules are someone asks you truth or dare then you choose and then you do so concerned that i'm gonna miss some prompts so like normal truth or dare i just don't want anyone to die i know yes so we can like make people kiss if they choose dare yeah as long as everyone can sense okay cool beans i mean keep it in your pants until it's your turn but well who does get to go first well it's house deals so abigail truth or dare um truth you really dodged a bullet huh all right here goes have you ever slept with anyone oh i interrupt or just let her go let's just see what she says have you ever slept with anyone at this camp no nope that's good yeah sorry all right abby it's yours you don't have to interrupt yeah yeah i was thinking okay okay no we're about to get everyone's about to get bodied something bad's gonna happen just pick someone i've never played a game like this like this this so like i don't you never played at one point does everything just hit the fan yes yeah that's what i'm scared of points where it's like you have to be like on your keyboard like every couple seconds there's gonna be like a quick ride truth or dare truth dare they might go make me go in the woods or something i know right now okay okay let's get right down to it let's do you and mr hackett here we go what were you doing in his office the heck of haggard's corrie are honest well i know what you're fishing for but it's actually super boring but if you must know i needed some life advice advice huh oh whoa whoa um okay i got this okay so uh if you go to settings there's an option called incognito mode and if you press that no life advice about school and that's not fair i've i've already answered my question maybe we can help uh i don't know you've all got your own [ __ ] going on i'm like i figured just the mention of the word school would cause jacob to hammer what the hell did i do jacob sodom alrighty who shall i pick well uh me and jacob haven't gotten a turn yet good point dude caitlyn sure caitlyn what do you say truth or dare truth yeah true let's see i'm just interested let's continue to be if you were a kid what did you want to be when you grew up we don't want to rile anymore that's kind of a boring question personality wouldn't ask that gotta answer you know well the answer is i don't know that's the truth sorry so guess it's my turn boring nope what i smell [ __ ] hey tell us who you want to be okay fine you got me i wanted to be a street performer i got a moving circus like this place um a street performer you mean like um like no [ __ ] like a mime or you know one of those statue guys that move when you give him a dollar caitlyn it's a mime yeah no i just can't imagine that thanks ryan well played now it's my turn emma there oh emma so you have to kiss jacob or oh nick oh well then um uh sorry nick this is not there obviously i don't know if that's a good idea i choose nick i can't pick this no oh no no em seriously he knows the other girl likes him that's that's so fake honestly we're killing her that's so mean that's so mean so messed up guys that's so mean [Music] of course i couldn't pick right me if i picked him though it wouldn't have done that he's good he's good bruh this chicken no you're like kissing my girlfriend [ __ ] it was just a guy i'm nobody's girlfriend the [ __ ] it was just a game yeah the [ __ ] it was man jacob grow up well i guess i should probably go after him huh why is she telling him to grow up like it's about to go down man anybody want to play part cheesy that's part cheesy what this is what jacob gets for sabotaging the car true he didn't do that i feel bad for the other girl though she was really [ __ ] nice no please give control to samara please please give control to a girl oh oh oh this is is this good it's like big these are like intermissions basically i like i i just thought of this if we didn't go left on that path we wouldn't have seen the card no it's not funny yeah okay wow she's really looking at us but no these are intermissions so this is like like when i would play it i would like like these are the kind of like breaks in the point where like you could like it's just an intermission okay okay okay as always kind of like that you want to end it you would end it so then what more has been found the hanged man to be the hanged man is to surrender and by doing so gain a new perspective so look carefully and consider that sometimes one needs to be strung up in order to let go but these are just words there's more to show you if you'll let me she said one needs to be strong enough sometimes to be let down she said she could show us more too oh what the heck oh oh oh yeah sometimes they're showing up to say for now secrets remain buried and the night grows darker i'll see you again you can count on that so careful it looks like we have to let him get captured let him get captured sometimes those cards basically give you i forgot they did happen until time gives you like a preview so then it's like you kind of make choices like if you know that's gonna happen you know maybe what the better option is yeah oh we hit 10k viewers let's go channel it's you go go go go go go go go go go go we'll probably play until the next girl scene probably do that i'll make you one of these two i don't i don't think i like them but i thought you don't don't eat them if you don't like them because i really like them i just have one yeah one okay be really careful now please stupid game what are we in middle school why should i even care anybody can kiss anybody stupid stupid great where the hell am i oh no why do i have to play oh my god someone's like uh i'm going back 20 minutes because i missed a lot okay it's about to go down right now oh they're actually sitting beside each other i'm so dumb i thought they were at their own setups right it looks like we're in like different rooms like the cameras are different this background like your camera is so much better oh my god it took everything for me if i get her killed like you can't even be please don't get her i mean i'm gonna try cause i really like her maybe we should like go back you know like what are we doing walking let me go left like that's like looks like it leads back you know oh my you're so brave just keep on walking you're so brave why don't i have to do it you're doing so good nobody will be mad if you kill everybody it get it get it get yes see if you didn't go that way wouldn't have got it it's so clutch i know okay i know come on huh bibi a bibi there's a tree right nick abby that's good shut again i'm over here nick there we go hey remember it's the other guy the dumb guy that we need to get hey um hi uh what is this predator vision i think that game just got a little too intense for me hey yeah i know what you mean he's like i totally didn't like i'm it be interact we're not beating around the bush we might not emma's had a thing for you all along huh what no no no way she was just trying to make jacob jealous i was just playing along you seem to enjoy playing along oh i enjoyed helping emma make jacob jealous that's about it kiss don't guess don't guess don't kiss don't kiss kiss kiss don't kiss don't stop he's dead now because you're distracted look i knew it that's the last kiss he ever had kiss of death always kiss always kiss did gonna get a harpoon through the heart chat's always saying kiss okay when there's an option to kiss we will freaking kiss no they're literally gonna die now we will freaking kiss should we look homie you're not taking on a wolf i'm just gonna let you know that man you ain't got to be brave my man hey you need to make it back to australia in one piece man right good luck by the way i'm just no more kissing nobody can kiss anymore okay everybody's kissing samara everyone's kissing if i get control of him i'm gonna say i don't like her i know for survival i'm gonna kiss the poor what is it a bear it's too fast dude oh my gosh i don't know how you played the first game stressing me out what the flip is that [Music] [Music] help nick there's a second one there [Applause] help him you it's not what we picked up oh my gosh actually you should have tripped yeah you just hit it right away or just when it pops up well it doesn't you don't know which way it's gonna go is the dude okay i don't think you climbed the tree you think you climbed the tree they like look like they can climb right yeah i'm sorry i'm back to you you got this i'm just scared you're stressing me out honestly i didn't know she'd climb up like that but look look chat if we didn't guess www stab it if we didn't kiss he would die without the pistol sniper's on deck where are you at it's getting harder for me to breathe i'm scared she she just left them i don't know is she hiding in another log she's going to take a poop in the woods she's like now is the time to little breath little breath okay oh listen to it i'll tell you when to let go i think okay you can also like yeah you tell me when to let go this is your breath just wait until like he looks away in this little last round i'm just gonna hold on as long as i can no no no no oh my gosh you weren't gonna you were gonna keep holding right yeah is there any harm in holding yeah because they can come back you have to do it like when it like when it goes fudge no no i don't follow you okay so samara survived yeah i think nick's also alive still i think so because he didn't like die yeah he got like bit okay which i'm glad that we then helped him because like and he can't get mad at him i'm starting to think that maybe those guys are helpful with the guys in the woods yeah i think that they come here to hunt the things okay so samara survived will i survive though chat yeah that's the question oh boy okay i like how you get to choose things when i get to choosing i'm so why am i so nervous it's like i'm at the end of a tournament or something oh my god somebody's like you're gonna die now someone said tg don't fold don't sell i can't sell i'm the best chat if he can survive tryhards in fortnite see he gots this okay he should have just left the thing in the car really didn't work out for him i am so nervous someone said i need 30 points to call your chat's way too funny hey uh yeah i miss your dominant of course oh they're both wearing green that's cute that was messed up with it down here was a little more fun when we thought we could get caught huh yeah yeah i guess she needed one for you dog i'm sorry jacob i thought we agree that this us was just supposed to be some summer fun yeah no no i know i just you just love having an audience house jacob i mean you do i can't believe you you [ __ ] frenched him you know in front of everyone jesus wept french are we 12. no but nick is kind of you know i love the guy but i don't think he's actually ever seen a girl naked before well i hate to break it to you but he just had his tongue down my throat and he definitely knew what to do with it you're really about [ __ ] with me huh lighten up something okay yes please this is not how that means if i die it's because of you nothing but i gotta make sure you don't die in real life never mind oh shoot oh my gosh i got scared like on my arm's leg fine you can stand here sulking driving yourself crazy you can grab us some towels what do you need towels for well we agreed some are fun right apparently summer is not white over is there nudity in this game guys i don't know but get ready chat is there nudity in this game [Music] um yeah maybe don't go in the lake homie's holding this part still you better not lose it this dude i'm done with this dude holy now we're telling her that we don't want to do this no go go i'm not skinny dipping star oh we got another [Applause] card where the heck the towels at huh are they upstairs i mean like he's being like he's not standing up for himself he needs to stand up for himself and i know the emotions get in the way and it's easy as an outsider but like yeah we gotta do what's right for him like down the road i want to see him develop into a strong man or he can there's no towels none there's exactly zero [Music] hmm oh what are these numbers manageable but unstable i'm reading this sailing rules reminder for councils keep all boats rinsed after use be vigilant no swimming properly store boats to avoid damage all campers must wear life jackets if boats capsize or move kids immediately do not jump in after them said sail over and retrieve them from water so they're very particular about not going in the lake mm-hmm so would this be the best place to have a summer camp like it seems a little chaotic right you can't go in the lake like no swimming at summer camp what do you do then sit around you need swimming someone up there nobody's confident in what they see in this no they're not and they totally like i'm gonna go with probably everything's fine every horror film ever right can i take him up again he sees it again ah it's probably still fun the left is definitely nothing oh my gosh would never look at a maiden's attire like that hi there's like a journal there i think there's not okay so don't go in the water that that's i'm pretty is there like a bunch of bodies in the water maybe they put the bodies of those things in the water don't you think like the fbi would be here right i feel like this wouldn't just be like a summer camp location a couple dudes are like you know what we got this ain't no big problem i feel like it's definitely what is that what is that on the ground check it and sack it i'll close the two guys check it must mean mr h chris hackett who the hell is that's the cop oh is it the older one looks like it it looks like him so do you think it's doesn't it the cop and the camp the camp guy i think it i think it might be okay do not swim do not swim she looks like she's ready to swim i don't know if i can stop her he does she has her shirt on right okay okay well i guess we could just like drip dry or you could shake it out doggy style wow you all know how to talk to a girl don't you no you dumb look you can't just pretend i don't think no swimming is like an option oh but i can because you see oh hell help i'm i'm drowning how do you get a shirt off that quick not at all insecure man to come save me i just go in this is your call this is your your dude no you know what but she might like die if i'm not in the water no no you know i got to stand up for myself yeah well why don't you ask nick okay i'm sure he'd love to rescue you i'm ignoring you oh fudge oh my gosh dear god yeah what the hell man emma's getting bored of this oh okay okay now you're gonna get it see i don't know what's up with the water graphics but i'm not gonna splash here i don't get water in their face right i'm gonna be a grump i didn't know he was gonna what's up with their face dick move take a photo of me these are all horrible i don't like these like i just want him to ignore her and never speak to her again i gotta pick one take a photo of me then she has to get out and that might be better but then i might be soloing i don't know yeah hey look check this out okay take a picture of me uh yeah for your like um little subscribers or whatever top 10 guys who will keep you satisfied my gosh oh so i get nine chat you guys wanted that i just want to throw that in okay goodness what wait what's happening in the water i swear huh [ __ ] the road i gotta dive in or do i help abby i don't know i think abby's fine i think we need that to get us out yeah you would think so and i think abby's like she's finessing everybody right like she's finessing everybody oh dick all right wrong choice i didn't know i was going to be shackled up against barbed wire please get it dude grab it right it's right here i got it a blow decomposing corpse chained at the bottom lake homie detangle or pull detangled i feel like we're making some good choices we're making some good choices first of all is he a mermaid because he's how does he sing so clearly right he's like seeing perfectly clearly staying underwater i feel like movies scammy because in real life i'm like i can't see anything in water is he not like freaking out about the dead body that he just saw in the water he's got a dead body and he like surfaces he's like oh that was a nice swim like what [Music] someone says he would have died if you pulled is that true well with barbed wire like would it cut me there's some mighty fine social disruption there kaitlyn i have to say ah or was it just the nudge that abby needed you're an evil genius who do you think is going to make the first move nick robbie oh good cue my bet's on either i don't know nick's got the beast in them huh if by beast you mean some sort of mild-mannered baby deer hey don't let that cute preppy aesthetic fool you it's like a steel barbecue grill under that shirt so you noticed that too huh so what do you guys want to do now we can keep playing yeah just the three of us all right dylan true third it sounded like abby oh my gosh uh we gotta help her where did it come from this way come on he's like nope not got the shotgun okay that's good abby see she's okay help him worried yeah you think where's nick i i go after nick go [Music] and she has a shock she's better at shooting maybe maybe you should go i gotta help abby go he might be hurt too what that shotgun's got a helmet it never says nice things like right like they like you more they're like they think you're boring okay okay all right oh you're doing so great i couldn't have done that at all that's so difficult she has like insane aim like that's what i'm saying so more like all of them go together i feel like more people staying together is better than like went by himself which one quick shortcut's probably gonna have more thingies but it will be faster oh my gosh get ready holy shoot yeah the shortcuts usually like it might save the person i'm a pro gamer okay professional gamer i'm so good i'm so good i'm locked in right now i'm locked in right now killing it i haven't breathed properly in like a minute but i just [Music] someone else has a gun that's that yeah it has to be those guys i think so oh it is oh dude that you could shoot him there could you hey shoot the bus you could probably oh my gosh [Music] we got a guy come on let's go back to the fire he's like we didn't have this in australia let me tell you how is it me three times in a row well because i think it's like it's not like like who you like the order is you know oh i get it okay so we gotta get strung up oh and he gets strung up like this like yes in this so let him hit a trap i shouldn't dodge a trap right oh jesus like if it's a quick time prompt do i dodge it jacob what are you doing okay to go save him i think oh that thing is closing the board i think or no i'm not gonna call out like what good is there there yeah the cards oh it doesn't necessarily mean it's going to happen okay don't cut myself down oh no oh do not cut myself down that's for the cards [Applause] oh come on pleading yeah oh please please man just just let me down okay just don't hurt me please oh jesus christ what the [ __ ] are you doing good sort of a [ __ ] oh what are you doing shh quiet should i throw dirt distraction i kind of looked into the thing that he ran away so i just wanted to make sure to do it totally possibly trying to kill me or something right oh god this lady seems like just a blink and you're back to see me again so then what have we got it's the star stars stars in the night sky beacons of light dreams of hope purpose or a reminder of our insignificance fear of despair trust in the light of the star with it comes clarity and sometimes proof the tower jump free of your troubles fight off light that's the question we all ask ourselves but often when leaping out of danger we're still faced with certain peril watch your step it could be your last remember there's always more than meets the eye would you like me to show you why would people not make this doing it a second time or something yes good but i can only delve deeper into one possible future so which is step one choose which one do you think a star or the tower i don't know fudge i don't know put some dirt in your eye the tower card looks scarier because they're all falling the stars she's just like but like i don't know don't think that most people say a star okay what do you think that's true she's the tower is about watching your step so if you watch your step we should be good for that so maybe the star since we don't really have advice she took a selfie back to it then back to hackett's quarry back to hackett's quarry you go oh the fun you'll have all right well that's spooky that's spooky um this game is is is really a lot of fun i gotta say i'm excited to see what happens i'm excited to see what happens too um we still got one more copy to give away so why don't we go ahead and do that [Music] so you guys ready for it you can redeem this on steam this is currency of 2k so shout out to them and uh let's go ahead and drop the code here if you guys get it i want to see a picture of you redeeming it on twitter boom there you go that's the code so you guys can uh try out the game yourself what the heck is your hand there you try out the game yourself but i think that'll be it for this one right i think it's a good time to wrap it up part two will you join me for part two you might join me from part two let's go i wanna see what happens plus i feel like it's only getting to like the scary part now like it's gonna get like pretty height it's gonna get pretty crazy so if you guys are feeling like you need more make sure you subscribe with the bell hit the like button on this let let the good people at 2k know that you guys like these walkthroughs and then you found this to be a lot of fun and do me a big favor in the description below there's a link that says play the quarry here click that link okay even if you just want to read about the game if you want to buy the game if you want to know more about the game click the link and let 2k know that you guys are interested okay so they made this possible so big shout out to them click that link somebody get this code send me it and i just want to run over the talking points one more time make sure i didn't miss anything but yeah this this is sponsored by 2k um and um this game was made by 2k in supermassive games the creators of until dawn um and this game is called the quarry which is an all-new teen horror narrative game where your every choice bigger small shapes your story and determines who lives to tell the tale it also has an incredible hollywood cast it's available on ps5 ps4 xbox series xs xbox one and windows pc via steam you can click on my link in the chat which the moderators are posting or in the description which will take you where you can buy the game and a new multiplayer mode called the quarry for the quarry called wolf pack will launch on july 8th where you and up to seven friends or invited players can watch along and vote on key decisions creating a story shaped by the whole group oh that's cool so you could vote and then i guess the option with the most that's a really cool way of doing it yeah yeah no that's a really cool doesn't make sense to play multiplayer like two people playing playing at once but to vote on a choice like that would be so cool that would be really sweet um yeah and if you guys want to see samara here for part two everyone that's watching right now hit the like button okay we have 6 600 likes let's see how many people want samara to be in part two and part two is going to be very soon very very soon i don't know when yet but should be very soon i like the dual face cam thing i like it a lot should i make yours bigger so i can see [Music] [Music] that camera is so much better than mine right like look at my hand color and then like well even the background just looks so cool so much better yeah you should use this camera you wanna help me replace it today sure wait but then we might not be able to do the two cameras for the next one so maybe wait well i was just gonna put that one there yeah i know okay i can't wait this is cool though i like having the dual setup even though we're right beside each other wait can i sit there and i'll see how i look there okay the heck is this how do i look this is trash how do i look on this one way better yeah yeah oh i should definitely use this camera what the heck right i mean you still look so beautiful on both cameras it's unfair but ah andre chose flirt [Laughter] all right this is really cool though i like the camera a lot uh yeah guys absolutely insane thank you so much for the support this is one of the best walk through like viewership we've i've had in a minute so over 10 000 of you almost 12 000 of you at one point so absolutely insane thank you again for all the support and don't forget hit that like button if you enjoyed this big shout out to 2k for sponsoring this let us know if you want to see part two there is gonna be a part two maybe tomorrow i don't know um but um yeah click the link in the description below as well and i'll see you guys in part two we'll see you in part two i don't know if enough people want to see me in part two then i guess i'll be in part two all right we'll see you guys in part two all right go click the game in the description below all right love you all and i'll see you guys later thanks for watching hope you have an awesome day and peace out you
Channel: Typical Gamer
Views: 641,933
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bMeFZ5OputA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 208min 40sec (12520 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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