The Purpose of Prayer (David Wilkerson)

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let me begin by saying right now I believe most Christians want to pray they are convicted by their prayerlessness and they pray for a while but they soon stop they can't maintain a life of prayer and the reason for that is because they really don't understand the purpose of prayer they don't understand the real purpose of friend until you understand the purpose of prayer I think most of us are praying in vain you have to comprehend why God wants us to pray the disciples said Lord teach us to pray they wouldn't have said that unless they wanted to learn and I believe most sitting here listening to me this morning want to learn how to pray you would pray if you knew its purpose you would pray if there was some knowledge that God had given to you about the eternal purpose of prayer now how many Christians I know pray only out of a sense of obligation they say well I'm supposed to pray the Bible says I'm supposed to pray the pastor keeps putting pressure on us to pray others around us are supposed to pray our praying I have to pray that's the Christian thing to do folks what kind of a marriage would it be if the wife concerning intimacy thought it was only her duty you will never understand the importance of prayer until you understand one foundational truth and all prayer believe is built upon this truth it is not just for the good of man is not just for my good that God wants me to pray it's not just for my welfare not for me to get released not for me simply to get something out of God to try to extract something from God the true meaning of prayer is for the delight of the Lord as well as for my relief unless those two go together you don't have a foundation upon which to build a prayer life it is not just for my good it is for the delight of my Lord I'm not going to just go to God and intercede I'm not just going to ask him for things for me but I'm going to see his need as well as understand my name now Christian's are very self-centered when it comes to prayer because we go to him only to unburden our troubles and sorrows and get a supply strength to go on to the next battle and that's good it's scriptural and it works and we're invited to come boldly to the throne of grace in all of our times of need but prayer is not complete and listen to me closely prayer is not complete it is not prayer that's most pleasing to the Lord if we do not understand God's need you don't go to prayer just to meet your only God has a need that is why he does hard to get anything there's nothing even been accomplished my life but through prayer and why is it that God has tied himself to this process of Prayer we seek relief and God seeks fellowship the Lord seeks intimacy with us now folks you have to understand when you go into the presence of the Lord that the Lord is waiting for you the Lord is looking for fellowship actually the primary purpose of prayer ought to be fellowship with the Lord and the one who prays because most of the things that we're praying about God's already promised to do we are pray about things that God said we're not to pray about he said we're not even give thought about it how much of our prayer time has been asking God a better job and a better apartment clothes and food and all of these things when Jesus said take no thought for your life what you should eat or what you drink nor yet for your body what you should put on your heavenly father feeds the fowls of the air they neither sow nor reap are you not more value than they your heavenly Father knows you have need of these things but seek first the kingdom of God His righteousness all these things shall be added unto you take no thought for tomorrow for your father knoweth what things you have need them before you ask him and what I hear from that the Lord saying you come to me and focus on my righteousness or fellowship focus on just getting to know me on intimacy I'm just loving me and I'll take care of all your don't put your focus on material things don't put focus even when you're healing of your body all of these things I know before you ask he knows what we needed we spent you take the kind of petition out of our prayer life that many of us pray and there'd be nothing left there'd be no prayer left because it is all asking it's all petition and there's nothing wrong with that but the Lord city if you want to really pray pleasing to me come and focus on my knee come and focus on fellowship with me come and focus on intimacy I'll take care of everything else in your life and I've proven that and I believe with all my heart
Channel: purebride
Views: 152,755
Rating: 4.9586277 out of 5
Keywords: The Purpose of Prayer, David Wilkerson, purebride
Id: KKB4l06mE-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 55sec (295 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2015
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