Love Your God to the Last Breath (David Wilkerson)

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Jesus delighted in the knowledge that one day we would grow up to become his habitation that he could come and dwell and abide in us I have called you friends for all things that I've heard of my father and make known to you he anticipated you being a man of Prayer a woman of prayer that he in quiet times could give you the secret of his heart he would open this word to you you would see things that nobody else saw or heard he would speak life to you this was why he delighted I'm going to have a people I'm gonna have a bosom friend in my bride someone I can talk to someone I can share the burden of my heart with his secret is what the righteous of scripture says he anticipated a love relationship with you so intimately he rejoiced in the anticipation of his bride delighting in his word David himself in Psalms 1 1819 described what those gates are open to me the gates of righteousness and this is the believer this is the child of God who goes daily to the Word of God anxiously getting the word of the Lord on how to walk in righteousness and holiness this is the one who says I want to walk before the Lord with a pure heart I want truth in the inner man and I can't get it from somebody else I can't get it from books and cakes Oh God I go to your word and I waited your gate at the gate of righteousness I wait for you to open that gate to mean folks that's the we bacon fleet with you read this book daily because this is the gate of righteousness this is the game here's Jesus rejoicing before the world was made rejoicing and delighting over what he had dissipates he's looking into the future to the latter days he anticipates coming to his habitation so tell me now that you know that Jesus anticipated before you were born you have time for something you have time concerning the time everything here no time for God no time for the bridegroom and it dissipated this for kion's this was his the light before the world was created he looked forward involved that time with you talking about going to church and listening to sermons this is about people are falling so short of what God had planned for their life have missed it he had it in his mind to draw you so close to himself he had it in his mind has said sweets fellowship with you to open his heart to fill you with the knowledge of himself he had so many things he wanted to show you he wanted you to be so in love with him that you couldn't adorn day without being shut in with him he wanted to take away your weaknesses your fears your feelings of inadequacy your rejection he wanted to teach you how to know and hear his voice now I'm gonna bring a solemn warning now and folks I am trembling Jesus will not abide in a temple that ignores you that neglects him absolutely impossible when you don't go to your Bible day after day week after week when you don't seek the face of God nobody sees you through the week sit by here in prayer you may come to all the meetings you come to the meetings and that's it that's it but you have no personal relations in private you have no time for him in private if you don't hear what I'm about to tell you all your work is going to burn when you stand before Christ all your works no bid we're gonna stand empty fruitless nothing to bring to the master and all of that anticipation he had well the great desire toward you you've aborted now let me tell you it's never too late to start over never Lord before this day is over I'm going to get alone with you and I'm going to rehearse this truth in my heart that I tremble at God's word God hid my soul God dealt with me and I receive it in this chapter the chills me to the bone chills me to the bone it shaken me to the core of my soul and you to ask him where where did this divine order came from he would say you wouldn't point to his half million man army he wouldn't point to all it buildings he'd built in all the walls he built in all of the inventions that he had invented he wouldn't point to any of that or of his own ability he would say the secret is I go to my closet and I pray I seek God and in prayer he tells me what to do where to go and he gives me promise while there is no other secret than that now why would God send a prophet for the warning to matter just one the greatest victory in his career in his life a God understands the danger the those who love Him those who are holy those who are gone in the danger of becoming weary and relaxing and becoming spiritually lazy after the greatest victories heesu I bring a word from God's throne to you be diligent NASA be diligent more than you've um you're going to need God more than you've ever needed in that you've had a great victory God is blessed you got it rescue some but now you're going to need you gonna be tested like you've never been tested in your life now God wants to reward you got a flash for you be careful as you get so busy unless you get to building into projects unless you're family less you'll minish me lest other things come in and track you and take your time the anointing will left the favor will lift the divine order will be gone we'll just be like every other generation that is still lost their faith in when he's 70 years of age God came to George Mueller and said you've been a man of Prayer but now I want you to pray more than you've ever prayed because I've got something else I've got something for your last days it's 70 years of aid this man renewed his prayer life this man sought God as I never saw him even at 95 he was still preaching he traveled for 25 years around the world and stirred and changed the lives of thousands of Ministers because he stayed on his face he didn't miss out he didn't lose his faith it was his anointing because he stayed on his face before God and yet I can tell you the story after story of men of God who've been used to had anointing who were blessed of God were men of prayer who were prophets and in their older age in their mid-60s and in their seventies and I've been with some of them and all I hear are stories of all time religion or old revivals and there's no new word because the man is sitting in front of a TV set now he doesn't set my soul on fire I don't want my children my grandchildren who love to hear me pray and love to hear the voice of God through my lips I don't ever want my children to see the grief and shame of me sitting in front of a television all day never opening my Bible not seeking God say what happened to dad could keep me broken this charts broken God don't let us sit back on a crest of blessing and get lazy and see disorder come again to this house wait I want to stand and sermonizing this pulpit we don't just want crowds we want your glory is this house of God we watch your glory Oh God let us tremble this morning that is possible for confident men and godly women who once prayed who was that such an anointing to finally lose it in this day of temptation when all hell is breaking loose god help us determine I will seek God Abba seek God with all my heart and all my soul and all my strength and all that's in me examine your heart right now tell me have you been on your face have you given God time every day now you shaking him at all are you crying out to him are you praying and seeking God that he'll give you revelation and stuff oh you're seeking him here's your prophetic word from heaven if you seek me you'll find me if you continue forsaking me I will forsake you right now you set your heart
Channel: purebride
Views: 532,262
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Keywords: David Wilkerson, purebride, Love Your God to the last breath
Id: W6h8kqjsL4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2013
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