The Psychology of Euphoria: Rue — Therapist Reacts!

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i was once happy sloshing around at my own private primordial pool i put up a good fight but i lost for the first time but not the last this shows a little bit of how roo sees the world the outside world is this cruel forsaken lent a lot of our anxiety depends on how we view the world outside i often ask people how safe is the world to you on a scale of one to ten and this shows that even at a very young age rue saw the world as unsafe which increases our feeling of anxiety because if the world is unsafe we better keep our adrenaline system on high just in case a danger comes for us so that we're better prepared i was born three days after 9 11 watching those towers fall over and over again until the feelings of grief gave way to numbness her parents when she was just born are watching this stressful situation over and over again but rue seems to believe that this is one of the reasons that she has such anxiety 14 what are you looking at room 17 what are you doing what rou is displaying here is a little bit of ocd in counting now obsessive compulsive disorder is a way that we try to control the uncontrollable or sometimes it's also a soothing technique it can be displayed in many different types of obsessions and compulsions obsessions being things that we have to think about in the manner which we think about them often this can be stuff that we feel like we cannot control and then compulsions things that we have to do and there's many different ways for rue it seems like this counting is a soothing way for her and often people feel that if they can't finish what they have to do something bad's gonna happen now for numbers sometimes numbers you're trying to count to get to the right number you have to do things in a certain number of times and sometimes which i believe in rue's case is that she counts because she's just counting how many things are there and it's a way to stop her brain from over thinking because her mom kept on interrupting her counting she had to start over and she's counting to reduce her stress and because her mom stopped her her stress level increased and that's why she cried i'd say she's suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder it's not like i was physically abused a lot of people believe that these things are caused by excessive abuse or childhood trauma but they're really not ocd is often just a coping technique it's a way for us to try to control the uncontrollable or stop bad things from happening or keep our mind busy and the thing with ocd is that doing these things actually makes us feel like we're reducing our stress but it starts off with doing something really small and then grows and grows upon itself because after a while you end up with a threshold of doing it once isn't enough or to that level is not enough anymore and so just like an addiction you have to add a little bit more to it to get that same amount of relief it's not like i was physically abused attention deficit disorder or at a shortage of clean water and then they mentioned how she has adhd that means that it's hard for her to stay attentive to certain things unless she's very interested in those actually there's a lot of controversy because so many people have it is it just normal behavior and work kind of all on a spectrum but it's shown by forgetfulness being disorganized and and easily distracted [Laughter] and it's interesting that it's often displayed very differently from boys to girls also and so often for girls it is misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all and if it is it's much later in life and so they can often feel like they're not good at school or they're just something wrong with them or that they're stupid when really it's just harder for them to focus and let's just say it it is not normal for children to be able to sit down for seven hours a day and just be focused on one thing anyways general anxiety disorder or is molested by a family member general anxiety disorder what we have is in the limbic part of our brain the middle part of our brain the primal part it's our protection system and if there's been a lot of thoughts in our head of danger it ends up being kind of set wired to always be on red or orange alert and that means that there's more adrenaline and cortisol that's running through our system all the time now having spouts of anxiety are very common for people but with generalized anxiety disorder it's kind of set to always being anxious and that means that you can't really ever feel relaxed and that's exhausting your body is rushing through all of these neurotransmitters as if you are running from a tiger even though you're sitting in place because of that you might feel really tired all the time and possibly bipolar disorder but she's a little young to tell bipolar disorder is when you end up going through these manic states where you feel like you're a god there's nothing that can stop you and then depressive periods and you end up going through these highs and these lows maybe she has it maybe she doesn't at this age this wouldn't be something that would be diagnosed yet but it would be something that we monitor probably the therapist wouldn't actually say this in front of a family so hard-lined it's a lot to be able to take on and a lot of these things are completely treatable too but to have a young child hear all of these different diagnosis and then to see their parents reaction can be really hard on them because then they feel like they're to blame there's something wrong with them a child when they're developing sees the world through their parents eye they fall down and they get hurt the first person they look to is their parent to say am i okay or not their self-assessment is actually a reflection a mirroring of how their parents are feeling honey it's just the way your brain was hardwired plenty of people have struggled with the same things you struggle with like you what rue wants to know is am i okay is there something defective with me am i gonna be all right and actually yeah like a lot of people have many of these things and still can be exceptionally successful plus a lot of these are treatable that you don't have to go through a life of suffering just because of that just because you have these does not mean that your life is going to be exceptionally difficult you may need to learn different tools and techniques though in order to be able to manage we have to do that no matter what whatever are our flaws or challenges that we have to deal with and every now and then if i focus too closely on the way i breathe i die so what rue is going through right now is actually a panic attack so panic attacks mostly are about thoughts thoughts of something bad is gonna happen and for rue what she's actually going through is a panic attack she fainted so two things one is that her panic attack was caused by her focusing too much on her breathing now usually for people that have panic attacks or anxiety we tell them to slow down your breathing practice breathing techniques but for people that have a symptomatically triggered anxiety linked to over sensing their body and with that being breathing i actually don't like them to do breathing techniques i just tell them to slow down and relax instead because that thought of their breathing actually can bring on a panic attack because they're thinking in their head oh my god look at my breathing it's too fast it's too slow it's going quickly just like focusing on any other part of their physiology such as their heartbeat could bring on a panic attack it's actually very rare for people to faint when they have an anxiety or panic attack usually you have an increase in blood pressure but what you do is the same technique that fighter pilots use when they're going through many different g-forces you end up flexing and pulsing to bring the blood back to your head because in your case you actually have a drop in blood pressure but for most people they actually have an increase in blood pressure and they will not faint until every second of every day you find yourself trying to outrun your anxiety and you can't outrun anxiety it's in you and once your body senses danger enough times not only does it pour adrenaline into your system but how do you get better at something you practice it and so because for rue she's been practicing being anxious her body actually will create a adrenaline response epinephrine faster than other people would because her system is getting ready for danger so that's actually adaptive if she lived in a dangerous part of the world it would be a good idea to be able to be anxious and keep herself safe faster but for real because she's living in this safe environment but her brain's saying danger she ends up in this situation that there isn't actually a physical danger but her body is feeling it and that's very exhausting some techniques might be to be able to accept it and know that even though you feel this way it's okay nothing bad is actually going to happen to you but you need to kind of go through that cognitive restructuring that restructuring of the way that you look at the world and that does take a certain amount of work and you see her as so many boys and girls do of starting to be a little bit critical of her own body she's now seeing the world no longer through her parents eyes but through her peers eyes and through the media's eyes and it's interesting because we pay so much attention to what we eat what we consume in our body through food but it's also really important especially for young boys and girls how do they see their place in society through the media and they're trying to live up to this photoshopped airbrushed version of what is real and so she's starting to get a little bit of a effect of being thinner she's sucking in her stomach might be better and that's actually not true but because that's what we're inundated with the media what you see what you hear becomes reality for you and quite frankly i'm just exhausted and that's something that's so common with all of my people that are dealing with anxiety is that you're just constantly inundated by all of this adrenaline and cortisol that's running in your system all the time you're so tired you're not sleeping as well your brain is constantly rushed you are tired even though you're not doing anything physical because even though you might be sitting in place you're going through a rush of all of those neurotransmitters and hormones that are saying danger so you're running like a racehorse just on the inside even though it might look placid and serene on the outside it also affects your eating your healing your skin your emotional control your reactivity the way that you see the world it all becomes flavored through your anxiety and at some point you make a choice and so how does rue cope she ends up by self-medicating she's taking her mom's xanax xanax is a benzodiazepine and it's a type of medication that inhibits that anxiety response and all she wants is to feel more calm to stop the spinning you said the doctor was in our network how could it suddenly be out of network i can't afford it you can hear the mom in the background that she's not really able to be able to get through the support that she might need and so because of that rue just wants to do whatever she can to be able to feel calm but the problem with benzodiazepines is because they work so effectively is that they also can be really addictive because eventually it is like taking alcohol a little bit doesn't create the same calm effect eventually you become tolerant to it and you need more and more in order to get the same effect of relief and so that's why often they're prescribed more as an occasional use medication to use as needed i used to take care of my dad after school because my mom had to take a second job to cover the medical bills he had like a bunch of pills he was too out of it to know i was high this all started when rue was having to take care of his father's cancer treatment on her own in the amount of stress and pressure that must have been on her you can't even imagine what it's like to be able to watch your person have to go through this treatment and what the aftermath and the stress on rue would be because of that room did you eat breakfast going back to the fact that she's not having breakfast in the day some people are not hungry for breakfast which could be the case but with the other scene of her sucking in her stomach i would say that perhaps she's not eating as much as she should be i just showed up one day without a map anyone capable of giving one iota of good advice we're not taught how to deal with all of these different situations in the world we're not taught what we should do if we're feeling anxiety or anger or loss and i think that her being shown also in the school situation of dealing with mass shooters or lockdowns or fire can cause a lot of distress for children because they're dealing with the physical effect of what to do to keep safe but not the emotional effect of what should we do with all the strong emotions and fears that might come with it this would be a great subject in school wouldn't we all be so much better if starting from kindergarten we had a class that actually helped us deal with our emotions and the things that are happening around us sorry a little bit of a soapbox but it's true and so rue ends up going down this path of addiction and self-medicating in order to go back to that place of feeling calm and serene but i think that also when you're not shown those tools a lot of people believe that there is no help for them because they haven't already been shown that and we don't talk about these things so many people feel like they're alone they're unique they're the only ones that are going through this and so they don't even want to share it because they figure that people will just discard them or not understand or say something that makes them feel hurt instead of feeling better because we're also not trained in how do we deal when someone tells us that they're dealing with something that's very serious or dangerous or scary or something we don't understand and then suddenly then we go through the risk of self-medicating in order to feel better is that you could end up in a situation where you're going through an overdose i remember the first time it happened to me i got so scared i wanted to call 9-1-1 i didn't want to everyone's night it's interesting that when we talk about rue is that her thought is that she doesn't want to be a trouble she doesn't want to call 9-1-1 even though she knows she's in danger and that's often what happens is that people don't want to be a burden to be this person that's always causing trouble and so sometimes when they actually need help they may not reach out this would be what i would want to know the things that affected her early in life where she's starting from i want to see the world through her eyes and if you're still curious about more reaction and psychology videos you can watch them all ad free sponsor free like all my videos all on nebula and it's not just my videos but mary's spender wendover renee ritchie real life lore alt shift decks and so many more all ad-free sponsor free on nebula and bundled in for free when you sign up with today's sponsor curiositystream at georgia dao or you can click on the link below and right now because you watch this channel you can get curiosity stream for 26 off less than fifteen dollars a year i don't know what you can buy for fifteen dollars but not much around where i live and you get the whole catalog for a year that includes thousands of amazing documentaries and series like inside the mind of a con artist we unearth the human truths behind some of the most extraordinary cases in con artistry and we deal with the psychology that makes them tick you'll also be supporting 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Channel: Georgia Dow
Views: 71,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: psychology, psychotherapy, therapy, self help, life coach, psychotherapist, self improvement, euphoria, rue
Id: osnBvNzQIVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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