Hazbin Hotel Therapist Analysis: Sera's Machiavellian Tendencies

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we're going to get into if you can't already tell we're going to be getting into Sarah one of the seraphim I think that her character is much more Mercurial than it seems at first glance so let's take a deeper look into Sarah St Peter we can take it from here greetings daughter of the Morning Star I am Sarah the High s from of Heaven you're gifted to be here hi I just it's just Emily's squeal brings so much joy for Sarah you can tell that she has this mask that she wears that she wants to seem like she's all put together that she's doing things by the book she comes across so very composed and she carries with her a lot of authority and I think that that comes with a whole bunch of issues that may be less ordered than what we [Music] think and she has to make sure that when Emily kind of offers everyone to kind of stay here or saying like you know oh this is going to be wonderful you're going to love it here she has to make sure that people kind of understand that this is not going to be something to expect that is important you want to set boundaries and consequences immediately and from the Geto even though sometimes that could be a little awkward especially when someone first comes in but if you have rules of your house it's good that everyone is aware of that before they enter so that people feel comfortable with that and you don't know and you've been doing something wrong for a really long time then that can cause animosity or resentment so I think that it's a good idea that you're able to State them and feel comfortable to State them for a lot of people we feel bad stating our boundaries like we don't have a right to be able to have certain rules with certain consequences and you do sir what was the seraphim's one rule no one but the Exorcist can know about the exterminations I know fine you should listen to your Lieutenant Adam Sarah you can't sneak up on a guy like that so you see the amount of authority she has even to someone like Adam and loot they quiet down and even Adam shows mostly a good deal of respect when she speaks she's high on the food chain that she carries the order and everyone else listens to her and a little bit fears her what are the hell spun doing here well you failed to control the Demon's unrest and now Lucifer is involved I never would have agreed to your yearly activities I thought it would bring trouble to our doorstep so you can hear in her voice how she has trouble to even say the exorcism which means that she already feels that there might be something wrong with this that maybe it's not the most holy of things to do to just slaughter people because you're worried about it and I think that there's a really interesting psychology of when you do things even though you know that they're morally wrong or you question that so that means that they hold a value that is higher than this and what exactly for Sarah is that keeping Heaven safe was my only reason for allowing it what do you want from me I'm just one guy it's funny though for Adam like he's like you know I'm this great thing I'm the first guy I'm the most important and then when responsibility kind of falls on him he's now only like oh I'm just one guy mhm yeah Adam I want you to do whatever you need to do to keep this problem from getting any worse for Sarah the ends justify the means a term made famous by maavi and he has a book all on different Val and values and how to go about things called the prince that Sarah even though she feels uncomfortable with it is accepting of that as long as she keeps Heaven safe no matter what the cost or whichever of her own morality she breaks it's worthwhile and that's a really macu valan way of thinking about things and that kind of M gives me like a shiver when I first watched it it didn't seem like it was that mellian her saying that you can do whatever whatever and Adam is exceptionally literal and for her as a position of authority to say that could be interpreted by different people very differently does that mean that he could kill Charlie and that would be okay does that mean that he could just Slaughter everyone that's around him and that would be all right it kind of makes me look at Sarah with a different lens even though she shows a lot of traits of seeming very Angelic and pure and thoughtful and just that she's willing to do a lot of Darker things in order to keep Heaven safe that makes me kind of think that maybe Sarah actually knew when Alistair was killing all the most dangerous demon Lords in hell maybe that benefited her to keep all the people that might make an uprising in check it kind of just makes you think to that that possibly she was okay with her maybe she allowed it we are gathered here today to determine whether or not a soul in hell can be redeemed into the Heavenly Realm by means of this hasb been hotel and it makes me kind of feel bad for Charlie because here it seems like Sarah is there on good faith that she is really wanting to listen to Charlie that Charlie has a chance but it already seems that Sarah's already thought about the answer often we are so strong in our convictions and we become single-minded that there's only one path to achieve our means that we're not going to even listen to truly listen to any other ideas they may differ from ours Prince's Morning Star Webster's Dictionary defines Redemption as objection lame and unoriginal sustained no further dictionary references please right okay I don't know it's fine to have dictionary sometimes it is really important when we have a debate to be able to understand what the terms are that we're discussing and to be able to be all on the same page so that we can understand what does redemption really mean and how do we Define that and what are the rules to that so I think that this being sustained atams thought that just because it's unoriginal it doesn't have any validity or it isn't important to be able to discuss we're often discussing things and it's just because we have a different definition of each term that sometimes we're arguing about something against each other but we actually believe the same thing we just have the definitions of the terms the meanings to the words that we're using are different see he did everything on your checklist then why isn't he here then none of you know what gets someone into heaven this questioning stops now we know when a soul arrives we know when they pass Divine judgment it is our job to ensure these souls are safe when someone questions your belief or who you are for Sarah being at the top of the hierarchy no one ever questions her she's used to people just following blindly she just ends it she doesn't want to be able to have that discussion whenever you don't want to be able to discuss a different view or you don't want to be able to hear it that makes me think that you don't feel that comfortable in what you actually believe that that causes you emotional distress and why would that if you're really solid in your belief if you feel comfortable in why you believe that if you can defend it why would you need to shut down someone else's argument versus that I think that a lot of the problems that we have right now is that we can't discuss differing views the idea of discourse of coming to the truth of understanding things of seeing things in a different view are so shut out immediately that we stay in these bubbles where everyone else around us believes exactly the same thing and that's not actually healthy for our brain it doesn't help us grow and stay kind of plastic it makes us very rigid it can give us blinders for differing ways to do things and stop us from being able to evolve to learn to be more fluent fluid and adaptive and that adaptiveness is really healthy and better for our own Survival and I think that that helps us come closer together and we realize that that even people with completely different ideological views may not be as different as we think but she was right Sarah she showed us the soul can improve he saw the light Sarah and you see Sarah's look this is painful for her this is not just her questioning her own beliefs but now she has Emily questioning her beliefs and you can tell that the relationship between Sarah and Emily is very maternal now I don't know if they're actually related I don't know if she's actually the mother of Emily but they definitely have a maternal relationship and to be questioned by someone else that you tried to let see the best of you and for them to notice all of the cracks in your armor can be be a really painful thing but sometimes that look in the mirror to be able to be reflected back on you is also really important sometimes the painful things that we have to see about ourselves our ugly truths are also healthy so we can evolv chance now we turn our Second Glance it's not as simple as you think not everything and I think that that's a fair statement that Sarah is saying sometimes we have to make difficult decisions for the greater good things aren't that black and white but I think that for Sarah she's portrayed something that isn't true and if you're really honest about your mistakes and your flaws people are usually pretty good about that it's when you project that I am holier than thou that I'm better than everyone else that hypocrisy people get really upset about and when they realize your Humanity or your mistake when you've been hypocritical knocking you off of that ped still feels actually good for others because you've stood in judgment what she's decided that the people in hell are not worthy of redemption and you can actually just go down and torture and kill them for fun and pleasure because it benefits Heaven is something that would be considered hypocritical and so it actually feels good when people knock them off and you have to come to that realization so being more genuine and authentic which sometimes is difficult is actually a benefit don't you care say doesn't mean they to change their ways Turn the Page escape [Music] infal and that's that political answer and I think that it's often used as a blanket term to shut other people down to shut down questions that you don't know enough how could you question me I'm a person of authority and I think that in that way the ends justifying the means that's her way of just kind of not being willing to be able to have that discussion because sometimes when you take a look at all of the pieces that are in play it may not look as pretty as other people want and for someone like Sarah who wants to be looked up to and looked up to as being just and holy especially to everyone else that's around her because if they started to question then all of the pieces of Heaven all of that order might change got to say I can't wait to come down and exterminate you wait so let's go back and take a look at Sarah's face when Adam is about to drop the one thing that she told him not to say anything about of course Adam can't deal with that because he just does things in the moment the frontal lobe deficiency and so whatever happens he just says it got to say I can't wait down and exterminate you wait the horror upon her face when something that she has been hoping with all hope to keep secret because she knows how horrific this really is that no matter what it still is horrible didn't know and that's that heartbreaking question of did you know that this is happening and Sarah doesn't have much of a choice because Adam's going to tell her if she said no I didn't know that he was doing this Adam right away would give up the goods that's the problem with her making a deal with someone that would do this someone that would just slaughter people will also betray you without a thought either I think that a lot of times people think that oh I'm going to be special they're going to treat me different if they would do this to someone else they have the capacity to do this to you also so unfortunately when someone shows you who they are you want to believe them I'm older it's my low to shoulder you have to listen it was such a hard decision and you see that pain that pain for Sarah of realizing even though for her the ends justifying the means the cost of this The Fallout of this she's made this decision that affects everyone that's in heaven and in hell for them I the it what and that look of you know I had to do what was required but you see all the fire in her eyes which does seem like that the way that Emily sees her the reflection back at her of how she feels about her and I think that sometimes we so dearly want to protect things and keep things safe that sometimes we go just too far I think that Sarah really did have good intentions of wanting to keep the people in heaven safe from who she saw as the bad people in hell and when we do that when we separate kind of good from bad the ingroup from the outgroup we're able to do horrible things to them and for Sarah she sees everyone in Heaven this is the world that she lives at because she never experiences people that are in hell she doesn't go there it's so much easier to demonize them when we form our little tiny groups we look at the outgroup as so much worse we only hear the rumors we exclude others from that but because of that we don't feel as bad when we've dehumanized a group and made them as less than it's easy to turn a blind eye when horrible things are happening to them cuz they're not one of us but do two wrongs make right [Music] ad and I think that this is probably the first time for Sarah that Emily has stood up to her I think it's really painful when you're the parental figure to have the person that you've been mentoring speak against you but also that says that she's done a really good job of teaching Emily to be able to speak up to stand up for herself to have things that she's willing to go against the grain that she believes in so even though this is really painful for Sarah I also have to say good job in mentoring Emily which again for me you might say like they're both serap and they both lived for a really long time they're not actually like parental figures but it does seem like a mentorship or an apprenticeship that they have between each other and the way that she interacts with her does seem kind of maternal to me and so she's done a good job with that and so for that I think that she should be proud talkt just pret with to to the morals it's such a hard thing when the people that you've been working with they look at you differently or they feel like they have a different value if you speak about it and talk about things and work things out explain your reasonings for why you do things you can come to an understanding a lot of times people might not agree with why what you did but sometimes they might understand why you did that and so you can still come to Common Ground this is not something that has to be well they didn't she did murder a whole bunch of people in this one might be a little tough like she did murder a whole bunch of souls from hell and they're not going to regenerate and then the thought of redemption I think this one's still going to be a pretty tough one I can understand Emily being really angry about it because isn't that the same behavior that a lot of people have gone to hell in the first place for I'm sorry but this court finds that there is no evidence souls in hell can be redeemed and when she kind of like puts her hair back and tries to like go back to having her decor and doing those breaths to be able to reset that is a really effective technique when you feel really upset or worried about things taking a few breaths slow deep breaths letting your heart rate go down actually makes us feel calmer not for everyone but for most people because when you're doing this short chest breathing that you can tell that she was doing at the beginning it actually sends a feedback loop to our brain that we're running that there's danger and so when we take the deep breaths exhale for longer than you inhaled and slowly lets your body know that the danger is over you survived the tiger so it doesn't have to keep on sending you epinephrine to keep you alive and then you can come back to being more calm and relaxed and handle the situation A little better extermination of human Souls demon or not there is no reason to be doing this they were Uprising Emily see all the eyes this gave her a rise so all of the eyes come out for both Emily and for Sarah like they're looking everywhere this is the alert it's kind of funny because there's a lot of animals that do that as a threat reaction so it seems like this is her threat reaction to Emily to like stay down listen to her right now my position as the head seraphim to protect our people at all costs and that thing again of protect our people at all cost that's such a heavy statement do the ends justify the means doing horrible horrible things at any cost in order to protect the people you love I can understand it but it still doesn't mean that it's right though you might disagree with me you can let me know in the comments below it's your position to keep them happy and joyful how can I bring joy when I now know we are bringing misery to thousands I know I said it in the Emily video but like that is again the stay in your lane this is my job let me do my job you don't understand it you just make people happy you just sit there and smile it's kind of demeaning to Emily like sh hush don't don't question just stay smiling everyone looks to us and we can't doubt ourselves a worry about the fates of demons when we have our own souls to protect if you start to question you could end up like Lucifer fall in and my video about the cult I kind of went through my feelings of not being able to question things right away if someone is upset at you questioning the reasonings and the thoughts of what they do and I'm not saying that that means that you can question everyone there is a hierarchy and I know in heaven it's quite the business there's a strong hierarchy but not allow ing any questioning at any time that's a red flag for me for anything sometimes questioning and understanding it increases the chances that people will do what they have to even in strong situations not knowing increases the chances that people might do the wrong thing may not understand the reasons for why you do it I got pushed back from that before but it's true if I hit someone they might get really offended but if they realize that there was a mosquito on them that was about to bite them they might feel less upset that I smacked and killed it before it bit them maybe they might feel really horrible that I killed a mosquito or that I smacked them without their consent they might have you never know also the relationship matters I couldn't bear to see you suffer that fate so please let me worry about this okay I'm sorry to be able to ask questions is that something that should make you fallen is that something that you should be thrown out of Heaven because you don't tow the line because you have your own thoughts that also makes me question what are the rules at play here and why and are they then truly just what where where am I oh hello and look at Sarah's face there we go of course it's serenus he's the one that proved all of this that Sarah must have been wrong and her edict her verdict must be wrong because if no souls in hell H could be redeemed then serenus would not be there do the ends really justify the means or does it prove more that she was wrong that souls in hell can be redeemed and so slaughtering them probably is not the best way to be able to deal with this problem I love the shocked look that she has and the joy that M has knowledge is power so in order to save yourself from your own personal hell get all the knowledge you need with today's sponsor brilliant.org you want to learn a new SK skill you want to get 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do it now just visit brilliant.org Georgia da or click on the link in the description you will get 20% off on annual premium subscription so thank you so much to brilliant for sponsoring my channel because that allows me to make more of these videos that I so dearly love and thank you to you for watching them and hopefully subscribing which also helps me so very much so you can let me know in the comments below if you think I was a little bit too harsh on Sarah and her belief system and the way that she handles things or not
Channel: Georgia Dow
Views: 62,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: psychology, psychotherapy, therapy, self help, life coach, psychotherapist, self improvement
Id: CDyTnewo2QY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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