Supernatural Provision | Jennifer Toledo | Expression58

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well today i i have a word for us i'm actually tell a lot of stories today um but i felt like the lord wanted to speak to us today about supernatural provision supernatural provision and i know we're all in and you know in a season all over the world of just challenging times and um i've been thinking about this but what is a what is supernatural provision what does that even mean um a supernatural occurrence is a manifestation or event that's attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature it's an unusual an unlimited an accelerated a divine supply from heaven right suspending the realm of impossibility something that's foreign to natural man's thinking and another way you could say it is it's god's involvement in the physical world it's heaven breaking in it's something we cannot do in our own strength it's it's divine support divine strength divine provision divine you know uh interference into our life and into the natural realm and god has supernatural ways to fully supply every single need that we have physically emotionally relationally spiritually god loves to break in god is not a god of lack he's fully able fully present and i felt so strongly um as we kind of go through this today i want to stir i want you my heart and my prayers that you would get stirred and get yourself positioned to receive supernatural provision that god wants to release over your life i believe that god is releasing super natural provision and it's today i feel like it's like he's knocking at the door with supernatural provision and for those who have ears to hear and open the door there's full provision for what you need what your family needs right now your business your marriage your relationships homeschooling whatever it is there is provision available to you today and so my prayer is that your heart would just be expanded as you hear these expanded and that you would just receive the truth and that today that there would be a release of provision for everybody who needs it in jesus name so i want to just remind us of a few things because all throughout scripture we see god breaking in with supernatural provision over and over these are just a few examples like when the lord provides the ram for abraham in place of isaac it's pretty profound or when the ravens bring food and drink to elijah birds delivering food right or the year supply of food for the widow and elijah in the midst of a famine the multiplication of oil for the widow jesus turning water into wine jesus multiplying the fish and the loaves to feed the thousands or the clothes in the shoes that never were out in the desert for 40 years i mean i can't even get my kids shoes to last a month this is this is miraculous right wow manna falling from heaven these aren't just fairy tales you guys this happened manna bread like substance fell from heaven to feed people when they didn't have food water coming out of rocks how about the fact that god when god asked noah to do something and it felt anybody ever been asked by god to do something and it feels like how am i going to do that god that feels really hard imagine noah noah go get two of every animal really on thursday or friday when am i going to do that like go get two of every animal on the planet and put them on a boat god provided right he doesn't call you into something he doesn't already have a plan to provide for you for it right god provided the animals for noah our god held time still what do we forget these stories in the bible literally joshua's like god i'm not done with my fight i'm going to need you just like pause you guys remember that little show okay i'm old anyways where they would pause time and i god i need you to pause time because i actually would like to fight by daylight it's kind of hard to fight at night god's like i got you freezes the sun in its place for a minute that's some crazy provision right so he could finish the battle there's so many stories like this in the bible so many times throughout history you know since the bible where god has broken in over and over and over divinely supernaturally into circumstances for his people to bring them what they need i've experienced this many of you have also experienced this this is who our god is i love psalms 23 1 the lord is my shepherd i lack nothing i lack nothing some of us need to retrain the way we're thinking some of us have been walking around focusing on lack and god is saying hey if you will put me in my rightful place as your shepherd you will understand you lack nothing we need to begin to declare i lack nothing i'm a child of god i lack nothing it doesn't matter what my bank account says i lack nothing it doesn't matter what the economy says i lack nothing i live by a different economy right it doesn't matter what the doctor report says i lack nothing because i know who my shepherd is and he will lead me to the green pastures and he will lead me to the still waters and he will lead me to the place of rest he's that good he breaks in the lord is my shepherd i want to tell a couple stories today and i want to talk about some different ways that we can position ourself because it's not just oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god please please please please please that's you know sometimes we are probably most the time that's how we respond to lack in our life we like you know we don't know what to do ourselves we're just waiting on for heaven to break in and there's some things you can do to position yourself to be in a place and to to be in a situation where you become a target for supernatural provision i don't know about you but i want to be a target for supernatural provision and so i'm going to give us some tools of how we can posture ourselves so that we literally become this giant magnet for supernatural provision to land in our life all right so i'm going to tell you five stories and each one has it has a different point to it but the first uh the first point how are we going to target ourselves is make your needs known to god now this is the one that probably most of us are familiar with right we pray we tell god what we need philippians 4 6 never worry about anything instead in every situation let your petitions be made known to god through prayers and requests with thanksgiving i love that this is added with thanksgiving not with anxiety not with panic not with dread not with hopelessness with thanksgiving coming in confidently god here's what i need i'm going to lay it before you and i'm going to worship and trust you because i know you're good that's a very different heart posture than right nobody can relate okay that's many times how my heart responds when there's a lack um but we come before him with thanksgiving and so i'm gonna i'm gonna tell you a story in my own life um where i learned this very much as a child as a child uh we had you know my mom was a single mom and it was a it was a hard environment you know with with one parent um with minimal income and provision felt hard and there was a lot of needs in our life and there was a lot of lack and and everything from just basic uh food and um and so my mom taught us hey you're you're you know god is a father of the fatherless and we're going to let him know what you need and then you're going to go to school and we're going to trust him and it was very much just like all right let's just do this and so we begin to to pray as a family to say okay god we run out of groceries and there's no money left so lord we need food and we would just pray and we'd go on our way to school and trust god and my whole childhood i could tell you story after story but so many times coming home from school um we'd walk home that's the days when you actually could walk to school some of you know i'm talking about walking home from school and they're on our doorstep would be bags and bags of groceries and to this i mean years and years this happened we never knew who left them we never knew where they came from it was literally like god himself had gone grocery shopping and i knew it was god because it was none of the stuff my mom would ever buy us and so it was like lucky charms and i mean all of the good stuff that your mom would never well my mom would never buy and so we were like it's god you know and um these kinds of things happened all the time and so we just learned make your requests known to god um and trust him be at peace in it and so i remember clearly when my brother didn't have shoes and he needed new shoes and uh it was in the 80s when you could buy an awesome pair of tennis shoes for like 30 something dollars and that was a lot of money and so my mom just gathered us and said okay let's just pray and ask god uh for what we need and so first she took us down to the shoe store i've told the store here before but she took us down to don shoe store a shoe store in town told my brother pick out the pair of shoes you want and he does and then we leave because we don't have money and uh kind of weird and we get home and she's like now specifically you know it's you know 38 dollars and 19 cents ask the lord specifically for that amount he's a father and he provides for his kids he knows what you need and so we prayed as a family for 38 and 19 cents and the next day was sunday go to church and this woman walks up to us and she says to my mom and she says please don't be offended by this i know this sounds really weird but i woke up this morning with this number running through my head and i couldn't shake it i'm supposed to give this to you and she hands my mom a check for 38 dollars and 19 cents and after church we went to don shoe store and we bought some shoes for my brother and this i'm divine super you know intervention this is supernatural provision but there's something about trusting god letting him know what you need he already knows what you need but there's something about knowing who your source is he doesn't need you to tell him so you can remind him what you need you need to be reminded the reason you ask is because you're the one who needs to be reminded where your source is right so you present your request to him you trust you stay in that place of peace and heaven breaks in uh the next story i want to tell you is is our our second point which how you're going to posture yourself to see supernatural provision in your life is you need to throw out mixture in your life now we're stepping beyond just asking god for what you need these are things if you do them i'm telling you you will see where you become this target that heaven cannot resist to break in for throw out mixture in your life um so this story takes place in kenya several years ago um we're working with children and training kids all over kenya to encounter god to hear god and um our pastor our local pastor in the bengo area patrick he he was leading this this big youth camp um and we've been as we'd been training all the kids and all of us and so he he invited our team had invited 900 children from the region to come together for a week to be poured into and get equipped um equipped in in the supernatural and hearing god and so we have all these kids that are planning on coming we have 100 adults that are coming i'm sorry 800 kids and 100 adults so 900 total and we have all these people coming and so our team begins to put out requests to all the different churches and everybody in the community hey we're having this large community-wide event for children would you consider donating um some snacks some chai tea um and we're gonna feed these kids breakfast every day and so different people are donating we're you know our team's gathering all these supplies we're so grateful people are dropping off you know little biscuits and milk and tea and everything and our team gathers everything and um some of the the the kids workers they're they're you know get up early in the morning and they're making the chai tea which is black tea with milk in it um for the kids and as they're preparing everything um one of our mamas in there she just has this check something from the holy spirit that says something's not right and um everybody had to really trust that she was hearing the lord because this was a sacrifice and she said we need to throw all of the milk out all of it and we had our team had worked so hard to get all these donations and so i was like okay so our team threw all of the milk out dumped it out behind some bush behind the building where we were our team was i wasn't there our team was and um and so they were like you know what i guess it's just going to be black tea and one of the other team members was like i have just a little bit of money ran to the corner store bought three little packets of milk and it was enough to make three tea kettles of milk tea and then everybody else was gonna get black tea and so we had a lot of different government representatives coming and different kind of leaders coming in so the thought was let's serve those people the milk tea our special guests and everybody else is just going to have black tea and um and so we do that we you know our team takes the three cuddles and and assigns you know the three milk kettles and assigns the three kids to uh to go serve it and those three kids pray over it ask god to bless and they begin to serve the they're told you know serve the vip guest first and then you know we'll serve everybody else and so this is going on everybody's you know running around getting things together and then we realize our team realizes um hold on what's happening and why have they not come back for more tea and we go out there and realize that three tea kettles has now fed or served 900 people milk tea did you catch that three tea kettles has now served 900 people a cup of tea and they're still full mind you and we have all this black tea in the kitchen just sitting there like don't need me right what this was crazy we're like what in the world is going on so our team starts freaking out like we just saw this crazy miracle god multiplied milk tea for everybody here 900 people just got that out of these three tea kettles this is supernatural provision and and so it seems seems kind of silly like why would god care that much about tea but uh god was making a point with all of this and so you know of course the kids are like whoa you know excited god's showing up you know god is showing off so we just start going for our team starts going for it people start getting healed this one child who had severe epilepsy got completely set free i mean crazy things were happening people were getting saved i mean just it just started a whole week of just heaven breaking in with signs and wonders at this event um later that day our team you know it's a very full day about six seven hours later our team goes out and kind of packing up and and goes out in the back realizes something strange where the milk we had dumped was there were dead bugs there was a dead rat there was a dead dog all around it and we call the authorities kind of start this whole thing and realize um we had been given later it was all traced and found out by the local witch doctor who had sent it through somebody else so that he we wouldn't know it was him he'd sent it through a person from church we had been given poisoned milk that was strong enough after they did the test on it strong enough that would have killed all of those children what right and thankfully somebody with their discernment said no mixture we're not going to allow mixture and there's something powerful about this story because god breaks in obviously so powerfully but i want you to hear this for your own life there is a temptation there is a temptation that will always be present just a little bit of mixture just a little bit of mixture it's going to bless you you're going to have more you'll be you'll have more followers you'll have more money you'll have more business you'll have more whatever just a little bit of mixture never hurt and it's literally the poison that will kill your soul and there's something about when you refuse mixture and when you say i would rather live my life with three tea kettles then live my life with abundance and have it be tainted with hypocrisy i'd rather have little and have it be righteous before god i'd rather have little and do it right and be honoring i'd rather have less and do my taxes right and honor god you know what i'm saying i'd rather have less i'd rather be content with the small amount and refuse the mixture in my life when you do that i'm telling you you literally position yourself that god cannot help himself but break in and show off in your life it attracts heaven it draws heaven and the temptation is you'll have more with just a little mixture everybody else is doing it everybody else in the church has a little mixture why not you and what i'm telling you i'm telling you when you position yourself and you say i refuse to do it any other way you become a target for heaven to show up and just blast through your life supernatural provision matthew 6 33 but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you keep it about the his kingdom keep it about his righteousness keep it about him everything else will come into place number three how are we going to posture ourself for supernatural provision in our life be about god's business be about god's business um the reality is you don't have to beg and plead for supernatural provision when you're already focused on doing god's work it's his pleasure to provide for you right so often we don't see god breaking in because we're not even doing the things he's asked us to do we're doing what we want to do we're doing our version of it we cut out the parts of the bible we like we want to do that and we're wondering why we don't see god's supernatural provision the reality is the provision flows when we're lined up in his purposes when we're lined up with doing it his way when we're lined up in doing the things he's called us to do right when we're following him there's full provision his disciples never lacked anything when you're following there's full provision and so ii corinthians 9 8 says and god is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will bound in every good work there's a lot of halls in there and god is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things at all times having all that you need you will abound in every good work when we're about god's business provision flows um this next story um some of you have heard this um also takes place in kenya actually in rwanda first and then kenya but um we were taking a team and heading in to do ministry to children and we decided we could we had eight extra suitcases we could fill uh with donations so we filled eight suitcases with clothes and backpacks and shoes and books and toothbrushes and toys for kids um now eight suitcases isn't that much but we're like we're going to squish in as much as you can in 50 pounds right and in eight suitcases and so and we have these eight suitcases we go to rwanda first and when we were in rwanda we thought here's what we'll do is we'll we'll get rid of the eight suitcases there because who wants to keep lugging stuff around and so um we we asked the leaders hey we think that this is enough for 50 kids and we set up this shop literally and we're like send us the 50 poorest kids you know the most like worst situations you know and we're gonna we're gonna hook these kids up and each kid got a backpack or a bag with shoes clothes a toy you know some toiletries and some school supplies i mean that's a lot of stuff right and so we're praying over these eight suitcases lord multiply it we need this to we want every kid to get a bag of stuff and so praying multiplication over these suitcases and um 50 kids come through and they all get a bag and it is a party and there is actually tons of stuff left and so we're like wow this this is amazing this went further than we thought so he said hey will you bring us 50 more so they brought 50 more kids and sure enough these next 50 kids all get a bag full of stuff and we're like this is amazing well at this point we realize how in the world do we still have four suitcases worth of stuff left this doesn't make sense but we're like you know what we don't have time at this point this has taken the whole day and we have to we're catching a flight to kenya so we're like okay crazy we're taking four suitcases with us so we get to kenya we get to uh soweto slum in nairobi and we have all this stuff left so we we go to all the elite the church leaders in the slum and we say hey bring us all your worst case scenario kids i mean this is already the worst case scenario but find the ones in you know that really are in dire need and and bring them and so we begin to just as these kids are streaming through we can't believe that our we still have all this stuff and we begin to just dress them and you know let them pick out clothes and shoes and we're just giving them all of this stuff and our team is like this is this is kind of feeling crazy right like this doesn't make sense like this is way more than eight suitcases worth of clothes and we're like i know but this is this is weird so once again we bring all the kids there's still all this stuff and i remember so specifically this one little girl at this point all the shoes were done we'd given away all the shoes now it was just clothes tons of clothes left and um every child had gotten a pair of shoes there except for this one little girl and you know she desperately wanted the translator is telling us a story she desperately wanted a little pair of like black mary janes that she wanted to wear to school and she wanted this little pair of black shoes so bad and i don't remember what size she was let's just say size you know three and um and you know she's like desperately wants to size you know size three little black shoes school shoes and i have searched these bags so i know we have no shoes left and um she starts to cry and i'm like oh my gosh no there's no way god you have to like i'm sorry guys there's just not even gonna be an option right and so our team is sitting there and they're looking at me like oh no like how did everybody but one kid get a pair of shoes you know and and i'm like i look at them and i said you pray over that suitcase right now and you stick your hand in there and you pull out a pair of size three black mary janes and they're like um you know jesus and i kid you not we pray they dig through the bag oh my gosh how is it that there's one pair of shoes left size three cute little black school shoes i mean this little girl was beaming she was so excited and the team was just like we just saw a miracle right and so we were thinking at this point okay we've got rid of all this stuff and then we realize oh this is there's something happening that's not natural there is a supernatural provision that's happening right now because we're here's the reality right we're doing god's work and i have to be honest with you this is my personal story in the middle of this i was pregnant with my first child and we were dirt poor missionaries i mean real poor and i was so excited i'd found out i was having a girl all i wanted to do was go shopping and get cute baby stuff and we literally had no money we had no money and i heard the lord speak and he said if you will be faithful with my kids i'll be faithful with yours if you'll be faithful with my my house i'll be faithful with yours and it i just it sunk and it hit me so deeply and what was so crazy about this time when we were in in kenya was we're pulling things out of suitcases i had i'd packed these bags i had never seen i didn't understand i mean i'm i'm not exaggerating lucky brand jeans with the tags on for kids i mean full-on designer clothes the full head to toe matching ha i mean literally we i'm not what i'm i'm not exaggerating might tell you parents did not recognize their children i mean these were like kids from the slum right so they're just in rags they are filthy they came out looking like a full-on magazine shoot i don't even full matching outfits all slicked up they were so excited i mean i'm pulling out these things thinking this is insane this is juicy i'm juicy couture stuff for babies i'm like what is ha where did this stuff come from we're pulling all this designer stuff out and i'm like this is crazy and i could just feel the lord say i only do the best for my kids and i could feel the heart of god for the orphan i could feel the heart of god for for his kids and i was like god this is so amazing i kept remembering him saying if you're faithful to me about my business i'll take care of your business and so here's the crazy part is this it literally doesn't run out to the point that it's now become a problem and we're like uh what in the world so we move on to another part of kenya we still have suitcases full of stuff we're like something crazy is happening we decide we have to get rid of this because we're leaving in a few days so we get giant garbage bags and we fill giant garbage bags and we take giant garbage bags of clothes to every single orphanage in the county and then we take giant garbage bags of clothes to the hospitals and we're like just deliver we're like we got to get rid of this stuff and the group i went in we went to this orphanage i had about 100 kids we'd packed tons of stuff i knew that this orphanage had older kids so it was like all like you know aged kind of eight and up so we particularly packed all the older stuff sent all the baby stuff to like the hospital so you know we were very organized and i get there i deliver this bag and the director of the orphanage says oh by any chance do you have any baby clothes and i was like no we sent it to the hospital like you guys don't have babies and they said i know but um this baby this baby girl was just found in a dumpster and she had nowhere else to take her so they brought her here and i was like oh my gosh and i'm just holding this baby just the most precious thing and at this point i'm like we have seen so many miracles and i just said you know what i am sure i am sure we have some baby clothes we dump out this bag guys hold on hold on you need to understand this this is what heaven breaking in looks like okay literally to my shock there are 23 because a baby needs 23. 23 full-on ruffly easter church dresses for this baby because god is about to crown his little princess in the most cuteness you've ever seen and i was like what there's no way 23 i mean full on the matching booties the match i mean all of it i'm like this is ridiculous right god you're crazy and and literally we come back and there are still things and so at this point we're like we're leaving so we begin to which if you if you ever travel to a third world country you can understand how insane of a thing this is we just begin to go all throughout the village anybody who needs anything who has kids come and we're just dumping suitcases and people are just like grabbing i mean crazy amounts of things and all the people in the village come and get clothes for their kids and we're like how is this possible right how is this possible now long story short how this ends we get home and uh leave all of our suitcases in the garage i go into the garage to start throwing things in the wash our personal suitcases were never at any time ever around these eight team suitcases right we kept them all separate and uh i get home i'm throwing things in the laundry i open up my suitcase and in my suitcase are beautiful baby girl dresses what i literally sat on my garage floor and i'm just like like wow you're so good and i just once again heard the lord say when you're about my business there's always enough when you're about my business you don't get left out when you're about my business there's always provision you take care of my business i'll take care of yours and i was just like i love you right wow it's the goodness of god breaking in all right number four we're gonna go through these quickly these last two are short number four is own nothing how can you posture yourself for god to break in your life own nothing um one time when i was in college passionately going after god and you know just god i'll do anything i'll go anywhere whatever you say and um i was trying to pay my first rent you know it's 250 a month what is that you can't even breathe in la for a second for that but anyways i lived in fresno at the time so you could and um 250 a month for my rent and um i had no money i was like i am not going to get paid in time i am not going to be able to pay my rent i'm stressing out and the lord speaks to me and says i want you to drive i'm actually to harvest rock an amazing church in pasadena and there was an event that was going on a conference and an ambassador uh or was it ambassador the auditorium and um and god said i want you to go i have something for you and i was like i don't even have gas money god was like i got you go and i'm like oh my gosh i drive and as i'm getting to the event my car is on e right i have 20 dollars to my name literally twenty dollars as it that was it i have twenty dollars cash and that is it that is my ticket home right and i'm sitting in this event and all of a sudden during the offering god just begins to stir on my heart give me your twenty dollars would you would you give he was give me he's saying would would you give it to me would you invest it and i'm like i'm sorry god maybe you forgot or you can't do math my car is on e i have a three hour trip home i have no money literally none zero i zero there is zero in my account like there's zero i have what are you talking about and god's like i want you to trust me would you give it and i'd already made a determination in my heart that i was going to own nothing that whatever i had was his and it was for him to decide it wasn't for me even if it didn't make sense to me and so it was it was so sacrificial but i was like god it's yours you can have it and i remember so much joy putting my 20 in that offering plate and i had just gone for the day and i'm like it's now nighttime and i'm going to drive home i'm like 18 by myself three hours away from home and i'm gonna drive home on e cool plan right and i figure the only way i'm gonna be able to even just get myself to not freak out as i need to pray in tongues so i'm literally just praying in tongues over my car and i start driving and i'm just thinking i don't know what to do like god hasn't told me what to do so i'm just gonna keep driving and just keep praying in tongues i drove for three hours all the way to fresno from la from pasadena with literally my car the you know below e i don't know how it happened to this day my gas never ran out hundreds of miles it never ran out i made it all the way home and i was like i can't believe that happened i can't believe that happened i can't believe that happened at supernatural provision and then i walk in my apartment and my roommate had put my mail on the table and there was a letter on the table and i opened it up in my name and it was not only it was the full amount of my rent plus some somebody had sent me money what i didn't have that money i gave the very tiny bit that i had trusting god and more than enough came was waiting for me on the table i didn't know that i didn't know that that check was on the table when i put that 20 in the offering i didn't know that but god did right god god sees that and i want to tell you it's so vital if we're going to position ourself for heaven to break in we have to learn to live open-handed we have to own nothing it can't be about us it can't be about our our wanting to save and do and hoard and self-protect we can call that whatever you want but at the end of the day it all belongs to him it's his and when we learn to live with open hands and when we learn to say god it's all yours i'm not just gonna give you ten percent you have all of it when you live that way and you will you know you refuse you know no matter how hard it is financially you refuse to stop giving you refuse to to disconnect yourself from your divine provision right it's so easy in times like this or we're like god you know the economy is taking let me stop giving you know what i love about this church that through this whole pandemic we have given more to our justice orgs more to our community than we've ever done before and you know why we do that because we understand where our source is and we understand we cannot we cannot afford to disconnect from our divine provision when you live owning nothing letting it all belong to him i'm telling you you become a giant magnet for god to show up you become a giant magnet for god to show up proverbs 11 24 and 25 the world of the generous gets larger and larger the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller the one who blesses others is abundantly blessed and those who help others are helped when we're generous our world gets bigger luke 6 38 give and it will be given to you a good measure pressed down shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap for with the measure you used it will be measured to you and then malachi 3 10 bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house test me in this says the lord and see if i will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it do you see all of these talk about when we give when we posture ourselves with generosity when we we continue to give to the lord when we invest in his kingdom it opens up the supernatural in your life i don't know about you but i can't afford to live without it i want supernatural provision in my life all right and then last but not least our fifth point how are we gonna posture ourself for supernatural provision it's a hard one folks but we need it refuse to quit when it gets hard refuse to quit when it gets hard galatians 6 9 says let us not become weary in doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up i believe many times we miss out on supernatural provision in our life because we sat down too soon we gave up when it got hard we gave up we turned around we sat down we gave up and god was like i was about to break in dang right um i'm gonna just tell this story very quickly as we close our time but this year we have seen god break through in our life in a way we never really could have imagined and about two years ago the lord began to speak to us as a family and we had lived in our home for eight years and loved our home it was a rental and and the lord began to speak to us and said i want you to begin to believe to own a home in la that's always been our dream we that was never a reality and it was like how in the world could we afford to own a home in la and um and god said i want you to begin to dream with me and so you know sure god i'll download redfin that's easy sure god you know whatever you just kind of start that process you know dreaming and and then all of a sudden you know things begin to accelerate and we get a notice from our uh our landlords and they said oh my gosh after all these years we've changed our mind we want to move back in and we're like what and so now we're like okay god well you were preparing us so i guess you know you want us to go on this journey well we didn't have money we don't we didn't have any money for a down deposit there was no way we could do this and so we're like okay well i guess we'll just go rent something and god was like no i said stand and believe me for a home and we're like cool cool we have three kids my mom lives with us we have a dog two dogs i mean really god what what how are we gonna do that and god's like i don't want you to go back into this don't put yourself into contract of renting something because i'm calling you into something new and it didn't make sense in the natural because it was like how in the world you know down payments are a lot of money 20 of a house nellie's a lot of money how in the world god and um and so we had some gracious people uh from this church nathan peterson let us stay in his house for you know two months and then the oxners who are legends uh let all six of us and our dog live in their little 600 square foot house and we're like it'll just be a few weeks i mean i'm telling you when we moved out of our house we each took a carry-on-sized suitcase just a few weeks put everything in pods just a few weeks um a few weeks pass a few months pass nothing's happening and we're like god what are we doing we are living six of us in this 600 square foot house what is happening and god's like stand and believe and it's like i don't want to like it was awful right like it was it became so hard i mean there's no space kids everywhere like it's just was like oh my gosh we're losing our mind like this is crazy and everything in us wanted to give up and there were so many times you know kids are crying we're crying it's just like this is so hard and everything innocent just be like jesus forget it just go rent a house this is so stupid why are we doing this and god was like you can you can if you want to be the boss of your own life but i thought you said you were following me okay god you know like why are you gonna be so crazy am i gonna be so you know intense you know i'm like okay and he's just like i know it's hard but i need you to stand will you keep believing even though there's no hope i mean we have no hope we have no business deals secretly out there that maybe is going to bring in money we have no there's nothing there is how are we going to get crazy amounts of money for a house and um after nine months nine months of being homeless this past year nine months of our kids being so embarrassed that they could never have a friend over because we're like the hispanic family with like 50 people in the back house you know like just mortified like we're just like what is happening you know and and literally we're all in one room one bedroom all of us you know good times and it's just like what is happening and god's like i want you to stand and there's so many times we wanted to give up and uh and then on on uh in february it's actually on super bowl sunday uh out of nowhere we get a phone call from somebody who the lord has spoken to them somebody uh in our community and the lord has spoken to them and said hey i want you to give them give a sacrificial gift give them the money they need for a down deposit for their home what what in a moment no warning our whole world changes in a moment and then in a moment we get this incredible gift and in a moment it's like the same time all of a sudden um the house of our dreams goes on the market only god and there was a you know all we literally get there to see this house and there's all these you know teslas and range rovers outside all trying to get in and see our house i'm like no no no cancel cancel cancel cancel get out of here and i'm just like what in the world and all these people with all these great offers you know and all this stuff that we don't have and god says i want you to trust me stand and so many times we was just like this feels foolish right and these people read our offer letter and they begin to weep because they were believers and we were talking about foster care and they do foster care and they were just like we don't need to see any other offer it doesn't matter if those offers are better doesn't matter who those people are these are the people who are supposed to have our house what are you kidding me and in the middle of a pandemic and in the middle when the world is burning we move into this gorgeous dream home but let me tell you something it's easy if you were to come over and you'd be like wow it is wow but it took a whole lot of hell right to stand to get to the wow and i wonder how many times we missed the wow because the hell was too hard we give up we give up and i want to encourage you i want to encourage you our god breaks in but he's also a god who is working to develop your character and working to develop your perseverance and he's working to develop you as a you know your faith in him because guys we've got to believe for bigger things than houses we are believing for the world right we are believing for transformation we're believing for justice and if our if we want to give up so easily on the small things how are we going to have the endurance for the big things and so let me tell you god wants to break in half you can come on up god wants to break in supernaturally in our lives i'm telling you i can feel it in my spirit i feel it in my bones he is posturing us he is posturing to break in supernaturally in your life james 1 17 every good and perfect gift is from above coming down from the father of the heavenly lights who does not change like shifting shadows every good and perfect thing comes from him so we don't we need to posture ourselves and align ourselves to him right and how are we going to do that these five things we just talked about we let him know our needs right we throw out the mixture in our life we refuse to do it any other way we get ourselves busy doing what he's called us to do cut the junk out right we get about his business we don't just try to make it about our own business we get about his business we let go we let go we owe nothing and church we refuse to quit when it gets hard i'm telling you you can do all things through christ who strengthens you that literally i had to tell myself that like 10 times a day 10 times a day i have a kid right here just ipad in my you know in my ear and a kid over here dunking his nerf you know basketball all in the same room a teenager mad at everybody the trash can the toilet the bedroom the kitchen all in the same room with all my family and every day i wanted to run and wanted to be like i give up i don't have to live this way i can afford rent what are we doing and god's like stand i want to encourage you god is breaking in god is at the door do you hear him he is at the door he is longing to break in for what your family needs he knows what you need and he is not worried about the economy and he is not worried about this what's happening in this nation he's not worried i'm telling you god is on the throne and he is powerful and he is able and there's always fullness of provision there's always fullness of provision this is what i want us to do i want to pray for us as we close and i want you to i want you if you are like you know what i have i need supernatural provision in my life i want you to take a physical step i want you to stand up in your living room put your hand up in your car wherever you are take a physical step stand up open your hands something stand with your family grab your spouse's hand grab your kids we're gonna go after this together right now family i'm telling you he's here oh he's here some of you need some good news today and i'm telling you your provider is here your provider is at the door jesus i thank you that you are all powerful that every good and perfect gift comes from you forgive us lord for looking to our spouses or our bosses or the economy or the stock market or somebody else to bring us a good and perfect gift we fix our eyes on you jesus god i thank you that you always provide it's who you are you're a good father whether it's food whether it's the right relationships we need the right connections a spouse whatever it is god i could sit and tell story after story after story of every good and perfect thing in my life has come from you jesus i pray for every person right now every one of our family every person watching every person listening every person standing i pray right now for heaven to come crashing in i pray god that supernatural provision unnatural not expected not normal above what is even to be imagined would come crashing into their life right now i pray god for every single one that's in lack i pray god right now that you would get their focus off of the lack and get their eyes on you their provider realign our vision god to look to you there's grace for homeschooling there's grace there's provision for homeschooling there's provision there's provision to to make it through this election season there's provision for everything you need in this season i thank you god that it comes from you and so we look to you and god we just say we're willing to do the work we're willing to posture ourselves god we're willing to to get the mixture out of our life we're willing lord to lay it all before you we're willing to have open hands and to own nothing jesus we're willing to keep standing when it gets hard as we posture ourselves god we stand today with grit and with strength and we say god we're going to do it your way and i thank you that there is literally at the moment provision walking through your door i just see it i just see doors opening and i see jesus walking into your house right now i see him walking into those relationships i see him walking into your business i thank you god that you've got full provision and i pray this week as just a kiss from heaven that there would be wild breakthrough in our lives in every area god's surprise checks surprise resources surprise um business invitations whatever it is god that you would reaffirm to us as we do our part god you do your part you always provide so jesus i thank you that you're breaking in right now i even feel for somebody it's it's you're not even asking for yourself you're asking for provision for your child or your children there's something going on in your child's life and you need god to break in and i'm telling you he is present and he's got your child and so god we speak full provision for everybody everybody in jesus name we thank you god that we lack nothing because you are our shepherd we love you and we worship you in jesus name amen well family as we close i want to encourage you if you would like prayer we would love to pray with you if you want to connect with one of our pastors and our team we would love to connect with you you can check out um the link in the comment section to connect with our team or or call the number uh to receive prayer from somebody we love you we look forward to seeing you next week mark your calendar if you're in la for september 18th we cannot wait to worship with you have an amazing week [Music] [Music]
Channel: Expression 58
Views: 1,301
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: shawn bolz, bolz, cherie bolz, expression 58, expression58, e58, church, los angeles church, revival, jen toledo, jennifer toledo, jona toledo, bolz ministries
Id: O2r69pwgJbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 17sec (3137 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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