The Prophecy of Esther: Session 2

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hey y'all this is Julia Gibbs we are starting our Esther chapter 2 so this is not a digging deeper this is actually the lesson for Esther chapter 2 and I'm excited that y'all are here tonight so let's open with prayer Lord we just thank you Father that your plan was put into motion before you even poured the foundation of the earth I praise you that Jesus sits Victoria Victoria Slee by the gate even now Lord that he is the one that holds the threshold and lets the sheep in and out and that you Father are coming back for us but that while you are gone we have the servant of the king with us the Holy Spirit so I ask Holy Spirit right now that you would just fill this space Lord that you were overflow us God and that we will learn from the Spirit of God who searches out the mysteries of God and your Holy Name we pray amen okay so a little bird being my sister told me that last week was pretty confusing because I gave so much information and that I talked really fast so I'm gonna work today to kind of concise it so you don't feel so overwhelmed I will tell you that the book of Esther feels kind of overwhelming if I'm honest there's so much in here but the the Spirit of the Lord is to reveal and that he does not want us to be confused and so I will try to slow down and I'm gonna do a digging deeper on some things about Mordecai this week to make some connections for you that we don't necessarily have time for during this session I did do a board and I'll take a picture for you and try to put it up there as well if you can't if you're like I can't read that I'm gonna read it as well so have faith a faith we are back in Esther to let's look at we have two paralleling storylines happening at one time in Chapter two that's what I want you to remember you have this storyline of an or Phin girl who I'm assuming in great pain it's painful to lose your parents and great pain lost parents came from being an orphan which puts you at the bottom of the barrel during this time socially not only is she a female she's an orphan and so you have this storyline of Esther's rise to the top position you could be in as a woman during this era she is the Queen to the king of the nation of Babylon she marries our desert seeds remember so the other paralleling storyline you have so you have that one running okay and we're gonna hear about that one but then I want you to realize you have Mordecai's storyline running underneath it happening at the exact same time you will find Mordecai will actually do something that is pivotal to the entire story in Chapter two and it can feel like a footnote but if we don't stop and realize what's happening then it's just a footnote we have to realize it is this moment that makes chapter six which is the pivoting of the entire thing possible it's basically that while this storyline of Esther is running behind the scenes God is giving the solution to the poison or the problem that is about to spread across the world does it sound familiar it should because while mankind's storyline is happening or the story of the bride or the story of the rejected one or all of these storylines of history God is behind the scenes giving us the solution the antidote has already been done that will be the problem solver to everything that's happening so those that's what I want you to start remembering about chapter 2 those of you who studied Ruth I hope that you get have some Ruth chapter 2 if you take a minute you remember Ruth is gonna be back right before the book of Judges and just look at Ruth chapter 2 and have that in your mind because I see a lot of parallels between Ruth chapter 2 which was the prophetic picture of the age of the church and Esther chapter 2 which I believe is a prophetic picture of possibly the age of grace as well so we're gonna look at that today tonight it's night time so you have the physical story after Ruth Esther one all right the last of chapter one that were week ended and Esther - you have a period of time of about three years what happened in the physical artaxerxes went to war with Greece remember he was having this big party at the beginning in the physical world where he was trying to drum up money and support for this war that he wanted to have which he really did do 481 to 480 BC he goes to war with Greece alright you look in the history books about this he fails kind of gets his tail booked alright and he comes home and now we start chapter two it's about a three year period by the end of chapter two you're looking at a four year period because we you'll see in chapter 2 verse 16 that Esther will be married and have a feast in the seventh year of his reign whereas if you looked back at chapter one verse one right around there it said that it was the third year of his reign okay so that's just math so that's in the physical in the physical I could tell you this story there is a king who went to war got his tail looked came home and was like huh and was like where's my queen and realized well why don't have a queen right I got mad at her and when I was away at war it wasn't a big deal but now it's kind of wanting someone to talk to so he decides to have this great pattern pageant tea pageant that word is not happening today he has he collects all the virgins he gathers them in and he picks the best one all right this story in the physical is to us very sad right I feel horrible for all of the girls that had to spend one night with a king and then was just put away as a concubine as part of the harem and possibly never saw him again but was property of the nation and was not allowed to be a human being so on that side I want to tell you it's sad this was not I believe ever how God intended men to treat women he even warned King David not to have more than one wife didn't go well for David and it destroyed Solomon so you kind of see that it wasn't a good thing and God did not intend it to be set up but on the spiritual side of that I want to give me okay no no let me just finish that so then the King picks Esther and then you have this guy Mordecai he hears something going down he tells Esther and she tells the King and this plot to kill the King doesn't happen so that's kind of the physical side you can do a lot of research on that and I and I encourage you to do that fascinating but I'm gonna jump to what is happening in the spiritual realm during this time remember in Chapter one we looked at this physical right he what he was doing but we looked at the spiritual as well what was happening the rejection of a sh t being very similar to the rejection of unbelieving Israel all right and now we're going to pick up in chapter two so here our key players that we're gonna look at there are seven in this chapter Esther the orphans rise the king who remembers and subsides okay that rhymed you'll have the other virgins right you have hey guy whose name means it's comes from the word hug ah which is the meditation through deep groaning Mordechai it's gonna be in here and underneath Mordechai you have two eunuchs big tha and teresh that are important and finally I just put shower gosh as gas yeah that's something which means the servants of the beautiful okay so these are the seven key players are gonna see in chapter two the other thing I just want to throw out there is location to realize that location is actually really important in this chapter and you can miss it but it's really fascinating when you start realizing what's happening what is the Holy Spirit revealing through location location Esther is in the woman's palace with the other virgins hey guy is guarding or the word in Hebrew right here is Shamar the virgins and the palace so Esther is with hey guy that's the location Mordechai is not with Esther but outside the palace guarding the Kings gate and then you have the king who is inside the palace awaiting the new bride okay so those are our locations and they become very important for the storyline to understand that I've made a list here of important words so organized right this is the word and then you'll have a Hebrew beside it I'm gonna go through these as we go through it and then some places I've put either the first dimension or we're it where you should tie it in and then we'll get to the feast of Esther and the Mordecai secret all right are you ready okay so we're gonna break down this board verse as we go through the verses okay so after these things chapter two begins that that way what things everything that happened in chapter one and the lost battle okay in the physical when the anger King AHA Souris had abated he remembered Vashti and what she had done and what had been decreed against her let's stop these words remember which is the hotter and subsided was this which is Chaka Chaka okay these words here remember and subsided the first time they're ever used remember we always look for first mention it's Genesis eight you can flip there Genesis 8 1 but God remembered as a car Noah and all the beasts and the living stock that were with him in the ark and God made a wind blow over the earth and the waters subsided went shuck hack ok and The Fountains of the deep and the windows of the heavens were closed on the rain from the heavens what it's restrained I want you to remember right that what does that what is happening in Genesis 8 the first judgment of mankind has occurred through water the second judgment we know is coming through fire but God looked down and remembered and he made the judgment subside because the judgment literally was his wrath poured out from the windows of heaven and boiled up from the depths of heaven all right that's the water that was poured up it is the wrath of God and you had Noah who was on the ark to come through it so I just want you to play when you read this realize the king remembered and the wrath he had subsided like Israel's rejection God over and over and over in the Old Testament warned them that this was coming so many verses that I don't have time to get to it we've marked a lot of them this story of Gomer right is the story of a prostitute a wife that keeps prostituting herself there are places in the Bible that God is so blunt about this that it's embarrassing like it makes much cheeks turn red when he talks about girl you're lifting your skirt up in front of everybody and showing your business okay like it's embarrassing to the level where God condemns the actions of Israel the wife of God right and he says I'm divorcing you all right and so that anger he keep it every time he says flat out like my husband was saying it was kind of nice to get on the Old Testament and and not have so much judgment you know when he was reading through the Bible last year and I was like yeah but every time he says this is going to happen because you don't remember my Commandments I will still I will still save a remnant and that's what this story is showing you so what happens the Kings Young's men who attended him said let beautiful young virgins be sought out I gotta tired I kind of laugh here cuz it's like oh you're unhappy we should get young girls right sorry it just kind of makes you laugh and the case we should write so he says gather all the beautiful young virgins to the harem in the suits of the Citadel so bring them in gather that's the next word I wrote it's covets qab 8ts covets gather them in it will be used three times in this chapter and I want to tell you I think it's a very important part that you can miss this gathering remember all the beautiful women are gathered gathered in and they all get as we call their night with the King on the physical side we've already dressed that I want just for a second you remember that a story will be told in the New Testament about ten virgins all waiting for the groom five of them will have the oil five of them won't and if you think the story is just flat-out disgusting and you're like that cannot be talking about God to put it this way God will invite everyone will to come to be the Bride of Christ and we will all sit at a marriage ceremony in Revelation 19 and the Feast of the bride we will sit there together and we will be married to Jesus the groom so I even know and the physical this does not fly with us right I want you to just look at it as a flip side as a spiritual lesson that something was different that many were called many were brought in and gathered in but something was different about Esther that made her the one to gain the head of God the favor of God which is the next word word 1:9 says the favor the head of God now that's in verse 1 9 but I'm gonna get that to that in just one second so the end gathering we see the end gathering it will be used in one three one eight and one nineteen is that worth how that's it's used over and over in Scripture I'll give you a couple you can work look at it on your own Zechariah 10:10 that is Zechariah 10:10 Zephaniah 3:19 through 27 ayah 3 19 through 20 oh this is your homework yeah that's good you should do this for homework Zephaniah 3:19 through 20 Micah 212 Micah to 12 and for 12 just look at what he's saying over and over to the remnant of Jerusalem of Israel I'm sorry I will gather you from the east and the west he says I will scatter you the Jews called us the great diaspora but he's saying over and over the promises every single time when he says listen up I'm going to scatter you first with a Syria and then Babylon but I will gather you back to me and this story is right after the first gathering back that prophecy is that or two the first one was the story of Nehemiah and Ezra that gathering back in after the 70 years of captivity this is where her story sits right so there's a second gathering that happened in 1948 and we'll get there in just a minute but hint it has to do with this last one which I put one this is all to man marker this is all to Esther to to to to to to to to there you go it's fixed I know some of you already realize that probably Melissa she already realized that so okay so um there's all chapter 2 thank y'all are good to me y'all are good to me okay so you have that this picture and you're introduced right here to they're given under the custody we're back in Esther to verse 3 of Haggai the king's unit who is in charge of the women the word charge there I actually wrote it down here is Shamar it means to guard so if you flip back into Genesis I'm not gonna go there but if you go to Genesis 3 remember Adam was created and this word is used the first time for him to Shamar and to Avadh right he's he's created to guard and work the garden earth the prot you know what he's been given is his dominion and if you ask what he's meant to guard it for I would say because someone else was supposed to guard and he'd already fallen and Eve met him in the garden so when Adam can't do that and another guardian angel right is given a sword and told to Shamar the Tree of Life he's guarding it so you get this picture of a man named Hagar if you if you're thinking well um who is hey guy I'm gonna present to you I believe hey guy is the picture of the holy spirit in Roman eight let's go there I told you that the name Romans eight the name Haggai means deep meditation through groaning what does the word say in Romans 8:26 likewise the spirit helps us in our weakness for we do not know what to pray as we ought but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words and he who searches hearts knows what is in the mind of the Spirit because the spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God and we know that for those who love God all things work together for good for recall to according to his purpose you see the Holy Spirit the Word of God tells us if in deep groaning an intercession for you and that if you want to know the will of God we had to have the Holy Spirit Jesus in John 7 tells us that he had to be poured out as the autumn as a water libation upon the altar so that the Spirit could come and when it says in the Greek that Jesus would need to gave up the spirit it's not gave up his spirit on the cross the Greek says the spirit when Jesus died and the blood ran down it gave room for the Spirit of God to come and this is why Jesus said I cannot stay with you it is better that I leave so that you can be filled with the Holy Spirit who reveals to you what is in the heart of God the purpose of God and will remind you of my words so here in this story you have a guy who is given and think about all he does he is the part he's the one that takes care of them he's the one that's bringing the Virgin's in he is a eunuch right he can't he's not marrying them but he is guarding them and it is through the wisdom of Haggai that Esther is chosen by the king and want to tell you that's so important to this storyline because it is the age of the church that was given the Holy Spirit to indwell so that literally the temple of God became the body of man and that God himself in dwells in the spear of God within us and that is why we are given the hath said when God sees us his varies the blood of Jesus is on us and we are filled with his very spirit and so you see Haggai is put in charge down here actually it'll say they're gathered again and verse 8 Esther was also taken into the king's palace and put in custody of Haggai who had charge of the women I want to present to you that it is Haggai with Esther because during the age of the church it is the Holy Spirit with us and Mordecai is outside the gate she can't even see him just like we mean we cannot see Jesus Christ right now the Spirit is the one with us leading us teach us and he is in the part of the beautification process but if you read jump down to verse 9 and the young woman pleased him she pleased hey guy there was so many and yet she pleased him and got the favor the head right of God is in Ruth this word has said there we go is used three times in the Book of Ruth it's all with Ruth the favor that she wins Ruth - - Ruth - 10 Ruth - 13 God's Hesed that she wins and so 7 chosen women from the king's palace and advanced her and her young women to the palace she's given completeness seven women to be with her because of the favor of Haggai the servants of the king that's upon her so Esther had not made known to her people or kindred for Mordecai had commanded her not to make it known okay we kind of did not talk about Mordechai I'm skipping honestly verses five because I'm gonna have to do a Mordecai lineage in a digging deeper video we we just don't have time to do everything so I'm skipping on purpose but I want to make note here Mordecai is the one giving her by his word they're not seeing each other because if you look at verse 11 every day Mordecai walked in front of the court of the harem to learn how Esther was and what's happening so he's not going in he's walking in the court Jesus is not with us right now but he is giving word to Esther through hey guy right you see that he's checking on her he's making sure she's okay and very similar to Jesus but she honors what he says you might be thinking why keep it secret remember this book is about mysteries and hidden things but remember Jesus over and over Mark 134 he will tell this to the demons mark 140 through 44 is another one so mark 134 mark 140 through 44 Jesus will say over and over to the demons and to people he'll do a healing and I'll say don't tell anyone it's not time I want to present to you that I believe that Esther is honoring that it's not time to reveal who she truly is the church right now is not revealing though we are grafted in we do not look very Jewish Esther does not look very Jewish at this time but there is coming a time revelation for when there will be a convergence of two I believe when the church as a whole the Bride of Christ is pulled out and what is left on earth will start revealing more and more the Jews will be revealed to the Christians will be revealed to it will be those that are saved it will be a time of ingathering for them and that they will not be hidden anymore it turns very Jewish after that but right now she doesn't look like it and he's telling her don't reveal it's right now don't reveal it because a point in time is so important so she goes and she has her beautification I think I put it here the word for beautification that hey guy is in charge of the holy spirit is in charge of that right now for us it purifies she's going to have six months of myrrh and six months of spices and ointments the word pointment fair means to purify and the oil is the chemin okay sh e m e in the oil of myrrh and so she goes through a beautification process marouk that literally means scraping rubbing off d d like I'm cleansing that's what we are going through now I want to present to you that is what the Holy Spirit does to you this is what we call sanctification and so she has to be ready to be presented because if you notice it says it's by regulation okay for 12 months that's in verse 12 that is death the law it's by regulation you'll be used 19 times in here she has to be purified this is part of it we must go through sanctification as believers there is no way to say that you were gonna go before the King because you set a prayer when you're in second grade and yet you have never gone through sanctification that that is true salvation all right you must let the spirit think about you and so when she goes desire take her over I'm gonna jump forward okay in the evening she would go in and in the morning she would return to the second harem and the custody of Shaz goes fairy - that concept I want you're right evening morning it is the picture that God shows us at the beginning of Genesis 1 it is the going from chaos to order and that is what this story is telling us after Vashti is dethroned it seems like chaos and yet God is putting things back into order everything he's doing with the church is putting it back into order okay and so you get this picture of chaos to order so but after that she got one chance and then that was it if she wasn't summoned but she does something so smart Esther this daughter of a de Hale which we'll get into in the digging deeper she asked hey guy what do you think I need to go before the king and because of her obedience and being purified and cleaned by hey guy the King loves her the Kings eunuch who was in charge the woman advised her now Esther was winning favor in all of the eyes who saw her and when Esther was taken verse sixteen to keen to the king into royal palace the tenth month of Tibet in the seventh year seven is the number of completeness tenth is the divine witness of the order of God and you see it's all coming together what Bosch D would not do is being done with Esther and so the king loved Esther the word there is a half and it's used first time in genesis 22:2 I'll let you look that up and he loved her on them more than any other woman and she had Grace and favor on her why did she love why did she come to him be a bill with all these other beautiful women it was the spirit that she listened to the servant of God it is the fact that when you are filled with the Holy Spirit that gives favor okay that's who Jesus comes and put the blood on you and you were filled with the Holy Spirit and that is the distinguisher that had her chosen among so many else so many in the church are going to say Lord Lord I knew you you must be filled with the spirit you must be and for him to say I also know you because so many will say I spend a night with the king right I went to church I did my things but if you do not listen and are purified and obey the spirit then God hath said is not for you so he throws a great feast all right let's so the Feast of Esther okay its seventh year seventh month I want you to remember it's still a secret who she is okay she is living as though she is not a Jew it is her appointed time I don't want to skip over this because I want to tell you this story is a promise that pain has purpose not that God wanted her parents to die but her being orphaned positioned her what man meant for evil God used for good it positioned her to be in the right place for the miraculous to happen and this is a miracle but in little orphan girl named Hadassah can rise to being the Queen Esther who will bring about by the word of Mordecai the salvation to people her people so don't miss the miracle of this and then it came through the servant hey guy so then so you're gonna go forward and there's a lot more in here but man we just don't have time for everything I'll try to break down a little bit more of things when we and the digging deeper let's go to Mordecai's plot this can seem like an afterthought I want to tell you it's pivotal to the whole story and I want you to write here right by it God gives the antidote before the poison is given out to the world all right that's what's happening right here because this will be pivotal to the entire storyline it will be pivotal to revealing who Esther is to the salvation to bringing down Haman everything this part this little moment now when the Virgin's were gathered together the second time I don't have a lot of time for this but I want to just refer to you the second time is weird right so she's already the queen actually it'll call her the queen in verse 22 she's Queen Esther and he's gathering a second time in the physical maybe this guy just a gross infatuation with virgins and but in the spiritual I believe you have a reference to 1948 the first time Israel is gathered in to their land is Nehemiah and Ezra all right after captivity then the dice pora sorry the Diaspora begins and that is why Peter will read write Peter will write to those scattered those in the Diaspora he's writing to the Jews spread out all over the world and the second end gathering was 1948 so where is Mordechai he is sitting at the gate this is so important there was a guy in the 19th century what's his name house tossed he was a Christian commentary commentary what is his name hot HHA UPT during the time a pretty strong anti-semitism he wrote this meant that Mordechai was a beggar or a money exchanger by the game um I actually can remember pictures of Mordechai when I'm a little girl in Sunday school being like this poor guy like walking around um that's really unfair and actually I believe biblically incorrect of what it means to sit by the gate I don't know if you remember but lot in Genesis night team also sits by the gate it is a position of authority in a city or town ok remember Boaz in order to ask for the hand of Ruth and the land of knowing Naomi is to go to those sitting by the gate he's going to the authority figures all right and so Lord Akai is in a position of authority which is important because it positioned Esther to be in the position she was in do you see new the call was coming in for the in gathering right so while he is sitting at the position of the gate um Esther I'm sorry Mordecai hears that a plot is going out in those days as Mordecai was sitting at the Kings gate big thumb and teresh just flip your Paige over to 1:10 and you'll see the name big thaw he's one of the eunuchs okay we Jewish tradition says these are 1/2 of the 7 unix mentioned in the beginning i think that's significant because member we said the 7 unix represented the angelic that worked for god so you have 2 out of 7 that are supposed to be guarding the threshold of the keen Shamar right they're supposed to be guarding the threshold in zekiel 2814 satan will it will save him and you who were supposed to be an anointed guardian cherub who walked on the holy mountain of god you fell okay so you see this picture of ant the Angelics supposed to be guarding the thresholds right for mankind of god they work for God and you see this picture here of those they were supposed to be doing that and yet they're planning to overtake the king two out of seven anyone a math person it makes it to two point three three to get 1/3 remember there's this weird story in the Bible about one third of the Angels went with him kind of interesting the numbers I just want to present it to you and you can do what you want with it but Mordecai hears of this plan that big thaw which means in the winepress and teresh which means strictness which is really interesting because the tribulation years are constantly compared to the wine-pressing and revelation 14 talks about when Jesus finally says it's time for the great parvis press the wine and get the blood out right with the sickle you see this picture of them trying to overtake the king you're supposed to be guarding whatever they do they think they should be in charge sounds real familiar to admit to a not a man a guardian cherub that we the Nakash in Genesis 3 but because of Mordecai's position he can reveal to the king what's happened because he sits at the threshold John 10 Jesus will say I am the door for it right those that come in through me I'm the Good Shepherd who will lay down his life bow as in Ruth 3 you have him laying down the very picture of what Jesus was talking about he's laying at the door of the threshold protecting the wheat Jesus was referring to himself but he says I am the door as protecting the sheep that are inside and so you get this picture of Jesus legging his body down at the threshold that allows you to enter into God it is through him stretching out upon the cross that literally he lays before the threshold and guards the entrance to the king so that with you come near the king you must have the blood of Jesus Christ upon you to enter through and so those that were supposed to be guarding don't do it they actually try to take over and Mordecai tells Queen Esther and she tells the king but read this in verse 22 and Esther told the king in the name of Mordecai it's fastening I looked it up in the Hebrew it is really that in the Shem of Mordecai in the name of Mordecai the church today we do nothing by our own authority but he said pray in the name of Jesus Christ it is only by the name of Jesus Christ can we come and tell anything to God because without him I literally can't get near the king without Jesus and the blood you cannot go to the Father and so he is sitting there in his position at the right hand of God the Father being the threshold keeper the Garter of mankind to to God through Jesus he is the only man that it mium mediator there your mediator through man and God it's him and so you see this full picture of the Trinity in chapter 2 all circling around Esther protecting guarding positioning rising raising her up to power you have haggai the spirit you have Mordecai Jesus as man and you have the King awaiting the bride whom he loves but everything will be pivoting on this moment when Mordecai revealed the secret plot to take countdown the King later this will be the moment that happens in movies where you think well that was random and then at the end you go oh my goodness that was it that was the thing that made everything else make sense it's this moment and look what it says that in in 223 and it was recorded in the Book of Chronicles in the presence of the King what Jesus did has been forgotten by most people most people have forgotten that God came down came as a baby row he was raised up as a man and he died on the cross for us and in that moment it was finished and everything is done but it has been forgotten by Israel it has been forgotten by majority of the world but it is that moment that will define everything else in history it is that moment and I know without a doubt it is written in the book of remembrance of a king because in 6 he's gonna can't sleep one night chapter 6 and he's gonna read it he's gonna remember it and it is the remembering of this event that will define the rescue and redemption of Israel of Queen Esther and through mordekaiser well through Mordecai's obedience so thank y'all so much for being here tonight I'm gonna go into depth with some more things and I'll just pray us out Lord we thank you so much that your word is so deep god I pray that we will not be overwhelmed but that we will just be ignited to learn more to go deeper to dig father for you because you tell us that we are to go after you as some would go after silver and gold Lord that you are worth the for us to be feeling overwhelmed about you are worthy for you God are the one who saves it is you and you alone and I asked Lord that you will reveal yourself to your people more and more each day that we may come near you and your Holy Spirit we pray these things amen see you this week on the digging deeper
Channel: Julia J. Gibbs
Views: 757
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Julia J. Gibbs, Julia Gibbs, Esther, Propehcy of Esther, Prophecy of Esther Session 1, Digging Deeper, Prophecy, Mordechai, Haman, AntiChrist, Jesus Christ, Threshold, Eunuchs, Guarding Angels, Nehemiah, Prophetic teaching, Hegai, Sheeshgaz, One night with the King, Julia, Ruth, Propehcy of Ruth, Genesis, Hebrew
Id: KcVcUteQ7Qo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 23 2019
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