The Geo Element NEEDS An Update | Genshin Impact

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version 4.3 was a tremendous occasion for gin impact as it marked the release of the first Geo character in almost 2 years Navia with the more ambitious design ideas brought on with the fento Fontaine players are very excited to see if Gio would have a Resurgence back in the meta after being Irrelevant for the entirety of suu not only did Navia proved to be an extremely competitive damage dealer but in version 4.5 there's yet another Gio foar unit to be released Chote that's two Gio characters nearly back to back and both of them are five star as well in addition to analyzing gi's gameplay I want to revisit the Geo element as a sort of follow-up to my video back in 2022 voicing my criticisms about how it was handled is this a return of Gio or are we still a long way from equalizing The Seven Elements chot is a character who came out of nowhere though kidada briefly mentions her inner voice lines and we got to see chot in 4.3 as a background character she's one of those units with no prior exposure which definitely doesn't do any favors for her in terms of overall appeal mind you that's not a crippling disadvantage Yellen was another such character who prior to a drip marketing was basically non-existent and she became one of the most popular and Powerful units in the game that said the deck is stacked against Toot's release the point FS have sort of a stigma for being the black sheep of every version with nothing particularly interesting happening as it takes place following the lantern red event if you guys recall back in 3.5 that's when we had Dia and we all know how that turned out all things considered she already does make a very good first impression right away she has a captivating design and thought-provoking background being a seamstress in fontain despite her Ena zuman Origins and she plays out every retail worker's fantasy based on how she treats Turkish customers not only that but from her trailer and ability showcase she has gorgeous animations that are made only more eye-catching by the fact that she wheels two swords and you know how esteemed dual wield desar in the eyes of anime fans but a good premise and visual design obviously means nothing in terms of viability how does she hold up in that front the best way to summarize her gameplay is that she's reminiscent of albo in terms of play style a quick swap damage dealer this means you can technically play her both as a main or sub DPS but there are parts of her kit that incentivize her to play a more backseat role in a way it's not that different from how Navia plays out she already skill lets her Dash forward and damage all enemies around her while summoning her doll to a the active character in battle if there happens to be a geoc construct on field you get to summon two of them and they randomly attack enemies nearby for a chunk of damage it's here that things get a little strange first take notice of her scaling attack and defense not the first time we've seen Gio unit scale of Defense but at the same time we've never seen it done like this before Shan's damage is mostly attack unless you count the weird way they were her C6 meanwhile Noel and EO scale off attack it's just their defense directly turns into more attack chi on the other hand and has split scaling with a portion of her DPS coming from attack and the other coming from defense split scaling or hybrid scaling whatever you want to call it can be extremely Hit or Miss it's usually suggested if not outright obligated to have to spec into both types to get the most out of a character However if those attributes are mutually exclusive such as shinan having to build defense to increase her tankiness while building attack to increase her offense it can ruin any chances of the character being viable if the attributes line up like I'll hate them split scaling between attack and Elemental Mastery two things that both contribute to DPS it's a positive thankfully Chi is the lad as not only do bull stats directly contribute towards your DPS but they're scaled in a way that allows you to still output good damage even if you lack the most optimal artifacts though I believe the best way to specker is to still prioritize defense over attack anyway is that you don't have to cringe about losing out on that attack if that makes sense anyways moving on the other noteworthy aspect is her passive Talent allowing her to sequence either a normal attack or an additional press over skill shortly after she teleports for an additional effect when buffering a normal attack she gains Gein Fusion for 5 seconds allowing to use her as a main attacker but uh to make it easy for you 99.9% of the time you'll just be double tapping her skill when doing so Chote automatically sends the next party member forward making this the first instance of involuntary swapping for 8 seconds after her dolls will ensue a tanm attack against enemy struck that deal the same damage as their Elemental skill up to two followup attacks can be cast this way so despite having a rather long 16-second cool down that's in exchange for effectively three casts not including the autonomous attacks from summons that's basically the just a gameplay you activator skill swap to someone else by tapping it twice and then get two more slashes plus two dolls that behave like traditional Summers damaging nearby enemies every so often and rinse and repeat very simple so she does depend on having a geoc construct on field and sadly her dolls do not count as one themselves meaning for you to player optimally you have to have at least one of the Geo character on field thankfully you only need one geoc construct to get the full effects on her but this creates a problem right now there are only six geoc constructs in the game Al skill ito's USI Chung's pillar ning kuang's Jade screen and Geo traveler skill and burst basically forcing you into mono Geo because if the other Geo units are at all present you'll need more Geo characters anyway take giot and EO for example if you're going to be using those you might as well have goo with them since why the hell not especially if goo is C6 thus being mono giio if you're thinking chiori and goo both of them need one more person since chot needs a construct and goo needs energy so he'll be packing either jungi or EO again being monoo so essentially your main option on her is mono Geo and as we've established in the past mono Geo teams have you know they've seen better days the thing with Chi is that you can think of her as an albo but with actual purpose therefore being stronger and more efficient albo's problem was that he was kind of just a bunch of random things put together plunging attack support burst damage Elemental Mastery off field damage bonus damage from crystalized if for some reason you got C6 he had no Direction Shi has the same premise where she has excellent off field damage and a quick soft burst which by the way is just a nuke that's all it does the only difference is that she doesn't have all the extraneous stuff and is primarily focused on dealing tons of Geo damage in other words sheal at the power budget more efficiently on one hand this technically means you can throw geote in any team you want as their kid is just all field damage however being a geoc character makes it so she will Almost Never Be the Best Choice merely a good one even if you don't have a geoc construct available though she's still decently strong So in theory you could be AER alongside Navia for the sake of Geor residence to increase both of their DPS as Nava's team allows for a flex slot But ultimately because chot Bas kit specifically requires a geoc construct to reach her ceiling that implies she's intended to be used in mono Geo now if you manag to pull for her C1 then the activation condition for her second doll goes from having a geoc construct to Simply Having a geoc character with this she can reach full Effectiveness in Navia teams despite the latter not having a geoc construct subsequently becoming ch's best team by far but for this video I'm mostly looking at a base version this is where I find her to be a very conflicting unit on paper Chi is very solid she has a great premise and play style with this scaling you can use any manner of weapon types for her as she scales off attack defense and crit off the top of my head I can think of veering Des fire Harbinger Dawn cinear spindle and wolfang swords in general are very accommodating for its wielders as most of them are just stat sticks you can use Jade cutter Miss splitter or naturally her misig Katana which is tailor main for her no pun intended bonus normal attack damage Elemental skill damage and defense with the first two effects doubling when dealing Geo damage perfect for someone who makes liberal use of her Elemental skill if you're just starting the game and this is like the first five star you pull she's very beginner and free to- playay friendly in that regard it's that trying to make her useful beyond that point is frankly really diff ult at the moment unlike Navia finina nalet and shenyun who are engines for their teams in that the team starts and ends with them chot is a component that relies on a very outdated and inefficient engine I guess if we continue with this analogy she's like a brand new transmission for your car except that car has a dying engine Navia was a fantastic addition on account of her creating her own engine instead of being a monog geoc character she derives her power from the crystallized reaction giving her the ability to make use of traditionally powerful supports like Bennett FAL and shinel by extension she can take advantage of modern supports like Verina because her engine is compatible shot's engine is monoo which hasn't been updated in years full disclosure I'm not saying mono's unplayable is just not as good as it used to be in light of all the meta breaking that's been happening in versions 3 and four where I'm getting at with this is that chiot's kit is sound but her Niche doesn't have the right units to help her realize her full potential as a stance she's a victim of for circumstance she is designed to be a companion DPS character someone who Shadows the on Fielder and does a ton of damage alongside them he's not even like an option either by double tapping the skill she automatically switches to another party member granted you could always just switch back to her and then continue attacking but there's functionally no difference between whether she's on field or off field meaning she's more likely they're not going to be used off field even for a novice player her move sets easy to understand she can make passable if not efficient use of a wide selection of weapons so weapon-wise she's good and being an off field skill oriented character her artifact sets are pretty self-explanatory golden TR for husk of opulent dreams she makes no use of Elemental Mastery nor does she really need that much energy either as a personal has a cost of 50 extremely cheap the issue right now is that her party options are so limited geoc Central problem is that the overarching play style of the element is homogeneity the majority of its party is expected to be Geo as evident by their construct mechanic and the fact that many of them scale of defense gii is effectively the first true Geo character to come out in ginin in 2 and 1/2 years since Navia and yunin were not exclusively Geo making Ito and goo the first and last ones up until now yunin and NAIA are not Gio characters in the conventional sense they're Gio element but don't subscribe to to manochio I guess you can say my current thoughts on shote miror the ones I have for shinan both units tap into a niche that hasn't been tapped into for a very very long time shenyun revived Anish by serving as a new engine transforming any character into a plunging attacker she doesn't have to wait for a new plunging attack specialist because she makes everyone a punching attacker would it be nice if we had a punching attack specialist who could really take full advantage of her of course it would be interesting to see a cryo version of sha or a pyro one but you don't have to wait for that and can use her right away bonus points for being animal and healer synergizing well with finina and having access to VB Chote on the other hand is still waiting for a niche to be revived essentially what she needs is an involved monoo team for example Hut's double Hydro team began with herself Jung Shino and yellan which is kept up rather nicely for the better part of version 3 but to keep up with the Advent of new units in version 4 her double Hydro team was evolved to navon Verina andin or shenyun either or that's what chod needs she's the first of a new generation of Geo units we need one more character at the least it's clear that Gio is forever will be the monolith element with its units prioritizing uniformity and Brute Force as their main line of attack as proven with units like Navia and nalet it's entirely possible to make a viable team composition whose DPS doesn't hinge on Elemental reactions you just have to make sure the base numbers compensate for that chot has that modern power scaling in her kit when sufficiently built her skill and burst can out put substantial damage and through constellations she can be even more effective her C1 increases her attack range her C2 summons another puppet that can attack nearby enemies her C4 lets you summon up to three of those C2 puppets and with C6 her skill goes from a 16-second cool down to a 4C cool down letting you terrible spam it like crazy in addition to her turning into an onfield attacker with that 235% defense scaling chot has an awesome premise she's the first mechanist unit we have been enged literally she creates mechanized automatons that fight alongside her I believe both freeto playay players and whales will really enjoy being able to use her if there were just more units to work with what we need are new geoc characters of power scalings and abilities that line up with the modern expectations of the game for those those of you who saw why no one plays EO you may recall me talking about how his main issue is that for all the sheer power and strength that lay dorant within his kit he doesn't have a full team to realize that potential forcing him to settle for a suboptimal team in himself Alo and goo purly for the sake of there just being no alternative for that specific Niche having mentioned a few minutes ago that Hut was able to maintain herself as a strong DPS unit thanks to new supports like yellan and Bina indirectly buffing her in version 2 and four respectively the same would be excellent to happen right here let's say there's a new Geo character who basic basally serves as a five-star version of Goo not unlike how some consider yellan to be a five-star rendition of Shino this can kill two birds of one stone it gives EO the proper support he's been so desperately waiting for while at the same time giving shot a solve incentive to be pulled as mono Chio 2.0 would now be EO shot and that new support this might be a hot take but I think Chote would have been a lot more appealing to players if either Navia was monoo or Chote came out in 4.7 4.8 or even 5.0 or 5.1 and a stronger manach support unit came out in 4.5 instead the only people who want to pull for her are EO and Navia means you really have no reason to get her otherwise but even for Navia means despite her being a straight upgrade over other potential geop parings at the moment it's not significant enough to be gamebreaking not yet anyway with the hypop Fontaine having won its course and Lantern R finishing as well gen's about 10 turrets off season period again so I feel as if many will write her off as a filler unit to skip especially with a certain hotly anticipated character that's expected for the next version but that's what frustrates me she's really cool and looks like a ton of fun to play if circumstances were just a bit more favorable for her people would definitely give her more attention I suppose to wrap things up since I'm rambling at this point my final thoughts in shii is that she's not a bad character by any means it's mostly that she's trying to cover two bases at the same time despite not being able to on her own she's trying to be a workable sub DPS for Navia but that's skated behind her C1 and she's trying to be a workable sub DPS for EO but mono geio needs to be updated so it goes back to the whole thing about Chote base version at least lacking an engine or rather an up- to-date one if genin releases more Geo unit to modernize the elements roster then I can expect a lot of people to go after her as someone who cares about every element being good in some way I'm praying that mihoyo has plans for more Geo units and that chot is not the last one to come out for a while we're so close mono Geo is so close to being meta relevant again Chi is an excellent companion unit foro we just see like a go with farus on level power scaling and mono geio 2.0 will basically be complete what are your thoughts on ji do you think she's secretly overpowered perfectly average or trash let me know in the comments down below apart from that if you enjoyed the video it would be great if you leave a like And subscribe consider following me on Twitter at vars joining my Discord server and checking out my other character first impressions videos if you haven't yet but until next time thanks so much for watching and I look forward to seeing you again soon take [Music] [Applause] care
Channel: Vars II
Views: 88,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, vars genshin impact, genshin why no one plays, genshin impact gameplay, genshin discussion, genshin impact analysis, mihoyo, hoyoverse, genshin impact 4.5, genshin impact geo, genshin impact chiori guide, genshin impact chiori, genshin chiori, genshin impact chiori gameplay, genshin impact arlecchino, genshin impact chiori good, genshin chiori bad, genshin chiori guide, chiori, chiori geo, genshin 4.5, genshin chronicled wish
Id: sGbIKiljiKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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