The Price of Education In China | Gen 跟 China
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Channel: VICE News
Views: 413,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VICE News, VICE News Tonight, VICE on HBO, news, vice video, VICE on SHOWTIME, vice news 2020, china education crackdown, china education, china education system, china education system documentary, china education reform, china education policy, china education documentary
Id: ovxXYMsz37g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 11 2022
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Many parents in my county spend more than 100,000 Yuan on middle school tuition/fee and another 100,000 Yuan on high school tuition/fee if their kids can't get into the few public schools...I really don't know where they get this much money... Average locals only make around 30000 Yuan a year.
Imagine to endure hell for a subpar advanced education with poor job security
Has China done any scientific studies of the long term effects of sleep deprivation, particularly on young, developing minds?
There are many scholarly articles in the west on the long term cognitive effects of sleep deprivation.
I used to teach this "extra" class to Chinese high school students who were planning to go abroad for uni. It was scheduled from 8-10 pm on a Friday night because that was the only space they had left on their schedule.
I tried to make it as relaxed and fun as possible because they were all obviously exhausted. Nice kids though.
It’s an systemic issue. I spent my early years there and absolutely hated it.
It's strange that they spend so much time getting educated, and yet so many still need re-education.
Hated seeing my kids doing K and 1st grade there, it was torture as a parent. Was the thing that caused us to leave back to my home country.