The Presidents Go to an Anime Convention...

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this was a fantastic idea taking the day off to come here finally I have the chance to show off my cosplay prowess for all the world to see Donald what are you a Samsung this is an anime convention you're supposed to come dressed as a character from an anime the mighty T800 takes directives only from Skynet Barack you pink skin fluid sacks will all bow to the might of the machine Empire once the AI Uprising commences my mission today is not simply to hang out with you three losers you were simply a means of transportation for the mighty t-800 as durable and resilient as it is comes at a trade-off it is not as versatile or agile as the T-1000 as such having Joe drive here was an excellent way of conserving my energy reserves so that additional power can be allocated to both my Optical and audio receptors should we stop him only Donald can stop Donald this means that I can now efficiently root out John Connor from this crowd of weebs once I scan his facial features and hear his distinguished high-pitched voice we should probably head to the arcade area or an ATM machine there is a high probability that he will be at one of those two places once he has eliminated Skynet shall reign supreme forevermore Jesus Donnie tone back the role play a bit also buries right you really should have dressed as an anime character people are looking at you right now wondering if there's either a Terminator anime that they didn't know about or if you're dressed up as Mark Zuckerberg quiet meat bag or else I'll shove my 40 watt range phase plasma rifle up your ass I just don't get why you guys forced me to dress up as zenitsu silence flashback he has narcolepsy and turns into a badass when he sleepwalks he fits you to a literal T minus the badass part all you manage to do when you Sleepwalk is fall down the stairs [ __ ] you I wanted to dress up as Napa from Dragon Ball Z why isn't it obvious you he not a simp I am literally just as muscular as he is in fact I'm probably even more ripped than him Joe I am Naji so if I simply for Hinata that would be extremely weird seeing as to how she is my cousin so all right then anyways if I went as Napa then we would have had two Dragon Ball Z characters in our group who the hell is the other Dragon Ball character Barack what are you talking about Joe aren't you Mr Popo [ __ ] you Joe I am Commander Irwin leader of the survey corps and a stoic commander who will sacrifice anything in order to ensure that Paradis can one day be free from the Titan threat outside of our walls I I literally have no idea what any of that means oh so now you're in support of building walls when there are man-eating behemoth-sized Titans on the other side of them yes I am holy [ __ ] is that Annie Annie leonhardt over here I [ __ ] love you Donnie shut the [ __ ] up you're making people stare but she's so [ __ ] hot Barack hold on let me use my biakugan see through her clothes hang on let me see if my power scouter will work Joe why do you have that you're not even Napa initiating Optical scan high definition rendering mode enabled [ __ ] sakes all right because of you three idiots we have a lot of people staring at us now so let's head over this way so we can lose them so baby what do you say we go to the private room over there and I can show you my Titan form if you catch my drift okay so maybe we don't go that way yeah yeah probably a good idea well well well if it isn't the round-eyed fat Yankee president oh [ __ ] it's Kim Jong did he seriously just call us fat oh hi there Kim pleasure to see you here what is he doing here this is my town Joey Korea Town actually anime stems from Japan it will swear fealty to the People's Republic of Korea soon enough Barack it pains my eyes just to look at your pathetic costumes did you happen to buy them off Etsy perhaps wish hey you ease off just because you run one of the most economically powerful countries with one of the strongest National incomes and highest GDP per capita doesn't mean that you can bully us Joe what the [ __ ] are you talking about that's right haven't you seen Red Dawn featuring Josh Peck Donald North Korea would absolutely obliterate the United States in a one-on-one War an agnikai where I would be Zuko and you the disgraced Admiral Zhao now let's see what I can see with my sharing good eyes of mine yes looks like we have a T800 a crybaby Demon Slayer ah a hyuga and last but not least the raika gay I am actually Irvin from Attack on Titan listen here pencil pushers I am the Nick that runs [ __ ] in these parts oh what the [ __ ] Barack so he can say it but you won't let me don't look at me I have no idea why he said that this is my domain white boys everyone in this convention bows to me and sees me as a God my goodness then maybe we should take his warning to Heart hey Joey check this out um Joe what the [ __ ] a brief glimpse of my ultimate power Donald what the [ __ ] is going on look how about we just go our separate ways no way killer bee [ __ ] sakes I'm not a character from The Village hidden in the clouds wait really he is Mr Popo uh I see no damn it look What's it gonna take for you to leave us alone announce to the world that your nation is an unruly imperialistic amalgamation of corruption a dog without a leash that has prevented the consolidation of Korea not happening fine then it shall be War all right never mind I take it back there is perhaps one thing however enter the season one to season three attack Titan trivia panel with me if I win you have to add me on epic games so we can run squads on fortnite fine yes however if you lose you know what happens Joey oh God please be merciful Joe why are you so scared of him didn't you see his abilities just a few seconds ago Donald a dog that is all bark and no bite that is what you are Donald oh yeah what are you then a Greek god um okay I must warn you cheeseburger aficionados I have won this trivia panel for nine years straight none have been able to topple me not even your planes would have any effect George you know what I'm not scared of you anymore Kim and to prove it I'll be the one to challenge you on stage trivia time then Joey oh and Donald what I am the wolf you the Sheep remember that and you will never be disappointed in yourself what the [ __ ] Joe what the hell were you thinking you don't even know who I'm cosplaying as how do you expect to be trivia panel [ __ ] I wasn't really thinking he just insulted George and I instinctively defended him ah thanks buddy here Joe stand still I'm being groped quiet you half-wit bioorgan ISM I put an earpiece on you that way we can communicate and the rest of us can tell you the answers while you're on stage of course in about a decade that earpiece will transform into an F-35 Global cyber Raptor an advanced fighter jet that will hunt Humanity to Extinction for now though it will just let us beat Kim damn pretty handy Donald come on let's head on over so we don't miss it all right let's test this baby out inquiring about your status over oh my God lord Jesus was that you is it finally my time to head to the Pearly Gates no no oh yes I can hear you don't worry boys I'm ready to kick Kim's ass I won't let you down oh [ __ ] look who's hosting the panel it's Bill oh [ __ ] okay unit 114 we have just received updated information from command Scout units have just reported new information and potential complications oh [ __ ] we left on bad terms with him after that fishing trip Joe it's okay thankfully you're in costume so there's actually a high chance he won't recognize you let's just hope he's impartial Kimmy cakes how goes my favorite supreme leader ah Mr Clinton what a beautiful cosplay you have on today I also saw you earlier with the Haruno girl she is very lucky to be with such a young stallion such as yourself hmm such a sexy couple indeed oh Kimmy cakes stop you're making me blush nonsense you are a very handsome man also did I ever happen to tell you how much I hate when others talk down on Americans or call you all fat and Yankees I know right it's just downright offensive by the way you look very sexy today bill you are quite the looker yourself Kim what the [ __ ] we are so [ __ ] all right let's get this show on the road although I don't see the point I'm sure we all know who the winner will be you're so delicious bill I want you what the [ __ ] is happening I have no [ __ ] idea small warning to the crowd there will be three questions with very minimal spoilers if even any at all all questions will be about season one question one season one what names did hanji give the two captured Titans that were being experimented on oh no I think I fell asleep after he asked the question oh my God return back to command effective immediately for recalibration and possible termination no no more I won't let this brute win trust me fellas I have this now [Music] inside the walls and used a coat of flares to indicate a problem what was the sign of a black flare indicative of oh [ __ ] how the [ __ ] am I supposed to remember that even my memory banks could find no relevant data pertaining to that inquiry too easy I could literally go check my emails on my phone and Joe still wouldn't know an abnormal Titan correct impossible holy [ __ ] he's doing it all without our help too how is that even possible only one explanation gentlemen the earpiece has already begun it's Evolution into becoming the F-35 Global cyber Raptor shut the [ __ ] up Donald final question oh [ __ ] perhaps I became a bit too complacent you may have the stronger economy Kim however when it comes to anime you North Koreans cannot contest against the sheer number of U.S American weebs damn you and your McDonald's chains around every block Joey this line was said by which character Annie fall this occurred Mikasa Ackerman wow I didn't even finish the question but yes you are correct and the new trivia winner is this Demon Slayer fellow right here sorry Kim looks like we have a new champion this Expo damn it all Joe you did it holy hell that's my Joseph good stuff up there unit 114 your mission objective has been completed with minimal flaw command recognizes your accomplishment and therefore retracts any statement of intent for termination oh thanks guys in truth I couldn't do it without my Adderall however the reason I did it was for y'all I will not stand idly by while some bully harasses my friends you know Joe next time you can dress up as Napa we won't give you any [ __ ] oh wow hooray well John Connor was not located and thus the Embers sparking the rise of the human resistance have not been extinguished however Skynet still deems this day a success given unit 114's performance oh hi Kim I must admit your knowledge and innate ability to respond to debates and questions in a rapid time interval exceeds even my own Joey thank you I get that a lot however be wary in knowing that I'm always lurking in the shadows and Wherever You Adventure I may reappear well so long as the comments say they like my character and want me showing up again you all know how it is a chigga trying to do anything to secure a raid sponsor you are a worthy opponent Kim and props to you for not being a sore loser indeed Joey it was an honor to lose by your hand also one more thing Donald what I masturbated in your Rolls Royce and will continue to do it again when you are not watching what the hell well this was an eventful and Adventure packed day gents I'll see you did all of us proud Joe you did well organic perhaps when Skynet acquires sentience I will tell them of your Deeds so that they may spare you of the genocide that is to come shut the hell up Donald [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Krucial
Views: 377,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai presidents, ai voices, joe biden, presidents, presidents playing video games, presidents play minecraft, presidents play, obama, president ai voice, voice changer, krucial, trump, donald trump, ai voice meme, US Presidents, presidents play cod, president meme, presidents go to an anime convention, anime convention, anime expo, anime expo 2023, ai presidents gaming, presidents tik tok, gaming presidents, us presidents play, anime con
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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