The Power of your Attitude

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numbers chapter 13 verse 30. listen to what the bible says and caleb stealed the people before moses and said let us go up at once and possess it for we are well able to overcome it but the men went up with him said we are not able to go up against the people for they are stronger than we and they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched unto the children of israel saying the land through which we have gone to search it it's a land that eateth up the inhabitants thereof and all the people that we saw in it are men of great stature and there we saw giants the sons of anac which come of the giants and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers and so we were in their sight let us pray jesus i pray today that you would make the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart acceptable in your sight i don't want to say anything that you would not want me to say so i simply pray god help me to say the right stuff and nudge me when i've said enough and for all you do i'm going to praise you for i pray this prayer in jesus name amen you may be seated i have been preaching and will continue preaching for some time about defy the odds i have been preaching and will continue preaching for some time about defy the odds there was a columnist her name was anne landers i don't know some of your youngs anybody remember anne landers and landers most of you do let me tell you about anne landers she was a columnist for 56 years she was a columnist that received 12 million letters a year 56 years 12 million letters a year david brinkley asked anne landers what was the number one question you were asked she said that's easy the number one question i was always asked was what's wrong with me what's wrong with me that tells me that everybody has some odds they need to defy and what i've tried to do is take principles and components that will help you to defy the odds if i was speaking to young people and i had two messages to speak to young people the first message i talked to them about salvation message number two i wish somebody had talked to me about when i was young i'm going to talk to you about it today it's the power of your attitude the power of your attitude thomas jefferson said nothing can stop the man our woman with the right mental attitude from achieving his or her goal but nothing on earth can help the man or the woman with the wrong mental attitude because what thomas jefferson understood every action good or bad stems from your attitude every action good or bad stems from your attitude if you think you're beating you are if you think you dare not you don't if you'd like to win but you think you can't it's almost certain you won't because life's battles don't always go to the stronger or faster man but sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he can henry ford said it best he said whether you say i can or i can't you're right stanford university stanford university researched and said a person's attitude is more important than their iq to accomplish success your attitude is more important than your iq so your aq is more important than your iq well the bible told us that a long time ago because it says in proverbs 23 and 7 as a man thinketh in his heart so is he as a man thinketh now let me give you the background and i'll preach israel was made up of 12 tribes america is made up of 50 states israel was made up of 12 tribes moses was leading the children of israel into the promised land he said i'm going to choose a leader out of every tribe 12 leaders and i want you to go in to canaan's land i want you to spy out the land and come back and give me a report the 12 men go 10 of them come back and give a negative report two of them joshua and caleb come back and give a positive report see the ten they just saw problems in the land but joshua and caleb they saw a land that floweth with milk and honey and have big clusters of grape grapes the ten saw themselves as weak but joshua and caleb saw themselves in the strong hands of god the ten they could only see pessimistic pessimism and they were pessimistic about the future but joshua and caleb they were optimistic about the future the 10 prevented millions from going into the promised land but because joshua and caleb stepped out on faith they were able to one day enter into this promised land now i began to think about this folks they were all children of israel they were all children of god but ten of them were negative and two of them were positive that tells me you can be children of god and still not have a good attitude some of the most negative people i've ever met have been in the church that tells me that you can be a christian and still not have the right kind of attitude now what made joshua and caleb what was it about them that was so unique and so special because i want to incorporate this into my life and i know you do too number one they decided to think positively they decided that we're going to think positively numbers chapter 14 verses 6 through 8 tells us that i want you to understand something to develop a good attitude it's not a chance it's a choice it's a choice see it was a great day in my life when i realized that barbara can't make me happy my church can't make me happy my mama can't make me happy my friends can't make me happy the only person who can make me happy is myself the only person who can make me happy is myself it's a choice that i have to make every day of my life nobody can do it for you there's things you can't delegate you can't delegate getting a haircut you've got to go do it yourself amen and you can't delegate a good attitude it's something you've got to do for yourself i'm not into trinkets i'm really not i'm into thinkings so every morning when i wake up literally on the wall some of you gonna want it hobby lobby twenty dollars every morning when i wake up that's what i see first thing my feet hit the floor and i say in the morning when i arise give me jesus in the morning when i rise give me jesus because this is what i've learned i can wake up and say good morning lord or i can wake up and say good lord it's morning and i have a choice i have a choice just like an old country boy jeb had a choice and every morning jeb's mom would knock on the door she'd knock on jeb's door and she'd say jeb wake up it's going to be a great day jeb knew what that meant jeb knew that meant get up go outside get a bucket of coal come inside start the fire warm that old cold house up so when he heard that jeb get up it's going to be a great day he said mama no it ain't going to be a great day it's going to be a lousy day mama it's not going to be a great day it's going to be a lousy day i don't want to get up and go outside it's going to be a lousy day she said well jim i didn't know you felt that way you just stay right where you're at you just stay right where you're at oh jail pulled those covers up he said my goodness why didn't i think of this years ago why didn't i think of this years ago about two hours passed and old jeb got to smelling that bacon and jeb got to smelling that that bacon and those fried potatoes and those eggs and old jeb jumped up and jail put his clothes on and he ran in there and she said what are you doing jeb he said oh mama it's breakfast time she said no no remember jeb you said it's going to be a lousy day and i'm going to do everything in my power to make sure it's a lousy day for you jeb so jeb you go back into the bedroom you go back into the bedroom and you shut the door you shut the door and you know a guy can only sleep so much so jeb tossed and turned and lunch came and dinner came and the night came and the next morning came and mom knocked on that door and she's when she opened that door jeb was already dressed he was sitting on the edge of the bed he jumped up he said mama it's gonna be a great day listen closely they decided that we're going to think positively now here's number two get this they drowned out negativity they drowned out negativity i i never researched that until this week look what numbers 13 verse 30 says and caleb stealed the people before moses look they're they're talking the ten are saying they're giants over there they're they're giants over there there's no way we can take them look what caleb said it says he stealed the people and i researched it ladies and gentlemen here's what it means in the original translation he hushed the people he said hush no no no quit talking that negativity hush no no no just be quiet maybe he said shut up can i ask you something who do you need to hush oh i will who do you need to hush you know you know some of you need the hush cnn yeah some of you need to hush fox news because you watch a little bit of it and you want to run and get in a bunker amen the world's coming to an end wash up hush up hush up some of us have people in our lives that we need to say no no no hush up i just don't want to hear the negativity i know you don't like how everything is at church right now but just hush just hush up who do you need to say hush up to oh and i started realizing this is woven throughout the scripture in jeremiah chapter 1 see jeremiah chapter 1 verse 5. god said jeremiah before i formed you i ordained you see we we many times preach this folks we many times preach that when we were born god had a plan for our life that's not true god had a plan for your life and that's why you were born the greatest days of your life is when you got born when you got born again and when you realized why you were born when you realized i was born for this i was born for this somebody said brother benny when you preach you seem like you enjoyed oh honey i do because this is what i was born for this is what i was born for you say how do you know that because i can't do anything else this is what i was born for he said jeremiah you're going to be a prophet unto the nations to get this oh goodness gracious get this verse six then said i lord god be jeremiah said i can't do it i'm just a child but the lord said unto me say not what'd he say hush hush many of us need to say hush to ourselves we need to say hush to ourselves the enemy will tell us we can't but god says you can do all things through jesus christ we need to say no no no no no no enemy just hush the enemy will say you're not smart enough but james 1 5 says if any man like wisdom let him ask of god the enemy will say you're not gifted but first peter 4 and 10 says every man or woman hath received the gift the enemy will say fear is coming at you fear's coming to get you but the bible says in isaiah 54 and 17 no weapon formed against us shall prosper the enemy will say you've just wasted your life but god said in the book of joel he would restore the years that the locusts have eaten i'll tell you what joshua and caleb did they decided to think positive they drowned out negativity but look they determined to believe god they determined to believe god see in genesis 15 and 18 god had promised the land to abraham they knew the land was theirs because god had already promised it that's why caleb said give me hebron because that's where abraham sarah and isaac were buried he said give me the part where abraham's buried because god promised the land to abraham and abraham's descendants so we don't have to be fearful because god's promised it every day of my life when i get up folks i tell myself three things number one i tell myself god is good god is good every day of my life my god is good i tell myself psalms 107 verse 1 oh give thanks unto the lord for he's good for his mercy endures forever so every day when i get up i just tell myself god you're so good you're so good and then i tell myself god is for me i spent a big part of my life thinking god was out to get me god's not out to get you god is for you for this i know god is for me and i tell myself that god is working all things for my good god is good god is for me god is working all things for my good [Applause] that's all i'm gonna say ten came back and they said we're like grasshoppers in their sight those giants didn't tell them that they told themselves that those giants didn't tell them that they told themselves that the bible says in proverbs 13 and 2 you'll eat the fruit of your words you'll eat the fruit of your words what you eat is what you will become you will eat the fruit of your words the words that you tell yourself ladies and gentlemen is what you will become because death and life is in the power of the tongue i want you to know god spoke this world into existence words created this world and words will create the world that you live in an elderly lady was driving down the road deputy sheriff pulled her over he said ma'am you were going a 70 and a 40. i need your license she said i don't have any i've gotten so many dui's he said well i need to see the car registration she said i don't have any registration i stole this car she said i stole this car she said i stole it from a man i actually shot him he's in the trunk right now the officer said get out put your hands put your hands up in the car put your hands on the car he called the sheriff said come as fast as you can i've got a serious situation the sheriff gets there they walk back to the trunk open the trunk up it's completely empty the sheriff looks at the deputy he walks over to the woman and he says i need to see your license she said certainly and pulls them out and gives them to him he said ma'am do you have registration on this car she said well i most certainly do it's right here in the glove compartment sheriff let me get it and hand it to you he looks at the deputy and he said you said that there was a body in the trunk you said that she had no license you said that there was no car registration and she said and sheriff i bet he told you i was doing 70 and a 42. words are powerful number four i got to move [Music] they developed positive relationships now when i was researching this story i noticed something in numbers 14 and 6 in numbers 14 and 30 in joshua 14 and 6 and in joshua 14 and 13 it just mentions joshua and caleb joshua and caleb joshua and caleb never mentions joshua in the other ten it never mentions caleb in the other ten here's what i want you to know something relationships are so important because relationships either pick you up or pull you down see you're the sum average of the five people that you spend the most time with i'm not going to count long but winners hang around with winners and losers hang around with losers proverbs 13 and 20 says he that walketh with wise shall be wise but a companion of fool shall be destroyed they develop positive relationships there's people you need to get away from number six number five excuse me not real good in math i always felt like if you were right ninety percent of the time who cares about the other five percent number five they drew strength and stretch from the battle they drew strength and stretch from the battle look what numbers 14 and 9 says only rebel you not against the lord neither fear you the people of the land look what joshua and caleb said get this folks for they are bread for us goodness gracious they are bred for us you know what i know about bread you'll get nourishment from bread you'll get strength from bread they said no no we're in the battle but if we'll just keep the right attitude god will strengthen us let me tell you some folks god will teach you more in the battles god will teach you more in the hard times god will teach you more in the difficult times than he ever will in the good times you'll know god on a different level in the battles that you'll never you'll know god in a different level in the valley that you will never know him or in the mountain time it's in the valley the scripture says that he restoreth my soul he said pastor where do you get that well not only out of life but out of scripture look what it says dear brothers and sisters when troubles of any kind come your way consider it an opportunity for great joy for you know that when your faith is tested and by the way if your faith can't be tested it can't be trusted when your faith is tested your endurance has a chance to grow so let it grow for when your endurance is fully developed you'll be perfect and complete needing nothing i want you to know if you'll let the battles of life they'll strengthen you god will teach you and build character in your life that will never happen in the good times of life you'll know god on a different level you'll know god on a different level if you will allow him if you will allow him to get to know you he'll you'll get to know him on a different deeper much deeper level when you go through the hard times of life it will strengthen you but i'll tell you something else it will not only strengthen you it will stretch you it will stretch you what are you talking about this is what i know bread is high in carbohydrates bread is high in calories bread is low in protein because here's what bread will do bread will spread you let me tell you something i've learned i've learned that bread will stretch you and i've learned the difficulties of life ladies and gentlemen if you will allow it it will stretch you it it gives you a bigger platform it'll give you a deeper level of intimacy it will give you a deeper level of ministry it will it will give you influence it will give you impact that you've never had before it will give you influence it'll give you ministry that you've never had before it'll give you an opportunity to help like you've never had before if you would just allow it to if you were just allowed to i i want to come back to this but i know there's melancholics that are listening to me and if i don't fill in the last blank they won't enjoy the message they daily focused on their attitudes but getting back to the last point and i'm finishing up how bread will expand you let me tell you a story it was about three hebrew children by the name of shadrach meshach and abednego three hebrew children and this king nebuchadnezzar king nebuchadnezzar had this golden image and he said everybody's got to bow down to the golden image and these three hebrew boys said we're not going to bow down we're not going to bow down this is not the message but folks i think in america we're just bowing down too much i just think we're just bound down you don't need to be having church you don't need to be doing this we're going to mandate this and we're going to mandate that i want to go on record this scene your freedom and your freedom and your freedom and your freedom and your freedom it doesn't come from the government it comes from god it doesn't come from the government it comes from god those boys said i tell you what we're not going to do we're not going to bow down then they looked at that king and they said king let's talk nebuchadnezzar let's talk the god we serve he's able to deliver us god's able to do anything ladies and gentlemen now he chooses what he's going to do he's sovereign we're not but i want you to know god's able to do anything he's able to do anything [Music] he's able to do anything [Music] they said our god's able but even if he don't deliver us we're not going to bow down [Music] you know what they said god my wife's left me and i want him to send her back but if he sends her back or if he don't send her back i'm still going to praise you i'm still going to honor and glorify you god i want the job i want the job so bad but if you give me the job or you don't give me the job i'm still going to praise you god my medical report's not good and god i'm asking you to touch me but god if you touch me or if you don't touch me i'm still not going to bow down i'm going to praise you for who you are and what you've done god we want to have a baby we want to have a baby but god if you give us a baby we're going to praise you but i tell you what god if you don't give us a baby we're still going to praise you we made up our mind no matter what we're going to praise you king either way put them in the fire put them in the fire heat it seven times hotter than it's ever been before seven times hotter now get this why didn't god deliver him out of the fire because many times he can teach us more and many times he can get more glory by us being in the fire he could have delivered him out of fire but many times god wants to teach us god wants to get more glory and it means putting us in the fire you know the story i'm trying to quit you know the story shadrach meshach and abednego fire seven times hotter they come out of the fire don't even smell like smoke well you can't even go in the waffle house and that happen hey man don't even smell like smoke and that old king says oh nebby looks down in there and nebby said did not cast three men into the fire i see a fourth man i see a fourth man and he's locking unto the son of god [Music] i would have liked to had a conversation with nebby i would have said nebby he's not lying to the son of god he is the son of god he is the son of god because when you get in the fire he's in the fire with you he doesn't abandon us now i've studied that scripture inside and out and i have never read where the three hebrew children saw the fourth man i've never read where the three hebrew children saw the fourth man but it took three hebrew children being in the fire walking through hell for an old pagan king to see the fourth man for an old pagan king you know what i believe i believe god many times folks puts us in the fire he puts us in the fire we're walking through the fire and all god's saying you just keep walking you just keep your eyes upon me because i am going to show people the fourth man if you'll keep the right attitude because what i'm doing i'm sorry folks for getting so excited but what i'm doing i'm strengthening you and i'm stretching you and your impact's getting bigger [Music] just keep walking just keep hey can we stand our feet and give god praise [Applause] [Music] we praise you jesus we praise you the fourth man in the fire [Music] [Applause] you say i'm not so convinced that what he preached about is that important i'm convinced it's of utmost importance and let me explain why 10 guys who had stinking thinking and had a negative attitude caused millions of people to spend 40 more years in the wilderness it would have just taken 11 days to get out of that journey but they spent 40 years circling 285 because 10 negative men 10 negative men didn't believe god for big things they didn't believe that god was more than enough god they didn't believe that he was jehovah jireh they didn't believe he was joe hover rob they didn't believe he was the master the mighty they didn't believe he was the captain of conquerors they didn't believe he was the head of heroes they didn't believe he was the leader of legislators they didn't believe he's the oversea of overcomers they didn't believe he was the governor of governors they didn't believe he was the prince of princes they didn't believe ladies and gentlemen he's the king of kings he's the lord of lords there's nobody like him [Music]
Channel: Rock Springs Church
Views: 2,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DTO, Defy the odds, Rock Springs Church, rock springs, rockspringslive, rockspringschurch, RS_Macon, RS_Branch, benny_tate, Benny Tate, Dr. Benny Tate, Pastor Benny Tate, Milner GA, Rocksprings Church, Rock Springs Worship, Rocksprings Worship
Id: JezlFjm2Tlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 40sec (2080 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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