The Power of the Secret Closet (David Wilkerson)

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[Music] when thou prayest thou shall not be as the Hypocrites are for they love to pray that standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets that they may be seen of men verily I say unto you they have their reward but thou when thou prayest enter into thy closet when thou shut thy door pray to thy father which is in secret and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly if you read carefully the Old Testament you'll find that God divided his people into two categories those who sought after me he said and those who sought not after me Zephaniah warns the time is going to come that the Lord will come by his spirit and consume those who don't turn to him and seek him I want to talk to you about seeking God the power of the secret closet first of all demands that you have a secret closet now this is not just a cloth closet somewhere in your bedroom now it can be but that's not what the Bible's talking about the the closet means simply to be shut in with God anywhere at any time giving God quality chosen time to yearn after him to seek him to call upon his name prayer clauset is simply a prayer habit because when you get in trouble you pick up the telephone and call somebody somebody else or there's a blindness that comes over us and we do not reach out to the Lord we reach to everybody on anything but we don't have that habit immediately run immediately go into his presence immediately seek his face call upon his name we very seldom do that you are not praying in the spirit if you're talking in tongues and your mind is somewhere else but when you come into the presence of the king when you come to God my Bible said he sees in secret that means he sees what your heart's doing he sees where your mind is he sees where your thoughts are what you're in that secret closet and your mind begins to wonderand off I don't think our prayer sacrifice is acceptable unto God unless we've established that closet and our hearts are into it absolutely completely if you want me to hear you if you want me to see you if you want your prayer answer you come to me with a focused mind you come to me with a FOC focused purpose the Bible said when you shut the door the next thing you do is pray with all your heart once you've established a habit you shut the door and got rid of all the distractions God expects you to seek him with all your heart now folks I wonder how many of us here tonight can honestly say that you have a closet and when you go into that closet you're focused and that you pray with everything that's in you we want to go into the secret closet we get to thinking prayer is just second nature no it's not second nature it's something has to be practiced it's something that is learned you go to him in your daily closet you go to him when your shut in him in in with his presence and you focus and then with everything in your heart Reach Out reach out and call upon his name sometimes it'll be loud sometimes it'll be quiet but it's the heart totally given to him if you have established a closet and you have shut the door and you come without distractions and you're seeking him with all your heart Jesus said there's a reward I could name all the rewards that come from the power of the secret closet but there's one in particular the Holy Spirit revealed to me and I want to show it to you everywhere you go when you find a king or Nation Israel or Judah turning to the Lord and seeking with all their heart order was always restored now your life is your kingdom your home wherever you are that's your domain that's your kingdom what he will do you may not see the sign of it right now but the first thing is he's going to give you order in your spirit God will bring order and unity and peace because you are seeking him with all your heart you're not turning to other people you're not turning to the flesh you're not looking for some human counselor you're Su in with God and little by little inch by inch he's bringing order out of that confusion taking it all away lord said not only will I give you order but in a time of famine I'm going to feed you and you're going to be in Green Pastures till you die those who do not seek the Lord they shall be hungry they shall be thirsty this is Isaiah 6513 they shall be hungry they'll be thirsty they'll be ashamed when you look around and see that in the church today the hunger and The Thirst but the scripture says those who seek the Lord but my servants they shall eat my servants they shall drink my servants shall sing for Joy of heart he's wanting to establish the people that determined all through the day just to keep running to him I know God's been wooing me more and more he's wooing me into that closet Glory comes to a people who've established that habit that Dy wonderful marvelous habit of running to him
Channel: purebride
Views: 253,075
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Keywords: The Power of the Secret Closet, David Wilkerson, purebride
Id: 4A45SpgAEz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 17 2014
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