"The Power Of Forgiveness" T. F. Tenney BOTT 1994

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he happens to be my district superintendent here in Louisiana an outstanding leader I have just learned so many things from this man and I love him very dearly I've got to warn all of you that if you listen closely to this ministry today you're going to take a risk of being impacted by the Holy Ghost because he is a man of the word and a man of the Spirit there's a difference in just being a man of the word but he said stick to the Holy Ghost would you please make welcome the district superintendent Louisiana brother tenant what is his name what is his name and we are here this morning to lift him up thank you brother Hudspeth pastor Anthony Mankin an apostle GA Mangan or if ever there was a modern apostle Gerald Mangan is an apostle and sister Mangan is an epistle someone told me one time that an epistle was the wife of an apostle thank you brother Caples wasn't that tremendous that message you know some people think they're thinking when they're just rearranging their prejudice but that man challenged us we need to hear what not what brother capable said but what the Spirit is saying sometimes we Pentecostals get so wrapped up in what God said till we miss what he's saved we talked so much about what he did till we miss what he's doing this God we serve is as old as the Rock of Ages but he's as current as your morning newspaper and I want to be plugged into what's old and what's new in the in the Holy Ghost I would like to thank you for coming to the great Bayou State again and do we have several functions in the future that some of you might be interested in our great Women's Conference will be March 3 4 & 5 we haven't had a gigantic Women's Conference since 88 and we're expecting six or eight thousand women and you will be greatly blessed some of the great women of the Spirit will be speaking at this meeting under the direction of our women's ministries president Joanne cannon and my dear sweet wife Thetis our men's conference is May 5 6 & 7 will have 12 1,500 men last year we had men from from 13 States and if you want the lives of the men of your church changed it will be a life-changing experience our camp meeting is July 4 through 8 and if you think you could take five or six nights of Jeff Arnold will you come to our camp meeting this year you'll be greatly blessed several of you have asked about my latest book the main thing my book is on sale in the lobby along with the book I wrote several years ago on Pentecost what's that and also a history of Pentecostals of Louisiana I say that because several of you have asked me if the book is available I appreciate your coming here this morning and I am going to do something today that I don't ordinarily do but I have a mandate from God I'm going to minister to you by the grace of God on a subject that some of you have heard me handle before I work very diligently and prepared a message for this meeting several days ago the wind of the Spirit shifted and my sails build in its breeze and the Lord turned me around and made me to know that he wanted me to deal with something that I dealt with before and I said I told the Lord I said well it's hard with preachers heard that but I didn't argue very much it's all right to ask God questions but just don't tell him what to do joke tried that Joe bass garden 181 questions but God asked job 184 questions same book that's in the King Jimmy version now we got all kind of virgins today got the living bible as opposed to the dead I guess the New International Version coming to you from around the world and got versions in Aramaic and Greek and Hebrew so we can fail God in three languages I but you can talk and greet and read and Hebrew and snore and Aramaic and not know the truth thank God for the truth I welcome you here a game today and I'm delighted to have my family here my dear wife fetus my son my daughter and my son-in-law and members of our district board I've got the greatest district board in all the world number of them are here today in pastures of this district god bless you you're blessed to be here if you have your Bibles and return with us to the 23rd chapter of the Gospel according to Luke brother Kol come stand here I want you to pray for me after I read my text one of the greatest men of God I've ever known a dear friend the Lord told me that I had to make this understood so I'll do my best Luke 23:34 several days ago I had a spiritual imagery you can call it a vision of whatever you want to call it but it was an impact from the spirit and I saw a preacher in a church walking up and down in front of him a blonde looking altar I say blonde it may be rust I couldn't quite make it out and I heard him pray and he said God why can't we have a breakthrough here why is this church locked why no revival and then instantly I saw this man I was made to notice his wife standing in front of a sink there was a wind in from the sink tears were coming down her cheek she was praying the same thing and the Holy Spirit made me know that this message could well be for one person but that doesn't bother me after 45 years of preaching I don't have anything proved I love Jesus and I won't please him so if this isn't for you it's for one person here let me read Luke 23:34 Jesus said Father forgive them for they know not what they do and they parted his raiment and cash Lots Father forgive them father forgive father I want to speak to you this morning on the power of forgiveness power of forgiveness brother Kol let's pray father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I thank you for the holy presence of the Lord hot Tottie Colin is in this sanctuary I thank you Lord for the attitude of the congregation that has come with such hungry hearts and I thank you for this great man of God anoint his mind because his mind to be alert Jesus name and lose his tongue touch r karakorum o shahe we might be able to receive your word in Jesus name hey man god bless you you may be seated the greatest power in the universe I say that unequivocally and without apology is the power of forgiveness there would have been no Pentecostal power had there not been forgiveness there would have been no power in the name the syndrome any name of Jesus that name that's linked with remission of sins had it not been for forgiveness there would have been no healing power had it not been for forgiveness when Jesus Christ said I forgive his spirit his spirit was released to do its mediatorial work but not until he said forgive when he spoke Father forgive at the pronouncement of that epithet of his earthly ministry a tremendous surge of glory struck the earth and all worlds were heard from when he said Father forgive hell's gates were jarred asunder and the tombs were opened and there was a mini resurrection certain rose from the dead and appeared in the city when he said Father forgive there was an earthquake when he said Father forgive the veil was rent in twain from top to bottom and when that veil was rent mercy came jigging out from between the Angels atop the mercy seat from the Ark of the Covenant and forgiveness went dancing out of the temple touched the cinterion in front of the cross and a thief on the other side of the cross and marched into a graveyard kicked open some tombs and then mercy Dovan to hell for an encounter with Satan himself all of that happened when Jesus said forgive forgive all of this dynamic power was released when he said Father forgive the lights of heaven blinked and the Sun itself winked while its creator played with death the doors of one dispensation the dispensation of the law slammed shut on their rusty hinges and those hinges freshly lubricated by the blood of the lamb opened home a dispensation of grace I said there was a power of healing and let me tell you something there'd be no healing if it wasn't for forgiveness because healing and forgiveness are tied together James said if there's any sick among you let him call for the elders let them anoint him with all and pray for him and if he said it shall be everything is time to forgiveness Devils themselves are bound and the presence of forgiveness death lost its scepter and hell its Tara when he said forgive hand of God is shattered ever known Dominion and boundary when the power of forgiveness was released now there's a second tier we know that the power of forgiveness affected Hell Earth the heavens Satan mankind it even affected the past dead because there's two accounts in the genealogy of Matthew and Luke concerning our Lord Jesus the one in Matthew begins with Abraham and comes forward to Jesus and that authenticates Jesus sovereign right to the throne of David that's his national prerogative but the other begins with Jesus not with Abraham and goes all the way back to Adam and when he speaks the name Adam it said who is the son of God and the blood of the Lamb that died on the cross restored all the way back to Adam every man who had ever trusted the blood of the Lamb from Adam forward and it left Adam in his pristine glory for they said he's now a son of God again all because of the power of the blood that was retroactive and went all the way back to Adam when Jesus forgave he could forgive sin past present and future because of the power of his name in his blood now the second tier of forgiveness is this we know about divine forgiveness when people forgive each other the power of God is released the same power that was released at Calvary is released when we choose to forgive and incidentally forgiveness is a choice individuals families churches all experience revival in the presence of forgiveness whenever such an outpouring of God's Grace's presents principalities and powers of Hell are neutralized and the devil has to back up without a word being said to him in the presence of forgiveness forgiveness neutralizes all the forces of Hell mercy that had been guarded by two angels symbolically atop the mercy seat on the Ark of the Covenant was released because in in John 20 and 12 when they went into the tomb they said look there's an angel sitting at his head where his head was and an angel sitting at his feet now symbolically those angels had been standing for thousands of years on top of the mercy seat but after Jesus died and rose from the dead the angels were sitting down they were saying our work is done we've been guarding mercy for the Jews for thousands of years but mercy is unguarded whosoever will let him come mercy that's been crib cabin and confined between the curtains on a tabernacle and a temple is now let go in all the earth forgiveness you know people either have to be entertained or changed and it's possible to culturally enjoy a church and not be changed and what I'm talking about tonight well in would invade your comfort zone but if we can see what happens when people choose to forgive I promised the Lord a couple years ago that I was going to quit trying to entertain people I want people changed inspiration is a wonderful thing but obligation follows inspiration we've all gotten inspired because of the time but what about our obligations when we leave here I'm afraid that we have produced in Pentecost a bunch of inspiration junkies they like a pop gospel fast food theology I want it my way but this is not McDonald's you're dealing with God this is not the golden arches it's a wooden cross we like low calorie fat free preaching we like preachers that preach cream and practice skim milk go to church and leave feeling like you've been shaved with a banana but what I'm talking about today is radical surgery there are churches that are locked up because there is unforgiveness in that church these ministries are locked up because in the hidden resources recesses of your heart there's unforgiveness they're saints of God the less then you could be and you pray God show me why and suddenly the Holy Spirit has put his finger on something and said way back in your past there's something you never turn loose of and power and forgiveness of run concurrently and until there is forgiveness unconditional forgiveness of blood to wash forgiveness it Aloka charge there will never be revival never power forgiveness makes us uncomfortable I'm not just talking about forgiving people but some have to forgive circumstances why aren't we having a revival maybe there's some circumstance in your life something you don't have an explanation - and by the way God gives commands not explanation see this information age we want to demand an explanation for everything God doesn't come down and explain himself to our vain minds he just comes down and says trust me whether you understand or not we know all things work together for good to them to love the Lord but it doesn't say we understand all things work together forgiveness forgiveness is not going back and undoing what's been done forgiveness is accepting what's been done going on from there in one act forgiveness potentially save the world on why don't I have the power of the blood in my life preacher maybe it's because of unforgiveness because the blood is forgiveness why don't I have the power of the name in my life because there's forgiveness in the name I'm telling you you're looking at a superintendent I'm a religious bureaucrat I've gone into churches that were locked in their velvet ruts saved sanctified and petrified whose favorite scripture was none of these things move me they wouldn't know a move of God oh you're talking about Baptist Church and no I'm talking about United Pentecostal churches where a half of them set on one side and half on the other and there's about three clicks let's run the church for a hundred years spent about three ways in their thinking and they got old grudges that go back fifty years family feud's and wonder why we don't have a move of God and they're always willing to blame the pulpit you will never have a move of God I tell you forgive hide loose of some of that garbage Chuck unfortunately the hatred we carry around till all of our enemies are dead will kill us first revenge you makes about as much sense as biting a dog because he bit you and we sit around judgmentally keep in store on one another it's too late to keep score we talk about he's a liberal he's a conservative Jesus is not coming back for liberals and conservatives he's coming back for those that are watching besides we talked about he's on the right he's on the left Jesus wasn't crucified on the right of the left he was crucified in the center and if you try to take the center you're more apt to get crucified forgiveness nothing typifies the transforming cleansing of God has experienced when a soul gives and receives forgiveness power of a new life new hope new joy and the river of God flowing again into the cold better heart and Jesus said into the hands I come in my spirit but he could not commend his spirit till he said forgive because God does not touch spirits of unforgiveness forgiveness is the spirit of revival itself and it's not a single act it's an attitude it's a how to you you ever think that even today the most persecuted countries nations have the greatest revivals you know why they have to live in a spirit of forgiveness brother Kol in his last revival in Ethiopia and one service 60,000 people got the Holy Ghost the year before over forty thousand and one service got the Holy Ghost you know why there's great revival in Ethiopia have been there several times there's not an older preacher there that hadn't been in jail brother tikva Mary and the leader of our group watched as the army about 15 or 20 years ago some soldiers grabbed his baby and threw it out the window a church and the child died as a result of that injury the women were put in jail twenty and thirty of them and in one cell that was just about six by eight and they had to take turns lying down because they understand most of the time they have to live in forgiveness they had to forgive the government they had to forgive the system he they had to forgive their jailers they had to forgive those that beat them he they had to forgive those that kill their children and wherever you have forgiveness you've got perpetual revival revival doesn't come cheap so you are comfortable now brother Teddy what are you talking about I'm talking about whatever you're thinking about right now that's what I'm talking about it's estimated that the Chinese are receiving the baptism of the holy ghost at the rate of twenty five thousand a day where are those Chinese Christians be pressing jail have to live forgiveness we are so overstuffed egotistical proud talking about my church my choir forgetting but it all belongs to God my churches are full of territorial spirits my piano my Sunday School class my assuring job my board appointments my this my that I'm telling you it all belongs to God we need to repent about territorial spirit there is one body one Lord one faith one baptism one church whenever we forgive can our people forgive I went into a church several years ago somewhere between the North Pole and Antarctica and I saw a preacher crucified over nothing very wise man followed him he was forced to resign after a while that very wise man saw there's something wrong here he called a meeting of that church he said we're not going to have revival here until every one of you people sign a letter of apology and let me mail it to your former pastor you know usually it's easy for us preachers to say he just didn't know how to hell he just didn't know how to love him when we weren't there in his time frame you see Solomon built the temple and and David was a warrior he couldn't build the temples there's some men that are called a bill some men call to fight Solomon never would have built the temple if David hadn't been a warrior and we're all a part of the eternal purpose of God we don't know what gods do it and we all enter into other men's ministry and you know what that entire church signed a letter of apology and they mailed it to that former pastor and you know what happened to revival broke out whenever they said forgive yes when Jesus said forgive the whole universe was shaken earth was shaking the Sun hit his face the power of forgiveness affected ever world even the political world for the Centurion said truly this was the son of God every element of the universe was affected Father forgive forgive at that moment demonic principalities and powers that had infiltrated man's relationship with God since the Garden of Eden were disarmed Colossians 2:15 says that at Calvary Jesus spoiled shamed and triumphed over Satan when he said forgive Satan fears forgiveness more than anything else in the domain of Christianity because it's the one - that tore up hell because Jesus by forgiveness went down into hell and led captivity captive forgiveness literally split hell wide open sometimes we say we love God but we prove we love ourselves there's some things we'd rather not know but I'm here to introduce you to the power forgiveness because when forgiveness is given and received a spectacular release of life and the heavenly places takes precedent over evil the same power is available I'm telling you what I'm preaching to you is a Bible truth whenever you forgive you release the same power that Jesus released a never World hell can be affected earth the heavens whenever forgive I'll never forget here in a pastor tell about a woman one time in his church he was counseling with and her husband had left her with four children deserted her and she was full of bitterness in the pastor said sister you're going to have to forgive him and she said he doesn't deserve to be forgiven the pastor looked at her and said that may be true but you do what's that got to do with it brother teeny Jesus told us you can't be forgiven if you don't forgive did you know God is fair I can tell you exactly how you're going to be judged how as you judge if you're judgmental and you like the judgment seat fine that's just how you're going to be judged according to the book do you know how you're going to be forgiven according to the book as you forgive Jesus said forgive as we forgive you know how you're going to obtain mercy blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy so if you need mercy give it if you need forgiveness give it if you don't want to be judged get off the judgement seat I can't afford the luxury of bitterness unforgiveness because unforgiveness is an asset that always destroys its container you're not going to shout you're going to soak I wish I could tell you that in the ministry you will never be hurt but I'm here to tell you you will be hurt hurt is reality bitterness is reaction you you're going to be hurt but you don't have to get bitter if brother Kilgore hurts me I said brother Kilgore hurt me the onus is on him it's his fault he hurt me but if I get better that's my problem that's my reaction and bitterness is sin did you know that in nearly 45 years of preaching I have had one person confessed to me that they were bitter is that the only better person you've ever dealt with no I've had them say I'm not better oh sure I'm not bitter I really love yeah I mean in vow enemas just you know a pool is formed when something is stomped out trotting down you call that a depression and bitterness is always created in a depression and if you're not careful you're low places in life can become pools of bitterness and if the pool in healed everyone that drinks there why children neighbors fella believers Saints in your church can become bitter when he forgave he shattered boundaries you feel bound you want to come into a new dimension in God some of you prayed last night why can I feel whatever else is feeling the Lord told me to tell you it's because beneath a crevice in Iraq something you thought long ago was handled there's something you've never forgiven and you've covered it and covered it and covered it and you don't want to face it now Jesus said forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors now that's no accident that he said debts because a debt is something that's legitimately owed and maybe somebody legitimately owes you something an apology and they never pay it Jesus said they're in debt to you but forgive them in here brother Kenny they haven't asked me to forgive them show me one person standing at the foot of the cross that said to Jesus forgive us before Jesus said father I forgive her not one Jesus died without a promise that we might have many promises no one was at the foot of the cross saying Lord go ahead and die I promise you I'll serve you shed your blood I promise you he died without a promise he died without anybody saying forgive us for what we put you through Lord and here we sit sometimes I'm not gonna forgive him til he asked me then you know nothing of Calvary's way you can't change the circumstance Colossians 2:14 says blotting out the handwriting of Ordinances that was against us he took it out of the way nailing it to the cross let me give you a colloquial translation of that it says he cancelled our certificate of death and at the same time disarmed principalities and powers when Jesus forgave us he cancelled the debt and he disarmed the devil and when you forgive you cancel the devta and you disarm the devil I'm telling you if you'll forgive you'll take a weapon out of the devil's hand you'll take the pressure out of the devil's hand but until you do there will be no anointing on your ministry there will be no revival in your church no one was ever more wrong than the Lord Jesus Christ and we say we want to be like him Jesus forgave and disarmed the devil in mankind's heaven word relation to God our pardon of others disarms that devil friend you can plunder hell and populate heaven if you'll forgive enemy uses unforgiveness I've heard people say well I forgive but we got a little secret compartment in our heart where we put people and when we're alone and we think about what they've done we pull them out of that little closet and beat up on them awhile and then put them back you know you take it sadly you get to thinking about it oh yes that's settled put it on to the blood put it on to the blood put it on to the blood and there will come a release and that I noted and the Holy Spirit forgive my brother Teddy I know God has forgiven me and I know the church has forgiven me and my family's forgiven me but I can't forgive myself you know what you've said but you just said is an insult to Calvary you said what Jesus did at Calvary 2,000 years ago is not enough for me he's going to have to come back and digest for me I can't accept what he's already done if God's forgiving you and others have forgiven you I'm telling you it is an insult to Calvary it's under the blood and God Himself said their sins and iniquities I remember no more you're remembering something God forgot quit being so judgmental on yourself holy spirit never nags there's no condemnation to those that are in Christ its power to release this power to bind when you forget but I'm gonna tell you something you know Jesus said whatsoever you bind is bound what serve you loose is loose we think of that is binding the devil but if I bind brother on by unforgiveness then I am bound in heaven if I lose him by forgiveness I am loosed not only on earth but I am I am turn loosed in heaven I can think about what's in heaven and the Lord says that the angel ten a loose up here I said god I want some of that I want that gifts of the Spirit I want that anointing I want that revival open up heaven out I'm loosed wouldn't you like to be turned loose to roam all over God's heavenlies the kingdom of heaven are we not in the kingdom of heaven oh the power the power that's why he said when you pray forgive you can't pray if you don't forgive you can go through the actions of praying if prayer is locked up by unforgiveness and it's loose by forgiveness you ever see anybody pray that was full of bitterness go through all hope God of God he said if I have iniquity in my heart God's not hearing me but look at him pray brother tini look at him shout did you know that if you have a spirit of unforgiveness spirit of iniquity God's not hearing you the book says so well I saw him praying did you ever stop to think that when heaven rejects your prayer you can slip to another spirit and be praying to another spirit and not know it and be reacting to another spirit I've seen people that were full of sin and bitterness shout well in that the power of God on them there's more than one power and I'm telling you if iniquity and rebellions in your heart God doesn't hear you oh yes he does the books true you're a liar Satan wants us locked into a spirit of unforgiveness revelation 12 and 10 said Satan accuses the brothers day and night before the throne Saints not omnipresent somebody said the devil's here I doubt it probably a bunch of his m's he's not ever wear it once can't be he's not omnipresent well high in the world can he accuse us day and night if he's not everywhere does he just stay before the throne no well why in the world let me tell you something now let me tell you how you chooses us brother Cole's done me wrong I'm praying God's you know what Billy told him to me get him God you know what I'm doing I'm accusing you before the throne and the devil doesn't have to do it because I call it prayer and do it you need a prayin my son you need a Brian forgiveness you need to pray bless my brother you know what Jesus did when he said forgive he was blessing a world and a system that killed him some of you are here in some religious system you think has ground you up and spit you out second total drudgery of ecclesiastical hierarchy you feel has done you in somebody misunderstood you some bored you think shafted you and you're nursing it I don't care how long you nurse a grudge it won't get better what if I got a new brother Kenny turn it loose forgive they may not a minute you know what I've had people come apologize to me and say you know you did so-and-so dear God the way they interpreted what I did and said was no more the way I'm in it a thin skin you need to be tough skin thin heart you're in the wrong business if you gonna always get miffed and hurt well there you know the organization hey let me tell you something God Himself in heaven didn't have a perfect organization he had three Archangel he had a good organization one of them Gabriel was the secretary of communication messenger angel Michael was Secretary of Defense war department head of it and Lucifer was the secretary of lights his name his light Barry was a secretary of power system and worship and did you know that the secretary of the power system and worship split heaven and God had a good organization he thought he couldn't he produced a perfect organization in heaven Jesus built an organization on earth with twelve board members and one of them turned out to be a devil and a thief he didn't have a perfect organization on earth and the United Pentecostal church is not perfect and it never will be and if you find the perfect organization don't join it you'll ruin it the greatest threat to Satan's domain is the unity of the church Jesus gave authority we're only two could agree he knew that no more than two could get together at the same time so he said if I can just stick two of you do agree they'll come a release of power he'll do anything to keep unity can I get a witness unit it doesn't just increase spiritual power it multiplies it and most trouble in local churches are caused by territorial preservation unity is built on diversity and not unity on conformity well I said unity is not built on conformity it's built on diversity now you and I love one another do we ever but we are different yeah we are different but we have learned to celebrate our diversity I agree with you on about 95% of everything so I'm going to fellowship you or 95 percent and pray for you on the five percent because I know you're wrong I've got to be right we had learned to celebrate our diversity you see whenever we tear down the walls and say Lord it all belongs to you every bit of it and wherever I can bring the most glory to your name that's where I want to be for the four years the devil said I own death because whatever you manufacture you own and he manufactured death death didn't come from God Satan is the one responsible for death Satan had a patent on death and Jesus went in kicked the doors of Hell down and scream death where is your sting he conquered death and death does it belong to Satan anymore Jesus said I am the resurrection and the life they did it by forgiveness nothing rattles the gates of Hell like forgiveness we build so many walls brother man and I were privileged several years ago to walk on the Great Wall of China Great Wall of China is the only man-made object that the astronauts can see a couple of thousand miles long built by the Chinese it says wide as from here to that orchestra pit thick the Chinese built it to keep out the Mongol hordes from invasion now after it was built the first 100 years after it was built they were invaded three times that wall was never breached that wall was never claimed well how'd the mongols get in they bribed the gate keepers while the Chinese were building walls they failed to teach their children integrity and the generation of Chinese that were being reared while they were building their walls didn't have any integrity and they sold them out for a few shekels we better teach this generation integrity you better have integrity about this message you better have integrity about your walk with God you better have integrity about this forgiveness business you better have some integrity some honesty I've been preaching 40 minutes for you clock Watchers you see Pharisees deny things but they never did myself some people call themselves Full Gospel they ought to be called full gossip whenever you criticize another brother or sister you know what you're saying you're saying God your workmanship doesn't meet my standards the power of death and life is in the tongue do you believe that while brother Jim Larson is in San Diego that I could pray for him in Alexandria and God could touch him in San Diego you believe you're God's powerful enough for me to pray a prayer here all right not only is life in the power of the tongue but death and when I start criticizing and speaking negatively against my brother I unleash negative spirits that can bind him I've been in churches that were bound the preacher was bound the pulpit was bound why why because 90% of the talk of the church was negative toward the pulpit and they had locked it up the coasters in the tongue there's the power of death and life and when we start speaking negatively about one another and critical about one another you got a problem with your brother do what the book said go to it and if you don't you violated the book criticism is one of the ultimate manifestations of pride because it assumes superiority which one of us here can even make ourselves all that we should be is there anybody here that will stand and say brother today I'm everything I should be nobody well if we can't change ourselves how are we going to change our brother unforgiveness Barnes yeah but brother Timmy 1st Corinthians 5:12 says judge those within that's true but why judge those within judgment always acts redemptive Lee you know what that means you've got to judge the spirit of the accusation not just the accusation well I don't believe that I'll prove takes it brought a woman caught in the act of adultery remember that brought it to Jesus Jeffrey I got some questions for those male chauvinists if they caught her in the act whereas the man takes two to tango yeah and how did they know where to go to find them doing it because what they were doing you don't do in public they knew her address they had been there before it's right when they knocked on the door they let him in they were regular customers and you better watch a man that's constantly criticizing another he may be a regular customer of what he's talking about now you watch Jesus judge the spirit of the accusers now the woman was guilty certainly but he proved that a sin of the Spirit can be worse than a sin of the flesh because he said woman were York users you know he said Lettie that's without sin cast the first stone and the only man that could have cast the first stone was Jesus and he wouldn't do it are we acting like him are we Christians neither do i condemn them go he didn't say didn't condemn those others hypocrites put people in hell for watching TV and prop up them in a motel and watch the World Series Oh both Tenny said you go to hell if you watch World Series I didn't say no such thing but don't be a hypocrite about it don't you preach something you're not living now I have invaded your comfort zone you know you can do the right thing in the wrong way and that's what these men that brought the woman were doing they were doing the right thing in the wrong way and God gets in attention trying to decide whether to bless the right man that's wrong or a wrong man that's right power of forgiveness that woman whom the law said happened section 7 paragraph 3 1a let me hasten never hear of a fella called Jacob do you know the only thing that kept Jehovah from being known as the God of Abraham Isaac and Esau was one bowl of soup right whenever Jacob was coming back and they said Esau is coming he said take a several bands of me and I'll impress him they took several bands of men that came back said he's still coming well take these flocks and when he says who flocks to these and there was thousands of say this is your brothers flocks they did it he said he's still coming well take these gifts to him they took him they said he's still coming my god so here comes half Genesis 33 I'm see all he saw his veins strutting he'd been waiting for 20-some odd years spitting and killing grass everywhere he spits way to life non-human Ivan cheek lard like get him in here I can feel his name but when Jacob saw him coming he fell seven times and when he did he released forgiveness he bound the territory of the enemy in Esau's life and when Esau saw him bowing in repentance he saw fell off of his donkey in red crab cake Evie kissed him and they wept power was released souls transformed old grudges were healed because of repentance and forgiveness and think of what Jacob had done to Esau he stole is Lisi he was a deceiver and a con artist but when he failed and forgiveness when Joseph was reunited with his brothers they had sold him in slavery he had have a right to be bitter if there is a right but Joseph chose to forgive and forgiveness as a choice Joseph could not control himself he wept loudly when he revealed himself to his brothers and the Bible said the Egyptians heard it the household of Pharaoh heard it the whole world needs to know forgiveness in the family of God among brothers Egypt doesn't need to know that brothers in the same family fight and hate so full of love was Joseph till he begged his brothers in Genesis 45 1 through 5 he said look fellas do not grieve or be angry with yourself for God sent me before you to preserve life and to keep you alive why am I here he said God sent me to preserve life forgiveness preserves life he had a lot of rights and sometimes we're so busy defending our rights until we forget our responsibility and our responsibility is to forgive forgiveness preserves life unforgiveness presents death but look what they had done to him you know why they didn't like him because of his gifting when will we ever learn the summer 30 summer 60 or some 100 and if you can't be the leader why don't you dedicate yourself to making the leader look good he had a coat of a different color and we don't his coat looked like he was wearing a striping bedsheet and we don't like colors we don't like brothers of another stripe you see we may be brothers but we're not identical twins no bitterness in Joseph you know what this man Joseph never sought revenge even after the death of his father never sought revenge I'm gonna tell you the first thing I have done when I became Prime Minister I'd have sent down there and said go bring Polly Potiphar I called her Polly that's all right bring Polly Potter first and her right here lion huzi put her in jail like I was put in jail he never mentioned that woman he never talked about it it never came to his mind she was forgiven he just saw her as a part of God's plan to develop him and to get him where he was supposed to be and some of the very things we fight are the things God has sent to develop us and to get us to where we ought to be even some of the people that cross our paths and cross our grain are allowed to be there to develop us and to make us what we ought to be I'm all at my wheels down 45 minutes Howard of forgiveness I won't show you something I want to show you something that was in the book that was never practiced it's God's law of the servant Deuteronomy 15 1 through 18 God called the children of Israel to an implementation of a year of remission or forgiveness every seven years they had to release any Hebrew maidservant manservant that was indentured to them because if if a Hebrew was indentured are in slavery to another hero another Hebrew it was usually because of the debt they were paying off a debt they owed our family debt and every 7 years God said you gotta turn him loose there's a lot of debtors you know what he owes me an apology there comes a time when you got to release him whether he asked for to knock 6 years is long enough on the seventh year let him go unforgiveness is a spirit hiding in places of demonic activity the caverns of the human soul and subtle places a woman at the altar one time was praying because her husband too had left her with several children abandoned her left her destitute and she was praying and her pastor saw her struggling and he came up and I heard him tell this and he knelt beside her he said sister you're going to have to forgive your husband she looked up at him she said paint don't know what he did to me and she went back to prayin kept struggling pastor went by in a few minutes and said sister you have got to forgive him she looked up and said I won't he said now you're right she said what do you mean he said I won't means I will not and he said forgiveness is a matter of the will and it's not that you can't do it it's that you won't do it what would happen if we left here in a spirit of forgiveness some of us have stains so deep in our spirit okay I mentioned the law of remission jeremiah 34 i want to show you the impact of parting on a city what might have happened if they'd obeyed god forgiving israelites outnumbered 34 and 1 Jeremiah Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and the Bible said all his armies with all the kingdoms of the earth now can you imagine that all the kingdoms of the earth under his Dominion were around about Jerusalem brother what odds you ever feel like that totally surrounded all they all the Imps of hell everything hell had to throw at you no way to get out they were locked up my god they were fighting insurmountable odds totally perplexed and the word perplex means no way out jesus said the last days will be days of perplexity this was the plight of Israel but God had a plan he was going to call for a year of remission jeremiah spoke to his etic on says that a guy you tell all of israel to release their hebrew maidservants and bondservants what don't keep your brother in bondage any longer turn him loose and the Bible said they entered into a covenant and every man released his service they turn loose they forgave but somebody said he hadn't paid me yet forgive him turn him loose Zedekiah said the prophet said turn him loose you know it's one thing to have lost a war and become a slave of the enemy but it's another thing quite another thing to become a slave to your brother the first murder was not enemy against enemy it was brother against brother and somebody's indebtedness can enslave him to his brother and and and and that's such a bondage so they let him go we preach about I do I got a whole sermon on Jesus is my Jubilee about the year of Jubilee and we tell about however 50 years you know all the land went back in all the debts were canceled find me one place in the Bible where Israel ever kept that it makes good preaching it's in the book but they never one-time kept it is there anything else in the book that we preach that we don't keep I'm preaching on forgiveness but ever one of us that can we'll find an excuse not to put in action what I'm talking about some of you are saying it was so many years ago I'm telling you find me in the Bible where the year of Jubilee was ever kept finally where the year of remission was ever kept why are we in bondage why is the enemy why is our church under attack and the Prophet said there's no forgiveness here turn your slaves loose you've never obeyed the Word of God in this so they turn them loose well now how can we enslave one another you see whenever any relationship exists outside the shelter and covering of love that relationship degenerates into a system of mutual expectation and unwritten laws and control and we become debtors if I don't generally love you all I want to do is control you let me give you an example years ago my old pastor told me about two women he pastored and one of them was quite affluent and the other woman was a widow woman the only way she had to making a living this was back in the depression was taken in Washington ironing and cleaning houses so the sister who was a fluent in his church hired this other sister to come keep her house and the sister that hired her said that because she is my sister she ought to work for me for less than anybody else and the lady that went to work said because she is my sister she ought to pay me more than anybody else that relationship wasn't based on love it was based on what can I get out of you and what you get out of me trying to use one other I've actually known there's somebody come into a church you know over so glad to have you what do you do I teach I teach to the seventh grade oh my we can use you and I junior high class people don't want to be used they want to be loved and the first thing we say when they come in is we can use you okay they turned them loose turn this turn them loose sometimes our blatant opinion and slaves somebody peer pressure you all you got do to put a preacher under pressure and get him to chasing rabbits instead of dealing with something he needs to deal with it start a rumor he's a compromiser and then when he gets up to preach he's got to spend half of his sermon qualifying and the devil had he had a good message but because of peer pressure because I started some stupid rumor James 2:13 tells us mercy triumphs over judgment and it always does God said you set your slaves free and I'll show you what I'll do oh the scripture said God who is rich in mercy God's riches is his mercy he likes to flood us with mercy when you start giving mercy you can go wild on a spending spree because God who is rich in mercy just dispense it spend it you got the Masters card okay that was their last opportunity last opportunity and suddenly the Bible said Nebuchadnezzar disappeared they went out looked he's gone what he's gone when we forgave and released it back up they said are you sure he's gone yeah he's gone go get those slaves back and the Book of Jeremiah said they went and recaptured all their slaves and put them back under bondage and whenever there's a decrease of love there's always an increase of demonic activity in relationships under the fear of death they released their slaves but now with the death removed they went and got them and the Bible said they looked up in a few days and guess who's back the Babylonians came back raised the city destroyed it took these Israelites into captivity and left their slaves to populate the land eat their vineyard and live in their houses there was no happy ending destroyed because they would not oh they said under pressure I forgive but they didn't mean it we get hung up on numbers Jesus said in Matthew 18:21 20 to forgive seven times said that earlier but Peter missed the spirit Peter got told my forgiveness again Peter said well gee you mean I've got to forgive seven times read Luke 17 in connection with that and Jesus said no seventy times seven what and they said increase our faith when he said that you see forgiveness is tied to faith if you don't forgive you'll have no faith read it forgiveness is tied to faith I'm telling you everything is tied to forgiveness seventy times seven that's 490 times in a day that's thirty times an hour that's once every two minutes that's what I'm telling you fullness is a full-time job it's an ad not an act I've got to live in forgiveness it's tragic that we can find Christ and we can't find one another I've hit the runway don't unfasten your seat belt till we get to the terminal remember the parable of Jesus man that old the king hit the king and loaned him ten thousand talents you know how much ten thousand talents is that's seven million five hundred thousand ounces that would be worth thirty million dollars today 30 million and the King said I forgive you this 30 million you'll never pay it back and he went out skipping and shouting to the Kings for giving me 30 million and he found a fellow servant that owed him 100 pence which is $32 that he had loaned him get him a $32 I can't give me time throw him in jail and the King heard about it I forgave him 32 million and he can't I forgave him 30 million he can't forgive 32 dollars bring him back and when he brought him back the King cancelled the deal and remote revoked his forgiveness let me ask you something if that man had to borrow money from the King that meant he didn't have any well where did he get the $32 he loaned his brother out of the 30 million that the King had loaned him because that's all he had the only mercy I've got is what I received and wouldn't it be tragic that I forty five years ago received thirty million dollars worth of forgiveness and I won't give my brother 32 dollars worth of it you know what the King will do he'll revoke it forgive and it shall be forgiven I heard a man say one time I hope God forgives him because I never will two of the most powerful phrases in the universe of the phrases I'm sorry and forgive me one of the greatest powers of the universe is the power forgiveness and until you turn the slaves and those you're holding bondage loosed be it circumstances or people past present even things you fear in the future till you learn to forgive you'll never be really but once you forgive all of Hell is paralyzed Nebuchadnezzar goes back to babble billables are shut down AHA power of forgiveness somebody may have to make some phone calls give miss forgiveness father forgive us Gary na hoona Lulu so to rate' demos Julian double yellow shun delay who come to know who threw my $7 oh sorry hey vulnerable all yeah Maura Lois Oh Dora my yep oh yay oh yay ha ha ha Oh I stand at the door I am knocking on your door he that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit has said to the church I call upon you to bow over where you are now and let's repent
Channel: Because of the Times
Views: 61,006
Rating: 4.9023356 out of 5
Keywords: Because of the Times, BOTT, T. F. Tenney
Id: Lzw32RxIq80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 31sec (4531 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2015
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