The Poorest of the Poor - On the Edge of Europe

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God damn gypsies.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 7 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ciudad_gris ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 10 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

How am I supposed to believe this documentary if the opening statement identifies Sibiu as the "economic engine of Romania" when that is completely wrong.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/[deleted] ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 10 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

That was pretty freaking brutal.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/dxfl123 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 10 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I work in a shop with a lot of heavy equipment, tools, machinery and lazy slackers. I'd love to have someone like Joanna on my line. Jesus, give this kid a visa to Canada already!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/lolnottelling ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 12 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
Romania is a wonderful country a third of the country is covered by forests and even today they are great unspoiled landscapes with mud volcanoes and rare animals Romania is located at the Black Sea and extends west across the capacity and mountains sea view is the economic engine of Romania and therefore the most advanced region but actually there's more and more wealth gap across the country a few people become wealthier however most of the people become poorer and then there's a third segment of the population namely those that are living in utter poverty [Music] I traveled there to learn more about it and I experienced really amazing things on my trip Jenny Hacha a woman who has dedicated her entire life to helping people and I was against that at gypsies home and was allowed to accompany them in their daily lives and filming an unprecedented privilege and I got an insight into the mysterious life of all the dogs Christians in Romania but most important were the people I was able to meet and their stories [Music] much of what I encountered in Romania was different from what I had expected right from the beginning I met a chance a young Romanian guy who willingly revealed to me his views about the rooms the rooms are cigar Gnaeus they called themselves belong to the second largest minority in Romania they live under unbelievable conditions of poverty all the more I was surprised by the statement of this young man I never meant a good gypsy a heartful gypsy you know never that's why I don't hate him really but don't like to meet her oh I'm not human teria my playas I see us like I don't know something more better than them I don't know why I just see themself and then came the big surprise his girlfriend came to me and told me that she herself was at sea Gianni a gypsy but had never told him she asked me to confront him on camera with that fact are you aware that your girlfriend is sigani so-called gypsy damn it are you aware of it and what does it mean for you it's something else forget it she'll kill for this [Music] I asked Jenny who has been managing a dedicated help project in Romania since 2003 to introduce me to the world of poverty and especially the situation of the gypsies I could never dare to go there on my own it would be extremely dangerous so she was only become better when it's kind of amazing that manimals now who does his messes and woman Siciliano muslim olive on his older name comments was of qualities into strand can the bandits was open to ministerio so doctors ready for me as well as me said tom felton Dominique's house and puzzle a puzzle item clanking notes on the Lincoln so thomas Hanushek van with the family offices at all certainly cepsa Navarro's it assumed amnesia at school and economics unum we learn two days later that in one of the neighboring rooms a little baby starved to death in agony under terrible conditions this must have happened at about the time when we were there the thought of it that this has happened a stone's throw away from us is just unbearable however such circumstances are not the exception in this class of population but rather the rule we are on our way to Canaan Amari a village 25 miles south of CPU we will visit a family that consists of the two parents and three children the parents and the son are mentally [ __ ] the 11 year old daughter Johanna takes care of the family since she's been six years old Thank You Johnny [Music] the ellipses on a sabbatical Takata being a whopping total copy and pictures and cone from the end up into one mixed in the shoulder [ __ ] but Rocco Brad on a large okusama Carson for back from your [ __ ] oh okay I'm good as in Jennifer Mason benzene you make a good city as no shots as a heel even um a person not daughter shots of you Oh [Music] since there are no social services available in Romania the family relies entirely on Johanna who takes care of all the work in the house normally for such a girl it would not be possible to attend school but due to the support of help of the Children's Aid Joanna may go to school perhaps her only chance to escape the cycle of poverty [Music] we continue hastily because Jenny got a car a 17 year old girl has been sleeping with her two children at the train station for some days now she is heavily pregnant had been abused repeatedly in the past by man in addition the temperature is going to drop in the next few days to well below freezing minus 30 degrees are not uncommon here [Music] [Music] we are leaving the station and jacket hanging over my camera jenny has warned me that can be dangerous to film here attacks by the homeless but also by the so-called security personnel are not uncommon I am thinking that the camera in my hand alone is worth more than most people have here in a year as we time I got a new move whole osmanovic please what is a certain arriv I bought you fear to skin the softest trafficking landed that is the same kind of for me hats on canine quinoa toto a kilo of this any faction classical darkness on deepening way it's a small dynamic system of phenomena it's not just a little fad mrs. Morales was really kind of listen an hour all flingy resistors of Nirvana to Finland so not of asthma Deshpande Nancy on the Machias Raghavan 10 Kunis is echidna and windiest rose nearly unloosen it's five Scylla asthma him and will dine at my hands on the wall meters pleasure John visiting a Z classy I supposed perspective or they still so I think no leaders office we vitally robbed already fabulous for food if I don't the photo me love this mover and that supermodel is mentioning but can identity Tom where is the ultimate but it has was kind of integral Dedmon also a standby - [ __ ] it deeply moves me experiencing this young woman denisa is her name how hopeless her situation is and how brave she is doing her best to be a good mother she agrees willingly to talk to us name this module understand Sarah a lot there Carmona stomped out about three already I don't think I'm honest another obstacle you know that this was not an emetic it had no crazy games amateur Amar'e got insomnia curry someone deceased out cooking meiotic human mind in some altered during Taniya did you see senator de la Coupole Porter of Dominica nylon this is Thai cooking Garcia wanna shout to see the capitulation of art its art degree symbol can I be me - I'm picture of the monkey statue many cats do not som love rose put a shop duplicates the only noise you're gonna put up the train mama proclaim a curse of mo they are improving its elusive pose imagine s-pen true conception Wando hunting no-nomicon is called ab co color if possibility [Music] No [Music] another unresolved issue in Romania is how they deal with people with disabilities in Romania they usually are deported into institutions for the disabled and live under terrible conditions permits are not available for those places and because these institutions are hidden behind barbed wire and camera is also impossible after a long search we found a former nurse of such a home and were able to convince her to talk to us she is afraid does not want to be recognized we must assure her to keep her identity a secret Jerry talked on imagine kameena Nismo pot ischemic event a llama yakumo in ultra thoughts mellow connie morella male party and i got the part - here are Agosto team for the pathology she moved she my gosh she would tell you the language it water pampers will live then ask him water doctor busy Taco Bell Hiromi rose in support of II John BOSU talkin off of my load a good John bazooka change economy but a CEO tells come IV says children is the Apollo god of my possible this is just a family now it would be too easy to pass the judgment over the Romanians and it is not just the Romanian problem similar to anywhere in the world money for charity is lacking in Romania corruption in Cairo mania is additionally a significant problem and so social EU support does often not arrive where it is really needed private organizations just as the children help are often the only help that as in this case people can help for we visit nut she saw a girl who was born handicapped and because she weighed less than 600 grams that's roughly 20 ounces she was hospitalized from there she would have been deported to an asylum for the disabled literally at the last minute she was rescued by Jenny and placed in a foster care as the other side for plowing snow service a mobile ad on a loom nice sweater Rockford when Tom I said my dear pooja says F swanee mom to the Okinawa wash dish similar to never some feathers had such tiny steps for let's demand from co-op torrent Tempest against disease sex at the artists era in Armand by- how is cousin Alberto satisfied has an oculus and on to Hospital digital opticians was a weak technische mesh technician hotel as wide open as Amanda's Becky Lynch at Kolkata chant allah-allah dances the intention setting copper into you know tell Victor this is Alice for y nos I want social goaltender trick 2010 off resist Assad's about an optician and an EVA foam on game on offer a vegetable and so on take it lay [Music] now it was really amazing to see how this girl had evolved through a healthy environment from a disabled baby to a funny little girl it's amazing how a healthy environment could compensate for a disability but shortly after that I met the exact opposite we met on the same day a boy who was born in perfect health and was made disabled by poverty and severe abuse this boy had spent most of his life locked up in a small room between rags and waste caged like an animal this boy spent most of his life locked up in a room between rags and waste he has nothing not even a name and at some point in all this misery the spark of life extinguished in his soul this boy is 16 years old and has the mind of a three-year-old child it's just not really understandable what I encounter here but they are also sparks of hope Jenny takes me to two young women who could find their way out of this nightmare with the help of the children's age Yamaha pedagogy be lost again so child she draws to the moon coming apart you move up it's the journey don't end up in the copy a shocking Amish boy she see a shoe society problem Sam show kizhakemala boy brianna copy Sinterklaas open a copy to each other [Music] tell my on Emma's obvious yet SCOTUS most of we're in under an inch Regan home stand relieved consultation of Donna in on Vedas Vedas thermal spa and AH three AH moon chiseled en Kanchana Pacific yeah like a - adderall she having it and she's a DHT my VI triple-check adored she didn't [Music] you each module Davila never got visa form for now meeting puzzle test Movida of missing up society numerical file this fetish innovated SOP and phone open Valley no mama bridge father might've accident habits by all medium good from Taniya this were first Elish to tell follow-on is finish them for value assistant Lisa saunas and liang shuang pokemon any coalition ever houses loss Georgia started with the Gansett said a nice one fizzle bomber client until if lost my for Hill floor his frozen for Latin and everything that fall I mentioned put a V V adoptive Ferguson one way on an idea endure but what about the rural regions many miles away from the big city a few miles from CBO and the mountains I found people who actually live in caves these people also live in extreme poverty the caves had been digged with spades into the compacted sand they live very shy withdrawn and are extremely religious Haseley I shoot a few pictures from another world my company reminds me to worry she cannot guarantee anything if we should get caught inspired by images of saints in the caves I decide to ask Church for advice the Orthodox churches the largest religious community in Romania almost 90% of the population belong to it they see themselves as the only true doctrine of God as the original church as the only way to God on our way to see you I spot an orthodox monastery shortly before Sibiu I decided to get out of the car and walk the distance from the to the monastery and is a huge site with incredibly beautiful churches but almost completely deserted I sneak quietly into the church and witness a church entirely without personรญs a post-apocalyptic feeling comes over me they discover me and invite me kindly to eat with them a priest is willing to talk to me and to answer my questions for people and different people they're open because of the Daphne what's monisha unni mukundan potato cocina if you are in a hurry you can eat now if you are nothing higher you can eat with us together how long does it take it could import oh my god a few days knitting is a good man yes okay you can talk still there yes don't wanna be another thank you what's much do I want to eat none of what isn't a dead bird warning Frankie totally ma hanshan it is a strange experience during the meal Bible texts are read continuously in the dining room they are only a handful of priests not even a dozen I feel like in a movie the world came to an end and a handful of people and you're in a monastery waiting for God's return for us to the desk occur on Diala deity our entourage many people who suffer for the disease were for something come to the charge in the monastery to to heal to yourself in de jure and these people realize that killing it don't stay in a healing his body because he if it's hitting his soul that means God give them the power to to take over this is the real healing they're so peaceful I quickly realized that this poverty is found virtually in all parts of the population but there is one group of people that is affected by this poverty by almost 100 percent the rooms the rooms are a minority who immigrated to Romania from India over 700 years ago they are called sigani gypsies and are deeply despised by most of the Romanians surprisingly little is known about their traditions and ways of life as they distance themselves very strictly from non rooms it would be extremely dangerous to enter for example for myself a Roma settlement the more astonished I am when I receive following call in my hotel register spider-woman feminine in the murk like we wouldn't even look like the goodness also to the master and the mistress this yes I don't know it's garnished collation it yeah clean cut above I was at the finish talking on Mary Martin here a softness about unhappy but from this address so my name is Gordon Roper first okay coach Peter TOEFL and uh no no sir Buford Anya big yeah okay I can install the filmin and build on my Hanzo - all right okay noise machine student as soon we shall I know that is elongates all new Curtis Martin to last month's in the movie items of fitness addition I will live with Dan and Danna Dennis the only one in the settlement who has a regular job she works for $400 a month which makes her one of the top earners in this settlement the gypsies in Romania are usually day laborer for $5 a day of hardest work no one in Romania typically offers a gypsy a job to normal wages Danna works for the children's age as a caretaker and this is indeed the basic idea of Jenny to create a structure in which the gypsies themselves are empowered to solve the problems themselves the next morning I am picked up by a horse carriage and I am taken to cascada cascada is the trash dump of Sibiu and the gypsies have built an illegal settlement there every few years the bulldozers arrive and the houses are demolished and burned with gasoline a few weeks later people return again and rebuild their shelters where else should they go a short stroll through the settlement I need some time to digest the first impressions where am I Europe it looks more like Calcutta or the slums of Rio de Janeiro [Music] we visit a family whose house burned down a year ago the three yo daughter burnt to death in her bed a son suffered severe burns he hasn't been talking ever since scars are on his face he is in constant pain nine people to perhaps android square foot and low thailand Electric Power is only available if there's money for the gasoline with which the generator is operated but even the generator has been broken for a month the cottage is not heated in the cold of winter as wood is very scarce it is hardly enough just to cook in winter that will be there for down to minus 30 degrees in the cabin the family will spend most of the day in bed even the most primitive basic tasks such as washing clothes are no longer possible very often the weakest of them will starve or freeze to death I arrived in dance at and they are lighting the fire no it has become dark dance waiting for nano is to bring gasoline for the generator so that we have light the last candle stop is burning down slowly in the light of the candle I see a cockroach well it could be worse it is now completely dark in the heart a subdued mood is spreading and fiddles with a cellphone the guys drink home brewed hooch and finally gasoline [Music] the cabin lights are on the family counts to life lasting time is over [Music] actually it is pretty similar as in any other family in the world they cook wash and chat in the background the TV runs constantly I find myself thinking without the generator it was much more comfortable and yet for the gypsies it is pure luxury and they enjoy it as often as they can afford it and this family is the only one in this settlement that can afford that at all Linda Roy an exercise book as a dustpan why not education as a tool for everyday use in general I experienced the gypsies as very pragmatic appointment letter Donna burns in her job in the children's aid sometimes on a weekend more than harassment Dan throughout the month most of the other gypsy families are sitting in their dark hearts without electricity or warm fire and without water because that is already frozen by now no ice off that generator echoes through the whole settlement it doesn't seem to disturb anyone the time approaches midnight a bad is built for me despite my protests they do not allow me to sleep on the floor on my sleeping pad they move together even a little closer in the remaining beds as usual I do not sleep well at night it is Restless in the room even outside voices and movements can be heard the others do not seem to be overly concerned the next morning Dawn's the remaining petrol drives the generator the television is on the heart awakens I realize that beneath all the seeming normality of electricity and heat there is a deep resignation a deep hole Lesnar's that is almost tangible just like the family leaves the house and I use those moments to pass through the settlement once more they are words running through my head from the two gypsy children from the neighboring heart that I interviewed the other day and observed by their parents yes what a Shanda look me yes but it only lasts and painted annoy and almost assemble my she was the word I haven't go and I don't condone cheating nothing - no come on lots of the time she'll that one Falls chance Peter Harrell's play page yawn I tell my multiplication fishing estimate then you chocolate number two zone report yup wasn't a love for nature hu photo [Music] La Scala but you're so young with a lychee nope yo you're cool look at my chest miracle they won't take my love among guys you know to meet the lashes it well that'll cut a single thing you [Music] I'm on my way to another gypsy settlement north of Sibiu my presence in cascada has spread also one of the better of families insurer wants to house me now for a day and a night Shura as I learn head after much pressure from the Children's Aid electricity and water recently [Music] [Applause] what was really especially painful insurer was the influence of alcohol about ninety percent of the adult population drinks a lot of alcohol would be probably be defined as alcoholics by any definition and they drank a lot at night and smoked almost continuously and the higher the alcohol level rose the more the children were forgotten and abused I stopped at that point with filming because I was really uncomfortable and felt deeply embarrassed and I remember exactly how I thought to myself adults will never change not in a hundred years but what about the children the next morning 6 o'clock in the morning I am visiting the so called little children's home everybody helps even the daughters of Tavita and Jenny as a fetus is a client buzanis clanking a common snitch for a times initially bronze on am i off the limb some standard two hearts and whose own clan is facing whenever the organist was manisha star Canopus dim wasn't came to Jetson - husband stomata medicines else my thoughts in the skin the houses to name any relieve allergies it long march market has good mind if I get a snake good when this test time know how to see a problem and I familiar on the skinhead and the relative schlafen organized Noize versus hanging by the skin della - neck hung crammed under than [ __ ] nap captain Fernandez owns and controls on don't run able to see motorized on see ya Bob Finn let's uh skinny Malinga decide dot on the skid for VAR lo stop sutures on tar brington named fainted forgotten after I'm on iron by a steps when astanga zone deters 20 monopoly matsukawa zone on the first one yet and is a salesman didn't offer class into depression London AMT second Arizona fleeing on the velocities Martin by the enitre names canvas does this angry so want one said sister and that when I attacked my partner and motorhomes with online on man for doctors to firm and SSKIN denied edited file yet why let endless arm artists finish kanzan kinder egg on Lake to name is Liam non each first song kindness man had put message to mukesh cat phone on this is how the Sultan's army Susan kind kinder hime isn't classy no parched in oh [ __ ] in de the English is hang will convey on Vinny when the other English motifs harm the officer Vartan on city of coins of lots become the saloons on WA the children attended a regular public kindergarten which is run by a Christian organization I take it right there and I am hoping to have a conversation with one of the teachers we have a 50 this year 50 children only for kindergarten three groups and the one from nursery they are like 12 we have almost 70 and how many of them are Roma children I don't know okay none no you have no no much advantage okay but which is we just brought they are Roma children don't know okay do you are well we have with the nursery now you are free I guess they don't seem to be your imagine so there is no is there any difference between the Roma children and the Romanian children depends where I or it was a big difference they were a Jersey they don't lazy don't help close take them go to school or kindergarten so here they are more integrated in in other parts of human and what is your experience about the the Romanian people and the Roma what is their relationship um depends in the village where I work they were not very good scene because they used to steal and be angry and they spoke very ugly and they were not seen brave by the others but depends like this so the the Romanians they they did have reason to have problem yeah but maybe they are like this because they don't have money or food only they were very angry about this and maybe because the societies that don't help them very much so maybe they have a reason to be angry if you don't have enough food or money and they have many children like seven um what would you do you have any idea to solve this problem and with the Roma Romania may be school it's Ronald Reagan if to go to school then maybe they would find no job when they are teenagers hey maybe they could solve a part of the problem because the others they don't want to go to work anymore because they are not cheap they don't receive good jobs because we are no no but children they have school or high school I guess that makes two get a job why do the Roma's do not go to school right now at the moment they are not used first of all because they don't go to kindergarten for two years later it's hard to go to school each day maybe they don't have clothes I don't know maybe because of the parents put them towards where I used to work gypsy day they had to go in the forest and take trees and family trees and we sell them for money or they had to go through looked up for mushrooms in the forest so they have to go to work - tell me your family we pick up the children after the nursery and take them back to the other children in the small children's house a dozen of them are there plenty of hungry mouths waiting to be fed [Music] you [Music] Oh so I I was really impressed by what is done here jenny was pregnant at that time in the seventh month had recently graduated from university was planning her doctorate and also took care of her own huge family so how could I easily summarize her activities in Sibiu I thought about that and I came to a conclusion she actually completely replaced the non-existent social system in Sibiu and what I realized most clearly is that the key for a better future for an entire segment of the population such as the sigani clearly lies in the schooling of the children a kind of long-term investment in the future and that's really the main focus of this children's help so they picked me up the next day to show me the probably most important core project the so-called big kids home a kind of comprehensive school care with food homework and tutoring and activities about 60 children come here each and every day the food is important because sometimes all the food they get in a day is here in the center everything they eat for a day SIB here we have the problem sometimes that the children that come they receive food in their place and they do not know that they can eat it and it is for their own health but they get used to it in time [Music] they have to get a real example of what they can do in life they don't have such a role model at home because their parents don't have an education so we try to cover that it's not easy because it's not necessarily the problem of their intellectual capacity it's more like emotional part and because of the emotional problems these kids have their mind doesn't work the same as new role children so we have always to keep in mind that they they don't live a normal life they have their own problems and I'm not always impulse what to do maybe sometimes they do not want to do their homework we came up and like them it is hard to imagine that many of these children had to find their meager meals in the trash cans until recently and could neither write or read with this place cease to exist it would be that way once more again another project also provides homework assistance and tutoring they are only Romanian children here from problematic backgrounds so that they may get a chance to go to university one day two per revolution industria a fundamental a propellant regime a multi-family Hamas Ferris elite SWAT MOS an novo possibility' daresay my Studios sh pakka sudeer sakata's partisan you crazy moon devar un+ Sicario jelly my grave a problemas check our probe in dim family day favor is art a Qureshi quani normal force my nickel sheet she covered my Putin intelligencer she oh she amused as a snitch Oh big day Luke ooh Piazza Mong ji she practically Tunes bridge in material so much of what needs to be organized things that we take for granted thus for example the monthly fee for a bus costs around $60 a price that many Romanians simply cannot afford and they afford to not send their children to school so this shuttle service also runs only through donations but does that really work I had the chance to accompany a Rome boy in his maybe most important day of his life the entrance examination to the prestigious art school in Sibiu and I think I was even more excited than he was the state will negatively mafia very problematic is konami ha from selfish village and muta xuanzong world Williams Vega and such an immense own talent when an African class and Dec proton and wicked Horton designer Shanghai which causes ina status Nino has come NASA Hotchkiss Incandela in Ashland Oxford Bianca placed in her saloons with John and naturally focusing on just name the end on a bang children wants to count our school they must pass some exams a drawing who is a part of this exam fall for him it's about drawing an another composition and you can see it composition with figures with glowing persons what do you think about people like her who work actually with roti well I think it's a very very special work and I'm impressed about this kind of because they go to the tanning of Antofagasta mother traveled each time she was open Canada the middle and touch them once everything was balanced um heightened Lily Aldrin Daniella tell you the as I take the lens of what I cut out own team as owns over there at letter P coded as Canon doesn't matter water in here to bring empties of now fulfilled moment side comments of the halogen snake and so fun you having a little sizzle to the little cylinder controllers on and up k2 Lucretia and shadow thank you for joining me on my journey and perhaps you want to change things yourself want to help and there are so many things you could do firstly the children's aid of course always welcomes donations because without it their work would be impossible to do on the other hand it also helps a lot if you share the link to this video to friends and family so finally I would like to show you a couple of scenes that are in my opinion inspiring and reason for help and I hope you enjoy them as much as I do with love jiggly's infant so you've been thinking about our talk we have before only witness and there was something that that's changed in you or that became clear became clear yeah what do you want to talk about that yes about the gypsies they are not everybody is not so bad not any gypsy so bad what should I say you should just met the right guy the right person and um I think it doesn't matter really what kind you are what species T gonna remain a black white it doesn't really matter if you can understand each other's is it's perfect it's great it's yes it is very important to work with wrong children because they I think they have the right to to to leave an equal life with with the meaning Jesus about poor poor people and the rich people a point is that if you are rich okay you're rich God give gave you things all right but there are there are a lot of poor people that need things so you have to give how somehow you have to give give from what you have to the poor people that needs that things can be moving into the let up let go their pride that they are new minions in the other non gypsies and maybe just concern about them like people and not about your a specter because in the end they are people like us in some of them are shoot then I said but also the Romanian there she been bad so maybe we have to go beyond their appearance just see them like you spell dr. dezube Leah's Kimbe Sevilla Tamia she look was the such a pillow from me off you got on Donald Trump [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you Oh Oh you
Channel: Dirk Liesenfeld
Views: 2,585,140
Rating: 4.4625483 out of 5
Keywords: Dirk, Liesenfeld, poverty, poor, romania, tsigani
Id: fEZSjtpHo44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 9sec (3369 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 15 2015
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