Britain's Homeless In Winter | Girls Living On The Streets Of Brighton

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I had two old women surprising they came over to me gave me some money they ripped my sign and said so be honest I don't mind if you do have used drugs or alcohol what wasn't in gate leasing one that's ok fair enough [Music] [Music] people just have to leave homeless people stuff alone unless it's like another homeless person that doesn't have a sleeping bag whatever that probably detonates burgers just get another one [Music] yesterday's been all right had a few weirdos come up to me though like asking me to go back to their house and stuff one brought me a microwave burger and then said do you want to come back to mine I was like [Music] oh that's handy didn't give me a fork well the other day when it was raining I made 12 pound 50 and I had to get tobacco food from over half our sleeping bag of soap so we had to sleep with just blankets and sleeping bag my other half don't sit out it's just me doing it no one really looks at men twice whereas I'm a woman people feel sorry I'm more inclined to give me money it's not really very fair he's very good [Music] Brighton's full of some characters [Music] Oh ah [Music] [Music] in phone area I did everyone yeah but I'm looking for too many because they're [ __ ] noise our landlord was illegally rent in he basically had loads of safety issues isn't insta-fix it's someone living in the cupboards he had like lows people whenever him like brewing it even had a theater a couple with a baby and the council took the house back Bay City we were called intentionally homeless when it's born we take the piss out of each other we've we like a lot the same stuff but we're also different enough to not like not you know not get bored of each other there's people starving in the world I could change anything about me and you know you love me like another tell me a personal insides I never had that before so he had to keep lifting the show it was like the time we have done outside thank you like I said with me a heavy sleeper woken up with this shot open and my bomb to the wind day we're blades of people sitting in there I don't mean they are wanna maybe it's just sex people are finding about watching people not want to know who does feel a sex in the middle of the street as place [Music] about your lip [Music] come again welcome to my humble abode daddy the number homeless guys mess that I cleared out and down here is a door oh he's in so where we can get in this is my partner do you up being on camera you run it now mm-hm got to sweep up because the wind's blowing all the crap down you want to come in it's a bit dark and a little bit smelly and yeah this is just this was sort of all the crap that was left in here so we just piled it all down to one end to keep it sort of and maintained even alight we had a beautiful tenant that was on the meth this is how he actually lived here to sleep in that it's just where you've got no smellivision to be honest what drive malfunction this morning we're quite lucky to have this really yeah you can sleep here you can because you can lock the door you don't have to worry about your stuff being stolen someone hurt you in the night you don't have to worry really this one about three and a half months yeah yeah well we were in with a shell a bit weren't we in a tent that was awful that was really scary that was never about money no car apart for about three weeks in a tent when it can be quite scary but not probably not for you cuz you're a Michael but yes [Music] I found myself on the train the other day his lady was quite well spoken before he's quite posh therefore actually it's not that she's posh I've just been around lots of scumbags you know and that sounds awful but you know it's the difference it's like a totally different life being homeless [Music] [Music] Wow their heat that's rude Oh lovely rose all right now hello there [Music] how long with the Navy now about yeah is about two weeks in this place the only the only thing that keeps us warm he's Charlie's body warm if if if we could be around it's impossible to survive from this kind of cold what happened to your eye can you see that and so I was coming down yeah I third the entrance to the young then over here to get in somewhere yeah somewhere here so you won't you evicted because of the area's I've tried to to start Universal Credit again just recently and now I'm waiting for decision we will see we live here for thirteen years we worked here for seven you grant a four-year-old they can only rehome the cap but we don't gone to that and they told me they told me think with your brain not with your heart I'm thinking you've both he's like a child to us yeah but can't even we can't leave him no way I'm gonna die I'm from heartache [Music] sometimes you don't make my life just that little bit longer that's the metaphor you darling when I first got homeless I came straight to borrow him and captain Ted was still here so did you recognize me yeah hmm I recognize everyone there no on the street [ __ ] I have people walk past me on the street every day that I don't even know that come to check if I'm okay because apparently I've spoken to him in the past what's the plan for today go to the lanes sit out try and make faith if I Panthro tell that's it really that's what I do every day I don't have any regulars in Brighton that's because I'm liver I don't have assets what everyone else has got a set sports today ask him he's move upside down well I say like a cow I'm stealing it darling see you like it's darling good luck Kelly I lost little girl I think she just needs a little bit of guidance like a little bit help like a mom figure sort of thing in her life that he's gonna point her in the right direction knows he's got a lot of family that's yelling a lot to do with [Music] I've been on the street only about six months now feels like forever though another child is slowly taken [Applause] [Music] when divided I'm gonna be a jazz singer sometimes I get enough money to go to light oh no you can eat buffet that's fun when that happens uh-huh we're Jassi ears snob me my sister lived in the same hostel with me and so did my brother when they were younger and they got treated pretty much the same in there my brother he's in prison at the moment till 2020 it's got really bad mental health I used to take drugs myself a lot of drugs actually I think it's just a bit of a circle a lot of us come from the care system as well guarantee you every single homeless person been in care at one point I went into care when I was six they came and actually took me from school social services I didn't even get to say goodbye to my mom they I was in a cooking class and they came in drove me from Hastings Ashford I was only meant to be there three days which turned into three years which then tide turn into until I was 18 now I'm on the street [Music] for sleep and I've realized it's what's about underneath you not above you so codes worked a couple of times like you have a wig out your sleeping bag - I literally wet yourself like thinking it would like help like German and you can't just have a big cardboard at the sleeping bag it's too cold you know my dad's I sort of stopped talking to you like today I was about 8 years old it's really hard to say about my mum to be honest is it's one of them it's not a love-hate relationship small lights like my sister so and I think because she got power at a young age she things she you know there's everything should be done by yourself I can't go there for help basically her watching me and cards talks where they sit he is always ended in an argument so next step home yeah I guess basically and good job really still coming hands at hand really grab a job get home home to get a job [Music] she said she's not coming out thank you so much I can't I can't even move because the pain was so bad honestly honestly it was so bad I couldn't move you should see her legs no show me awake no show me oh now give now show me your leg no she's going through the through so much pain ah and I think I think it's my kidneys I think it's my kidney donor are you are you thankful to have someone like Greg yes absolutely would you be able to do this on your own no dance no no yeah there is there is my boy [Music] Diana have to see doctor first so we're gonna go to sea view the sea doctor about her eye and then and then I'm gonna be basking at the code in some planets probably don't see how girls will say where where is empty empty spaces we used to be on drugs it took us to hit bottom to realize what we need in life some people some people just say we don't give a you know and keep keep doing drugs but when abuela we're different [Music] similarly monopolize an exit doughnuts another poem let's not Oh [Music] not a bonus No [Music] he can call me a taxi to go to the doctors to have them scan people thinking that it was great that did this to you yeah yeah they say no I'm saying that's me I mean we argue yeah we arguing sometimes but not to the point everybody knows we argue but love to that point yeah I'm always looking after her I was bloody in the rule of cinema sometimes I can be a little bit of the line but it's not oh come on darling [Music] I was in a relationship with a partner who was turned out to be and I had my son who's seven the partner I got to be very violent and basically stopped the relationship obviously stopped but for a safe way to do it I had to put my son with my sister to look after him because I was mentally - like destroyed and I ended up losing the accommodation with the pup and stuff I went through to work in churches because this is my local connection area judi wings [Music] it's not as hectic over here the service is a crap it's not hectic like right and life starts hectic anyway even though the service is not good out here it's safer for me to be out on the streets in Worthing then brought in because it's bigger there's more people out there [Music] as long sir [Music] yeah really yeah I've got a cold too yeah told him when I was ill and they brought me s yeah I've got some more therefore you're blocked nose and stuff they helped with me yeah I'll give it to you like that yeah I'm going off in town with him and then I'll give you a ring when we're heading back and I'll give you a call come to you before I head off yeah yeah no give me a hug sorry I'm sorry I'll see you like a man [Music] do you feel that you have to detect some I do and I don't if there ever was a need arises then of course I would protect her I will protect her at any point but I don't feel that I need to generally she's like I think she finds herself under on looking after herself being quite independent you know school couple weeks ago about being out by two guys one of them was like your luck here we go down another guy you are [Music] it's raining it's cold I'm not well hopefully we're gonna rent a room out you've saved about a hundred and something and we've got about 150 more to go the landlord he didn't mind about a deposit we explained our situation and he said he didn't mind just paying it weekly rather than monthly be easier for us again [Music] I don't think they're feeling very well bless them Assad because I don't really feel for the ones I don't really know because they're not very nice to me Charlotte and I two boys they're nice and when I see him like not doing very well when did they have something it makes me sad [Music] it's on to pound a week so I can shower and hurt I'm not gonna miss this I'm not talking to you drunk doing how little society yourself look at yourself [Music] enjoy us [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: BBC Three
Views: 4,977,439
Rating: 4.834085 out of 5
Keywords: homeless, on the streets, living, rough, sleeping, women, girls, brighton, britain, uk, documentary, bbc, three, bbc3, bbc 3, love, drugs
Id: 746xJlIAHJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2018
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