The Pool: Men's Heat 3 - 2013 CrossFit Games
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: CrossFit Games
Views: 1,290,897
Rating: 4.7495012 out of 5
Keywords: Functional Fitness, Fitness, Functional, CrossFit, The CrossFit Games, The Sport of Fitness, Forging Elite Fitness, Affiliates, CrossFit Affiliates, 2013, Men, The Pool, Games, Individual
Id: QDgzYT4sYns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 10sec (1990 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 30 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Can we make it an obstacle course where if you fall you have to swim a lap before able to restart?
Castro's instagram post said to not worry about sharks. Suggests its a pool wod again this year