The Pontifical Swiss Guard

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👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Brajany 📅︎︎ Aug 02 2018 🗫︎ replies

So why aren't they guarding the gates of Heaven?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/sephstorm 📅︎︎ Aug 03 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] the decision is alien fathers from being responsible for the Holy Fathers safety is a privilege to us it makes us proud we need to train our staff with great care if we want to fulfill such a great responsibility such a great challenge Pontifical Swiss Guards history clearly shows the meaning of our motto fiercely and faithfully we have been serving the Holy Father and the Catholic Church for more than 500 years [Music] decision had for centuries Catholic Swiss men have been entrusted with the Holy Father and his residences safety in order to honor this privilege the guard is on duty 24/7 365 days a year talkin in yard responsibly loyal and faithful in Boots [Music] laughs atmospheric training is divided into two months the first part takes place in his own a in the canton of Ticino Switzerland and focuses on the use of weapons sport introduction to law tactical behavior for instance how to control a vehicle self-defense how to defend ourselves in case of assault the first part is very specific then recruits move to Rome [Music] the second part of the training includes the honor duty such as the use of halberd marking time how to wear the uniform afterwards we introduce people and places it's important for them to know the vatican guard [Music] [Music] Mindi guard in order to join the guard the recruits must meet a certain amount of requirements he must be a Swiss citizen Catholic he must have a professional degree or a high school diploma then he must have completed basic training the unmarried and at least 174 centimeters tall [Music] missingno Cindy for what I immediately felt like a Swiss Guard since the moment I arrived in Rome and they took me to the Vatican I knew I had found my path for this kind of job this kind of life via sprit the corpse is very important it should be a Brotherhood not only military come rich if we want to make things easier here in the barracks [Music] the perks of the been typical Swiss Guard is responsible for the Holy Father and his residences safety in addition they deal with safety issues during said if I can take a period of vacancy of the Holy See waiting for the new pope to be elected furthermore we follow the Holy Father in his journeys both in Italy and abroad we carry out security controls at the Vatican was four main entry ways at the same time we take care of the honor duties to give heads of state and ambassadors an adequate reception [Music] when a personality meets the Pope and we give him or her a reception we don't know what happens between them due to professional reasons yet we realize we are part of history whatever they put into writing we will be part of it the Pontifical Swiss Guard has been in existence since 1506 it is the oldest and smallest army in the world these are new guards are sworn in on the 6th of May every year without a doubt it is the most important moment of their career as Pontifical Swiss Guards [Music] [Music] when I got to the Vatican as a Pontifical Swiss Guard I immediately realized I entered a unique world and the day of my oath was one of the most beautiful days of my life from that moment on I felt completely integrated in this illustrious [Music] [Music] [Music] commodore chav freud soft comradeship and friendship are fundamental in our free time we can do many things we practice sport go to the library go to the gym or play musical instruments in the music room [Music] besides we nurture our friendship because friends help each other to keep themselves fine and motivated in order to work at our best friendship is very important and we can find it within the guard [Music] but this time being a guard is an adventure a worthy adventure actually meeting Christ is an adventure too is Donovan tired we don't know where it will take us but this is certainly an extraordinary adventure then because faith gives our life a unique quality we also arranged several tours this year we're going to the Holy Land culture is very important and Italy of course can offer a lot we've Pig England Park I respect the Pope I feel that the Holy Spirit acts in him and his faith affects me deeply serving the Holy Father makes me very happy and proud [Applause] the Pontifical Swiss Guard is an unparalleled life experience if you love anything extraordinary if you want to be part of history and live it every day if you're interested in the Pontifical Swiss Guard join us if you want to work within the safety fields and grow in a special environment if you're keen on discipline order flexibility self-sacrifice and comradeship if you want to learn Italian and discover the Mediterranean culture you will be more than welcome the fundamental drive though is the unconditional willingness to serve the Holy Father and the Catholic Church if you feel you're the right fit please contact us [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Guardia Svizzera Pontificia GSP
Views: 752,191
Rating: 4.8179092 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2018
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