Karen Tried To Mess With A Royal Guard...

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red uniform tall fur cap and absolute concentration we are referring of course to the famous guard of the queen of england put in place to protect the royal family the guards are a symbol of london and are some of the highest trained soldiers in the world in fact if an absent-minded tourist doesn't stay out of their way they have all the right to use physical force and knock them over but some people like to push the boundaries and today we've compiled a list of some of the craziest moments ever let's get started in this first clip a royal guard is doing his rounds when he spots a woman in his way what does he do well like a true royal guard he aggressively pushes her the guards will actually almost never stop for someone in their way in this next clip this guy meets a royal guard and actually makes him break character in a respectful manner he manages to make the highly trained guard laugh with a funny story take a look a little closer we were together in school me and him he went his own way started standing here okay i'm only here for a couple minutes how long do you know this man 30 years 30 years you've been together and you went to school where school kensington hogwarts you've been to kensington together and uh you learned his mother you picked him up from school you know he's their favorite guy until he was 20. [Music] [Laughter] this next clip is a short one but watch what happens when this guy gets a little too comfortable with the guard and attempts to touch himself this next clip just goes to show that the royal guards don't mess around these kids were laughing at the guards and leaning on this fence it's safe to say he wasn't too happy about it check it out [Music] [Music] in this next clip a group of tourists can't stop laughing at this guard who's acting very strangely he does things like stick his tongue out and shake his head it's almost as if he was making fun of them take a look look he has his tongue out i think he knows we're watching him look he's looking straight at me like look at that he wants to kill me i think they can hear us look he's sticking his tongue out you see that look he's smiling he knows we're watching him like does he want to be on youtube or something [Music] he's still smiling in this next clip a few tourists are miming this guard's every move and he gets pretty mad check it out [Music] in this next clip this lady was minding her own business when a guard barges into her from behind always make sure to watch your back when close to the guards [Music] this next video is adorable check out what happens when this little boy dressed up as a guard is spotted by an actual guard [Music] this next little girl gets accidentally hit in the face by a palace guard when she was visiting the queen seems like the guard didn't even notice check it out [Music] [Music] you won't believe what happens in this clip watch closely as the next guard is walking and falls over in front of hundreds of people [Music] this next guard gets mad at this old lady for being too close to him do you feel bad for her or did she have it coming you know when you're in class and you just can't stop laughing well this next royal guard takes this idea to the next level when he just can't hold in his laughter while on duty did you know that the guards can actually face hefty fines for breaking character [Music] this guy makes a huge mistake when he stands in the way of the royal guards check it out [Music] hey if you thought royal guards could not entertain check this out this guard performs a moonwalk while on duty [Laughter] this next clip takes place in norway where this penguin gets promoted to brigadier and is honored by the guards take a look so what do you think of the royal guards let us know in the comments below leave a like if you enjoyed it and don't forget to subscribe to the channel with notifications on to make sure you never miss out on future videos thanks for watching and we'll see you in the next one
Channel: Binge Central
Views: 16,314,236
Rating: 4.8235393 out of 5
Keywords: make way for the queens guard, royal guard attack, royal guard punches tourist, royal guard fight, royal guard fights back, queens guard fight, London, Queen's Guard, guards, Queens Guard, royal, soldier, fail, queens guards, tourist, guard, viral, tsyt, queen guard, buckingham, buckingham palace, offence, oder, trending now, royal navy, what's trending, top stories, candid camera, uk, the queen, national guard, the guard, royal guard fail, queens guard, royal guard, royal guards
Id: 13k5wX5mB8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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