The Pocket Knife of Astronauts and Presidents. Case Knives. | Ep. 89

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the day we are going to get an education on some awesome case-knives I heard rumor that presidents have carry case knives so Dwight Eisenhower would give our case it's a small pin knife he would give them to the state here some people at school [Music] how's it going guys welcome to knife banner and today we are going to get an education on some awesome case knives case-knives is celebrating their hundred and thirtieth anniversary of american-made greatness so we're actually brought mari on your honor case nice thanks for coming glad to be here yeah here and he's gonna run us through some some stuff that you may not know about the traditionals that case does and then we're gonna look at some new shiny stuff that you may not have seen that case is kind of exploring some new exciting stuff and then at the end we've got an awesome giveaway thanks to case-knives so make sure stick around so let's dive in let's do it what are we got on the table first well we've got a lot of things you know case have been around for a long time so we use a lot of handle materials one thing that sets us apart I think in the industry when you look at what is different about a case knife a lot of times it is a material so a lot of what we've shown here is just various patterns case makes you know we have about 1200 active SKUs in our catalog assortment so it's a lot to keep up with but when you dial that down there's a lot of course Ortman sand core patterns that are in most of our families so it's really the materials that we put on there okay case knives are made by hand 160 hand operations going to each case knife so when you look at the materials you look we do a lot with bone we do a lot with bone we do some specialty stag and some we can use buffalo horn and mother-of-pearl and things like that that a lot of your traditional manufacturing couldn't use because it's it's very labor and hand intensive yeah that kind of gives us kind of gives us an edge I think and just the way our artisans are able to to really take a piece of bone and to make something as pretty exists so yeah so something like this this is would be now you guys know I try to keep up on the the traditionals thing I don't know all the patterns by heart I'm sorry pause that this is not my thing all the time I have been slowly converting over okay when stuff well good I I am digging on the slip joint slowly but so we've got this is this would be a Texas toothpick right yes that's our medium this was the medium right so historically we made a small medium and large we still make the small on the medium but yeah it's just a really cool blade style and design and that's a bone handle so we'll take it we'll take a bone handle we jig it it's kind of texturing that one actually is amber bone so we diet and then we burn it so it really gives it some really unique looks we'll do some bolster artwork on that to kind of dress it up a little bit you but still a great carry knife so it's it's fantastic and just really kind of to me some of those things really showcase what our artisans can do because I feel like I'm a little I'm a little biased but I don't think anybody can do it as good as our folks know I like that and then and then you have things like when you're using an actual stack yes right now what would this pattern be called so that's the peanut I mean it's one of my favorite patterns we were talking about that earlier that's one I keep for my son who's grown now but he loved it but it's a great it's a small size knife like 2 and 7/8 inches it's got stag and that's actually the antler of a deer so that you know it's it's hard to do that again because of our manufacturing processes a lot of people couldn't do that but case does it better even by the only problem now is you can't get stag ok a lot of our materials we have to import because of the nature of the material right not because it's cheaper by any means but the best stag and I think where most of historic manufacturers of uses from the Indian sambar deer ok and there's an embargo on any stag leave in that country probably has been for about 15 years there was some pre embargo stag that we had for a while and we did some larger pieces but we currently consider you're down to the peanut peanuts in small Texas toothpicks there's small Stockman's but you won't find many larger pieces of stag in the market it's really a shame because it is beautiful it is beautiful so if you're interested in getting a stag something stag gotta jump on one of these yes lutely sounds six touch me when our supply is going look I quite a few okay yeah when it's gone it's gone it's gone yeah and we've and we try we get people all the time ask us why don't you do the domestic whitetail or or mule deer or whatever it is and some of the antler is just too porous so we've tried it's not again it's not because there's no reason other than the fact that we can't use what's available so right that's why we we import some stuff or it's the best there is in the world so like that alright now I recognize this pattern this is Bartlett barlow yeah yes I own a Barlow I can I can confidently speak on this one yes now this one's a little special what's the story on this part it is special so you know a lot of people paint Barlow's over the years it's not it's not something that's totally unique the case but we've made them and we've done very well with them so this is part of our vault program so the last two years and this is the third year into the program will pick a what would have been a retired or a a pattern like that that was in the vault and we'll make it for one year it's kind of the bringing out one year production and then we put it back in the vault so we started that with a Congress pattern last year we did a doctor's knife this year it's the barlow and I can tell you it's on pace to outdo them all yeah people people love that you know I do feel like there's a trend back towards traditional and slip joints thank you I hope you're on that keep you on that bandwagon but this has a huge following and and this is as something when we make this year we're making a lot of materials but this bones tag is one of my favorite I told you that stag is not available well this is an example of what we did with bone is we actually took the knife we can hand you get and then we can flame treat it so it looks like stag even though it's genuine bone so awesome we call that 6.5 and if we if we dive into our handle material scale I can tell you what that technically means but most things that case if you if you dig a little deeper there's a reason and everything is and yeah that's something that I've noticed with case-knives and a lot of traditionals in general is is yeah you did there every little thing means some everything means something they're not any random numbers or letters or dots or X's on the case knife at all it all has significance well yeah and that's exactly so so walk me through really quick walk me through or walk us through yes oh so every case knife has got a series of numbers and stuff going right so every every case knife and for example this one that's a pattern stamp so every case knife will have a date stamp that you can tell what year it was made and it will also have a pattern stamp so you can it gives our manufacturing folks fits because our case blades even though they're the same they're not interchangeable with with handle material to him interesting okay because every number on that mean something so yeah for example that's gonna have the six point five which is the handle I'm just gonna have the the two which means it's a two blade and it's gonna have the oh oh nine and a half which is that pattern for the Barlow for us so crazy I'm telling you everything has got I mean no I love it I have it and we do the same on the dating and the dating is on the primary blades so if you show that one you will see should be a random dot under the case double X and that dot is means that that was done in 2019 so we started in the 70s next year will be celebrating our 50th anniversary of dating system but a series so we start with 10 so in the beginning of a decade we'll start with 10 and then we'll take one away each year so ok in 2019 it stands to reason that we just have one dot one dot and 2020 will unveil a big tang stamp and that'll be our the next decade things down so that's really but if you go back and people you know a lot of people love to date their case-knives yeah find out you know they'll tell us well my grandfather gave me this knife can you tell me how old it is well prior to 1970 we can get in the period but usually I can say yeah it was 1973 then it's about right that's really cool so it's fun and it's it kind of engages our consumer into that into the case world so yeah well and talking about right this there's this huge traditionally case and you know dating a knife or anything case neiser collector knives yes that's how everybody sees them right well growing up yeah case-knives we use a user right right like you just used your knife yeah right but I've talked to guys you know and a lot of you guys out there if talk to you guys out there that they've got 300 case knives save about 300 you know and and it's what's in your pocket yeah and they pull out or whatever is like well why did she carry the case I feel like well to nice to carry and you know it's funny you mention that Zack we have really put a strong marketing emphasis on that too because we case times have a lifetime guarantee every one of these knives will hold up and if they're if it's an heirloom and it was your grandfather's you can send it back and get it fixed or or refurbished but people are afraid to carry I mean we're like man we need to do something to educate folks that give them permission if you will which is kind of odd for us to say that but you know get that knife out of the cabinet or from under the bed and put it your pocket okay it's gonna be a good one you guys here to here first you have permission to use your case and please PLEASE case knife and if you lose it you can buy another one that's got it from the sales side we're making them every day all right now so talking about unique handle materials and stuff you got some Buffalo right Buffalo horn it's kinda like stag yeah it's a real exotic material and you'll find a lot of that with case we'll use buffalo horn mother-of-pearl abalone but our folks that like it it's a premium handle material but it makes a beautiful knife do yeah it really definitely does and you're venting earlier when you're talking about jigs and you're talking about handmade one of the benefits of the way that you guys do you can take these abnormal materials yes right and and hand shape them because right you can't throw that is it well you probably could but a probably won't be easy don't throw that into like a CNC machine or something exact and have it come out with what you want yeah we have a waste and internal material we have what you know at case obviously we have we have innovated and we've got some state-of-the-art equipment but we have product in our factories it's like a manual cover line and that's where you take the material that it's not always the funnest job but I take it makes the best knife so they will manually do those by hand they'll do cutting and they'll they'll shape them and fit them and you know match them if they need to be matched so it's it is a very hands-on manual process but but again it's like we said that's what makes case different yeah we take that material and the artisans that case are just phenomenal most of them have been there most of their life and that's what they love to do and it's it's great speaking of most their life if you were telling me I was I was asking Mari before as I asked mister like what are your employees and how are things there and people love to work there he's they said you said the average was the average 18 years a couple years ago before we had a big hiring you know obviously if we hire 50 people offset but but before that it was like eighteen years and that was average and we have we have a 25 year Club a 30 and 35 a 40 year Club and they're surprisingly a lot of people in those 35 and 40 year Club do you have a 60 year Club because I heard a rumor you had a gal that were you for what 68 actually I want to check my math so and one you know obviously we're not hiring I think it was 70 years she retired and her name was Mary Petro nature even even the Today Show did a little stamp on it because it was such a great thing she started you know back in the turn of the century it wasn't uncommon to be 14 or 15 and yeah in working so cute I mean you know just just a decade or so ago I was working at 14 or everybody had work you just can work in a manufactured is good idea I didn't I wasn't making that yeah that's right so so she did she worked at case for 70 years and after when she retired we actually took her around the country so she could meet some of the consumers that she had made knives for forever and it was it was a really special moment for the consumer and certainly for for Mary Petro but but I mean her story is not that unusual at case we get people that you know some of our best model makers and our most skilled artisans have been there for 45 or 50 years in us it's amazing but hey look what they do man ya know I'd say to you if I could do anything I've tried it's Terry you do not want me making knives man does it come out the way you would always put him to the side we'll fix that one later all right so uh some some awesome now what was in this Buffalo what was what's the pattern here so that's a mini trapper nature so that that is one of our very core case patterns so you look it's probably in our top five patterns I've got it it's a very good pattern the next one that you see there now that's our trapper okay that is the full-size as full-size trapper that is the signature macdaddy case knife I mean a trapper is one that will make in every material probably that we make we do a lot of special things with a trapper a lot of our commemorative items that you'll see will feature a trapper trapper because people people love to carry it's a good size now you said Mac Daddy this is the melody just just I'm from the south no I love it this is the if we make more trappers than we make any right yeah yeah so it's just something I'm gonna have to start using okay back down I get it you're welcome to use any no perfect yeah so it's great and you know places in the country that we do extremely well I know you guys too but like in Texas a case trapper is correctly legal tender in Texas right get anything you want done with a case trapper so yeah but it's a fantastic pattern and again it's just very signature case great and then this is now this is a synthetic chemical too yeah we you know we're known for natural materials but some of our you know if you looked at a case yellow handle a lot of people recognize that loves yellow and that was my grandfather's knife I always say that and let me go ahead and say there's nothing wrong with what your grandfather carried to me there's nothing there's no better endorsement than what you're going to get so very true a lot of people will think well that's that's a granddad's knife I'm like yeah that you only wish you could be half the man your grandfather was that's and here's the thing that like you know case-knives traditional is wherever want to call like I mean that's what built America absolutely that's what built where we are so if it's your granddad's knife is good nice a good that's a good thing but a lot of those are synthetics so this is our American workmen series and that's red synthetic so we'll do we've got orange yellow red we do a lot of synthetic stew a lot of that is price point driven you know we want folks to be able to carry the knife please and also you know you can get a good knife and it's you know it's not gonna be one that you're worried that you might lose but it's carries the same warranty same steel manufactured so still we still a lifetime absolutely great absolutely now you said this is a workman now I know what traditionals there's a lot to do with both the pattern and then the blades inside yes I'm gonna try not to have myself here because I know this is showing me a little bit you know I'm just trying to get the other two the trick is always but yeah this is a traditional Stockman so it's a three bladed knife okay it's got the clip the Spay in the cheap foot blade and a lot of Stockman's will be the same way but yeah the Stockman is our number two macdaddy knife I guess yeah we make between the trapper and the Stockman and the mini trapper will make more of these than than most of the others combined because it's just a great carry knife it fits in your pocket well yeah this is 3 and 7/8 inches so it's not it's not too big some people don't like to carry the trapper they feel like it's a little much unless you're out in the field working all day and then it's great but if you're you know if you have an office job or opening boxes whatever you're doing they like a medium Stockman yeah and three blade options give you a little more and talk about something maybe a little more pocket-friendly this here this is a bose collaboration correct yeah we do we work with famous custom knife maker Tony Bo's yeah he's world-famous he's one of the most probably the one of the best-known in our opinion the best slip-joint custom knife maker makes a beautiful knives so we enlist him on two fronts one is we do an annual collaboration every year and those are knives that that it's a Tony Bo's pattern and everything is wire cut and it is fit and finished and Tony's in our factory helping us get that right cool and that works we do a thousand-piece run every year that takes our most skilled folks there's only about five people in the factory that can do that even though they're all good at everything they're not all equal yeah you get because there's a difference between being really good right journeyman and the Vida master exactly and if you're making a Bo's you gotta be the master you got to be a master yeah the second thing that we do and actually the tribal lock falls into that category so we work with Tony on new knife designs so you know at case there's always something new there will be tons of new stuff but we all the time we're looking at what is the next knife pattern that we need to do and sometimes we if you look at Tony's a lot of his or historic in nature but he'll put his spin on it oh you know this was a tribal lock and we this is in our product line so this is not the collaboration even though it's marked with a TB and that pattern stands it's got me in the stance yeah that means it's his design cool but it goes through our standard manufacturing process so this is a traditional case pocket knife not a collaboration but a Tony Bo's design so that's great we do both of those and we've had great success in everything that we've done with him yeah he does amazing work and everyone would you ever want to banter somebody you should answer Tony buzz yeah let's do it down in the comments if we need to get Tony on guys but wait a minute how that's right he would do it are you gonna do it do you have a beat button on there yeah Tony's a fantastic guy that'd be awesome we're honored to get to work with him now the next one up this one's this one's a little special kind of a special edition right yes so we did we launched this year at cha-cha stripes of service and we did we launched the blue line and the red line you know I think there's never been a time in my lifetime at least that you know law enforcement and and some of the folks are under more scrutiny and it's like you know man we need to we need to show our support for these guys because they're putting their life on the line for all of us every day the stripes of service really falls into that so it's a phone handle it's a smooth black bone yeah I thought this was synthetic yeah I felt it but no it's bone which is us it is bone and then it's lasered and then we pour an acrylic inlay to actually get the Stars and the stripes and they're just fantastically but oh yeah so this and this is going to go just to kind of in support you know again this is for those that have fallen in the line of duty and also those that just put their life on one every day so we've got the blue line and we're gonna do the red line we've just been staunch supporters of military and law enforcement throughout 130 years yeah this was something we felt like was was timely yes from the consumer standpoint and I think they turned out beautifully we've got other wonderful well and speaking of 130 year history law enforcement and supporting the United States through reduction other things I heard rumor that presidents have carry case-knives and used to give away as state gifts yes yes so we have a pattern it's it's not in production now but it may be in the years to come yeah I might collect the Barlow it may be like to borrow we have what we call we actually name the pattern the Eisenhower pattern okay white so Dwight Eisenhower would give our case it's a small pin knife stack handle was his favorite yeah so he would give that to his friends he would give them to a state gift some people were cool and we would put his signature on it so we still put his signature on it that's really when we made it yeah and and it is fantastic but Dwight Eisenhower is giving them we made knives for Ronald Reagan we made knives for a lot of presidents even since then but and that's really some of the mystique of case it is such a handcrafted piece that it's when you want to honor somebody and you want to give something of consequence and value yeah case knifes a great choice but we've done that we also this year you'll find something really cool in our catalog but this is the 50th anniversary of the man on the moon right and case made the astronauts knife it was the m1 astronauts knife that's okay wait wait so I've heard about this yeah and when I when I heard case made an astronaut knife and that they took with him right well my mission every apollo gemini mission carried this knife I was imagining it was like a really cool you know case right but but it turns out it's like a giant machete it's like it's like a machete because you never there could have been aliens yeah there could have been there are a lot of stories about what would they use this for some of the folks that we work for and with say well maybe it's cutting moon pies or something it is a survival knife and it was carried up on all the missions and it's in the it's in the museum at NASA and it's it's one that we're bringing back this year and it may not be just for one year but it's certainly the right time to bring it back as we're commemorating and the country celebrated in two years our walk on the moon so so we've got a we've got an astronauts knives come in so if you look back in the history of case there's a lot of cool fun stuff so I think that's you can't be around for that long and have been in so many pockets and you have a couple not have some story absolutely absolutely all right so kind of going back into handle material know what pattern is this so that's a mini trapper again this is mean trapper that's a mini [ __ ] this this material here is really interest so we started about probably four years now using care night and it's a it's a synthetic material a lot of gun grips are made with Karen I think that's probably one of their primary businesses but it's a it's got some UV protection coating in there that that make this longer you carry it the shinier it gets and really it really brightens up Oh interesting so I'm a big micarta guy yes cuz I like I like it getting dull yeah and and used right this will actually generate more the more you carry it you know a lot of times you care you look at a carried knife that you've had in your pocket and it's kind of worn yeah you won't see that now bolsters maybe dull of course but the actual material itself will actually enhance over time as opposed to my card or something yeah yeah that kind of where that's really interesting and now this here so what pattern is this so that is another medium Stockman another that is we use the square bulbs I gotta learn how to identify these better bro so first what did they say that the first rules that admit you've got a problem oh yeah you're getting so this is a wooden handle we use a lot of wood a lot of our natural materials so that is a turquoise curly maple and you know it's not it doesn't come off the tree turquoise so obviously I'm a carpenter I've never seen yeah we've got bone that's called chestnut bone and they're like wait we diet so but the wood handles so we'll use a lot of wood handles again just a lot of natural materials but the woods have been extremely popular we've done everything from reclaimed wood to you know oak maple burl just all sorts of things yeah it's good and it really adds to a product lines yeah yeah and then this one here I'm gonna assume this is not a stock because it got a single blade it's not a stock that is our mini copper lock so okay I'm no luck I'm familiar with at least the name yes so in the early night about mid 1990s we introduced the full-size copper lock and it did really well the mini copper lock has become one of our best selling patterns but it just got the traditional lock on the back this finish is really unique in that it's what we call pocket warm so you know case knives have been around for a long time yeah people would see us at an event or come up to us and say man why don't you make knives like but feel like this anymore like mean you have carried that 4:15 yeah you did not do that out of the box so but we actually went to our artisans and said what if you what if you kind of made this knife feel worn and if you feel the handle it's smoother it's got a bow or texture yeah it's like you would have various into I see oh yeah yeah yeah it's like you have carried that so our pocket worn you know our slogan at the time and it still is what feels right right away yeah and it's just a it's a great knife but the handle we do that in several bone colors too but great the pocket worn is kind of kind of something again that just kind of accentuates what our artisans can do yeah the wheels well and I think it also accentuates that you know this one locks I think it also accentuates you know with case-knives it's a rabid following yes right I mean the guy is the guys that are in the case-knives I mean they know what every little number means every little mark you know they can I mean they can just touch the knife and like hold it to their heart and be like okay this was 1962 yeah that's right it's it's it's impressive and you guys actually have like a collector's club as well we do have a collector's club we are we're very fortunate in our brand that people are passionate about it and you know I don't think there's you know an American iconic brand there's things that you can't recreate and we could never recreate that passion is just developed over years but collectors club it's a you know we I think it's the largest dues paying membership maybe in the cutlery industry well we've got nearly twenty thousand members and these are people that just want to know everything man they want it and some of it it will either really impress you or scare you yeah some people you know they they really want to know that level of detail yeah yeah what they do they really this is there this is their hobby this is their family heirloom that they're you know this is how they connect with their with their kids and their grandkids and the collectors club it'll feature stories about collectors it'll feature special product or some of the things we're doing at case they all try to get access to our catalogs that we mail to them so there's a lot of great features in that but it is it's because we have such a group of following and that that paid membership you know most people you'll say I'm not I don't consider myself a collector I've only got 100 knives I don't know I kind of consider that if the collector you're on the bubble anyway yeah but so there are a lot there are a lot of folks that again just want to just want to kind of engage in the brand and that's something that being american-made you can celebrate an american-made company you can celebrate the history and tradition and then we try to do enough to to just entice them to stick with us with the the dating and those things are are very core to who we are well one of the cool things about the collectors Club is one it wasn't very expensive when I looked at it it's not it was really affordable and then you get kind of that insider information yes and then you get access to knives that nobody else has access to so if you're interested in in jumping a little bit deeper into your case collection or starting one make sure to use it that's make sure to use it but check out the collectors club yeah they can sponsor youth because we're really trying to get the next generation not only into collecting knives but just appreciating knives that's that's kind of a battle I think for the whole knife industry is you know we got it we got to do Nazis things and just let people know that you know these are this was the original hand tool man and this is this is what everybody should carry and every guy should have in our opinion too or girl too so everybody should have it but collectors club is good he writes a very good bargain yeah we spend more on postage than we collect in revenue so so because we mail four times a year we also mail our core catalog to our club as well so well in speaking of you know kind of that idea of the next generation right or getting getting knives into more pockets yes right you guys have a kind of a new I call a campaign I don't know I call it you got it kind of got some new videos up on up on your YouTube page you guys haven't checked it out make sure you go check out cases YouTube page because these videos actually really impressed me right and it's I can't remember that somebody who's seen a lot of videos I seen a lot of I spent a little time on YouTube yeah but what is it it's a keep your hand sure keep your hand sharp keep your hands sharp check out those videos they are I honestly probably some of the best knife videos I've seen done we appreciate that wanna share that with that I'm not all marketing I'm not hyping that it's they are so well done and I think what it is is you guys captured the heritage case-knives using other case-knives s and then why you need to right right there's there's some good fidget spinner jokes in there yeah that's right there's some like button there's they get off the phone yes oh man I I dug it so speaking of kind of this this new era of case yes we have we have this knife here so what's this knife here so this knife is our you'll notice the trapper style the profile is the trapper so probably eight or ten years ago we came out with a trapper lock it was a it was a liner lock trapper single blow yeah yeah so this is a liner lock yes and so what we did and we started this last year was we introduced some patented technology with assisted opening and four case that was a big deal felt like a big deal are you doing you know and I have to remind him I said you know case was making automatics in the 1920s so we this is not a departure from our core values as a company but we had you know we put clips on knives and and folks liked it and said you know assisted opening would work and so we we did that so that is our kickstart trapper lock we took our best pattern and we put the kickstart technology in there and it's doing extremely well yeah and it does tie and you know you talk about the guy that's very traditional in nature and I think a lot of folks are trending that way but you get some of the features that you really come to love and expect from everyday carry and this kind of interest both questions yeah i sat down with you guys at the 2018 blade show yes and saw the those when you guys first announced yes and I I was so scared yeah and I wanted the the woman that came in the yellow the banana color oh yeah and we got him and they sold out like five seconds I go quit so I still need to get one but I be on the ball was good yeah is a really fun so this one was launched at SHOT Show this year so it's a 2019 release with the kickstart again the trapper locks been around for a few years but not with the assisted feature so kick starts there we just started chipping them into first quarter and and these will be available this will be a staple in the case line for many years to come and then this handle here this is a carbon fiber g10 weave yes yes so it's got the black and white g10 carbon fiber weave so very durable obviously a kind of a high-tech again you get the traditional the bolstered pocket knife with a with kind of a more modern handle material and then the assisted opening features so we really felt like putting that kind of handle on a few of those products was really a good way to go alright so now we're gonna jump into something that if I saw I wouldn't say was a case-knife well talk to me a little bit how this I understand understand so it's not a bad thing no it's not it's not a bad thing I'm actually really liking this and one thing you'll see from case you know we you we made automatics in the 1920s so we've always in our mind felt like we were kind of an innovative company we're always looking for you know what is the next feature in a slip joint what is something else we can do so we partnered with Southern grind yeah boy years ago so this is our southern grind collaboration we call it the cgo won the case grande oh one that's what that means again everything's got everything everything's got a meaning so it was our entry into this you know kind of the high-end performance steel every day care yes because s35vn yes right and then Amanda 'ls Chris yeah yes and then you know obviously you got a the two-way pocket clip yes so and again that was our collaboration with southern grand they're all American mates no and and their story you know speaking of law enforcement and military and all that they are that is their mission which is fantastic and well and speaking I gotta give a little plug for them yeah I feel like a lot of you guys out there you guys don't know Southern grind is a sleeper yeah they're a sleeper breath they make awesome now here Santa yeah and this is no exception this case knife is no exception to the awesome knives yes southern grind puts out I'm glad to see something like this yeah and I think it did help it helped them and helped us to kind of bridge that gap hopefully gave them exposure with a new consumer base and then just to further their mission and to further cases direction a little bit into we will never and I'll say this we will never depart from our traditional heritage I mean this is this is everything that who we are but you will see some you will see some trending towards you know there's a lot of people that are between here and here and you'll see you'll start to see some of that from cakes we're really excited about it that's great that's great and the southern Grande collaboration was something that you know again it made sense at the time it still makes sense but getting those knives out there we did that in the drop point we also did the tanto blade in that and red and black and it's doing extremely well so we're excited about it well yeah and then mentioning in case you know seeing some different things from Casey yeah so that one's a southern grind case collaboration and this one here this is case this is case so we launched this at Chacho as well and what's the name on this is a shark tooth shark too and if you look at a traditional case folding lock bag this starts to look like an old case knife yeah thank you very the lines there yeah anodized aluminum handle g10 inlay it's got that s35vn steel as well so you've got the performance steel and there it's a flipper you've got the short pocket clip which is similar to what we did on the cgo one and what you know we're finding from a lot of our customers that they like that short pocket clip so we're taking what we've learned and we're applying it and we're gonna continue to develop it so we're really excited about that and and this is starting to ship early second quarter great 2019 so well I'll tell you what you know to be honest I handle a lot of knives yes and you see knife companies from time to time step out of their wheelhouse yes where they're they're like oh we won't try something new which is great like I think company should be trying to brag that's fun sometimes those first couple are miss you don't mean it's true sometimes those first couple this feels really nice it feels nice I won't say there have been hiccups to get though I'm sure yeah yeah but the fact that this is what's coming coming to market right as kind of your guys's you know first run at this yes this is this is a great entry man yeah I think so too we're really excited about it it's got the shark tooth we kept that that is a trademark of ours yes you'll see that on the back side a lot of people don't understand what that means exactly but we have the shark tooth emblem on there but again we're really excited about this and kind of the the bridge that its leading to us to and some of our development and some of the things that we're doing now you have to you have to educate my ignorance what shark tooth what is what is that so we have a series we have a hammerhead we have mako we have shark tooth it is it is material and we just did a marketing session last week there why are we even putting that on there these things are has nothing to do with with fishing or you know and it was just a shark series from case back in probably the 50s or 60s okay so we would have one style and it was a little meteor and we call that the shark tooth and had a shark tooth embellishing on the blade and it was just our shark tooth the same thing with our hammerhead and mako we still make those two but shark dudes have been retired for a little bit so so kinder dr. Jen - yes that's right I may use that that's already yeah yeah you can use it that's good I thought it was the same as long as I can use a what was it again Oh mack daddy mack daddy oh yes Jen - that works it works for me alright then then final on the table guys we got now this is a fixed blade from case and this is a Winkler it is a winter so we worked with we worked with Daniel Winkler and those I'm sure your customers are very well aware who he is but he made some of the the premier knives a lot of those were for Special Forces and so we enlisted we actually met him at shot show probably five years ago and decided that you know we could do an American Hero series and this this knife was designed with Daniel Winkler and Kevin Holland and it is it is a beautiful knife obviously it's very signature Winkler look to it yeah and what a lot of people don't know with collaborations you know I told you about Tony Bo's when we bring Tony in he'll build us a tear apart knife and he'll kind of walk us through how to do it and then we will do it when we do this with Winkler this this steel is actually fabricated in his facility because he has his own special alchemy that he does with the steel that he uses yes so that's an ad crv to steel he will use that now we grind the steel so we get the blanks from him we grind the steel he treats the handle material so this is that's why this looks so authentic Winkler yeah is that this is the exact same material he does and he treats it he kind of ages it and and then we take it obviously we coat it we do the coatings we do the grinding we finish we apply the handle we finish the knife and every sheath is custom to just the particular knife so those are all custom made but the end of the day I mean these Winkler knives are I mean they're fantastic oh yeah we've expanded on this line it was incredible work and we feel like that we've got a long partnership with Winkler as well some cool cool stuff and yeah I mean outside of the case on the sheath if I pulled that out I would have been like oh it's a Winkler yeah it's a Winkler ABS absolutely so and again it's it is very authentic Daniel Winkler and but but made collaboratively truly both at Winkler in it case so it's very pretty exciting for us awesome cool well that was die if you think you think you got something I think I might I might have learned something at one or two things hopefully I just have as well so now as promised the beginning this video we said that we were going to do a giveaway at the end so cases brought some nice for us to give away we actually have three ready three knives to give away and I have in my pocket because I want one so I might have given one Ives to get yeah so we're giving one away away one of the assistant knives or three three three of the knife yeah yeah and the wait so this is how you guys win it is down in the description there's gonna be a link follow that link fill out the form that way we have your email and stuff so we get a hold of you guys and then let us know down in the comments what is your favorite case pattern and then share this video so share the video let us know what your favorite case pattern is and fill out the form nice and easy enough that's a great that is a great I thought yeah a big start that patented technology we have but it's a great knife in being in the trapper so you've got yeah you've got the the basic of case with with the modern I think you guys modern element picked apart yeah perfect one to walk the line between kind of where you're at where you're going and where you think yeah we think so - so I'm awesome glad you feel that way cool alright guys well hopefully you guys learned something along with us and good luck to everybody entering to win and thanks again for coming back all right Zack thanks a lot intersect you guys and we'll see you guys next round Mauri Mauri I'm gonna get it wrong I'm gonna say Murray I know I miss a merry go hearings I'm trying to say Mari you can say it either way I will not count warning flinch well I want the audience to death that's right now way to know who to blame with ovations yeah
Channel: Blade HQ
Views: 247,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Knife Banter, Knife Show, Blade Show, Pocket Knife, Pocket Knives, Steel, Sharp, Knives, Knife, Slip Joint, Traditional, Traditional Knife, Slip Joint Knife, Case Knives, Case, Stockman, Trapper, Mini Trapper, Medium Stockman, Tribal Lock, Barlow, Peanut, Texas Toothpick, TrapperLock
Id: sx4IHJF_JKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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