The Plane of Innistrad Explained | Plane Explained | MTG Lore

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[Music] hey lore lovers my name is eric and welcome to the librarians youtube channel with the release of midnight hunt fast approaching and crimson valley on the horizon now is the perfect moment for us to explore the history and setting of one of the most iconic planes in magic the gathering's vast multiverse today we'll take a closer look at the horrific gothic-inspired plane of innistrad a world where the dim light of humanity struggles desperately against the ghastly and ghoulish forces of darkness that surround it irregularly bolstered by the divine protection of the plane's angelic host as with other videos in the plain explained series our journey through innistrad will be split into two separate videos the first which will begin momentarily is concerned with the characteristics of the plane its nature topography denizens and important locations the second which will be released later will cover the complete history and major storylines that transpire on the plane but before we go any further if notions of lore storytelling and world building leave you spellbound or if magic the gathering is dear to your heart consider subscribing to the channel where lore videos are uploaded regularly all right time to dawn our cloaks sharpen our silver and recite avacyn's prayer as we set out to trek through innistrad's gloom let's dive in a lone horse-drawn cart plods slowly along a narrow causeway that twists through misty moore lands the vibrant moon shining in the night sky casts eerie shadows across the surroundings giving trees grass and the distant mountains a sinister aura two travelers keep bloodshot eyes open in all directions clutching the amulets of their church in shaky hands and whispering prayers of protection the air is stagnant and quiet pierced only by muffled wrestling in the woods somewhere in the distance in otherworldly howl roars up ahead the soft glow of lantern light blooms over enormous wooden palisades and watchtowers safety for the travelers if only they can keep ahead of the vile abominations behind them no doubt a grotesque host of monsters devils and unthinkable horrors this is the grim reality for the humans of innistrad a world where light and dark form an unbalanced dichotomy the plane of innistrad is one deeply inspired by the gothic architecture and folktales of europe's 17 and 1800s first making its appearance in the titular set released in 2011. inistrad's a world where horrors lurk not only in the imagination but in every shadowed corner or tangled thicket evil exists in the forms of rage stricken werewolves bloodthirsty vampires spectral geists vetted ghouls and demonic hordes all hunger for the tantalizing light of humanity the sweet taste of flesh and blood and all carve out ranges within which to hunt their prey the plains nature is one divided between good and evil light and dark night and day when the sun blazes high in the sky villagers townsfolk and farmers tend their crops trade in markets and reinforce defensive structures with holy water or blessings when night falls however humanity becomes the prey villagers huddle behind brick and wood torches fend off the encroaching darkness and the horrors of the night emerge to hunt when night stretches for eternity and despair fills the most stalwart heart one word rises above all else avacyn the humans of innistrad aren't alone in the fight against evil a winged host of divine angels fly down from the heavens bringing holy retribution to unnatural abominations and they are led in the fore by the archangel abbasin of being pure of heart and created to act as guardian of humanity avacyn her sisters and the flights of angels they lead aid humanity in their most dire straits knocking back the darkness and maintaining a fragile equilibrium on the plane devotion and faith bolstered the archangels and long ago the church of avison an ecclesiastical organization within human settlements was founded where the devout and pious could seek respite from the hardships of life in avison's embrace but the angel isn't the only holy symbol tracing through the skies the luminous moon of the plane dominates various aspects of innistradian life including superstition and the passing of seasons silver is a particularly precious metal on the plane due to its supposed uses in fighting unnatural monsters and it's deeply tied to innistrad's large singular moon astronomers and theorists believed the plane's moon to be composed entirely of silver and that all extant deposits on the earth fell from it also known as the silver moon and the heron moon it's a symbol of hope a source of inspiration and divinity but it's at the same time a harbinger of misfortune as the moon drives the transformation of the werewolves the hunting patterns of the plane's monsters and a full moon weakens the protective effects of holy blessing the moon is also believed to drive seasons and the plane experiences three changes throughout the year each season brings with it different beliefs different fears different hopes the shortest season is that of the new moon a springtime period where hope and faith are renewed here the sun remains in the sky longer protecting cities from the horrors of night the forests grow flowers bloom and seeds for this year harvest are sown it's a season of inner reflection and renewal the archangel sagarda and her flight of herons are most closely associated with the new moon due to their connection with birth and purity their magic is used to protect humans in life the harvest moon is likened to autumn crop is harvested provisions are restocked in preparation for winter and fortifications are reinforced the moon hangs large in the sky and takes on a reddish or blood orange hue the days become increasingly short vampires are believed to be at their peak during the harvest moon this phase is linked to the angel gizella in her flight of gold knight whose host is filled with holy zeal these angels are the most battle-hardened bringing swift bloody justice to the monsters of the plane the feast of gold night a two-day period where the sun refuses to set is a most holy period for the humans of innistrad and avacyn's magic is strongest finally there's the hunter's moon the dead of winter for innistrad the sun barely rises above the horizon the nights are longest the weather is coldest and food runs thin unfortunately for humans this is the longest of innistrad seasons and the darker forces of the plane reap wanton destruction scabs and ghouls crawl through graveyards spirits haunt the moors and werewolves are believed to be at their strongest during the hunter's moon this cycle is linked to the angel bruna and her flight of alabaster these angels represent the blessed sleep where spirits are carried off to join the ether and become one with a plane and they're responsible for protecting humanity and death providing magic that wards against the desecration of human remains the known world of innistrad is vast and variable rocky mountain ranges stand ominous on the horizon dense thickets and brambles provide thick cover for the natural and unnatural sweeping planes in farmland dominate large swaths dotted by hamlets and villages swampy marshes cling to meandering rivers and coniferous forests are common innistrad consists of a large landmass surrounded at various points by deep oceans with strong winds tales tell of lands beyond the water but none can verify their existence the civilized lands are further divided into four distinct provinces gavin which holds the high city of thraben the dense woods and wildlands of kessig where the olden walled stretches for miles the grim interior of stencia where the crags of the ashmouth dominate the horizon in the coastal province of naphalia where the port town of havengol directs maritime commerce life on innistrad is strongly segregated by species and each of the five main groups is deeply connected to an ally color pair of mana humanity is affiliated with green and white mana strengthened by community and solidarity in the face of horrors vampires are closely linked to red and black mana vanity and decadence go hand in hand werewolves are strong in red and green natural law and ferocious aggression reign supreme spirits are linked to white and blue mana their spectral forms slinking through the darkness and the zombies of the plane are affiliated with both blue and black mana the dead are raised or reanimated by devious stitchers and ghoul callers it's humanity's fight for survival its struggle with the dark forces of the plane that drive the story of innistrad and we'll continue our exploration of the plane with a closer look at the valiant forces of humanity and the angelic host that protects them for humanity the dangers of innistrad are ever present nightfall harkens a slew of supernatural horrors beings of unrivaled ferocity that lurk in the shadows and hunt humans with ease the monsters of the plane are everywhere and much of the landscape itself is inhospitable life for humans is short and grim due to this fact there's one commodity that's valued above all else safety the people of innistrad seek safety in every form they can muster the dim light of day is enough to keep many predators at bay at least until the sun falls beyond the horizon much activity is centered around daylight hours when vision is unobscured and nocturnal beasts slumber but even the sun can't resist knight's encroachment so people seek safety in another form numbers human civilization is centered around close-knit communities cloistered within dense towns or villages that are protected by brick ramparts or wooden palisades with watchtowers manned by scouts and militia the art of the cards gavin township and fortified village give us a glimpse into what human communities look like within and the extent of their defenses without each night garrisons deploy along the ramparts to maintain vigil to protect to alert for danger bell ringers and scouts signal the approach of any monster attempting to attack the town travel when done is conducted in massive armored caravans with soldiers and sellswords to defend wary travelers wooden stakes and weapons crafted of silver are often carried to thwart advances of vampires werewolves and other creatures of the night despite their ingenuity and precautions humans are fighting a losing battle against forces more numerous and much more powerful their numbers dwindle by the month and hope is almost out of reach fortunately for the people of innistrad they aren't alone in their fight for survival even a plane as dark as innistrad has reserves of white mana and from them manifest the angels of the plane winged protectors and bringers of light angels have existed since the birth of innistrad but their numbers were few and their powers weren't enough to protect humanity that changed when the vampire planeswalker and native of innistrad soren markov realized his own kind's fate was tied to that of humanities that if humans were hunted to extinction by monsters then his vampiric bloodlines would soon follow suit balance was needed to maintain the races of the plane cesarean created a powerful creature one imbued with magical strength to protect the people and fight the evils that lurked one who brought hope and inspired faith among its flock the archangel avacyn defender of innistrad avacyn gathered the existing angels and coordinated their efforts to effectively drive back the darkness she stands at the top of the angelic hierarchy with three flights led by lesser angels each with a particular mission bruna and flight alabaster are masters of enchantment magic and protective warding they seek to resolve conflict without violence and grant humanity the necessary holy defenses required to survive innistrad's horrors flight alabaster is also responsible for ushering spirits of the dead across the ether and into the blessed sleep only those spirits with strong regret remorse or rage are capable of ignoring the call of flight alabaster gisela and flight gold knight are the winged army of innistrad their soldier angels with martial prowess and zealous conviction the angels of gold knight actively seek out the darkness and bring holy retribution upon the vial they lead companies of soldiers from the front and defend humanity with sword and shield flight gold knight is based in the elgod grounds of naphalia where they frequently oppose the undead zombies and scabs raised by necromancers they're steadfast and strict in upkeeping holy law sagarda and the flight of herons are symbols of birth rebirth and purity they scout and hunt creatures afflicted with curses predominantly werewolves and vampires the host of herons had a strong presence in stencia where avacyn's own reach was particularly thin they defended the small communities against the threat of vampiric bloodlines as avacyn and her angels descended from the heavens to cast out the darkness humanity found a source of faith and worship from her the church of avison was born and quickly became the dominant theological and secular authority of humanity the church of avison based in the high city of thraben is an extension of her being her will and her protection she's believed to be the source of all protective magic and the church bishops and priests channel that magic to bless and ward against evil since avacyn is the beacon of hope on a grim plane the church retains much power over the provinces and communities of innistrad at the top of the church hierarchy since the lunar and lunar council the most influential church leaders that deliberate on vital proceedings below them sit the bishops who are entrusted with religious oversight of one of the four provinces next there are the elders who control parishes or regions within each province finally there are the priests and monks that run the church of a single village or hamlet words of worship alone aren't enough to push back the darkness and so the church has its own sword and shield the cathars cathars are the soldiers of the church but also much more they come in many forms as organized battalions of fighters as knights scouts and outriders as investigators the orders of cathars are the first line of defense the troops on the ground to defend humanity and snuff out evil the gavity riders are the most famous of night cathars traveling long distances on horseback to ensure the safety of roads and causeways midnight duelists are soldiers trained specifically in single combat against the plane's unnatural creatures they know the weaknesses of vampires where to strike a werewolf and how best to trap a geist the proverbial monster slayers then there are the inquisitors church prelates and investigators that are called to gruesome murder scenes and tasked with snuffing out the culprit they are effective in unmasking a lycanthrope or vampire hiding among crowds of towns and villages cathars are bolstered by the magic wielding sages of the church arch mages with specialty in sun or moon magic these sages call forth powers to sear demons with white hot light to trap beasts in stasis and to heal or lift curses they're a powerful tool in humanity's struggle for survival there's one last force acting for humanity a large monolith made of pure silver and believed to have fallen from the moon the hell vault was created by sauron to act as a prison for forces too powerful to be destroyed avacyn and her angels used the artifact to trap demons preventing them from being reborn in the ash mouth it was a symbol of holy divinity for a long time but with the events of the innistrad bloc it was destroyed to release and imprison avacyn in the demon grizzle brand the humans of innistrad toil daily for mere survival but angels aren't humanity's only source of hope griffins patrol the skies and guard the cemeteries of many villages hunting down abominations and undead alike the heron symbol of gavin and sagarda's flight is regarded by many to be a force of divinity and purity in times of darkness the griff or hippogriff is a combination of the two and a creature unique to innistrad hippogriffs are used as aerial mounts by soldiers as highlighted in the card griff vanguard and those that draw near a griff are imbued with inner calm as the flavor text of hushwing griff states an overwhelming sense of calm accompanies the griffs that wheel above the roofs of gavin even with the angels and the church behind them there are myriad nightmares lurking in the wild lands of inistrad eager to slake their thirst on human blood the grim plane of innistrad is replete with all manner of horrors bloodthirsty monsters creatures of nightmares and vile evil to make the skin crawl these unnatural beasts and beings of the night hunt the humans of the plane attacking them in villages stalking them in forests snatching them in fields humanity's only reprieve is found within reinforced settlements blessed with holy prayer and defended with silver what's most striking about the dark creatures of innistrad is that despite their opposition to humanity most of them are born from the very humans they hunt and represent grim reflections of the darker nature of people four particular races of monsters are all embodiments of humanity's rash behavior and will begin with the werewolves of the plane a full moon a thunderous howl in the night in the fleeting shadows of a pack tracing through the moonscape werewolves are the rage and carnal violence that reside within even the most benevolent heart innistrad's woven hybrids are most closely tied to red and green mana as these colors best represent the nature of predation and passion and werewolves are described by elena a legendary trapper of kessig as an unholy mix of a predator's instinct and a human's hatred while sun shines they are meek farmers skilled cobblers and artisans but when the silver moon reaches its zenith they shed their human skin and take on a lycanthropic appearance we see this in the flip cards of gatstaff shepard an afflicted deserter within each werewolf boils a contrasting dichotomy they're constantly competing between civilization and bestial freedom between steadfastness and passionate violence the denizens of innistrad are uncertain the origin of lycanthropy but it's a magical curse that splits the soul in two one half retains its humanity but the other is consumed by natural urges symbolized by the wolf many can't trust their own thoughts or emotions and their candid half constantly fights to destroy their weaker counterpart their transformation and bloodlust is highlighted in the art and flavor text of curse of the nightly hunt which reads when the moon rises and the blood bust takes hold nothing matters but the kill in their naivety people of innistrad hunt natural wolves believing them to transmit the curse of lycanthropy which only infuriates the werewolves there are several families of werewolves called how packs that dominate the dense forests and perpetual autumn of kessing the largest heil pack is that of the kralen horde led by its alpha ulrich they traverse the ovenwald and terrorize citizens of lamholt the second largest hal pack is the vilden this extremely barbaric band takes into their wing murderers and violent criminals whose aggression is only enhanced by their transformation the mondrone in hal pac is infamous for its massacre and obliteration of avabrook kasich's old provincial seat to combat the superhuman werewolves humans turn to superstition and religion silver is particularly powerful against werewolves and is a mainstay in the monster slayer's toolkit we see it used on these beasts in the art of silver strike additionally angelic wards in holy magic is effective against canids in fact avacyn's cursed mute transformed werewolves into wolf here ridding them of the curse but allowing them to maintain their wolf form all that remain of the wolf here now are a dwindling hal pack known as the silver furs who are hunted by humans and werewolves alike and now i'd like to introduce a friend and fellow content creator dice tri who runs an exciting youtube channel of the same name covering mtg lore and color philosophy to give his perspective on the sinister vampires of innistrad i just want to say a quick thank you to the librarians for this chance to talk about some of my favorite subjects in magic the color pie and vampires over on my channel i spend a lot of time discussing the color pie as it's a great tool for characterizing and understanding broader concepts for instance how a shift in colors can make all the difference in separating the ideals of vampires throughout the multiverse in this short explanation though i want to focus on the vampires of innistrad and see how red and black are the perfect pair of colors for the ones found on this plane on one side we have black a color that is at the core of many vampires across the multiverse of course it is a thematic fit but at the same time is a perfect philosophical pairing but let's see why black is the color of self-realization self-satisfaction and the notion that i am at the center of my experiences this leads beings who are black aligned to focus on getting the most out of their lives and can be very selfish in their decisions and to me no color fits the vampire better than black in most cases the vampire was once human or some form of humanoid and so its ties to what it once was are ever present even if that aspect fades over time and yet the vampire has an inflated sense of self in that it feels better than what it once was it believes itself to be so far above what it now deems no more than cattle that it acts with a level of ego that is unmatched then on the other side we have red a color of self-expression of passion and unrestrained emotion this aspect of the innistrad vampire influences its need to fulfill its desires and to pursue worldly pleasures above all else so what does it look like when we bring these two colors together well the red black vampire in the case of innistrad is one that puts itself above humanity and even though they claim to have made the great sacrifice for humanity it's only rooted in self-preservation another prevalent aspect of red block is the absolute pursuit of desire red black when combined will influence a person in this case a vampire to seek out every pleasure to live with extravagance and to delight in every experience this is reflected in their extravagant parties and feasts and to a further extent their enjoyment in human suffering red black in many ways can lead to total self-indulgent debauchery as we have seen on planes like ravnica with the rakdos guild and here it's no exception the color pie illuminates broader concepts simply by its presence and in understanding those colors we can then place ourselves into the minds of those that inhabit those very colors every vampire around the multiverse has different motivations and can utilize the colors present in different ways in the case of the innistrad vampire it reflects what happens when red black is given proof of its superiority and the ability to act out its carnal desires thanks again to the librarians and with that i'll catch you in the multiverse bye if you enjoyed this snippet and are interested in other great videos be sure to check out dice tri after this one ends the vampires of innistrad were born millennia ago when famine gripped the province's stencia hundreds died by the day and hunger plagued all an aging alchemist named edgar markov sought a solution a way for people to subsist on things other than food he made a pact with a demon exsanguinated an angel and used her blood in a dark ritual to create a concoction that when imbibed transformed an individual into a vampire this allowed people to live on without the need to eat their sustenance coming instead from the blood of humans and so the first vampire family was born with markov as its progenitor in this day there are four vampire families that vie for dominance and control large communities tending their human crop the markov bloodline commands the most prestige and respect of all families due to its long history with the vampire race markov vampires are expert blade masters and discerning patrons of the arts who believe themselves to be the pinnacle of vampiric society they rule from high atops densius mountains in markov manor but the family was almost completely eradicated during the events of shadows over innistrad when avengeful nihiri brought doom upon soren markov's bloodline the voldarin vampires are led by their elegant and tasteful matriarch olivia voldarin this vampire family is known to host the most lavish galas in decadent balls from which they often find their next human victim they prefer a life of gluttony and vanity above all else next are the stromkirk vampires this family resides not instincia but within the coastal province of naphalia where they direct maritime trade and line their own pockets with undercity deals [Music] stromkirk vampires have the best magical glamours and wield the strongest mental magic which allows them to safely mingle in the open with humans of their town they are led by renault stromkirk who has long since been obsessed with the worship of ancient deities the final vampire family is that of house falconrath named by their mysterious progenitor who had been a master falconer falcenrath vampire share many striking similarities to the bird of prey they are the most brazen and outwardly violent of all vampire families preferring to do away with glamours and galas instead finding the thrill in the hunt these vampires are aggressive and often seek out as their prey humans deeply embedded within protected villages humans that believe themselves safe from harm the vampire's grip casts a long shadow on the humans of stencia and beyond but the vain species must be careful not to let their debauchery get the better of them for if humanity dies so too do the vampires [Music] now we'll venture through the misty moors and abandoned villages of the plain where chilling spirits and creeping specters haunt the desecrated ground the tortured souls of the departed that yet linger are referred to as geists on innistrad ghosts of the dead were once granted the blessed sleep and ushered into the ether by the angels of flight alabaster and avacyn where they merged into the mana essence of the plane now these ghosts remain trapped prevented from reaching their final destination some geists materialize due to a strong grudge held in life or terrible regret for actions taken when living others remain as valiant protectors of family lines some geists are driven to destruction by anger or grief while others act with benevolent protection some such as the topple geist exists for their own enjoyment to befuddle the living but the trip back from the beyond is quite harrowing the flavor text of midnight haunting tells us that the path back to the world of the living is murky and bewildering a geist may not even realize that it's terrifying its own loved ones geists can appear as manifestations of any color of mana but they're predominantly aligned to white and blue white geists are often harmless spirits tricksters or duty-bound spirits of fallen soldiers they're driven to protect or aid out of a strong sense of love and compassion but occasionally the spirits of those wronged can manifest as malevolent white aligned geists conceited or vain spirits however returned to innistrad as violent and sorrow-filled blue geists these geists tried desperately to hold on to what they had in life so they frequent their favorite places or perform their favorite tasks in unending repetition those blue guys most closely associated with streams rivers seas and frosts are called niblis and they often haunt the mists of naphalia a notorious group of geists is known as the drag skull spirits of gavin's militia that fell to a relentless assault of undead the next group of horrors that plague humanity are what remains of the body long after the spirit has left innistrad is infested with zombies ghouls and grave collars more so than nearly any other plane in the multiverse its deep reserves of black mana its necromancers with control over powerful spells and its abundance of graveyards leads to an alarming number of undead the humans of innistrad go to great lengths to protect their dead and prevent their rebirth rituals are performed by the clergy in the church of avison and special cages of silver are often built around coffins to prevent ghouls from shambling out seen in the art of the card graft digger's cage but it isn't enough as ghoul callers and mad scientists alike wait for the cover of darkness to begin their grim task of reanimating the dead the zombies of innistrad often called unhallowed are aligned either to blue or black mana depending on the nature of their rebirth callers that wake the dead from the various graphs of innistrad give rise to the black alliance zombies these abominations shamble through towns and villages in a grotesque mockery of life they're slow awkward but numerous and unrelenting driven by the magic of necromancy to devour the living and raise more ghouls we see their inevitability in cards like endless ranks of the dead an army of the damned the blue-aligned zombies of innistrad are called scabs and they are the product of scientific experiments conducted by necro alchemists to achieve eternal life stitchers often combine many bodies of the deceased to make their creations as scabs can be seen with multiple arms legs or heads stitched together these abominations are similar to their black aligned counterparts in that they are driven by their master's magic and unrelenting the bodies that stitchers and ghoul colors supply themselves with most frequently come from graphs or fields of the dead these can be graveyards or shipwrecks or even hanging fields for criminals and are named by their location fen grafts are often murky and flooded lowlands sea graphs are where countless ships have sunk dire graphs are fields of battle where the dead lay as feasts for the crows finally there exists a power so dark so evil and frightening that the humans of innistrad speak of it only in whispers and hearsay this is the power of pure malevolence and desecration made manifest in the demons of the plane demons are creatures born purely of black manna and the grim counterpart to the angels of innistrad masters of temptation and deceit demons often convince the weak of heart or ambitious to perform rituals in exchange for power these often end with humans being slaughtered and the demon gaining more strength long ago demons were only whispered of creatures feared but considered myth with the birth of avacyn and her fight against the other forces of evil demons once more gathered a foothold see the demons of the plane are pure mana meaning they can't be destroyed at least not entirely a demon's physical body can be obliterated but its essence will once more manifest and it will be reborn this occurs in the mountainous region of ashmouth highlighted in the art of infernal grasp where demonic hands wrap around a hapless victim the flavor text states ancient evils dwell within the burning chasm called the ashmouth ever ready to devour those foolish enough to travel alone it's a common belief amongst the humans of innistrad that an opening exists connecting innistrad to the demon's own plane what cannot be destroyed will be bound reads the flavor text of bonds of faith and the magical hell vault was created to imprison demons dozens of them were defeated by avacyn and sent to the hell vault including one of the most powerful demons on the plane grizzlebrand demonic worship is tantalizing and the lure of power that demons offer has led to the formation of a cult a cancer that grows within the church of addison this band of human worshipers is known as the scurst dag and they often perform rituals in packs to grant their overlords greater power for a mere taste of it the remote village of westvale on the moors beyond gavin holds a cult that worships a particularly powerful demon named ormandal who has taken upon the mantle of demon leader after grizzlebrand's death [Music] the unearthly desires and thoughts of demons manifest in physical form as devils the devils of innistrad are predominantly red aligned and represent the chaotic passion and desire for destruction demons harbor they are crafty and mischievous breaking into homes to smash trinkets or starting fires to burn down whole hamlets but devils are wanting in intelligence often performing tasks given them by their demon overlords this comes to us in the flavor text of hellrider which reads behind every devil's mayhem lurks a demon's scheme innistrad is a large and variable plane with a multitude of different environments ecologies and interactions the creatures discussed thus far can all be found in some form across the four provinces that divide in a strat but each region is dominated by a certain race the four provinces of the plain each have a coat of arms and an animal that represents their belief alignment or cause gavin a bastion for humanity and bulwark against the darkness where the church of avison reigns supreme kesig a dense coniferous forest that covers much of innistrad's interior where human settlements are few and far between and where the howls of werewolves on hunt reach above the tree line stencia a dark and dying land where gaudy castles support vampiric decadence and where small human villages are attacked to near extinction by the vampire families that rule them and nephalia a coastal province where commerce drives the lives of humans and vampires but where the cold pall of death has its strongest grip as geists haunt the living and zombies emerge from their earthly tombs we'll begin our tour of the lands with the province of gavin the bright light of day illuminates gavin human activity fills the bustling streets of large cities and diligent farmers till rolling fields in the distance when gavin is bathed in daylight it's easy to forget the horrors that plague innistrad and make human life bitter and short the province is known for its large townships fortified villages protected with holy blessings that house the greatest human communities on the plane the glittering jewel of gavin's crown is the high city of thraben home to the church of avison and ranks of cathar knights that defend its people due to its religious significance thraben is a vital symbol of hope and perseverance in the face of evil and in the flavor text of evolving wilds the famous cathar thalia states our world is vast but thraben is its heart the cathedral must stand even if the hinterlands are lost because of its importance thraben is often targeted by darker forces of innistrad the cathars in nightly band known as the writers of gavin remain ever vigilant in its defense church rules supreme in gavin and the land is further divided into five parishes thraben viddens widdle and effon which combine to form the region of near heath and the final parish of moorland which is largest in geographical area the high city is strategically located high on island cliffs within the lake of herons and shielded from evil by three outer walls here artisans craft items smithies burn hot to create defensive weapons and the large abbeys act as havens for the clergy and their flock new recruits to the nightly order of cathars are trained to fight all manner of evil at the famous school seen in the art of cliff top retreat near heath consists of the fertile farmlands meandering rivers and thickets that surround the high city for miles in any direction agriculture dominates this region with smaller towns and hamlets dotting the landscape parish blades and riders of gavin patrol the causeways that connect isolated villages offering as much protection as they can to the humans that are further from safety and closer to the monsters that lurk the city of hanware second largest in galvany is the breadbasket of the region and is of significant strategic importance its battlements are constantly being reinforced and the ramparts are guarded by the sharp eyes of the handware garrison militia the people of hanware are battle hardened in the face of ever-present threats from vampires werewolves and worse on the fringes of nearheath lies the once vibrant town of estwald now in a state of ruin it was overtaken by a how pack of werewolves shortly before the whole town was raised by a spirit of fire and lightning estwald's fate comes to us in the flavor text of malignance which reads it descended on asphalt like a sudden storm moments later only ashes and agony remained as one travels further from thraben the lush fields of near heath give way to a rocky moonscape known as the moorlands which dominate the largest area of gavin in these far reaches human settlements are few and the number of abandoned or overrun towns outweighs those still populated it's here that the cultists of west vale engage in rituals surrounding the mysterious cryptoliths and in worship to grant power to their demonic overlord ormandal gavin's bright light of day and hope of a better tomorrow contrast greatly with the grim determination and perpetual gloom that dominate the province of stencia the gaia reach mountain range looms high above its rocky peaks cast shadows on the towns and villages below and act as a natural boundary separating stencia from the provinces of gavin and kessick late autumn has an ever-present grasp on the region days are short and dim meager crops are grown and scarcity is on the minds of all humans who dwell here the crags and slopes of gaia reach are mirrored by the spiked steeples and turrets of large manor houses and estates carved into the mountainside from here the vampires of stencia keep an eye on their human flock and hunt them whenever their urges require it two vampire bloodlines have a firm grip on stencia and keep other abominations that would kill their human livestock at bay they are the markov and voldarin families markov manor houses the most prestigious and oldest bloodline whose members reach back to edgar markov the first vampire and his grandson the planeswalker soarin markov the voldarin bloodline led by their matron olivia are known for holding lavish banquets and elegant balls where they choose their victims carefully and drain their blood with refined dignity like all vampires the families of stencia hunt humans but they see themselves as noble shepherds and often protect their flock from werewolves ghouls and the like the markov and valdarin bloodlines joined forces after the destruction of markov manor by the planeswalker nahiri during shadows over innistrad the humans of stencia live in small communities and rely on their stoic determination to survive their vampire overlords they've long been abandoned by the angels save sagarda whose flight of herons tries desperately to protect humanity and where the heron monastery offers hope in the bleakness beyond the first range of mountains a piney wilderness takes hold of the slopes the somberwald is a place of natural beauty where many wild animals and dryads live free from werewolves and humans alike [Music] truids and sages often retreat to the somberwald for the protection it offers from vampires and occasionally village trappers come hunting for food deep in the heart of gaia reach a massive chasm tears into the fabric of a plane where smoke and ash billow out below is a burning hellscape where many believe a bridge connects the world above to the realm of devils and demons below ashmouth as it's aptly named is heavily steeped in black and red mana and all sorts of demonic abominations manifest deep within the chasm they emerge to wreak havoc on the living much of innistrad's coastline lies within the borders of naphalia the third province this region is known for its maritime trade which extends deep into the interior via rivers and estuaries that dot the coast commerce is king in nephalia port towns receive shipments from seafaring vessels artisans craft tools and merchants peddle wares but beneath its missed shrouded surface nephilia hides a dark underbelly of crime corruption and a cult worship the city of havengul is the largest in the province here ships are unloaded smithy's burned with activity and the church of avison has a firm grip on the elgot grounds where it's clergy prey and cathars sharpen their steel vampires also hold a strong position in aphalia and the city of drew now is run by the stromkirk bloodline its progenitor runo has long worshiped ancient gods of the sea and often participates in cult proceedings strom kirk vampires have the strongest glamours and freely walk amongst their human population seen in the card strom kirk noble theirs is a bloodline of master fencers and brilliant artists despite vampiric and human settlements nephilia is dominated by the undead skaberin and ghoul callers bring forth zombies from the ground and ghastly spirits haunt the surrounding landscape the city of selhof is best known for its necro alchemists and stitchers who constantly tinker with both life and death their scab creations run rampant through the darkened streets of the port city these mad scientists and inventors often use their tools to trap geists harnessing their spiritual energy to power laboratories google callers and stitchers have no limit of supply as nephalia is replete with graphs burial sites and dumping grounds filled with bodies of the deceased the more cut is a swampy bog near the coast that is perhaps the largest dumping ground for murderers and victims alike illustrated in cards like dread waters and more cut banshee the erd wall is an extensive network of tunnels sewers and underground causeways that connects the cities of hevengall drew now and selhoff these paths were once used for defensive purposes by humans to survive zombie sieges or vampiric assaults but over the centuries it's become a hotbed of criminal activity where smuggling assassinations and bribery take place one must be careful on the earth wall where monsters still lurk and one wrong turn could spell certain death the final province of innistrad is the massive forested wildlands of kessig it's a densely vegetated region dominated by wolves werewolf packs and nature spirits here the vilden and crawlin horde clans carve out territory within which to hunt and terrorize small human settlements dispersed across kessing long ago settlers from gavin arrived and chopped small parts of the forest down to make room for new villages but the forest fights back here constantly encroaching on civilization to reclaim the wilderness the towns that remain are remote and self-reliant and the humans of kasich have frequently turned to superstition and druidic rituals for protection rather than the church's empty promises ovenwald the impossible wood stretches across much of kessick's landscape it's an ancient primordial forest nearly impenetrable and quite dangerous the werewolves of innistrad lay claim to the ovenwald and much of kessig using it as their nocturnal hunting grounds but horrors far more deadly lurk within uvenwald's thickets hydras geists massive insects and elementals stir the forest trees and give even the werewolves pause at the highest peaks of kessick the forest gives way to rugged highlands where hermits druids and witches retreat to find seclusion this area is called the natterknolls snowmelt streams crisscross alpine meadows to give the area an idyllic aura beyond the knolls and further into the mountains of kessig lies a mysterious cave named devil's breech cackling laughter can be heard from deep within the cave and many of innistrad's devils emerge from the opening causing many to believe there exists an infernal opening much like that of the ashmouth hidden within valiant cathars and militia stationed themselves around the breach to hunt down whatever evil slinks through despite nature's firm grip around kessig traces of human civilization exist in the villages that sporadically dot force clearings people of kesig are hearty and resourceful forming tight-knit communities that are wary of outsiders in the tumultuous times of the past century their faith has shifted between the church the moon and other druidic superstitions the town of gatstaff is highly devout and filled with a religious seal they abhor the curse of lycanthropy and go to extremes to ensure werewolves never infest the streets the citizens often turn on another out of fear and mistrust believing their own neighbors to be cursed the village of lamholt is centered in a clearing where forest has been exchanged for farmland they fight an ongoing battle against the forces of nature that wish to reclaim the forest that was taken finally the once great town of aberbrook seat of kessick now stands as a haunted and vacant ruin during avacyn's imprisonment and the rise of darker powers on innistrad avabrook was overrun by werewolf halpax its people brutally slaughtered all that remain are the lost spirits of the dead this tale is told in the flavor text of hollowhenge scavenger and lingering souls which read after werewolves slaughtered the citizenry of hollowhenge other creatures moved in and the murdered inhabitants of hollowhenge in part to the living the terror they felt in death but during the events of shadows over innistrad determined settlers have arrived to rebuild the lost city innistrad is a living breathing plane and like all living things is subject to the powers of time and change many of the provinces creatures and societies we've explored have changed drastically over the centuries the most recent years have brought about much tumult for innistrad's denizens with the initial innistrad block the power of the church waned the monsters of the world grew more powerful and humanity faced extinction but then avacyn was released from her prison and hope was restored once more the powers of light and dark became balanced shortly after however innistrad's corruption began the travails brought about the madness of avacyn and the angels the transformation of many of the plane's creatures into eldritch horrors as the lithomancer nahiri created cryptoliths to beckon the eldrazi emerical and seek vengeance against soren markov the plane's creatures and monsters were transformed by emerkl maddened beyond recognition and stained by the eldrazi's corruption here avacyn was destroyed her church caught in bitter internal conflict and the monsters fought against another tooth and tentacle it's from the ashes from the aftermath of shadows over innistrad that we once more come to the plane humanity seeks to restore itself to find new religions and beliefs within which to put their faith but something's happening the cycles of the moon are changing and night creeps longer once more vile beasts are gaining power and it's up to the old superstitions to reclaim the day to bring balance once more to innistrad before humanity is wiped from the histories thanks for watching this video on the plane of innistrad explained we'll pick up in a couple weeks on part 2 where we'll explore both the history of the plane and the plots and story arcs that unfold including midnight hunt so stay tuned leave a thumbs up if you liked this video and be sure to subscribe for more lore content a big shout out to dice tri for his collaboration head over to his youtube channel to catch even more mtg lore and color analysis videos and now i want to hear from you let me know your thoughts on innistrad which creatures are your favorite as well as suggestions for future videos in the comments below shout out to alex joaquim for the intro and outro music references used can be found in the description until next time go forth and explore the lore [Music] you
Channel: The Lorebrarians
Views: 62,806
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Keywords: Innistrad, Magic: The Gathering, Lorebrarians
Id: RWdLNreArmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 4sec (3544 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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