The Definitive Color Pie Collection

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[Music] the color pie is the beating heart of the multiverse and the planes are but an expression of it understanding the core colors at a fundamental level will grant you a new perspective on the worlds we visit and the characters we meet i put this collection together to help you get into the mindset of each color by having them explain their ideals from their point of view even if you don't play magic you will find inspiration for creating worlds and characters in both dungeons and dragons or your creative writing so sit down get comfortable and enjoy dice tri's definitive collection of color philosophy the good we secure for ourselves is precarious and uncertain until it is secured for all of us and incorporated into our common life white the color most transfixed with its idealist viewpoint one that aims to create a world where no one is left to suffer of all the five colors of magic the gathering i find white to be the one that mirrors humanity's needs the most not so much in our carnal or animal side but more need to group and find a common purpose a purpose rooted in our need for order peace and structure a noble pursuit that sets in stone its world view you see white is rigid in what it believes and will not accept anything but this end it is an idealist through and through and because of this it leaves little room for interpretation of its utopia it is a philosophy that will benefit those that conform allowing those who do a life without strife but because of this white has no need for those that go against the grain white is a marvel in that it truly is the color that can love and punish in equal measure if you don't quite know what i mean then don't worry after this video is finished you will have a firm understanding of wipe i will explain what is at the core of its beliefs what motivates it what traits it respects or reviles in others and much more my hope is that by the end of this video no matter what your current understanding of the color pie is you'll come out of it with a more complete picture of the building blocks of magic the gathering and the philosophies that come from its colors so where do we begin well it's simple really we begin at birth when we are first brought into this world we're helpless and weak and we rely on the kindness of our caregivers in order to grow into functioning adults every step of the way will require a kind and helping hand a strong sense of safety and a rigid set of guidelines we must be told what is safe and what may harm us we depend on others to feed and clothe us and it is through this guidance and kindness that we may prosper or without it suffer white understands the power of nurture and the role it plays in our existence not just in our childhood years but all throughout our lives now i want you to stop for a moment and think about your own life do you find that you lack structure or are you content with the life that you've built around yourself for most people no matter which way you answer this question you are at the very least aware of the fact that stability safety and peace are things we all need in order to remove stress and anxiety from our lives for if we were to remove these things we would be left with a life that is chaotic and stressful and so it is from this perspective that white establishes the core of its ideology no one needs suffering this world and together we can build our utopia i know i'm talking in a manner that doesn't quite reveal the truth about white but i just wanted to set up a base perspective for you so now let us move on to exactly what i mean white states that in order for us all to live a life of peace and stability it requires structure and structure requires law and through law we breed order now of course it's impossible for everyone to find exactly what they want out of this way of life but we must be willing to sacrifice personal gain in order to find stability and in that stability we may all at least find peace you see by working together making sacrifices for one another and shedding our ambitions we may set up not just ourselves but everyone we care about for a life without strife it is then quite important that we must value our neighbors as we value ourselves and allow their struggles to become ours and ours theirs and through this collective selflessness the load is never too great for one person of course the first question you might ask is if white states that we're all equal then who could possibly set the rules and write the laws someone has to set a precedence right well in that you are correct as even though all within white must do their part we must still look to those who are wiser holier or more disciplined than us we must ask our kings to set the laws we must listen to the hymns of angels to find our path and we must take to one knee and heed the words of our gods as you see there are those that have a deeper understanding of the true meaning of white than we do and so their words must be counted as law a law that precedes our own desires even if we don't understand their intent because of this it's probably no surprise that white is the color that most aligns with religion and authoritarian leadership it allows the burden of many to be placed on one and in turn take the words passed down from the one to be the truth and the one way that we should live our lives white very often looks to those who can set an example of how we should be and in turn guide us with their actions this way of doing things can come at a cost though and there are those who would abuse such willingness to follow but to white there's no other way we must believe that there are those that would act with our best interests in mind and in most cases those filled with white mana will act for our good i know that what i've discussed so far may be hard to accept at first for some but if we were to live in a successful society it will take discipline restraint and compliance you and i will have to learn to put our egos down and look to each other for security and in this mindset we will find that we've created a utopia from the ashes of chaos one where we lift each other up instead of climbing over one another just to get ahead i said white was an idealist and i meant it it has a perfect picture in its own mind of how it believes the world should be how everyone within it should behave so what is this perfect world or utopia in the eyes of white well an ideal world to white is one that is united under a single banner and one that is rallied by either a single king or god it would be a world where war was no more than a memory something relegated to history books to show how far it had come it would be a world where everyone had what they needed and unneeded suffering was replaced with tranquility in this society laws would be written in stone and acted upon with total conviction but of course in this utopia it would be unnecessary as undesirable human traits would have been left behind long ago replaced by compassion piety and discipline this new world would be one where no one takes more than they need and no one acts against their neighbor only for them now of course there are those who will go against the grain those who see something beautiful and simply want to destroy it those who think of structure as a prison and think that discipline is weakness colors like black who only seek to satisfy their ambitions or red who would follow their hearts into anarchy just the thought of this boils the blood of white it cannot understand those that would act in a manner that is selfish or destructive white cannot begin to entertain the thought of what would bring a person to lash out against their fellow man to white there is nothing more reviled than this and so it is left with little choice but to return with equal measure against those that would strike against it laws are rigid the words of gods are absolute and so anyone who steps against these doctrines loses any privilege they had of being accepted at best they'll find their neck in the stockade at worst the guillotine sure you may think that white is harsh that its methods lack finesse but ask yourself is the world these bad actors wish to bring about one you would wish to be a part of on the other side of it there are those that see a similar path as white even if white doesn't agree with everything they do while white is always striving for its version of utopia it can still find traits within these other colors that it appreciates and respects such as the efficient devoted and calculating mind of blue one that sees the value in perfecting the world around it as well there is the color green a color that's content harmonious and accepting ideals that parallel white in many ways even if it can lack the convictions to act i know there are points when i speak about white that you might pull away you may be turned off from such things as discipline conformity or law i know for me personally that these things don't sit well with me either but we must also remember the intentions of white it is a philosophy that asks for compassion all while knowing that our human desires can sometimes push us into acts that are selfish and destructive white merely asked that you devote yourself to something greater a pursuit that is noble and selfless one guided by morality and not desire sure it may sound naive and overtly idealist but if you don't have an ideal to stand for then what future can you hope to create i am so happy to finally knowledge has to be improved challenged and increased constantly or advantages blue is the eye that is always looking to the future the mind that is transfixed with life's riddles and the hand that crafts spectacular tools of magic and steel blue is the question at the tip of the inquisitive tongue simply put blue is the color that sees itself and the world around it as incomplete something to be shaped and improved upon a task it obsessively intends to complete it is the color that aims for perfection and understanding in all things what is interesting though is that if blue were to be honest with itself it would tell you that perfection is an ever shifting goal an impossible dream but one it will devote its life to pursuing for when something has improved to the state of blue's ideal it only opens a new door of understanding and in that understanding a new perspective is gained and in that perspective it sees there is more that can be done you see blue has an insatiable habit for learning tinkering and iterating a habit that guides much of its actions what does this really look like how does this mindset come to be and where will it lead blue in this video i will discuss just that and hopefully with this knowledge you'll have a better understanding of one of the fundamental building blocks of the color pie alright now that i've set the stage i want you to get comfortable and join me in taking a closer look at blue the eye opens to a new world it does not yet understand what it sees but it takes in all the wonder before it blue when broken down to its simplest form is a color that gains satisfaction from understanding itself and the world around it then armed with this understanding it can find its true purpose blue takes in every bit of sensory information it can and forms an image in its mind of what it wants from this light once it has found its focus it then aims to understand everything about that thing whether that be the magic of time itself the inner workings of the human brain the expansion of technology or the source and application of mana itself blue understands that knowledge without action means nothing and so it is with this mindset that understanding turns toward perfection blue will take what it is learned and then ask itself what more is there and what more can this be to this end blue utilizes magic and tools crafted by its own hand magic that unlocks further magic and tools that allow the construction of more complex tools but understand this in the mind of blue magic is just as much of a tool as a hammer and there is hardly a distinction between the two making blue quite interesting in that it adapts itself to accomplish what tasks it wishes to solve and in turn will just as soon become an artificer as a widow wizard in our own world a blue person would become an engineer or a scientist for isn't science not some form of magic and doesn't an engineer not craft tools that push humanity further this in the end is the true purpose search for the question build the tools to solve those problems gain a new understanding from what was solved and then repeat this for the rest of time it is an obsessive loop a need to know to act and to bring about change so what aim does blue have then what would it be satisfied with or could it ever really find satisfaction well in a lot of ways i don't really think blue could ever be satisfied as every step forward allows it to peer further down the path and in turn it sees that the path has no end in a lot of ways the path is more a circle than a line and this obsessive nature is rather common with blue to some it may seem like a frustrating existence but to blue this is what makes life worth living for really what would life be if you had nothing to work towards even if that work is never complete now let's step away from how blue thinks for a second and discuss what sort of utopia or ideal world it would like to see as i think this helps shed light on the mentality of any color you see the utopic world reflects a color's brain in many ways as it shows us what sort of conditions it would find most productive or satisfactory so what does this blue utopia look like well blue would like to see a world where learning and discovery were treated with as much conviction as any other human desire if not more a world where each person contributed towards a logical conclusion it would be a world with a sense of progress in every action there would be no time wasted on trivial things and each individual would act in a way that contributed to the goal of course this would lack the aspects of humanity that we are used to and would in many ways devolve into a robotic society but it would be one that would surpass the constraints put on humanity by our own frivolous desires and emotions blue pleads with us to look to a future that is more impressive than the fate we're stumbling towards right now it says to us look skyward to the stars and think for a moment how far would we be if we spend less time making weapons to destroy and more time making tools to create think of what could be done if we stopped wasting time and started utilizing it in this way blue is the color that often finds itself completely obsessed with whatever it is that holds its focus sometimes to its own detriment it can be hard to hold a relationship with a blue person as they may neglect those around them if those people do not contribute to its work in some way it is the color that is just as happy working alone as it is with others just so long as those people do not impede in its progress now don't get me wrong blue is aware that it can accomplish more together than alone in that way it can often agree with white as it's just as important to find a perfect version of society as it is to find the perfect version of one's self to blue it is the perfection of all things that is the true goal so in a lot of ways white and blue walk a similar path it's just that one uses compassion and the other logic now this is not to say that blue is always aligned with white though we must also be aware of its other neighbor black a color that brings out a different side of blue as it finds black's sense of immorality a boon especially when working on things that require a lack of empathy as it can have little use for ethics when the truth is so close it also finds a like mind in black in that both colors value a sense of ambition a goal that shifts ever higher blue is always pulled in these two directions at every moment creating a conflict of logic versus compassion blue must always be wary of this as reason without empathy can often turn a person cold and unfeeling on the other side of it you have the colors that bring blue frustration colors only living for the past or the present never acting on what the future could be colors like green that think constant improvement is a sin to nature or red a color so swept up in its need for immediate gratification that it loses sight of what is in front of it blue is a mindset for those that wish to understand the world around them and through that understanding gain the ability to improve it is the color that reaches for perfection in all it does and is never satisfied as each answer undoubtedly becomes a new question this cycle aims to continue forever as there is not a true way to understand everything but to blue that's where its purpose lies it doesn't so much want to know everything as it does want to actively discover what is hidden it is the act of pushing forward it is the starting from nothing and adapting and learning at all times blue is a color that is focused and driven a color that is adaptable and efficient it's easy to imagine what drives blue because i think there's a little bit of blue in all of us it's the part of our being that looks to the stars and wonders what is up there it's that feeling you get deep down when you try to imagine the concept of infinity the impossibility of time before time all blue asks is that you feed that curiosity and in doing so learn what your potential is and how far you can push it well thanks for joining me on that journey don't think about making life better for other people who don't even deserve you rather focus on making your life the best for yourself and those who love you black is the ego it is the view of oneself as the center of all that goes on around it it is the philosophy of honest self-reflection one that does not deny that humanity is inherently selfish a side that must not be ignored for to deny that truth is to deny a fundamental truth of ourselves black states that the truth of humanity is that we wish to not just survive but to thrive within our limited time on this earth and it is because of this that humanity has flourished black is the color of resourceful ambition and of amoral realism it does not ask what others may do for it it only asks what i can do for myself it is unique perspective that goes against the teachings of our society teachings that tell us to be humble to not covet to be happy with what we have and our lot in this life black denies this wholeheartedly and is adamant that it is meant to be more to have more and that this life is to be experienced on its own terms not the terms of those too blind to see the true nature of existence now this is not to say that black cannot love or that it cannot be kind it is just that it will not spend a moment on those that show themselves to be a dream on its existence in my experience with this channel i have found that black is the most divisive color in magic i'm sure there are already sides forming based on what i've said so far on one side people might say that black is the color that represents all that is wretched in this world while others might state that it's instead the philosophy of realism or that it simply is misunderstood the answer to this question though is not so simple and like all of the other colors black is a spectrum of extremes that's the interesting yet divisive thing about black a lot of us have a singular image of it but it can be so much more and i urge you to wait till the end of the video to form your opinion to me there is the obvious side of black the side that can be the villain a member of society so hell bent on its own success that it walks all over others but it can also be a person who simply takes pride in themselves someone who understands the harsh realities of this world that if you don't put yourself first no one else will we'll talk about both sides of black and how each member of the color pie influences this dichotomy and where exactly black stands when all is said and done so let's first be clear with what black is and what is the true core of its philosophy to do this i think it's best i paint you a picture of a person who abides by this way of life let's take a moment to imagine a person comprised of black mana it doesn't really matter what they look like or what their gender is as they could be anyone this person perhaps had a childhood where they lacked a lot of the comforts or advantages that other children had this life was difficult and they felt as if they did not deserve what was handed to them at bert a sick joke from the randomness of the universe because of this their resolute in their desire to gain more for themselves and to pull themselves out of their situation what's more is perhaps this person had dealt with some severe trauma in their childhood early enough in their life to shape their understanding of the world around them these aspects combine into an understanding that the world is cold and no one is there to save you as this person gets older they take to school as a practice run for their adult life they make sure their grades are high whether through studying or cheating they make friends easily and desire many of them either through their guile or mysterious charm or through their ability to show each person the face they wish to see they come off as charming attractive and mysterious all tools to further their ends out of high school this person leaves home as soon as the diploma is in their hand resolved in taking everything they've learned growing up into the real world they find success rather quickly as they're crafty bold and resourceful this person climbs the ladder of their chosen career with ease as they know what to say and do to place themselves into higher levels of power it doesn't take long for them to become the vision of themselves they had as a kid someone successful independent beautiful when they reflect back on where they had come from and where they are now they're filled with a well-deserved sense of pride this pride echoes out into how they present themselves their appearance is no longer that of the tattered and malnourished child but is instead replaced with that of a fit figure one they maintain regularly they only wear the best clothes drive the nicest cars eat at the best restaurants and live in the nicest homes as each year passes the child who suffer from poverty and abuse is merely a distant memory they are now outwardly the person they knew they were on the inside all along we can see here that black is the color of someone who's resolved to make their life the best that it can be for themselves whether it is spurred on by a rough and poor childhood or not doesn't matter what matters to black is the notion that they deserve to be happy and to prosper now to get to this place black understands that rules obligations and arbitrary morality will only get in the way these things are constructs placed upon us by others and to one who understands this there's no reason to restrict oneself arbitrarily now this does not directly relate to total moral depravity but instead is a way of thinking that refuses to place arbitrary walls in front of itself on the road to personal success what's more is that we see black is driven by two very strong emotions pride and ambition these two aspects permeate within everything it does it reaches for more and celebrates that achievement at every step these things can be seen as a reflection of moral corruption by some chiefly white and green but to black it is a purpose unlike any other as we can already see white is the color that black usually finds itself at odds with it's the color that pushes directly against it and from that perspective we can see how an enemy color can shape members of the pie just as much as allies can white consists of notions centered on ideals such as order selflessness and the burdens of moral judgment black defies these outlooks it is seen firsthand the crushing weight of false morals morals others use to their advantage it has witnessed priests line their pockets with the gifts of the poor it is seen politicians make laws that protect their property and not their people black knows that humanity is cruel and that white lies to itself in order to validate its existence to black white is the fool who punishes itself for following through on its nature and of those that would abuse that willingness to follow if these abusers are going to take such advantages then they should at least be honest about it instead of hiding behind gods and laws the other force that pushes at black's borders frustrating it further while forming more of its ideals is green this foolish color is so happy with whatever it is given it preaches falsehoods like destiny and harmony black spits on such notions is it my destiny to suffer should i be thankful that i was brought into this world kicking and screaming only to find out the world didn't want me no black rejects these ideas my destiny is carved by my own hand and true harmony is a lie on the other hand its neighbors pull it in on either side bringing out other aspects of black that are firmly based in those colors to one side we see blue a color that is at least reasonable when it comes to its outlook it understands the concept that we must pursue a goal that is bigger than ourselves and it's a color unafraid to get its hands dirty while doing so black enjoys blue's company because blue is a color that appreciates ambition and almost obsesses over it more than black does a lot can be accomplished when these two get together as they can feed off each other's strengths and shore up their weaknesses though you best not stand in their way finally there is red a curious color not much worried about anything really it's a color black can appreciate because black understands the value in having a good time and of being honest with your emotions and intentions it's also the color that pulls in some level of humanity to black as without this neighbor's influence black would succumb to its narcissism and lack any level of empathy even if it sometimes uses that empathy for its own gains now i hope you understand how these colors shape black in how it rejects its enemies ideals in white and green and how it borrows from its neighbors in blue and red black is complex it is a lot more than we see in the cards it's why i always bring this up that black isn't simply evil even if every card in magic tries to convince us of this instead it's a realistic outlook on life one that puts itself first now i'll be the first to admit that this can lead to total narcissism and self-satisfaction but it can also be a force that raises a person up instead of allowing them to be defeated by their circumstances what's more is that black can love and it does contain empathy stemming from red's influences now of course a blackline person isn't the type that loves unconditionally no but it will be the person who instead has many acquaintances and a few people that it holds close to black the people it does hold dear aren't based on any expectations though such as being family members it instead finds people whose values and personalities match with its own and in turn it will cherish these people nearly as much as it does itself think of the people you consider the closest to you and imagine the love that you project onto them it's an almost selfish love a love that binds them to you and you to them black doesn't love unconditionally no but it does look the core of black's belief is a culmination of experiences that lead it to believe that the world is either uncaring of its place within it or is actively trying to stifle it black then decides that it must lash out at this world in equal measure on one end of the spectrum it could be a person who simply wants to thrive in a world that has left them without any tools to do so well on the furthest end of the spectrum it could be someone who actively feels that life is a toxic and horrid existence and in turn reacts to it in a manner that reflects that outlook like all colors though black is a spectrum of values on one end i think there is a realistic outlook that drives a person towards success while on the opposite end of the spectrum we do see a true villain where you choose to align yourself has a lot to do with your experiences that shaped your outlook to me black is an honest mindset it knows what it wants and what is important to it and in this way it sheds anything that does not align with this goal yes that can mean it sheds its humanity but it can also mean that it sheds every disadvantage that this cruel and random existence hands down to us and there it is black it honestly the best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart there's something special that can be said about the simplicity of red a color whose intentions are rooted in the pure impulses of the heart a color not bogged down by the doubts crafted by our own minds doubts which can hold us back from getting the most out of our lives now don't be fooled by such words as simplicity as this is not an offhanded remark it is instead a strength in this context and refers to a purity of emotion as every moment we spend doubting ourselves we move further away from our true nature and so ideas such as immediate emotional gratification purity of action and impulsive reaction are who we really are and it is something bred out of us through the rigid structures of society red as that you rely on your body and not your mind what i mean is that you should follow your heart trust your gut and do not be led astray by your fears and doubts for if you do life's true beauty will pass you by often we will try and find the best path forward because we are afraid of being hurt or of failing and yet i would say these negatives are also part of what makes life what it is we must get hurt fall and get back up to truly experience a full life it is in every range of our emotions that we find purpose and a true satisfaction within our limited time we have on this earth so do not fear what might be and instead push forward with conviction and trust that your heart will lead you to where you need to be to best understand red we must do a bit of an introspective experiment that way you can get into the mindset of this color think of a time in your life when you had that gut feeling a decision that came to you instantly when confronted with a choice in this situation did you act on your feelings right away or did you hesitate and make a different safer decision in the end in this situation did you end up regretting taking the safer path do you find yourself looking back years later and wondering what could have been if you simply had just acted on your initial impulse in some cases it's a love that could have been last words that could have been said or a missed opportunity of some other kind this is what red aims to avoid in the end we know what we want but often we delude our intentions because of fear and doubt and so to truly be read it means to completely give in to these impulses and accept the chaos of who we really are it is in this state of zero that right exists what do i mean by state zero well when an impulse first comes to our mind we rarely act on it right away we take a moment to think about it then we weigh another option finally we may forgo acting on it all together in this way we are stepping away from our initial state or place of zero and becoming a projection of who we think we are instead of leaning into our original impulse by simply just being who we are in this base state we are driven by our emotions and of our inner mind the part of our self which reacts our true nature of course this hesitation comes from a place of fear and doubt and to read this is what slowly kills our true self until one day we look back and wonder how we could have changed so much simply be who you are and do not try to be anything else just accept the chaos i am hoping you're starting to understand where red is coming from but now i want to begin piecing together the implications of what shape a red mindset would take by discussing the utopic view of red as i believe this will set in stone our understanding of this color as the utopic view is the result of leaning fully into this color to find what they would consider to be an ideal world an ideal world to read would be one where each person is free to live out the true expression of themselves a place free from judgment and artificial restrictions a world constructed with empathy instead of rigid laws it would do away with systems and laws which only benefit the few who create them of course there would be a level of chaos here as everyone's intentions vary wildly and yet the people within this world would find a rhythm here a place to be without fear anarchy doesn't always mean violence or destruction it simply means organic systems which are dictated by the people within them not externally forced upon them we always see in magic that red is the aggressor as it's a game centered around combat which is valid as anger is also a strong emotion in red but i do believe outside of this restriction red would more often align with compassion because when it comes down to it most people are good and it is the arbitrary borders and class systems we place between ourselves that breed resentment for our fellow men in the end we're all human and all we really want is to be ourselves to be happy in this way the utopia for red would boil down to one goal finding happiness within our limited time on this plane of existence instead of toiling away nothing to show for it it would be a world where freedom of expression and freedom of emotion were the only ways to live a place where compassion and camaraderie were the tools of keeping everything on track from here i want to talk about red's placement on the color pie and its relation to each of the colors because this is an important part of what makes each color what they are as each color is influenced by its allies and enemies in kind let's start with red's enemies first to learn how pushing against their ideals forms red's view of the world beginning with white it could be said that red gains its desire for freedom from its opposition to white red looks to white and sees a color who restricts human nature because it fears chaos even though chaos is the one constant in the universe i have sometimes said that white represents humanity's desires and yet red would disagree with me on such assumptions even go as far as to call them foolish red would claim that it is the one who holds the truth to who we really are and what we want simply put humanity in its purest form white wishes to stifle freedom for control which it parades as some higher calling for peace humans by their very nature desire the freedom to act and it's these falsehoods which oppress us red in its purest form could never see itself living in such a way the other color which pushes against red is blue a color of cold logic a color whose delusions reside in the idea of perfection as if humans weren't already perfect the way they are red disagrees wholeheartedly with blue's desire to put thought before feeling as i've said it's in doubting our initial intentions that takes us further from our humanity it would seem to read that blue wishes to strip away its humanity and become more like a robot and to that end rent stands in defiance of such ideas what about its allies though take green for instance a color that shares a lot in common with red green looks to nature's examples in that it understands we are but animals upon this earth and thus it follows its instincts to find its purpose and is an instinct another form of impulse sure red would say we are humans not animals and we deserve more than that classification we are indeed a unique part of this world but there is a lot of room for overlap between these two colors green respects freedom and in that way these colors help show each other that the answers we seek are right in front of us all along we must simply look within to find them finally there is black a color much like red in that they both share a belief in the individual in finding the past that is right for you of getting the most out of your life with both colors being enemies of white they have a focus on personal satisfaction and validation while black can take individualism too far at times red can find common ground with black and to that end they both reflect the desires we all hold deep within red simply put is the color of freedom passion and emotional purity if we look deeper into our own souls we will find red within it's the pulse of the heart that wishes to be free it is the visceral reaction to what excites us or of the deep love that binds us this feeling is strongest in us when we are young as children we follow our heart no matter where it leads some say it's emotional immaturity and yet red would state that it is us adults who are emotionally immature by stunting controlling and concealing our emotions we're saying that we don't like who we truly are into red that's a shame we need to reconnect with the child inside all of us the one who gets excited angry sad and happy at the drop of a hat we must stop fearing our true nature follow our heart wherever it may lead sure we may get hurt we may fall or embarrass ourselves but if we don't put ourselves out there and we'll never fall in love find fulfillment or act upon our desires well that was the second last one of the week tradition is not the worship of ashes but the preservation of fire listen to the rustle of the leaves the babel of the brook and you will hear the words of green a color who looks to nature for guidance as it holds all the answers we see there's no need to complicate things we are products of nature and because of that she is within each one of us even in our modern age a time where we move further and further away from her she still calls to us and impacts our very existence green understands this and instead of pursuing a purpose which is fabricated it instead looks within and to the examples laid before us by nature we were not meant to be surrounded by brick and battery as this life erodes the purity of our soul green states that our instincts will guide us and if we listen to them we'll have everything we need there is a sort of greed that takes over our soul when we believe we deserve more than we need to live and in that way we strip away our true purpose to be green means to hold on to traditions and the old ways of doing things and in following proven paths we will lead a more balanced life it is a simplicity found at the heart of our souls the tragic part is that we are aware of this but fear the loss of our conveniences this mindset masked as ambition is what drives us further away from what we were meant to be if i were to define green more plainly for you then i would say this green is the color of balance and harmony of stability and of tradition it is the slice of the color pie that does not seek out its purpose it is instead confident in the one it finds itself within of course this does not mean there is no room for quiet introspection no instead it means searching for your purpose through the examples laid out by nature and being confident in your place once you have found it and in that way a true peace is found a peace that can only be achieved through accepting one's own destiny and their place within the wider world many colors act to enforce what they believe to be the one truth onto the world around them while green instead goes with the flow and finds a rhythm in nature's sweet song it can be hard not to speak in such abstract terms when talking about green and that is because there's no rigid definition each person's purpose is different and is dictated by their environment but when you do find yourself wandering from your path step back into nature she will guide you through example therefore things like tradition are important in that tradition represents a system which has worked for many years and guides us to where we need to go what this means is looking to the past and present for answers not the future animals act in their own form of tradition in that their natural instincts cause them to act in a way that each member has for thousands and thousands of years only changing when they must and in that way humans within green use tradition as a form of intuition this does not mean green will not change the difference is in the pace as rapid change requires destruction instead it is a personal growth through slow iteration like that of an old tree whose branches reach slowly for the sky for if it were to grow too fast it would not have what it needs to survive and in that way it would perish or of evolution which takes place over a millennium refining the purpose of a species if nature could stay as it is forever in its natural balance it would and in this way there is harmony no one entity has more than they need and each one has as much as they require this is what i mean by nature's examples if you're unsure of how green would act simply just look to her lessons they're all around us speaking of tradition let us now continue the tradition of this series by discussing the utopic world for green that way we can gain further insight into the core values of this color through example it would be simple to just say that the utopia for green would be a world that was wild and left untouched by fallacies such as progress but i want to change our perspective and talk about how we as people could achieve this utopia or what examples there are out there of this idea for one it would require us shedding our rigid society and moving closer to nature in this way we would make a new home for ourselves one that does not impede on the land around it a place furnished with only what we need to live an adequate and happy life we would hunt and forage for what we need and use every bit of what we've taken from the earth there will always be a hunter or a gatherer the issue arises when you take more than you require thus upsetting the ever important balance we all depend on i believe in this way we can look to peoples who have made this way of life work until the day they were colonized of the native populations of the americas or of the tribes of africa people who lived and in some cases continue to live simple lives which are in harmony with the world around them and not in defiance of it this to me is the space in which cream sits from here i want to talk about the placement of grain on the color pie of its enemies and allies and how their proximity helps shape this color as it does with every color i like to start with the enemies first as their defiance of those colors shape much of its own ideals first we have black a color of pure self-interest one who will use up all around it for even an ounce of satisfaction this in green's mind is the greatest sin green does not believe that the individual has more importance than that of the wider environment around them in this way it shapes green's view of itself and that we must act with each entity in mind the human is no more important than the animal and the animal no more important than the tree for where would we be if one of those things were to be removed everything would fall apart then there is blue a color of ambition manipulation and logic green cannot understand what would drive a person to believe they know more than mother nature herself we cannot apply cold logic to that which dictates everything around us also if we do not believe that the ecosystems that have worked for us for millennia aren't already perfect then what is perfection blue lies to itself and doesn't see the truth right in front of it one that is ever so simple on the allied side let's first talk about white a color who understands that there is a need for acceptance and collectivism another core ideal of white is the concept of order and even though the way white goes about this is all wrong green can see the merit here as order is very much a neighbor of balance the difference here is that order is achieved through rigid structure and balance is maintained organically as the world if left untouched will always find balance finally there is red a color who understands that things need not be so complicated red finds its purpose through impulse while green through instinct green may not always agree with red's approach but it does teach green to be in tune with the feelings inside of itself as we can see no one color is what it is on its own it's a matter of pushing against its enemies and learning from its allies green is the color that sees the bigger picture and through this perspective finds its destiny and solidifies it through traditions life does not have to be chaos or order it simply must be harmony and balance ideals which can be achieved naturally we simply must be willing to forgo things like greed and ambition and instead aim to live a life which does not take more than it needs and is an active member of the circle of life not one who interrupts it for their own gain what green means is that if we continue to take and take from this world and not put back in with equal measure then we do not deserve our place within it if we can accept who we are and what we were put here to do then we may flourish within nature or if we do not then we will find that she will continue on without us long after we have rendered ourselves extinct well i hope this gave you something to think about as well as the inspiration and perspective to create something new or at least understand and enjoy magic that much more if you want to talk more about the color pies then be sure to subscribe to the channel as i put out new videos discussing the possibilities that the color pie provides all the time i also want to give a special thank you to my patrons your support is greatly appreciated with that get you in the multiverse bye
Channel: DiceTry
Views: 15,397
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Keywords: dicetry, color pie, color philosophy, mtg color pie, mtg color philosophy, Color philosophy mtg, magic the gathering, mtg, mtg colors, mtg color, mtg colors explained, mtg mana, magic the gathering colors explained, magic the gathering color philosophy, magic the gathering colors, magic: the gathering, mtg color pie philosophy, color pie mtg, color pie philosophy
Id: kkXfTPpkEx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 45sec (3285 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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