The Complete History of Kamigawa | Plane Explained | MTG Lore

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the plane of kamagawa a land of spirits and samurai of mortal and ethereal that has one of the richest and most well-documented histories of any plane in the multiverse within our tales of righteous duty of heartless betrayal of war and peace of progress and catastrophe of tradition and technology tales begging to be explored [Music] hey lord lovers my name is eric and welcome to the lorbrain's youtube channel where we share the lore and stories behind many fantasy settings to strengthen the connection between people and their passions today's video is part two of our series explaining the plane of kamagawa where we'll trace the history of kamagawa from ancient times through the kami war all the way to the events surrounding the modern age of neon dynasty if you haven't already be sure to check out part one detailing kamagawa its locations and its denizens i'll leave a link in the description and before we begin i want to give a huge thanks to all of my supporters over on patreon their patronage means the world to me and helps the channel grow and improve alright time to uncover the sagas of old and learn of kamagawa's past to better understand its future let's dive in in the beginning there was nothing then the plane of kamagawa erupted from a brilliant flash of pure mana stars and constellations sped across the sky a tangible world manifested alongside an ethereal one and great ley lines pulsed with life-giving mana a strong force separated the material world from the ethereal a veil that divided the physical utsuho from the spiritual kokuryo a being took shape from the primordial mists of the ethereal realm one of awesome power and imbued with the very soul of the plane its name was o kagachi the great serpent the first spirit the guardian of the barrier between realms from okagachi many spirits known as kami were born and suffused both the spirit and material realms kami are associated with all things on kamagawa and the early civilizations and races that populated utsushio revered them as gods responsible for creating everything in the plane the earliest days of kamagawa's history aren't well documented and as such are open to speculation or interpretation but for thousands of years it seemed the two realms lived in harmony human and kitsune tribes settled the lands of toabara and erected shrines to give thanks to their waterlined kami patrons the soratami moonfolk forsook the earth and sojourned to the clouds from which they built great cities and fortresses to distantly observe the events that unfolded below nezume ratfolk were born from and drawn to the black mana of takanuma where they lived in familial communities amongst dangerous black-aligned kami the silkenzaan mountains became a haven for aki goblins and ogres a lawless wild land where both kami and demon spirits known as oni were worshiped and far to the east within the densed forests of jukai the snake-like orochi and human monks developed minimalist societies in tune with nature and ever in reverence to the kami of the forest centuries past the enigmatic kami danced across dutsucio while the mortals developed and the physical realm kept the spirit realm in the utmost respect honoring their kami patrons daily but the peace that had taken precedence for thousands of years would soon be shattered in a conflict between physical and spiritual that consumed all of kamagawa a conflict that seed was sown in the decades leading up to 3200 ar takashi khanda a young man and local warlord from the ottawa saw the feudalistic and warring society that emerged across towabara as pointless and detrimental to all rather than strive for collective peace and progress the blades of warlords cut to obara into dozens of small provinces each struggling against its neighbor for survival these warlords promised land to samurai and warriors in exchange for service and levied war chests from the peasants whom they protected but takashi had a grander vision he saw a future in which all of toabara was united under one banner and peace would reign he took it upon himself to realize this future and built the castle of arganjo in the arba khanda launched several campaigns from his fortress earning the reputation of a redoubtable general and subduing more than a dozen warlords he soon becomes the daimyo of the arba ruler of toabara and the most powerful man on kamagawa decades later takashi's rule reaches its twilight as he enters his 50th year and his mind is consumed with dreams of continued prosperity this is relayed to us in the flavor text of manichi the fevered dream which reads early in his reign konda fell ill his head burned with fever and he saw visions of his future in them he saw a spirit child and in that child's eyes a way to make his empire last forever he wishes to retain his power to provide for his people and continue an era of unrivaled peace an opportunity to achieve all this and more arises in 3200 ar when whispers reach the daimyo of a way to traverse across the veil between realms and reach the place where kami dwell the barrier between kakurio and hutsushio is severely weakened when an apocalyptic event unfolds on the distant plane of ogrotha but whose fallout sends shockwaves across the multiverse that strangles ley lines and warps kamagawa's reality the myogen of knight's reach discovers that she could use the faltering barriers to travel the space between planes and visit realms untold in the multiverse further advancing her own position and power she keeps this a secret however takashi kanda enlists the aid of the kitsune spiritual advisor eight and a half tails hisoka the kami researcher and professor of manamo and maluko of the soratami moonfolk because of their combined expertise on the spirit realm the daimyo believes the key to an eternal reign is on the other side of the veil between worlds and he'll stop at nothing to protect his people on the night of his daughter michiko condo's birth takashi and his advisors enact a dark ritual that transports the daimyo across the barrier and into the spirit realm khanda absconds with an entity the scion of okagachi the oldest and greatest of kami and returns to the mortal realm where he imprisons it within a disk seen in the art of that which was taken the essence of okagachi's progeny bestows immortality on lord konda and power enough to realize his vision of a prosperous kingdom bukhanda's crime has an unforeseen consequence angered by the loss of its child and at the brazen actions of mortals okagachi falls into a seething rage as the great serpent is the kami of all kami the very soul of a plane it bellows a command that all the kami of kamagawa must obey destroy the mortal realm this sentiment is echoed in the flavor text of okagachi vengefulkami which reads at his behest the kami war began to regain that which was taken conda's crime stirs okagachi to action and a 20-year long war erupts between the mortal realm and its spiritual counterpart that sees the destruction of much of the plane three annals in history detail the major events surrounding the kami war observations of the kami war great battles of the kami war and the history of kamagawa some of whose inscriptions we can read in the flavor text of several cards throughout the original kamigawa set the first blow struck against the mortal realm comes when hundreds of kami descend upon the unsuspecting town of raito and slaughter all they can find the raito massacre is the first of many casualties of this terrible war we can see and hear the mortals anguish in cards such as bafal which reads when the rampaging kami at reeto had crushed the opposing militia swarms of minor kami swept over the battlefield to consume all that remained and the card ghostly prison which shows the rubble-filled aftermath and states destroyed in one of the first battles of the kami war the town of raito still grieved but the bloodshed doesn't end here for two decades kamagawa is gripped in feverish war as conda and the mortal realms defend or counter okagachi's onslaught across every region there are minor victories for atsucio glimmers of hope where mortals stand resolute against the ethereal but these achievements are as fleeting as the spirits they attempt to fight for akami cannot truly be killed how can one defeat an inexorable and endless force the truth is that conda is fighting a losing battle and each year takes a heavier toll on the mortal realm's resolve we hear their crisis of faith and conviction heard in the flavor text of cards like heroes demise where hisoka writes to lord konda what will it say on our graves lord konda will it say we led our world to conquer immortal forces or that we were crushed by our own arrogance at each defeat i wonder and night of seoul's betrayal which shows a ruthless kame attack and hasoka besieges condo once again how can we wage war against ourselves what happens when the kami of our very souls rise against us i answer simply we cannot we die there can be no victory in this war the raging war soon hits closer to home for takashikanda when hundreds of spirits lay waste to toabara as they march towards the aruba and aganjo castle to reclaim that which was taken the art of the cards charge across the ottawa and cleanfall highlight the kami's march towards their intended goal bakando's samurai and kitsune spirit weavers mount a staunch defense and stall the kami's progress angered by the daimyo's resistance okagachi launches salvo after salvo of molten destruction from the heavens seen in the art of the cards stone rain the flavor text reads the kami struck with gouts of fire showers of rock and the combined rage of the spirit world only aiganjo castle remained standing glistening untouched in the sun eventually the kami were driven from the field and the mortals were left to tend their wounds although takashi retained his prize his soldier's resolve was fast depleting and the largest casualty of the battle came with the death of toabara's dragon spirit defender yosei whose body was torn in half by okagachi aganjo wasn't the only major bastion to face the predations of the kami the academy and research institute of manamo to the north also withstood onslaught at both spiritual and mortal hands the battle of kamitaki falls saw the scholar mages of menamo use their knowledge of the ethereal to thwart akami attack but the school failed to consider one bing's quest for chaotic retribution the ogre shaman and demon worshipper hitsugu had taken under his wing a pupil to train and preserve his legacy in the name of his demon patron the all-consuming oni of chaos when his apprentice kobo was slain at the hands of a manamo student hidetsugo vowed ultimate vengeance upon the murderer the minamo academy and even their patron kami the ogre attacked manama with a contingent of yamabushi shamans and kamehunters slaughtering consuming and leveling all in his path of reckoning so great was hidetsugu's power that he even destroyed kaga the tidestar and the dragon spirit defender of the land surrounding manamo the ogre summoned the all-consuming during the climax of his assault for his patrononi to feast on the carnage and chaos of destruction hidetsugu's complete vengeance couldn't be realized however as okagachi arrived challenged the all-consuming directly and defeated the great oni sending it into retreat the ogre himself was betrayed by members of his own gang known as the hyozen reckoners toshiro umizawa an assassin kanji mage and co-founder of the reckoners confronts the ogre and along with another gang member mutilates hidetsugu's eyes despondent at the weakness shown by his only patron and wanting revenge against the all-consuming hidetsugo asks toshiro to transport him to the demon's lair so that he may enact his own vengeance the aftermath of the battle sees manama reduced to rubble its research and history is demolished and the great serpent once more on the move this time towards zhukai forest throughout the kami war michiko konda lord takashi's daughter is locked in safety and secrecy within the elaborate aiganjo a delicate prize the daimyo wishes to keep from falling into the wrong hands as the child of kamagawa's fiercest mortal ruler machiko bears the burden of significance many interested parties both physical and spiritual seek her but she is far more important than she first realized as konda's ritual and crime were carried out on the night of her birth machico shares a strong connection to the taken one a bond that could be used to end the violence towards the climax of the war years machico was consumed with grief for her people and sought a way to end the suffering which took her on a journey across much of kamagawa her path brought machico to manamo where she questioned hisoka on the cause of the kami war here he revealed the circumstances of her birth the reason behind the spirit world's violent outburst and her own bond to okagachi's progeny machico's reality crumbled around her just as manamo itself fell as she was present during hiretsuku's onslaught here the daimyo's daughter crosses paths with and gains the assistance of toshiro umazawa whom she had met once before when he rescued her from zhukai's myogen spirit armed with a knowledge of her birth and possessed with a sense of significant duty machiko and toshi traveled to jukai where the ultimate battle of the kami war is about to unfold the early rays of dawn burn away morning mists horses struggle against their halters samurai sharpen their blades with whetstones as all prepare for the coming of okagachi and its kami army the calm before battle is pierced when the first wave of kami begin their assault shaman and samurai trade blows with corporeal spirits and at first it looks as though the mortal line may take the field they pushed the kami back and even gained ground with a mighty condo leading his people but then a creature of unimaginable size and filled with immense power materializes above the battlefield with eight serpent heads whose eyes blaze like the setting sun okagachi enters the fray and hope quickly fades this moment can be seen in the art of the card final judgment where the great kami engulfs an army the flavor text reads the clashing warriors turned to face okagachi the greatest kami and their sigh of all was their last breath it's during this climactic battle that umazawa gives that which was taken to machiko the myogen of knight's reach had approached toshiro in the past and enlisted his services in hopes of prolonging the kami war as long as the barrier remained warped she could freely move between the planes but her power and knowledge would be lost if okugachi regained his progeny she entrusted the taken one to umizawa in order to keep it from the great dragon kami but didn't account for his complicit dealings with takashi's daughter the disc that holds the taken one shatters in young machiko's palms and okagachi's progeny is released the spirit takes on the name kyodai and an appearance that resembles machico they are two sisters one of spirit and one of flesh the progeny of the great warring leaders machika and kyodai merge with another and unlock powers the likes of which kamagawa has not seen becoming the sisters of flesh and spirit together they use their newfound power to end the kami war the sisters destroy okagachi and kyodai assumes the title of greatest kami the soul of kamagawa for his crime and instigation of the kami war takashi khanda is turned to stone and shattered into a thousand still-living pieces to wallow in agony for eternity this is seen in the saga the fall of lord konda for his transgression toshiro umazawa is blinded by knight's reach and banish to the island of madara on dominaria where he becomes the progenitor of the umizawa bloodline a family of great import in dominaria's own history though the kami war comes to an abrupt end there is much destruction to recover from as both lands and loyalties were reduced to nothing in the aftermath of the war the spirit sisters take on the mantle of leadership to steward kamagawa into an age of recovery and reconstruction the spirit sisters rule brought harmony back to the realms of isus and kakurio their benevolent leadership acted as a cell for a war-torn plane but the path towards peace wasn't easy many mortals didn't understand the true cause of the kame war all they saw was the stalwart kanda tirelessly defend their lives and lands from vengeful kami they distrusted michiko's close relationship with a spirit they had not long ago been at war with machiko and kyodai decided to reveal the truth behind the war how her father's hubris led to countless deaths and how the kami weren't to blame for their actions the spirit sisters campaign of writing past grievances is on display in the saga machico's reign of truth the flavor text on the flip side of the saga tells us of how she and kyoda brought peace back to kamagawa and states long ago as the first mortal to bond with kyodai machico conda brought an end to the kami war and guided kamagawa into an age of truth and harmony a ganjo castle and the surrounding arabah rose from the ashes brilliantly restored as the seat of power for a newly founded empire mortals rebuilt shrines to their patron kami and spirits watch over with benevolence but this era of harmony wouldn't last even with the power bestowed by immortal kyodai machico's mortal body withered with time eventually she passed and leadership fell upon her descendants for many generations the position of emperor remained within the khanda family each new ruler merging their essence with kyodai as they sought to maintain machiko's noble legacy eventually noble pursuits and the purpose of imperial position succumbed to the corruption of courtly intrigue mortal ambition and pursuit of power when a young emperor died without an heir apparent it sparked a dynastic struggle for the throne as two members within house conda sought to enforce their claim aganjo crumbled into civil war and the fighting spread like wildfire across the empire a moment that marked the beginning of the shattered states era the hard-fought piece won by previous generations gave way to bloody battle as every local lord took up arms to seize personal gain in the power vacuum leading to thousands of deaths while the two claimants battled for the throne a young man of the legendary yamazaki clan took it upon himself to end the bloodshed and save his people he assassinated one of the successors and cornered the other in the throne room but kyodai intervened upon seeing the horrors that unfolded between mortals the great kami stripped khanda's bloodline of its imperial power and vowed that emperors would never again be chosen by blood instead kyodai would elect rulers for their purity of soul and commitment to the plane this decree ended the tumultuous shattered states era and peace was restored once more it's also during this period that a threat to all of kamagawa began to build for centuries the spirit dragons guarded their domains and protected kamagawa from internal strife and external conflict but the aftermath of the kami war saw the defeat and death of yosei the morning star kega the tidestar and jugaan the rising star though kokocho remained in takanuma the dragon gave its life protecting the swamp from an oni attack all that remained was ryusei the falling star who continued to fly high above the tendo peaks and guard the mountain crags of sokenzon but with only one dragon kami left to protect its domain malevolent forces outside the mortal realm saw an opportunity to wreak havoc in so want and destruction demon's spirits grew more aggressive and only incursions into the mortal realm became commonplace and exceedingly bloody their increasing attacks ruled over the plane and culminated in an event known as the night of withering which threatened to doom the entire plane in desperation the orochi of jukai performed an ancient ritual to resurrect their spirit guardian and jugan was reborn the dragon allied itself with ryusei and together they bathed the onion dragon fire in ethereal blasts of magic defeating the demons and ending the night of withering but jugan realized something was amiss in its centuries of slumber the spirit dragon realized that it no longer had the power it once possessed it was no longer in tune with its land the plane of kamagawa had changed much and severed the dragon kami's bond to remedy this and restore its siblings jugon gathered the essence of the fallen spirit dragons from across the realm and placed them in a protective transformative egg jugan and ryusei willingly placed themselves within the mystical egg which was left sheltered at the base of busaju kamagawa's greatest tree for 50 years the spirits within the egg healed and transformed until they burst forth in completely new forms reinvigorated and with their bond to the land restored yose became ao the dawn sky kaga emerged as kyrie the swirling sky kokosho was transformed into junji the midnight sky ryusei atsushi the blazing sky and jugon kura the boundless sky the tale of the dragon kami reborn has been passed down for generations and their new incarnations command as much power and respect as their former selves we can see it beautifully illustrated in the art of the card dragon kame reborn which shows all five emerging from their hatched egg in resplendent new forms kura takes center stage for its involvement in their resurrection from the tumultuous years of the shattered states period emerged a prosperous empire united under the guidance of kyodai thus began the era of enlightenment and for centuries the scholars of anamo the samurai of toabara and the monks of jukai lived in harmony with another and with akami that entered the mortal realm in increasing numbers settlements grew children were raised without knowing hunger technology advanced and law was enacted that restored faith in imperial leadership in the centuries that followed mortals found that nukami were arriving again across the barrier at alarming rates though most were benign many emerged confused and agitated lashing out at the mortal realm jukai monks investigated and found that ripples in reality tore at the veil between realms utsushio and kokuryo were overlapping slowly merging into a combined world the discovery alarmed the mortals but through the research of manamo the manpower of the imperials and the natural reverence of the jukai monks they created merge gates to stabilize the overlapping realms and assists kami in making the journey through the veil a beautiful tapestry was woven to commemorate the event and is on display in the art of the card era of enlightenment where we see a member of each order underneath a merge gate in the sky it's towards the end of this era that settlers founded the cities of tewashi and sokonzanchi artisans and smiths tamed the wild silkenzaan mountain range and guided its flow of molten earth to construct the largest forges on the plane where creativity meets passion and from which are born the most advanced weapons or armor we can see silkenzanchi's industry in cards like silkenzaan smelter and bronze plate boar the expansive tendo peaks offer shelter and isolation and so kenzanshi remained a hub for lawless rabbles and ronin bands it acts as haven for the rebellious asari uprisers led by the disillusioned rasona who wished to throw off the oppressive yoke of imperial rule unlike tawashi's founding was bloody and fracturing the settlement grew at the fringes of zhukai forest but as the population boomed tawashi ate away at the forest to fuel its growth soon metal skyscrapers replaced the cedar canopies and deforestation paved the way for a concrete jungle this affront to nature infuriated the large density of kami that called zhukai home and they lashed out with all their spiritual might in action that's related to us in the art and flavor text of invoke the ancients which shows two angered tree spirits and reeds after large sections were clear-cut to build tawashi the once peaceful jukai forest grew violently hostile to outsiders unable to discern friend from foe the kami even struck at the orochi snake folk and jukai monks banishing them from the protection and source of their power the uprooted orochi found themselves amidst a startling new reality an age of metal technology and progress that they were ill-prepared to accept they pleaded with akami begging the force to take them in but no spirit would hear their cries until the kirin offered its assistance jukai would return them to their lands in power if the orochi were willing to make a terrible sacrifice the kami sent their demands expecting the snake folk to decline but instead they agreed to the terms and went one step further promising to remove their limbs entirely to show their devotion to the forest touched by the urochi's conviction the kami granted them their wish and altered the snake folks form which allowed them to channel power to an even greater degree they retained their arms and lost their legs reverting to a more bestial shape but they returned to jukai more powerful than they had been before this heartening tale is related to us in the saga teachings of the kirin through the mediation of imperial ambassadors and kyodai a tentative piece is brokered between the spirits of jukai and the booming megacity of tawashi but the shalmanic and ascetic order of jukai continues to guard the forced borders with unwavering tenacious vigil and it's now that we come to the events that transpire leading up to the current day of neon dynasty the glamour of bustling metropolitan hubs and cutting-edge technology is underscored by dirty deals struck in lightless alleys and renegade technocrats fighting to free themselves from the yoke of imperial strictures no one knows the struggle between black market technology and governmental oversight better than kaito shizuki who at a very young age became orphaned with his twin sister when a tawashi laboratory accident exposed his parents to radiation his father was imprisoned by imperial agents for seeking black market medical technology to save his dying mother both passed and the twins were taken into the kitsune lightpaws custody in the imperial castle of aiganjo for many years kaito skirted all responsibility seeking freedom on the rooftops of the city as a means to escape duty but he could escape responsibility for only so long kaito soon became sparring partner for the young emperor the two had already been acquainted when shizuki accidentally fell in her private garden while avoiding his mentors and they became very close to one another then tragedy struck kaito at the age of 14 when an otherworldly infiltrator with control over artifice and an arm of metal snuck into aiganjo tezeret a planeswalker from alara had worked alongside the cyber futurists to develop prototypes for a device capable of augmenting reality called the reality chip tezeret hoped to tether kyodai with a chip and use it to control kamagawa's soul but the emperor intervened few eyes witness what transpired next but the emperor vanished into thin air the alarm sounded throughout arganjo's halls and kaito pursued the planeswalker in hopes of rescuing his emperor and friend tezeret also blinked from existence and kaito was left grasping at wisps recounting a tale that no imperial believed so he took it upon himself to discover the emperor's fate alone shizuki joined the gyoza and reckoners one of the most influential and ruthless criminal syndicates in tawashi's underbelly to gather intelligence and pick up the emperor's lost trail his efforts brought kaito to the moon folk tamashi a futurist whose life was dedicated to studying how kami spirits interacted with the barrier between physical and ethereal realms tamashii developed technology that allowed kami to merge with and inhabit artificial bodies an enormous leap in the realm of metaphysics kaito was tasked with stealing this technology but when he approached the tanuki drone shizuki found that it was inhabited by himoto the kami of the spark their interaction ignited something deep within kaito and his own planeswalker spark erupted in brilliant flame himoto can be seen within the tanuki drone in the illustration of kaito shizuki's planeswalker card the planeswalker met with and befriended tamashi who acted as a mentor for him while shizuki used his newfound abilities to cast a wider net across multiple planes in hopes of catching the missing emperor nine years passed without so much as a whisper on the emperor's whereabouts the imperial court maintained rule under the guidance of the advisor light pause but kyodai grew erratic and restless and criminal activity increased and deep within the mountains of silkenzachi a rebellion against the empire brewed rasona once a great imperial captain led the asari uprising and gave a steel voice to those out of tune with the empire those who sought to destroy it all together in this tinderbox kaito is approached by his twin sister ako with a tip tamashi's research has far more sinister applications than they realized and he's been working alongside a man with a metal arm kaito recalled his brief chase with a man who matched aiko's description on the night the emperor went missing with the first lead he's had in years kaito infiltrated tomashi's lap and realized he'd been conducting research on kami to perfect a version of the reality chip the device connected to the dubious tesserat suzuki trailed tamashii to a rendezvous with his employer which is a hulking and grotesque beast of metal the blue aligned prater from new phyrexia named jingataxis tesuret had been collaborating with phyrexia to discover a means of brainwashing and controlling planeswalkers through the process of phyrexian completion the kami's ability to travel between realms provided adequate testing environments and subjects and the progress made on the reality chip meant that phyrexia would soon meet its goals no longer of any use jataxius kills tamashii and with his dying breath he gave kaito a name tessaret his cold case quickly became white hot and several leads brought kaito to tamiya a fellow planeswalker and native of kamagawa in their discussion tamiya reveals tesuret as the stranger with a metal arm who appeared years ago on the night of the emperor's disappearance tamiya fought the planeswalker during the war of the spark she emphasized the threat he posed to the multiverse and revealed to kaito that she had also crossed paths with the emperor tezura's attempt to control kyodai with his reality chip prototype inadvertently ignited the emperor's latent planeswalker spark but twisted its nature unlike other walkers the emperor must make a conscious and taxing effort to remain on a plane or else her spark will send her hurtling across the blind eternities after learning that not only is his emperor and childhood friend alive but she is a planeswalker like himself kaito returned to tamashi's lab to retrieve the reality chip in hopes of thwarting tezurat's plan and bringing the emperor home shizuki's retrieval of the chip is highlighted in the art of the card reality heist but his old mentor's lab wasn't vacant the metallic gargantuan gin gataxis emerged from the shadows alongside a contingent of blades for hire to challenge kaito seen in the art of the card planar incision whose flavor text illuminates the phyrexian's purpose on kamagawa jin gataxis had long coveted the secrets of planeswalking spirits that could pass between worlds made for perfect test subjects the prater hoped to secure the power of planeswalking without a spark but one had just presented itself in kaito jitaxius and his henchmen surrounded the shinobi but as they closed in a brilliant flash of light erupted and a blade of pure energy cleaved omekin 2 the wandering emperor had returned to kamagawa she and tamio assisted kaito's escape and the three returned to aiganjo with reality chip in tow though the emperor reunited once more with kyodai the connection remained tentative at best it was impossible to share a connection while the wanderer's spark tried to rip her from the plane but without her kyodai the very soul of the plane would remain confused and agitated the companions decided to use the reality chip on the wanderer as a way to soothe the tempest within her spark which is seen in the art and flavor text of the car to anchor to reality which reads the wanderers sighed in relief as the reality chip tethered her wayward spark to kamagawa this restored the emperor's connection to kyodai but the relief was short-lived as word reached the castle that jin cataxius informed persona and the asari uprisers of the emperor's return stirred to action the rebellion marched on to aiganjo from silkenzanchi prepared for civil war while the wanderer remained to protect the chip and defend her people kaito and tamiya returned to tomashi's lab to destroy the phyrexian's precious research on the nature of reality equipped with enough explosives to level a high-rise the pair set about their task and mistakenly walk into another trap jin gataxius awaited their arrival and had with him the planeswalker tesuret who revealed that phyrexia's research would be accelerated exponentially with the acquisition of two planeswalker sparks once more the wanderer arrived in a brilliant flash of light to rescue the pair and they returned to aiganjo with a subdued deseret just as the uprisers marched on the castle in the bedlam that unfolded the emperor defeated rasona in her rebellion but tezuret broke free from his shackled overpowered tamio and escaped through the planar portal housed in his body with a moon folk as his prisoner though the day is won and the emperor's connection to kyodai restored the loss of tamio is a crushing blow to kaito and the wanderer she relinquishes the power of her title to pursue tessaret and the phyrexians across the blind eternities and so transfers imperial duties onto her senior advisor light paws the kitsune may have great cunning and court intrigues but light paws and the empire still must contend with the cyber futurists and an ever-expanding planar anomaly as the realms of utsuchio and kakurio continue to merge meanwhile tamio is brought to new phyrexia where she undergoes the painful and mentally fracturing process of completion gin gataxias and tezeret transform her into the first phyrexian planeswalker seen in the cards tamio's completion and tamio completed sage neufyrexia is one step closer to realizing their vision leaping across the blind eternities to bring the blessings of completion to all the planes which will have dire consequences for the multiverse thanks so much for watching and listening to the history of kamagawa leave a thumbs up if you liked the video and be sure to subscribe for more content and now i want to hear from you let me know which characters and stories are your favorite on the plane of samurai what you think phyrexia's next target will be as well as suggestions for future videos in the comments below again a huge shout out to all of my patrons over on patreon i couldn't do this without their wonderful support if you're interested in becoming a lower luminary for access to video scripts getting video drops a day early and joining a growing community be sure to check out thoroughbreads to learn more until next time go forth and explore the lore [Music] you
Channel: The Lorebrarians
Views: 16,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lorebrarians, Kamigawa
Id: bvrQl7nL4xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 37sec (2137 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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