The Plane of Alara Explained | Magic: The Gathering Lore

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this video is sponsored by Dragon shield your destination for the best sleeves deck boxes and accessories in the Multiverse purchases through the affiliate link below help the channel grow and improve Alara once was whole but long ago the sundering shattered the plane into five shards that drifted just beyond each other's reach as the shards migrated they slowly took on new shape New Life New Order Mandalay lines were severed denying each Shard access to two colors of Mana which allowed those remaining to Surge unfettered one such Shard lost its connection to White Mana order dissolved Unity forgotten benevolent faded it lost the depth of thought the cold intellect and Acumen of blue man also which worked to mold The Shard into a primordial and dangerous world where lava flow scorched Trails through stifling humid jungles and bottomless Tar Pits drag the unsuspecting to dark deaths Shard of heat and hunger of instinct and dominance ruled only by the laws of nature or dragons soar and predators lurk this is The Shard of John jund is defined by its savagery it's a world where everything even the very land is hostile and the creatures that dwell within are at all times predator and prey The Shard of John is shaped primarily through its strong connection to Red Mana unfiltered passion raw violence and fierce fire are further heightened by support from green and black Mana these Powers intertwine to devastating effect played out across its landscape rugged mountain peaks extend Rocky hands ever Skyward while active volcanoes constantly belched sulfurous Ash and lava eats away at the Earth to form deep valleys this is displayed in the planar card of jund Within These Rivers choked with algae support steaming jungle canopies Primal forests are dotted haphazardly with toxic swamps that lie stagnant these Vistas are constantly shifting constantly being shaped by the impetus of deadly renewal deep within the shard but jaunders defined as easily by what it lacks order restraint forethought control all vestiges of blue and white Mana that have long since faded from the shard's memory without these higher ideals jund is reduced to Primal urges it's at the whim of instinct its creatures unable to develop Beyond cultural and intellectual infancy nature and survival reign but by the same token A Shard without these colors is refreshingly free jund isn't chained to compassion it's not a prisoner to the Mind its creatures liberated from oppression and Conformity a sentiment typified by Sarcan Val who in the flavor text of helkite Overlord States the dragon has no pretense of compassion no false mask of civilization just hunger heat and need the beings that claim John as their own reflect the Hostile topography they've adapted well to their environs out of necessity fiery as the volcanic mountains strong as the forest bows deadly as the fetid swamps jun's creatures are aggressively lethal from the largest dragon to the smallest insect all are deadly as the flavor text of toxic iguana reads there are no weak creatures on June even the smallest can strike a deadly blood though John has no leaders or Kings it is ruled quite strictly through the laws of nature those who deviate don't survive an elaborate food chain a primal pecking order grants structure to John's ecosystem to fully understand The Shard we must scrutinize and appreciate the beasts found at each level beginning at the top with the insatiable hellkites and Unstoppable dragons of John as a marquee creature of red Mana it's little wonder that dragons have flourished along the leyline suffusing John with wings that span dozens of meters bodies covered in thick scales piercing teeth the size of humans and breadth of liquefying fire dragons are the apex predators they embody raw strength in the will to use it all other creatures fear the dragon and only another of its kind can rival its destructive potential jun's dragons are Territorial and vicious they lay claim to land with molten fire carving out large swallows over which they hunt and Rule once taken a dragon will only relinquish its lands through death the card flame Blast Dragon illustrates the beauty and destruction of these miraculous creatures its flavor text reading he marks his territory with fire and wrath etching the Mountainside with his charring breath all beings fear the dragon but born from this fear or perhaps an appreciation for the marriage of strength and passion is a cult-like following of devotees worshipers wishing to spare their lives through supplication or to receive Divine gifts from their overlords the goblin clans of John worship dragons from high atop mountain peaks in hopes of Basking and draconic freedom which we can see in cards like Dragon appeasement in Dragon's Herald but the grace of a dragon is fickle at best non-existent at worst their contempt even further devoted is on display an illustration of Predator Dragon whose flavor text reads dragons make for spiteful gods dragons build their roosts on the highest Summits and within burning volcanoes from the vaulted Heights they survey their hunting grounds with dedicated vigilance there's little treasure on John to horde but dragons seek the mystical crystals known as sangrite for its luster and magical potential for much devastation Intrepid human hunting parties Brave draconic layers to abscond with this rare Crystal when a dragon approaches its final days following a long brutish and violent life it performs one last Act of Destruction through a ritual known as the shriek of flame they willingly plunge themselves into the boiling lava of an active volcano merging their Essence with that of the fire and stoking a white hot blast of energy that consumes not just the dragon but all within a large radius this suicidal and spiteful Act of mutual destruction renders of dragons valued hunting grounds denuded of game and ensures no rival will claim it this act is showcased in the card volcanic submersion its text reads a dragon's death is almost as feared as its life old dying Dragons throw themselves into volcanoes causing massive upheaval and widespread disaster many believe all eruptions to be propagated by a dragon's death though John does a wild land free from thought there are several sentient races populating its jungles the humanoid reptilian viashino are one such race and sit below the dragon on the food chain their form reminiscent of those soaring creatures fioshino are tall well-muscled and dangerously aggressive though their razor sharp talons can fillet flesh and their jaws crushed steel many viashino fight with crude Spears and Cuddles used to bludgeon foes we see this Illustrated in viashino's slaughtermaster as it wields two weapons of deadly the flavor text of which highlights their disposition I'll fight two at once and then lick their guts from my blades the ashino are communal pack creatures they organize themselves into Clans known as thrashes to improve hunting ability and ensure higher rates of survival in inhospitable environments as the flavor text of Thunder thrash Elder states fiashino are led by elders and Veterans of many battles their Acumen and experiential knowledge used to guide Clans the ashino range within the fertile vegetated Canyons of jund where a dragon's Wings can't spread and their fire can't reach lizards called iguanas accompany viashino on Hunting sorties to track and trap prey which we can see in the card hissing iguana notable thrashes include the aforementioned Thunder thrash the violent Warriors of the thorn thrash and the fiery shamans of The Scorch thrash just this territorial as dragons viashino constantly raid in others borders test leadership and challenge another in bloody war to assert dominance below the viashino thrashes sit the sentient race of human barbarians and shamans that sojourn across John's topography denied the Assurance of such base needs as shelter food safety John's human population spends all waking hours focused on mere survival which has stunted both intellectual and technological advancement here humans are simple and barbaric ruled by Primal Instinct shaped by Superstition they form nomadic bands of Warriors Tied by familial blood bonds constantly Mobile in search of Quarry and shelter humans often track long distances which brings them into conflict with another as well as Jen's dangerous creatures strong leadership is a necessity and only the most ruthless battle-hardened Warriors are deemed fit enough to lead Barbarian Clans humans actively seek adversity engaging in war to hone skill and slake thirst for blood entire Clans Endeavor on great hunting treks called life hunts to follow John's largest predators not even dragons are above human bloodlust and though they are respected they are equally hunted which we hear in the flavor text of rip plan Crasher if you breathe she will fight you if you breathe fire she must fight you John Warriors are bolstered by the stirring fire and lightning magic of its shamans their powerful incantations are used to incite zealous bloodlust before battle and to direct the primordial forces of nature abundant Across The Shard by drawing on the Ley lines human shamans can invigorate growth spread biting pestilence hurl Balls of Fire and electricity and bring forth Elementals manifestations of Dangerous Power we see the potential for Destruction on displaying the illustration of branching bolt and in the ability of rakamar John's most prodigious Shaman to generate Elementals her words extolling the skills of shamans are given in the flavor text of the aforementioned Bolt lightning Lives In Everything In Living flesh and growing things it must be set free John's barbaric humans are divided into various Clans and sub-factions that wage constant war on another and their environment to maintain precious food and water supplies as mentioned earlier members of the rip Clan are audacious and Seek challenge everywhere summarized in the flavor text of blister beetle Warriors of the rip Clan wear their Beetle acid scars proudly even modifying clothing and armor to better display the trophy perhaps the most notorious is Clan Nel Toth whose shamans Embrace potent death magic animating corpses such as the zombie dragon scourge of neltoth their power on display in morbid Bloom and the ability of Marin of Clan meltoff Scavenging and screwing at the bottom of John's chain are various small lizards fungal plants crocodiles Drakes and innumerable Expendable Goblin tribes Jones goblins live deep within Mountain caverns and atop Jagged Peaks where they can maintain close proximity to their winged Gods the dragons Goblin Society is structured around their deities whom they worship and to whom they provide a steady stream of food through ritual sacrifice goblins often sacrifice dozens to appease the dragons and gain strength from their gifts in fact a noble death in ritual to feed their overlords is something cherished by most goblins we see this in cards like dragons Herald and dragon fodder whose flavor text reads Goblin's Journey to the sacrificial peaks in pairs so that the rare Survivor might be able to relate the details of the others grisly demise John's goblins are aggressive unpredictable Reckless and impetuous they have no concern for their own well-being no thought for the past or future they embrace the liberating Passion of the present ignorant of their own plight they hunt and give battle to all manner of foe regardless of size or strength the sentiment is beautifully encapsulated in the flavor text of Goblin death Raiders every once in a while when they aren't getting incinerated in lava crushed under Rock slides or devoured by dragons goblins experience moments of unmitigated glory in battle for a race that sees sacrifices the highest honor and where death brings glory is exceedingly difficult to find a goblin that has passed of old age there are Myriad creatures that fill niches within John's elaborate and deadly ecosystems other notable creatures lurking within the steaming jungles include a race of large lizards unique to The Shard called thrinax these beasts are highly adaptable and vicious some grow stronger with each kill as we see in scarland thrinax and Bloodsport thrionics they scavenge what they can and prey on the weak others such as the sprouting thrinax are best fit for prey themselves heard in the flavor text the vast network of predation on jund has caused some strange creatures to adapt to being eaten jund is also host to a wide variety of Elementals spawned from its surging Manna and instilled with the violent temperament of the landscape as we have discussed some are birds of shamanic magic and directed in their Devastation by powerful Mages but many more are pure expressions of John's explosive nature we see their fire in the illustration of bloodpire Elemental whose flavor text reads Elementals born of jund are as cruel and unstable as the planet itself while the rock slide Elemental embodies the deadly mountain peaks in their sturdy but unpredictable demeanor others like the tar fiend and massive Lord of Extinction draw their power from pestilence death and the bottomless bogs found deep below John's canopy a uniting concept on The Shard of John this resilience and death strength and consumption it's only natural in a world shaped by hunger and need that some evolve towards expendability towards the fate of prey While others grow towards Premier predation two mechanics marry this concept and creatures beautifully the first is an abundance of fodder many creatures on John are not only prepared for death but use it as a means of propagation we've seen this in the aforementioned sprouting thrinax but other species the likes of the tucatong phthalid and mitotic slime also generate creature tokens when they die ensuring continuation of their species the second is the hunger of the Predator manifest in John's devour mechanic this is the insatiable Drive the base Instinct and unadulterated violence of The Shard where everything is prey to something and Only the Strong Survive these creatures flourish with each kill and many like the helkite hatchling and micheloth Grant new or powerful abilities once placated dragons viashino hellions worms the apex predators all support this mechanic which is fueled by the plentiful prey skittering about with the conflicts of Alara shards have come crashing into another and merged once more to form a single plane this has led to explosive creative violent interactions between worlds that have evolved in isolation and bereft of two colors of Mana on June white and blue man a surge bringing intelligence and order to the wildlands cards like Sky Clan thrash Glory scale viashino and mykoid Shepherd highlight John's ability to adapt and the willingness of its denizens to be shaped by Mana foreign to them the extent to which this reforms John as a whole is summarized in the shepherd's flavor text as pure Mana flooded across the shards it brought a sense of unity even to John's vicious food chain but just as its creatures bring unity and thought to John's landscape so too do they export its raw passion and reputation for brutal violence to the other shards the elves of Naya Embrace John's deadly ecosystems and Revere as guards the dragons swarm across the skies seen in cards like God tracker of John and blood braid elf bands Knights Bound by duty honor and Order are ill-prepared for the bellicose chaos of Jon's Predators which we see in the illustration of giant Ambush Beetle where a massive insect hunts unwitted Knights and in the flavor text of John hackblade which reads the knights were halfway through their pre-combat rites before they realized the foul brute meant to start without them [Music] John a Savage land replete with dangers in pulsing with raw emotion a primeval landscape shaped by molten lava surging with uncompromising growth and violence its creatures bear strong Vitality themselves transformed into ferocious and insatiable Predators mirrored by their environs It's A Shard of freedom of beauty of Bloodshed with the conflicts of Alara John must question its foundational ideals as its Landscaping creatures are rocked by a tumultuous influx of Novel mana and reforming ideas ever adaptable it's dragons and beasts may find new grounds over which to range its primitive tribes May Embrace thoughts of civilization one point remains certain John will retain its fiery chaos for which it is known Alara once was whole but long ago the sundering shattered the plane into five shards that drifted just beyond each other's reach as the shards migrated they slowly took in new shape New Life New Order Mandalay lines were severed denying each Shard access to two colors of Mana which allowed those remaining to Surge unfettered one such Shard lost its connection to Blue Mana prognostication lost its value higher thought drifted the cold calculus of Investigation melted black Mana was likewise severed ambition forgotten death no longer claimed dominion over life pestilence abated in this environment life flourished and nature exploded Across The Shard massive rainforests thick with fog and impenetrable cover the land their heavy bows and sturdy Roots constantly extend Silvan fingers toward the Sun and encroach precious few open planes mountains struggle with the canopy to reach into the clouds here where nature is vigorous the creatures are equally so they grow to unimaginable proportions their footfall is reminiscent of Rolling Thunder and disastrous earthquakes they are feared and revered by the races that cower in their awesome shadow this is The Shard of Naya Naya is a world characteristic of unbridled natural growth a realm Unbound by crippling self-consciousness or disease which has allowed flora and fauna to explode nice primarily aligned with green Mana it draws on surging Ley lines to flourish and promotes Embrace of wild ideals strength rules Naya nature is revered and its Primal might manifests in massive behemoths that stalk through jungles large enough to hide towering frames we see this Illustrated beautifully in the Naya planes Chase card as well as the card Lush growth which depicts the steaming jungles its flavor text reads Naya's Bounty spills over upon itself each leaf and flower struggles against the next with thrashing Thorns acidic pollen and strangling roots the blossoming growth of green Mana is tempered by white Mana which adds Direction structure and supports further expansion of reverent life silence Reigns in the idyllic Plains and rolling Fields suffused with white manalay lines were herdby strange and birds soar above through cloudless Skies white grants organization to tame raw growth Naya's cultures have formed tight-knit societies its jungle and Mountain ecosystems represent structured hierarchies where every creature fills a vital niche chaotic destructive forces of red Mana are however equally embraced Jagged mountain peaks and steamed Hot Springs add elements of passion of aggression and creativity characteristic of red to the Nyan landscape nature grows erratic and throws the Yoke of civilization its beasts burn with bellicose animosity its people embody passionate freedom the amalgamation of these colors results in a brilliant canvas painted by light and growth where nature in all its aspects are revered and where dark Forces gain little purchase it's a picturesque scene the Pinnacle of Harmony in nature if one word encapsulates the sentiment of Naya it is immense fueled by surges of Mana nothing little grows everything is on a shockingly grand scale Chief examples are the tropical rainforests that cover large swaths of the nion Horizon the trees found within extend hundreds of feet Skyward their bowels and branches large enough to support entire communities so densely packed are these jungles that precious few shards of light filter through the leaf choke canopies to reach undergrowth where they strike seedlings burst feverishly to state claim to the sun's nourishment mush valleys with rushing Rivers create vibrant Vistas Beyond like rugged mountain ranges home to all manner of Beast a dense fog blankets large tracks of both forest and Mountain coating the landscape in opaque Mists this permanent fog called the white cover reduces visibility such that massive behemoths can go completely unnoticed as is the case with URL the Mist stalker several beasts such as the bull ceradon use the white cover as camouflage to hide movement and more easily hunt prey its flavor text reads it holds motionless vigil watching Nia in silence through the screen of the white cover when it senses anything amiss it launches forward with The Uncanny sound of torn fog there are Myriad creatures both sentient and less so that inhabit Naya's vibrant Panorama but from the variegated species that call The Shard home none encapsulate immensity and Unbound growth more so than the god-like behemoths in whose wake forests are felt fields are plowed and the Very Earth gives way behemoths are Naya's Primal forces made manifest they embody the Restless Vigor of Life its destructive potential as well as its bountiest Bloom behemoths occupy the highest positions in the natural ecosystem they fight another over hunting grounds in territorial superiority they hunt lesser prey and they send all manner of creatures bolting towards safety of underbrush beasts like the horned ceradon run rampant through forest floor and expansive field even their young like The Yearling are formidable forces of nature others like the species of thaktar are highly Territorial and aggressive which we hear in the flavor text of woolly thaktar one of the most ferocious and deadly Gargantuans the thought never sees its worshipers but it often awakens surrounded by gifts and sacrifices Naya's behemoths are variable in size shape temperament and character but a unifying feature categorizes them as Gargantua is a base power of five or greater this is reflected in the activated and triggered abilities of several Nyan cards concerned with creatures of such immense power behemoths are Central figures in Nyan culture where many races worship them as gods and Hunt alongside their impressive stature the sheer enormity and power possessed by behemoths is mostly deeply conveyed in the flavor texts of rake claw gargantuan which states Naya teams with Gargantuans Titanic monsters to whom both nature and civilization defer and in Cliff Runner behemoth it's revered for its power celebrated for its Grace and feared for The Avalanches triggered by its thunderous feet though behemoths represent the Pinnacle of natural selection they're by no means the only creatures to be feared amid the dense jungle foliage massive spiders weave traps of silk and wait in silence for unsuspecting prey they're on display in the jungle and Ember Weaver whose text tells of the notorious webbed hunting grounds Weaver's webs walloff's Wallace of territory more effectively than any port costs made of iron Hellion and Hydra surged through forest floor cutting Paths of fiery destruction across the jungle interior even species considered small pests are deceptively formidable dozens of ant bug and insect species Scurry across the underbrush standing nearly as tall as a human and strong enough to kill several against such unfettered growth and destruction the sentient races of Naya must remain vigilant but despite its dangers The Shard is home to several humanoid civilized cultures that benefit from unity and the strength to defend themselves found in numbers the first and perhaps most susceptible are bands of human Warriors and shamans that dwell largely on the dangerous forest floor humans are survivors they've adapted well to the uncertainty of jungle life and Revere all aspects of nature though initially consigned to a lightless fate in the dark roots beneath nine canopies humans have carved out large fields of brilliant sunlight cultivated golden lands and erected stone structures which we see in cards like ancient ziggurat their Sun Cedars search for ripe arable lands and use domesticated beasts of Burden called plant beasts to clear forests until the soil this is given to us in the text of sun seed nurturer Sun Cedars quest for areas of Open Sky they train plow beasts to beat back the dense jungle long enough to cultivate a crop s of trackers known as drum Hunters listen to the Jungle song feel for the reverberations of gargantuan footfalls then organize hunting sorties to track down prey startled into movement the exuberance meanwhile bask in the warm embrace of life itself extolling the glories of nature from Jungle shrines or ziggurats they sojourn across Naya to contemplate The shard's beautiful landscape and to locate resplendent dwellings some like the Gus Strider exuberant seek to claim the skies which we can hear in its flavor text the elves claim the canopy the Nakato claimed the mountains I suppose you think we ought to stay on the jungle floor above the rough and dangerous floor life of humans Naya's elves have secured dwellings within the vast network of jungle boughs and canopies entire Elvish cities are supported on top of Naya's massive branches which double as super highways allowing an elf to travel as far as the eye can see without ever setting foot on the ground elves are nomadic and the most in tune with nature of the civilizations they worship Naya's Gargantuans and Revere them as Gods the most widespread elf clan are the sillian elves whose Warriors and shamans are led by the blind Seer known as the anima the anima speaks to the Earth and listens in the indecipherable language of nature to learn the intentions of behemoths Nyan elves busy themselves with tracking Gargantua movements dividing truth from their activities and protecting them from would-be poachers as the flavor text of say Salem Archer States our arrows are aimed not at the sacred behemoths but at those who dare to dream of such a trophy the god trackers and shamans offer ritual sacrifice to placate behemoths in times of peace or stir ire in times of War Elvish lore holds that the soul of Alara Slumbers deep under the sacred Valley of the ancient in the form of an immense Hydra called progenitus they sit in silent vigil over the valley awaiting signs that progenitus may awaken from its long sleep which we see Illustrated in the card keeper of progenitus they believe the stirrings of the world soul will fulfill ancient prophecies with disastrous consequences elves are proficient Warriors skilled in both short and long-range combat supplemented by wild Mages that direct the pentaggression of behemoths to create a truly formidable force on the field beyond the Lush jungles above the opaque myths of the white cover High amid the mountain chains sit the cat-like race of Nia's leonen called Nakato in ancient times the waxing Nakata Empire of the clouds claimed dominion over much of the shard's landscape extensive highways connected technologically advanced Cosmopolitan centers and Marshall prowess extended borders but after a sect of traditional fundamentalists led by marisi aggrieved by the Nakato's descent to complacency fomented a bloody Rebellion the once lustrous Empire crumbled now most of Naya's leonin Rove in factional primitive tribes the teachings of Mauricio are heard in the flavor text of Nakato Savage in which a Johnny Goldman States blades duel and armor dense maurici taught us that instinct is the only thing a true warrior needs leonin embraced the bestial aspects of nature driven by Instinct and burning passion they rely on physical strength to hunt and win the day outfitted with tooth claw and primitive blades the cuddle War Prides Rove the land viciously attacking unwanted Interlopers their skill in battle is Illustrated in the card maurici's twin claws which depicts two Warriors atop a heap of Fallen foes few Nakato remain that keep to the traditions of the ancient empire these Cloud Nakato inhabit the crumbling ruins and forlorn mountaintops hoping to return to their Race's golden age we see them in the card Nakato hunt Pride while Nakato have descended into Naya's vast jungle valleys and sprawling planes where they continue to live by Mauricio's teachings their contempt for the cloud Prides can be heard in scathing invective present in the flavor text of wild Nakato the clouds didn't think a bunch of Soft Paws we are the claws of maurici stalking pouncing drawing blood the leonen casali tribe is perhaps the most notable as its members include Giselle Goldman and his planeswalking brother Ajani the Nakato of Naya have thrown off the LIE of civilization reverted to Primal Instinct and embraced their Savage nature their familial Prides are ever at violent odds with the humans and elves of Naya with the coming of the conflux and merging of Alaris shards Naya finds Itself buffeted by surges of blue and black Mana that have been absent for centuries first this brings New Perspective new ways of thinking and new ideas that Force the shards communities to challenge long-held beliefs blue Mana brings with it insight and greater levels of cognition this elevates some while completely destroying others strength which had for so long dominated Naya in the form of its indomitable beasts is now attacked by the forces of the Mind some refuse to accept the changes to the plane such as the not fine Mystics and Elvish Druids which we can hear in the flavor text the elves of Naya were the last to acknowledge the massive shift of Mana in their world While others like the Leona Nakato and Brace change and adapted which we see Illustrated in Leone and armor guard that depicts a Nakato undergoing investiture into band's nightly cast secondly this brings Decay pestilence and rot as black Mana leeches into all things and tarnishes the pristine wildlife noxious disease finds easy purchase in abundant jungles as plague spreads from the rotting shards of crixus and John which we see on display in the card corrupted Roots the flavor text reads the bones of John's dead resurface denial poisoning the jungle and killing the sun Cedar's crops so too do creatures of detritus find a wealth of food in rapidly proliferate they quickly devour whole regions of vibrant rainforest highlighted in the art and text of putrid leech which states it reacted to Naya's overabundant food supply by growing additional mouths it's into this new world of explosive convergence that mael the anima reluctantly leads the peoples and behemoths of Naya such Tempest Jewish lashing of isolated shards brings forth flash points of violence and War applied with the greatest natural Warriors and fiercest beasts mael commands an Nyan Army to confront encroachment by other shards and state claim to new realms a sentiment given to us in the flavor text of meglinath when the shards merged mile found herself the general of Naya's mightiest Army while the card not find Paladin highlights moments of cooperation as a night of band joins the nine behemoths in it myel remarks that he's part of a new breed of Guardian one who Embraces the best of both his world and Ours Naya A Shard heavily steeped in green Mana a landscape of abundant plenty where the footfalls of its massive behemoths reverberate through verdant jungles it's a world that Embraces nature Revere Simplicity and fosters communities of growth it's at times dangerously unpredictable at times harmoniously organized and always a source of beauty in all but much is changing with the conflicts Naya's denizens must adapt to new Landscapes new forces of nature must distinguish friend from Foe and must staunchly defend their lands or risk falling to the deadly machinations of other shards A New World Order Rises on Alara will Nia change to meet its greatest challenge it has ever faced Alara once was whole but long ago the sundering shattered the plane into five shards that drifted just beyond each other's reach as the shards migrated they slowly took on new shape New Life New Order Mandalay lines were severed denying each Shard access to two colors of Mana which allowed those remaining to Surge unfettered one such Shard lost its connection to Black Mana pestilence subsided greed and ambition faded from memory the indefatigable March of death abated the tethers of Redman and were likewise cut as The Shard floated in isolation fiery aggression cooled individualism tempered creativity passion and Anarchy dissolved in this environment order dominated honor and Duty became integral and were supplemented by intelligent adherence to law in this world life Reigns Supreme no longer encumbered by plague or disease the land became one of idyllic abundance its inhabitants free from life-shortening maladies here there is structure to all things here thanks is given to the nourishing land here nightly Warriors Patrol manicured highways and benevolent Angels observe their flock from on high this is The Shard of bant [Music] 's A Shard a Chevalier conduct and nightly honor it's a realm that championed safety Duty and strict adherence to moral codes for the betterment of society sunbathed planes well-maintained Groves in foaming Seas all crisscrossed by roadways and dotted with domineering castles or glistening cities are common sites across a band and instill a sense of peaceful contemplation we see this Illustrated to perfection in the art of band's plane Chase card and hear it in the flavor text the bant charm which reads bant is a world where death and Chaos hold no sway while that of bant Panorama gives us insight into the lives of its denizens and reads Advanced hearts are as pure as its Heir and as bright as its Skies band is primarily aligned with the color of white mana and as such Embraces many of its values community and selflessness are foundational pillars of society where individual Deeds are lauded but individualism and selfishness are ostracized life is cherished and many Advanced denizens tap into The Healing Arts to further extend it order is the rock atop which all of The Shard is structured its influence is ingrained by the caste system that rules socio-political interactions white Mana is supported in its rigid shape by Blue Man and ideals the merging of these colors have given rise to communities of monks Scholars and lawyers that meticulously craft legal Doctrine in ink stained Vellum that is later codified into governing law they busy themselves with determining how best to shape a perfect Society of Honor blue bestows foresight and intelligence allowing band's cultures to develop complex civilizations fueled by Advanced Technologies blue mantis cold Detachment is offset by the nourishing Embrace of green manna it supports White's inclination towards life Harmony and unity aristocracy rule landed Estates or countless crop fields are cultivated and tilled to support band's populations fruit orchards Sylvan Groves in Golden fields of wheat cover large Vistas and generate an aura of idyllic existence characteristic of The Shard this merging of colors coalesces in subconscious cultural ideals of honor and virtue which are manifested in band's Hallmark ability called exalted those who pursue Valor and distinction in battle are bolstered by those around them armed and armored by their Squires and granted Boons By Angels Above highlighted in the exalted ability to buff a creature that enters rigorous single combat we see this in cards like Ardent plea and Avon squire bant is just as easily defined by what it lacks without the shadow of death black Mana represents the denizens of bats are free to enjoy all of life's stunning Splendor and many Wizards are angels possess resurrective abilities to cast off the Yoke of death indefinitely likewise Decay and rot are scanned throughout the countryside stained Hearts those possessed by greed or personal ambition are few but zealously persecuted there's little room for devious machination in this structured world the raw emotion and aggressive urges of red Mana have equally been snuffed bant is ruled not by emotion but by reason Anarchy chaos burning Ingenuity are tempered through Doctrine and instillment of communal codes this engenders the sense of Peace of equality of mutual Prosperity Across The Shard a veneer of shining armor and dauntless protection coats the world but those blinded by appearances fail to recognize a society of Oppression weighed down by statutes and laws that suppress any form of individualism or contrary thought it like stone is cold rigid and unmoving sentiment offered in the flavor text of ignite disorder the shaman proud the academy Halls shaking his head at the Pomp and babble of the stages inside he knew just the spell to liven the place up [Music] bant is a Shard Bound by duty adherent to moral codes to fully appreciate it one must consult the unbending caste system that dominates society and organizes it from the lowliest surf to the sublime angel an individual is faded to particular casts at Birth but through perilous undertaking of noble distinguishable acts and the accumulation of prized Metals known as sigils one can break from their cast and Rise through Elite ranks sigils are possessed of powerful magic and bestowed onto the worthy by baeus Angelic host they represent values of Courage sacrifice honor dauntlessness and are on display in cards like Mark of Asylum and Sigil of the new dawn whose flavor text States the sigil represents an honor that endures Beyond Death but these accolades of achievement are weighed with responsibility which we see Illustrated in call to heal as a bearer is magically summoned against their will flavor text of which reads on band a Sigil is both a prize of honor and a bond of Duty the one who Bears it may be called to fulfill that charge at any moment the largest by number of fans casts makes up the lowest rung and Foundation upon which their Nations can flourish peasants serfs Artisans Craftsmen Squires laity of all forms constitute the mortar cast aptly named for these toiling peoples labor ceaselessly for the betterment of society they act as the mortar that binds the brick of their ordered society and as the name implies are extremely hearty the flavor text of a cross and Squire suggests that the morticast fill the ranks of band's large standing armies eager to earn Renown and sigils it reads bance armies are primarily composed of members of the mortar cast loyal commoners who haven't yet earned a Sigil these individuals are selfless and accept their laborious rules without spite individuals of the morticast take pride in their purpose and Supply the nations of band with all manner of goods and services Beyond mere Manpower they are indispensable which we hear in the flavor text of Knight captain of EOS the strength of bayon's caste system is the unfailing Loyalty of its meekest members those who have gathered accolades through heroism and Duty are elevated to the sigil cast here is where the bulk of bance warrior Elite are ceremoniously invested as Knights trained in the martial arts of swordplay jousting and mounted Combat on horse-sized cats called leotal the sigil cast are the sword and shield of society lauded as chivalric Heroes and possessed of self-indulgent chauvinism Knights traveled around to protect the meek seek glory and resolve disputes amongst another in melee combat their deadly gallantry on display in the illustration of cards such as night of the white orchid and night of the Skyward eye the number and significance of sigils acquired determines hierarchy within the cast as Knights incessantly compare their deeds with another some sigils offer Boons of protective magic to the wearer which we see in the illustration of Mira sigil Sergeant whose magic creates ethereal copies of its bear the Knights of the sigil cast are augmented by the healers priests and mages of the sighted cast clerics tend wounded call forth revitalizing magic and perform incantations to Sir martial passion monks and ministers travel the Open Fields of bant offering wisdom and respite for the soul and shepherding them misguided decided are prolific in their command of magic to bolster Unity into divine farsing prognostications cards like Frontline sage and battle mage highlight the Strategic significance of sighted Wizards to craft skillful tactical plans while cards like Rock's meditate and topan ascetic demonstrate the preaching and religious Zeal assumed by many members of this cast above decided sit the elite members of the Blessed class so named due to their role as mortal intermediaries with bans Angelic hosts the blessed are the Nobles of the realm landed Aristocrats retired or aged Knights Governors princes castellans and other government officials that direct the drive towards peaceful progress across the shards communities they numbered the fewest and are most likely to achieve such vaulted position through blood rather than deed many of bans laity Mumble indignations at their exclusive positions sitting above all on band and looking down with protective benevolence are the winged hosts of dance angels Angels embody life selflessness Duty and honor they occupy the center of Ban's religion and culture as the masses draw from Angelic inspiration to perform Gallant deeds and harness The Willpower to endure through tribulations as mentioned Angels confer sigils onto the worthy and protect the righteous but otherwise remain free from public interaction shrouding themselves in inscrutable myth their words passed down through blessed intermediaries so great is the reverence towards the angels that bantians pursue Angelic reincarnation which we hear in the flavor texts of invincible hymn bantians believe those who are born into the highest caste and live a life of discipline and virtue can Ascend to become angels the angels have within their ranks their own caste system at the top sitthiasura seven of the most senior Angels whose guidance forms the court of orderly contemplation of war is its only known member below are the Amisha or physical manifestations of intangible ideas they represent altruism honor sacrifice and channel their magic to cast sigils imbued with power bestowed upon the worthy as seen in blessing of the Amisha little is known of the Mothra who act as orderlies and a sister and Amisha by enacting proclamations finally there are the celebrates these make up the lowliest of angels yet they are the most visible in the mortal world they're responsible for answering prayers protecting their flock and dispensing righteous judgment on unbelievers they're battle-hardened and fierce which we see in cards like battle Grace Angel and Angelic benediction leading from the four and marshalling bands formidable armies just as The Shard is divided into hierarchy so too is it split in geography five nations lay claim to various regions of the landscape and although foundational beliefs unite cultures varying degrees of nationalism and self-righteousness Spark conflicts between them as border zones are hotly contested band's interior swath of Rolling Hills and golden grasslands is populated by three independent states known as the inner three these are the nations of acrossa EOS and toppa lustrous Palisades in tall watchtowers line the border of across the city whose stalwart Defenders are adorned with heavy plate mail as is Illustrated in Guardians of acrossa the flavor text of Kiss of the Amisha highlights the significance of jousting tournaments where knights from across the realm converge in this great nation the fields of EOS are patrolled by renowned Rangers attuned with nature to better survey the landscape Adept falconers they dispatch birds of prey on scouting missions while they themselves check miles of open plain atop fleet-footed leotas we see this skill on display in Ranger captain of EOS and Ranger of EOS whose flavor text reads at his side humble beasts become weapons more deadly than sharpened steel desolate scrub land extends in all directions across the toppa region its isolation marks it as a favorite banishment site for Exiles and malcontents as given to us in the text of excommunicate our law prohibits capital punishment We Believe even the greatest Defenders have the chance to redeem themselves while the illustration of topan aesthetic evokes the sense of lonely wander in common in the endless grasses steep Cliffs battered by salty winds and crashing waves Mark the territory of the valeron coastline this proud nation is ruled by 12 noble families whose seat of power rests in the Tranquil Grove of the sun dappled Court night stewards in golden armor and kenite archers guard the court from Attack while leaders deliberate seen in cards like chord archers and Steward of valeron this Coastal province is engaged in interminable conflict with the island nation of Chess across the waves valeron constantly pressures subjugation but is often thwarted by Jesse and subterfuge this island nation is proud and independent a Haven for Exiles robes and other disaffected parties wishing to escape oppression from the other nations Jess employs several spies and assassins to secure its borders seen in cards Like Jesse and thief and Lookout while the flavor text of outrider of Jess regales us on its protracted rivalry with valeron in reads the island nation of Jess is under constant Siege from valeron on the mainland Riders Traverse the coastline always on the lookout for sales or even despite its impressed Orthodoxy Vance supports a diverse range of creatures and races humans are by far the most numerous and engage at all levels of caste Society from diligent surfs to sigil Knights to sighted Wizards even take to cloudless Skies as Squires Warriors and Messengers who transport important missives between bant Elites they value their status as those closest to the angels and often seek their blessing the Rhino folk called rocks are unique to The Shard of bant they embody obstinate conviction steadfast loyalty and brute strength harmoniously married in a form of dangerous Grace they're often employed as monks and healers as seen in Rock's meditint and rocks warmunk whose flavor text grants insight into their disposition rocks monks are dedicated to spiritual growth and learning and most bear the sigils of many students however they do not gladly suffer fools or those who disagree with their carefully wrought Dogma there are also formidable Warriors who dauntlessly charge into the frenzy of battle Illustrated in Rock's bodyguard whose flavor text States an enlightened Soul caged in a body made for battle [Music] with the coming of the conflicts bant finds itself assaulted by Foreign shards bearing dangerous and unknown surges of red and black Mana chaos individuality and aggression threatened to shatter the cold sanctity of bant society as those who Embrace red Manna question the foundational caste system thrust upon them we see this Illustrated in cards like Rock's brute and Glory of warfare death ambition and greed likewise are brought to Ban's Shores in the form of black manna initially no ideas new emotions and new magic strike an imbalance at band's structures as individuals convert to New Perspectives as seen in the ethercast night and not find Paladin but external threats unite the nations of bant who stand Resolute and undaunted in the face of new foes this is Illustrated in the art of Marshall coup which sees Knight's Sally Forth to face Naya's behemoths and reads their War forgotten the nations of bands stood United in the face of a common threat the sigured Warriors and angels of band must vehemently oppose the zombie hordes of grixes and the draconic beasts of jund for they represent both red and black Mana such creatures and ideas are fervently persecuted with utmost derision bant a noble and idyllic realm where the nightly Virtues Of Honor Duty and sacrifice are pursued by the enlightened hearts that dwell within where Country Estates in verdant Groves Foster growth or wisdom and Doctrine but still regulated purpose where armored Heroes defend the meek and Angels cast for splendid light it's a land much to be admired but one burdened by strictures Shackled to Antiquated systems and suppressive of non-conformity with the conflux Ban's Idol is shattered and it must reflect on its most fundamental suppositions on life Leadership and Community a realm is stringent as it might not adapt to chains or adversity marked with a conflux its nights may fall to death ambition and fury but then their hosts May stand defiant and seek new Realms to conquer in the name of a United band Alara once was whole but long ago the sundering shattered the plane into five shards that drifted just beyond each other's reach as the shards migrated they slowly took on new shape New Life New Order Mandalay lines were severed denying each Shard access to two colors of Mana which allowed those remaining to Surge unfettered one such Shard lost its connection to Green Mana verdant Bloom withered Vitality seeped organic Vigor all but lost its force and beasts disappeared in the beautiful savagery of nature vanished Redman are likewise was severed aggression and passionate emotion cooled Sparks of Ingenuity died spontaneity greatly diminished the hot fires of chaos were tempered by careful consideration here intelligence Reigns here control over all things instills purpose within the beings that dwell devoid of the natural unpredictable Vitality of Life a cold calculated and precise facsimile of metal has subsumed it this world is sharp in austere as close to Perfection as can be attained by mortal hands where knowledge is the greatest weapon wielded by the sharpest Minds here Mages telepathically assert dominance artificers craft ingenious filigree constructs and inscrutable sphinxes watch over a land as ponderous as themselves this is The Shard of esper [Music] esper is a world richly endowed with blue mana and is thus shaped by its strong ideals blue represents knowledge the will prognostication and mental fortitude its adherence crave information and value intellect Above All Else esperan braces such aspects fully its denizens are dispassionate ruled by Logic they seek to dominate others and their environments through powerful shows of cognitive acumen aspirites are distant in aloof meticulous research in inexorable Minds hungry for knowledge have crafted the most capable Mages of Alara and produced unparalleled artifice Blue's quest for control is supplemented by vibrant white Mana Ley lines Unity suppression of Divergent thought zealous persecution of non-conformists are all spawned from the marriage of these colors but so too does white Mana offer the pursuit of the pristine obsession with exact and unstained lives worthy of perfection This brilliant metallic light is counterbalanced by the presence of black Mana selfishness ambition greed all feed Esper's Quest towards ultimate power through domination ruthless and insightful black Mana ensures that knowledge gained in research is not purely academic but provides pragmatic and practical use for those daring enough to unleash its full potential when combined these colors create an intelligently designed World Immaculate ruled by Sublime foresight and crushed by fear esper is a cold world of sharp metallic edges it's Beauty crafted its Grandeur containing Dark and Dangerous undertones but as with alara's other shards esper is just as easily defined by what it lacks individuality is abhorred displays of passion shunt the chaotic forces of red Mana snuffed out in favor of strict control likewise life has been stifled verdant growth and Harmony present in green Manna have depleted leading to a stagnant husk replete with the artificial thus is born A Shard of intention a pristine progress in foresight lacking the invigorating surge of fortuity and weighed greatly by suppression and ambition the geography is as harsh and well planned as the beings that dwell within vast oceans with depths unknown hide large leviathans and serpents infused with metal cities of architectural genius sit High atop Iraqi Islands in frequently breaking above the foaming surf these glistening monuments of civilization evoke a sense of Purity and conviction but beneath many hide sewer systems and festering ghettos where all manner of Vice is employed and where nightmarish Abominations lurk seen in cards like Salvage slasher and sludge Strider whose flavor text reads underneath the cities of esper are cycles of Life unseen by those who feed them above the salty waves and spiers of esper massive storms rage and powerful winds surge as a show of control esper stormcallers have long since dominated these chaotic vestiges of nature seen in the illustration of counter Squall whose flavor text tells us each of the 23 wins of espers named and chronicled and every possible interaction with the flow of magic is exhaustively detailed Beyond the Sea lies an equally vast desert of rolling sand dunes whipped by Relentless scales upon closer scrutiny the Sands of the aptly named glass Dunes are actually fragments of crystal shards of discarded metal and glass reduced to dust this inhospitable environment is on display in the illustration of glass dust Hulk Central to esper is the omnipresent and magically infused metallic alloy known as ethereum ethereum can be found in nearly all things on The Shard its life-extending and invigorating Aura is used to combat the frailties and limitations of natural life artificials and filigree Crafters shape new constructs out of the metal which we can see in cards like ethereum sculptor and master transmuter the faith in ethereum is highlighted in the flavor text of Master of ethereum which states only a mind unfettered with the concerns of the flesh can see the world as it truly is the medal is a commodity a show of status and a means to craft the most advanced artifacts and structures known to Alara its presence and significance is highlighted in the printing of colored artifact cards this is meant to represent that metal and steel suffuse all things on esper even those deemed natural and is present through many cards within the block for esper Mages ethereum is a symbol of Enlightenment within the mind and Perfection of the body flesh to them is weak finite all on esper gather this rarified substance transmuting it to replace body parts as they progress ever more closely to Mechanical purity so obsessed with this process are those on esper that a faction known as The Ether swarm have assumed responsibility of supplanting all natural life with ethereum a conversion they dubbed the noble work we hear the chilling beliefs of these zealots in the flavor texts of ether swarm canonist the noble work of our order is to infuse all life on esper with ethereum our goal will be reached more rapidly if new life is suppressed and an identity crisis we hear to join our ranks one must be pure to be pure one must be blessed by ethereum to be blessed one must forget oneself the noble work is an arduous task due largely to the constraining fact that new ethereum hasn't been wrought in centuries knowledge of the mystical rights involved in crafting ethereum was possessed only by the Sphinx crucius who eventually Fell From Grace was persecuted and disappeared into myth but fables tell of a red Crystal humming with vibrant energy that was once used to shape the vital alloy and many aspirites dedicated their lives scouring The Shard for any trace of the crystal [Music] esper is a meticulous and structured mageocracy dominated by the hegemony of its ruling sphinxes it's no wonder On A Shard where knowledge represents ultimate power and Feats of mental Acumen lauded over physical Deeds that those who wield the forces of magic also wield socio-political clout esper Mages are the ruling Elite in a strictly censored state to display their Prestige ostentatiously through their Legions of dribbling servants and homunculi which we see in cards like public conjurer while the flavor text of Court homunculus grants insight into the social landscape Mages of esper measure their wealth and Status by the number of servants in their retinus wealth and power are also measured by ethereum Mages who have largely transformed themselves with filigree and replaced flesh with metal command the greatest respect and resentment in battle esper Mages employ powerful counter magic to disrupt spells dominate The Wills of their foes and utilize telepathic Commands to control gargoyle constructs or knights in their employ ideas are a potent force on esper chaotic danger lurks within they're systematically suppressed censored and scrutinized by architects of will Rogue thoughts are policed propaganda distributed on etherup pages to control the masses and shape their reality ideas are prescribed by esper sphinxes for they represent the Pinnacle of knowledge and Arcane wisdom aloof and obscure the Sphinx's prognosticate from regnal fortresses and deliver cryptic decrees based on their divinations the strongest and wisest is sharum the hegemon who directs all aspects of intellectual pursuit to ensure a United esper the enigmatic Sphinx is assisted in disseminating their Dogma By mentalists and By The Ether sworn who enforce dictates with a lethal conviction as seen in The Ether sworn adjudicator a faction of zealots and ethereum crazed artificers known as The Seekers of karma Center their operations within the impregnable mysterious floating Fortress of the sanctum Arcanum here they Ponder ethereum's Mysteries and sojourn through the landscape in library alike to uncover carmont the mythical crystalline substance purported to Bear significance in the crafting of ethereum with no way to produce the foundational metal and with current supplies exhausted The Seekers carry their task with desperate sincerity hope of returning ethereum to esper weighs on every thought we see them in cards like filigree sages and The vadalkin Outlander despite its oppression of Divergent thought there are those on esper who oppose the Sphinx hegemony thwart their architects of Will and ridicule The Seekers such minds are found in polandius and in the flavor text of Arcane sanctum we hear their contempt for the social order we must rely on our own knowledge not on the dogma of The Seekers or the mutterings of the sphinxes other Rogues find Haven within the glistening walls of vectus a sprawling City built around pristine etheroc towers salvagers and thieves perform all manner of contrarian acts in the shadowed Alleyways of vectus as we hear in the flavor text of vectus gloves thieves love technological innovations almost as much as artificers do in the criminal syndicates that rule the city's underworld scene in vectus silencers below the Metropolis is a Labyrinth of waterways waste dumps and scrapyard tenements known as tide Hollow a Locale suited for Black Market Salvage assassination and subterfuge tide Hollow is Haven for vectus's CD activity a sentiment echoed in the flavor text of scepter of fugue one goes to tide Hollow either to forget or to be forgotten either way the scholars will oblige tide Hollow is a symbol of defiance against strict order forced upon vectus by Sharon as such agents and artifacts of the hegemony frequently Ray at hideouts related to us in the art and fiber text of mine mock orb which reads Rogue mechanis once rubbished through the waste of the tide Hollow constructing unauthorized Golems to threaten the hegemony of the sphinxes the orbs put a stop to that [Music] though esper is molded by rigid strictures It's A Shard of much diversity typified by the races that dwell within briefly mentioned have been the winged mystical sphinxes who dominate minds and issue proclamations of the hegemony enforced by loyal aspirites sphinxes are dubious unfathomable to the Mortal Minds by whom they are besieged to share the tiniest hint of Arcane wisdom knowledge is power to the Sphinx these creatures speak in infuriating riddles sensor thought and are harshly critical of those they deem unintelligent as is the case with Magister Sphinx whose flavor text reads these United worlds are thick with ignorance I will educate them they will listen or they will die cure steadfast devotion sphinxes have in their employee artificially constructed gargoyles their winged Silhouettes purposefully invoke the dark presence of their masters we see this on display in dark lit and Tower gargoyles a sphinx is spiteful and selfish with ill-contained ambition their chilling machinations are heard in the flavor text of the card Onyx goblet the Goblet was a gift from the Sphinx scoriel who hoped humans in vidalkin would eventually destroy each other to acquire it being all of esper to her own kind several other peoples inhabit esper Chief among them are the tall thin blue-skinned vidalkin many of whom share predilections towards magecraft and orifice they number among the illustrious Seekers of karmat and ether sworn but can likewise be seen in court as advisors and AIDS to the ruling sphinxes as seen in Sphinx's Herald some of a dalkin such as the esper stormblade are effective storm callers in null Mages they back and forth powerful Gales to crush foes and Inspire fear in would-be Interlopers the dolkin have the highest number of ethereum infused members which allude to The Prestige and respect they command their filigree Ingenuity on display in ethereum sculptor an ether sworn shieldmate many of a dalkin and some humans number among domineering mind Mages which control voluntary subjects known as telemund through thought projection as a puppet master pulls on the string of his creation so too do mind Mages command their telemund instruments broken of will to carry about heinous Deeds we see their skill in telemund performance and hear their self-assuredness inceptor of dominance which reads whether or not you will bow to me is not open to debate the question is will I ever let you rise the other sentient race comprises Esper's human population with varying degrees of ethereum enhancements and equally ubiquitous among the highest courts in the putrid sewers humans fill roles at every societal level their most densely populated within the glistening metal city of vectus and its lower reaches that empty into underground tide Hollow some are employed as assassins or architects of will for their hegemony others are zealous Fanatics that have devoted their lives to The Ether sworn and others still have splintered from the sphinxes to gather retinus of disaffected downtrodden souls to salvage spy silence or otherwise engage in illegal activity scurrying about esper sanctums are diminutive blue skinned servants called homunculi crafted of metal and magically instilled sentience a monkey light carry out their Master's commands unquestioningly we see them in puppet conjure and Court homunculus the winds and clouds above esper are domain to Multiplex winged creatures many of which have been sculpted from ethereum Drakes like the cloud Heath Drake stuck dangerous storms Birds such as the cormorants migrate Island to Island above the ocean's salty spray and a most peculiar species of artificial floating jellyfish scour the land their bodies are rapacious receptacle for scrap metal seen in esperzoa with the conflicts of Alara violent surges of red and green Mana rule across esper introducing natural chaos that rattles the established Serenity and perfect rule of The Shard control that all-important ideal loses its grip on esper as red Mana introduces passionate emotion creative uncertainty Sparks of Ingenuity whipped to a frenzy conflagration overtake esper as its denizens adopt new thoughts their attempt to maintain semblance of control is given with the flavor text of celestial Purge which reads this new chaos confounds us we must fling it into our winds our storms these we can control such Endeavors are Illustrated in Spellbound dragon as esper Mages dominate John's apex predators their failures equally Illustrated in molten frame meanwhile the vital force of green Mana rushes to crush espers mechanized Abominations erode is ethereum and Revitalize its sanitized landscape we see the speed at which the natural spreads in filigree fracture which shows an ethereum-coated Sphinx shattering and reads the Sphinx tyrannized band until a rock's Mage tested the hardiness of her shiny parts but green Mana also offers Insight a hidden truth deep and opaque revealed only through close scrutiny of organic growth order and introspection some intellectuals forfeit the Antiquated dogma of the sphinxes and embrace Enlightenment offered by Nature this is highlighted in the cards vidulkin heretic in lorscale coatal which read ethereum clouded my eyes clogged my ears desensitized my skin now that I can feel I can begin to learn and the enlightenment I never found in ethereum I have found Trace in the collateral scales the conflicts brings esper into contact with John sangrite and karmat two naturally occurring resources integral to the creation of ethereum that esper has lacked for ages The Seekers Venture forth to dominate John's wilds and fill their stores with the minerals their purpose realized esperites can begin forging of ethereum to fulfill the great work this endeavor is initially undertaken by the Mage Brea who Embraces red Mana to fuel her Mastery over the sculpting of ethereum she and her disciples inject invigorating hope into a Shard that has been hopelessly stagnant there are some who doggedly hold to tradition and view her cause as heretical bringing nothing but dangerous disorder esper A Shard of cold calculus of oppressive rule of rigid strictures and unfeeling metal it's a world in which every moment has been meticulously planned every detail pondered in every aspect controlled it's home both to the most brilliant capable Mages and artificers demonstrating their mental prowess and Forge and sanctum and to the most dogmatic near-sighted Minds who Shone all ideas that they themselves don't hold irrevocably true this has created a land of great wisdom chained only by its own limited world view that small Keyhole has been significantly expanded with alara's merge as the conflux establishes a path to new ideas new Innovations and new ethereum will esper proved too rigid beholden to past truths to embrace a changing world or will it adapt remold its filigree medals to assume control over a new order one thing's certain esper will retain its mysticism its mentality and its Master over artifice Alara once was whole but long ago the sundering shattered the plane into five shards that drifted just beyond each other's reach as the shards migrated they slowly took on new shape New Life New Order Mandalay lines were severed denying each Shard access to two colors of Mana which allowed those remaining to Surge unfettered one such charge severed its anchoring tethers to White Mana order dissolved unity and Community forgotten the healing balm of Life stifled The Shard was likewise stripped of its green mantle lines Vigor lost reverence for the natural fated the strong pulse of Vitality weakened here all in abundance are death and decay here the landscape has eroded the natural life cycle has stagnated the invigorating surge of growth and light has been cast Over choked by sulfurous fumes of toxic waste here ancient necropolis crumble their extensive Crypts lie empty for those long dead have risen from Eternal Slumber here skeletons shamble vampires take to the skies and demons gather Souls corrupt by Promises of power here life has been Twisted into a gruesome Macabre mockery this is The Shard of grixis [Music] crixus is a Shard richly endowed with reserves of black mana and is thus strongly influenced by this color's ideals death Reigns Supreme Over the fetid swamps and still waterways of grixes so much so that most denizens lurking are not truly alive but rather creatures born from undeath powerful necromancers raise buried corpses and command skeletal Legions with which to wage war on another Afflicted vampires soar high above the mountains in ashing clouds tracking what little life remains a sentiment of this plagued world is given to us in the flavor text of fleshbag marauder grixis is a world where the only things found in abundance are death and Decay corpses polar and part are the standard currency among necromancers and demons grixes is equally ruled by ambition as black Mana corrupts countless shapes dark desires and reveals a Cutthroat selfishness that dominates the land greed and personal gain are Monumental driving forces rendering The Shard incapable of a structured society as all seek only their own betterment black supported in its violence and Anarchy by the presence of red Mana hatred and Loathing are fueled by the passions of red as the undead recklessly Slaughter another and zealously hunt the few living that remain on crixus demonic overlords wield fire and death magic to melt foes which we see Illustrated in the card blightnik while blood cultist highlights the significance of sangomancy or blood magic to reinvigorate bodies devoid of life red also lends individualism and freedom which only fuels the existing Anarchy that's a fuses grixis not bound by law the only hierarchy that exists is founded on strength cunning and self-preservation Red's hot tempers and raw emotions are cooled by the presence of blue Mana blue offers Insight calculus and prognostication to further the Ambitions of black Mana decedents of Refuge are employed by Blue aligned Mages to realize their goals illusionists call on stagnant oceans to feel spells necromancers and liches divine portents through skeletal scrying and flesh is not all upon which the horrors of grix's feast the mind is a delicious morsel as thought is equally devoured this is beautifully Illustrated in the card Nemesis of Reason which shows an incomprehensible horror and whose flavor text reads words describing it fail Pages relating it shrivel Tales recounting it and when taken together these three colors result in a toxic realm devoid of life and largely denuded of Natural Resources It's A Shard gripped with anger and dark scheming where death is abundant civilization greatly lacking and Corruption seeps from landscape into Soul a truth displayed in the art and flavor text of grix's Panorama which reads there is no height above grixes that is free from the stench of death while the text of wretched banquet economically summarizes the reality of Life on The Shard in which the traitor King cedris remarks the meek inherit nothing but grixes is just as easily defined by what it lacks without the influence of white Mana ideas of order Authority and structure have dissolved into Lawless Anarchy ruled only through instinctual desires such faulted morals as honor and Duty have been supplanted by hubris and duplicity we hear this in the flavor text of grix's charm so many choices shall I choose loathing hate or malice today life and healing manifest in white are nowhere their influence absent the acute Pains of which are only exacerbated by the loss of green Mana both colors Foster growth preserve the living and inject Vitality into life's Circle to continue its natural cycling without green forests have withered Fields have long since fallowed and a cradling Embrace of verdant Essence has depleted what results is Shard crippled by inertia where nothing new Grows Where what few shreds of life that remain are constantly and often gruesomely recycled Without End we hear this in the flavor text of Agony warp which reads life's Circle has become inverted in brixis the same energy is endlessly recycled and becomes more stagnant with each pass es is a foul Shard a husk that at its very core stands lifeless this is cleverly represented in the unearth mechanic present on several cards tied to it it portrays both the skill of the shard's necromancers to reanimate dead creatures and also the pained grotesque form of immortality innate in such Abominations this can be found on grixes and inherent in the land itself the landscape of grixis is filled with haunted Moors drag heaps of skeletal and rotten remains petrified by lava flows and Misty Waters whose murky depths are unknown it offers little respite and much Danger the dominant land mass of The Shard is known as the dragscape a putrid amalgamation of boneyards necromantic dumping grounds ruins of ancient eroded cities still bogs and Meandering rivulets of magma its foulness seeps into everything and instills those dwelling within with gruesome intimations the dragscape is a temporary resting place for grix's Dead who are both willing and unwillingly stirred from their Slumber to return as reanimated Corpses it's a horrid fate but keeps the unnatural cycle of death on grix's churning we see it Illustrated in the shard's planar card and the Abominations found underneath the refuse in cards like Drake breather and dragscape zombie whose flavor text reads the undead of grixes are fueled by their hatred of the living it's no wonder this landscape attracts all manner of liches and wizards who summon Undead to realize their ambition several Stony skeletons dot the dregscape remnants of cities lost after the sundering that have now become necropolises and Havens for the most ambitious on grixis the most notable isidraxis Fortress of Lich Lord cedrus the traitor King long ago sutraxis was the kingdom of vithia's beating heart but the sundering shattered order and allowed evil purchase Vivia couldn't stop the Relentless March of demons and Undead but they refused to submit cedris realizing his people couldn't claim victory betrayed his station and made a pact with demons for immortality he opens to draxus's Gates allowing ruthless Slaughter and blood spilling to flood into a city and devastate his people in want and Massacre earning himself the moniker of Traitor King in the process this tale is related in the art and text of crumbling necropolis they say the ruins of sidraxis were once a shining capital and vithya now it's a blight a place to be avoided by the living unks is another Bastion of undeath notable for its zombie Wizards and the demons who rule it which we can see in archdemon of unks whose text reads the necropolis adunks was once a living City its streets untrodden by Death the half-sunken ruin of cataract lies at the boundary of the dregscape where rotten land gives way to an equally festering ocean Horrors like the Cataract creeper and parasite lurk in its shadowed labyrinthine passageways awaiting an opportunity to devour straight thoughts and unsuspecting prey the water surrounding the necropolis are patrolled by benthic behemoths as is the case in Cataract Leviathan while the shoreline is home to all manner of rancid beasts hoping to snatch tasty morsels of still living flesh we see this in the card's sure Snapper whose flavor text reads cathari the sickly Avon of grixis have learned that the corpses by the shoreline are more trap than treat Beyond the Horizon lies in archipelago of refuse or the cathari roost Adept scavengers kathari flit along toxic clouds to scrape what little flesh remains on Rotten bones then dump them as the flavor text of bone Shard states in the bone heaps their emaciated figures are seen in cathari's creature and bomber On A Shard like grixis where pestilence Reigns and stagnation permeates life force is a precious ever dwindling commodity its Essence called this acts as currency between all manner of Undead who use its Vitality to invoke Arcane incantations and extend their own miserable immortality we see the capture of this in the illustration of absorb this while the flavor text of bone splinters highlights its import witches of the split eye coven speak of the future where grixis will overflow with life energy for now they must Harvest this from the living to fuel their dark magics broadly grixis can be divided into two groups the few creatures that possess this and still live called vitals and the overwhelming majority of Undead that shamble and scheme for its acquisition the aforementioned cathar a number among vitals as dugrixus's ogre populations who due to their toxic environs have grown bizarre mutations as seen in incurable ogre and fire field ogre the former flavor text grants insight to their nature each mutation causes the incurables to look vastly different from one another they are left with only one thing in common their insatiable lust for the slaughter the largest contingent of vitals are the human bands of Nomads called vithians their name Harkens to the ancient Kingdom of ithia whose lineage they can trace but has long since died out even in memory vithians are Mobile by necessity their holdouts in shelters called hermitages are incessantly under Threat by roving demons or Undead Legions to whom the scent of this is an irresistible Allure they must make haste to avoid a ghastly demise the vitals fight a losing battle on crixus death can be delayed but never denied to ensure survival vithians are practiced in the Arts of Illusion in misdirection their very lives dependent on cunning we see this in cards like grix disillusionist in battle mage the flavor text of swerve highlights vidya's desperation we can't beat the necromancers in number or raw power we must beat them with Ingenuity and timing while the vitals eke out a paltry existence in fear of predation Christmas is Undead lock another in battles of Will and ambition to extend their personal influence the most powerful of Undead are winged horned domineering demons vile manifestations of black Manna their desires unbounded their schemes unfathomable demons represent a Darkness few can oppose they use this to cast spells that enhance their power they use lies and deceit to draw in ambitious supplicants with false promise and they vehemently attack all who challenge their Authority we see their cruel Visage on display and extractor demon and defiler of Souls the flavor text meanwhile of Prince of thralls highlights a demon's ruthlessness there are none alive that I cannot Crush there are none dead that I do not command all manner of creatures Bend knees before their demonic overlords and seek to Curry favor but a demon's largest is fickle and inflicting as the text of yoke of the damn reads the Demon's yoke is part leash part noose perhaps the most powerful of demonic entities is a peculiar mix with a dragon mouthful Gore is possessed of demonic knowledge and draconic spite beneath demons sit the levitating host of vampires who Dart across the skies and descend on unsuspecting prey full of both nourishing this and electable blood they're a rare sight only referenced in blood Tyrant and vein drinker but as with most vampires they grow stronger with each corpse strain Undead Barons Warlords and necromantic wizards known as liches are common across grixes and command a great deal of power they carve up the landscape into Petty kingdoms necropolis city-states and when not promoting their own machinations often attend to the schemes of demons their ability to summon and Lead Legions of the undead is highlighted in the abilities of Lich Lord of unks while death Baron's flavor text reads for The Necromancer Barons killing and recruitment are one in the same the most infamous of Lich Lords is the aforementioned traitor King cedris who rules of asphath of territory from within his Undead Bastion of sidraxis the most abundant Undead are the thousands of poor souls that have been magically reanimated time and again as zombies to unthinkingly carry out the whims of their masters bones skeletons heaps of putrid flesh are all reborn denied the satisfaction of peaceful Oblivion they're killed reconstituted and revived in an endless cycle of undeath we see their nightmarish appearance Illustrated in shambling remains an infectious horror zombies have little faculty no concern for their own preservation and no will they're creatures of deplorable Instinct noted in the flavor text of zombie Outlander The Ripe smell of Life drifted Into grixis the Dead cut the scent and with Reckless hunger followed it back into John with the coming of the conflicts Alaris shards so long isolated merge again in a tempestuous Maelstrom that Royals landscape that redefines reality grixis is buffeted by waves of vital growth and vigorous life force as green and white Mana surge across the dregscape the reconnection to these colors of Mana breaks crixus free from the degenerative stagnation of death as life once again offers renewal green Mana invigorates the land as powerful forces of nature till depleted soils mitigate blight and cultivate growth we see the blooming of A Shard largely withered in the art of trace of abundance where both green and white Mana work to reclaim a skeletal necropolis white Mana supplement screen in establishing a new life cycle to grixes but it also brings odor and stability to A Shard dominated by chaotic ambition through sword Point diplomacy banned Scouts and soldiers sojourn into the putrid swamps of this Shard Benton zealous Crusade against undeath they view the Abominations of grixes as anathema to their own existence and fervently strike against demon and Lich Lord alike which we see in cards like ban sureblade while the flavor text of zealous persecution sheds light on band's war with grixes and reads jarek returned from grix's changed a haunted look in her eyes she destroyed them with an Unholy Glee that made me shudder but the conflux is not a unidirectional exchange and just as grixes is molded by intake of new Mana so too does it export death ambition and toxic pestilence to the other shards the sweet nectar of this runs rampant through Naya Banton Jun peaking voracious appetites and a desire to feed within all Undead on grixes they leave The Shard by thousands to slaughter feed terrorize corruptance like their thirst which we see in the zombie Outlander while the card voices from the void illustrates the painful tumult Unleashed when millions of the Damned pour forth with such swirlings of new energies and revitalized life the vithians and other survivors once more have hope of Escape or victory over on death while scheming Lich Lords tap into surges of Mana to fuel new devastating spells as seen in flesh former whose text reads necromancers who discovered the new sources of Mana were quick to dream up new nightmares with them an in Idris Maelstrom wielder an ogre wizard forced into the chaotic Maelstrom who became a conduit of its raw volatile Energies A Shard of rot and Decay it's a land ripe with pestilent stagnation a land dominated by ambition its preserves loathing selfishness and misery it's a land crippled by undeath imprisoned by greed all across demons strike infernal contracts necromancers raise armies of zombies and Untold Horrors lurk in fetid Marshland few living fear constantly for their lives as they are surrounded by the consequences of death will grixes be reclaimed and renewed with the conflicts will the soldiers and angels of band say vithia from demise or will the cold grip of undeath remain and even infect Lands Beyond with vile sickness that is characteristic of grixes thanks so much for watching and listening to The Shard of grixis explained and that wraps up our series exploring the shards of the Lara now I want to hear from you let me know your thoughts on grixis's Undead hordes which Shard is your favorite as well as suggestions for future videos in the comments below and if you're a fan of lore and storytelling be sure to subscribe to the channel check out the podcast or the blog where content is uploaded frequently again a huge shout out to all of my patreon supporters over on patreon your patronage means the world to me and helps the channel grow and improve if you're interested in becoming a lore luminary for access to me a great Community written scripts and early video drops check out until next time go forth and explore the lore [Music] thank you foreign foreign [Music]
Channel: The Lorebrarians
Views: 40,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wOV5aVd7ydw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 15sec (5475 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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