How to Make SICILIAN "Pizza" | Thicker & Quicker Pizza Recipes

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I'm gonna make you some pizza you can't refuse God that was terrible my apologies today we're having a little Sicilian pizza party well I should clarify in Sicily they don't make anything that they would call Pizza however in Sicily they make a bunch of what should I call them Pizza adjacent recipes and today it was gonna cook several of them I've tried a couple of these pizzas in the past and they're always amazing and one thing that's really cool about them is that they can usually be done in one day unlike traditional neapolitan pizza that 24 to 48 hour rest is real fun when you're craving a pizza right away so get ready because today we're sleeping with the fishes that doesn't make any sense Harper it doesn't make any sense thank you let's make some dough so can you explain to me how this dough is going to be different from just a normal pizza dough the first thing carpet is the flower we are going to use semolina flour while the normal neapolitan pizza uses zero zero flour then we are going to use some yeast water olive oil that we never put in the dough of Napoleon pizza and salt [Music] now is the moment to prepare our toppings for our pizza actually I shouldn't call it toppings I should call it filling because this is a kind of stuff though pizza and we are going to use potatoes and sausages [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] just yeah yeah get me salivated [Applause] foreign [Applause] potatoes kind of guy so this is sort of right up my alley meat potatoes and pizza dough Sicilian pizza though [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and maybe some mozzarella cheese some basil but some good oregano [Applause] [Music] foreign I really don't have the words to describe how excited I am for this up here in front of you you have shavata di Memphis yes Memphis in Sicily and this is the traditional Pizza that they make just in Memphis this reminds me of one of the other few Sicilian pizzas I've tried the one that was probably an ancestor of Chicago deep dish pizza what was it called that was the spin Chinese right but how it's kind of like more like a pie can you see that the layers there of beautiful sausage and potatoes this is the traditional one but but it's like I know that there are a lot of people that maybe they don't eat meat though so okay they can also substitute maybe they meat with some cheese instead of just keeping these amazing dishes just substitute the meat I assume this is an eat with the hands kind of thing it will be a little bit messy but that's okay [Music] that is every bit as delicious as I was expecting no more delicious than I was expecting actually it's an amazing Pizza fluffy slime this is a thick but it's very very light it'll resemble a little bit but just a little bit a kind of brioche I have to ask now though are all Sicilian pizzas like like this like literal Pizza pies not all of them the tofu our second Sicilian pizza is very similar to the dough that we made before for our savata here we have some semolina flour yeast salt olive oil water but this time we are going to add the Lar Ry [Music] we let it rest for 10 minutes because our door right now is a little bit stressed the sign is to relax poor little dough nice rest nice stretches I stressed it a lot so now 10 minutes she will relax I know it's a she yes because the dough in Italian is feminine that's all for me it's a the best thing in life they are feminine except for one the wine in Italian is masculine pasta is feminine pizzas feminine pane is masculine got you there are you learning Italian I am speaking of learning Italian it's time I told you guys about today's video sponsor as some of you guys may know Ava is a literal professional Italian language teacher one of the things she tells me and her students all the time is that if you want to learn a foreign language you have to practice every day that's very easy for me I have someone I can talk to in Italian all the time but most people don't have that and if you're trying to learn a foreign language I highly recommend checking out Rosetta Stone I played around with a ton of different language learning systems over the years Rosetta Stone for me is the only one that came even close to talking to a real person they get you talking right away it'll it'll give you like dialogue from another character and then you just have to think on the spot and try to respond just using the context of the conversation you actually have to think what would I say next I know a lot of you are planning spring travel you probably want to talk to the locals when you get there check language learning off the itinerary because right now you can save 40 percent off off unlimited languages that's right you can study one or all 25 of the languages that Rosetta Stone offers through March 22 click on the link down in the description below and you'll get 40 off unlimited languages a big thank you to Rosetta Stone for sponsoring today's video does it feel more relaxed much more this is also a stuffed pizza but it's stuffed in a dinner way I'm going to use kacho Cavallo ragusano if you do not find the uh this is try to find a very sharp provolone it will be not really the same but maybe can give you the idea then I'm going to use anchovies I'm going to use um majorana that in English in English is [Music] [Applause] this is totally starting to look like pizza wait a moment [Music] oh it's like a pizza roll pizza roll up we didn't finish yet [Applause] oh what [Music] what are you doing under the pizza I told you what [Music] uh yeah that is not what I was expecting I know I noticed you don't seem overly concerned about breaking dough absolutely it's not a problem at all actually you should be able to break something [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] thank you okay this one really threw me for a loop I thought I had a handle of what was going on I'm like okay I can see this big wide old Pizza no not not quite this artery is transition excuse us clap on it what this pizza is called the runs issue run is from the village of cusa's Club yes when you make the flowers wait is it like this expression the wheat and the chaff it's like the good part and the bad part perfect but because they don't want to waste anything also because they were poor people when they made this they made a balance between the bad part of the flower and the good part of the flower nowadays we don't really need to use the bad part of the flower so they substitute with the semolina flour and they do this just in the village of kyosa's Club not really sure what to expect here but let's try it it's definitely more on the bread side but it's like just cheesy delicious bread and it changes from bite to bite like sometimes you get a big bite of cheese or sometimes you get an anchovy which by the way I promise if you wear a blindfold you won't tell that it's anchovies okay I understand that this is not on the classical piece but this is one of the things that I could eat them really all the tray here and not get bored because I love it it is so good I can't stop eating this one I really can't I really can't do you find the Ultra version with the sausages with vegetables or if you want to make it completely vegetarian and put some vegetables inside like a bit zucchini or eggplants whatever you want they work very well I just think that technique of rolling out a large sheet and then rolling up all these things instead of just mixing things into the dough it just creates all these little layers and stuff it's just amazing it's just a really really cool technique super good but we've gone from the pie side of things to more of the bread side of things are there any Sicilian pizzas that look like pizza so yeah but they just look like a pizza there is no lard in this dough we are going to mix some all-purpose flour with semolina flour and we're going to add some sugar with the real Pizza usually you don't cook the sauce but because this is a pizza we are going to cook our sauce hahaha foreign [Music] but also something unique [Music] hang on a minute I feel like I've seen this before wait a minute [Music] what are we going to do with this leftover sauce pasta [Music] I am so excited to eat that I'm not done yet [Music] okay now I'm even more excited about eating it now you need just to wait [Music] wait this looks pretty pizzay well don't say this if you want to be in trouble if you don't want to be in trouble because if you go to polaro when you call this pizza it's a problem because this is the spinach wait I thought that thing for the deep dish pizza video was a Swinton yes it was the original one Madonna from this that one with the various type we end up having this so this is one type of one type of Sicilian pizza yes now this is the quintessential of the street food in palermos really is like it's a religion over there so don't call it pizza [Applause] the houses it feels a lot lighter than than it looks at the end the the [Music] it's a reason it's very fluffy foreign okay I can see why that is a religious Affair in Palermo I don't know it's like I lost my words as like it's amazing I love them Pizza I love the Napoleon style pizza I could eat that all my life but this is pretty cool it's pretty darn close this is pretty close to a very good Napoleon Pizza yeah the sauce with the onions that have cooked down until they're just super sweet it's thick and then cheesy on top absolutely amazing also part of the genius of this is that you have this thick very spongy piece of dough to soak up that really thick sauce I don't know how well you can see but it really like bleeds into the dough it's amazing oh my gosh speaking of Sicilian food before we go a quick shout out to a pasta grammarian in action who made an amazing looking pandarancha if you want to become a pasta grammarian then hit that subscribe button follow us on social media at pasta grammar and definitely tag us if you try any of these recipes all of the recipes today were absolute winners if I had to pick one to make it would probably be this one but you're not gonna go wrong with any of them that's for sure all right guys thanks for watching we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Pasta Grammar
Views: 146,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sicilian pizza, thick crust pizza, pizza recipe, recipe, sicily, italian pizza, pan pizza, sfincione, italy, sciavata, ranza e sciura, pizza pie, deep dish, detroit style pizza, detroit pizza, thick pizza recipe, quick pizza, easy pizza, how to make pizza, pasta grammar, eva, ava, harper, palermo, sfincione palermitano
Id: 7hciB9wqI5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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