The Pitfalls of Dawah: OR: Why Don’t People Embrace Islam Immediately | Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi

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we won this level Dini what will happen soon he was unknowingly Sanji than me to me [Music] not him al hamdu lillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam ala sayidina muhammadin wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in am a bird we have learned a lot at hamdulillah giving that were collectively for the last few decades in this land and I want to begin by actually talking a little bit about my own experiences so I grew up in the 80s and the first exposure I had to quote-unquote Dawa was none other than a MIDI dots and the dot videos which I'm sure many of us in this audience are very familiar with and alhamdulillah net share today that a few times and no doubt he was a type of influence on me at the same time watching chef de dots videos gave us a type of presumption about Dawa that I think needs to be corrected in hindsight he did a great job may Allah bless and reward him but a lot has happened since 1985 and we have been collectively giving Dawa in this part of the world for almost a generation now and the impression that we had the impression that I had definitely and I know I speak on behalf of many people was that all that we needed to do was to have a strong personality good debate skills and solid arguments if you had solid arguments and you could take on these Jimmie's regards and all of these other people out there then the whole world will convert to Islam wants to hear of your solid arguments and if we could only go to a training school by DDOT and come out mini replicas quoting you know scripture and whatnot then whare attend a saya the whole unified inna llaha of waha all of mankind would convert but you see in my particular case I actually did go to study University you start giving Dawa and you realize that no one converts you preach and you teach you talk and you give lectures months years go by and the people that you're talking to by and large they don't convert because of your Dawa they don't convert because of your solid arguments in fact the people who convert have nothing to do with you they come because they're interested in something else and they track you down not the other way around and they knock doors on your messages and they say such-and-such happen I'm interested in Islam now that they're this close then you come into the picture and you speak to them a week a month and then it shall allow to either you give them the Shahada but it wasn't your detailed arguments that converted them it wasn't your solid you know two second clips that you memorize because you attended the Saturday it kind of workshop which it has I'll call thee that had nothing to do with it rather they're already intrigued they're already curious for something else and then they come to you with a different mindset and I think that we need to it's about time and I get again I mean this is this is the first time I'm also teaching something to this frankness but I think that it is time that we move beyond the platitudes be moved beyond the cliched responses and got to some real psychological issues of that wa because the fact of the matter dear Muslims were attending a dour workshop if solid arguments and good personality were enough to convince the world of the truth of Islam the Quraysh would have been convinced of the Prophet system as soon as the process have opened his mouth with the Kadima but was that the case if all you need was to attend a training workshop and to be spoon-fed the right answer and to have the solid arguments could anybody be better than our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if all you needed was to have a good Yuja ibrahim alayhis salaam had the best adjure were haja Homa and did his people convert after ibraheem sahaja it did not happen and therefore we need to actually have a very very frank reorientation about how we're giving Dawa and what is the best mechanism for giving Dawa and remember that even our prophet sallallahu alayhi wa send them it took him 23 years of constant preaching and even then it wasn't his arguments that won the Quraysh over at the end of the day it was the political conquest of Makkah it was the political conquest of Makkah that eventually caused the leadership of the Quraysh and the people of Makkah and mass whare attend NASA yello-ha Luna feed-in Allah hath Waja and ironically dear brothers and sisters even at the conquest of Makkah those leaders converted grudgingly they did not do so willingly Abu Sufyan to the very end and those other leaders it wasn't an immediate acceptance and when they converted they were in a gray area for a period of time as the books of ceará mentioned and it took a while even Allah mentions those who converted that at that time Wellum Halil amana fearful you become Iman has not yet entered your hearts so if converting people and giving that WA was as easy as memorizing two second responses to the Shabbat to the arguments that come then the whole world would have been Muslim for 14 centuries we need to get rid of this mindset because what happens if my dear brothers and sisters one we has simplistic mindset what happens is when we start giving Dawa and nothing happens at the very least our gets deflated like what's going on why aren't people coming to Islam I'm saying what I was taught to say these are the responses I was I was I was told it will dampen our own enthusiasm our spirit to give that WA so we need to be very very frank here strong arguments by themselves will never win converts solid logic in and of itself will never gain hundreds or thousands of people converting to Islam there's only a very very small segment of mankind where intellectual arguments works with them a very small slither of mankind and those people are all ready searching for the truth they're already looking for answers and they're typically coming to you not the other way around they're already in a mindset where they're wanting to search for the truth and tell me honestly what percentage of mankind are that courageous and brave that they're willing to break away from their tradition and they're trying to find the higher values of truth in other traditions it's a very very small group of open-minded intellectually courageous people who are willing to think through everything we also need to be aware of some of the psychological problems of giving Dowa to others I'm gonna mention two or three primary issues that we should all be aware of because we don't want to dampen our own spirit we don't want to suffer a lot even harm our own Iman and I have met people I really believe that they have given that our for decades or years and then they get so frustrated that they even just lose track of religiosity they just stop doing anything because what they thought would be useful they didn't see the impact of what they thought would be useful they had a different mindset coming in so I want us to be aware of some of the psychological issues when we give that one by the way we are coming to the zero don't worry it's gonna be here but I find it highly problematic and if you want me to teach you I'm not gonna just jump to the spirit as in my humble opinion that wouldn't be doing the topic justice I would not be doing the topic or you justice by ignoring this simplistic mindset so I want us to be aware of certain psychological problems that we as there is faced when we're giving dower to our people the biggest problem that is mentioned in the Quran and our psychologists fully understand the technical term for today or the mass term for it is groupthink groupthink this is the biggest problem and it is a technical psychological term groupthink you can call it social conditioning groupthink is when you are born and raised in a group you will think like the group it's very simple right when you're born and raised in a group you will think like the group and you will assume that that's groups relative orientation standards mechanisms mannerisms culture theology everything that you associate with your own group that is automatically the default that is where you began looking at the whole world through the lens of your own group that you have happened to be born and raised amongst so psychologically this is well known and that's why the quran mentions every group said the same thing to their prophets who are you our fathers did this our culture did this who do you think you guys are right and I have given many talks about modernism and progressive Islamic what not in the same issue applies to us having been born and raised in this culture we absorb the values of this culture our second generation third generation they absorb the values of the 80's 90's 2000s and they think this is the default those of us that have lived through that we understand and we see these changes going on so the point is that we need to be cognizant of this issue called groupthink and understand it is very very very difficult to persuade someone to break away from the group and in fact the fact that matter at some level we are all guilty of groupthink even in the most innocent or the most innocuous manifestations and I'm not gonna give gonna give you some examples to make us understand if something as trivial as even accents we find strange we make fun of the fact of the matter and I'm guilty of this as well we make fun of people's accents who speak English different than us right people in Canada aboot they say right the British and how much we can say about the British accents what not we all find it funny and yet at some level isn't it childish for any one group to find another groups accents funny we all are like how you say this you say that words of the same thing right I can give you it again because I've raised been raised in a British environment and have many British friends you know what we call a stroller for the child they call who knows no what do they call a stroller for the child they that's all British but modern push chair you're laughing that's exactly my point you find it funny when I said to them we call it a stroller what do you think they did they laughed as well it's fun a stroller stroll in the park stroller now what why am i giving these simplistic examples every one of us is quote unquote guilty of groupthink here like we are tickled we're amused at something we have never been exposed to even though it's as innocuous as a pronunciation or a word in the English language what we dress as right I mean Westerners find the thobe to be bizarre that's a dress that's the skirt right and for us we wear those all the time and in fact not just this but even amongst the Muslim culture and again don't want to put him anybody on the spot or what not I'll tell you my own let me just see myself right even the type of throw view we're so over here you wear a thug that's half sleeve and spotted and whatnot and you come and you lead the Salah or I'll leave the Salah nobody will bat an eyelid in Arabia insert idea when I was there for ten years right that is the table you wear when you go to sleep that's the pajama thought and when I first got to medina I mean we don't even in this country in America have no clue right when I got to Medina I would wear that phobe to the to the Masjid until somebody pulled me aside said why are you wearing this in the message it also what do you mean it's a soap I mean it's an Islamic garb right you know the throw you're wearing for example put you right on the spot there okay most of the folks that we wear this is a pajama equivalent insert idea nobody wears this in public it's embarrassing to wear in public right but over here you can lead the sulla give the whole tuba and you have honor over here oh you are Michele addressed Islamic Lee if I wear jeans in this I can't give it a home they're gonna kick me out but if I wear a half sleeve throat they kick me out and sir they're not over here why am i bringing these examples if all of us are guilty of these things do you think when it comes to big issues like theology we can understand them because of an intellectual argument I'm trying to express to you how difficult it is for a human being to break away from the construct they happen to be born and raised to break away from the social norms from the values that they happen to be raised in and I can keep on giving example after example the most one of the simplest examples public displays of affection PDA between couples and spouses and these days between anything else but anyway so between couples and spouses right in our mashallah Muslim they see out of culture right you don't do anything with your spouse in public you don't even hold the pinky finger like this at this distance that's considered I that's considered stuff for a lot of it over stuff for Allah right you can hold the hand of your best friend male friend and jog along the park this way and nobody would bat an eyelid now you do the exact opposite in this culture correct in this culture you can do much more with your significant other and it's considered decent no problem whereas if you hold hands with a guy well then people think other things about you right again what all of this is to make us understand do you really think a two-minute argument to defend our religion is gonna make sense to somebody born outside of it we need to get rid of this mindset from our own minds we need to be more mature about Dawa and understand you can't just spoon feed somebody in two seconds it's like trying to explain to somebody you're you're these you know relatively trivial differences try to explain to them in two minutes it's not gonna work how do you think you're gonna explain the Sierra and the problematic issues of the Sierra and morality and culture of the profitsystem in a two minute clip is simply not going to happen so the first thing to be aware of is groupthink the second thing to be aware of is something that psychologists have called any group bias in-group bias in-group bias basically means and again we're all guilty of it these are things there's nothing wrong with it as human beings do this in-group bias as the term applies implies of refers to the fact that you are always biased towards your own group and you make excuses for your own group and you look positively at your own group versus those poor outside of it and again there's nothing wrong with this it is human nature that what your group does if the same thing were to be done by somebody outside you will problematize it but when it's done by your side your people your group in your minds you find a justification right now why is this important because we are the other when it comes to this society and things that our religion has done or the profit system has done or has happened in the sahabas time this is not in group bias we have in-group bias when we look at those things we find an easy justification from our paradigm it makes sense but realize if the same things that happened against us we would have not found justification for those things and there's nothing wrong with this is human nature in-group bias you do it and the point is that whoever you identify with you will always look at in a more sympathetic light and whoever you think of as the other as outside of you you don't identify it you will dismiss you will criticize you will exaggerate and I think the most obvious example for this in our times is the issue of terrorism and the tactics of terrorism and the counter tactics of terrorism this whole debate for the last 15 years we as the Muslim community have been put in such an awkward position because Outsiders don't understand what is going on in our side of the world we don't agree with the tactics of those terrorists but we understand why what they're doing they're doing it but the people outside don't even understand that and when they do even worse to Afghanistan to Iraq to Syria they don't see that they're doing anything wrong this is called in-group bias when they do Guantanamo when they do invasion when they do if this and not for them oh but they did 9/11 oh but they everything is just to fight this is in group bias you make a million excuses for your own right and everything that your group does it just falls into place naturally Oh but that's we couldn't help it it's self defense those guided missiles those drones I mean what do you expect us to do oh but if they do a drone on us or if they do more than this oh that's terrorism you know that's do you know the the classic issue of defining terrorism and I've I have a whole class I teach used to teach at Rhodes about terrorism and and whatnot and we go into academic detail and again let's forget Muslim terrorism because it gets very awkward speaking about that let's talk about something everyone everybody else should be aware of the IRA in the 80s and 90s versus the United Kingdom the IRA the Irish Republican Army right the Irish Republican Army was a group that is deemed terrorist by the British government in the 80s and 90s in the 70s actually it declared war against the United Kingdom and their list of grievances weren't pages and pages and pages dating back to 1550 no exaggeration the Irish and the British did not get along if you don't know for a long period of time colonialism and plundering and raping and pillaging so there's a long list of grievances that the IRA have and in after World War Two the IRA say enough is enough we're gonna fight for our freedom and anyone who's above the age of 35 you guys probably have no clue there were bombs being set off in London year after year any time there is a bomb Muslims didn't even bat an eyelid we know we're not guilty for those bombs everybody knew who's doing the bombs in London who's doing the bombs in across England who's doing it IRA now you ask the IRA and they're like this is justified because of all that they have done the irony here in America the IRA was the legitimate organization some of our main congressmen and Senators now were actually members of the IRA and they would raise funds for the IRA and this is well known and they don't even deny it because from their perspective this is legitimate resistance and when the IRA was asked about these terrorism tactics they would always on you know blatant you know television they were just if I say hey you're doing much worse to us this is a war of independence that we are fighting against you guys and when I took a class with Tony Blair if you remember my article that I wrote I actually brought this up with Tony Blair directly the double standards of the IRA and the quote unquote you know Muslim terrorists or Islamic terrorists out there the point being if we can understand one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter the simple adage if we can understand this and we see it constantly we need to understand whether we like it or not some of the tactics that we know in our textbooks we're looking at it from one side of the aisle and the other guys are looking at it from the other side of the aisle you're not going to be able to justify or contextualize it really depends on who do you sympathize with what side do you consider yourself to be a part of if you're Irish even if you don't agree with the tactics of the IRA overall you're more sympathetic to them than you are to the other side because you know what they've done to your people right and so even if you say oh they shouldn't have put a bomb in central London but and then you go on with that but right whereas the other side they're not looking at those grievances and they're like oh these people were killed and you cannot bring the British and the Irish to fully agree on those tactics that happen in the 70s 80s and early 90s right it's not gonna happen if you can to get two people of the same skin color and the same Christian religion to understand do you really think you're gonna get a brown skinned Muslim from the Middle East or Pakistan and somebody from to really understand the tactics of a thousand four hundred years ago we have to be pragmatic and realistic and stop telling ourselves fairy tales you cannot be taught a two minute response that will salute solidly refute some of the issues of our serie against those who criticize it if you can't even have a westerner understand the IRA do you think they're gonna understand something 1500 years ago in a different place in time and in particular different religion and different system altogether and again all of this needs to be done because such is life this politics that's war just like the RA has its views and whatnot and the other side has its views that's what happens when you're fighting a battle and in the end of the day like I said it really does depend on which side you're looking at and where your sympathies and loyalties lie our own country their nice taste of America it justifies everything that it does in the name of tactics it justifies everything is morally correct and we all feel very ambivalent about that because we know it's not correct what do you think most of our people here feel so my point is the reason I began all of this moving on to the issues of the profit system and the Sira is that I really want us to understand - stop being told these fairytales of what that because it's not gonna work I need to be frank and bluntly honest with you it is totally impossible to defend each and every accusation against the serie in two minutes sound bites anybody who tells you otherwise with my utmost respect is in a fairy tale land I'm not trying to be too harsh but this is the reality it is impossible to be spoon-fed and to be taught to memorize nice little packets of information that you think once you debate with a non-muslim no matter who comes your way now that you've taken share so call this class or if I'm at DDOT or alive or zakir naik tells you chapter number 22 then immediately you're gonna go and hollows give him the right and knock him out life doesn't get that way and if anybody were to have done that our profit system would have been the most successful in that way my dear Muslim brothers and sisters there is a reason why the political strength of Islam followed the ideological and theological conversion if you understand what I'm saying if you don't then think about it there is a reason why the borders of the Muslim world today are essentially the borders of the Omega and abbasid and Ottoman empires groupthink when groupthink is positive it's great you want to keep it that way excellent when groupthink is for Alana's messenger hamdulillah it's great when groupthink is the opposite it's a problem it really is a problem it's a problem for us for our children it's a problem for Dawa and by the way please don't quote me Malaysia and Maldives and whatnot please don't say oh look at those because firstly there were exceptions and secondly do you know how those exceptions occurred how did Malaysia become a Muslim land how did the Maldives become a Muslim land without the political dominion of Islam you know get what I'm saying here reaching them how do you know I'm asking you yes trading that's what they teach you in Sunday school mashallah your whole knowledge of Islam comes from Sunday school or high school Sunday so masha'Allah Michelle okay hum did in them excellent their rulers converted to Islam when their rulers converted to Islam the people were essentially socially forced to follow sometimes politically by the way but socially forced to follow even Malaysia and these other nether regions of the world the conversion it is yes you're technically right you're only taught as usual Sunday school does teach you these these positives that help us but again if you listen to my lectures you realize and maybe I'm being overly cynical but my dear brothers and sisters because of the internet we don't have the luxury to be in our beautiful bubble anymore because of the internet I am strongly against ignoring the bigger problems out there and just teaching these half sunday-school myths because maybe because of Who I am but I have experienced too much disenfranchisement from the next generation I have talked to too many people who have left the faith of our own children and they say to me we were taught lies we were talking truths it's not correct when we were taught and I therefore become because of all of this you will not hear me maybe I don't know maybe you're used to other types of philosophies and all the best for them but if you want me to teach you as as you have asked me to teach you you're gonna hear me blunt and raw this is who I am it doesn't work my dear brothers and sisters nobody can teach these little snippets that you will didn't become super Odawa man doesn't work that way the fact of the matter Dawa is a very very very dry and tough field and most of the people who convert they already are interested in conversion they just need the fine tuning they come to you by and large or and we're going to come to this as well that well before I get there so let's talk about this one so we talked about two issues the third issue here the psychological issue and that is what do you and there is no term for it I'm just gonna explain the phenomenon here what is our perception of the Sira versus their perception of the cero when I asked the average Muslim when I talk to the average Muslim and I say to them describe for me the prophet sallallaahu Holly he was sending or I asked the average Muslim tell me your top five incidents from the serie what do you think they're thinking about all of you you yourself think about them describe the Prophet system you're thinking of his mercy of his smile of how he was loved to the Sahaba of when you don't talk about the incidence of the Sira you're gonna think about the thought if one how he would stood it you're gonna think about Makkah and how he forgave and I hummed it enough for that that's who we are but we need to be intelligent enough to understand when we give dower to other people do you think that is the image they have of this year see here's the point we have a disconnect our narrative of the prophets of asylum our image of our prophet is totally disconnected from their image completely disconnected they have been taught now let's ignore the lies okay let's imagine there's an educated man amongst them even though there are usually a lot of lies you know what actually these days is half truths is not even lies maybe a hundred years ago would have been majority lies I would say these days a public awareness has increased in Louisville that everything they know about our profit system it's not an outright lie it is they've chosen this that is that oh the master criminal pariah they said right or married to this many women or and they construct an image of a person we don't even recognize but when you go and look at what made that image point after point a lot of times these points are valid right it's just a matter of what do you emphasize how do you construct the image versus how do they construct the image so when you look at it it's as if we're talking about two different entirely disconnected characters our image of the Prophet system versus their image and for now let's assume their image is based out of half-truths let's say that there's no lines amongst them which is not rare neither is a common let's just suppose that everything they have it comes straight from our serie straight from eben hisham they could construct an image that is so radically different from ours and yet still based upon our books in our tradition so do you really think then that a two-second clip out of one of those issues is gonna solve all of the problems now they could art we will say oh their image is distorted we will say you've only chosen those aspects how will they respond to us what will they say to us number one why those aspects even exist number two you've also picked and juiced exactly right you see we have to be intellectually honest enough to say this right they will say to us firstly even if we chose these 10 points why do these 10 points exist they're problematic you are telling us he is Rahim Italian al-amin you are telling us he is budva you are telling us he is the role model well if he's a role model even if it's 10 percent of his life explained that 10 percent and isn't that a valid understanding from their perspective right and then the flipside we say to them you're biased they say back in return so are you you've also picked and choose your issues and you've ignored these ones so my point with all of this and again maybe because of who I am but I can't sugarcoat this I have to be brutally honest with you because I want you to understand that way is not so simple you go knocking on doors you preach to them give them a pamphlet and then they're gonna convert we've done this been there done that I did this when I was 17 years old in Houston and now I'm in my for it doesn't work and if anybody tells you otherwise I'm sorry but they're lying to you or they're mistaken or whatever douwe generally speaking is a dry field now does that mean we don't do it no we're getting there we still must do it and we still have to learn these arguments and we still have to preach and teach them but I want us to have a better understand because I don't want you to burn out I don't want you to have unrealistic expectations when you don't find those expectations whose Iman is gonna suffer not theirs yours you're the one that's gonna burn out and say oh my god what happened why isn't it working is it me is it it no that is human nature so when they have constructed this negative image of the prophet sallallaahu cedam we have such a positive image the fact of the matter is listen to this carefully and I know it's a cliche term but it is so true we have completely different paradigms from looking at the see how completely different paradigms the way we look at the Sira versus the way they look at the serum and even if we learn to respond to every one of their negatives they bring forth ten negatives because of their paradigm once we respond to those 10 they'll bring another 10 and another 10 and another 10 you're gonna go down a rabbit hole that has no ending to it and I want us to keep in mind the incident of Istra will Mirage and how it was interpreted by Abu Bakr and how it was interpreted by the rest of the Quraysh the incident of his Rowan Niraj we all know what happened it was bizarre atypical it's something that can anybody go to juice them and come back when Abu Bakr heard it rowdy Allah Wan he's coming from one paradigm so what does he say of course it happened so Dick and when everybody else heard it they rejected it you cannot intellectually defend and logically rationalize something like this it's a totally different paradigm do you think Abu Bakr basilisks best logical response could have converted anybody no it's a totally different paradigm so before I get to the actual points of the serie again all of this is preliminary understanding contextualize our primary goal in Dawa my dear brothers and sisters should not be to be able to memorize these two minutes soundbites these three minute clips that we can respond to with these deep-seated questions no listen to this carefully and I apologize if this comes off as too I don't know I mean look I I don't know the previous classes you attended I don't know the previous next you're gonna do I have a very different philosophy when it comes to tower very different philosophy and so take it or leave it listen I have my views listen to them if you disagree with them no problem throw them out the window and thought how won't send you the PDF and if you agree with them or benefit than a hamdulillah I have a very different view of Dawa overall in my humble opinion Dawa is not primarily done via the tongue via intellectual arguments via solid logical rational debate it doesn't done that way it's not done that way I was impacted by DDOT Zakir Naik is somebody I considered to be a friend I was with him many many times but the brutal fact of the matter is those tactics did not convert hundreds and thousands of people that's just the fact what it did was it reaffirmed our Iman we love to do that more than those outside of our faith it affirmed our Iman it made us strong in our faith but the fact of the matter is it didn't convert a lot of people on the contrary to be brutally honest that mannerisms actually turned a lot of people off if you knew what was going on back in the 80s or not so we need to overcome this issue of Dawa being an intellectual exercise of that one being a rational argument of knowing how to respond to these debates no on the contrary conversion to another faith is not usually an intellectual process it is a psychological one it is an emotional one when you convert it's not generally speaking because of a deep-seated philosophical debate that you had with somebody else not at all look around you who converts in our own community the number one group of converts are those married to Muslims that's the number one group and in the beginning iman might be weak amongst them but slowly but surely when they're exposed to the community then it will increase the number two group are those who they're searching for a higher truth they are in themselves they're not satisfied with what's going on in the world and for example prisoners as an example of this why prisoners because they've been cut off from any other source of of entertainment so they're forced between four cells to think of other things they're forced to reevaluate their their lives when they're forced to do that now they're wondering what am I doing here what went wrong is there a higher power and so now they're in a different wavelength and then you obviously have the few the very few who are intellectually brave in their own cultures and communities they're not satisfied with their religions they're not satisfied with the status quo and they're wanting to find the truth they're the ones going to the internet searching what does buddhism what is nirvana what exactly does this mean you know what is the enlightenment you know other versions of Christianity eventually they cross other things till they get to Islam and then something clicks and the futur kicks in or it might be a psychological issue psychological they meet a Muslim at work and this guy's intriguing and he's got this piece coming from him where'd that come from this person seems so calm his manners this this o'clock the the the Sakina de haber or one of my friends went to a tourism as a non-muslim went to Muslim lands and he was just impressed at overall the generosity and the carom and the hospitality and he's like why are these people so different from us why do these people have snow this is back in the 70s so much kindness back then the things have changed with so much kindness you know why are you they always inviting a stranger to their house what is this about them why did it hold this is Allah commanded us really your God commanded you to treat the stranger with kind what happened here was this a deep-seated intellectual debate where they spoon-fed the two second clip and she also Hadees it can add our seminar or was it a raw spiritual psychological exposure see this is what Dawa is much more than just that two-minute clip you being your authentic self you look at the early converts you look at the Sahaba abu bakr as-siddiq didn't need rational arguments he knew the process them to be true see that's what you call iman because of what the o'clock the love the kindness much more important than these highfalutin debates and and what not much more important your impact at the human level at the individual level your the the raw Eman that you're exuding one of the most famous you know American converse in the 70s what's his name masala Jeffrey lang even angels ask the famous one right read his biography read his biography the one he converted 1978 University of Kansas right professor of mathematics super smart whatever and intellectually he's at a different level spiritually he's zero spiritually is empty and he's wondering what do i do what do i do he goes to the various student organizations on campus he doesn't like not that doesn't work and his autobiography says I walked into the MS A's office not knowing anything about his slaw he has no idea what Islam is right and I spoke to this brother the big beer terrified me even in the 70s big beers terrifying you know big beard exudes masha'Allah yeah any masculinity and whatnot so the big beer terrified me but I asked him what his faith was and he says I mean I don't remember the wording don't don't look up his it he wrote it better than I am saying but he basically said the sense of spiritual certainty this young man had even though I was double his age I felt jealous why can't I have that spiritual certainty why can't I feel that way about a higher power the way this young man does about his God in fact if I remember he didn't even say the response the man gave which goes back to my point it wasn't the deeply rooted logical philosophical rational argument as much as it was I got this guy he knows the truth and he's happy in it that raw psychological impact of meeting a genuine moment that was what sparked his curiosity and said this religion is something different you know I mean and again I have so many stories from my own life experiences meeting all these converts when I was in Medina one of the most bizarre converse and bizarre meaning the story was and what a very interesting couple a French couple dan you Caucasian French in their late 60s and they had converted in the 70s and they were living in Medina Medina has some really interesting people in it right so this is a French couple and their English was broken and spoke with a strong accent you know so they're like you know what not so I was asking him his conversion story and again is the smallest things that spark it off he told me he was born agnostic atheist couldn't care about religion but he is working in whatever it was I think where Jeddah whatever he was working back in the 70s no not Joe there wasn't a Siberia I know the Muslim line I forgot where it was right and and he said that the athan was called and he was shopping in the souk at the time it wasn't yet because it wasn't the law of done I remember now it wasn't the law that you had to close the shop it was just the people so the athan was called and it was his first week in the land and he saw that's the beautifully then then everybody around and began shutting the stores one after the other shutting the stores and closing shop and he looked at the watches four o'clock he's asking why are you closing shop it's only 4:00 p.m. and they said oh we have to go pray we'll come back in ten minutes just wait he said that was the first time Iman entered his heart like what type of religion is this that people will leave there is leave their money closed their shop go and pray to their God and come back he goes the first time I ever thought of religion when I saw that and I said if there's any religion true this is what a religion should be able to do right again was it some deep-seated intellectual argument so again why am i beginning with all of this because frankly I don't believe that this is the proper way to be given 10 questions and 10 responses and memorize them and go forth and go door to door no doesn't work that way and if you feel this way you will be sorely disappointed Dawa is primarily through a clock and Haman and not through preaching not through your tongue Dawa is by your one-on-one interactions with the people and they'll see something in you that reminds them of a higher purpose that demonstrates to them that they're empty inside something's not right in their own fitara is gonna click then they will come to you with a different paradigm they're willing to become an Abubakar parrot that's the point if they're not an Abu Bakr's paradigm if there aren't a will Ahab's paradigm you can answer every question they have they're gonna bring another ten questions and you're gonna be back to square one it's not gonna work that way this is why for me that was a very very different thing so as I said historically speaking the vast majority of converts that converted across the globe because of groupthink your people are converting you're gonna convert as well well that's not gonna happen by and large in this land unless Allah wills a miracle but that is a typical that has never happened in human history as far as I know where people just converted and mass by themselves always it was either the political Dominion or their rulers and essentially that's another type of political Dominion right and by the way this is why I myself I never sugarcoat the political expansion of Islam it's ludicrous to do so listen to my serie listen to my when I talked about Abu Bakr model the Allahu Allah and the wars of expansion and I go into this detail was Islam expanded by the sword and I'm very frank this is not the time to go into there but because of my experiences I never sugarcoat I never give you a romanticized view and then the truth is other than that because it doesn't work that way we would not be here today as Muslims if Mohammed had been costs him and Amidon house didn't go and want to conquer hind' and Egypt for reasons that were no threat to Islam we thank Allah that eben classname came to our lands I thank Allah that Islam came through political means and that's what we you know we have to be blunt about now it's not gonna happen in this line anytime soon which means the fact of the matter is conversion will be very very slow trickle down which is what it is happening and it's going to be at the individual level which is what it is happening and it's going to be because of raw actions by and large that's why we need to understand what we need to do when we interact with the broader public we need to bring about that paradigm shift one on one not and mass we need to spark something in the other person around us they need to witness something in our own lives whether it is how we treat our family whether it is our Sakina whether anything I mean there's a million things that can happen but by and large this is what I'm going to bank on now does that mean that there is no point in bringing up these questions of the Sira and then answering them obviously not obviously not we will do that don't worry insha'Allah Allah we're gonna do that but the point is that we need to be pragmatic the primary for bringing up these problematic issues from the Serie and then teaching you their responses the primary reason actually believe it or not is not for that wa to non-muslims but to reaffirm the faith of our own Muslim men and women because those born and raised in these lands they have heard the same issues that we're gonna be discussing now and their Iman is not as strong as the Amman of some of us born and raised back home because of groupthink which is a positive thing nothing wrong with that right the average Muslim who comes from Egypt from Pakistan from Timbuktu when they come here they've been raised a Muslim they're strong in their emod then they hear these things their image of the Prophet system is so different they just disconnect from these data that's not the process of I know just disconnected it doesn't affect him it's like impervious but you see my children and your children some of you in this audience you don't have that strong Iman that came because of groupthink that came because of society that became because you're living in the lands of Islam now you are struggling with this issue why did our process and kill 750 people of the Banu Qurayza why did this man who's a role model marry 11 women why why and your iman generically speaking might not be that strong as the amount of your father and mother and you really do need some validation your paradigm is sympathetic to that of a buckaroo so deal but it's not quite at that level so to answer those people more than to answer outside of our faith we do need to answer all of these questions one by one these intellectual arguments come more in handy within the tradition than they do outside of the tradition right and then yes there is the rare odd exceptional non-muslim definitely a typical who is already on the fence for whatever reason they've already got to that level for whatever reason and now they just want these last issues answered so then yes it will also come in handy but the point is a person who is not sympathetic to the paradigm of Islam will not be convinced of his paradigms because of these answers it's not going to happen the same issue comes for bigger problems for example the classic example and it's a bit of a tangent but you should be aware of this those who don't believe in God the number one problem the number one theological problem that non-believers have in God is the existence of evil okay the number one problem why do people reject God there was a tsunami wave that killed that innocent child how could a God allow pain and suffering my second cousin died as a child what did he ever do that's the main problem now Christians Muslims Jews anyone who believes in God will have enough answers that satisfies them in their own paradigm correct all of us have enough answers that satisfy us in our own paradigm we have already gotten to that level of Iman where once we say insha Allah in the ask Allah this is gonna happen Allah will give chef our reward we say hamdulillah it works now you tell me those same arguments will they work for the atheist yes or no no this is what I'm trying to say with these arguments from the serie that we're gonna present in our next session do you understand I'm saying here this is what I'm trying to say when we get to these arguments about the Sira issues right we need to be brave enough to be frank we need to be brave enough to be very clear about this that look the fact of the matter is these arguments will only help when you've already set up the paradigm you're already sympathetic someone when will you get sympathetic some what not because of these arguments these arguments are not going to be the ones that will cause you to come forward is gonna be something else what will that something else be as we said there are many issues that come but generally speaking it is a psychological and spiritual issue not an intellectual one that causes that conversion to happen as viola here at are must use an epic subhanAllah I mean those of you that are coming here you know regularly in the last few months we've have three conversions you know this one of our security staff and two of our cleaners three people have converted in our own messages what was different about them do you want to know something not one of them was approached intellectually with Dawa not one of them was handed a pamphlet not one of them were shoved you know some materials say go read this not one of them but what was it hmm just seeing the community looking at what a peaceful community this is what an amazing brotherly spirit sisterly bonds here they see the realities of what's going on and they're like man this is amazing I wanna be a part of it and now when they convert they are already sympathetic to the Abubakr paradigm they're sympathetic to what and so if the non-muslim comes and says how could you convert that is a prophet of war these same people will defend our prophet system even though they've never been spoon-fed these responses do you understand what I'm trying to get at brothers and sisters right okay I hope I haven't frightened any of you are like any I mean I don't know maybe it can I won't invite me ever again it's like I mean I'm just giving you my opinion and by the way I could be wrong you know I mean this is my perception but this is my experience and whatnot and and and I believe that it's better to be frank than than to be you know in a different manner in any case what I wanna do right now is Shalala it's 3:20 a few minutes for Q&A five minutes and then we'll give you the first break then come back and then yes we will do the questions that we have from this cifra but after this long introduction so that inshallah we are at least to understand my wavelength that's all I don't know I'm not gonna on the same wavelength maybe I thought I was gonna write me off and put a PDF online against me tomorrow but until then inshallah we can do any quick questions about what I've just said yes brother and about go ahead I cannot hear your brother gonna raise your hand where does the Quran fit in this paradigm so the Quran is of course the ultimate morteza the ultimate miracle and the Quran panel are the same thing will apply here to be honest if a person has zero intellectual sympathy to change from their own paradigm it is very possible that even the book of Allah will have minimal impact on him like the book of Allah did not immediately impact the Quraysh even though they understood the language and they knew how beautiful it was but their groupthink was so strong right why did Ben acaba oh my yeah even caliph Abu jahil they appreciated the beauty of the Quran but they still rejected it how much more so when that beauty of Arabic is lost in the English translation so once again I would say this does go back to that paradigm shift are these people willing to explore a different paradigm if they are the Quran can be brought in now for some people the Quran will impact them immediately that's great and so definitely the Quran is something that you know is is useful to have it in my humble opinion though this is my personal opinion I believe that the Quran should not be given out and masked to the people this is my humble opinion they should only be given that second stage my father's wanting to say something so go ahead yes a bit will you will - Allah will see after the the cloud where it now is the the break in sha allah will see so the point being it I think that the the mass distribution of the Quran just to give it out to people I personally am against - for multiple reasons if anything I think a selection of the Quran should be given a selection of the Quran not the whole Quran you should give them 10 pages of various belief in God belief in the Prophet this is better at an individual level to be given but still there should be a paradigm shift you need to have that open-mindedness to want to be able to to get to that level of paradigm and allah azza wajal knows best okay sisters any question from the sisters no question yes questions you're good so our sister says that our actions will inevitably seen strange to Muslims of course our hijab our rituals Allah says in the pond when they see you pray they think it's a joke right the Tahu sunnah or they think it's a joke when you pray it's natural like I explained we find people's accents funny you don't think they're gonna find our rituals funny it's the way human beings are at some level we need to understand and sympathize and empathize at the other level we need to keep on so this is a deeper topic maybe one day we should talk about this actually if you everyone invite me again please invite me about the fitrah this is my suggestion to the ignore organizers the fitrah is what we need to talk about when it comes to that WA what we need to do is to tap into their fitrah that's what we need to do what we need to do the hidden tool that we have not the tool the hidden weapon that we have is the weapon of the fitrah that fitrah is what we need to understand the psychology of the fitrah is what we need to be taught in Dawa because the fitara is a gift Allah has given us to preach our religion the other person the other side their fitrah will be empty their fitrah will be searching for something our goal is to tap into their fitrah that's the goal of Dawa and all of these stories of spiritual emptiness and conversion what not essentially what happens is the fitrah of the other person recognizes the beauty of Islam so they might find something funny like our a job or whatnot but given enough time the fitrah can be covered that's why kafir is called kafir because Co 4 means to cover up you all should know the scoffer means to cover up what is covered up the fitrah our Dawa is meant to scratch that covering our Dao is meant to uncover the fitrah if we have the pure fitrah uncovered and they see the purity of Islam cos we've done our job in fact that is the paradigm shift I wish I had said this before but it was a different topic I mean which is a clever answer asking the question I reiterate we talked about the paradigm shift how do we get the paradigm shift the paradigm shift is to tap into their fitrah the fitrah is our secret weapon that Allah has given us everybody has a fedora everybody Islam and the fitara are like the opposites of a magnet they attract one another Islam and the Fatah they are like the opposites of the magnet the problem comes their fitrah is covered up and our Islam is covered up because of how far we are from Islam their fitrah is covered up because of culture because of their religion because our Prophet SAW said I'm said every child is born upon the fitrah then what happens the father and mother the parents the culture you have we Danny you know said they make him a you Jewish person the salami person me juicy person so their fitara is covered up a lot of times our iman is covered up how will there be that attraction so we need to be pure Muslims that's why I said this is I would say 1% of that one but anyway let's say 10% of that ok although this intellectual stuff 1 to 10 percent of that wa 92 99 percent of that wa is us essentially exuding raw iman being ourselves our o'clock what islam teaches us to be and something is gonna spark in them and that's why every single conversion story amongst non-muslims is different because the conversion story isn't why they converted the conversion story is when their FIFRA discovered islam whether it was the clinging of the shops closing cuz of the Adhan or it was watching somebody's sincerity of iman whatever it was these conversion stories aren't why they converted the conversion stories only tell us when did his fitrah see the beauty of islam for the first time that's what the conversion story is so we need to understand we don't know how much corrupted our fitrah is we don't know what aspect of the fitrah will first recognize the truth of Islam could be anything so because of that we need to be as good Muslim you can so that some thing of Islam will appeal to them because in the end of the day if they're pure fitrah sees the pure Islam Hollis we've done our job and the rest is in their hands right that's a very good question is to stir up that answers is insha'Allah back to the brothers Emery is going weather's good number one issue not the only thing number one how do we understand that groupthink is not enough for our own children you mean well how do we understand this because they're groupthink is not so the question is how come our own children are leaving the faith and not groupthink within our own faith because their group is not just the Masjid going Muslims anymore is it right their group is the Internet their group is their agnostic friends their group is is HBO and Bill Maher their group is you know Sam Harrison their group is these other people out there that's their group Twitter and Facebook is more of their group than the Sunday school so I would say it's because of group think that they are doubting Islam but their group is not our faith anymore their group is those other people out there and when everybody is saying these are myths these are lies these are fairy tales then he's gonna be affected by that and he'll absorb that groupthink over our group thing and that's why like I said and again all of you know this brothers and sisters there's a market difference between a Muslim who comes from a land of Islam and hears these things for the first time versus a Muslim who is born and raised here generally speaking a Muslim who's only been around Muslims generally speaking doesn't really listen to these other interpretations of Islam it just dismisses it because that's not the Islam he recognizes his whole experience of Muslims has been very different right and so when somebody says to him the Banu Qurayza he might even say no no this never happened you're a liar he's never had this gyro right never happened that's not true or he has something else in mind whereas our young minds now by the way this doesn't mean that I'm saying we should all go live in Muslim lands because because of the internet it's all one village now even back home that is innocence is going by the way anybody who doubts this I think you need to get a reality check even home agnosticism and atheism is on the rise and it's all one big village now but still there is no deny being raised in a Muslim culture and that's why if you listen to my talks one of the things I all advocate to families be careful who are your family friends be careful who you socialize with be careful who you invite over for dinner and who you goes who's house you go to for dinner that is our group think your children being raised around practicing Muslims is subconsciously going to impact them positively inshallah tada this is our group thing whether it's not until oh it's just a matter of their absorbing the lived reality of Islam more than just the intellectual arguments smilla alhamdulillah wa salatu was-salam ala sir allahu ala aalihi wa sahbihi woman what I'm about so now we get to part two where we mentioned specific points and as we said for the small group of people that actually will be open-minded enough to understand these issues and they want a rationalization and they're already sympathetic to that rationalization this is the group that it is most effective and now am i saying it's never gonna be effective outside obviously not there's always exceptions all I'm saying though the paradigm shift between these two groups of people the Muslim who wants to learn or the non-muslim who's open-minded versus the one who is absorbed in his or her culture well my point is these types of responses typically only work in paradigm a not paradigm B it's not your fault it's not because these arguments are weak is because human nature is such that because of what we just said all of these three psychological ones and they're more than that that people's minds their mind frames their paradigms are set up differently and so no matter what you say it doesn't matter if you're Irish you will sympathize with the IRA doesn't matter if you're British you're not going to unless on until you really have a radical paradigm shift so with this caveat in mind I also want to stress and I know all of you know this I know all of you know this but I want to make sure it's made it clear be careful dear Muslims of ever ever ever saying something about our faith because you're embarrassed you change it be careful you would rather somebody reject the faith because of a truth then you say a falsehood and you lie about the faith and they say oh okay that's fine and then they convert and then I'll do belay they find out they've been lied to remember you are a salesperson for the religion you're not the owner of it the owner is up there you do not have the right to change the product you do not have the right to alter what is being marketed you can use different tactics you can use it but you cannot lie about the product it's not yours to lie about you are not the owner Annamma RA Calvin L why they Nell is up your job is to convey a loss job is to judge if they don't like something about Islam you may try to rationalize you may try to explain you are never ever allowed because you're embarrassed because you're like oh that's not true o Islam doesn't say that that's not your job you have no right you are lying about Allah Azza WA JAL if you say this if they bring something from the sea or that you find and he finds problematic you can't just say well that didn't happen it's not your job to do that if he or she will reject our Prophet SAW son because he or she doesn't understand something from the Sierra you have done nothing wrong don't blame yourself you had did nothing wrong you're preaching the truth now does it mean that you must always bring up everything awkward from this year obviously not you must preach the truth you don't always have to preach the whole truth this is wisdom you must preach the truth whatever you say must be true this is the principle I live by those of you who take advanced class with me you know this as well that okay you speak to love up speak to the people at their level but at every level what you say must be factually correct so that when they go to a higher level they can look when they say okay I see what you were saying now I see you're elaborating there cannot be a conflict there cannot be a contradiction or else you have lied about the religion of Allah and it is not your job to lie about the religion of allah subhana wa ta'ala so with that let us begin the organizers email me a list of common issues and so I'll go over them I have eight issues in total I combined two of them they gave me nine I combined two of them into one because it's essentially the same thing and I want this is gonna be a joint effort and we'll write it all down together we're gonna be a joint effort because in the end of the day here's another point another issue not every answer works with every person even if they're open-minded this is not mathematics it's an art not a science responding to these arguments is an art not a science what do I mean by that in science in mathematics and physics there's always one correct answer generally speaking don't Newtonian physics it's always one correct answer in art that's not the case in the humanities that is not the case it's a very different very different world the arguments that you need to make are from the humanities not from the sciences and what that means is that sometimes what I might be saying is that a totally different level than the person needs and somebody comes along gives a very simple answer and that answer is much more effective for that person than anything I could have thought of so there is no one right answer even when you get to that paradigm the first the first contradiction occurred is the first objection or the accusation is that the prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasalam they say he copied the message from the previous prophets and previous scriptures they say he took this from the old and new Testament and again I'll give you three four five responses you'll help me out here and you can try which one works best in which gathering there's no there's no right answer of the most obvious responses for this is in fact we psychologically say of course he did what's wrong with that he's from the same line of prophets you just pull the rug out from under them and you say yes he did and that proves he's from the same line of prophets rather than taking this as a negative this is a positive that a person up here you bring in the miracle and this is a miracle by the way this is clearly a miracle that is mentioned in the Quran the fact that a person who didn't have an education and could not read and write and was living in a culture far disconnected from the judeo-christian culture of the time is to bring forth that culture in Arabia in vivid detail is itself a miracle and the Orang mentions this miracle in no less than three or four verses Allah mentions this as the miracle can anybody call me any verse about this any verse in the Quran yes brother in the back close but no price because I'm talking about a verse that mentions the miracle as being its conformity with previous as being that it is mentioning the stories of other nations so what you're talking about is the fact that he was not educated and he came forward with the Quran that is a separate miracle and that is valid and we can use that point but I'm talking about the accusation is not that he was uneducated the accusation is he's taking from the judeo-christian tradition and the responses of course he is and that's the exact miracle not because he took from them but the judeo-christian tradition and Islam comes from the same source so what you say is this is the technical term the common origin theory all three of them originate from one source not that he took laterally no the three of them took from one source not that there was a lateral you know taking from the judeo-christian the common origin all three have a common origin any verse that mentions this yes so all of the that's one of them that you can say but there's a more explicit than this still not a prize by the way but at least you got something that we give you the best of all stories and the other ayah Marar the father in the Halloween Emma and Emma who Bashar they sounded leather you'll hidden le Jimmy you were hardly sound on out of bu Mubeen this is about the language not about the stories close but still not it which is that's what he said the brother in the back well mount coot-tha technically it happened well let the hope will be a meaning in the little motor on this is about education he mentions surah yousuf that is good you can use that doesn't mention stories but it mentions the Quran is Masada Kalima been a day over the verses you guys aren't mentioning sisters any attempt of the verses is the famous verse Rama cont imaginable hobby at Hellena Allah Muslim Rahman contamination he Dean you were not there when Allah spoke to Moosa you were not a witness when what happened at tour right rather this is what Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has revealed to you all of them is Zachariah Omar quintella day him in the Epona column on humic for imodium Allah is giving you the story from the private chamber in Masjid al-aqsa that nobody witnessed and Allah is saying you are not there when they argued over Maryam you were not there when they threw lots to see who would take care of Maryam how did you know this Yaris Ulala right how did you know this and there's a third verse as well there's a third verse as well my mind is very tired has been a long day for me I have two lectures have another one in the evening as well after to online there's a third verse as well quantity and mo ha antara awoken doubly hada or her father your half of what's before it ma cuenta de moi and telefónica Saudi hada louder they will come in Amba revenue he high Lake this is from the knowledge of the unseen that we said say to you mercantile mo ha and whether homo common public odda neither you nor your people knew these stories before because the context is the stories Allah is talking about the stories of the producer then Allah says these are the stories we inspire to you neither you nor your people knew of them before we gave them now the example that I've given other lectures is as follows imagine before the internet era before the telephone EEMA era imagine a hundred years ago we discovered a tribe in South America cut off from all of civilization living isolated and there was a wise man amongst them who had recorded the histories of the Emperor's of Rome in the seventh century talking about the Chinese civilization talking about the ancient Indus Valley and Harappa and what happened in that timeframe we would say how did this guy get all of this information especially if he's uneducated especially if he's illiterate where did this knowledge come from his people have no access to all of this and here is this man this would be a miracle the likes of which would drive all of us crazy we thank Allah we don't have to do with such miracles it's only one such miracle how a prophet sallallaahu said them right so they say he took from the judeo-christian sources psychologically we flip it around we said of course he did that's the whole miracle how could he have done this then you mentioned facts that you should all know there was no Arabic Bible at this time there was no Arabic the first Arabic Bible was written over a hundred years after the coming of Islam the Bible was not in Arabic and the Prophet system couldn't even forget Arabic I mean forget Hebrew you couldn't even Arabic there was no rabbinical school in all of Arabia in Makkah there was no Christian or Jew that he got it from and how therefore could he have gotten all of these stories this is a miracle that the Quran itself actually considers to be a miracle now so we will flip it around we say the common origin theory and we also say that and I have mentioned this as well a number of times and other things that I've said there's some very interesting stories that are found in the Quran that were unknown to most Jews and Christians up until recently up until recently and the most interesting one is the story of Jesus and the birds any converts here from Christianity and he converse from Christianity and it converts not a single convert from Christianity in the whole class okay I was gonna ask where does the story of Jesus and the birds occur in the New Testament you know our East Side Memoriam right he blew it and it came in the Quran we all read it right I was again asked where is this story found the response is it's not found anywhere in the New Testament it doesn't exist in the New Testament it's not there and for the longest time Christians were scratching their head making fun of the quote on what type of what type of tale is this where'd he get this from it's not in our scriptures it's not in the New Testament no New Testament scripture has the story of Jesus and the birds 150 years ago in Egypt a Bedouin was digging in his backyard or whatever and in his dig he came across an ancient mummy and the mummy was wrapped up in a Christian garb not the ancient Egyptian garb and within him were Scrolls and this guy sold these Scrolls on the black market to get some money and they were discovered to be the lost infancy Gospels of st. Thomas's a pseudo cryptic one of the Gospels that didn't make its way to the canonized New Testament right the New Testament has four canonized books the canonization was a process that occurred over the course of after Constantine in the course of two hundred years a number of good books have been written about the canonization of the Bible and anyway this is totally separate engine altogether but back to my story here only a hundred years ago this story was rediscovered there is an actual story in Christian heritage of Jesus causing clay birds to become alive and the Quran has it fourteen centuries ago and Western world only discovered at a hundred years ago where did this come from it's a very interesting point the same goes with judo do with Jewish horses or there's a lot of stuff about that including the qarnain and others that these are ways Aluna khandelkar main right modern Judaism has lost a little car Mane's story courage you've discovered that there was a group of people that actually had a story very similar to the core name and the Quran has it so again there are a number this is advanced studies and whatnot and by the way free plug here sorry but the at the Islamic seminary we're teaching a class on the Quran advanced Quranic studies and we're doing some of this stuff in that class so inshallah maybe some of you should register for that free plug sorry Hakuna but I just wanted to plug that over there okay now first point was what to the issue of foreign sources and what not we say yes that's exactly the point this is the miracle and there are stories in the Quran that are not found in previous and this in fact proves the validity of Islam the second thing the second question that was emailed to me and by the way there will be time at the end if there are other questions you can ask them the second question how do you explain and is it true that the prophet sallal are seldom allowed the Companions to raid and loot the caravans was raiding something that was allowed did they raid and loot the caravans of Parrish this is a common accusation that is made by modern critics of Islam what is the response he raided only the Haresh okay he wanted to attack the supply lines of Quraysh so the Quraysh were the ones who expel them and took over their properties in other words all these responses are right we simply say that of course he did that's what you do when your people kill you persecute you torture you and we give and here's another point we learned this from the cero we learned this from the Quran this is common sense as well whenever you give that one try to give examples from their culture that they will understand don't give examples from foreign or ours or whatnot go to their worldview talking about groupthink and in greed being bias and whatnot you give examples they will understand and of the most obvious examples the founding fathers did they not raid and loot the kings supply line here what was the Boston Tea Party what did they do what did the founding fathers of this country do whose property did they destroy you see when you put it in their paradigm say well that's what our founding fathers in Medinah did what's wrong with that or you can say World War two and the French Resistance the French Resistance against the Germans all of you should know that Germany conquered France in World War two Hitler's forces invaded France and conquered France Hitler ruled over tally for so many years and the local Parisians divided into two camps one group sided with the Nazis one group went with the Nazis and the other group went underground and became the resistance letters response the resistance it was led of course by the way there's one of my infamous tangents were going down there but I'm gonna hold myself back who was the general that became world famous and eventually became the most hero huh exactly Charles de Gaulle then the airport's name Darrin became the president right that was the general that because of what just like Eisenhower back then so Charles de Gaulle this your world history class came in handy Marshall I thought how good for you I'm gorilla so my point is that the resistance what did the resistance do did they throw flowers at the Nazis what did they do they attacked the supply lines that's exactly what they did they went underground it's a war what do you do in war simple as that you don't have to sugarcoat it course they did what did you expect them to do that's what exactly if you wanted to win and they won in the end and because they're winning we are all here that's what you're gonna do that's everybody does that no no problem there so did the prophets asylum and the sahaba raid the caravans of the the the Quraysh of course they did why is there to be embarrassed about they did the chorus did much worse and this was a defense mechanism against the the Koresh okay so that's yes quite so this notion this is a very good question our sister is saying is it Islam meant to be a spiritual religion above these political issues and the responses this is a very deep question much deeper than our time allows the person who asks you this has betrayed a psyche of modern Western culture that goes back to this notion of render unto Caesar is where the Cedars render unto God what is God's this is not coming from Judaism is not coming from Islam is coming from Western culture whose paradigm was Jesus and Jesus by and large did not challenge the Roman Empire right so that faction of Christianity views its spiritual leaders as being apolitical and this is a deeper question altogether and therefore when politics and religion were intertwined for that culture those were the Dark Ages they look down to it and they were the dark ages you know what happened Martin Luther comes along and throws the tyranny away right so their experience is radically different than our experiences so when they say unto you shouldn't religion be spiritual and not political they are betraying their understanding of religion and to correct it as a far deeper issue because it goes back to groupthink it grows who goes back to what you're comfortable with right but one of the ways we corrected and I'm very blunt when I speak to them I say well most of Christianity has preached that as an ideal but they have not only never lived up to it but in human history they have been the most colonizing and the most Warfield empire that history has ever seen it was Christianity that went and colonized the entire world even though they think they're supposed to be so what good did that do them on the contrary did no good at all so you you are it's a very valid question and the response once again it goes back my paradigms if in their minds the ideal prophet is Jesus Christ who's gonna be dragged and and crucified rather than put up a fight you're gonna have difficulty defending Moses Solomon David our prophets are set up if it's an actual Christian and here's another problem guys people Muslims Christianity is almost gone from this country to bring forth DDOT arguments and and Christian arguments we are showing we are antiquated you can't bring David did this and Solomon did this they don't respect David and Solomon either they're gone they don't expect the respect the biblical prophets these are agnostics they're atheists they're saying your prophet is meant to be an ideal role model you say Solomon killed a million people is gonna say so what I don't agree with him either no point quoting Solomon and David doesn't matter they have a different paradigm even in their secular liberalism even in their atheism their Christianity is betrayed when they say a religious person should be spiritual not political who told you that where'd you get it from if our profit system were not political we would not be Muslim right now brutally honest we would not be Muslim right now if it was just despair that's why we're Muslim Islam and that's why again people are gonna say it's a double standard of course it is I mean yeah it is when you do something for the truth you do it for the truth when you do it for bottle you do it for balton there is clearly a quote-unquote double standards when we went in quote-unquote colonized because we did that it was for the betterment of mankind it is for the betterment of mankind I again I say this I thank Allah from Mohammed even cross him what did Muhammad in the cross didn't do he colonized us right Arabs should thank Allah for how many brother house they we thank Allah for the people who went out and did it there they're gonna say is a double standard we say yeah there is I mean that's what I say yeah there is it's for the truth now I'm not suggesting you say that but I have my philosophy of just being brutally honest and say yes if it is for the truth and it is the truth Islam is the truth we don't be wish you she about this right so I don't finances your question it confused you hold your haughtiness more but like I said sister you have to already be sympathetic otherwise no answer is going to be satisfying so that's the second question okay the third question the third question isn't it obvious they say they say that your prophet was neither possessed by the devil Christians would say or crazy now you can email me two separate questions crazy or possessed by the devil in fact they're the same thing if you're a Christian you'll say devil if you're an agnostic or atheist you'll say megalomaniac or crazy it's the same thing really so I put them all together and they say that the founder of your religion was not a sane person now this is a common slur that actually we have documented it originates in the Crusades is slightly earlier than the Crusades and obviously I mean obviously it's Kaufer for us but we understand what they're saying it's we--the we would say the same thing when somebody from India 150 years ago claimed to be a prophet we automatically blame Shaitaan and the British they're the same thing but anyway who would blame on in the British right of course we did why shouldn't we that's how we are and it's complete sense so what do you expect another faith who believes in Jesus to view I mean it's not just our prophet they say the same about this guy in Utah um Joseph Smith they say the same thing I mean we expect them to say that even as we hate it and we know that school for what else do you expect them to say that's their religion that this person is not coming from God so what they say is understandable even as we balk at it and hate it and despise it and it's a common slur that goes back to the very beginnings of Christian Muslim relations and the response once again how do you respond how do you respond to a person who genuinely believes Jesus to be his Lord and Savior and then he finds Islam says Jesus is not our Lord and Savior this person will say this ideology must be coming from the devil do you not understand that he has from his paradigm a watertight argument do you not understand that this is a matter of faith it's as simple as that the fact of the matter is from his perspective how else is he gonna justify this it's clearly not coming from God so we have to take a step back and by the way and again you can say all you want eh Oh Islam preaches morality his salaam preaches to treat your parents nicely it's not preaches and the hardcore Christian will say but Islam does not preach what that Jesus is the Son of God and that to them is our equivalent of correct if you come across a Mormon who is not drinking alcohol and he says to you oh my prophet also said don't drink alcohol are you gonna say Oh Masha Allah Masha Allah great let's shake it or guess it doesn't matter your prophet was inspired by the WC what are you gonna say so my point is what else do you expect them to say that's Christian theology you're not gonna win them over by anything other than appealing to the fitrah and tawheed again the spiritual paradigm shift in other words sorry to be so blunt there is no answer to this actual point other than theology la ilaha illaallah versus the Trinity that's the answer here as long as they believe in the Trinity there is nothing you can say to them and I've spoken and debated with plenty of Christians what else do you expect them to say now speaking what with an agnostic who says our Villa who is crazy is actually easier and by the way most agnostics don't say that most modern atheists and I don't say that they don't have any problem saying that he was a genius in his own way they have no problem saying that he was a great leader in his own way for his own people I've had agnostics say that to me I don't have any problem they would say acknowledging him to be a great leader for his time but don't tell me he's a leader for all of mankind because of that so that's very common to say that as for the claim that our Villa he was Jonnie mentally unstable this is pretty easy to refute and that is that no one ever accused him of being mentally unstable he lived a very stable life in every facet from being a leader to being a family man to being a friend you can't just be unstable in one aspect and mentally stable in every other facet of life no one felt he was mentally unstable so and to be honest nobody really says this of intelligence I mean as far as I know this is now a gone deal but the issue of the profitsystem yanny uh not being mentally normal it this is something very easy to respond to and as for the claim that he was inspired by it by the devil and my humble opinion is a matter of theology we would expect a person of a Christian background to say this because from their perspective that is what the devil would want somebody to do and the devil will make Islam beautiful by saying certain good things but the most important thing which is Jesus Christ is gonna be absent just like we would say the same to any other tradition that we disagree with so in my humble opinion I would say this is something there's no point even talking about directly you got to go indirectly and talk about tohave versus Trinity that's what you need to do get to the crux of the matter which is is there one God or are the three gods is Jesus the Son of God that's what you need to get it to once a person believes there's one God then the whole issue of the devil inspiring the process was automatically going to be gotten rid of and Allah knows best so that's number three and four I just put in one number three number four and my list number four is again one of the most common ones that we get and this is the awkward one of the age of Aisha and the p-word you all know the P word no need for me to say it anyway all of the process too much to say that what I don't like using the word - it's not dignified but anyway the issue of the age of eyes right you all know guys everybody knows what we're talking about here you all know the P word as well because I want you to know it in case of actual Dawa yes anybody doesn't doesn't know that how will tell you the guy in the back doesn't know you can tell them later on each other okay and so it's not a problem if you don't know but just that what it is so that you when you hear it you know that this is the word okay how do we respond to this if you know see the lectures you know that I it's a pet peeve of mine I I cringe when Muslims want to go back and reinvent history I don't like this at all the claim that Aisha was miraculously 18 mashallah to Bella Coola which just so happens to be the legal age of consent in modern America mashallah what a coincidence much automatic Allah I cringe really I cringe and I guarantee you in 2030 years when the age of consent will be 19 these same people will raise that up by one year and as political correctness goes so - they're gonna rediscover history that's not the way forward that's not the way forward so in my humble opinion when this accusation comes of the prophecies and being this P word or marrying Aisha firstly we have to be fair and acknowledge this is one of those things where the Abubakar paradigm being sympathetic and finding an excuse versus the non-muslim paradigm let's be brutally honest here maybe some of us would find this in another leader to be something not worthy of emulation but because of our amount of hamdulillah because of our Iman we have no problem with it so when we acknowledge that we realize some things are not necessarily fully defensible from an intellectual standpoint but we can try I'm not saying give up but I'm saying realize there is a huge bias issue at play here which is no problem hamdulillah a man is so strong we can but I say this and again I'm sorry dear Muslims if you came to this class thinking that I would just sanitize & romanticize everything but I'm a pragmatic person I don't teach fairy tales I don't give you ideas that are false if I were to tell you something to make you feel good now then you actually try it in the real world and find out that it never works never I mean never I think I failed in my job to be your teacher That's not me brutal honesty you are not going to convince anybody from that paradigm that this is morally acceptable brutal honesty they might excuse it that okay it was okay for that time in place they might that's the max you can do but see we keep on saying he wasn't just meant for that time in place we keep on saying he was a role model for all of mankind and that's where even the most open-minded amongst them get stuck that's where they balk at so you can go down two or three routes but in the end of the day faith has a lot to do with this you can go down the historical route what is the historical route you quote example after example of child marriages you can do that okay you can quote and I have from my previous notes I have a number of them where is it Isabella daughter of the King of France was 8 years old when Richard ii of england married her so here we have an 8 year old child Baldwin the 3rd King of Jerusalem during the Crusades married the niece of the Byzantine Empire when she was 12 years old okay and I have a whole long list that I can go over one after the actual authentic references and then I'll even give you some history for your own information just FYI when did this become an issue in America why in this country is almost every state talking about 8 9 10 11 12 year old marriages up until this decade by the way still up until this decade the age of marriage in many states was 12 13 14 why and when did this change believe it or not this marriage law was only codified around a hundred years ago in this land when and I'll tell you some history just FYI you should all know this stuff around a hundred years ago what here's it now why years a nine to a 20-19 right okay I get lose track of time sometimes twenty nineteen okay we're in 2019 in Dallas Texas Dallas right east Plano does that call ahead okay yeah where was I nineteenth nineteen twenty 1920s America a very famous scandal happened very famous it became the talk of the world or the talk of the the country a very very wealthy multi-millionaire like somebody of the Rockefeller type of not a rockefeller but somebody of that social circus and in his fifties publicly advertised that he wanted essentially a child right okay when today young bright and he's advert it was legal there's not no law against it right and you know young girls across the country are applying because this is multi mister multi billionaire whatever and finally he ends up marrying a fourteen or fifteen year old I forgot now okay and he was like fifty five sixty years old and he marries like a fourteen year it was legal there are no laws against this at that time obviously it's nineteen twenty I mean they're no longer in eighteen twenty it's nineteen twenty they can't be that uncivilized talk talk talk finally legislation is passed legislation across the country that there should be a minimal age but it's still nineteen twenty and not 2019 so what age do most states come twelve thirteen fourteen because it's nineteen twenty some states fifteen very rarely so the default back then a hundred years ago was essentially puberty because twelve thirteen is when you become puberty right twelve thirteen when you should get married that's the average age America so you can go down the historical route but what is the problem going down the historical route who can tell me I've already betrayed the problem but who can tell me yes good I know you want to raise your own good exactly so what if it happened a hundred years ago your profit is not meant to be something of the past that's the whole point you can quote me a million examples you are telling me that he is meant to be remetanea I mean not just for Medina of the seventh century and and then they have done this and I've had this and maybe you will as well would you marry your nine-year-old daughter to a 57 year old man and let's be brutally honest would you I wouldn't I'll be honest with you I'm not going to in this day and age it's not gonna happen so hence my point you can mention this now you can also go down so this the historical route you're gonna get to a dead end there's the other route to go down and that is the biological route which is also fine you can quote science and this true you can science has documented ever since people began recording ages and you know statistics and whatnot it is a fact that the age of puberty has gone up in the last hundred and twenty years ever since they began documenting everything statistics body sizes everything you know like that's what civilization does one of the markers of a civilization it records is records and people that are not civilized it or don't have that civilized there's no records going on hence why all of our great grandparents are always born the first of January of that year because they didn't care about the dates and times anyway why am I talking about this so the point is that the point is that what huh biology biology tells us without a doubt that puberty has risen by around a month every year for the last so many years right so the average age of puberty a hundred years ago was much before is now therefore extrapolating back a thousand four hundred years we say and what's the problem and that's aa issue when she reached puberty she was proved at the age of nine right well that's the whole point why did she wait till nine why did the marriage consume it at nine because that's when the menses set in in her case right now in our time nine is not the typical age of menses is 1112 that's when the typical age night it still happens but it's not the typical age so the point is we can go down this route but once and we can say and we can contextualize it varies from culture to culture and time to time and place to place and that's fine we can also say even the worst critic of the prophet sallallaahu at that time frame did not find it problematic and that's true that is absolutely true that even those who rejected Islam for them this was no big deal that's not something on the register register as being abnormal or immoral that is all true but like I said at this stage you're preaching to your own paradigm so we have to be honest enough to acknowledge that you know what I understand you're gonna find this problematic the only thing I go with is this and that is that look it was a different time in place and our religion does not say that this isn't needs to be resurrected now and I say this that in our modern filth we are allowed to put a higher age limit and leave it at that there's not much more you can do in this regard and again this is my brutal honesty I mean if you feel otherwise then best of luck to me Allah make it easy for you I don't think you can really go beyond either the historical or the contextual and then leave it at that this either appeals to you or not and in the end of the day you either sympathize with this individual and find excuses as we do or you don't in which case you're not going to how else you're gonna rationalize this because again let's be honest here because they do ask you this question would you do it now would you you all know the answer to that so now by the way one could say if I found somebody like you know the Prophet system I would do that ok and that's valid answer nobody can deny that but you are good yeah mm-hmm agreed agree but as I said as I said at this stage of preaching to the choir because they will say he bother slavery did he not yes has a trick question that was another problem that is not on the thing I could say let's not on whether example slavery is tomorrow by the way please everybody come Jonathan Browns lecture tomorrow for Mahadeva Nisha that should be interesting insha'Allah they would say he abolished not slavery but alcohol right if he could have abolished alcohol which was endemic why couldn't he have also shown us what age group to marry so why are you contextualizing one and not the other and that's what I'm saying you are preaching to the choir at this stage the only people that will fully be convinced by this are those that are already and it does work amongst our own youth that are a little bit confusing and confused and maybe they're confusing as well it will work for them no problem inshallah they have some Iman they'll understand okay I understand that but in my humble opinion somebody who's already rejected is not going to be convinced by these issues that's my analysis and Allah knows best okay he has a brother in the back is okay your voice is not coming to a sorry all of these are valid answers in fact I also add another thing here which I didn't have in my list but I can add it here now you seem to be concerned about her age she was never concerned she never complained she lived another 50 years she never found it problematic she had nothing but the fondest memories are you going to care about her more than she cared about herself more than her own parents more than her own culture and noise so who are you to come and impose your culture right onto a previous civilization and culture so we can reverse it around and again all of these are valid I'm not saying they're invalid I still say you must already have some sympathy to this individual the paradigm is good so the brothers saying should we bring up gender roles and the role of the husband and wife if you want to debate another five hours yes you may do that okay because there's a whole different tension off together but yes it is also true that you wanted to make sure that your daughter would marry the most suitable and qualified man that is her best chance of survival and who better than the Prophet SAW said I'm from every aspect that's why we thank Abu Bakr for his wise decision we thank the processer man I said they all got along fine of course that's true but who's gonna believe that only those who are already sympathetic to the paradigm so again we're kind of going in that infinite loop here so point number five here issue number five the highly problematic massacre of the Banu Qurayza this is one of those issues of the Serie where we get a lot of back and forth the massacre of seven hundred people from the tribe of Banu Qurayza right and of course any the details are gruesome of course they are you don't kill 700 people except with gruesome details I mean that's the reality go read our own books they're not inventing these facts and again well let me let me ask you guys and again guys let's be honest here everything you say will it really work on somebody who's already rejected Islam or will it work to those who already have a soft spot for Islam and just need a little bit of push which is our kids think this is what I'm asking you all be practical all that you're gonna say is only useful for those who have some iman or are very close to Islam as for those who are looking at it from a different perspective the IRA versus the British right the French Resistance versus the not it depends on which side of the aisle you're on we are on the Islam alhamdulillah for that hamdulillah were on the side of Islam so everything is justified makes complete sense to us but what do you expect the Bani Israel of our times to look at what do you expect them to do I mean we do the same when look at guys let's look at under loose let's look at under this when we were expelled from under loose right whose side are we on in that battle who are we sympathize sympathetic to the Spanish are saying hey we had to purify our country we had to make sure only us are there we had to expel you guys whose side are we on they're on the people who are expelled so let's be fair here and understand in the end of the day groupthink in breed biases we have our own paradigm they have their paradigm so I'm already telling you my answer to this there is no answer but anyway let's hear your answer for those who are on the fence those who are already sympathetic to our paradigm what is our answer what do we set the menorah another and there are things to be said to those people no problem what can be said number one guys they are a bunch of traitors I mean what more do you want they did the biggest crime known to any political system no sympathy what did the any society now we can give you a million examples what do you do to traitors in your ranks every society does this and at the most sensitive time so why defend it when there is no need to catch to sugarcoat it it is what it is that's exactly what it is everybody does this you've summer summarily execute traitors at times of war in fact a process some did not do that he did not summarily execute them he surrounded them this is point number two by the way this also needs to be said if you want to talk to somebody within our own paradigm and they're already sympathetic in his generosity he said to them you tell me what should I do and they said choose another judge not you you should all know this from the sila so he said who do you recommend they said sad even Aviva cos and I mean sad Amon Amarth sad even Ahmad okay so who chose their own judge they did not the professor sir they were the ones who chose their arbitrator they felt and saddened them were close buddies and friends sad was their home boy mashallah right Sal was their guy side was their buddy from back in the day they felt he's gonna take care of us so the process them didn't pronounce the verdict this is a very key point by the way even if he did we would have defended it I had no problem with me what I'm saying he didn't in this case he didn't he did not pronounce that verdict it was the people whom they chose and the profitsystem had no say because sad the famous story the famous story that when he came and he was of course sick and died as you know the story you should all know the story he was bleeding to death and he came on a camel not on a camel came on a donkey and the profitsystem said to the unsourced and up to greet your leader stand up to greet him show him honor he's coming in this state so they all stood up to greet him como la salida come and the Banu Qurayza were on one side and the process was on the other side so he said to de bono karela do you agree that you will listen to my verdict without any question like this is binding on you and they said yes and on the other side was the prophets all I said them and he couldn't say do you agree that my verdict is going to be bi and he couldn't say that so he looked down at the Prophet SAS and he said and the other side is also in agreement like the Adept that he had write a tariff ilaha is the other side in agreement and Subhan Allah the Iman of Sabbath right like he's looking straight in a girl do you agree I'm the judge yes the other side is also an agreement and the process said yes then sad said in that case my verdict is as follows and he gave the verdict everyone who is an adult male shall be executed and the professor Sam then said your judgment Assad is the judgment of Allah from above the seven heavens meaning this is what Allah wanted and you're the one who said it on your tongue not from me not from Allah Allah used you to say this product your verdict is the verdict from the seven heavens means you have done right but who chose sad they did so and and by the way again the taurah the injeel every con una of the world it has the same verdict for traders these were traders at the most now the response goes oh but not everybody you know agree to this there's a bunch of you know teenagers in there and the response is that was the law of the time again you are your group your people your people betrayed and you went with them you could have walked away and I mentioned in my sierra lessons if you listen to it I hope you guys listening to that zero and some Sierra I mentioned in my serie three of the yahood were not executed three of them because they vocally protested and they did not participate and they said this is treachery this is a key point that you can mention here those who did not agree to this and they walked away they were spared and they were not killed so the fact that they all agreed to betray Islam at such a sensitive time they deserved what they did God and again I don't have any problem and if they don't agree I fully understand what do you expect we would not agree on the other side as well like I said Spanish expulsion and there were debts and there was persecution to this day some Spaniards justified and to this day our hearts are with the other side that is what happens in war you sympathize with your people and you don't sympathize with the with the other side so we say we can try to contextualize we can try to do that and at the end of the day we say the message needed to be sent don't mess with the Muslims don't betray the Muslims you need to send the message that nobody else should do this and the message was loud and clear and the message was needed and I have no problems with that so that's I don't have anything else to add you have anything else to add to this yes go ahead yeah I mentioned this the Torah has this as well yes I meant today you can add this yes mention this as well as the law of the land across the world treachery and treason mm-hmm execution and that's why for example if you look at even the amount of hatred that they had against John Walker Lindh and all of these guys right you know John Walker Lindh and and others of that persuasion and anybody who joins you know these groups from the you know converts who end up joining them or whatnot look at the the statements that you find people and again look at what's happening and again they use these examples to make them understand Europeans who joined those groups the so-called - most countries have stripped them of their citizenship and the most famous case is the British girl jimena she's you know what's her name the British girl who has no other nationality other than England right and the home office said the fact that she joined that group she's gonna go back to her she's her ancestors of Bangla Bangladeshi so she got the the British government says she has to go back there and Bangladesh said she's never been a British Bangladeshi Bengali citizen okay we give her citizenship so she has been stripped of her citizenship simply because she joined that organisation the hatred the whole country the Prime Minister everybody is unanimous we are not going to give her citizen back even though from a technical perspective no matter what she has done she is a citizen of that land she was born in go ahead and try or go ahead an executor she is your citizen but the level of hatred and what not because this happened so you bring up these issues everybody does it it's understood those whom you view as traitors this is their verdict they become citizen less they are completely strapped to a look at these anyway I don't want to go too explicit because it is the magic giving these examples in a mosque and whoever is gonna report to whoever their boss is just I'm giving these examples for a tea bar and not for for what you might call it anyway so these all you can say about this point number five point number six what time you have to finish tell her ten minutes left point number six and this is the standard canard goes back to the goes back to the Crusades and before the Crusades and the first person to actually use this in fact was one of the priests of Damascus who when Islam came to Damascus this is in the eighth century one of the first person to ever say this was a priest who said they're profitable is a sensual man who has many many wives what do you expect a guy who's never touched a woman in his life to say about a prophesy sir I mean let's be honest here this is where it comes from these people don't even have the hell out so of course they're gonna be jealous of what our processing has what do you expect and their priests have always said this throughout centuries that's the reality what do you expect them to do and other than the Roman Catholics which is a whole different but the point is that this has been a standard canard that goes back 1200 1300 years okay oh he has multiple wives and it is ironic that priests say this because of their own lifestyles number one and number two because as priests they're supposed to believe in David and Solomon they're supposed to believe their own prophets had thousands of wives and concubines why is it problematic for the process them to have eleven or nine or whatever but nonetheless they bring forth this issue now guys how many of you have actually listened to my mother of the believers series I'm just curious less than 2% 3% this is problematic then because I'm assuming most of you are still on your Sunday school to make two seconds now sound bites in which you will say oh but every marriage had a political goal to it and if you're on that sound byte then what I'm about to say is gonna be not only over your head but it will hurt and irritate you listen to my mother of the believers as all I can say listen to my series on the mother of the believers it's a twenty twenty five part series about all of our mothers I went into a lot of detail and please do not ever say that Oh the Prophet SAW said I'm only married them for political reasons because the minute you do if they are complete jaha they'll be quiet but then they're gonna go back to their teachers and their mentors or the biggest share of all share Google and within ten seconds they will decimate you and destroy you and you will be left embarrassed because you made a fool of yourself please educate yourself be very careful if you want to enter the realm of Dawa in modern times this intellectual Dawa please make sure you know your stuff or else just be quiet and preach Islam through your actions which is far more easier and far better preach Islam through your clout and through your ibadah until you're Sakina if you want to enter this realm of intellectual debates you had better study and read non-stop and be willing to change a lot of your ideas that you were taught in Sunday school I don't want to say too much because if you haven't done this then let me just say it's simply not true not true at all that every marriage had a political issue and I think the only way to do this is really just to say this is a blessing that Allah gave him and he deserved it and the story he is the best human being ever to walk the face of this earth and allah subhanho wa taala allowed him what he didn't allow anybody else he deserved it that's what I believe and it makes complete sense I have no problem with that now the minute you try to justify the minute you try to preach something contrary to the truth and somebody just reads Sahib Hadi not even even Hisham just reads the most basic books that we are not taught in Sunday school because again if you listen to my serie we are taught to sanitized version of this year we're not taught the raw serie and again that's another problem altogether but what's wrong with it yes he did so what allah tested him in ways that we don't want to be tested and allah blessed him in ways as well he deserved it so what leave it at that once you have love for somebody you'll justify everything once you know Allah chose him yes Allah says in the Quran this concession to marry multiple women hardest at Sulekha min doing in what meaning it's in the Quran but I am NOT a fraud we know what we have made for them Allah is saying I know what has been made fun for them and I know what I've allowed for you ya rasul allah i've allowed for you what i haven't allowed for anybody else this in the quran why don't we accept a las gift to the Prophet system our problem comes and again I don't want to say too much because again this is very if you haven't done my serie or my why's that the mothers are the leavers then this is this is too much information in two seconds overload but we have to rethink through how we have constructed the image of our prophets of Allah where I send them and enough said for that there is nothing to defend here there's no problem in the first place that's my point there's nothing awkward Allah gifted him he deserved it if anybody deserved it he did and he deserved it so I don't even see this as anything worth talking about in the first place and then we can say if you want to we can say that there are also benefits that came with all of this now there is a big difference between saying the reason he was allowed all of these wives was because of these political benefits that's wrong it's just wrong we don't have time to go into why it's wrong listen to my mother's or the believers you will see why it's wrong well we can say Allah gifted him a gift and that gift if anybody deserved it he did and that gift did have some benefits to it of a tangible nature that we can see and of those benefits the preservation of his private life hadith about what he did in his house we have so much information from all of the mothers that we have we also have no doubt about it and some cases there were alliances with tribes that dict not in every case my Munna is the obvious example here but she's one example right Joe idea is another example but these are the exceptions not all three single one what happened with Joe Adia and the freeing of the tribe but didn't happen with every one of them but we can use it and say there were political perks that came and I think in my humble opinion definitely the miracle of miracles most of us in this audience we have hamdulillah Annie one wife some of us have none we're struggling to get someone but may Allah make it easy for those of you that are looking at sha Allah and as all of us who have one wife no to get the admiration of one woman hmm how possible is it but there's a zero person I hope your wife's not sitting here brother okay or you're seeing the latter a single okay let's not say zero percent let's say at least one percent or there's something there to get the admiration of one woman how difficult is it it's not easy right it's not easy well I I say wallahi I see in all seriousness the fact that all of our mothers genuinely admired him Salah Larsen genuinely loved him genuinely respected him and we can't even with one woman we can't get to that level right and he had so many wives and all of them had nothing but the utmost admiration that is a miracle lisen miracle that doesn't happen anywhere else anywhere when allah revealed in the Quran go give them the choice I'll divorce you and give you the world or stay with me and live difficult lives how many chose divorce and to be given the world how many zero that's the miracle there why do we have to be embarrassed about it what is there to be covering up about that's the miracle right there that's exactly the raw Iman that our kids need to hear don't be embarrassed yes our process some went through a lot of difficulty he lost both parents he lost uncles and grandfathers he lost his children every child he buried so many people so what if Allah made the world easy for him in one aspect and gave him loving wife so what why do you have to be embarrassed about that what is there to be it was this is a blessing Allah gifted him he deserved it if anybody deserved it so stop getting awkward and embarrassed over something that doesn't need to be embarrassed about Allah says in the Quran I'm allowing this for you not for anybody else this is the explicit in the Quran end of story now who's gonna understand this somebody who already has the open-mindedness and the belief that this person is a great person we understand somebody outside is gonna say double standards of course they're gonna say we would say the same thing when we look at their cults and their false religions and we say their leader does this and he does that we would say the same thing to them so let's be honest here when there's a cult and the leader does whatever he does right and the rest of them don't do that we're gonna say the same thing it's all the matter of that in previous verses group thing versus that's human nature so I don't find any problem with this issue and we say that in my humble opinion I would not talk about this issue at all if they bring it up we say well we believe that he was somebody who suffered so much that our Lord gave him this concession and you have to see why we believe this way by the way I forgot to mention one point is a very important point I was gonna say at the end but I can say it now any time these issues are raised all of these seven eight nine issues any time they're raised pivot them into why we admire this man and why we believe in the faith rather than spending half an hour talking about the wives of the Prophet system talking about the Banu Qurayza waste of time give the two second response and then say but you know what for me that's not how I view our profit system that's not what I think of when I think of him do you want to know why now you get into the our paradigm the Abu Bakar model the Iman model and you talk about Allah and the Quran and the messenger and all of the positive of Islam and then hope and pray that something you said attaches to his fitrah and he starts getting more curious that's all you can do and again here's another point I know it's getting almost the end why do Muslims violently defend the honor of the prophesies of them so many times why do they get violent when they want to defend in their love okay this is the question it can ask me interesting question don't you think you tell me why do you get violent guys how do you respond to this question why do people the Charlie Hebdo case in this case in that case and it's moot Awad said across the globe right I mean it's not just a one-off right these non-muslims say what is it about your prophet that causes your people to go berserk that's the question they ask what do you guys say yes this is obviously it's a valid point and again you're preaching to the choir because you called it love what will they call it exact let's be honest here stop beating around the bush you call it love I call it love what do they call it so let's be fair here but you're right excessive love does lead now I would phrase it this way excessive love occasionally leads to fanaticism I say this why it's the truth what else do you want to say sisters you've been exceptionally quiet huh there what the Muslims are embarrassed okay okay so an incompetent and how to answer this is a true point psychologically you resort to violence when you don't know how to respond intellectually this is a valid point okay what else do we say you're missing actually far bigger points yes so again the excessive love people easily be become violent when they value something excessively so they'll do that yes II that's a very if he if he if he think generally speaking those who end up joining and doing these types of things are generally educated people generally speaking sometimes maybe in the Charlie Hebdo case they weren't but generally speaking they're middle to upper-middle class yes oh never never ever ever do that when's the last time you heard somebody go blow himself up because somebody from the Holocaust no that's exactly what I'm saying I know you're not saying that I'm saying that never give that example never scrap it from the record it works against you they have no problem with you getting offended they have a problem with you going killing people which is what they're asking they don't mind you get offended you have every right to be offended they'll get offended if you make fun of their models says the mother is there no problem they're gonna say you have the right to be offended but if you look around the world it's not offense its violence and killing it's attacking people it's bombs that's the issue be angry you don't have to kill people how can I be accessible Oh guys but I keep him in check meant rain and Mac be careful make sure his passports with you okay anyway I'm going to smell is excellent you can bring in statistics Gallup polls excellent the vast majority of Muslims condemn it there's still a big point to be mentioned yes valid point but I think in my humble opinion you're missing the big big big big point I'll mention it because time is limited Muslims especially in these lands are already a disenfranchised minority they already have a lot of political pressure and tension on them so their fuse is already short this isn't a justification it is a contextualization always say this this is not a justification it's a contextualization if an already in battered an already bitter and already disenfranchised community that is being legislated against that is being stereotyped that is being mocked and ridiculed is further subjugated to their most sacred icon being ridiculed in this manner then no justification but there is a provocation that will result in a backlash and what you can do and I've done this actually in public lectures is to give an example that they can understand that imagine a racist you know person or rich you know capitalist Wall Street banker racist well-known walks into a neighborhood that is of a different skin color than he is you get the point stands on his rolls-royce and baganz insulting with the most vile terms using words that we're not gonna mention at all but begin with the letter before em and you mentioned these things right and he uses these words now what's gonna happen we all know is it justified no but what has he done he's provoked a group that's already impacted embittered already disenfranchised already so this is what is happening that you have a group politically media-wise socially they're on edge now you have somebody come and and provoked them even more no justification but there is a context from within which this is coming it's gonna backlash and come back and hit them I always mentioned this as well it's not a justification it is reality so inshallah with this so that's a very valid point that in Afghanistan something just happened with yesterday right and Pakistan it happens all the time which I don't know I'm a Pakistani as well I understand what our calm is what's up with that have no clue was going off and something in our blood I don't know what it is but I don't understand why would you want to go and blow up another message it on jihad because of it doesn't make any sense to me you know so the point is that you are absolutely correct that this notion of disenfranchise nonetheless that having been said let me just push back a little and say this did not happen a hundred years ago did it even though most non-muslims did make fun of our process of a hundred years ago so what has happened in the mindset even a modern-day Pakistan what is going on I would say it is overall this notion that we are being attacked from all sides whether it's true or not but that's the notion we're under siege everything's happening and so when this last straw happens they become so berserk and angry that this does happen I do think modern politics plays a role in this in the end of the day all you can say is sometimes excessive love does lead to excessive fanaticism and excessive love when it's kept in check is something that is healthy when it's kept in check you want to love your prophet more than anything else so I send them so there's nothing wrong with that it's only excessive law anyway to conclude I hope I haven't done more damage than good Allah but you want me to come I will not sugarcoat I will preach what I feel is my experiences and whatnot and I feel that I would do a disservice if I weren't honest with you so the last two three hours have been a dose of my version of honesty I hope that I shall there was of some benefit if not you can blame Paulo for inviting me and and coming to ignore this event I hope that I shall any other questions you have after them in this community so each other you can come to me there's no time is there time I don't know what time is the adhan mm-hmm in three minutes quite quickly go so the question is about the so-called Satanic Verses and did you listen to my cierra lecture on that no you haven't you should listen to that lecture and you will find the answer we can flip it around and say the fact that Allah defended and the fact that there was a correction given indicates that it's not because even in the verse Hatta tamanna allah shaitaan affinity he finds a hole la huelga Shaitaan Allah will abrogate what comes from the Shaitaan so there's something very clear that whatever comes from the Shaitaan will be abrogated by Allah subhana WA Ta'ala with this we really do need to conclude you know but I mean sister go I don't want to make sure one last question the question last question bismillah so the question is that in a male-dominated field a sister how does she give that WA you know in this environment and I go back to my first point Dawa is primarily given through your manners and your o'clock and not through your speech so embody the femininity of Islam through your haya and show them what it means to be a female Muslim in a male world through your gaze through your modesty through your dignified interactions and hope that insha'Allah to either something clicks in their fitrah and inshallah and by the way I have a close friend of mine who converted because of his wife converted because of this issue of a sisters modesty so it's not gonna be something strange inshallah what this is a kimono head said I wanna come to LA he robot account la eternal fire Oh hurry and I as in a feat Dona Ursula and world in her appearing fear is all open vena one more little Yama album being humble Lea art in German
Channel: Yasir Qadhi
Views: 24,127
Rating: 4.778862 out of 5
Keywords: yasir, qadhi, official, islamic, scholar, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi, Islam, Quran, Sunnah, Hadith, Muslim, Unity in Diversity, Islamic Knowledge, Lives of The Sahabas, Companions of The Prophet, Bukhari, Prophet Muhammad, Allah, Islamic Role Models, Prayer, Salah, Zakat, Islamic History, Islamic Lecture, Peace, Muslim Matters, Religion, Messengers of Allah, God, Why Don’t People Embrace Islam Immediately, New Muslims, Convert Muslims, The Pitfalls of Dawah, Learning About Islam, True Islam
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 12sec (8472 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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