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hey guys it's bella welcome back to my channel it has been a minute it's been a while so i hope you guys are all doing well today we're just gonna jump strum we're just gonna strum back jump straight back into another mystery monday we're gonna be talking about canada's most prolific serial killer his name is robert willy picton and he's also known as the butcher or the pig farm killer and this case is pretty horrific it does involve violence against women so viewer discretion is advised today's video is brought to you by audible and if you are interested in learning more about this case they actually do have a few audio books one of which being robert picton the pig farm killer by chris swinney and another is on the farm by stevie cameron you can check them out with an audible membership as members get one free title a month to keep from their entire plus catalog including bestsellers and new releases they also get access to a growing selection of titles including audiobooks audible originals podcasts and more and they really have every genre you could be interested in mysteries thrillers celebrity memoirs wellness business fantasy romance just every sort of genre that you could want new members can also try audible for free for 30 days if you head to or if you text bella fiore to 500 500 so i will link that in the description down below all of the information will be there and let's go ahead and get into today's case robert willie picton was born on the 24th of october in 1949 and he was the second of three children so he had an older sister named linda and a younger brother named david his parents leonard and louise pigton ran a pig farm in port coquitlam and they were actually the third generation of pig farmers in their family they were well known in the community so they had a lot of influence with everyone from police officers to local politicians because they dealt with them directly and sold them poor willie and david were raised on the farm however their sister louise was sent away to live with relatives in vancouver because leonard believed a pig farm was no place for a girl to grow up and their pig farm was very primitive i guess for lack of a better word the animals were allowed to run in and out of their house louise worked willie and david very hard she was known to be a bit of a tyrant and she was always yelling at the boys and she also wasn't really concerned with their cleanliness so the whole family kind of stunk and the kids were bullied at school for it because they just stank they stank of manure and dead animals and dirt and their clothes were always dirty and willie actually had a fear of showers and he would rarely take a bath like he would only take a bath when he was too ranked for even his mother to deal with the smell so when he would get on the bus in the mornings he would have to sit by himself and other kids nicknamed him stinky piggy so he and his brother david just really hated school like they would pretend to leave to go and get on the bus in the morning but they would secretly sneak back into the house and they would hide underneath the bed until you know school time was over and they could pretend like you know they just arrived home and sometimes willie would actually also hide in the hollowed out carcasses of these really big hogs which is delectable when he was 11 years old he used all of the money that he had managed to save and he bought a carp at auction and this curve was really like his only friend it was his best friend and he loved it he would come home every day and go immediately to this calf he would care for it he would feed it and he just loved it it was his pet it was his best friend and then one day he comes home and his calf is gone so he goes to his mom he's like hey where's my calf and she tells him to go and check the barn so he goes to the barn and his calf had actually been slaughtered and he was devastated he was hysterical and he never really loved or cared for anything or anyone like he did that calf ever again a few years later in 1963 when willy was 14 years old he was still really having a lot of trouble at school so he decided to drop out and he went and got a job as a butcher's apprentice which he really enjoyed he was really good at it and i have to say i feel like a lot of people who are in that line of work and doing that sort of thing aren't really going around bragging about how good they are at slicing animals up and cutting into animals so probably the first red flag maybe not even the first red flag actually but definitely a little bit of foreshadowing so i guess he lived a relatively normal life for the next few years until 1967 when on the 16th of october his brother david was 16 years old he'd just gotten his driver's license and so he took his dad's truck out for i guess just a joyride and he ended up hitting 14 year old tim burrett when tim burritt was just simply walking down the road and he left him there on the road he ran back to the farm and told his mum and his mum goes to the place where he had left him lying on the road and he was alive he was badly injured but he was still alive and so she just kind of pushes his body into this ditch of water and mud where he ended up drowning and she just goes home like nothing happened like she didn't just kill a 14 year old boy and she tells david look just go and take the truck to the mechanic that they had been going to for years and just get the dent out of the front of the car meanwhile tim's family and friends have gone out looking for him because he obviously didn't come home that night and they end up finding his body in the ditch the police are called and an autopsy reveals that his cause of death was drowning but his injuries weren't consistent with him simply having drowned he had a fractured skull with subcranial hemorrhaging and he also had a fractured pelvis but despite these injuries they ruled his death an accidental drowning so no one was charged with a crime and the craziest part of this case is that willy's mother literally murdering a 14 year old boy is often glossed over in this case because i guess of everything else that happens in his life and because of his own crimes later in life which we will get into so three years after that incident we're now in 1970 and willie has just turned 21 and he left his apprenticeship and began working full-time on his parents pig farm and he was doing pretty much all of the work like picking up all of the journey work on the farm because no one else wanted to do it 1978 was not a good year for willie his parents were not doing well health-wise and his father passed away in january of 1978 and soon after that his mother became terminally ill with cancer and willie took on the responsibility of caring for her he fed her he cleaned her he changed her diapers he just took care of her and that was really traumatic for him and then she also passed away in april of 1978. willie and his siblings david and linda inherited the farm but david and linda really didn't want anything to do with the family business so david moved into the main house on the farm and willie moved into a trailer on an isolated part of the farm and he pretty much cared for the family business all by himself he became known in the community as just this grubby kind of eccentric pig farmer and people just accepted that that was just the way that he was because he worked really long hours on an isolated farm so he was just a little bit of an oddball but on the other hand he was very lonely and isolated on the farm so he began hanging out a lot in the red light district of downtown vancouver and he would often go to bars and would talk to women at these bars and buy them drugs and so he got this reputation there as being a really nice caring and generous guy because of his reputation it was pretty easy for him to get women to come back to his trailer with him and he would pay these women with money or drugs to just like clean his trailer he didn't have sex with them he was just looking for company but it wasn't really through a lack of him not wanting to have sex one evening in 1980 he decided company was not enough for him and he went to east hasting street where he picked up a 14 year old girl and once she got into his car he became violent he attacked her with a knife and raped her and then he threw her out of the car in an empty parking lot and this seemed to satiate him for over a decade as far as we know he could have committed crimes in the next 10 years but he hasn't been convicted of anything there hasn't been any evidence found but it is entirely possible so in 1994 williams siblings decided to sell the northern end of their farm to building developers and they made about two million canadian dollars from this so you know they were bowling pretty much in 1996 with some of their money willy and his brother david decided to start a non-profit charity and i'm just gonna let you guys have a second to guess the name of this charity because i feel like you won't be able to guess it was called the piggy palace good time society it was a non-profit charity that claimed to organize operate manage and coordinate functions shows and special events basically they just hosted these like massive raves these like corey worthington type parties and they would invite like up to 2000 people usually mostly sex workers and drug addicts and they would host these at their slaughterhouse and then after these parties he would take some of the women at the parties back to his trailer where they would engage in kinky sex because he was really into like bondage and that sort of thing it made him feel in control because a lot of his life he had not really felt like he was in control and a lot of the times he would offer these women money and drugs in exchange for sex in march of 1997 willie escalated things once again when he picked up a sex worker named wendy isetta he took her back to his trailer and handcuffed her which is when he actually got violent and she managed to break free of these handcuffs so he got a knife and he was coming at her with a knife and she received multiple lacerations over her body but she actually managed to pick up a knife of her own she disarmed him and then she fled the farm on foot and she was actually picked up by an elderly couple who took her to a nearby hospital where she was treated for obviously the multiple stab wounds that she had all over her body willie was arrested on the 23rd of march for her attempted murder do you drink oh no no i don't drink i don't smoke i don't use drugs and then everybody says how can your eyes are still root blood shot it says turn around i didn't take the knife away from her i did not take the knife away i aimed to tour and i knifed it twice i didn't do that i admit i did that no you've never taken any of the prostitutes back to your trailer not since this incident but before that incident no no no no no no no no no she was too scared to testify against him and didn't show up at the trial so later in 1998 the case was dismissed and he was free to go with nothing on his record about this crime a few months later in august of 1997 he picked up 24 year old marnie frey she was a heroin addict so he offered to buy her drugs in exchange for sex and he took her back to his trailer and she was never seen again and this was seemingly the start of his murder spree between 1995 and 1998 29 women went missing from vancouver's downtown east side not all of which could be attributed to willie but a lot of them could and what he would do to these women is horrific he would lure them to his trailer with the promise of drugs or sex and after sex he would then generally get violent he would bound or handcuff his victims and would then strangle them to death with either a wire or a belt the substance found in a syringe that came from pikton's office was methanol commonly used in the windshield wiper fluid an acquaintance of pictons had mentioned his statement about using this type of fluid to kill drug addicts he would then take their bodies into his slaughterhouse and tie them up as he would with his pigs he would then gut them and he would feed their remains through the rendering plant that he had in the slaughterhouse which would basically turn their remains into mints which he would either feed to his pigs or he would take the remains to the animal waste disposal plant where he took the remains and waste of his pigs so there was just nothing left of these women because he knew how to dispose of remains because he worked in doing that his whole life in getting rid of the remains of pigs it was almost a foolproof method because how can you be caught for something if there's no evidence remaining to prove it and the worst part of it all is that these women going missing at alarming rates were being reported missing by friends and family and the police just did not want to borrow of it because these women were sex workers and drug addicts and so the police would just brush it off and basically say you know these women go home with different men every night so who knows where they are and this woman has a tendency to flee so she's probably just gotten on a greyhound and gone somewhere and who knows where she is they absolutely did not want to look into it which is terrible these are human beings 29 women went missing from a relatively small area over a three year period and they just ignored it like how can you ignore something like that but they did a woman named elaine allen ran a shelter in the area which provided food and social services to these women and she noticed this huge number of women going missing and she was reporting it but nothing was being done and she said she just felt so helpless in late 1998 37 year old bill actually called the police to report willie picton he had seen the reports on the missing women in vancouver and he really thought willy might be responsible he knew that he picked up a lot of girls and took them back to his trailer and he also worked for a farm that willy and his brother david were the proprietors of so he would have to go to their port coquitlam farm to pick up his checks and he described their farm as a creepy looking place and also said that the pigs there were crazy apparently he was chased by a 600 pound pig that was like biting at him and chasing him and he had never seen a pig act like that before which really makes you think if it was like biting at him and chasing at him like that because it had a taste for human meat anyway if you remember the case against willy for the attempted murder of wendy isetta was dismissed in 1998 well when bill heard about that it really solidified for him that his suspicions about willie were probably right he calls the police in late 1998 and he tells them that they could probably find the ids and purses of a lot of these missing women at willy's farm and he also said that willie often goes to the downtown area to pick up women and bring them back to his trailer and this actually wasn't the first time that the police had heard about the pictons either willy's brother david had actually been convicted of sexual assault in 1992 and fined 1 000 and given 30 days probation and this sexual assault had taken place at the trailer on the pig farm david had also been sued three times for damages resulting from traffic accidents the pictons also got in trouble in april of 1998 under the livestock protection act but the case was also later dismissed the pictons also had their non-profit status for the piggy palace taken away in 1998 so the pictons and in particular willie were definitely well known to police so when bill hiscock made his report in 1998 the police took down his statement and a detective also accompanied him to the farm to search it but nothing was found the pig farm was also searched another three times after this but again nothing was found so the picton brothers were considered persons of interest in regards to these missing women but again police weren't really looking into these missing women so nothing was really done there was no surveillance there was no anything nothing was done other than those few searches where they found nothing and this was despite being made aware of the concerns surrounding willy so the next year in 1999 willie still actually had some female friends right that he wasn't murdering i guess one of these women was named lynn ellingson and she was addicted to crack so in 1999 she lived with willy on in his trailer for a few months and he would buy her crack and let her live there rent free and that sort of thing one night she was sleeping in willie's trailer and she heard a noise that woke her up and she decided to get up and go and check it out and she saw a light coming from the slaughterhouse so she went over to it and when she entered the sort of house that is when she saw willy had a woman hung up like he would hang his pigs up and she was mortified obviously she screamed she ran off the farm and willie actually didn't even bother to chase her and she never reported it to police and the reason she didn't report it to police is because she actually blackmailed willy with this information basically saying give me more money or i'm gonna go to the police give me more crack or i'm gonna go to the police basically i know you're the one killing these sex workers and so willie continued to allow her to live in his trailer he paid her more money he bought her more drugs and she never went to the police to report this so it's just really disappointing that she valued money and drugs over the lives of 29 women and more than 29 women actually because she knew that he was going to continue to murder more women so that happened in january of 1999 and by february of 1999 he had actually killed two more women one of these women was a 32 year old brenda wolf she was a drug addict and he lured her to the farm with the promise of free drugs but of course she never left his trailer and she was actually the 53rd woman to go missing from vancouver's downtown east side in the last four years since 1995. the women in this area were scared you know there were women disappearing at an alarming rate and the police didn't care they weren't doing anything to look out for them or protect them or find the people who were doing this these women would say to their friends you know oh i'm going out tonight you know if you don't hear from me tomorrow come looking for me and a lot of other women just simply were not going out so willie was having some trouble getting women back to his trailer and so he actually enlisted the help of his female friends he knew in this sort of situation that women were more likely to trust another woman and what she was saying and where she wanted her to go one of his female friends that would help him was a woman named diana taylor and she would go to women's shelters and she would go to women she would say hey you should come party with me at willy's farm he's got money he's got drugs and these women would go with her because they trusted another woman they felt more comfortable going with her and by january 2001 the number of women that had gone missing from the small area had risen to 62 which is huge and it's not something that the police can ignore any longer by april of 2001 the vancouver police and the royal canadian mounted police set up the missing women's task force and they offered a 100 000 reward for any information that would lead to an arrest they got 12 000. they got 12 000 tip this dog literally never stops barking they got 12 000 tips through their hotline and many of these tips actually mention a pig farmer from port coquitlam and so now they've had bill report this guy specifically someone who works from willy and they've also had all of these tips come in about willy as well yet they still didn't do anything they didn't put any surveillance on him or anything he just remained on the persons of interest list so he just continued his killing spree and i guess the fact that the police were looking into these missing women but weren't specifically looking into him made him a little bit cocky in june of 2001 he murdered 22 year old andrea hosebury and in august of 2001 he murdered 29 year old serena abbott's way but he didn't dispose of their bodies he actually cut them up as he would with his other victims and his pigs and he placed their heads their hands and their feet in buckets which he stored in freezes in his slaughterhouse instead of feeding them to the pigs or taking them to the animal waste disposal plant in november of 2001 he picked up 26 year old mona wilson he picked her up with the promise of buying her drugs in exchange for sex and he took her to a camper van on the farm which was kind of hidden behind the barn after having sex he beat her and shot her with a 22 caliber revolver and it was brutal there was blood all over the walls the floors the cupboards the mattress all the way from the bedroom to the kitchen and it was just a horrific scene finally on the 1st of february in 2002 police got a lead when a truck driver called them saying he worked for willy on the farm and he had seen illegal weapons on the farm so this gave police the ability to obtain a search warrant for the farm and their search began on the 5th of february in 2002 and they went there to search for illegal weapons nothing else because that's all the search warrant allowed for but when they were there one of the investigators actually happened to see the inhaler of serena abathwain it had her name on the inhaler and this was enough for them to go and obtain a second search warrant they arrested willie and they obtained a second search warrant in regards to the missing women investigation they also informed the media of this development in the missing women's investigation and so when they went to the farm to start their second search there was an absolute media frenzy they cordoned off the farm and they found the camper van which was covered in mona wilson's blood and they also discovered her remains in a bin outside of the van all that was left of her was her bisected head you could see her brain her hair and it was all floating in what was described as a pinkish looking suit willie was interrogated for 11 hours and he denied everything he was extremely calm during this interview and he even actually put his legs up over the chair like you could just tell he was extremely relaxed and it seemed like he was almost enjoying it he was enjoying that they weren't getting anything out of him and it was all a sort of game to him they would even show him photos of his victims to try and provoke a reaction but he had no reaction at all it was very psychopathic actually these women were just objects and memories to him and it's so creepy because at one point they show him a picture of mona wilson and ask him did you ever take her to a place and his response was she's pretty that's all i gotta say he insists he knows nothing his responses were very psychopathic and this is actually why polygraphs are so unreliable because psychopaths because of their lack of emotion are able to pass polygraphs pretty easily so after 11 hours they decide they're not getting anywhere in this interrogation and they decide to try a different tactic so they put him in a prison cell with an undercover police officer to see if he will say anything and boy does he ever like it it's like he's practically bragging about killing these women to to whoever will listen it it really did not take much for this undercover officer to get him to speak he told the officer that the reason he got caught is because he got sloppy toward the end and he was really pissed off that he had gotten caught because he had only murdered 49 women so he didn't make it to and i quote the big 5-0 so he was only pissed that he got caught because he didn't manage to kill 50 women but if he did kill 50 women i'm sure he wouldn't have stopped i'm sure he would have you know done 60 75 80 if he could have he was probably just pissed off because 49 felt like an unfinished number compared to 50. [Music] that's [ __ ] [ __ ] [Music] i think he also bragged that he did it better than the serial killers in the us because their record was 42 and he actually referred to it as a record like it was an achievement to kill that many people and to end that many people's lives [Music] he also referred to the bodies as carcasses which just further proved that he did not see these women as human beings he saw them as objects and as trophies like one of his pigs he didn't see them as as people almost and he also told the officer about the ways in which he would dispose of these women that he would take them to the slaughterhouse carve them up like pigs and then would either feed their remains to the pigs or drop them off at the animal waste disposal plan he didn't actually admit to any of the names of the women that he murdered so they were only able to charge him with what they found evidence of at his farm during their search so on the 22nd of february in 2002 he was charged with the murders of serena abbott's way and mona wilson and police continued to search the property for evidence of more of the murders they knew he committed because he admitted to killing 49 women obviously and it actually took them 22 months to finish searching the pig farm by april of 2002 they had obtained enough evidence to charge him with the murders of jacqueline mcdonald heather bottomley diane rock andrea hosebury and georgina pappin on the 22nd of may he was also charged with the murder of brenda wolff after her remains were also discovered on his farm and then on the 11th of march in 2004 canadian health officials actually had to come out and make a statement that there was a possibility that human remains may have been mixed into or may have contaminated the pork meat that was produced and sold at the time of these murders by the end of 2005 after their 22-month search concluded police had enough evidence to charge willy with another 22 matters bringing the total to 27 but in 2006 justice williams actually dismissed one of these charges due to lack of evidence and he also separated the murders into two trials because of the complexity and the length that the trial would have been if he was being tried for like 27 murders or 26 murders at one time the first trial began on the 2nd of january in 2007 at the new westminster supreme court and willie was being tried for six matters the murders of marnie frey serena abbott's way georgina papin andrea hersberry brenda wolff and mona wilson and he pled not guilty to all six charges the trial concluded on the 26th of november in 2007 and the jury deliberated for two weeks before coming back with their verdict on the 8th of december and they found him not guilty on all six counts of first-degree murder but guilty on six counts of second-degree murder which you have to wonder how a man who murdered six women is not premeditating that because the difference between first and second degree murder is that first degree murder is premeditated and second-degree murder is not premeditated justice williams sentenced him to the maximum sentence of 25 years in prison and because of this sentencing the other 21st degree murder charges were stayed in august of 2010 because he had already gotten the maximum sentence for these other six matters but that is everything for this case it is so horrific honestly probably one of the most horrific cases i've done not only what willy did to these women but the fact that police didn't want to do anything until the number of missing women was up to 62 in a small area because these women were sex workers and drug addicts and they didn't want to bother looking into them as if they are not human beings and women that deserve justice willie picton is still alive to this day and in 2018 he was transferred to the port cartier institution in quebec which is where he currently is serving his time today it's a maximum security prison as always i would love to discuss your thoughts and opinions in the comments down below and if you have any suggestions for future cases please feel free to leave them in the comments down below as well but that is everything from me today guys i hope you enjoy the rest of your day and hopefully i will see you in my next video bye
Channel: Bella Fiori
Views: 485,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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