The Persona 3 Reload Ending BROKE ME DOWN

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let's let it run One Last Time One Last Time chat this does not feel real man oh my God this does not feel real [Music] no it's so good I [Music] no ladies and gentlemen my name is Omega Pro and this is the last time we're meeting up to play Persona 3 reload for the first time on this channel what a journey it's been man it feels like I just started playing this game yesterday this does not feel real uh this is the final episode of Persona 3 reload look before you watch this video just know you're going to need some tissues cuz this is going to get very sad very depressing and we will be crying you know who else is going to be crying however NX and you want to know why NY will be crying because I fused a new persona last night and this Persona is actually completely [ __ ] broken we fused Messiah and if you guys don't know about Messiah let me go ahead and show you a little bit about Messiah here so Messiah can't be affected by anything and so we pretty much win uh we're going to pull up on Nicks and we're going to [ __ ] Nyx in the mouth and then uh we're going to keep it moving from there NX does no idea what's about to happen uh so this is Messiah are you gonna summon Thanos again or do you not need him we're just going to pull up with Messiah why not you got to Merk the reaper as well I actually defeated the reaper yes last night that's how I got all the levels for messiah um fake fan didn't watch elman's so without further Ado ladies and gentlemen this will be the squad we tackle Nicks with as well we have me yukari aigus and mitsuru so without further Ado ladies and gentlemen for the last time let's leave the tardus oh hell hello and go back home as it is now New Year's Eve and it's time today is the promised Day At Last we can confront Nicks at the top of Tartarus I suspect that once we enter Tartarus tonight we won't be able to leave until the battle is over it's time to lock in boys it's time to lock in boys I'm going to go ahead and sell all the treasures that I've accumulated here oh my God I can't believe this is the last Persona episode no why why why does it have to end want toell all right I'll take that 1.5 mil you man this is just wait a minute oh hey I didn't expect to run into you here are you shopping too yep oh getting some supplies for tonight thanks for always being on top of everything I should make sure my weapons are ready when I get back later well let's all do our best tonight I joined ukari to come shopping but there are so many fashion trends and designers I don't know of I certainly can't let myself forget all of this now can I I'm not going to cry boys I will not cry you know how that cult is spreading all over the country now do do you think there are cultists in this mall right now my neighbor's kid was was approached by one of them too something about the fall I think there really might be some cultist here the people around us look so suspicious you worry cuz you're confused and you're confused cuz you don't know what to believe humans are frail creatures it's hard for us to stand on our own two feet my advice to you youngsters is to make friends and believe in them with all of your heart chat oh my God you know what one last time what do I need to do before I go into a big fight um I was reviewing everything to prep for tonight when aigus took me out for a breather I think I'll keep at it after taking a short break don't push yourself too hard I've got IAS with me so I'll be fine I can't fight on the front lines so I want to be able to provide everyone with the perfect support oh good morning everyone seems to be spending today being where they wish to be doing what they wish to do I have decided to wait for everyone to return in the meantime let's go find everybody we already know where cororo is going to be at akihiko Ramen good choice a fighter needs their energy if they're going to go all out in battle and it doesn't hurt to share a meal that's so full of precious memories well well eat up and don't watch her going into tonight's battle on an empty stomach dude this song is so Flames anyone up here noge Canon [Music] cororo I'm taking koraru for a walk while I can since I don't think there'll be time tonight right I heard Nick s will save our world my life's been going downhill and I'm getting tired of it at my lowest point I found out about Nick Sama and my heart became or came to life again how about it will you let Nick s into your heart too oh but I'm not telling you what you should believe or anything after all I didn't believe at first either right you [ __ ] psychopath where's June at oh he's right here oh hey funny seeing you here actually did you know this is where Chidori and I first met she was sitting here drawing and I decided to go up to her all right we got to beat the last boss so that we can keep chidori's spot safe and sound let's go take a nap before the final fight chat oh wait wait you spin you spin you spin it's the men's room let me go take a stress [ __ ] well chat time to lock in I have a very important task tonight should I take a nap until [Music] then it's time all right this will probably be the last time we'll meet like this is everyone ready um can I say something I know we have to take Nicks down but if you think about it that means we'll be getting rid of the Dark Hour riun mentioned that if he dies our memories will disappear too so if we defeat NYX we might not remember any of this all of our memories that's true our experiences with the dark hour and our personas we may lose them but even if that happens I want you all to know I won't forget you even if it robs us of all our memories together I swear I'll still remember you all what do you mean you Katan of course we remember each other I won't forget you either me neither I as well we won't ever forget don't worry even if you do forget about us I'll remind you yeah so don't worry about it thanks everyone okay in that case let's promise to meet each other again after the battle no matter what happens good idea but where should we meet I don't think it should be the dorm we'll come back here anyways if all goes well oh right should we decide when we'll meet up too yeah it should be a special occasion how about on graduation day for the 30 years when the Dark Hour vanishes our memories might not disappear right away so we shouldn't plan to meet too soon after the battle and there's no other day that'll have more significance to us wow you're really smart yaran graduation day huh well that's easy enough to remember yeah that sounds like our best bet all right let's do it now where should we meet up ideally a place where we can clearly see that peace has returned to the city some place with a good view then um um oh how about the school roof ah nice idea all right the roof it is remember how you all feel right now no matter what happens we'll keep our eyes on the future we're not going to forget anything and we will see each other again right excited aren't you all right then let's get going huh you can count on me no I'm with you woohoo lock in chat yeah together I'll do my best don't let us down this will be easy yes [Music] hey my dad delayed the fall until now so he could pass the Baton to me I'm going to run with it until the very end okay we have to put an end to the dark hour from my mother arakan and myself I will fight with all I've got not for Revenge but so we can live very eloquently said cororo good [Music] boy hell yeah shidori gave me her life and I'm sure as H not going to throw it away I'm going to beat the crap out of nyck and live a long long life leader if the world ends our bonds of friendship will disappear too I don't want that to happen there are still a lot of people I want to meet and befriend that's why I won't let the world end today yo here we are it all Ends Tonight don't look so worried we're going to win isn't that right and Shinji will be fighting alongside us tonight I can feel it I suppose I wasn't able to protect my father but his Dreams live on inside me I'll make sure they come true all right let's get going from here on out there's no turning back leader are you absolutely certain that you're ready ready as I'll ever be oh my God oh my God why why do I why do I feel so nervous like I'm actually going into fighting [Music] Nicks oh my god dude let me make sure I got everything I need we don't need the a racious ring [Music] um Jesus I guess resist ailments why not let it fly we still got the am uh amorti necklace uh we got mitsuru with the fire evasion IUS with the [Music] crit let's see what else do I have here a holy artifact the user cannot Dodge but damage taken is haved should I rock out with this chat hey Loki sounds cool bro the Divine pillar sounds way more badass than the victory headband [ __ ] it we're rocking out with that all right chat this is the team saving one last time let's get it in let's give this our best shot all right [ __ ] it wee ball uhhuh the path is open this should lead to the place ryoi could told us about I sense a strong presence on the floor above but this feeling is a human please be careful this is sto's presence they're really here stay on high alert shall we go then we got to keep moving there's a move [ __ ] if we fail nobody will live to see tomorrow true tonight we we will not fail okay I think I'm going to pause the recording and then just come back when we get to shga how's that sound YouTube well I can't know how that sounds because I'm not talking to you right now but I'm going to go ahead and pause all right so it's looking like to me we're about to run into them uh so let's go I'm going to go ahead and talk to all of my party members there is no time to deliberate let's prepare for a battle and put this matter to rest oh they're just look I can rechange I can tool up my party here can you save you actually can save oh here we go chat Jin Takaya Jen and Takaya rather I'm assuming it's JY and then Takaya he's waiting for us the only way to get past him is to fight are you ready let's go so you came after all H where's your partner Thea went on ahead of me he's destined for far greater Heights than someone like myself yo you are glazing you guys are here means you're serious about fighting NX how do you know about NY I just piece together what information nutki Left Behind of course a good junk he's riding even in his final moments W Rider he was a real Nut Job you knew itki oh yeah so he was your boss huh it was a big surprise finding that out and that said we only really knew his name he was just one of the researchers who created us he created you who exactly are you what's the point in telling you it'll all be over soon yeah for you we don't have time for this step aside sorry no can do there's no way Nick could be stopped by the likes of you but I ain't about to let you get into ka's way do you even understand what you're saying if we don't stop Nicks all life will be destroyed that's the point we ain't going to live much longer either way so we got to see it through to the end Jesus Christ highest wish so I'm not backing down but all right I think that's enough talking time to get serious oops I accidentally skied you realize you can't hurt me right boy this is the end I'm going all out persona persona L 277 pull the trigger okay let's go ahead and Munda person what is optimal uh we're going to matarukaja this will do the trick and with her we're going to concentrate you I'm nowhere near takaya's level but I've improved since we last fought You Can't Hide Your weaknesses from me what weakness try me come on let's see your weakness oh no he revealed my weakness chat already wait a minute weave that's that she has a high fire rade I'll go with I fear he's just going to get himself [ __ ] I'm going to concentrate up what next let us hit him with our garon take type [ __ ] that's late all right but peep get ready for the crit chat a engage she not critting [ __ ] going 554 baby Goyle hit him with a diamond dust freeze freeze freeze 10 that's how you feeling me to but I ain't going to lose this car okay type of [ __ ] I'm on take this oh [ __ ] he actually hit her take this Kess why would you not shot grenade somebody that was weak to thunder idiot now for that I'm going to megie Doan your [Music] [ __ ] I have to do this okay let us dear ran I would double Target the [ __ ] that hit me for a th000 okay that's a fair point this is my D not going down now you're done it all right I'm going to Mar runda this time get his defense down and then I think I'm going to theori with Aus how dare you Daga well now that's just a little bit racist oh go with noi stat Buffs were awful he doesn't have any stat Buffs right so I should be good I can end him with a little C meie Dolan payback time you back up time for okay we're going to Media ran thank you for your support what is optimal maximum Firepower get him IUS power show no mercy one last strike look C 1300 damage TI [ __ ] what's the plan here now I'm going to concentrate and then theori with mitsuru and it should be a chicken wrap Supreme no not yet we're just getting started he's not going to die off of that but it's going to do a lot of damage on who came prepared watch this now you'll see what I can really do here's a special treat he's exing his ability who this is what to do no way bro like you did not just do that to me like holy [ __ ] oh my God like in this I'm actually like terrified like you got me squirming like I won't it's meant to confus this is my well he thought person so I'm assuming he just can't get crit theny I think I can use it now judgment is [Music] here not going down are you ready this is with concentrate by the way AER 2,300 you're not okay I was sleeping on mitu I'll die before I let I was sleeping on mitu hey yo the perets performance drops at that concentration the side effects must be Dam he just doesn't give up no I'm not going to do it I'm not going to do it I'm not going I'm not going to do it do I want to use my theor I'm going to save my theor [ __ ] it I'm not going to use Armageddon [Music] bro the let's just let's just enjoy enjoy the fight while we can okay CH come it [Music] summoning uh I'm going to increase all of our [Music] defense shall I move to strike so I'm assuming he can't be Frozen like at all right I'll show you oh he's going for megie Dolan um give me a second my bad I'm back he hit me so hard my controller died y'all I was not expecting that okay so uh I'm just going to Gods hand H love com 396 nothing too crazy what next uh I'm going to hit him with a cal little calm media ran thank you for your support it is time set him all we're critting his [Applause] ass everybody jump this [ __ ] ass buom attack now put his ass in the grave this will do the trick meeru obliterate type [ __ ] yeah she she's going to resist that little little twin let me show you how to use God's hand by the way this is how you do it dumb [ __ ] that's how you do it I I I'll make a tutorial video on YouTube for you bro you'll be all right 132,000 experience yukari is now level 90 I failed you think I'm so overlevel what are you waiting for finish me off I would do anything for Takaya L meat Rider why are you so devoted to him right you wouldn't understand Takaya showed me the light I was in the Darkness I forget how many years it's been it was before I knew about the dark hour or having the potential or any of that the kuio group rounded up orphans from all over and tried to awaken personas in them their goal was to investigate tardus what Dang but when a Persona doesn't emerge naturally it's difficult to control so kids had to take these experimental drugs so their personas wouldn't kill them only three kids out of the original hundred survived and after six months the experiment was cancelled no so those three survivors were so you've all suffered at the hands of the Kio group as well Thea saved me from it all I'll never forget what he told me don't be bound by the past and don't look to the Future simply live in the moment honestly I don't even give a damn about Kio anymore but I'm going to fulfill taya's wish no matter what but you Shadows we overstayed our welcome we're running out of time everyone help be hilarious if like we waited here so long listening to his monologue that the reaper showed up and just one shot him but what about [Music] him that's right I don't need your pity let him die it's what he wants right but no hesitation if we don't defeat Nicks then this was all for nothing got it damn [Music] it let's go [Music] Ias [Music] damn look at these ugly clowns crawling up in droves you going to get put on a website y' not eat me I ain't going out on your terms I Believe In You Takaya fulfill our wish I'll hold on to the freedom you gave me to the very end damn hey you hear that don't tell me don't look back let's go damn he died with the meat in his mouth stop messing around bastardly let's skill up we're doing well okay I'll skip until we see Takaya Dres and here we are this floor seems safe you ought to get the team organized and prepared for the upcoming battle once you're ready we'll have to settle the score and I'm going to settle the score right now Takaya Don know what about to happen he think he Jesus until Messiah show up I'm I'mma show him what a real Messiah look like you get what I'm saying I'mma show him what a real Messiah look like um there's one member of shga left if we want to proceed we'll have to fight him are you ready so just ahead of yours the top and here he is I take it you've defeated JY you are quite a Troublesome Bunch even in these final moments you still insist on fighting why struggle against the inevitable end sorry to disappoint nothing's going to end not if we have anything to say about it cease your pet resistance why not celebrate this wonderful moment instead I'm not opposed to seeing this world off in your company will you shut up already we are not letting that happen got it my life was stolen from me and in its place I was given a power I never asked for and so I learned that the future is only a delusion only by striving to live every moment to its fullest can the Soul truly be satisfied that is why we welcome this glorious Revelation to shine a light upon this darkened world I've had enough of your [ __ ] I'm not dying so you can have a freaking NightLight this is not merely my own desire many of my disciples have gathered to rejoice in her arrival that's just because NYX is causing all these strange incidents I'm afraid you have that backward consider for a moment who is responsible for Reviving Nicks can a single person boast of this great accomplishment damn you all work tirelessly to prevent it and he is dead you unwittingly aided in her coming so you see this is not just my will it is the will of all people people cannot face death without first finding meaning in life the world has realized that any meaning in it was lost long ago NX has come because Humanity has cried out for her salvation no way I don't believe you who would ever wish for NYX to come no there I guess what he said spit I guess wandering without purpose living an empty life dying an empty death passing your days without suffering I don't know if this can be called right or wrong but personally I wouldn't want to live that way I want a purpose and to have others I care about I guess came all this way I guess you're so precious to me this is what it means to live we're not alone I guess is more human than all of us but together we can achieve the impossible this is what you lack that's why you see the fall as salvation apply the pressure Solitude over bombs with others you limit your own power T [ __ ] so a kuio responsible for robbing us of our future would dare to speak of our limits how laughable me too baby girl I love you but he kind of cooked your ass I'm not going to lie he kind of ate your [ __ ] up then again I should have better this is just the kind of bigotry I would expect from the ones who labeled me a failure oh my bigotry however Fate has chosen us look at the flare jeans though come on now chat if you recall I told you that if you dared to oppose me I would show no mercy if you intend to deny the future I have envisioned you'd best be prepared oh I'm prepared let's settle this once and for all all right chat locked in you needn't hurry the moment we await is predestined it makes no difference whether it comes sooner or or later pleasy be careful I sense an even greater power than before who's next I'll go where not that chat do you want me to do it or no I feel like my chat is split on whether or not they want me to just Armageddon I don't even know if this kills [Music] him concentrate first doesn't this do 999 no matter what there's some I won't do it I won't do it I won't do it come I can do this Persona I thought about it I'll hit them where it hurts how about even as I speak I can feel it the end of everything I pity those who cannot see the blessing it truly is we are mere mortals we cannot change Our Fate out of my way that actually [ __ ] hit okay I won't do Armageddon but I will do Trickster [Music] yeah that would not have killed if I did the 999 [ __ ] I don't think it would have killed now this should [Music] helping here we go how'd you get Armageddon you got a few Satan and Hell L not yet oh my God this is it oh my god iess with a big crit juicy [Music] damage this this will do the trick araia don't bother you can't hide from me now I don't like the look in your eyes I gu or me too just did [Music] 3K what is it you see before you right now only the opponent in front of me admirable Spirit that's right that's how it should be the moment we await is upon oh you're corny for that the moment we await is upon dumbass I'll go with come Now's the Time gine I can do this Persona crit crit crit crit crit crit crit damn 778 I'll show you nah he's definitely tanky armag get him would not have [Music] killed it's seems we are destined to be at odds how can you summon such power even in the face of death encourageable as always out of my o megie Dolan this is going to hurt I think impossible look Cal Lal damage never mind no I'll go with it or Man hitting 528 on God's hand though that's not bad sit I think I just go for a concentrate and a diamond dust again I just have aigus and meu like burst down type [ __ ] aena engage shall I move to strike to me death to all who's he robbing oh you're so [Music] corny what to do God's [Music] hand I can do this this is my duty okay doing a lot of damage damn yo IUS gets her theurgy so fast how about why fate is supposed to have chosen me this again is my resolve still not strong enough enough if so I'll throw away my trivial Pride with my entire being I will bring you to your knees salvation has come hypn oh [ __ ] what my fear I have a bad feeling about this please get up what the hell I can use the don't matter why I can use the that [ __ ] deadone quickly you don't got to heal nobody this nigga's [Laughter] dead enough of [Laughter] that that the is crazy he just yeah that's Armageddon for you bro it's over for me there is nothing more I can tell I'm a aaya hater but that was fire yeah that was very cool now kill me are you scared ooh what A peculiar question you must be a stranger to death if you think it is something to fear what do you mean you fear it because you do not understand it I've lived long enough I have nothing more to say we have no interest in taking the life of someone who can't even move [ __ ] speak for yourself anybody got a blicky on them you will live to see if what you wished for comes true or not yeah stay right there and think about what you've done what a truly baffling group you are we're finally here n yeah him using his aoker was sick as [ __ ] the promised Place RI mentioned let's regroup for the final battle anybody got a Soma on them I kind of killed myself to use that that last move right [Music] there turn around oh [ __ ] he seems to be unconscious I should have some SAS on me oh I got five of them things okay chat lock in um if we head up from here we'll reach the promised place the summit of torus this will truly be our final battle are you ready I'm ready it's time chat final boss lock in so this is the top look at that in the sky oh [ __ ] oh no n there's no mistaking its power even without my Persona I've never encountered anything like it before I can't wait to see how NYX looks in this game oh my gosh so here's a really interesting wow here's a really interesting tidbit have have you ever noticed out all of Tartarus you would see random black feathers floating throughout all the floors of Tartarus now you know why kons you huh riun that was my name for a time I almost miss it what's going on wait could you be I am merely a harbinger of the fall or perhaps I should say former Harbinger there is no longer a distinction to be made between NYX and myself I see so this is your purpose still I don't regret my decision we're taking you down no matter what you are hell yeah I see then you must already understand what people fear the most what they try to turn away from that is The Wretched thing I have become we know that he said we know you're wretched we're ready it's the one absolute for all living things then you must also understand that it is futile to resist will you still face me surely there must be fear in your hearts yeah of course I'm scared but who gives a [ __ ] I've got too much to live for hell yeah June I'm sick of running away living means is looking death Square in the face literally I won't back down not even from you even if I have to sacrifice myself I will stop you I gu relax my choice the world can perish but you can't go this is our answer I see get ready everyone NY is attacking I'm also sensing multiple Shadows approaching from the lower floors standby team intercept those Shadows this is the final battle victory at all [Music] costs come on everyone let's band together and win this I know we can do it right here G I think I can use it [Music] now Magie Doan the moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge he sealed his fate entrusting his future to the cards he clings to to a dim hope yes the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed attaining one stream requires a Stern will and unfailing determination Arcana shift n's Arana just changed to the magician his properties changed along it doesn't matter how many times AR so does that mean it's not weak to garu or it can't be affected by garu I don't care what you are n we got [Music] this this might [Music] kill no might in the matter full power is revealed the silent voice within one's heart Whispers the most profound wisdom so for those you guys that don't get what's Happening Here NYX goes through all of the arcas uh during this fight so this fight is a kind of a war of attrition it's very very long [Music] trick [Music] goia I figured that was going to happen all shall follow possible what to do okay for something impossible type [ __ ] now's the time media ran this is the best game ever I don't care no discussion and you haven't even gotten we haven't even gotten there yet person ooh nice crit what's the plan here so I can't boo I'm just going to concentrate for the next phase God's hand we are Conor is the means by which all is revealed celebrates life's grander it's Brilliance it's magnificent I like how my chat keeps spamming it what next there's I can do this Persona engage I'll hit them where it hurts I'll show [Music] you impossible [ __ ] mitu they're [ __ ] you here you hit yo this [ __ ] is not hurting me at all person pull the trigger it'll all be okay together this song is so [Music] fire what is [Music] optimal aena engage Mirana is the means by which all is revealed only courage in the face of Doubt can lead one to the answer all right next Arcana um what I'm detecting a surge of power from nx's sword I want to protect this world and everyone in it shall I move to threat I know I can do it Aria you can't resist this okay good damage please don't have IAS die from this down Sunder everything here just some come the Arcana is the means means by which all is revealed it is indeed a precious gift to understand the forces that guide oneself nx's feathers are floating what is this there's some kind of special power in those feathers be careful you're going to be way more vulnerable to mental ailment right let's just Chang the hant in this situation raun all right I owe you for that rejoining the front line okay I got to use a item with her just to be safe cuz I can't have yukari dying on me that would be pretty cringe um let me get [ __ ] I'm use a b chain I mean I got nine of them [ __ ] it last time I ever get to use them I'll hit them where it hurts ar oh doomsday Doctrine I don't like the sound of that at all weave I'll go [Music] with not that that's so Overkill so the I think I can use it now theg up can we get the stats protect you all God damn it I have to do this is I wanted the stat increase it is time Persona engage oh my gosh Me by which all is revealed there is both Joy and wonder you guys type that so fast I know you got it copy and paste it but you guys are on point with that [Music] [ __ ] Mak just to the L Type not giving up no matter how long it takes impossible nice [Applause] damage what's wrong with me I'll go with Maggie Doan this might kill Dres the AR is the means by which all is revealed one of the greatest blessings attained from the gifts you guys have no delay at all is the freedom to pursue one's personal goals Swit to the Char time everyone is with me this time we will defeat you maximum Firepower maximum fir power [Music] I'll show no mercy one last strike your is that's baby girl right there I'll hit them where it hurts how [Music] about I love K Mega Dolan in this situation [Music] isk thank you for your support T [ __ ] Primal Force watch the [Music] crit oh damn it I'm going to [Music] waste I don't want to waste or charge I'm going to guard I'll go with the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed yo you guys are too [ __ ] quick with that one must seek guidance amidst uncertainty all right Arcana 8 next chance to the Arana Mia ran this should give her her theery I appreciate it what is optimal Persona what's the plan here person uh should I have just I maybe should have just theed yeah I should have theed bro mitsu be uh useful challenge gone impossible dog Jesus Christ what to do like three three of the [ __ ] arcas have been strong against ice do this person he give us our defense up [ __ ] I'm just going to theori now [ __ ] it we're doing it raw boys get debilitated [ __ ] now Che no way that hits where you a accept it thank [Music] God for and you're dead buddy 1500 damage all is look 1500 it requires Great courage to look within [Music] oneself [Music] nine now this should [Music] help this is my resolve persona persona right I'm ready [Music] AR W look Cal damage fall that doesn't sound good how dare you fall that doesn't sound good you didn't accept this that doesn't sound good this doesn't look good I'll go with let's The Arc is the means by which all is revealed ever presentes alongside time is Fortune cruel and unflinching it's my turn now forun Arana thank godfor thank God uh yukari thank you appreciate can't get a affected by status elements cuz if she would have got shocks there that would have been most unfortunate I have to do it all was she going to give us I'll protect you all [Music] charge I'll take it I can do this Athena this might one shot if it crits damn never mind no crit needed the Arcana is the means by which all is revealed one needs strength to endure and rise above suffering and torment Nick switch to the strength Arana I'll hit them where it hurts Nick switch to the [ __ ] getting bodied Arana Mobius Rondo [Music] what to do megie Dolan the aror is the means by which all this fight lasted way longer than the OG to be fair I am like literally completely broken in the face of unavoidable disaster lies the opportunity to search for Redemption Nick's changed to the hangman Nick's about to be a hangman type [ __ ] appreciate it am [Music] fire full [Music] power complete the moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge he sealed his fate in trusting his future to the cards man clings to a dim hope yet the Arcana is the means by which all is De it is shat now you can type it Beyond The Journey you have taken life is the absolute end it matters not who you are one thing is always certain death awaits all is this the last one this is the last one right I sense the death Arana this is nx's true form here we go I didn't want you to now we actually get to fight the time for that is long p is this really what you desire well I already know the answer very well let us continue until the world meets its end the world won't end I am with you to the very end stay strong [Music] everyone uh we need SP you know what I'm going to use her grape juice this is the grape juice she got for us chat let's go ahead and get all of our SP back thank you for your support you cannot avoid death to live is to Die the time has come [ __ ] has a move called apocalypse that is so raw can't AFF to [Applause] [Music] lose what next come [Music] for that help you much appreciate summoning uh do we have okay it is time but we need defense right yeah I can do this Athena engage shall I move to strike AR diamond dust um wait you're kind of tanky this is the path you have chosen we are Conor has revealed I've had enough of this I'm ready I'll go with thank you for your support luckily salvation [Music] exists I unleash your power this is my song chat what is optimal Persona impossible oh it's possible kitten what's the plan here I'm ready I'll show [Music] you ice storm okay that's late Chad do I become a freaky frog I don't think I don't think this kills but I think it does a lot of [ __ ] damage and I just medeia rahan with yukari in the next turn [Music] anyways [ __ ] it we ball oh wait that actually killed I didn't think that was going to kill well did we do it whoops Such a Pity you understand your fate yet you still fight against it with all your might if if only there were more like you then perhaps the fall could have been prevented what do you mean could have but it's too late now what do you mean it's too [Music] late ooh this song though what is that it's the Moon it kind of looks like Run's getting pulled into it no wait it's The Moon that's being pulled down to us you're kidding me are you saying that NX is the moon itself it's coming soon it will descend Upon Us crashing into the Earth what the where am I hell what's going on what the hell is that what's going on wait look up there is that the moon what is going on is that thing I can't get a signal my phone isn't working what's going on you heard anything about this holy crap look at the M holy this is amazing the apocalypse the world is finally ending [Music] [Music] Takaya at last [Laughter] you how marvelous I can't believe the moment has finally arrived shut up what are we going to do something's coming from the Moon what is this it's like something's crushing me this is nothing unbelievable even now you continue to struggle shut up you bastard death will be patient no longer can't you see that what can you hope to accomplish now I wish you were here to see it all Jin he actually cared about June never why what good will it do to rise up just give it in hell no I'm not backing down we made our choice we sacked our lives on it the holy [ __ ] God damn it we've come so far you can't end here my Consciousness is fading leader oh [ __ ] got to stay calm that's right like fuk was when she saved me I'm the one who said we're always connected that's how I know you're still hanging in there fuka I'm scared as hell right now but I know I can't give up right bua Am I Dreaming how can this be happening what on Earth I think this goes and shows everybody you have social link turn with are we in the afterlife dear I have no idea what the heck is going on someone's going to have to pay big for this one I guess all I can do is believe in them don't die out there Cawa [Music] son what the [ __ ] where am I The Velvet Room there's no need to worry this isn't the afterlife you're still very much alive do you remember what I once told you how the strength of your Social Links will determine your potential um yes listen can you hear their many voices each one's power is faint yet they all reach out to you can you feel them yes I can sense them close your eyes and listen their voices may be faint but you hear them don't [Music] you I can feel my friend's powerful emotions flowing into my heart I know you're facing a difficult task Somewhere Out There but I truly believe that you can overcome any obstacle something frightful is going on but we're not giving up that's right dear we have to be strong for him I'm okay right now and it's because you gave me the courage to stand on my own so please you can't give up oh God I'm freaking out here but I know he's doing his best out there too I don't even know what he looks like but I know he's okay I can feel it um you're a sex offender like hey can you believe what's going on I know you must be doing everything you can so I will too everyone else is scared but not me Michael you showed me how to be tough I Won't Give Up what on Earth made me think of you at a time like this well I suppose you did teach me a thing or two about trust you were the one who taught me that running away never solves nothing and I bet you're somewhere out there fighting the good fight right now well I'm here for you too kid oh I'll take on any challenge that comes my way without passing blame you taught me that I bet you're fighting right now too huh I know I'm not the only one who suffered you've endured a lot too but you can't just give up you taught me that can you hear them [ __ ] these are the voices of hope that wish to help you separately they are weak but together they will bring about a great change in you now is the time to draw on the true strength of the bonds you have forged what if you didn't get anybody to 10 I never dreamed of seeing that card with my own eyes this is indeed a surprise behold the greatest power that you and I shall unveil it is the power to bring about a new beginning or the ultimate end with this new found power it might now be possible perhaps you can and save those you hold dear from that which cannot be defeated what you have in your hands is the power of the universe power scale that [ __ ] nothing is outside the realm of possibility for you now we will soon reach your destination it seems that in addition to death Fate has also dealt you the Wild Card you must accept your destiny our contract has been fulfilled I have completed my role as well you were truly a most remarkable guest how are you even standing right now hey you can't be going out there by yourself no don't go no wait what are you doing damn it why why the hell can't we get up don't do this we've already come so far together God damn it Jun are you listening come back oh my God this looks incredible [Music] what [Music] I will [Music] my can we do Ken how can we help him don't give up we're going to get through this together give him strength take my life if you must the power of friendship surges within you got to give it to you better come back from this you hear me don't believe it he's going to face it all alone no he's not alone I'm not letting him die J [Music] bro that's more like it patience could ex like daily operations when we have such a deep relationship but I can you guys stop saying wait for it and [ __ ] like let us just watch it bro [ __ ] Hop Off di promised didn't you please you have to make it back all right let's do this [Music] no way no way [Music] where are we did NYX create this place or was it him yamaki is he all right what happened everything disappeared after being covered in that light I don't sense anything now don't tell me he what the hell are you saying that's impossible try again you can't be the only one oh away damn it not again yo we put our lives on the line just like he did in fact we came here expecting to die so why only him why am I so powerless am I really unable to protect the one's important to me this is what I was trying to prevent you're out there aren't you I know you are I refuse to believe that you're gone answer me I know you're listening we're here say something [Music] please I can hear everyone desperately calling out to me I'm okay don't worry that voice I will sleep once again peace will return to this universe for you and for him he's found the answer to Life's greatest question it just happened a bit sooner than it will for the rest of you life's greatest question I guess is you'll find the answer one day as well your life too is precious you're replaceable you just need to realize how the bonds of friendship have changed you the bonds friendship the Dark Hour will soon vanish from this world you will truly be liberated from its Dominion the legacy of life will continue congratulations ations you have the miracle you sought may we meet again someday now we're how did we end up back hey look over there who what's up with tardus [Music] [Music] it's finally happening everything's going back to normal our job is done wait is that hey we out typ [ __ ] you thought I was going to take me out the goat back a oh thank goodness you sure took your damn time everyone's crying seriously you were really stringing us along there you had me going I was starting to think we'd never see you again guys come on this isn't the time to be crying you're crying too sonatas son finally the team's all here leader huh I'm oh no I won't stop with me you're more human than you thought in the midst of my warm welcome back the dark hour is quietly coming to an end this time never to return the battle has ended by an unexpected Miracle the world was saved from the fall peace was restored and people resumed their busy lives no one remembered anything about the extraordinary turn of events and so the season changed yo damn it's cold but of course you never miss a day of school huh I'm impressed man this year really flew by we're practically third years now only one more year of high school you think there's anything interesting on the horizon huh you never know looking at the current 30 years I'm not really sure pretty much all they do is freak freaking study sure doesn't look like fun to me is that what we're going to turn into next year man why do I feel like I'm forgetting something hey is that girl looking at [Applause] us that girl dude she's pretty cute how come I never noticed her before what the dog doing when you you talking about she lives in the same dorm as us wait she does uh what's her name then I don't know sheesh then you barely know more than me anyway it's always crazy in the dorms this time of year with so many people coming and going oh yeah did you hear Sonata Senpai is moving out you know him right he's a captain of the boxing team yeah not that I really talked to him and obviously all the graduates are leaving kuio Senpai is getting ready to move too REO oh the student council president she's in our dorm too huh they said they'd never forget they promised each other they would never forget man what's up with that girl hey there are you looking at us is something wrong oh no it's nothing she looked like she had something on her mind huh wait you think she might be interested in one of us not a chance what the dog doing man you really know how to hit a guy where it hurts by the way oh sorry uh yeah never mind forget it what just say it now it's going to bother me well that do you remember how we became friends I mean don't take it the wrong way I was just wondering well it's not like we're best friends or anything but I guess it just kind of happened yeah I guess so you know what weird though I think I get what you mean I can't really explain it but something just feels off now that I think about it that girl a crap the days have been going by peacefully without [Music] incident right class has ended for [Music] today oh oh sorry I was just thinking about you uh can we go somewhere else all right thanks you look like you're not feeling well sorry to bother you at a time like this but I appreciate it hey sorry for calling you out here I actually have a little favor to ask it's about my mom I want you to meet her what I I mean not in a weird way it's just that I promised to meet up with her but I'm still kind of scared if I see her I might end up saying some really nasty things what if we end up hurting each other even more I'm not trying to make her feel bad I haven't fully sorted out my feelings yet but I do want to see her I think that's why I thought it'd be great if you could be there with me you don't have to say anything really it's just that I'd feel more confident having you around with you by my side I think I could treat my mom with a little more kindness so if it's not too much trouble what do you think sure you'll do it thank you okay I'll call her up right away I've been putting this off for so long sorry to wrapped you up in my family situation hey um you must be thinking your life would be easier if I didn't have so many problems aw that's not true what are you saying you actually like my problems hey don't worry about it I was just joking okay jeez you know it's almost spring break it all went by so fast we're going to be 30 years soon and after that we'll graduate and go to college and then become working adults I guess wow it's hard to imagine do you think we'll still be together at that point of course yeah I think so too I'm going have to say that to my entire herum [Music] today well let's talk about the near future then want to go somewhere over spring break oh how about Destiny land but just the two of us okay you better not invite anyone else wooden dream of it you Cari like if we stay the night and stuff w what I wonder if anyone at the dorms would notice if the two of us disappeared for a night that's an embarrassing thought we can talk more about it later don't forget to save some time during spring break okay say that I got you baby okay whoops sorry about that let's see who else there is to talk to oh hey Yuko oh hey are you going home now okay then I am too at least I want to but I've actually got somewhere to be today I'll come with you huh no no you can't oh but no never mind we shouldn't I'm actually planning on going to the public library cuz like there weren't any books about sports physiology and stuff at the school library I'm going to head out first to get some studying done okay sorry about that then again since we've already bumped into each other kind of want to chat for a bit want to walk me to the entrance yes well then uh guess I'll see you got to go home and [Music] study I want you to stay T [ __ ] A you know I can't hey remember what I told you before about finally finding my dream I never had anything to work towards until now so I'll admit I'd been slacking off to be honest my grades really suck it's been tough getting them back up and that's why I need to work harder I really really want to hang out with you I want to be with you a and I want to feel closer to you too aw you're the only one for me baby I get it I I have to keep telling myself I get it baby I want to take my dream into my own hands and stand next to you with my head held high I want us to walk towards the future together you just watch I'm going to be so much more Irresistible by then oh wow I bet you'll fall in love with me all over again a I love Yugo Yo's so yo such a good character oh I know don't they say that food tastes the best after you've tried your hardest in a match well this is just like that if we're patient now and cool off for a while then maybe later on wait up what are you even making me say oh you a freaky frog anyway that's all I have to say uh see you we'll hang out sometime soon yeah we will oh to giri oh it's you you don't look so good is the weather getting to you why everybody say I'm looking sick Bro what the [ __ ] I'm in top physical I'm in Peak physical form there's something I wanted to tell you well we're in the same grade so I'm sure we'll have plenty of chances to talk even so it's them perks oh my bad I be I you know what I'm saying I got fent one time Shar going crazy oh he's quitting he's quitting student council is just about wrapping up all this means is not going to apply next year that cigarette business gave me a lot to think about this may sound odd but do you think this country is headed in the right direction nope I see me neither oh you're talking about Japan yeah I mean I don't know up until January there was a Sinister cult growing in popularity a society without a future for many people out there that's the reality I was thinking how we could change that and what it would take to change society my answer to that used to be reformed by those in power I thought that was the only way but starting a revolution just because you have the power to do so creates more problems that's what the cigarette incident taught me I realized how naive I had been and it helped me arrive at a different answer I think the best thing for society is education oh every last individual that makes up our society should have a right to education of heart and mind wait lowkey based I really believe that's what we need the most and so I'm thinking of becoming a teacher wow a society is shaped by its people every person I help grow help Society being a teacher is such a thankless job like I feel like Society just does not treat teachers this like with the respect that they deserve they also don't [ __ ] pay him with the respect that they deserve you're not going to laugh but the teachers are literally the most important figures in our society Like It Go like teachers and like doctors and [ __ ] like these are the most important people to a functional Society I feel I won't do that I see well I plan to do my best making him The Home Room teacher in Persona 6 I would literally cry that's all I wanted to tell you that and say thanks this was all because of you so thank you aw yeah like when you think about it like being a streamer is like no different than being a teacher right like you guys see us more than your own parents we have to raise you right we have to teach you guys right from wrong you know what I'm saying like like genuinely like the number one jobs in society are like teacher and then like streamer all [Music] right by the way no one even talks about the cigarette incident anymore for everyone except me it was a easily forgotten incident I'm joking by the way in case anybody I don't think I'll ever forget it and I won't forget you either thanks again can I have some lunch money starve oh I was just looking for you this came for you it's from hi hi say I bet his school is sorry he's gone he was a heck of an athlete but good news for us now there's nothing standing between us and total Victory well I'll see you around I received a letter from hayas I better read it how's it going I don't know your address so I'm sending this to the school hi's firm handwriting fills the page I can almost see ha's face I'm doing good I'm starting to get used to the job too the real reason I'm writing is because of track before I'd pretty much given up hope of ever continuing except there was a part of me that refused to let it go I don't care what it sounds like track and field was my whole life I can tell hayas was in a good mood when he wrote that I guess the factory manager realized what's up and he wants to help me out oh we're going to make a track team here hooray well I call it a team but it's really just a few guys at the factory we practice after work and sometimes on our days off the other day we did endurance swimming at Lake bwa we've even climbed Mount hi we don't have fancy equipment like before so we're not as efficient but I'm still having a blast a good for him most of the guys are just in it for fun so I don't really get to do any serious training but I guess it'll even the playing field for them it's important to always have the hobbies and the things you're passionate about in your life man I'm sure you're just going to keep getting better and better it's weird how badly I want to see you improve look one day you and I are going to go at it again and if I'm going to be a good rival then I've got a lot of work to do it feels nice having a goal to work toward almost forgot what it was like oh yeah and my mom's getting better she's in a long-term care facility with lots of fresh a my relatives and friends come by the house so my siblings are in good hands too things have been pretty great these days I feel like I can take care of the people who matter to me it's really fulfilling and I get to feel that way because because of you so thank you can't wait to see you again damn the letter ends [Music] there we'll do your hero first oh are you okay you don't look so good you should get home and rest before it gets worse a she car us right now I um oh sorry this isn't the time to talk about that what is it um I suppose I can tell you it's nothing important though look at this flyer over here the dark history of student teacher Romance people are free to fall in love with who they want there's nothing wrong with that I can see why it would be a problem if it was between a teacher and a student but that doesn't give them the right to make fun of it like this I'm going to write a letter of protest to the school paper oh I'll be all right on my own what I'm going to do this by myself thank you Senpai um okay there's one thing I've decided did for myself it's not much but I'd like to continue on the student council for next year too yeah tell them about how you support student teacher relationships I know that for a fact and I never would have met you if I hadn't joined the student council that's why I want to stay involved at least I hope I can I want to be able to like myself more and I want you to like me more too I want to be the first one you think of not going to happen you're probably like number six or seven I love you what am I saying I I can't believe I said something like that at school I'm sorry well then please excuse me but maybe next time we could go home together doubtful but have so many places I'd like to see and I want to visit each and every one of them with you hey look she might not be the star player on the team but she on the team right you feel me she made the team right that's got to mean something right shat like you might not be the best player on the Lakers but if you're still on the Lakers like that's a flex no sup dude I haven't had their special in a while wait wait not yet let me finish talking to everybody first well anyway I got called in and she asked me what I was planning to do after April dude I didn't think he was going to keep talking like this and I was trying to play it off but then she got all worked up and gave me one hell of a lecture it's just me or she gotten way more serious than before so Mach was saying that you can't even bribe her with cake anymore oh hey did you hear from Toma chica about the new teachers coming in April apparently they're all women oh you have no idea how stoked he was honestly I was getting major secondhand embarrassment well none of that really matters to me I already got a special some one H I did have a special someone wait he remembered shidori for a little wait wait wait oh my God oh my he forgot you to he remembered and then forgot I'm not making this up or anything I would to tell such a pathetic lie to try and look cool I just thought that that there was someone special in my life have I forgotten something important something I never should have forgotten sorry man I I think I'll pass on the ramen actually [Music] [Music] something's been bugging me I just don't know what but I feel like it's something I shouldn't have forgotten hey hey June um uh what's the juu that Sasuke learned in in the tuning exams he he he used it on GAR and the tuning exams do you remember what that juu was um sas's most famous jutu come on you you're a big Naruto fan right you can say it June [Music] pay Lion's barrage oh my [Music] god oh are you going home you look a bit pale are you doing all right don't overwork yourself okay maybe you should rest in the nurse's office before you leave I was actually about to head to the faculty office would you like me to walk you downstairs I want to spend as much time with you as I can let's do it I'd be happy to okay let's head down to the faculty office together oh it'll be kind of embarrassing to walk side by side at school [Music] huh yamagishi what are you doing outside the faculty office oh well I want to start a tech club oh wait tech club that's fine are you referring to technician glovs I think you'd have to go to a hardware store for those um not Tech gloves a tech club like a club all how is Mr aota not in prison you want to start a club now why is it always you yamagishi look it's already March can't you at least wait until April huh but I really want to get this group going I promise I'll do my best to find members and all that so do I have your permission to start the club what you don't even have any members yet then it's not even worth discussing you can't start a club without at least five members now didn't you steal funds from the school isn't that what you did most I could I could report that to the school board if you'd like and then you try to blame it on oniro I believe that's what you did am I crazy would you like to join my tech club [ __ ] no I mean of course I had to get one last fuka bullying moment in there I'm sorry you help me you know I used to think it was wrong for me to like Electronics I always kept it to myself cuz I thought it was a strange thing for a girl to be interested in but you accepted me for who I am that's why I decided to be strong and let everyone know who I really am even if people think I'm strange I know it's okay I have you with me so there's nothing to be scared of now I want to meet more people like me and hang out with them since I kept my love of electronics hidden I never had any friends who shared my interests that's why I thought I'd try starting a club all about it because maybe there are other people out there like this stuff too a and if so I want a way to talk to them I do admit I'm a little nervous though I kind of wish her whole social link was about starting this club up that would have made me like fuka a lot more I think but I want to keep trying I think that's actually a cute backstory for her board at the pool that kind of feeling instead of her making [ __ ] poisonous food you'll stay in art Club next to you too won't you I'd like to that's good next year I want to be in whatever clubs you're in I'd like to be in the same home room too and I'd love to see you more at the dorm I think I just want to be with you more in general I keep asking more of you don't I if there's anything I can do for you don't hesitate to ask I know I'm not the most reliable but I want to get to know you better I want to be closer to you now you a reliable fifth piece you're definitely not like the the side piece you know you're not number two you're not number three you know what I'm saying but like six Man of the Year why not six Man of the Year why not not bad a reliable source of buckets Off the Bench next time maybe we can talk about it more in my room now I really have to go bye you know a nice a nice little Cal like 12 and seven player you know to get 12 points seven assists not bad bad we'll take that anyway you've been different Lately Miss toriumi you're looking more and more like a professional your lesson the other day really caught my eye it seemed like you spent a lot of time preparing it I've never seen you so passionate about teaching before it's unparalleled unparalleled well yes I have been studying while making preparations you're a sex offender my bad things like how to best communicate the lessons I'm looking to teach I guess it does seem kind of out of the blue huh the thing is I've decided to stop wasting my time only looking at what's right in front of me how wonderful I'm impressed by your change of heart what brought this on she was talking to a 14-year-old boy on innocent sin online well when I was just goofing off one weekend I met someone hey bro after that I took a closer look at my life that right wait they were real right they had to be ah yes I understand I myself once had a similar Epiphany now that I think about it I met my darling husband thanks to a destiny called fate uh Destiny called fate isn't that a bit redundant besides you should be careful what you say to a single woman you not single no more baby I got you I got us the teacher seem busy I should get out of the way uh oh she's going to see the picture do you need something you don't look well maybe you should go to the nurses she's going to see the picture wait you dropped something what huh this phone wallpaper umong why did he make it his wallpaper this freaky frog now now mister no cell phones at school oh my bad Maya I read downward love you my what a Charming confession of love right did you make [Music] this nah it was from my girlfriend your girlfriend type of [ __ ] I'm on i t sh T sh one yeah you flustered huh never mind that what's going on oh you tell me Maya screen cap oh don't don't tell me you got it online the only ones who were on that server were no it couldn't be type [ __ ] there's no way you love innocent in online Miss Tumi cuz I don't think you so innocent no more baby girl are you kidding no no no the other teacher like bro why are you tweaking help someone [Laughter] call don't tell me you're taia hey Maya I said all that t [ __ ] to you T [ __ ] guy type [ __ ] you like MMOs baby you ever heard of Final Fantasy 14 shorty hop on I got a [Music] guild oh no this can't be happening didn't you say you wanted to [ __ ] me too like but you didn't even know that I was on the other screen and you admitted to wanting to [ __ ] me so like stand on business I quit this school I'm leaving I'm never coming back oh I can't live with this just kill me now you have to say this bro you're legally obligated hello masaan she F to die so she's actually going to die you really are um I I'm Maya I'm Maya it's me damn it you got a problem with that why don't you say something jeez you idiot this is so embarrassing hey you still you know how to do splits ma'am T [ __ ] I can sweep this under the rug one time there was one thing I wanted to say if we ever met face to face Ty [ __ ] I I was able to turn my life around thanks to you so um thank you wipe that smile off your face or I'll wipe it off for you with my fists so not only are you trying to [ __ ] a high school student you're also trying to assault one as well I mean we can rack up the charges kurasawa officer kurasawa yeah yeah she's a sex offender right there and she threy to beat my ass anyway um if you don't mind if you don't mind maybe we could have dinner False Alarm Force alarm nah I was joking corar I was pranking I run a twitch Channel I was just I was trolling I was pranking n we good yeah I'm she not a sex offender N I go I I'm going [ __ ] with you bro all right discount on Mondays right all right man I [ __ ] with you bro uh yeah we can do that yeah we can do that go to help with [Music] this oh meus son hello baby girl yes what's the matter you don't look why is everybody saying that to me today you're tired try not to overdo it I'm sorry I should try not to call you that in public if you don't mind could we have a little chat someplace else yes I have some business to take care of later on can I be business can you take care of me Mama but I'd like to talk with you until then sure thank you in that case why don't we go to the student council room I'd like to see it one left time this room feels so nostalgic even though the entrance exams have only kept conratulations yo Zar thank you for the 18 months the results haven't been posted yet but I'm fairly confident that I passed if that's the case then this spring I'll formally become a college student and that means I'll no longer be seeing this View unfortunately I don't have much time to spare today the company heads are conducting a briefing the KU Jo group may appear strong but it's actually rather frail it could collapse at any time I have to keep it together any way I can help of course in fact there's something that only you can do who else is going to help me clear my head when I need a change of face it's thanks to you that I learned to feel comfortable in my own skin beyond my identity as a pu man I should have named Makoto I should have just named him Duke Dennis with the way I be risen like come on now before long I'll be taking my leave from the dorm as well I've begun packing up my things but I haven't made significant progress my books my clothes my photos every one of them brings back memories it's been a short but eventful 3 years it all went by so fast especially the year that you came whenever we spoke or passed each other in the dorm I felt like my heart would burst I never knew I had these emotions just waiting to be given permission to be felt I wonder what would have become of me if you hadn't transferred to the school bro there's no better feeling than when you turn an emotionless heartless woman into a soft uh affectionate lovable uh cuddle monster type [ __ ] that should be gas if I hadn't met you would I have gone through with the arranged marriage or would I have gotten on my motorcycle and left it all behind what a relatable scenario a mysterious thing what's her roster spot oh she's a star player she's untradeable she's our franchise centerpiece for sure there are things that need to be done for the future of the C your group as well as my own and for your future as well you know what I mean right come introduce yourself to the heads of the family sometimes say that don't worry you'd only be saying hello I'd just like them to know who you are well it's almost time I'd best be on my way I'd love to see you back at the dorm but I'll be out late tonight perhaps this weekend just the two of us who else will lend me the shoulder when I need a little support you're the only one who can do this for me go on try and name someone who could do the same say that I got you baby well now you know how serious I am I need you in my life a well we'll see now then if you'll excuse me N I changed my mind on fuka fuka is actually she's she's currently up on the market where we're looking to get a second round draft pick and cash considerations for if you know anybody looking for that type of a [Music] player you know bang my lineup did we talk to everybody in the school [Music] already uh there's akihiko and Ken here where the [ __ ] didn't I check [Music] [Music] oh Senpai I'm glad I found you it was kind of nerve-wracking to come to the high school campus all by myself anyway I'm here to drop off something sonan forgot he's usually so put together but sometimes you can be just a little scatterbrained oh speaking speaking of forgetfulness do you remember someone named arakan he was at the dorm for a little [Music] while I didn't really talk with him all that much but whenever he crosses my mind I feel this ache in my chest and unbearably sad it's as if I've forgotten something important though I'm not sure what I get the feeling that there was something I had to do I just don't know what it is or why I feel this way oh um sorry about that you're really easy to talk to so I kept going on and on I appreciate that you always listen to what I have to say though Senpai you even went with me to buy tea and you don't treat me like I'm I'm just a little kid so um for still just a kid aren't I I wish there was a way for me to grow up more quickly no you don't no matter how grown up I try to act people still end up protecting me there's always someone Sheltering me I wonder if I'll ever be strong enough to protect someone else instead you did great Ken you did [Music] great where the [ __ ] is akihiko at oh he's he's right here hey it's quite rare for us to bump into each other here isn't it h true I guess it's because I usually go straight to practice after class but today I felt like looking around the school before heading over after all this is my last day here the days flew by in the blink of an eye but at the same time it felt like this year would last for an eternity I've dedicated all three years of high school to boxing and nothing else was there really nothing else never mind it's nothing I guess hanging out with every everyone at the dorm counts as something we even made pancakes together he remembers the pancakes at least we had some good time W's if we hadn't moved in the same dorm we might have never met each other it's hard to [Music] imagine I'll be leaving the dorm soon but that doesn't change the fact that I'll always be your Senpai a if you ever run into trouble you can tell dag me in whatever happens I'm on your side AI do you remember Shinji ah I mean naraki Shinji was supposed to graduate with me I still can't believe that he was dragged into that [Music] incident the [ __ ] bartender aren't you the boy who used to talk to the monk upstairs yes he actually called here trying to reach you seems like he was wondering how you were doing come to think of it I think he left a message for you from mutatu what was it he said again hey hey don't give me that look just hang on a sec please tell me you got his family back come on found it here you go come on come on I wrote it all down didn't think I had it in me did you let's see oh man the handwriting is awful who the hell wrote this I found my wife and son my son's still a good for nothing Punk and my wife is frigid as usual she's like a old witch what do you want I'm on the phone hey don't write this down all right Lots happened but I apologized a thousand times and I worked to make things right I guess you could say we fell in love all over hooray happy ending for mutatu I realized instead of holding on to my pride I needed to just suck it up and apologize it's all thanks to you well you take care kid it's meant to be we'll see each other again that's the gist of it I'm pretty sure I got everything he said y w voice don't bother asking for a number he didn't say but like he said you'll see him again if it's meant to be don't they say like fate lies in God's hands or something oh wait that'd be Buddha for the monk huh anyways that's that if fate does bring you two back together why don't you come party over here again the monk left you a bottle tag didn't he yeah I I'd give you the bottle but how many years will it be until you're old enough to drink well I'll save it especially for you until then make sure you stick to soft drinks I'll see you around yeah [Music] exactly micho's dad you're ah it's you right I'm micho's father if you remember do you have a minute to talk I've been dwelling a little on what happened all right perfect if you don't mind let's take a walk down to the takoyaki stand I'll buy you some the food there sure is good but you knew that already didn't you when I see this place I remember all the times I'd come here with Michel she came here when she ran away from home too she really loved the takoyaki she's a good girl wouldn't you agree very good W kid she's so good that I wonder if she's really my own child sometimes she actually sent me a letter recently it's chalk full of details about her new life she said she's made a lot of friends let's see she's in charge of the rabbits at her new school and has had to get up early to clean the cages they scolded her for forgetting her PE uniform she forgot her homework and had to copy a friend ends I guess she can be a bit absent minded I never knew that about her oh and she did so well on her recorder test that she was asked to perform in front of everyone a then she went on to talk about how she plays at the park by the school with her friends every day her mother's doing well too they're having a lot of fun together having fun must be nice nowadays I just come home to an empty house oh my God semi the room so big without those two around I wonder if she feels the same way living in a home with no father in it oh we put her through so much because of our own problems I feel terrible about it by the way I've actually got a bone to pick with you too M must have really liked you huh she wrote all about it I can't wait to grow up that's why I'm drinking lots of milk I'm going to marry him someday um I'm not miss Tumi bro what the hell is that about you little punk you were taking advantage of my little M weren't you maybe I haven't been the best dad but sorry I'm still her father damn it this isn't the femy route okay we don't we don't talk to kids like that and I'm not letting a guy like you touch my daughter with a 10-ft pole I'll never let you marry her and don't you forget it and I won't let you beat your daughter again I'll kill you right now Persona like the [Music] [ __ ] hello there oh excuse me are you [Music] so it was you oh excuse me I'm Miss kamiki Right aari's mother my son talked about you a lot I was just thinking about him if you have time would you like to stay and talk for a while that's wonderful please sit down today is a special day what a coincidence seeing you today you kind of bad hey you ever been a part of a her room before my bad I'm ruining the moment I'm sorry it must be another one of God's whims [Music] today is my son's akari's birthday oh right he'd be 20 if he was still alive only 19 years it was too soon he was almost an adult oh my God he never made it oh my God akinari had a genetic disease I'm completely healthy but him the doctors detected it when he was born they knew he wouldn't live to see adulthood every day I worried whether he'd wake up the next morning I blamed myself for what he inherited oh my God but he said something to me near the end I'm sorry to have brought so much pain into your life mother I'm glad that I was born into this world I'm glad glad to have been your son thank you for the life you've given me holy [ __ ] he suffered so much and yet he still said that to me but hinari brought me so much happiness too feeling his warmth as I carried him in my arms after he was born those tiny hands at first smile hearing his breathing as he slept at night every day I was so grateful he was alive every day I found yeah this one is the saddest one now I'm so alone and there's nothing I can do oh my God but my boy gave me so much I have to keep going looking straight ahead that's how I want to live I'll eat the finest Foods visit the most exotic places I'll do everything absolutely everything that akinari couldn't holy [ __ ] I'll have so many stories to tell him about the things I've done on that day when we meet again on the other side if I didn't have that to look forward to I don't know how I could go on that reminds me when my son's condition worsened he started writing a children's story but when I was cleaning out his room I never found his notebook he said he wanted you to be the first one to see it when he was done then he laughed and said I would be second I suppose who was this voice at wasn't able to finish the story they [ __ ] killed it he did finish it what so did you get to read the story I explained how I received the notebook from kamiki and that I heard the entire story I I see so you did I'm so glad that was my only re regret it was awful to think that he wasn't able to finish his project oh you should hold on to his notebook I'm sure that's what he would want to I'll hear the story from him directly when I see him on the other side now I have one more thing to look forward [Music] to I'm glad I could finally meet you thank you before I go let this old woman give you one piece of advice take good care of the ones you hold dear if you wait until their day comes it's too late clinging to their cold bodies won't bring them back everyone who's born will die someday not just akinari or me or even you it's all the same so before that happens it doesn't take a grand gesture you don't have to make a big production of it but if you love someone let them know it we all go through life with the same struggles the same heartbreak we should all lift each other up with the same love and kindness as well I'm sure you have something precious you can share with people too don't ever forget [Music] [Music] it damn that was some real [ __ ] that was some real ass [Music] [ __ ] holy [ __ ] well well look who it is it's been a while you've grown so much since the last last time I saw you now now dear they don't grow that fast what must have happened is that we shrank isn't that right is that how it is looks like you got one over on me say you know our old shop here uh book worms I'm thinking it's due for a makeover something fresh have on guard I can't let geeku kan's new school building h the spotlight good idea ain't it I'll hash out some plans with my deer and make this place even better speaking of the new school building they've decided to replant the pmen tree be moved to a special location on a hill overlooking the whole campus our dear boy will be able to watch over those students for many more years to come I know the tree isn't actually our son and yet this makes me feel so happy ever since my dear heard the news she's turned into a leaky faucet come on give me a smile he's just like me he just like me I am bichi please dear I think your dentures are falling out same with the dentures too anyhow we'll be supporting the gecko con students with renewed strength in our hearts looking at you again you really did grow didn't you you've overcome great hardships I can tell come back and visit us anytime we'd always love to see you if we can get that young man to spread the word at geekon there'll be no end to our customers not a bad idea hey dear come now don't make him him do our work for us you don't have to put it like that besides what are grandchildren for you think I'm a grandchild oh you she call me her Noble Ste she think I'm a [Music] Ste Coro boy boy [Music] it seems like koraru is worried about me I probably look like a mess it's okay I'm fine Kara's expression brightened he seems [Music] relieved Karu isn't budging from his spot guess he won't be leaving anytime [Music] soon [Music] [Music] well the TV has been left on it's showing the news right now coming up next a special report on the amazing Commodities Corporation producer of Tanaka's amazing Commodities president Tanaka has made an undisclosed private expenditure that caused quite a stir in the media with us is our reporter live on scene take it away I'm reporting from the amazing commodi head office where a swarm of journalists has convened word has it that President Tanaka will be coming out shortly to make a statement Waka the tension in the air is thick thank you we'll be be looking forward to updates as things unfold back to the studio the unaccounted for expenditure has sparked a massive investigation some theorize he is guilty of tax evasion not my goat oh no question this is President Tanaka we're talking about all he cares about is lining his own pockets and he does it by swindling his own viewers no he never swindled me he could become the richest man on the planet and still never be satisfied why doesn't he donate some of that money for a change damn yeah Chad why don't y'all donate some of your money for a change exclamation donate well I'm sure he's not as bad as all that oh this just in Something's Happened at the scene president Tanaka has emerged he's carrying a microphone it it looks like he's about to sing ready to go in your TV Tanaka Commodities everybody ultimate friend and greed hi everyone amazing Commodities is here for you year round rain or shine we have a monopoly on the cheapest highest quality Goods our customers shout for Joy so loud it's considered noise pollution our stocks rise so high they're a hazard to birds and we make losers every day out of people who don't buy the only Miracle left in this sad desolate world that's the amazing Commodities guarantee I'm locked in chat we look forward to your business whoa that's interesting but I sure don't care lost man thank you for the 100 bits oh he he's gone what the hell are you doing you call yourself a reporter if you can't get one lousy comment out of him you're just giving him free advertising they got New Yorkers in Japan what the [ __ ] we'll have to interrupt you there as we've just received a fact it it's from Tanaka the message reads hi this is Tanaka the best friend your pocketbook ever had and what's in my pocketbook is my own business it's not my company's money so what's it to them how I use it but let me make one thing clear I am not ashamed of a single thing my content is clear dear viewers so buy my products guilt free amazing Commodities here for you year round rain or shine buy now or you'll miss your chance you'll see bye-bye apparently he had no intention of revealing his use for the funds see the the people think that he's scamming but he actually used those funds and donated it all if you did his social link you know that so does he have no shame so he's letting everybody think that he's the bad guy when in actuality he's using those funds for donations he's made some money for himself doesn't mean that we're his little play things on behalf of the people I have something to say and I am not afraid to say it bet pigs like him who gorged themselves on the excesses of capitalism should be yes thank you very much this concludes our Special Report with no clues as to the utilization he donated it so the kids would support him in the long term he still donated he's a good man he's a humanitarian at the end of the day daily glimpse into the market this we have reports that amazing commodi stocks have suddenly skyrocketed that's like when I read your guys's chat messages and resub messages so you keep continuing to resub the next month my whole body feels sluggish I'm too exhausted to fight the fatigue the third Year's graduation ceremony is tomorrow I should head to bed early to tonight [Music] right have you seen this photo before there's Sonata Senpai Kio Senpai and and that one student who passed away last year in an incident aragaki [Music] senpai it's a photo of Sonata mitu in aragaki it seems like aragaki is smiling [Music] faintly right right right one last [Music] [ __ ] I only went to school today but my whole body feels heavy and sluggish I can't keep my eyes open the third Year's graduation ceremony is tomorrow I should head to bed early tonight is anyone here I don't think anybody's [Music] [Music] [Music] here I've got a text message the sender's name is blank who is this from thank you H who Could That Be All the items on this shelf remind me of precious memories a lot sure has happened over this past year [Music] ending ceremony we have [Music] finals spring equinox May and I spent a lot of time together in that game she realized something important through the game and applied it in her real life too my reflection in the mirror looks very pale there's nothing inside the fridge well it's me I guess iess may I please come in I guess I didn't get to talk to you yesterday thank goodness I'm so happy to see you again I'm sorry to show up so suddenly but I really needed to talk to you what's on your mind I remember everything oh it seems like everyone else has forgotten that I remember that day we yeah we did I'm sorry it's just that when I remembered I was afraid you might go somewhere far away like you did during the last battle I'm not going anywhere today is graduation day isn't it I'm sorry the ceremony's already begun weather is so nice outside do you remember where we all promised to meet why don't we go ahead and wait for the others we can enjoy the peaceful view of the [Music] city the time to part has finally come though this is our last day together we want the third-year class to know that we're truly proud of you we wish each of you good health happiness and success on this moment this occasion I bid you all a fond farewell on behalf of the student body next a word from the valedictorian from class D mitsuru kosan thank you this past year I accepted an important responsibility as student council president when I first addressed you from this Podium I spoke to you all about C in opportunity while you had the chance it must have been fate that intervened and gave me an important reminder of this as many of you know my father unexpectedly he unexpectedly passed away due to sudden illness sudden illness what's going on wow that's rir I've never heard her stumble in a speech before remembering it's a big day it must be tough to talk about her father I remember now she remembers that's right after my father died there was a time I lost motivation to live my life am I forgetting oh no s Senpai what are you doing gumaru but no longer I shall honor my father's will I won't run from the future I'll face it head on not a single doubt remains in my mind and the reason I promise they all remember mitsuru that's right it's because because I have forged such wonderful friendships and we swore that we would never lose hope no matter what the future may bring Senpai we remembered him an IUS yes I did as well let's go they're waiting hello is ceremony we're not [Music] hooray they [Music] [Music] member the wind it feels so nice [Music] nice I admit I'm finally noticing the beauty of spring it's wonderful and yet without exception each and every season will come to an [Music] end we fought side by side we faced The World's End and now I'm finally beginning to understand what it was I'd been searching for I always wondered what it really meant to live now I think it's following your heart fighting for what you can change and accepting the things you can can't nothing on this Earth lasts forever every life will one day fizzle out that holds true for all of us and as soon as you come to terms with it you realize something you see what really matters and find out what it is that gives your life meaning when I learned that I wasn't strong enough I was tormented by it now I understand why protecting others is the duty I was given but to me it was more than an obligation at some point it became something I wanted to do for myself once I decided to try and prevent the fall something inside me clicked when I thought about how I might never see you again that's when I first understood What mattered to me the most and so I made up my mind what I want is to protect you from now until the end of time I want to stay by your side and I know I'm not the only one out there who could do this but still I want to because I'm positive if I do it for you and nothing's a waste my life will of meaning so thank [Music] you it's [Music] okay sorry what's Cutten into me it's good I finally found a reason to live so why am [Music] I they're [Music] here they see it now I have friends we support each other through thick and thin not everything needs to be for some greater purpose just caring about someone can be enough that's all we need to give our life's meaning as for me I found my path and that's to protect you with my [Music] life thank you so much for everything yo the song is crazy you must be tired go ahead and rest now I'll be right here I won't be going [Music] anywhere in a moment the others will be joining us I'm getting sleepier [Music] my eyes feel heavy no don't close [Music] them it'll be okay I'm right by your side here to protect you forever [Music] more that's my Bes you did not just do that haven't been in a few screams what's [Laughter] good [Music] so so good I [Music] fore [Music] to K [Music] that is my favorite game of all [Music] time through allity [Music] that ladies and [Music] gentlemen is my favorite game of all [Music] time it means a lot that I was able to uh it means a lot that I was able to Showcase this on stream it's always been you know I always love streaming Persona games obviously but this one in particular is like literally my personality trait like I feel like you you think of me and like the games I like or whatever the [ __ ] this is like the one so uh I think this remake was an absolutely beautiful remake a great job by Atlas I think they I think they made the best version of persona of Persona 3 and uh you know the characters and the story and everything in my my opinion is the absolute best uh from all of the Persona games and uh yeah you can see why the you know I feel like people that have you know been traumatized or come from you know you know a dark or troubled past or whatever I feel like this game like resonates a lot cuz it tackles a lot of really dark deep and serious uh topics and it has a lot of dark themes and stuff like that and uh yeah man and for anybody that was confused I saw people asking uh I saw people asking in the in the chat yes the uh the main character Makoto did die he he is [Music] dead and then if you listen to the lyrics too I will never leave you all the promises you made right before the uh the last day you know he made a lot of plans with a lot of people but at the end of the day you never know what could happen the next day I think that speech from aari's mom really really hit hard and uh one thing that I noticed throughout the entire game that I couldn't really speak on holy [ __ ] this is crazy one of the things I couldn't speak on is this game actually eludes to Makoto's death a lot I noticed it a bunch of times during my playthrough but I obviously couldn't say anything because I didn't want to spoil it for anybody but they alluded to it a lot it was a lot of foreshadowing about that and I thought that was a really nice [Music] touch holy [ __ ] every time I see these credits it never gets easier every time I see the credits it just does not get [Music] easier [Music] and the fact that he knew the whole time about their about everything they've been through but everybody else forgot Jesus Christ as you can tell I still got a big ass lump in my throat examples of for Chad I can't think of anything in particular I can't think of like I can't quote Oh exactly 25 hours into the game somebody said this but all throughout the game there were uh foreshadowing of like of people's mortality and facing death and like a lot of stuff like that that that went on yeah the uh the opening also when you re-watch the opening it also does it it makes a lot more sense once you beat the [Music] [Music] game holy [ __ ] this this [ __ ] song man [Music] [Music] I you [Music] holy [ __ ] dude I just I just want to soak it all in man smile on his face smile on his face at the end yeah yeah yeah he kept his promise [Music] what right yeah I have to make a video talking about this game I simply have to holy [ __ ] dude for anybody well I mean if you're watching this you probably don't want to get spoiled on the game so I hope you didn't watch it but like this is definitely a great jumping on point and I think this is the best way to experience Persona 3 and as a Persona 3 dick rider yes there are other aspects of the other persona games that are still like good and they still hold up but this in my opinion is the best way to experience Persona 3 uh yeah you know Fez has some things that this game doesn't and you know portable has things that this game doesn't or whatever but I think overall this is the best way to experience Persona 3 it's my favorite game of all time and I can say with absolute certainty that Persona 3 reload is my favorite video game of all time you know uh I'm you know I've been dick riding Persona 3 for years now it's it's been my favorite game it's been my personality trait and reaload is the best version of that and I'm very happy to have experienced it I'm very happy that I that I ended up splurging on the aigus Edition this game means a lot to me uh with all of its concepts of death and stuff like that I'm not going to get too deep into it I'm going to I'm going to end this video here soon but like death is something that like is a big part of my life type [ __ ] in ways that I don't want to really explain but whatever it is what it is so this game really Taps into that uh but anyways thank you guys so much for watching this and experiencing this with me if you w are watching on YouTube I hope you enjoyed this entire playthrough and if you're watching over on Twitch my entire playthrough is up and I'm uploading this part tomorrow so all of it will be uploaded starting from tomorrow you can see every uh aspect of my playthrough over on YouTube exclamation vods and again if you guys did enjoy this I'd appreciate if you came out to the streams I got a lot to say about Persona 3 reload I have a lot to say about you know Persona games in general so a lot more Persona videos are coming in the future as well um but yeah that's it that's me gone here there's one thing I can say to you guys you know let the people in your life know that you love them you know because you never know when you might not be able to anymore thank you guys for watching I'll catch you in my next video
Channel: OmegaPro+
Views: 63,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: persona 3 reload ending, persona 3 reload ending reaction, persona 3 ending, persona 3 ending reaction, persona 3 reload, omegapro, persona 3 reload playthrough, persona 3 reload nyx, persona 3 reload final boss, persona 3 reload messiah, persona 3 reload last boss, final boss, persona 3 reload final boss fight, p3r ending, p3r ending reaction, persona 3 reload full playthrough
Id: NpBiAK791jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 5sec (10925 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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