Ranking EVERY Party Member in Persona 3 Reload!

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hey everyone so now that I finished Persona 3 reload doing the whole thing on Merc less I want to give my own opinions on the different party members in the game p3r Supporting Cast gives you a number of options in terms of teammates but you can only have three of them with you at a time every teammate offers a different skill set making them unique and offering you flexibility in how you want to set up your party so with this video I wanted to go through each character a bit talk about what they do and then give them a ranking based on how I think they stack up to the others I made a video that's similar to this for Persona 5 so no better time to make one for this game this is mainly going to be a discussion video but having a tier list can make my thoughts more clearer visually and if this video ends up being helpful or interesting be sure to leave a like And subscribe for this video's tier list the setup I have are simply categories of best great and good the reason being and this is the standard disclaimer for these types of videos is that you can use any combination of teammates and beat the game completely fine even on the hardest difficulty at the end of the day your MC is extremely broken they can do the most damage heal support they can basically patch up any hole your team may have so the best advice as always is just use who you like for the ranking of characters I wanted to say that I evaluated them based on how good they are throughout the game not just at the very end because when you're at the point where all the characters are level 75 plus have learned every skill and have their best gear well you probably only have a couple hours of Story gameplay left so for example cororo Mario learns debilitate at level 76 that's an amazing move but you only learn it so far into your playthrough I'm not going to evaluate cororo solely based off that as it's not part of his kit for the vast majority of the game it's still relevant but I wanted to give fairly equal waiting to the early mid and late game here I should also mention there are two features in reload that can help out your party building a lot one is the grand clocks and charteris these clocks randomly spawn on floors and allow you to level up any two characters up to the MC's level just be sure to actually place these characters in your team afterward and win one battle to unlock this extra XP the second is the shop bblue V which opens up later in the game this shop allows you to call a party member and relearn any skills that you may have mistakenly given up or overridden it does take up time but it's always here as an option and now that I've yapped enough during this intro let's go to the first party member your first teammate that joins the party is yukari yukari is a team wide healer she's the only one you have for a good portion of the game that is her main role and she does it very well having a team wide healer isn't required as always you can get by with having the MC the heal using items relying on single Target heals from akihiko and aigas things like that but having a reliable AOE heal is just nice to have on top of her healing skills she is also able to cure ailments the further you progress in the game the more common ailment spamming enemies become so having this utility is a huge bonus you should still keep a handful of ailment curing items because ukari herself can get Afflicted but having one party member who can reliably cleanse is great to have and later on you can have yukari learn insta heal either from an accessory or armor so she'll always be able to remove ailments no matter what yukari also learns wind magic and with her High magic stat and eventual wind amp skill she can do some respectable damage now back in Fes this was pretty much all yukari had going for her she could heal remove some ailments hit wind weaknesses that was it this alone still made her one of the best party members back then but reload did add more to yukari's Kit the first being the addition of sukunda so that even when yukari can't hit weaknesses or you don't need healing she can provide value agility debuffs are especially handy against the rare Golden Shadows that you run into in tardas as they love to boost their own speed she also learns a couple of ailman moves but I'll be honest I never used them much the last additions are the reload features of theg and characteristics theg skills are strong attacks or Buffs characters can do after they fill their gauge and characteristics are additional abilities party members can unlock after you hang out with them a few times yukari's first the is a standard single Target nuke but her second one is even better providing the whole team with concentrate so she goes from being only a Healer to someone who can also amp your entire party's Magic by 2.5 times for the next turn yukari's Theory charges faster when she heals and as she's going to be doing that most of the time she's one of the fastest characters to recharge her gaze as well to top it all off yukari's characteristics can eventually reduce her SP cost for healing skills by 50% to 75% making it so medor rahan a full party heal only costs 11 SP I think you can see from how I've talked about yukari but there's no world where I wouldn't put her into the best category as she stays relevant at every portion of the game and I can't think of any real downsides for her next up is Jee and look I love jume but out of the entire cast I feel like in terms of skill sets he kind of got the short end of the stick let's talk about the positives first jume learns every type of physical move slash strike and Pierce this makes him have pretty good coverage compared to other characters and he learns rakukaja which allows you to survive a lot easier especially on higher difficulties being a physical damage dealer he doesn't suffer from SP issues like other teammates and this is more relevant early on when you have fewer ways to regain SP things like counter and regenerate 3 offer some utility and shift boof provides a nice 10% attack increase whenever you shift over to him if we take a look at J's stats page we can get an idea on what kind of teammate he's meant to be his theg gauge charges faster when he lands a critical hit and his character istics increases crit rate and crit damage the only issue is I feel like he doesn't learn the Right Moves via level up to live up to this role at least in the early to mid game if we take a look at the moves jume learns via level up to me there's one big a mission that being app pupil a skill that doubles your critical rate for a character that is all about Landing crits I don't know why jume shouldn't be able to learn this move naturally I mean the MC can learn at pupil at level 15 just by leveling up Archangel so I don't see why Jee couldn't learn this skill at like level 40 or so yes T's characteristics boost his own crit rate but you generally won't unlock it till far in and stacking crit passives is never a bad thing without these extra passives mid game it kind of feels like jume doesn't provide enough in terms of damage and crits and his only support option is rakukaja which I guess also learns now I know some people are going to say you can add app pupil from an accessory and J's Ultimate Weapon does have an app pupil passive the issue is you don't get this accessory till pretty far into the game maybe December is from a missing person's reward and by the time you can actually Forge character's ultimate weapons you have very little time left in the game I can say now at the stage I'm at jume feels pretty good to to use because he actually learned strong moves he can crit and he can get a lot of knockdowns but it took so long to get to this stage and prior to this for a good portion of the game he felt a bit lackluster compared to other team options given this I can't put Jee any higher than the good tier late game once you unlocked his characteristics and you're using a good accessory or weapon I could definitely see a case for him being higher but looking at the entire game and relative to everyone else I think this placement is fine following this we have aiiko and with AI there is actually a decent amount to talk about a few people who are coming to play reload after playing FES or portable may say that akihiko got nerfed and that he's much weaker now than how he was in previous versions and that is partly true in Fes Akiko was able to learn every single debuff in the game and he was a no-brainer to include for every single battle because even if he didn't contribute any damage he could still support the team insanely well and yeah it was pretty imbalanced I mean whenever I did a playthrough of P3 before my team would only consist of akihiko aigus and yukari akihiko had every debuff aigus had every buff and yukari would heal that was it I had everything covered and there's no reason to use other characters now in reload skills are far more distributed amongst the cast which overall I think is a good thing because it provides a reason to use different party members but naturally as a result Akiko did have to take a hit and now he only learns the attack debuffing skill Tunda but he does also learn the agility buff in sukuk Kaja despite all this I still think akihiko is a very good party member for a couple reasons while in attack debuff may not be as useful as a defense one it is really nice to have for tougher encounters like Gatekeepers and full Moon bosses especially on the harder difficulties these enemies can do a ton of damage so having a reliable way to mitigate it can be the difference between a win and a game over the other thing that makes akihiko feel reliable to use is that he's pretty much the only character that does good damage either through physical or magic he gets all the good electric skills plus elect boost and amp so that is covered and he learns good physical skills even if they are single Target later on in the game you can add accessories or weapons that help with physical damage even more but even without these it's pretty solid the reason that being good and both is nice is because a number of Full Moon bosses have phases or patterns where one enemy is resistant to Fizz and the other is resistant to Magic so being able to do damage no matter the situation is a pro of his the last thing to talk talk about when it comes to akihiko are how he charges his 3G faster as well as his characteristics because how they're translated or worded are pretty bad akihiko's the condition States after strengthening himself his fighting Spirit Rises just from first glance it makes it seem like you have to use Aki to buff himself spamming sukuk Kaja or directly Target him with Buffs from others but this isn't how it actually works the way this works is whenever akiko's turn starts if he is buffed from any Source it doesn't have to be himself his theg charges faster you don't have to do anything special just buff the whole team like normal and he'll gain a faster gauge every time his turn Begins the next one is his characteristic buff amp this states that it greatly increases the effects of Buffs on akihiko but it doesn't specify by exactly how much normally when you have an attack buff on a character they'll do roughly 40% more damage than if they were at neutral I've done a bit of testing on this and I found that when akihiko has an attack buff he does 80% more damage compared to when he doesn't have one so he gets double the benefit of an attack buff and I would assume this applies to defense and Agility Buffs as well now this isn't going to make akihiko out damage the MC or anything but it's another Factor he has going for him and makes it feel like he contributes in any situation of course a isn't perfect as good as I think he is an attack debuff to me isn't as useful as a defense debuff so often times I do find he's kind of fighting over the last spot on the team and whether I bring him or not kind of depends on the situation but I mainly wanted to go over positives because I thought there might be some misconceptions about him he's not as op as he was in Fes but I have no problem putting him into the great tier moving on we have mitsuru I would say in terms of skill sets she's definitely one of the characters that got the biggest glow up from previous releases in past versions mitsuru could do some decent damage apply ailment sometimes but there wasn't much support in her skill set so compared to akihiko or AAS I never really found much reason to use her now that is completely changed because she gets access to rakunda being able to lower the defense of any enemy the difference between having defense down on a Target and not is the same about 40% so having someone in the party who relies applies us all the time is great mits the G Gage charges faster when she weakens an enemy or applies an ailment and applying defense down does count for this I honestly didn't use Matsu's ailment moves that much mainly because they don't work for bosses but they have another use because of her characteristic this makes it so whenever there's an ailment on an enemy if mitsuru is in the party you have a higher chance of Landing a crit given that mitsuru Barry learns physical moves I'd assume this applies to the whole team so it adds another layer of support mitsuru's first the is a standard damage one but her second one is even better because on top of doing damage it applies debilitate lowering all the stats of a single enemy koromaru also learns debilitate naturally but mitsuru unlocks this about 2 months earlier than when that happens so you can make a lot more use out of it the only nitpick I have with this the is why does it do Almighty damage the big Pro of Almighty is that it can't ever be blocked and it ignores a immunities but theg attacks do that by default so if this was ice instead it would literally do more damage as it could be amped by ice boost and eventually ice amp if you use one of her late game weapons not a super important thing but it just seems a bit random we've talked about mitsuru's Support options but she is also able to do some of the highest damage in the game due to learning concentrate and all the good ice moves including a severe level one in diamond dust she only learns ice ice boost but you can add ice amp later from a weapon another Pro of being ice based is that freeze is one of the best ailments to inflict as it causes the next physical attack to be a guaranteed crit and mitsuru learning both freeze boost and ailment boost helps with this some people might say that mitsuru's damage is very one-dimensional as she only learns ice and that's kind of true she gets some Fizz skills but they don't do that much damage so they tend to get replaced pretty quickly mitsu is one of the few characters I consider keeping one of the break skills ice break so ice immune enemies don't completely shut her down but for me I never had a big issue with this because even if enemies blocked ice mitsuru could always contribute with rakunda and hery and it allowed me to save on SP at the end of the day the MC can do thousands and thousands more damage than any party member so their damage is not nearly as relevant as how well they can support and mitsuru could always do that job well and if you want to see see how to make personas that can allow you to do crazy damage check out one of my build videos like the Sig freed one but yeah for mitsuru I was debating between putting her into the best and the great tier as she did stay as one of my go-to party members for the vast portion of the game very late you could consider replacing her with koromaru after he learns to abilitate but that is so far in I think I just go with putting her at the very top of the great tier and she could be even higher given how consistent L useful she is following up we have aigus aigus is the de facto buffer of the group learning both taruk Kaja and Raku Kaja she doesn't learn all three like she did in Fes but having both Tack and defense is still great she specializes in physical damage by learning good strike and pure skills and this is emphasized even more in her kid her the charges faster when you use a physical move and her characteristic increases the damage of physicals even more in addition IAS learns a lot of useful passives she gets fast heal and null dizzy which eventually progresses to insta heal making her resistant to all the annoying ailments in the game this is further on but she learns enduring Soul giving her free revive and full heal once per battle and resist Fizz which helps mitigate a lot of damage no other party member learns as useful passes as IUS does I guess it's just the perks of being an anti-shadow weapon the only reason I didn't have aigas on my team more is that I found her support niche of buffing could be replicated a couple different ways very early on into the game you're able to learn autot taruk Kaja allowing the MC to buff his own tack at the start of battle and you can pass this on to many personas and by mid game you can build a Persona that additionally increases the whole party's defense and Agility for three turns now I know that not everyone is going to go out of their way to make a Persona like this but fuka can provide something similar fuka Sid Aura ability grants the whole team a defense and Agility buff and you can use this before any tough tartous enemy and after those three turns are up you are often able to use fuka theery skill this theery provides a random buff to the whole party but for me most of the time when I use this it provided a full Party attack defense and speed buff so that's six turns in Tarter where you already have most Buffs covered and many times that was enough even for Gatekeepers now Tardis isn't everything because Full Moon bosses exist and you aren't able to use fuka pre-combat abilities or charge theories beforehand when there are longer encounters ais's ability to buff definitely mattered more none of this was to say Aus isn't a great party member she definitely is and is one of my favorites so she for sure deserves a spot in that tier I just wanted to talk about some of the reasons I didn't find myself using her as often as in previous P3 versions it mainly coming down to how well the MC and fuka could buff themselves next next we have best boy koromaru koromaru is another character that got a big buff in reload going from learning only fire moves and insta kills with little Support options to being one of the most well-rounded party members right off the bat he learns two theg skills with the second one being a full party charge given how broken physical Builds on the MC can be this is a super good support option and can even lead to some turn one Tardis boss kills if you have the MC setup well he also gets Revolution a crit buffing move to benefit physical damage even more sometimes this move can be a bit dangerous to use as it also Buffs the enemy but it mostly serves to benefit you koromaru charges his theg faster whenever he lands a weakness hit and given he learns many coverage options in fire dark and slash you'll get this pretty often I didn't keep all of coro's attacking moves on his final move set because I kind of ran out of space but he definitely has a lot of options including An Almighty one anytime he shifts over to a teammate they'll regain 5 SP and his character istic Auto debuffs opponent's agility at the start of battle something that's especially useful versus golden hands if this wasn't enough koromaru does learn debilitate at level 76 it's very far into the game but as it's arguably the best support move it does make cororo very close to a must pick character when you get to that stage so with koromaru there aren't very many downsides maybe his light weakness that makes him susceptible to insta kills but you can patch this up with armor or accessories I will say that while Karu is definitely very good throughout the game he takes off a lot more after learning debilitate prior to that I'd often prefer to run mitsuru and Coro would be a flex pick depending on the situation therefore I'd put him into the great tier overall but he could for sure be considered the best party member maybe besides yukari when you're very late into the game finally we have Ken who serves as the second healer in the team although he is another healer Ken does have some way to stand out compared to ukari firstly he gets coverage options in Pierce electric and light so you can hit more enemy weaknesses I didn't keep Ken's Pierce attack here but you can still get Pierce knockdowns just by using his basic attack the next major thing Ken learns are Tetra Kar and maaan so he can provide a one-time block to any type of attack besides Almighty these are pretty nice to use on the MC because if the MC dies it's game over K second theories takes this one step further fully healing and Reviving all teammates as well as providing one layer of each screen for everyone these screens are mainly a defensive thing but you can do damage by reflecting back attacks to enemies the last thing Ken learns and this is pretty far into the game is heat Riser giving him the ability to increase all the stats of one Ally this is a good move but kind of like with aigus fuka often makes this feel not as impactful as she can provide heat riser to the entire party part with her the G even disregarding fuka you still want to be buffing your whole team at least in terms of defense and speed so they don't die and trying to use heat Riser one by one on everyone is going to leave you with no SP so while heat Riser is a great move in theory I don't think it's as useful as some might think one weird part of Ken's kit is that the way he charges his the and his characteristic kind of go against each other Ken gains more the gauge when he's below half SP but his final characteristic Regens 10 SP for him every turn when you have this characteristic unlocked it's a little hard to actually get him below 50% HP making it to where his theg doesn't charge very fast and before unlocking this when I got canned to below 50% SP sure the 3G charges faster but it made it feel like I could barely do anything his SP pool was fairly low and Med ran still costus 44 SP so I felt like I couldn't use the rest of Ken's kid at that point or I would have nothing left over for healing now Ken is inevitably going to be compared to ukari and for me for me I'd personally prefer to use ukari pretty much any time yukari can clear all types of ailments for Ken to do that he needs to use items and you have to keep them on hand yukari gets insanely low SP healing once her characteristics are unlocked Ken kind of makes up for this with his 10 SP regen every turn but it still amounts to a big SP difference between the two not to mention yukari has a bigger SP pool to work with I find yukari's agility debuffs to be more useful than Ken's screens and her second the is a full party concentrate while Ken's is mainly defensive you can run yukari and Ken in the same team with yukari mainly removing ailments and can healing and shielding but I don't really see how worth that is over using other teammate combinations so you get the gist Ken is certainly a good character he's still a Healer but he doesn't offer enough in my opinion to justify using him instead of yukari or even alongside her I'd put him in the good tier I could see someone if they value the screens more rating him higher but I prefer being more proactive and using other characters that can provide more team damage that's just my preference and that is my ranking for the characters this this will definitely vary depending on where you are in the game for most my playthrough I preferred using both yukari and mitsuru and then my last slot would go to either aaiko IAS or cororo depending on what I was facing when you're far into the game I could see koromaru placing mitsuru because he's able to handle every type of debuff himself and since you have every debuff covered using AAS doesn't have any opportunity cost and you'll definitely be facing longer fights where ais's ability to buff shine a lot more this team in the top row would probably be the one I recommend most against the final boss the only main issue that it's pretty weak against electric skills so watch out for those but with this team you have every debuff covered every buff yukari and Coro for magic damage and IAS for Fizz jume as I talked about before if you have his best equipment and skills could move up a bit and can uh I mean if you're dying all the time maybe he's the goat I don't know but that is it for this video be sure to leave a comment on who your current team is or who your main team ended up being look forward to seeing more videos and see you guys
Channel: bainz
Views: 88,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Atlus, Sega, SMT, P5, Persona5, P5R, Steam, Persona3, Persona3Reload, Persona3FES, Persona3Portable, P3P, P3FES, P3R, Persona 3, Persona 3 Reload, Tips, Guide, Characters, Party Members, Makoto Yuki, Yukari Takeba, Junpei Iori, Fuuka Yamagishi, Akihiko Sanada, Mitsuru Kirijo, Shinji Aragaki, Ken Amada, Koromaru, Aigis
Id: LxfFwMA7J3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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