Why Persona 3 Reload remains a TIMELESS classic

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I have finally finished Persona 3 reload over the past weekend and this game has blown me away it's certainly no exaggeration to say this could be looked at as persona's best story I think the themes that Persona 3 explores are absolutely Timeless no matter what day and age we live in it's a simple tale about life and death how each person views those Concepts and comes to terms with that despite the inevitability at Journey's End and after about 100 hours in Persona 3 reload I certainly have a lot to say about the game as a whole of course since I'm speaking about my experiences with the game there will be Major Spoilers so feel free to click off the video now if you have not finished Persona 3 reload yet otherwise make sure to subscribe to the channel and like the video for anything jrpg related so when I look at the past Persona games I've went through that being Persona 4 and five each one has a clear theme it's always telling the player through throughout the game Persona 4 is all about finding the truth not only finding the truth in the town of Inaba and the Mysterious murders occurring within it but another clever way to mesh that theme of finding the truth within yourself it's a story about acceptance and all that it entails even if those truths hurt to hear Persona 5 is about rebellion against modern society how we concede to the views of society and adopt the mask rather than being who we truly are it's only when you take off your mask that your true self is born in a way Persona 5 is about the freedom to choose your own path one that isn't Bound by a ruling Force consigning our main characters to one and so all of these Persona games speak on how the human soul creates meaning to you in the world around you and that brings us back to Persona 3 reload and why I think this game has a message so simple yet effective because of how relevant it is to human beings no matter what age we live in as soon as you start your journey you're met with an opening shot of the Moon which if you've played through to the end you'll know that this is where we fight death itself the game immediately makes his message very clear off RI you see yukari pointing an aoker at her head which at this point we think she's using the gun to you know yeah heavy stuff already of course the game wants us to believe that's the case to drive the theme forward and set the tone of the overall experience not only yukari but our main protagonist we'll call him Makoto is met with the dark hour and in this case a separate hour of the day when time reaches midnight time itself comes to a Hal and anybody who doesn't have the potential to use personas are transm moried into coffins we'll get more into that in a bit just remember that the dark hour is a visual representation of death inevitable as we move move forward in the game we meet other students who can also summon personas also side note I find it cool how the other students know about the personas first and not the protagonists I don't know I just find it really unique compared to the other persona games I've played but yeah anyway these group of students are called Seas this group is tasked with investigating the mysteries of the Dark Hour in secret from the rest of the world basically the Dark Hour also contains these beings known as Shadows they attack human beings who transm moried during the Dark Hour these are also the coffins we see at the beginning of the game and when you're transmogrified you're pretty much unaware that the dark hour is even happening but more than that when the humans are attacked by Shadows they become what we know as the Lost though the outside world refers to the lost as people who have apathy syndrome in a way it's actually metac commentary on how people become stagnant and uninterested in life they're unable to move forward and look to the Future this is actually part of the theme of Persona 3 so keep that in mind as you progress through the game you meet even more characters that join you in your mission of ridding the world of the Dark Hour I think everyone in the cast has incredible character arcs that really just reinforces the themes of the game for instance a character like Jun starts off as a very basic character he's your cool and relaxed bro type buddy who really just wants to look cool it's a char character you see a lot in other persona games however as The Story Goes On junay starts to recognize his own weakness to the team at first he blames us he blames Makoto for taking the glory away from him and having his chance to shine but he soon realizes that it's not the team that he's mad about but himself he understands that if they get rid of the Dark Hour he'll lose what he thinks makes him special that he's nothing without it though months later he meets a girl named Chidori who would completely changed the way he thought about life Chidori is also a character who has the power of persona but unlike our main group she can't control it instead her Persona is able to turn on her and so she's always at risk of death and as such people who can't control their personas in this world must take special suppressant to regain its control however it comes at a great cost as anyone who uses them will eventually die both June and chor were perfect foils for each other as both of them gave the other answers they had been searching for and reasons to live where before they were stagnant in life eventually Chidori does end up losing her life to save June but this is where I think his character shines the most now at some point in the story before chidori's death she asked jume what he thinks he'll be doing in 2 years which Jee nonchalantly shoves the question off here is a person who doesn't have much time in life to live asking Jun who has his whole life ahead of him what he thinks he'll be doing in the future he understood that that question was a wakeup call to appreciate the life he had the life he was given by Chidori what it's it's a detailed portrait of jun panori [Laughter] [Music] jume it's like she's telling me to stop moping around okay I'm going to fight to get rid of the dark hour I'm sorry for all the times I snapped at you I still hate to admit it but just know I'll be counting on you and so a character who was kind of just there at the beginning and admittedly kind of annoying to have such a well-rounded character Arc and deep connection to the themes at play really made me appreciate his character that much more and that goes for all the characters in the group how both yukari and mitu lost their fathers and had to find the resolve to continue the work they started how akihiko and Shinji feel regret for their past unable to move forward or forget their mistakes yet they do So to avoid them ever happening again how Ken was obsessed on Revenge over the death of his mother but realized he'd been living his life for the wrong reasons and how aigus learns to embrace her Humanity despite being an Android oh and koromaru is best boy he always knew what he was fighting for which is probably why he had two theurgy when he joined the party the point is the characters being as well written as they are really just make the themes of the game work that much more and it's not just the story and characters of Persona 3 reload that feed into the themes of life and death but actually the Deep dungeon of the entire game that being tardus I always thought it was interesting for how each floor we progress we couldn't go back to the floor we came from when you look at Persona 4 and five dungeons you were always able to go directly back to the floor you came from if you missed something with that said not being able to go back to the floor you came from was a feature also missing in the original version of Persona 3 what I realized was that Tartarus itself is a representation of one of persona 3's many themes and that's moving forward it doesn't matter if you made a mistake no amount of wishing will ever bring you back to before so move forward though that may be a problem gameplay-wise I think the way they used tus as another representation to get them message across is genius Persona 3 reload also speaks on how life is a bunch of series of events and the choices that we make right or wrong is our responsibility responsibility being the key word here no amount of regret will change or undo your choices you learn to live with it and take responsibility as you move forward in life they make this clear very early on in the game where phoh gives you the contract where it sees you accepting the responsibility of choosing this fate of your own fre will of course we do just that and end up defeating all 12 Shadows that we think are the cause of Tartarus and the Dark Hour except unknowingly we were actually bringing the fall Closer by doing that of course that wasn't Our intention but we chose that path and we have to live with the choices we make that responsibility is on us however the leader of shga Takaya is portrayed in quite the opposite instead of trying to look to the future he would rather live in the moment and watch as the world is thrust in the chaos and taken by the Fall him and stga are the opposite of C's and the game makes that very clear at every turn unlike C's they reject the responsibility that life brings because they have lost hope in life when ryi asks us to give in for a life of Happiness without fear of the Fall we refuse because we choose the way we live and when faced with death we choose to face it headon despite the consequences this game pretty much Nails everything it's set out to do it's a remake of a beloved classic that in my opinion was way ahead of its time at least in its story and do I really need to speak about the game play we all pretty much know that Atlas has turn based down at this point and I really have no complaints this franchise is at its current Peak right now when it comes to gameplay and I am all here for it Persona as a whole has never shied away from touching on real world problems that occur in modern society or the problems that we Face ourselves I truly believe that the themes explored in Persona 3 reload are Timeless it's a story that speaks on life and death to appreciate the time you have and the bonds you share with the ones closest to you in life it doesn't have to be grandiose or a big celebration what matters is that you show the ones closest to you how much they mean and enjoy every moment death is something that waits for no one don't look behind at what is done but move forward with your life despite the pain and although death is inevitable living means moving forward in spite of that living means carrying it all with you and moving forward live your life to the [Music] [Music] fullest
Channel: Limitless
Views: 8,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Limitless, persona 3 reload, persona 3 reload analysis, persona 3 reload explained, persona 3 reload review, review, analysis, persona, jrpg, rpg games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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