The persecution of Jeremy Corbyn w/Asa Winstanley | The Chris Hedges Report

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(Singing)  When the socialist Jeremy Corbyn became the leader  of the Labour Party in Britain in 2015 and mounted   a grassroots campaign in 2017 to become the  British Prime Minister, the ruling corporate   elites along with the war industry panicked.  They conspired with the Israel lobby to mount   a vicious campaign of character assassination  against Corbyn and his supporters accusing them   even if they were Jewish of antisemitism. Corbyn  has long been a champion of Palestinian rights.  The media did its part to crucify Corbyn as a  bigot while Labour Party officials ruthlessly   purged the party of Corbyn's supporters. Corbyn  was eventually driven out of the party in 2020   after the snap election loss against Boris  Johnson. The neutralization of Corbyn is an   ominous precedent. The purging of Corbyn and  his supporters effectively emasculated the   left within the Labour Party. This was its  goal. The unholy alliance between Israel,   the war industry, and the Corporatist raised  the question of whether it is possible in   Britain or the United States to  reform the system from within.  Joining me to discuss these issues is  Asa Winstanley, an associate editor and   reporter with a website, Electronic Intifada  and the author of Weaponizing Antisemitism,   how the Israel Lobby brought down Jeremy Corbyn.  Let's begin with who Corbyn was and how he gained   such support within the Labour Party. Because  there's a democratic process within the Labour   Party whereby the members actually have the  capacity to have their voices heard in a way   that is not true in either the Democratic Party  or the Republican Party in the United States.  Yeah, great to be with you, Chris. Yes, that's  right, there were changes to the Labour Party's   rules in 2015. The Labour Party was previously  quite undemocratic, but the rule changes made it   more democratic. It made it easier for anyone  really to vote in parties internal elections.   Wasn't quite as open as the Democratic and  Republican primaries in the US where anyone   can essentially register to vote as a Democrat  or a Republican and then vote in the primaries.  But it made it easier. It meant that not  only were there Labour Party members could   vote in the elections, but also anyone  who was, you just had to pay three pounds   basically to become a registered supporter of  the Labour Party. It just made it a lot easier   and it gave the members a lot more say.  The percentage of the electoral college   as it were within the Labour Party that went  towards members and supporters as opposed to   the MPs who would choose the leader, was  increased. It meant that the left wing   candidate won, which had never happened before. We should be clear that the Labour Party under   Tony Blair transformed itself into a neoliberal  version. Much like Clinton did to the Democratic   Party. Labour, which traditionally had been  a political bulwark for the working class,   no longer was. It was a very different  party from what it was at its inception.  Yeah, it was ostensibly still a socialist party  on paper. But in reality it was the party of   Tony Blair, which meant it was the party  of privatization. It was the party of war.   I first got my political education during  the early '90s after the 911 attacks and   the invasion of Afghanistan being involved in  the anti-war movement. To me at that time and   to so many other people, the Labour Party was  the war party. It was the party that was helping   George W. Bush to invade Afghanistan and Iraq. Jeremy Corbyn becoming the leader of the Labour   Party, was the last possible thing you could  imagine. Because he was in the Labour Party,   he was a Labour MP at that time. But he was on the  back benches. He was basically rebelling against   his party leader. He was voting against the Iraq  war. He was voting against privatization. He was   voting against dismantling of the welfare  state and things like that. He would be   on our demonstrations, he'd be leading our  demonstrations. He'd be doing the speeches   against the Iraq war and crucially, he was part  of the Palestine solidarity movement as well.  The attacks against him began almost immediately.  You write that Corbyn had barely arrived as Labour   leader in September 2015 before a senior serving  general in the British Armed Forces warned The   Sunday Times that there would be a mutiny  of Corbyn were elected Prime Minister. I'm   quoting. "There would be mass resignations at all  levels and you would face the very real prospect   of an event which would effectively be a mutiny,  the general said. Feelings are running very high   within the armed forces." You would see a major  break in convention with some generals directly   and publicly challenging Corbyn. He said the army  just wouldn't stand for it. I think people would   use whatever means possible, fair or foul to  prevent that. That's just unbelievable. Was   that the first real savo against Corbyn? It was one of the early ones, absolutely.   I think that took place before even he  became... Wait, I could see the footnote   now in my book. It was just after he became  leader. It was one of the very early mutiny's.   What makes Corbyn different from even someone like  Bernie Sanders, who he has a lot in common with,   is that he was, and he is very much an  anti-imperialist in a lot of ways. He's very   strong on foreign policy. He was sometimes known  and described as the foreign minister of the left.  He voted against every war including the  war in Libya. He was somebody who was very   critical even of the British security services.  He was involved in trying to campaign against   apartheid South Africa at a time when the British  government was supporting apartheid South Africa.   He was involved in trying to overturn miscarriages  of justice in campaigns like the Birmingham six,   and which involved the collusion of security  services. He was somebody who was in the North   Ireland. He was campaigning for the end of the  British occupation of the North of Ireland and he   brought Jerry Adams to parliament at a time when- We should just for our American viewers,   this is the political wing of the IRA. Right. At a time when the IRA was involved   in a armed struggle against British Armed  Forces. Jeremy Corbyn was trying to negotiate   an end to that armed conflict by bringing the  political wing of the IRA into parliament.   I suppose what you could call the British deep  State had a long account against Jeremy Corbyn.   There's a long record of British Intelligence  Services trying to spy on and infiltrate,   not only left wing groups, but even left wing  MPs including Jeremy Corbyn and his allies.  This was quite a very early and very  open signal by a serving British senior,   serving British general. He wasn't named by  The Sunday Times, but there's no doubt about   the credibility of the source because that's  exactly the sort of source that The Sunday Times   has in military intelligence sources like this  and that they base most of their reporting on.   It was a very clear signal that if he became Prime  Minister, there'd be steps taken against him.  2008, a snap election is expected and two  newspapers report that Corbyn has been quote,   unquote "summoned" for a quote, unquote, "facts  of life talk with the head of MI 15" and a quote,   unquote, "acquaintance meeting with the  head of MI-16." These are domestic and   foreign intelligence agencies. But that  also was a fascinating moment when the   deep state again sent signals that Corbyn  was unacceptable. Can you talk about that?  Yeah. This was at a time when, as you said, it  was a time of great political instability in   the country and it was a period when there  was a snap election expected at any time.   Corbyn was the leader of the opposition. He was  brought in for a meeting with MI-5 and MI-6 and   it was supposed to be a secret meeting. It's  supposed to be a top secret meeting. Corbyn   has talked about this. He later talked about it.  He later talked about how it was very clear and   it was made very clear to him and his staff that  they were not to talk about the meeting at all.  That it was top secret, as you would expect  with the heads of the intelligence services.   Well then they proceeded to leak those  meetings, They leaked them in the way   that you described. That he was summoned for  a quote, unquote "facts of life meeting."   That essentially they're trying to  put their foot down and trying to say,   just in case you did become Prime Minister, you're  going to have to change all your anti-war ways and   you're going to have to go along with what we say. Corbyn then later talked about that and about how   it had been leaked deliberately by them  as a way to undermine him. That they were   putting out this idea that he was not fit for  office. Not fit for high office. That he was   some sort of danger to national security. The  British press went along with this all along.   Matt Kennard, a friend of mine, investigative  journalist for Declassified UK. He put out   a really good article studying this. That he found 34 articles, I believe   he put out his article in, I believe it was  2019, towards the end of 2019, and he looked at   all of the reporting against Corbyn.  He found 34 articles that had been   openly sourced by MI-5 and MI-6. The domestic and  international, effectively Britain's FBI and CIA.   That 34 of these articles had been sourced  openly by MI-5, MI-6, and the military. In   these articles, they're openly stating according  to military sources or according to intelligence   sources, and these articles all portrayed  Corbyn as a threat to quote, unquote, "national   security." That's what they were doing openly.  Very clearly within the national media, sending   out these very clear signals against Corbyn. We  can only imagine what they were doing secretly.  I want to talk about the US because this is from a  leaked audio recording obtained by the Washington   Post. Then CIA director Mike Pompeo in a private  meeting with the Israel lobby, said that the US   government could stage its own intervention  to stop Corbyn from becoming Prime Minister.   This is the quote from Pompeo. "It could be that  Mr. Corbyn manages to run the gauntlet and get   elected." Pompeo said, "It's possible. You should  know we won't wait for him to do those things to   begin to push back. We will do our level best.  It's too risky and too important and too hard   once it's already happened." You even have the US  government making in private, threats that they   will prevent Corbyn from becoming Prime Minister. Yeah. It's pretty crazy. It's so reminiscent   of things like Operation Gladio and the CIA  intervention in the Italian elections after   the Second World War. It's pretty crazy stuff.  Again, this is what they were doing fairly openly.   Yes, this meeting was in private, but it  made its way into the Washington Post.  Let's talk about the weaponization of  antisemitism. Which they used very effectively to   destroy Corbyn and also to purge the party. What  they went after were leftists within the party.   The irony is that people they purged were in many  cases or several cases, actually Jewish. 2018,   three Pro-Israel, British Jewish newspapers  publish identical front page editorials claiming   that a Corbyn led government posed quote, "an  existential threat to Jewish life in this country"   due to the quote, "carbonite contempt for Jews  and Israel." You had clearly the forces, the   intelligent forces, the military, the corporatist  opposed to Corbyn. But the public truncheon that   was used to bring him down was antisemitism.  That's what you do such a good job of chronicling   in your book. Explain how the process worked. It was really devastating. It was a really   effective campaign. You have to hand it to  the Israel lobby. They did it. They did it   quite successfully. The main way they  did it was to target Corby's movement.   His secret of his success was that he was an  insurgent candidate for Prime Minister. That   was his superpower, was that he had hundreds of  thousands of people joining the Labour Party or   rejoining the Labour Party. Probably many people  had previously left during the Tony Blair years.  Who again, as you mentioned, was someone who was  very much of the same sort of tendency as Bill   Clinton. This so-called third way where we're  not conservatives, but we're not socialists   either. We're a third way. A lot of these  grassroots activists have left the party.   In that period, because they were opposed to his  policies of privatization, his policies of war,   but also just because of the lack of democracy  within the party, within the Labour Party. It was   really hollowed out during the Tony Blair years. It was really centralized in many ways.   The Jeremy Corbyn era led to renewed hope that  there could be democratization of the party.   That there would be a new mass movement  bringing hope really to the country.   Bringing hope to working class. Bringing hope  to these popular movements against racism,   against war and so forth. The Labour Party  membership had decreased so much over the years,   and now it's decreasing again. But in the Corbyn  years, it went up to over half a million people.  It became the largest political party in  Western Europe. It was absolutely huge.   It was approaching 600,000 at one point. Then  what happened was, this weapon of antisemitism   became such a useful tool for the right. As  you state, I think it's important to note   that it wasn't only the Israel lobby, it was all  these forces working together. The whole of the   British establishment press, the whole of the  corporate press and the British establishment   in general was united against Corbyn. But the unique weapon, the most powerful weapon   against Corbyn was this weaponized antisemitism  where essentially manufactured and fabricated   forms of, or exaggerated forms of antisemitism  were brought up and misportrayed in this way.   Where first of all, they tried attacking Corbyn  himself. That didn't work so much at first because   Corbyn has this long record of being  an anti-racist. That record includes   acting against antisemitism, against real  antisemitism, which does exist from the right.  That wasn't so effective at first. It later on  became effective. But what then became really   devastating was it was a really useful tool to  divide the movement. These 200,000 people or more   that joined the party just essentially to vote for  Corbyn and to bring in something to change to the   Labour Party, they were picked off one by one. His  most prominent supporters within the party were   attacked as anti-Semites falsely. Ken Livingston,  for example, the former mayor of London,   a Labour left-winger and rebel in his own right. Who had ended up having to run against Labour. He   did so successfully in the Tony Blair era because  like Corbyn, he was very much a gad flight to Tony   Blair. He achieved many things in power as mayor  in London. He brought in all these left-wing   policies. He was somebody who was in the '80s,  was involved in local government in London and   supporting anti-racist causes and a supporter  of the gay community at a time when it was   quite unpopular in the country. When things  that are now considered very mainstream.  Despite his long record, he was attacked as an  antisemite because he was saying there was all   these headlines about how Corbyn Corbyn's movement  was antisemitic. It was essentially all an attack   on his record of solidarity with Palestinians,  which was always misportrayed and smeared   as antisemitism. Which is done all the time by  Israel and it's supporters. As we're filming this,   it's going on against Roger Waters, the founder  of Pink Floyd. They're smearing his show as   if it's antisemitic. Corbyn's supporters were  essentially one by one picked off in this way,   and eventually in the end they got him. Let's talk about the role of Israel. Because   as you point out in the book, you have  these front groups in Britain purporting   to represent British Jews with extremely close  ties to the embassy. Some of those individuals   actually came out of the embassy itself.  Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel,   becomes involved also in the smears against  Corbyn. Let's talk about Israel's role in this.  This is really important because there was actual  involvement of the state of Israel itself. We saw,   for example, when we talk about the Israel  lobby, what do we mean? Well, it's not one   monolithic entity, as you know very well, Chris.  It's a a network, a diffused network of different   organizations which work together. They work in  coordination with each other for the most part.   Occasionally they fall out with each other. You  get 10 things like J Street, which it was supposed   to be a more liberal Zionist organization,  but is ultimately a Israel lobbying group.  Then you get APAC, which is nowadays  very openly sort of Trumpist.   Occasionally they will have falling out and they  will be competing against each other. But by   and large, these organizations work together  and crucially most of them coordinate their   activities with the state of Israel itself. With  the Israeli embassy or with entities within the   Israeli government itself, ministries within  the Israeli government itself. There was one   particular ministry which is now been folded. Supposedly disbanded, but in reality folded   into other Israeli ministries called  the Minister of Strategic Affairs. Which   was essentially another spy agency, really was  what it was. It was a semi covert entity stacked   with former military intelligence and other forms  of Israeli spies. This was the entity which was   really involved in attacking Corbyn. Several of  these Israel lobby groups are in Britain, are   Israel lobby groups that consider  themselves to be liberal Zionist   or even supposedly left-wing Zionists. Several of them are actually within the Labour   Party itself. Most notably, and obviously you've  got Labour Friends. The way that Israel lobby   works in the UK is a little bit different from the  US. There's no exact equivalent of APAC. There are   some groups that want to be the equivalent  of APAC, but they're not as big. But the   main way the lobbying is done is through groups  within the two or three main political parties.  There's a conservative friends of  Israel, which obviously is the ruling   party. There's a Labour Friends, and there's  even liberal Democrat friends of Israel. Liberal   Democrat being the third party, which  is sometimes in coalition government.   These groups are incredibly close to the  Israeli embassy. The Al Jazeera, the Arab,   the Qatari satellite channel did a really  important, and I cover this in a chapter of   the book, and I know you are very familiar  with it as well in your reporting, Chris.  The Al Jazeera's investigative unit did a really  important undercover documentary series in 2017   about this. Their reporters infiltrated  the British Israel lobby, especially   Labour Friends. What they found was, in  public Labour Friends says, "Oh, well,   we're just normal Labour members who we  happen to support the state of Israel,   the apartheid state of Israel." Although  obviously they deny it's an apartheid state.  But in reality, what the undercover journalists  found was that they actually work very,   very closely with the Israeli embassy. The  Labour Friends is essentially a front group.   One of their staff members whose name is  Michael Rubin, who's now the director,   who's then a junior employee of Labour Friends of  Israel, but is now the leader of Labour Friends.   He was caught on camera in that investigation  saying that they speak to the Israeli embassy   quote, unquote "most days." We like to  have Labour Friends as a separate identity   to the Israeli embassy. Because it helps  us to get into places where we wouldn't   necessarily be able to do as Labour Friends  of Israeli embassy was the way he put it.  I only have four minutes left, and I want to talk  about the role of the media. We should also be   clear that Al Jazeera did a similar undercover  operation in the United States on the power of   the Israel lobby in the United States, which  Israel managed to block broadcast. It never   was broadcast on Al Jazeera. A pirated copy was  up on Electronic Intifada. I hope it still is,   because everyone should watch it. It's quite  disturbing. But let's talk about the role of   the media, because they amplified this smear of  antisemitism. Every time they interviewed Corbyn,   you have examples in the book, they just  hammered him and hammered him and hammered   him. Even times not even letting him answer.  But they were a major part in this character   assassination, or they played a major part. That's right. Yeah. I opened the book with a   really quite good example, early example of that  by Channel four News. Now, channel four news   is well known in the UK as the Liberal TV channel,  as the Liberal News program. It doesn't have that   much advertising on it. It's subsidized by the  state in a similar way to the BBC, although it   doesn't quite have the budget of the BBC. But it's  well known as a liberal news program. But they   were really adamantly against Corbyn. They were  really quite vociferous against him. The liberal   media in general was really his worst enemy. The Guardian was awful.  It was. Even their news reporting  was just very, very anti Corbyn.   Never mind the op-eds, the opinion pieces  and so forth. The Guardian was really,   really strongly opposed to him. It just showed  that when it came down to it, they were really   more about their advertisers. What happens?   He's essentially his own supporters are purged  and right down to the lowest levels. Initially,   you're right, the senior leadership supported  him is purged. But local groups are purged from   Labour. Really ruthlessly down to the grassroots.  He's bereft of support within the party,   in essence Labour, by the time he challenges  Boris Johnson. By that time Labour has gutted   or destroyed his own campaign on purpose. Yeah. There was a really blatant form of   internal sabotage to the point where there was  Labour MPs who were really working against their   own campaigns. Some of them did actually lose  their seats. But it was so important to them that   Corbyn not win, not become Prime Minister, that  they'd rather lose their own seats. We saw that.   There were several Labour MPs who actually left  the party and tried to start a new party, which   I forget the name of. It's in the book. It was  such a forgettable project that it was very clear   that it was just a sabotage project to try and  stop Corbyn winning. To the point where there   was money set aside, leaked documents later showed  there was money set aside. Labour Party money to   work against the Corbyn's Labour Party. It was  an internal sabotage. It was very, very extreme.  The same thing happened to George McGovern,  the Democratic Party hierarchy. They again,   had liberalized the rules by which candidates  could get votes or support. The same thing. They   joined forces with the Republican Party to destroy  McGovern. Corbyn, of course, has now been pushed   out of the Labour Party as an independent. When he  stands for reelection, he's still sitting in the   House of Commons. When he stands for reelection,  he actually will be challenged by a Labour Party   candidate. I want to thank the Real News Network  and its production team, Cameron Granadino,   Adam Coley, David Hebden, and Kayla Rivara.  You can find
Channel: The Real News Network
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Keywords: real news, the real news, real news network, realnews, the real news network, therealnews, trnn, corbyn, corbin, labor, labour, palestine, electronic intifada
Id: XBFcS3x0YSs
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Length: 30min 34sec (1834 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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