'Twitter Files' Matt Taibbi says FBI, IRS are targeting him | The Chris Hedges Report

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Chris Hedges:   The journalist Matt Taibbi has been  targeted by the Democratic Party for   exposing extensive government blacklists used  to censor left-wing and right-wing critics.   Given access to the internal traffic of Twitter  by Twitter's new owner, Elon Musk, he documented   cases where the FBI and other government agencies  repeatedly suppressed news and commentary. The   censored content was almost exclusively produced  by those critical of the dominant narrative   advanced by the Democratic Party and the old  establishment wing of the Republican Party which   has joined forces with the Democrats. Threads  that were censored include those from the Yellow   Vest movement, activists from the Occupy movement,  Global Revolution Live. Negative stories about Joe   Biden. Reports on the Ukrainian Energy Company,  Burisma, that paid Hunter Biden about $1 million a   year while his father was vice president. Positive  stories about Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro,   reports about Ukrainian human rights abuses, and  details of the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop. The accounts were flagged and usually disappeared.  The so-called “moderation requests” were sent by   an entity called the Foreign Influence Task Force.  The FITF is an FBI-led inter-agency task force   that includes numerous government agencies,  including Homeland Security, the CIA, the   Pentagon, and the State Department. It flags what  it considers objectionable content for about two   dozen social media companies, including Twitter,  Facebook, Google, Pinterest, and Wikimedia.   In March, Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger were  called to testify before the select subcommittee   on the weaponization of the federal government.  While Taibbi was testifying on March 9, an IRS   agent visited his house in New Jersey. Taibbi  discovered that the IRS opened a case against   him on the day he published a Christmas  Eve Twitter thread, from a letter House   Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan sent to the IRS  commissioner inquiring about Taibbi's case. It was a Saturday, it was Christmas Eve,  Taibbi did not owe taxes, the case was   four years old. All this suggests that the IRS  case was politically motivated and the FBI was   monitoring Taibbi. Taibbi ran into the buzzsaw  of orchestrated character assassination when he   testified. The Democratic members of the committee  rarely let Taibbi speak, they delivered vicious   and insulting diatribes, which were then broadcast  on outlets such as MSNBC and CNN, part of the   effort to further discredit him. The Ranking  Committee Member, Stacey Plaskett, sent Taibbi   a letter accusing him of lying to Congress and  threatened Taibbi with a 5-year prison sentence.   Joining me to discuss this wholesale censorship  and the efforts by the ruling establishment,   especially the Democratic Party, to discredit him  and his work is Matt Taibbi. Matt, let's go back   to December 24, 2022. You're in the Park 55 Hotel  in San Francisco and explain what you're doing. Matt Taibbi: Well, I was putting together the  final touches on a story about ... It was going to   be called, Twitter and Other Government Agencies.  About a week and a half into the Twitter Files   project, we found a series of documents that had  come to Twitter through the Foreign Influence Task   Force, and it was a pile of reports that came  from various government agencies. Sometimes   we could tell which ones they were, sometimes  not. But in essence, most of them were simply   a few paragraphs of text along with a gigantic  Excel spreadsheet of account names. And they   would say things like, we assess that the  following are related to Russia's Internet   Research Agency or are working to further  anti-Ukraine objectives, or whatever. And   we would check and see that sometimes all of the  accounts were gone. Sometimes it was a percentage   of them, but in most cases, there was some  action. And this was an important story that we   put out. I was very nervous about it. It included  information about the CIA, the DNI, the Department   of Homeland Security, and the FBI, and that's  what I was preparing to do on Christmas Eve. Chris Hedges: And we should be clear that before  you made this release on December 24, the FBI   had already denounced your work on  the Twitter Files saying it was,   "The product of conspiracy  theorists," this is quoting them,   "Who fed the public 'misinformation,' whose  sole purpose was discrediting the agency." Matt Taibbi: Right. Yeah. In fact, I  even referenced the FBI's quote at the   beginning of the thread. Sarcastically  I said, of course, my sole purpose isn't   discrediting the FBI; there are other agencies I  want to discredit as well. And the idea of that   was to, among other things, make the public  aware that the FBI had commented on the story   in a way that was intended to intimidate  a little bit, in addition to not answering   the questions that we sent. But yes, they  had already made it known that they were   paying attention to the story, and that  was unnerving, certainly on one level. Chris Hedges: Let's talk about the  Foreign Influence Task Force. You   said you estimate that it has a staff  of about 80. What is it? Who's on it,   to the extent that you know of? When  was it set up? And how does it work? Matt Taibbi: I don't know a whole lot about when  it was set up. Other reporters have done some work   on that. Lee Fong, who is one of the Twitter Files  reporters, had done some work on it. He was where   we got the number 80 for staff for the FITF. As  far as we could determine it was mostly comprised   of FBI, Homeland Security, and the Office of  the Director of National Intelligence. The FITF   became the throughway junction for government  requests for content moderation. And the system   they worked out was, requests that came from the  federal government would come through the FBI,   and anything that came up through  the states would come through DHS. And they had a very specific  means of doing that. They had a   communications platform they called Teleporter. It  was like a one-way door. It was a little bit like   Mission Impossible. There was a way to rig it so  that once content went through there, it wouldn't   last very long. It would delete after a period  of time but we recovered some of the stuff that   was in there. But that's what the FITF does. And  there are two things that are interesting: One,   it claims that it's only monitoring foreign  material, but we found ample evidence of them   looking at the accounts of very small domestic  American account holders. And the other thing is,   these are not personnel that are trying to make  cases, they're monitoring social media. It's   FBI agents who aren't trying to put together  something for trial, they're just watching. Chris Hedges: They're not producing evidence. Matt Taibbi: Right. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. They're  not compiling anything towards any case. Yeah. Chris Hedges: Which is exactly  how, in the McCarthy era,   the FBI worked. They'd show up even  at high schools – Elaine Schreker   has written about this – with a list. There  was no evidence. There was a list of names,   and all of those teachers were gone. And not  only were they gone; they were blacklisted. Matt Taibbi: Well, right. And that's why  one of the major reforms that came out of   the Church Committee was a change in the  whole idea of what the FBI would do. They   had to have some predicate to initiate an  investigation. We don't have that anymore.   They started to make that change right  around 2008 or so. But now it's firmly   entrenched that the FBI is a counterintelligence  operation that has a criminal division to it.   It's in the intelligence-gathering business  as much as it is the case-making business. Chris Hedges: So the FITF has an industry meeting,  explain what that is. And you had told me that,   at first it was monthly, and then it was  weekly as the 2020 election approached. Matt Taibbi: So the moment that was the light  bulb moment for a lot of us on the Twitter   Files story was when we first found emails that  talked about what you referred to, the industry   meeting. And you would see something would be  forwarded to one of the members of Twitter's   Trust and Safety Department, and there would  be an agenda, and it would come from the FITF,   and you would see the agenda for what they call  the industry meeting. And all these people would   be CC'd on the email, it would probably be  two dozen companies or more. And it would   say something like, OGA briefing, (Ukraine). So  that would be at the top. And OGA as you know,   is usually a euphemism for either intelligence,  generally, or the CIA, specifically. We had emails that showed that the CIA attended  a couple of these meetings, that they asked to be   there. So we thought that was pretty damning stuff  because among other things, not only did it show   that all of these companies were in regular  contact with federal enforcement agencies,   but that there was this rather elaborate  anti-competitive situation going on that I   don't think anybody's even thought about that  angle of. The anti-trust component of this,   where you have 20 or 25 tech companies getting  together and making secret agreements on what   content they're going to show the public, that's  very serious. And it was all in one email. So that   was the thing where you could show the public  one picture and it would be powerful in that way. Chris Hedges: Was there any indication  that they were producing content? Matt Taibbi: No. Although we did have some  indication from a couple of sources. And we were   never able to really report this, but we heard  it from enough people that it's worth mentioning,   that there were some indications that the  government had some input into the drafting of   the terms of service of some of these companies.  So we would see that the FBI was assigning lots   of people to monitor different communications for  possible violations of terms of service. And we   even saw Twitter personnel complaining about  that. One of the lawyers was saying, my God,   it's like they're entering search terms looking  for violations of our terms of service. So we know   they were doing that, but there's a big question  as to whether they were also working on the other   end to help devise what those terms were, and the  implications of that are obviously very serious. Chris Hedges: Terms of service. That's what  you're allowed to disseminate and what you can't. Matt Taibbi: Right. So Twitter has policies about  what it can disallow and why they can disallow it.   They have policies about harm, about  expressing hate towards a certain group.   So if the government had any role in  helping draft policies like that for,   not just Twitter but for other  platforms, that would be significant.   We didn't find that smoking gun, but  we certainly heard it from some people. Chris Hedges: Let's talk about the  Select Subcommittee on Weaponization   of the Federal Government. It's run by the  GOP. You were crucified for cooperating by   the establishment – I don't know, I don't  want to call it liberal, whatever it is,   media – Democratic-allied media. Talk about  the committee and what happened there. Matt Taibbi: Well, so this is Jim Jordan,   the congressman from Ohio. He's the House  Judiciary Chair. He has a subcommittee, the   Weaponization of the Federal Government Committee  and he invited Michael Shellenberger and me to   testify about the Twitter Files. And we were very  happy to do it for one very big reason which was   that none of the stories we were doing, no matter  how explosive they were, were getting picked up   by national media. So we thought this was a unique  opportunity to get in front of a big audience that   would hear some of this for the first time. And I  have to say, Jim Jordan I thought was very sincere   in his appreciation for the First Amendment. He's  a throwback to the days when members of Congress   could hate each other about certain issues but  agree about basic things. And he really does   believe in the First Amendment, is my guess.  He worked on a SHIELD law for reporters too. But they brought us in and we testified.  And instead of engaging with the material,   the democratic members, one after the  other, went after us personally and   they didn't let us speak. And this  ended up being a big moment because   audiences didn't get to hear about the Twitter  Files but they saw the way we were being treated,   and it got them so angry that they went and  educated themselves about what the material   was. I thought it was a politically disastrous  move by the Democrats. I didn't understand it. Chris Hedges: Well, let's talk about what  they did. Like Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.   I watched that, she didn't let you  speak at all. You couldn't even get   three words before she cut you off  saying, it's my time. And the smears   and insults were quite remarkable.  Be specific about what they did. Matt Taibbi: So the Ranking Member,  Plaskett, called me a so-called journalist.   Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, her line of questioning  was devoted to the idea that I was a paid scribe   of Elon Musk and that I was making a fortune  doing the Twitter Files story and that that was   my entire motivation. When she asked me about how  much money I was making and I told her truthfully,   that I didn't think I'd actually made that much  on it, she wouldn't let me answer that question. I was told by another member from Texas  that I had to take off my tinfoil hat   and learn to appreciate the FBI's  efforts to keep us all protected.   Daniel Goldman, the member from New York, got mad  at me when I said I couldn't agree or disagree   with Robert Mueller's indictments of purported GRU  members. He's a lawyer, I thought he should know,   but indictments aren't something you can agree  or disagree with. When I said that he got upset,   shut me down, and reclaimed his time again.  But that was the pattern. They were accusing   us of being un-American, financially  motivated, paid operatives of Elon Musk,   and somehow connected to the Russians. And  that was the entire theme of their questioning. Chris Hedges: And then outlets like MSNBC,   Mehdi Hasan, followed up on all  of that. Explain what they did. Matt Taibbi: All they did is they took those clips  and that's how they built their stories about what   happened in that hearing. And we weren't the  only ones they did that to, by the way. The   Weaponization of Federal Government Committee  has had other hearings where they've had people   who were FBI whistleblowers and it's the same  formula every time: These people get accused,   they're taking payoffs from somebody, they  get accused of being in league with Russia,   or in league with insurrectionists, or whatever it  is. And then there's a little sound bite that gets   produced and that ends up being broadcast on MSNBC  or CNN, and that's the entirety of the report. Which, Chris, there was so much frustration on  our part because a lot of what the Twitter Files   were about, they weren't even partisan stories.  That's what's so amazing about it. I thought,   I guess somewhat naively in retrospect,  that at least some of the stuff we put   out would be reported on or would attract some  interest. But it turned out not to be that way,   it turned out to be that we were the enemy for  even bringing this up, which was remarkable. Chris Hedges: I want to talk about censorship.  Because we're talking about blacklists,   we're talking about wholesale censorship, embraced  by government agencies and the Democratic Party,   and the old wing of the GOP that's defected  from Trump: Liz Cheney-types, who have now been   incorporated into the  Democratic Party. But this is   a change for the old ACLU, Anthony  Lewis liberals. It's something new. Matt Taibbi: Yeah, I'm old enough to have been an   intern and worked in the same office  with Nat Hentoff, if you remember – Chris Hedges: Oh, I know Nat. Matt Taibbi: Yeah, yeah. And that was  back in the day when the Village Voice   was the Bible of American liberalism and Nat  Hentoff's views on free speech. He would pick   up the smallest case of somebody trying to  trample on free speech rights and he would   make the biggest deal out of it. And that was  a big thing in American Intellectual Life at   the time. We did not truck anybody  messing with the First Amendment – Chris Hedges: Well, I want to interrupt,  because people like Nat would defend right-wing   free speech, like the famous case with the  neo-Nazis marching through Skokie, Illinois. Matt Taibbi: Right. And to American liberalism  back then, as you know, the rationale behind   that was not hard to understand. If you don't  protect the right of people to march in Skokie,   the next thing that's going to happen is that  every mayor in every small town in Alabama,   Mississippi, and the panhandle of Florida, is  going to prevent the NAACP from marching. This   stuff's not rocket science, it was really simple  reasoning but it's gone out of style. There's   been this massive public relations campaign that  has told a whole generation of young people that   counter-speech and allowing certain people  to talk doesn't work, and de-platforming   does. And people believe it. And this is the  rationale behind this new movement. And they   see Donald Trump as evidence that more stringent  measures are needed, and it's provided the cover   for this incredible revolution and technological  censorship that we found in the Twitter Files. Chris Hedges: I want to talk about Mehdi  Hasan, who I have zero respect for. Matt Taibbi: He's a good interviewer though. Chris Hedges: No, he's a bully. It's the classic  technique, he seized on these incredibly minor   errors. We've all made them, we used to run error  boxes in the New York Times. You've made them,   I've made them, we all make them. But they were  almost irrelevant. You confused a timeline, you   had a misplaced acronym. But then he blows this  up into evidence that you've lied to Congress.   Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez seconds this accusation  and that's when Plaskett sends this letter.   And that's the first step in trying to  destroy. If you look at the pattern and   the attacks on Julian Assange, it's the same.  You discredit their reporting then you begin a   sustained campaign of character assassination.  And once they're isolated the way Julian was,   you can pretty much do whatever you want to  them. And it hasn't gone as far, obviously,   as it has with Julian but I certainly see  that pattern being played out against you. Matt Taibbi: Yeah. So I made a big mistake  with Mehdi. I had beef with MSNBC for years   because I used to be a regular guest on the  channel. I was the last person on MSNBC who   was invited on who expressed any skepticism  at all about the Russia case. And even then   it was quite mild. But after that, I wasn't  invited back on. And I always thought that   MSNBC owed it to its audience to answer critics  about its wrong reporting on the Russia story.   So I thought it would've been hypocritical to  refuse an invitation to come on Mehdi's show. I did come on and I wasn't prepared. I was  overconfident and I thought I had everything   locked up. I thought the worst thing that could  happen to me was that I'd sound a little bit   stupid on air but he found some errors and that  rattled me. But the problem was he misunderstood   what those errors meant. He thought they were  far more significant than they were, in fact. I   confused the Center for American Security and the  Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency,   the latter being a part of the Homeland  Security Agency. And he thought that I was   saying an intelligence agency was involved with  content moderation when it wasn't. In fact, both   CIS and CISA were involved in this one program  and he didn't understand that. So he thought   it was a huge, significant, intentional error.  It was actually a picayune, meaningless error. But then he took the additional step of trying to  get members of Congress interested in prosecuting   me for lying to Congress. And it was at this  point that I tweeted at him and I said, Mehdi,   come on. All jokes aside now, it's time to  get serious. You're trying to put me in jail   for this stuff and you're wrong. And nothing.  And that was a real eye-opener for me. I get   all's fair in love and war, even on Twitter  everything's in bounds. But this is no joke.   And they really mean it. They really want  to press this stuff as far as they can. Chris Hedges: You've raised this, but  it's important, about the National Guard   Technology support staffer  who posted documents online   and then the response of the media,  which like you, I found terrifying. Matt Taibbi: So this is the so-called Pentagon  leaker story, where you have a 21-year-old Air   National Guardsman from Massachusetts, and God  knows how he gets access to this intelligence,   but he does. And he's in a Discord room where  he is playing Minecraft, which is a game I   play with my kids, and they're passing around  some intelligence. And what's incredible about   this is that the Washington Post, The New York  Times, and Bellingcat track down this person and   deliver them to the authorities. And now they're  doing stories based on the stuff he was leaking. Can you ever remember, Chris, journalists working  to turn in sources? It's a total violation of what   journalism is. We're not on the side, we're not  part of the government's investigatory apparatus.   But they see themselves that way. And when they  pair up with these organizations like Bellingcat,   which are government funded, what they  call open-source intelligence agencies,   it's a totally new role for the media.  And they see themselves as doing the   right thing by putting the people  in the crosshairs of the government. Chris Hedges: Is this driven by fear of  Trump? Would you say that's the engine? Matt Taibbi: I would hope so. Because  that's at least a reason. But I worry   sometimes that it's an even baser phenomenon  in that this is groupthink, it's careerism,   and it's a new political movement that is  developing where there's a new sensation within   the media business that I had not clued into for  a long time. But it's this belief that whatever we   were doing before, when the type of approach  we were taking to reporting no longer works,   we can't put stuff out there and hope  that the public makes the right decisions. We have to act and make sure that they do the  right thing with the information, which means   that we have to have lockstep discipline about  what we say. We have to filter out things that   we think the public can't handle and we have to  exaggerate things that we think they need to know.   And this is a new vision for how information  is disseminated. Again, I'd be curious to hear   your thoughts on it. But to me, it reminds me of  something that you would've seen in the Soviet   Union in the late ‘20s or early’30s, or in other  countries that have authoritarian traditions. Chris Hedges: Well, isn't it because  their own credibility has been shredded? Matt Taibbi: Well, yes. Yes. But to me,  that's exactly the wrong way to respond to – Chris Hedges: Well of course, but that's the way  they're responding. They're not trusted. What's   the approval rating for the press? It's probably  in the single digits. Who knows? It's pretty low. Matt Taibbi: Well, they're probably looking up  at Congress right now, right? It’s remarkable,   you would think it's impossible, right? It's  like the Woody Allen joke: they're a notch   below child molesters at this point. But as  you know, the only way to win back trust in   media is to be straight with people and own up to  mistakes and to look people in the eye and say,   we got this wrong. We're going to try  to be square with you the next time. They're not doing that. Instead,  they're locking arms and saying,   we are the only source of information. We  have legitimacy because we're credentialed   and that gives us authority that other people  lack, and we want you to discount any information   you get from any other source. And  they're going with that. You know,   as well as anybody else, that this is a  belief system that's become pervasive. Chris Hedges: Great. Thanks, Matt. I  want to thank The Real News Network   and its production team: Cameron  Granadino, Adam Coley, David Hebden,   and Kayla Rivara. You can find  me at ChrisHedges.SubStack.com.
Channel: The Real News Network
Views: 219,815
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Keywords: real news, the real news, real news network, realnews, the real news network, therealnews, trnn, Taibbi, FBI, Twitter, Elon Musk, Twitter Files, press freedom, Chris hedges
Id: aOVCkLgwOIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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