SURVEIL MAKES MIRACLES AMAZING! | Enhanced Counterbalance | Modern | MTGO

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out hear me out enhanced surveillance two man enchantment you may look at an additional two cards each time you surveil in the Miracles deck we have six surveil lands we have 12 fet lands that's 16 surveil lands we have four consider this is 20 cards in the deck okay so not so so the the one so okay okay okay so look when you have counterbalance and enhanced surveillance in play okay so you it used to be like just surveilling once in response to counterbalance was nice it was like okay we have like a better chance of like more or less blind flipping but it wasn't it wasn't you know that often that you'd really get to set it up uh to surveil uh for counterbalance with enhanced surveillance surveil three at instant speed boy you're you're probably going to counter that spell you have a really good chance to counter that spell um Additionally you get to dig super duper deep for Terminus just with when this is in play and it's it it just like it just is in play and then the whole game like the rest of your deck is so much more powerful like other it's kind of in some ways it is similar to other world the games which is a card a lot of people have wanted me to play which I always trash check that card but it it isn't as crazy to play that card as I I kind of make it out to be I just hate the card cuz it gets suggested so much but this just stays in play and your deck is so much more powerful for the rest of the game uh your considers get to look at three cards um and you just get to dig you get to dig so deep for Terminus when this is in play it's it's kind of ridiculous how deep you get to dig for Terminus like there's been a lot of times where I've like had this surveilled found consider uh then on my opponent I got to consider for three more looks of terminus and also the the thing is they are very good at multiples this was something that I was like it's impossible for it to be better than Omen yeah that's the thing is Omen is is uh I think it mostly takes manen's place I'm still playing one Omen three tfairy 3 J I think you just have so much dig now that you don't need four of each of these but they these are like legitimately great at multiples if you have two you get to surve five if you have three you get to Seven um and also yeah they they do stack they do stack so you get to look at additional two cards when you when you have two in play it's like you just like you get to terminus brother if you if you want if you want to find Terminus yeah get to find Terminus which is just so crazy um and then it also has this other ability where you get to shuffle your graveyard into your library so because you just have four of these in your main deck you're just never you're just never going to deck yourself the in some ways they're also a win condition but you are also just don't have to worry about decking in the late game so with search for this content you get the benefit of this ench as well espe Conta is just not a very playable card but it is a card we all love I know you know I don't know I think it's pretty sick I think it's pretty sick it's been you know I don't have a ton of experience with it so far I did a lot of solitary I played one match hard and solitary looked pretty good but it's also hard to evaluate exactly a control deck be a solitary but I I'm I'm kind of hyped for it I woke up really hyped for it and it makes uh it makes makes your counterbalances a lot better makes your terminuses a lot better uh it works with 20 cards in your back it gets pretty pretty good every Miracle Z says what copy Retreat that's real zero green white surveil land Lush Portico wor s persist I mean that's the thing about goras and persist though is like they are so much better than everything else guess helot combo can't really be anything else yeah got to be the best possible match up by a million years oh Fage is legal let's go dude yeah we'll do it for sure I I'll counter spell helot I guess but not really super scary footsteps is good too yeah but it's just but anything else is so much worse like footsteps is mid it's like possible but all the all the other animation spells are so much worse we play a footsteps over like Push Pull too I mean we've done that before of course they can suck Ranger captain in response to the miracle trigger grab a bista here I might as well cast this Omen now guess they don't know about seconding the ranger captain on Terminus remember that you can reveal Terminus and then in response to in response to the miracle trigger fetch for uh and they do not know that they could have sacked the ranger Captain although you know the Terminus would have still been in the hand they get to put the ranger Captain back in the deck which is not nothing yeah I remember that Deck Tech 2o when they had Beast tracker for Fage and it just it really should have had death touch I I agreed with them but it just didn't and their whole their whole like already pretty Loosey Goosey Deck Tech was shattered or the bottom of solitude there right of the witch ging is a pretty cool card I agree just let them have infinite life cares does anyone have the old copy pasta isz like I'm just going to solit the spike feeder let them have infinite life when the game with sculpter later um but I'm but I I also need them to I need them to gain like a 100 life or something so that I can I need to be able to attack with my solitudes for my own life gain it's kind of a pain I'll treat treat I'm actually just gonna cuz like I might I might gain like a 100 life with solitudes these games this game so I'll just chill P Al and get around it why would I why would I do that why I I literally don't care if they have infinite life I'm not I'm not going to lose two cards in my hand when they have five cards in their hand just because it's kind of annoying that they have infinite life here we just got to chill me re rise of the witch King I had it one of my PT draft decks can also show off the backup deck each player sacrific a creature if you sacrifice a creature this way return another permanent card from gra to Battlefield hell yeah maybe a better way to omniscience I had like a weird deck name because I built it in moxfield I haven't this this is one I haven't tested but I I paid for a deck Tech from Dingo and he's and he said it looked pretty good and he's you know the scam expert he just try to re yeah I can also just win with enhanced surveillance decking them okay so dingo said he liked the idea he would know so I you know side board's a little questionable I think I think blood moon is better than Magus because the Titan players just have like this crazy anti- Maga side we're playing a lot of the time but uh I I I really like genuinely don't think bow Masters is very good at the moment it is good against specifically Merk tide it's like very good in that match up and kind of mid almost everywhere else I've been very impressed by enterprising Sky wag I think this is just a good modern two drop so if we feel like bow Master is not that good Sky wag is pretty good try playing that and if we just have eight incidental Pirates here ragavan and Sky wag is breaches a good three drop whenever a pirate you control attacks choose one that hasn't been chosen make a treasure Target creature can't block Exel top card of your library you may play it this turn yeah not a lot of rings at the moment so uh yeah bow Master really doing kind of a raise the alarm impression so I I I think sky is very good is breach is good enough I don't know should we probably shouldn't be playing for playing four at the moment so this is this is the tentative backup deck today Miracles could take a while though what case did the Crimson be better than Fable um I don't I I think Fable is a little bit better than case of the Crimson I haven't cast case yet um I haven't cast case but um I this someone someone in uh dingo's chat was asking me about this yesterday I was like I just don't feel like this is the deck to test that idea out in that makes sense like I I like maybe maybe maybe you could try that a normal scam and then see if it's better but it's probably just like to play like we I I would need to a different deck to try to like go case firsts Fable first like a deck you maybe like prowess or something that is a bit more normal for that kind of tech like One surveillan Dingo City might play two but I'm going play one right now in this deck yeah fa yeah fable the BL for pro tours I mean I like it's I I do think it's a strong case for the case right that we're even that we're even talking about it um but like that that really is it has to be better than fa and I don't think it's better than Fable could be better than breaches but we want to try breaches in case could fit in a rose persist shell Rose persist can't be an archetype you have to play a third I mean I guess I'm being a little nitpicky because you you can just easily splash the color you you have to Splash a third color for uh white or green cyboard cards um deal with artifact enchantment based graveyard hate um one thing too with case is it would have been a lot better I think back when you got to play eight pitch cards in this deck instead of just four okay opponent has passed back I remember I remember back this this used to be so relevant when oo was legal when ear was legal we just had like a whole copy pasta it's like hey I'll treat it as if you have been for life but still you have to still gain like 200 life you still have to gain like 200 life cuz I'm going to attack you with [Laughter] AA so annoying have a bummer to have revealed the three here oh are they oh yeah they're I mean that card doesn't do anything what's the split card yeah this is Tech dingo gave me again I didn't play test this by dect Tech to scam Master young dingo uh who said the idea was worth trying this is a target player sacrifices arctor creature hit deals damage to that player equal to that permanent Mana value so the idea is if your opponent cast can of Draco you you can make them sacrifice the sign of Draco then it deals them 12 and Canon does seem to be a pretty tough problem for the the scam deck so seems like a fun tool play one one Shield's edict or Trea like they they they did Spike feeder heliad but the thing is like I still like even if they had infinite life I still need to be attacking with my solitudes here right like I'm not I'm not just throwing away my three life every turn well we'll we'll eventually win either through enhanced surveillance just like looping my deck or Jace ultimate are we going to deck faster no I'm going to Mill them with jce the m sculptor I also have four copies of enhanced surveillance in my deck which shuffles my graveyard back in infinite life just almost has no text in this match up I don't know these kids don't know what Jay the vine sculptor ultimate does is probably for the best a card that destroys an artifact and deals damage based Man by this is a hit run a split card from the original Ravnica set very cool Tech top cards a counter spell let this go I think maybe I'll Solitude the oak respond so they don't get their their token here you really really get to feel like a control player in this match up because your opponents just aren't doing things that matter usually puts a spell in the stack he kind of got to counter it but and this ah that doesn't matter ah that doesn't matter like everything they play Oh their main combo card that doesn't matter enh handed surveillance on top I might I might still counter it I did still counter it let's start next turn off probably by bouncing The Omen of the sea shout out to those who said the surveil card was better doesn't he kill me no I have instant speed out available although I guess if they just did on my upkeep I was dead so there's that we're basically also live kind of just just a blank card yeah I'm not going to waste a counterbalance Shuffle on that reest with the raid hope you're doing well thank you welcome back this is legit like how every control player feels I will not counter your two man spell I don't need to it's just like just only this match up where you get to be like this resolves yeah I'll allow it yeah yeah yeah this is yeah when everyone's done at F&M they're like oh what game are y'all in oh game one we're in game one [Laughter] yeah we did a surveil 9 game one and boy were we were we alive then unironically I just don't need to counter this I I'll just I I can just summon a Terminus so easily so yeah let's go in the or let's go right now consider surveil a bunch let's go graveyard guess keep this in the deck this draw the Jace and then we we'll just fetch another surveil land and then surely we're not I mean even but even if they hit we're at 40 wife you know what I mean but we have three Terminus in the deck and we have like looks plus 11 uncountable amount of looks we did we did Miss D guess I'm going to did I miss three in the deck right SP it over for I've attacked with solitudes a bunch few times might say been four out the C's really good the time our opponent out I should remember my top card but I don't but I could just check this is right how you do it with the this archetype surely surely in our next five surveillance by determin what were your thoughts BR second to though and the card is great like we had a lot of good lust with it so a very good magic card that goes in a lot of places shout out to my opponent's uh willpower entire deck enhanc Sur balance lets you shuffle your graveyard into your library so like we just cannot deck ourselves it it would even be difficult to wreck ourselves in a spot like this so I think I think I'm way more likely to to have my opponent concede if I brainstorm with Jace instead of pick up you can even use your logic knot to Exile like all your fetch lands before you Shuffle back into which is was pretty fun too many cards in your deck is bad for your health yeah they have something Solitude I guess oh wait this is their turn already okay this is a 3 three ballista I guess I guess I could uh oh we already get to look for a Terminus counter this is something Rave with a six months thank you welcome back a three on top which counters a lot of their important things plus bottom away with you helium away with you be gone from my sight foul God yeah they should have conceded a long time ago they're just going to time out yeah we have no threes left in the deck so let's not show them what my top Mana value is can probably be a Rosie okay at this point I will respect not attack should asked about this deck yesterday yeah we got several questions about it but you know I just can't guarantee when there will be like a little bit of a breakthrough like this yeah yeah enhanced surveillance is the new since he divining top don't you always brainstorm here with Jay because there's no reason to win CU they're losing time for giving 2 three I I got to stream brother I got to I got to get to Met game two at some point I got a thousand people watching me play this game they want they want to see a game two as quick as possible and I I got I got super league later I might want to get to the backup deck I'm doing it for you but also they have infinite Liv so like I I do actually have to I do actually have to Jae them so there's there's also that he I don't have any threes but just hard to cast Terminus Super League it's now rebranded to mtgo Masters but yeah same thing starts today I'm in pod one I'm Brian brond do in Arya also know as hog POG who's like used to be a streamer now works for wizards and then I can't remember who the I don't know the third person very well but I hope to get to know them tonight yeah that's going to be on the official Magic Online Channel and on anit intg love honog I hung with hog a bunch last weekend always love to always love to see him I got him uh I introduced him to peppermint vodka which now he seems to really enjoy anybody excited to slap my opponent's deck into the trash can yeah I I am I am unironically very excited and very nervous to uh to play with Brian Brian has always been a big U big inspiration to me I was like like I I would like when I was like starting to get into tournament magic I would read every article Brian wrote I remember I remember like one one time he he was he said an article in so like a lot of blue white players would play secure secure the waist in their blue white deck and he's like if you're going to put a five or six Mana spell in your deck it needs to be elth son's Champion not secure to the waist and I was like you're so right Brian that's you're so right that's that's so true well said well said that was that's a good send the Tweet that's a good one with the taries I guess I one t tar is also like best Mana value H every card is so good literally every card is so good Al yeah I mean kind of outdated but I'm just actually not going to bring in the needles and then I I think one time he was like play two elth suns champion in the sideboard of your B alrazy deck and never lose the mirror again I'm like yes Brian I'm going to play I'm going to play two elath yeah three dice instead of two dice is nice cuz uh you're less likely to draw so you go faster the problem is the problem with dice the dice conversation is if it goes if it goes beyond any amount of conversation Beyond like how do you want to determine who goes first if if he goes if he goes beyond like oh I want to do Hy roll or I want to do this or that it just you're like almost immediately just wasting time if you are like like all all all the even odd gamers are like someone goes hey do you want to do highy roll and then goes someone I'd rather even odd just say just say yes chat just say yes I will do highy roll if you're an even OD gamer you are you waste more time explaining to them why even OD is better than just saying yes to highroll Island on top I know that I know that Ian not is faster but holl is also funner bounce the helot here boun the arbor off also okay I have dice I ask for even or odd if they have dice I say yes yeah yeah exactly but [Laughter] no got some work to do guys bring in wear tear this is the last or we have we have one more toir in the main deck actually okay go three okay we found a way to lose the match up I guess which also hits Utopia [Music] spraw not ta tapping out for tar like let's that happen more often three is a lot but they they have they can also ballista I think they have enough targets just to play through did you're not Al the AL because you wanted to keep Solitude more open more um I was think I was just outed in combat but maybe outting it earlier is better cuz they're going to draw it things will never get better if we just give up and let the High Rolls continue see one thing is I'm a high roller despite knowing that even an OD is better High I enjoy High Roll it's it's fun you you both roll a dice and you see who you see who rolls higher I think it's more fun than uh even odds so I I like to do high roll and it takes 5 Seconds more and sometimes s you tie then you get to go again and it's like ooo what's going to happen next yeah even even on with two dice is like chaotic evil I can't do all that math talk about pile shuffling yeah pile shuffling is the biggest waste of time in a match of magic I actually so I've been thinking about this a little bit lately and like the biggest problem with paper magic is that rounds go too long and and tournaments are too long there's too many rounds on some of these days like and like anything we can do to make it shorter I I know I know I'm the I'm the with the exception of evod with the exception of evod anything we could do is uh I think worth trying so like so like one one big thing of course would be the the best thing I think is just when you sit down at your table uh it just there it tells you in the parent ings who's on the play who's on the draw so you get to eliminate all of that Al together um and then another thing is uh sorry what kind of forgot the train of thought oh the pile shuffling yeah and if you make pile shuffling illegal matches go a lot faster because a pile Shuffle some people might not even know this it's not even a legal Shuffle it like you can't just pile shuffle your deck three times and then your your deck is not considered randomized and so it's like like I it's okay to like have to count your deck but like you could do that between rounds not like at the beginning of a round um but yeah if you legalized pile Shuffle like things go faster predetermined play draw things go faster yeah pile Shuffle is when you like spread your deck into five piles which is it's it's like a it's like an okay tool to count your library but it it's not a it's not a sufficient Shuffle pile counting is the better term yeah yes yeah pile counting you're not actually shuffling your deck in fact like a lot of people kind of have this thing about pile shuffling where feel like it's a good way for them to distribute evenly their ratio of lands and spells which is you know it should never be your goal to get like an even distribution you know I don't think I want a Terminus right now could be okay I guess termining right now means I just can't get ballistic comboed yeah it's just cheating I again a lot a lot of new players kind of have this attitude though like oh I need a good ratio of L of spells but you are just you're just cheating if that your goal is to stack your library effectively those feel like my opponent has like collected company stuck in their hand here so as tempted as I am to kill the Utopia sprawl I think we probably need to be making sure that we don't die to choke people will just pile Shuffle pile shuffling is less common but like back especially when I first started everyone would pile Shuffle at the start of the match it takes like nearly a full minute and it just it just is a Time waster because you have to shuffle your deck after anyways and I I I I've played against many opponents who will pile Shuffle multiple times a game or between every single game i' I've been going to like game three with seven minutes on the clock and my opponents start pile shuffling and I'm like I it's just it's kind of you can't really have the whole conversation right there I think I think that also just slows things down too much but should we be short in the round timer as well go to 40 minut rounds well see the problem the problem with that is like the reason the reason why rounds are going so long is because magic is becoming a more complex game uh games are more complicated you have like a lot more flood insurance there's a lot more words on cards cards do more and so because because this is the dynamic cards do more cards are more complicated this this is like matches are going longer and so shortening the round Tim is doesn't feel like a feasible solution I again I just could to care less about infinite life just need to make sure I don't lose the choke yeah I I guess I guess you only you only get one pile per match but it's it's also tough and then it's I don't know then you have to call a judge about it and then your opponent's all awkward the rest of the game oh yeah you can't you can't do chest clock and paper like I I think high level players could obviously pass back priority on a chess clock really fast but there would be like maps all the time when you do the chess clock it'd be a little bit awkward and it it's just like it's just so inaccessible for new players to have a chess clock like it it'll just turn off too many newbies off the game again like you you could do chust clocks with really high level players but your your average magic player can't handle it and then your like new magic player really really really can't just play best one yeah I don't know but I I do I do think getting your play Draw before the match would be would go a long way and the Banning pile Shuffle would go a small way but it help let's make sure we have hard cast counterbalance or Solitude op second counterbalance has some value getting to Blind flip and then surveil of course no coco is good land I can this well surveil three how early do tournaments start nowadays should we start tournament earlier uh I think yeah tournaments are starting later and ending a lot later I think like the ptqs in Chicago this weekend started at um it started like 11: a.m. and I I feel like if we if we could get a 10: a.m. start time that would go a long way I would I would even be happy enough with a um I I I would do a 9:00 a.m. start time but I know not everybody would so do a blind flip top card is flooded strand I'm not going to like I'm not going to waste a surveil just on this I'm even like happy enough to draw a flooded strand because it it it's just another like sensei's top activation I think I think 11 a.m. is too late 9:00 a.m. is is like a little early 10 a.m. feels like the sweet spot but I think the problem is like the Halls like they have time getting them open way because like the events are so much bigger G is nine yeah that's nice every card is blank over there so sad would less rounds help it would help yeah like I mean in in Atlanta last year was like the worst case by a lot Atlanta was like I I know I think I got I think I got to the hall at 9:00 a.m. and left at like 11:00 p.m. or midnight or something in Minneapolis I left at 1:00 a.m. after losing in the finals of a ptq but I I really think it should be the goal to like to get you out in time for dinner because you know for me at least and for a lot of a lot of magic players dinner is just such an important part of the uh the experience had a bad record on the day but I like the Vibes are good with the enhanced surveillances probably will take a hit before doing anything oh this is infinite uh Tois we'll just find a Terminus I guess if we can't then we solitude infinite life too they already have infinite life or they they could have gained it wait we're both yielded whose clock is going down nobody's clock is going down and my opponent choose to just keep me here forever I don't think I've ever seen this where neither players clock goes down you want to Sal to the secury no I want a Terminus I don't care about this okay their clock started to go down it just is lagging the clock is going down Moto's going to restart I want that to happen can you like can you like just chill opponent can you put put a counter on something else oh no my I turned off a the yields it's not turning them off okay but their clock is still going down okay okay okay okay we're good and you have choke in your hand they have attack for lethal they already attacked this turn they ATT they have to attack with the arbor elf to start the loop I think you have 43 seconds on your clock opponent we could maybe move on but okay oh it's my last tril land oh I meant to shuffle it already damn it it's okay I'm just not I'm like I don't I think I'm just F6 like they just have 30 seconds like what are they what are they going to do how could they kill me in this amount of time and this is this so so Blasphemous to say but if entreat the Angels was just like like if if the if it was always Miracle like the miracle cost was just a card it wouldn't be a good card in current in current magic uh it's like it's like just kind of behind rate it's like three Mana four four four eight four Mana for two four fours five Mana for three five fours is just not a good good thing to have in your deck is Cur better than Omen I think the first Omen is better than cure because you like bounce it with tfairy like you get the sack with counterbalance triggers in the stack that can't be true it just it just is I know it feels Blasphemous to say that but it it I just feel like that just is true like I wouldn't pay four Mana for two four four Flyers um I might play five but I definitely wouldn't play three for one four four flyer like I I don't know I I guess kind I kind of don't think but but also this is not the text on the card we may I don't know if I need to say that this is not the text on the card we have a lot of twos ah Terminus on top guess I should [Music] probably not draw that might it be kind of awkward this enhanced surveillances yeah yeah like rhinos is three Mana for 10 power ter and Tre is four Mana for eight it's like what are we doing these are Flyers yeah I don't know again it's a little bit nonsensical because this isn't the text of the card but it it like it's not like it's is also not the text on the card you know what I mean but it's kind it's kind of the point I'm trying to illustrate is you're not like super excited to register this or you're not going to register this that often if this you know were the text on the card which again it isn't I'm actually keeping all these is the hypothetical CR in it's a sorcery I think but at instant would be good I think I'm the one who suggested this yeah but I again I'm not arguing with you guys I still don't think the card would be playable if you think it would be playable you're silly for going back and forth so much you know what I mean hopefully this is not the one [Music] ring the one ring in modern gu one ring when conditioning here no thec justice would also not be playable not going to counter this I think we are going to dig for Terminus we get a lot of looks I wonder if I should cast it now I wonder if I'm better off yeah I don't think I'm better off doing it on their turn for any reason um do I want yeah I'll keep a flooded strand up up yeah I thought about the jce though you can win the game if you deck yourself feels like not necessary I am I am thinking so they're to 12 the the problem with I guess using the ring as my wind con is that they uh they're just going to have too many rings they discard a bad you go and surveil now okay keep another counter spell and we maybe have this weird like plan where I just like counter spell nna counter spell a ring and die they shock so that plan becomes a lot more attractive alth I'll just go ahead and uh get my land in surveil 3 mostly looking for Jace all these got untapped land and cast the Solitude actually that might have been might have been better Happy enough to draww a counter spell here will they fet of turn they do down to eight down to [Music] five I really need to not have like tfairy Plus thing as the minus one from enforc surveillance and worth it so far yeah I would like enhanced surveillance I think the card's pretty sick in the deck maybe they'll ping themselves I guess I I guess I just don't know how they beat me going Solitude halfling and then and unless they have counter magic in their deck I feel like I can just pretty easy Solitude the halfling and then just have two counter spells up unless they have another unless they have like tfairy right here they did have tfairy is bad it's pretty likely that they have like omnath plus ring W to fairy any two of those I have to draw another counter spell yeah now now I don't really think they can win if they don't have counter magic because they they like they need they're going to go like omnath ring to fairy ring ring to fairy ring OB I guess omnath first usually but like without counter magic they just can't beat two counter spells why not aling because in the game three and then they could uh they they' be at I guess they' be at I guess they would still be dead like main de spell Pierce which isn't like unheard of they also get like solitud their own stuff sometimes I guess like if they tap the ring they double Solitude doesn't get them out of it though funny game yeah so now now they would need three solitudes plus to fairy have 12 cards in their hand last card another counter spell so funny yeah if they have two solitudes they can Exile the reflection and they can Exile well I guess they can copy their Solitude to gain six yeah okay maybe oh and they get to attack dang GG probably I guess we can also deck them only two Terminus left it's thly uh I think I'm going open of the sea probably over uh kir this turn I have no taries left in the deck to bounce The Omen res supp to like own response to itself I don't think so I really want to find jce and I couldn't have cast Jace if I did that to and treat the Angels would be great this game next up my enhanced surveillance I guess I probably should have surveilled response or sacked it don't know yeah I should oops not really a game I could afford to throw away a little bit of value like that no no no no no no come on sorry I just I just didn't think they'd be doing that okay the sweet F6 value I guess yeah if I had sack the surveillance I feel like obviously they have eight cards in their hand we're probably not winning let let's go to game try to get mtgo Masters on time bring in two needles let's bring in the subtleties uh I also I also want some number of Vos some number of wear tear so lots of stuff looking good I think we're going to cut all the OU despite delighted halfling being kind of an issue we have you know these to answer half Lings they maybe even cut the half Lings against the Terminus deck although probably not because of the yeah let's play two wear tear two needle for [Music] sure do Terminus maybe maybe we just don't want to play any terminuses we could do something like guess one Terminus two L three two not sure the salties aren't all that good two terminat uh it's like the MTG Masters is the new rebranded Super League um 16 players go in four pods a week every Wednesday uh starting in like three hours 15 minutes be on the official magic online page and uh anzit in yeah four minutes modern four minuts modern any more questions would be great because I I'm not great at doing these like plugs or whatever so all the normal stuff a good content creator would just rattle off I need help yeah they they've been they've been they honestly I feel like they're they're really I don't like how they're tweeting like one person a day who's in the inti Geo Masters I feel like they just need to post everybody at once people are not as online as uh as uh the content creators are you know what I mean okay come on land nice let's hold up the counter spell this turn yeah so the way the way it works is that uh at any given there's four people in each pod whoever's playing is playing and whoever is not playing is commentating it's me BBD arus hog poog and then I'm not sure the name of uh member number four they really should I I should probably have given them this feedback but I think they should really just tweet out all the names at once do I bounce this halfling ever they could really need this fourth Mana they also can't go omna fetch land I'm going to I'm just going to did you know the other names uh I don't know I know the names should use a funny word plus thir to fairy minus to fairy they've all been okay cool I wasn't sure that they had been I didn't see it at least Eduardo said g can you play yeah I'm not familiar with Eduardo but I'm excited to come friends yeah first events today I'm in the first pod also start it's in like three hours i' be in checking in like two hours 10 minutes I guess keep a four on top here despite their ability to halfling I think they may they may still send halfling at Jace with ar like you've never met who he is uh both I'm sure Ed is great just can't know everybody you know what I mean you can't know don't you know like I really really need to find Solitude so I'm going to not get my fetchland value I'm going to shuffle those cards away and then try to find it fail to find it but we do find a fun [Music] raveler something I'm going to name the one the one ring I'm going to save the second needle probably I usually want to name renen six but they may like get rid of this needle want name ring again I don't think I want to name reflection yeah tar stops Miracle turn T is really really good against us which is definitely a big problem with playing Al over pending Al is really good against like cion and yoth and they discard a ring here they thought they thought for a second about which planes Walker to attack it's kind of funny then me reflection would do anything I would stop them from activating reflection but I didn't I agree it wasn't correct to name I did not name it have a two on top which can counter Ren and six we can Shuffle and get a surve land obviously do the do the thing don't have a lot of Threes left in the deck but I think we're supposed to do some digging right Cann not Miracle Terminus here could hard cast it let's not I'm proba going to minus Jace on the uh the token and then hardcast Solitude on the reflection this next turn I could he in hand but I think it's just better to keep those surveil up with the counterbalance and play do I want to needle red and six now okay R would be kind of annoying pinging my tfairy that bad I don't think it's that bad I think it's just the better line discard a fluster storm and just a fluster storm shocks and defens on enhanced surveillance last surveillance too on to crazy how many times you brainstorm more cards I think I brainstormed twice I'm I'm pretty confident I've only brainstormed twice they bounce Needle on the ring but they can't play the ring turns I think we just want the card I think I got to minus the T [Music] here Bas for they just hard cting Solitude again it's not so bad yeah multiple copies of enhanced surveillance do stack it's pretty nice have Solitude four mystery cards come [Music] on like I guess I upkeep shuffle all right I will respond Shuffle Perman on to so when do I termin this I Terminus this turn I know that they have a Solitude I can't Miracle the Terminus seems okay go shuffle for second counterbalance trigger I did I did Shuffle Oh you mean on after the first time I guess so yeah I guess that better you can't play Dragon ranges Channeler in your uh terminus deack tread skull coun of spell on top the Solitude myy here alth now I could blind flip Solitude that would go a long way another counterbalance feeling in bad shape Not Dead so they have one Sol in Terminus the neck of the moment I feel like I should have like three terminuses in post board maybe we'll see if it gets that far I'm surprised they have this s against me it literally just stop Sal I guess it doubles their own stuff up two turn clock not a lot of outs got a brainstorm never winning this game with a minus oh they just have counter Magic can't even blind flip the the doen suito we be doing a split of a and Prismatic ending Mony monkey thought some printing vet explore into modern for the new cycle of free spells you're crazy and [Music] greedy so one thing is it wouldn't go good with the whole cycle of free spells but you you really want to play games where you go veter to explore Castle the cultivate you have five Mana turn two I don't know I guess you just also get two Basics but seems Seems like a a bad play pattern to me yeah I guess I should have known I was asking though of course everyone's going to say [ __ ] Yeah I want I want to play those games you play more Basics I don't know it does it sounds I'm I'm very scared of this new cultivate card I like not like we'll see what the rest of the cycle looks like but if they're all proactive like this card we we are in for we maybe are in for trouble and uh I I I think I I'm like way more scared of proactive zero Mana spells than reactive one Solitude was our tough card here let's just Omen on their turn I think way line good for them kind of weird I think I want to keep both and then go enhance surveillance surveill land consider go got guess I guess I don't quite get enough look let's bottom the Delta draw the consider reveal an island then this I guess just resolves just feel like this match up is just so often you know do you find Terminus early or do you not and when you don't yeah really don't we have a three looks of the Terminus here so I'm just going to YOLO this I guess I could also find any white card in solitude or four looks right cuz we get to graveyard graveyard graveyard Terminus not even a white C none in the top 20 think this was sub we're playing last time let's run it back I'm I'm very excited for priest of Titania for sure number one what if some of them cost more than three sacrificing two creatures yeah maybe maybe the black one sacrificing two see the red one will just be like Reckless impulse or something yeah I haven't really done much thinking about like what what they could be if the red one was a ritual it would be so scary but really sick like two Mana PIR two Mana plus three Mana or zero Mana sacer creature red creature no shot they print I don't know I I didn't I I didn't even think they're going to print free spells in mh3 at all I was like I remember really feeling like it would be a mistake to do so and you know we'll see like I don't know I don't necessarily feel like it's going to be a big disaster the cards we've seen so far but let's take the hit here if we see Terminus on top we really will not have wanted to use our Solitude we may also want to ja the Terminus to the top and Miracle this instead of pitching yeah I like the Frog I think the frog is really sick to card is thundering fall they also do s Su otherwise they'd be too good with pitch Elementals yeah so now because I I I really just want to Jace against the ragavan try to put a one on top potentially or just like have this in play and they can't chase it with's Solitude would free divination bad gush be too good if it's bad gush there there not that many good blue creatures to sacrifice that I can think of off the top of my head at least think we Miracle this obviously could have brainstormed it to the top too or one underneath the top we get really tricky with the ragavan think just miracle finally had a free counterbalance I'm going slam the Jace I think there's a good chance it gets countered doesn't obviously wear sitting really pretty we're pretty likely to find a two we're pretty likely to find it too basic Island come on brother do better than that so pretty head the blue one is exhaustion interesting yeah it could be that they're like a cycle of like existing spells like cultivat is obviously you know cultivate sacker creature I guess I'll take a look at my top card is cuz if it's Terminus I won't cast Solitude and if it if it is uh not Terminus I I'll has Solitude R will be faithless suting probably awful BL one could be brainstorm what would like would it be two or three Mana to cast normally I don't know I think brst would probably be a way scolding want to trade Solitude for Nado probably not but if I see a Jason I'll keep a Jason top so I might as well do do this uh hard to imagine two counter spells are not very good here especially because keeping a two on top is a pretty relevant number will be a magic on Amsterdam uh I I previously said I wasn't going to be at the moment I in tentatively going to try to come and um no promises I I I think I'll only be able to go if I like either get very lucky at RC Dall and qualify or um or if uh I get I can convince someone at Wizards to like let me do a panel in exchange for like a flight or something you're a literally Del of Secrets if they if you make that work you should have the fight first class I mean I I take regular coach whatever I'm not a fancy man when I do my control player imitation not a lot of Threes to counter but I think I'm okay keeping the W to kill the L line that's true I've been playing a lot of blue white lately remember where used to count as a one two and three now it's just a three I'm just going to trade key here for Ragan player of will counter Target spell counter way Excell I I think if the blue one's a counter spell it's going to be a big m we just like have already we already have three pitch blue I don't know we we have so many different like Zer Mena counter spells pack of negation force of negation subtlety force of will obviously that card is not modern legal but we have common deer like let's let's let's get something else going to wait on the the we tier here because my opponent could play like a kabu want to start casting my lightning helixes though of course when Solitude attacks as isn't block you may remove her from combat conjure have Lightning Helix to your hand and cast to targeting your opponent without paying its Mana cost I'll keep all of these the considers will go pretty crazy of course I clicked no oh no we're throwing it so hard not to misclick okay game is still could be hard to lose they reprieve so if they target my enhanced surveillance oh they just targetting counterbalance when I have another counterbalance On The Stack so funny how much does the fury ban matter right now I see rhinos five color Zoo occasional Merk tide is Fury that good against those decks it's not me saying unbanning Fury well I mean one big thing is like scam is scam is just not the de facto best deck anymore uh despite people meing about it still existing it's like number six or number seven which is you know that was the purpose of the fury band was to just not have scam be the top deck anymore which I think is good I I think Fury or sorry I think scam is a pretty miserable deck to be top deck of the format and it had been that way for a long time and I I'm I'm glad that it's different now um I think a grief ban would have been better than a fury ban and I think a lot of people feel that way my my top card is a consider so I I I want to draw that I'm going to wait on on this I could also hard cast Terminus if I find it so I don't need to worry about uh doing this on their turn might as well keep this then can't bounce the Scion have to bounce the lay line well then we can like use you said it said no way real Cana yet a free surveil 3 every turn seems nuts to this kind of show and then you can eventually I I I I will say I think it's very funny when you know we talk about card evaluations like this and then and then people who like the card kind of just read the card to me you know what I mean like I I I know what search for k does I've played a lot of search for contas um what's the drywall guy's name oh sorry I texted him he he he said he's G to come he said he said that he told me Thursday we both know that's not true but okay H that's what I called them um but yeah I don't know it's like the like having another two Mana enchantment it's like you it's like too many setup turns it search for cont will be the lowest power level card in your deck I or like you know I I sure do know that we are registering enhanced surveillance today but it's just the worst card in your deck and I I understand that it has Synergy with this card I understand that but uh it doesn't make me think it's a playable card still just too many too men I do nothing so you got to start doing something at some point yeah you can play Castle vantress or dickite I the thing is Castle vress it's like I always find myself wanting to play it in the show I guess I consider first just to dig the deepest I always find myself wanting to play castle vantress in the shell and then it's just like there's not there's just not a card I would cut it for like I wouldn't cut a surveil land I guess you could cut a basic Island cuz now we're up a fetchable yeah you could maybe kind a basic Island I think I'd rather logic not first so when I shuffle I just have more use in the deck we're an instant speed hardcast Terminus I guess I can't also cter anything got our lay line binding we only have one left oh sorry I missed kind of my Mana logic's in the main I think logic Knot's very good especially in this build where you get to eventually cast it Exel all your fetch lands and then when you eventually enhance surveillance yourself you're only shuffling gas back into the deck but also you know you're of course free to disagree with me on like search risc I I deemed it not good enough you can disagree and put it into your list and then 5 and prove me wrong right let's keep B to five yeah logic is very underrated it's just awesome pretty underplayed three cards in my opponent's hand just Sky breach version of enhance yeah maybe we should be playing white splash I wasn't sure if that was something you wanted to but yeah I think I think tentatively the decks for tomorrow are pirates and can't say Pirates the straight face but Pirates and um and uh breach combo with enhanced surveillance think black actually should be looking at dismember over push because of all the Scions maybe you go play you know uh Shield's edict which kills a s even if they have a line in play if they don't have another creature reaches theme day yeah we don't have too many more tribal Flames think I'm going to keep coddle two mystery cards guess if they hand is like the COD two jop here we kind of kind of cooked OB have this they also don't have full domain here their hand is a CLE two drop maybe de the top deck tribal Flames oh never mind bailed out the same league I think think I'm just going to go Island planes surveillance wait in is a pirate no shot really I should have play plans on turn one though you been night okay how useful is the extra Mana from Sky wag I'm not sure R Jace dude bug 's usually a bit better when you can Miracle Terminus off of it I'm going to going to try to cast a tfairy here and have it probably get countered of course when will I return to flump I do kind of like flump combo I mean there like there really aren't a lot of solitudes in modern at the moment or up against p G I just [Music] noticed just chatting just chattings a myy my conversation has convinced P to not attack with Ragan so now I get to go bottom meticulous archive draw Al draw counterbalance return lead on counterbalance play scaling turn as Target Ragan as the turn ra make some sense here to find a consider house I guess 88 huh another spell Pierce could definitely be in their hands so I think I'm going to not sack Omen right now second of turn or I guess response to spell sub card scalding turn at the moment graveyards expressive iteration delirium online game two St wish thank you for the raid hope you're doing well today kind of pre-b boarded in this match up usually that's how I feel I don't know if Pi's on like Leger shreders at the moment but if he is I want like a scolding just run it back your de top ter I'm I'm dead on board my my opponent is going to attack for Le right there no veto's just not good a good card against them there's like not really any card I'm like excited to cut here I counts 11 but yeah they had they they had they had 88 Merk tide 33 chanler 22 ragavan 13 damage they got they got deled when they cast on holy heat cut Omen and Logic for two Stern thing is I think manen's really good against them to be honest like it's just so nice to just bounce it to fairy ever played end of turn it's like a card I really like to have the first copy Golding is okay though like fine we also have a lot of removal already but removal is also good against them um like I like if I see Shredder I'll bring in some scoldings although scoldings wor on the draw to be to be fair think I'm actually going to be slamming counterbalance here and then solitud in the ragavan probably getting this in play so nice against them just eventually get your value it's a very on top Ling spell Pierce might have been the right play there because you know I have to fery I think counter Bound car I think join stream we countered at least one spell last game with it right thank you for joining the stream this game let's just see if our top card is a one here there another scalding turn I do have shredders play this out so we can you know let one trigger resolve then consider after the other one three cards in our opponent's hand up the time to slam the Jace probably could be the time to put her into our hand probably not would be able to cast a counter spell if they consider probably so counterbalance top card is Terminus yeah I guess I'll just let that be there and then try to terminus and to turn off the consider another consider on top definely ties game one so sideboard card maybe not a scary sideboard card to see actually wait wait why do they grave breach is like breach not like their best card they could have this matchup I don't know hold this also sure breach maybe yeah give your a spell Pierce one on top one on bottom I think you're right about the uh the breach gives me too much credit huh oh he should have just bobbled me well he did he saw I have Solitude on top why not cast the breach so must be iteration not breach then I'm going to go for the Solitude on there turn I think there like no shot you just like slam breach all five right holding up subtlety maybe good read up cards a Terminus get to bottom this probably just slam the Jace this turn this just going to get countered or spell pierced time nice still have like a little bit of ragavan insurance here and then we just have a lot of cards that make like kahira nice uh or like jce like a better card to play enhan surveillance is the top card in my library though so I would have been able to resolve Jace through a counter spell I get to stop if if there's like I get to stop the two drop if if be be it iteration or breach that's in their hand so I guess their other card has to be exactly counter spell I have to not have a two on top I have a lot of twos in my deck too Delta is not a two man of spell though oh maybe Pi was bluffing also it's definitely in like Pi's range to Bluff that he has uh has something there make like make me think he has like iteration or breach and then doesn't cast it but it seemed like it was iteration and then wanted to hold up the subtlety okay um TR to finish strong we're learning huh Bas get countered yeah but they they're going to be up like four cards I guess I could have played it out but see we also knew we're drawing a land they're going be able to play like two threats it seems okay to there we we were supposed to shuffle and then see like do we just flip it to what are they doing how is Jay performing red expectations we've been playing a lot of Miracles lately Jace is the best four drop and best win con if you have four counterbalance and four permanence of your deck and is like just not very good otherwise we're probably going to be plus the Jace next turn we also know my opponent's missing land drop so oh they they they they they g r at the Explorer but try to put a nonland on top probably out of Bolt range I mean they missed land drop so you can keep that on top yeah I just kind of feel like they're going to play a land wish for a land now we start brainstorming three serans left [Music] wait what is this stack not stacking abilities automatically hard to notice that I'm going to consider before I activate Jace consider is a hell of a card in the deack obviously I really want to find a counter spell three is a really relevant number to leave on top though let's just let's just pick up this counterbalance if they have a ring they can resolve it this turn if I don't ra on to another Jace very I guess also I don't know okay okay I'm goingon to keep both actually well I I only have one more surveil L I get to Sur five next turn and then I Al then I get to like Exel my graveyard and then dig for good stuff I think it's probably okay one thing about red green Val 2 is they they don't really have a way to reset the ring outside of other rings and it's not a great WIC con but it's a little bit more of a wicon here than it is in other places I think yeah alting graser as like a lantern control thing could have been could have been okay also if I sack if I sack a surveillance I can get uh one more surveillance to the deck any my budget decks on CP okay for FM um probably I don't think there's a lot that's like actively something I would not recommend for F&M yeah just just like most things in life kind of depends right yeah the yeah the ones that are still legal at least okay so let's Exile mostly just cards that we don't want in Our Deck after we Shuffle the back in and then I don't like my top card which is another enhanced surveillance so I'm just going to shuffle now come on J you got to do a little bit better than that like such a good job like like sculpting the deck there too we did get a surveil land back in the deck at least nine cards in their hand nice know they have car game one cuz we can name bringing both needles pretty comfy to H the pre deprive the prieve de Prive good old days has a spell opponent I know you got nine of them but can't be that tough oh thanks for pinning that Mar yeah link to mtgo Masters this afternoon can watch it on twitch. the official Magic Online twitch official magic online or anzit MTG I'm playing with Brian Eduardo Arya the next week is Brad Nelson Luna love nikachu sephron Olive sweet pod then Carmen Corbin Cory Reid also an incredible pod Cedric Emma Jake Jarvis also wow super super stacked lineup trust me well graveyard graveyard graveyard yeah I'm on today not revealing what I'm playing yet okay goodbye dryad kind of glad I decided to not play this deck I almost did yeah the for the format is modern yeah they have both valet online now or one more bounc in I I think I'm pretty happy with my deck choice but you have to tune in to see what it is I'm also like probably like to fairy bounce token attack for three let them take three like I need I need this ring to be my wi con these draws have been so laughable just could have find another counter spell only I guess I guess we shuffled in so I'm not sure exactly how many we found but just needed one more for the longest time we'll see really cool to see Pro Tour Champion Jake Beardsley twitch streamer Jake beardly here love Jarvis love Emma I met Emma for the first time in person this last weekend after being internet friends for years good to see Cedric in the mix two stacked lineup for sure my friend nikachu well who do thinking a upot hard to imagine I'm not dying this turn I have two mic octaves no I don't no there's weird audio issues come on Jace the Mind Sculptor I wanted to see let's just go to the next game needle in Needle in oust oust oust out out out no Terminus Terminus does kind of Titan but then maybe not even on Titan playing K playing drad play like one scolding one subtlety kind of Grazer sometimes one rard doesn't really do a lot want any ALS I think don't think I want any terminuses either no emotional support termin yeah subtlety as War fours is pretty relevant I I think that's one thing I I really haven't liked about this version is we just kind of have too many twos and like I've been missing like the fourth tfairy as like extra threes and stuff we're playing Al inste of pending s of Draco mostly but also yog mooth to a lesser extent merti also G this still a lot we go back to pending eating a borly grazed Force negation is not good in your modern deck unless you are like trying to combo at instant speed with very few exceptions it just doesn't line up while against the format as a whole that used to not be the case but like like like there's just there's just almost no decks where it you're really happy to have your main deck Force negations it's it's like not even good against the cast casade decks which is kind of funny to say but like when you're forcing a charlot agent like they're left with a 2 two and you just like you just like lose the fight so hard if they are also on their force of negations think I want to counter spill this if I draw a land I'm probably going to go counterbalance um with logic not up well I can also go Jason subtlety up now I kind of have to subtlty this yeah for is pretty good again with the commercial District it's it's like actually like the best two Mana ramp spell after being yeah not that good for a while they kept Riden six on top it's just like imagine if fary just had was it just said its normal text then also said surve one be nice upgrade you didn't beat it pretty bad today today has gone a lot worse than I expected to after having like several good Miracle streams in a row and it's been weird cuz like I haven't felt like the enhan surveillances are bad but maybe it's also one of these like it's just kind of hard to evaluate the lack of lack of card from it you know what I mean it's slow too I am still excited to play enhanced surveillance in breach combo like enhanced surveillance is not like as good in that deck as it is in this one cuz you're not digging for super specific things but uh being able to dig for I should kep next um you're not able to dig for super specific things but being able to dig for um your combo pieces and also fill up your graveyard and also be a combo piece with dragon rang's Channeler I think is I think is exciting ill looking man thank you for the 16 months hope you look better later get subtlety down maybe clock them play against BRD combo with surveillance in historic a number of times yeah mod is definitely different but think there some stuff to like about um let's go Island and surveillance on top into counterbalance leave two on top here yeah I think it's I think it's interesting uh as far as like the best wi condition is also something I'm kind of stuck on cuz if you if you play your thoughtbound fantasms you can get those to basically 20 power pretty easily so like is it is it better to play a copy of thud as your wi con or is it better to play an oracle they're they're both like two Mana win the game one way or another so it's I feel like it's probably better to play than Oracle but I'm not I'm not 100% sure on that and I'm I I also feel like there's maybe something better but I I spent some time last night trying to figure it out and was unable to figure out something better thought loses to ring yeah I thought L to ring it's it's like it's just less Mana if like like one thing is I don't think I want to play MOX Amber I don't think I want to play ragaman is thud better than Callis Cel sword um can you breach Callis Cel sword from the yard did they bomb the d uh sorry I thought they I didn't really think about it for some reason they did keep it on top yeah I guess we should have kept Golding yeah cell sword they could respond removal but it probably shouldn't be that I think I think you just play an oracle let me let me pull up what I have at the moment yeah right now I'm on I don't know if you want to play four but what's what kind of what I kind of like about playing four is you're you're pretty you're relatively happy to just cast it on turn two I guess we're just super dead to you're just kind of happy to cast on turn two then it digs for your combo but I may want to do like 3 three uh I may Ledger Shredder may be better than thoughtbound fantasm but fantasm does feel kind of nice with all the surve synergies and it's kind of like I think a better backup windc con than Shredder because it just does solo your opponents not sure about three spell Pierce go down one uh no you only get one trigger on THB fantasm I think yeah I don't think I'm supposed to upkeep get rid of the planes cuz then we we get to like use consider just get so much better once this is in play but I I'm pretty excited for this I I I'll I'll try to get some play test some like reps in with this tonight maybe make some changes 3 331 is probably good numbers also play Four breach potentially cuz it's like maybe you're just like way better at filling up your yard they played vate for turn so I mean maybe we can counter the far seeks but winning this game feels like a losing battle so flooded too obviously nice to be able to bend those two lands graveyard graveyard graveyard just like we have so much dig and our ability to like find counter magic has been tough go graveyard top top like we really want to be able to counter this with the Fetch and then use this to be able to counter the second thing might even want to go down to just two bolts also for Heats just not liking bolt very much lately might want to go up to 19th land so lot of question marks here if it was 19th L maybe I'll just main deck the breeding pool I'm not sure I'm kind of likeing the breeding pool of the cyboard with like the lowland count once I get up to like 20 21 lands I like the main deck it and I like to can see this match got pretty whooped today surveillance was really cool glad they get to show off the idea a little bit maybe we can do some more cooking uh I'm going to stop this part of the stream here now but in like a little less than two hours I'll be live over here anit ing Magic Online official to play um the first week of mtgo Masters there's a pinned pinned link here you can find some information about it here I'm playing with uh Arya Brian and Eduardo today it's going to be pretty sick Athena will be cheering me on um anything else just you know all those channels tune in should be a fun week if I if I'm not playing I'll be commentating should be a good time we have J on top I [Music] [Applause] [Music] do uh
Channel: Aspiringspike
Views: 15,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modern, mtg, channel, andrea, magic, mtgo, gathering, mengucci, fireball, control, archmage, charm, deck, dominaria, midrange, phyrexia, machine, undoing, trophy, united
Id: XwRBjek14JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 21sec (7221 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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