Upgrading Your Thanksgiving Leftovers (4 Ways)

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ah thanksgiving leftovers something that uh i think usually people miss the mark on and today we're gonna hit that mark okay so today we're talking about thanksgiving leftovers i know there's a bunch of thanksgiving recipes out there for leftovers but nine times out of ten it's like a sandwich with mashed potatoes and cranberries enough is enough we don't always have to just do that there are other options it just requires a little bit of technique a little bit of creativity and the urge to not waste ingredients which hopefully you're in that boat so with all that said let's take a little adventure and make these shall we all right so naturally when you're dealing with thanksgiving leftovers you'll probably land on breakfast first i've got a really easy one savory stuffing waffles so obviously you'll need some leftover stuffing three cups or 470 grams to be exact now just crush that up with your hands crack and beat together two whole large eggs until evenly mixed separately obviously then grate one cup or 85 grams of some nice parmigiano-reggiano into your stuffing add your eggs oh and don't forget to season with salt anyway mix until thoroughly incorporated from there all you have to do is heat up a waffle iron spray that guy with cooking oil and look if it's really big then this is only going to make one giant waffle for the record add your stuffing mix to your preheated waffle iron close it and let it cook checking intermittently until you get a beautifully crisp and golden brown waffle i mean look at that that's it i mean that's pretty much it all you gotta do is plate it up top it with a nice hot fried egg drizzle that with some leftover gravy don't go skimpy here put a lot then hit it with some fresh cracked black pepper and enjoy in its beautiful simplicity i just realized that we forgot to do a yolk uh runny yolk part so that's okay we'll just do it right here okay there are you happy of all you people who fetishize egg yolks you nasty nasty people you're literally just pressing it into a waffle iron gravy on top it makes a whole lot of sense to me i swallowed an air bubble oh oh god okay i'm better vikram just has to like watch me break down people always have a ton of leftover stuffing because it's just not the main event and if you have any leftovers whatsoever this is the way you should handle it all right next let's talk leftover turkey more specifically tom kagai or tom katurki i guess snack yourself a nice medium-sized sauce pot add two cups of turkey stock or chicken stock get one to two stalks of lemongrass bruise that guy up and rough chop it into evenly sized pieces rough chop six thai chilies slice a three inch knob of galangal if you can get it you can also sub ginger because i'm assuming a lot of you might not be able to find that and last you'll need five kefir lime leaves which unfortunately i lost the ones that i had in the freezer so you can totally sub like three or four regular lime peel from an actual lime not the same but it'll add a fragrant element that's reminiscent of kefir and last two shallots rough chopped as well add all that to your broth bring that up over medium high heat just until it comes to a boil and then immediately reduce to low and gentle simmer for about 12 minutes then straighten out all of the solids add your fragrant broth back to the pan bring it back up to heat and add six dried shiitake mushrooms and one pack of straw or hot chimeji type mushrooms let that simmer stirring occasionally until the shiitake are rehydrated and the hanshimeji are cooked through you can also use button mushrooms from there just mix in one can of full fat coconut milk and season it with 1 tablespoon or 15 grams of palm sugar or light brown sugar 3 tablespoons or 45 milliliters of fish sauce and 3 tablespoons or 45 milliliters of fresh lime juice mix all that together until thoroughly combined finally shred or chop up half a pound of leftover turkey meat that could be breast or thigh whatever you like add it to your hot soup and let it sit for about five minutes or until everything is nice and hot taste your broth and adjust seasoning with fish sauce lime juice and sugar you really want to balance this out right it's all about balance with this it should be a nice funky salty with heavy acidity and a light sweetness in the background anyway pour your broth with its veggies and meat into a bowl top it with some crispy shallots a lovely generous drizzle of chili oil and some nice fresh cilantro leaves and that is how you treat leftover turkey so essentially we've got a tomka guy here except it's with turkey so i guess it's a tom and kirky palm kakerki tomka turkey there we go that's what this is so inspired by tomka guy you got the lime juice the fish sauce the chili oil all these different sort of perfectly balanced flavors oh man oh god i i breathed it i messed it up it was so good i just started inhaling it and it went into my throat and my windpipe this calmed me down this soothes my soul i feel like i'm in a meadow i'm just kind of walking with a slight sway in my hips holding in but a small fart this is so shockingly easy to put together if you can find the ingredients this is so worth it and so satisfying especially for the time of the year you use up your loved or turkey and this is really just as good as any other tomka guys just got a little bit of a turkey plang to it yet another item of our thanksgiving meal refreshed now i know i said i was gonna avoid a sandwich but i couldn't stay away from a beautiful thanksgiving croc monster monsieur yeah you know we know how it goes when i try to pronounce so to make this start off with a small sauce pot and add 3 tablespoons of 42 grams of unsalted butter heat that over medium heat then once that's melted add in 3 tablespoons or 28 grams of all-purpose flour whisking occasionally for about one minute then slowly whisk in one and three quarters of a cup or 437 milliliters of whole milk keep whisking constantly and heating until that's nice and thickened then add one and a half cups or 120 grams of grated gruyere cheese keep whisking the heating until it's completely and totally melted then turn off the heat and whisk in half a cup of leftover gravy if you have it and season it to taste with salt and pepper and a small pinch of fresh grated nutmeg if you got it now get yourself two slices of bread and add any leftovers you want in there anything you want here i added some nice grated cheese melted that a little with a torch for the culinary hype beast moment some leftover roasted butternut squash some thanksgiving turkey breast a nice generous drizzle of gravy some mashed potatoes on the other slice some more cheese then crown your king get yourself a pan add in a little knob of butter and heat that over medium heat until the butter is melted and bubbling add in your sandal and toast it beautifully on both sides should be about two to three minutes per side once that's nice and toasted place it on a foil lined baking sheet cover the top with your creamy mornay cheese sauce you made a fatty grating of extra gruyere cheese and pop that bad boy under the broiler until the cheese is melted about two to three minutes then take your absolute unit of a sandwich slice that brother in half and watch a cheese pull that'll make you notice that you ain't never seen two pretty best friends when you take that first bite that's a stupid tick-tock reference i don't know so we have a sandwich but not just any sandwich we've got essentially a shoe at this point i'm not even gonna try to pronounce things correctly because if i if i don't try you get mad at me if i do try you get mad at me if i joke about it you get mad at me so really what i've learned is you just got to be yourself sometimes cheesy yummy boy sando this is inspired by a crocodile you could add a fried egg and turn it into that of madame and it's still cheesy i took a bite and the sun went away this sandwich hit me like the kroc mushroom the crocodile those two sandwiches a beautiful creation a beautiful simple french creation in my opinion one of the top three sandwiches of all time but this fits the bill and you can use up any of your thanksgiving leftovers just in this sandwich and then covered in mornay sauce and cheese if that's not wrong then i don't know what's right okay so i saved the best for last fried potato balls which are million times easier than you might imagine in a bowl add 3 cups or 750 grams of leftover mashed potatoes along with 1 cup or 95 grams of grated gouda cheese 1 bunch of thinly sliced chives salt and pepper to taste mix that all together and then remember that you actually completely forgot the bacon so separately get three thicky slices of either bacon or pancetta rough chop that into chunks then cook in a pan over medium heat stirring occasionally until you get beautifully browned little crispy bits of bacon drain that out of its fat place your crispy meat on a board and rough chop until you get fine little pieces add that to your mashed potato mixture and mix that together until well incorporated finally roll those bad boys into evenly sized 2 inch balls remember to always keep your balls even no matter what now once you have your balls of mashed potato whisk together two whole eggs in a small bowl and in a separate bowl add about one and a half cups or 180 grams of panko bread crumbs or as autocorrect likes to say panic breadcrumbs for each ball you're gonna roll them in the egg coat the entire darn thing don't get stingy here then take your egg coated ball and roll it into the panko breadcrumbs completely coat every single side leave no wet spots then rinse and repeat the process with all of your mashed potato balls until each and every one of them are coated beautifully get yourself a pot fill it with about three inches of high heat cooking oil like canola then heat that oil to 375 degrees fahrenheit or 190 degrees celsius once that reaches temp drop in about five to six balls at a time and fry for two to three minutes or until they are nicely browned and crispy like this guy right here immediately remove from the oil fish them out using a spider place them on a wire rack set over a baking sheet to drain and cool down a little bit and of course repeat with the rest of your balls now before we serve these we can also make a quick little spicy cream by combining a quarter cup of sour cream a quarter cup of mayonnaise two teaspoons of smoked paprika one tablespoon of sriracha and a tablespoon of spicy chili crisp oh and of course a little bit of salt to taste whisk all that together until thoroughly combined spoon some of that lovely spicy sauce in a small ramekin and get to dipping and flipping now next we have sort of like a croquette it's a fried potato ball mashed potato ball so you dip it a little bit of that sauce oh my god why was my deep so voiceless now or my voice so jeep just now this is something else first off you hear the crunch this has been sitting for an hour i cannot think of a better way to treat leftover mashed potatoes okay i'm tired of the whole like oh well i'll just reheat them and that's it fine that's easy but whoa you've already got half the work done for you you just got to mix something put it into this and then put it in the oil and fry it and get crispy delightful little balls of they're perfect oh you did something you get the best shot you really kind of have to have your back like this that's me all day yeah you wanna know what else is full of big holiday birds and plump mashed potato balls b-roll all right guys that is it so we made thanksgiving leftovers now i broke this up into a couple different parts you can obviously mix and match here but the point that i'm trying to make is you can be as creative as you want with these leftovers you already have a bunch of cooked ingredients don't just like throw them together in a sandwich you already have half the work done maybe you never wanted to make tomca guy because you didn't want to cook the chicken and then shred it in this and that but you already have the turkey cooked so now all you got to do is make the soup bake so you already saved yourself half the time guys take advantage of this moment please please i feel very passionate about this i'm tired of the turkey sandwich thing anyway with all that said if you enjoyed this video or you learned something leave a like subscribe and i will see you next time
Channel: Joshua Weissman
Views: 975,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thanksgiving, thanksgiving recipes, thanksgiving leftovers, what to make for thanksgiving, thanksgiving right now, gathering thanksgiving, joshua weissman, youtube recipes, youtube cooking series, sat bawl pro, fried potato balls, leftover mashed potatoes, leftover mashed potato recipe, leftover turkey, leftover turkey recipe, leftovers recipe, tom kha gai, stuffing recipe, leftover stuffing recipe, thanksgiving leftovers recipe, thanksgiving dinner, thanksgiving feast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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