How To Make Japanese Breakfast

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hi guys it's riya we meet again it's been a while since i uploaded my last video i've been busy just being mom i also went back to japan recently the last time i was there it was 2019 i was still pregnant then pandemic happened so i couldn't go back for almost two years this time i mainly stayed my hometown hiroshima and spend a lot of time with my family and my mom cooked me breakfast lunch dinner every day it kind of reminded me how much i love japanese style breakfast and it's very different from western style breakfast comes with rice miso soup fish and two or three different kind of side dishes western-style breakfast sometimes it's very heavy but japanese breakfast is lighter and well balanced it looks intimidating because there are lots of different components but i find it it's not too difficult so you can impress your friend and impress yourself and just to be clear we are making japanese breakfast not singer and writer michelle donner we are making food but first today's video is sponsored by yummy buy yummy buy is a website where you can get wide variety of asian items such as groceries snacks beauty products and even kitchen supplies if you don't have asian grocery stores local to you use yummy buy to get the products you want right on your doorstep i ordered spicy snacks from yummy buy and i'm going to rate buy their spiciness first up karan mucho i haven't had it for a long time so let's see it's not that spicy one two five peppers two peppers adding spicy salted egg potato cheese this is hot boom the cake comes later this is spicy faux peppers spicy chocolaty snack the shape kind of looks like pasta rigatoni pasta it's sweet it's delicious but it's not spicy one spicy mian come plays it's very limey not too spicy though i will give 2.5 peppers for this for new users use called rhea 10 to get 10 dollars off when you spend ten dollars if you are already user use call the real nineteen nine to get ten dollars off when you spend ninety nine dollars thanks again yummy bye for sponsoring this video so we are going to make miso soup first to make miso soup you have to make dashi i feel like dashi is almost like a primer when you're painting you use primer so real paint color shines dashi doesn't have a lot of flavor but by itself but if you use with miso it kind of shines and we are going to make avasadashi we are going to use the kombu and the katsuo buchi when you make kombu dashi you just put doesn't you put a piece of kombu in cold water and just extract umami you can leave it as little as 30 minutes or you can leave it overnight if you want to do quicker way you can just heat it up all right the combo has been soaked in a cold water about 30 to 40 minutes i'm going to turn up the heat and i'm going to bring it to a simmer if you boil kombu in a high heat it get a little bit slimy and don't boil when you are using kombu look how big it became i feel like it's expanded twice as big why am i just exaggerating it look big to me so now i'm going to add katsuobishi if you are vegan if you're vegetarian you can just skip katsubuchi i'm using two cups of water and about a cup of katsuobushi and bring this to a boil so i'm simmering katsuobushi for three to four minutes a ton of the heat and i have paper towel lined strainer so the paper towel catches like small flakes i want to give a nice squeeze that's it licky double gold another option is instant dashi this is a powder so you can just dissolve in hot water and you can make dashi instantly so today's miso soup i'm using tofu aburage which is fried tofu skin and scallions whenever i get scallions i finely slice it and put it in a ziploc pack and freeze it so i can use it anytime i want now when i cut tofu i cut my hand so be very careful tofu is very soft so if you cut on a cutting board you break tofu don't do slice motion because you're gonna cut your finger off it's kinda cut like look like a ruby cube so next abrage avrage is a fried tofu it's a little bit oily so you want to do a little bit prep work the easiest way is you just pour hot water over it and the rinsing off the oil i'm going to flip it i'm going to slice adding dashi back to the pot and the tofu takes a little bit more time to warm it up than a burger so i'm going to add a tofu first when i make miso soup every time i eat some eyeball i usually start one tablespoon of miso and taste it and add more if you need it okay so it is start simmering and i'm going to add aburage i think i should have cut a little bit smaller okay i'm gonna take this out because it looks big i'm going to cut it in half not too late you didn't see anything nobody knows and what it's going i'm going to take some dashi and dissolve some miso this is good and you want to make sure you turn off the heat before you add miso and i'm gonna add frozen scallion as much as you want and the miso soup it's done so next we're gonna make salmon it's main dish but it's the easiest i don't even use salt because i'm going to eat this with soy sauce so in japan instead of oven underneath the stove we have fish grill so you can grill fish anytime but i live in l.a so i set my oven to 400 degrees and i'm going to bake this for 10 to 12 minutes until it is completely cooked and i put steam on the bottom see you later take this out crispy on the outside let me get the spatula [Music] crispy skin [Music] nice now i'm making tsukimono skemono is japanese pickle and they're a bunch of different kind of skimono you can use different vegetables like cucumber cabbage and hakusai like chinese cabbage i think andrew always do this put the ingredients like eye level i find eggplant it's more quicker than the other vegetable so let's do this [Music] i'm gonna just cut them in a bite size so i'm going to sprinkle it's not baking so just enough salt and you leave like mix it leave around five minutes so you can kind of squeeze easy let's go i'm gonna leave five minutes eggplant has been salty for 30 minutes oh you already see the water you put on sweat and i'm going to squeeze more moisture new eggplant contains so much water and i'm going to discard the water and season with soy sauce sesame oil and sesame seeds and this is super easy that's it how to squeeze it and marinate it i'm going to put some julienne peanut leaf just chop the ends i love this smell [Music] nice very refreshing summer type of food i feel like this may be just for two people's portion here we have it this is not the best picture of him he made it for christmas i'm making tamagoyaki tamagoyaki it's japanese rolled egg it is easy but it looks very impressive so as i always say impress your friend and impress yourself so let's crack three eggs and i'm gonna just add sugar and pinch salt nice you are going to heat up the pan i do medium heat i'm adding a neutral oil anything works canola vegetable what i usually do is use paper towel and wipe excess oil and quickly swish around and you want to wait until the surface is a little drier and use your chopsticks struggling struggle is real and you do this motion over and over until you run out of egg you don't want to have any gap i have one more roll [Music] why i always put my hand on my hip so far and i have one more layer to go last one we gonna wait if i want to make it perfectly i think i can shape using plastic wrap this is home cooking so i'm gonna just eat this as it is right so last component is done so all i'm going to do is plate and eat for the extra side dish i'm adding natto fermented soy beans it has very distinctive smell and texture so some people love it and some people hate it they usually come with tale like sauce and japanese mustard kinda um comes with this like cobweb like string spiderman if you want to feel like spiderman just have japanese mustard mix it [Music] look at this feast so this is totally you can eat for lunch or dinner very well balanced japanese dinner that it's gonna be my band's name itadakimasu when i eat japanese style breakfast i usually eat miso soup farts so i kind of like wet my chopsticks so it doesn't the rice doesn't stick i want to eat this every morning for the salmon i don't have soy sauce pizza so i use like little milk pitcher for soy sauce container i'm gonna take a piece of salmon and a little bit scoop of natto and i wrapped with some seaweed if you don't like sticky texture it might be not for you but you know at least try once you know this is a quick pickle very refreshing i really like eggplant and eating vegetable in the morning also makes you feel better and tamakoyaki kind of looks like fake food it is slightly sweet so it's almost like dessert each dish has different texture and flavor so it's kind of festive and fun to eat love japanese breakfast it's a little bit of everything thank you so much for watching if you make this tag me on instagram i'm at the desert on instagram see you next time hopefully less than 4 months [Music]
Channel: Rie McClenny
Views: 316,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japanese Breakfast, Japanese cooking, Japanese food, Zuh7, breakfast, budget meal, buzzfeed, cheap, cooking, easy, egg, healthy, homecooking, homemade, japan, japanese, miso, miso soup, natto, rice, rie, rie mcclenny, salmon, simple cooking, tamagoyaki, tasty, wholesome
Id: zdVtM6w02cY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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