The Peace-Stealers - James 4:1-7 | Skip Heitzig

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peace celebrities demand it pop culture makes it a catchy tune activists protest for it still peace seems out of reach true peace can't be found in or understood by this world [Music] [Applause] [Music] is peace a chance what a fine fine day it is today welcome to church glad that you are here i do want you to know that we do pray for your peace i was praying for you this morning just that god would fill you your family all that you are are are working through with a sense of his peace that would guard your hearts and minds and so when we talk about give peace a chance we're talking about it from god's resources so let's turn in our bibles to james chapter four james chapter four did you bring one of these this bible did you bring one good good good thing to have at a bible study bible james chapter 4. we all know that war is a fact of life as long as there have been humans on the earth there have been wars on the earth simon jenkins who's a british author even noted every generation has its war so my dad's generation was a world war ii generation mine was the vietnam war that was really up where my brothers were my older brothers in more modern times the gulf war the afghanistan war every generation has its wars according to the wall street journal they said war has shaped the world we live in and is still shaping many parts of the globe now that's a sad truth to contemplate that people and generations and nations get defined by the wars that they fight in the 20th century it's estimated that 108 million people have been killed in wars but that throughout history both soldiers on the battlefield and people who are not on the battlefield but get killed as a result of war is 3 billion 500 million people i know that's just a number for a lot of us but that is the sad reality that we throughout our history have managed to kill 3 billion 500 million human lives now some wars are more famous than others all of us could rattle off a list of ones that we know about but i bet there are some wars you've never heard of for example there is a war that's called the pig war the pig war was a war in 1859 it was really an argument over a slaughtered pig that nearly led to a full-scale war between the united states and england so here's how it worked there's an island off the coast of washington called the san juan island and at that time it was the home to settlers both from britain and from america one day a pig a british pig not that it had like an english accent or anything but it was owned by the brits it was a black boar went rampaging through an american farmer's potato field and the response was the americans called the army in a general was dispatched to assess the situation he and his troops declared san juan island to be u.s property all of it so here you have partly settled by the brits partly subtle by the americans general comes in and says nope it's all ours well that didn't bode well with the brits they sent a fleet of naval ships to surround the island i mean that's how close it got there was a standoff for weeks until they finally settled it so i just i just want to say right now that i would hate to be the guy who says yeah i fought in the pig war it's not like the big war the the pig war here's another one called the war of the stray dog i just like the titles the war of the stray dog there was a long hostility between two nations greece and bulgaria it came to a head in october of 1925 and what happened is a greek soldier was shot as he was crossing into bulgaria chasing his runaway dog so they killed him because he had crossed over into their country okay that's bad but what's worse is how greece responded to that greece invaded the country of bulgaria over that in fact it got so bad that the league of nations had to intervene to stop that invasion in that potential war they'll throw one more up on the screen just because i like the title of it it's called the war of jenkins ear in 1738 a man by the name of jenkins robert jenkins he was a british sailor a mariner stands in front of the british parliament in london with a severed ear he claimed it was his ear a decomposing severed ear you know you know sometimes these politicians that's just so off the charts take your ear and have a meeting with it so he pulls his ear out he claims that his ear had been severed by spain by a spanish soldier seven years prior so let me just say if you're holding on to your ear for seven years you have bigger problems and he's holding it up and he says that this was done by a spanish soldier spain and england for for decades had not getting along but they used the incident of jenkins ear to go to war with spain and war was formally declared by the brits on spain war of jenkins ear crazy right now sometimes there are wars that are fought that are not even against nations they're not against people they're a war of things or activities or ideologies we we talk about a war of ideas we talk about the war on drugs or the cold war or here's one war i wish we would bring back is called the gas wars from the 1960s when gas incidentally was 28 cents a gallon come on bring that war back um so it was basically gas stations you know lowering the price a quarter of a cent a half a cent a cent you know to compete with other ones so that people would buy gas from them then there's the war on terror all sorts of wars that are fought for all sorts of reasons in james chapter four we have three wars that steal a person's peace three wars that are going on right now all over the world all three of them are peace stealers all three of them will make your life miserable and all three of them need to be ended and when they are ended the result will be a lasting peace if they can be ended okay so this is the book of james and um james was written by guess who come on james see you guys are bible students so james but the question becomes which james because the new testament has a bunch of people named james so to just kind of cut to the chase probably it was written by james the brother of our lord jesus christ or better put are the half-brother of the lord jesus christ you probably know that after jesus was born he was virgin born um after that joseph and mary had normal relations and had several children that the new testament names one of them by the names of james so james is writing this letter he's writing to christians jewish christians people who have come to faith in the messiah the lord jesus christ and he is writing because evidently church people have all sorts of personal problems as well as relational problems which is true of any church in any generation but the theme therefore of the book of james is maturity maturity he he's saying to them grow up you need to grow up in certain areas of your life warren wiersbe said spiritual maturity is one of the greatest needs in the church today too many churches are play pens for babies instead of workshops for adults so i remember my three older brothers would tell me to grow up all the time it was their favorite mantra for me especially my oldest brother jim he would see me acting a certain way and he'd say grow up and i my was this is me growing up this is what kids my age do growing up so i'm on my way there james is telling this church it's time for you to be growing in certain areas so in chapter four we're going to look at the first seven verses but three wars the war among you the war inside you and the war above you and you're going to discover something all three wars are related to each other so first of all is the war among us look at how verse 1 begins it's the simple question where do wars and fights come from among you now that's a good question generally where do these wars come from how do you get a war over a pig how can you declare war over a dude who holds an ear up in parliament now where do these wars come from there's an author who decided to try to answer that question his name is mike martin he's a former british soldier and he wrote a book called why we fight it's a whole book devoted to the reasons people go to war here's one sentence out of his book he said humans fight to achieve status and belonging now he takes an approach uh from an evolutionary model one i don't subscribe to uh he talks about biological underpinnings where um people go to war to ensure their own possibility of reproduction in other words i want my tribe to keep going so i'll eliminate other people who would be a threat to that for that to happen the guardian magazine on the other hand says this warfare provides people with a semblance of psychological positivity in oppressed societies where other outlets are lacking now that almost sounds noble it's like i get it i see why people will fight for that but the article goes on to say in most cases wars are initiated by governments not by populations in other words people don't want to go to war their governments get them into this and most of the time are the result of disputes over resources and land or of a government's desire to increase its influence and power so it's a good question where do wars come from but that is really is not the question of james the question of james he's not dealing with a war in general or warfare in the world notice how he puts his question where do wars and fights come from among you now the you in james mind are the believers where do wars come from among you christians so scholars or commentators will make note of this fact they kind of give the nuance you'll notice in verse 1 the difference between wars and fights see those two words so what they'll say is wars describes the underlying conflict that you might have with another person whereas fights are the expressions you know the outward expression the flare-ups that come where do those things come from either way they describe a combative relationship between church members church people one of my favorite psalms psalm 133 there's only three verses in that psalm and that's not why it's my favorite song but it begins this way see if you remember this behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity it's a good good good psalm and the opposite is also true behold how bad and how unpleasant it is when brethren don't dwell together in unity where instead of extending the right hand to fellowship they want to extend the right fist to fellowship not good unpleasant not helpful but here's what you need to know conflict among god's people is not new it's been going on a long time i could take you all the way back to genesis chapter 13 where abraham and lot are at odds with each other the patriarchs because their herdsmen had strife between them and they were at odds with each other over land rights and water rights i could take you to the new testament in the new testament the disciples of the lord jesus argued remember what they argued over anybody remember what did they argue over who would be the what who'd be the greatest in the kingdom they're they're arguing over who's going to have the top dog seat in the kingdom i'm sure that it started out sort of a jocular conversation like they're making fun of peter peter snores he's not going to be he's not going to be on top in the kingdom i will be i lean my head on jesus chest that's john uh you can throw thomas out he doubts everything he won't be the greatest but it it eventually got into a heated argument so much so that jesus himself had to intervene so those are the cream of the crop these are the disciples peter and paul argued among themselves according to the book of galatians paul said concerning peter i withstood him to his face so there's paul getting in peter's grill thank god you're all jewish over here with that group but you're all gentile over with that group you're kind of playing the hypocrite they had a disagreement they had an argument as did paul and barnabas in fact the galatian church itself had problems paul wrote to the galatians and noticed that there is biting and devouring among these people you know just nitpicking short-tempered the corinthians competed in spiritual gifts publicly they were taking each other to court now the reason i'm bringing all this up and there are many more examples of god's people not getting along in history many many more the reason i'm bringing it up is because some of us have this romanticized idea of what the early church was like i hear this all the time we need to get back to the purity and the simplicity of the early church ever heard that anybody who says that needs to bone up on church history a little bit because when you do you go oh they're kind of like us like church of corinth church in galatia that's new testament that goes way back so when when people romanticize the early church it was so pure it was so awesome you know that's the good old days mentality and i've discovered that the good old days is just a combination of a bad memory and a good imagination so the church is not a society of perfect people we the church are a society of forgiven people redeemed people but yes this is an area where we need to grow up in because when it comes to getting along even among ourselves we can act very immature let's look at the immaturity of this church go down now to verse 11. and we're going to get back but go down to verse 11 because it fills in some of the color lets us know what's happening so look at verse 11 do not speak evil of one another okay so that was going on do not speak evil of one another brethren he who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother speaks evil of the law and judges the law but if you judge the law you're not a doer of the law but a judge there is one lawgiver who is able to save and to destroy who are you to judge another so now we know what is going on there's some bad mouthing going on there's some backbiting going on there's some backstabbing going on among these dear saints of god james brings this out he's indicting them because of it it's pretty pretty straightforward language but i want you to notice that in his indictment he also gives the solution to the war that is among us so let me offer you some some advice if you're if you're struggling with getting along with people in your life let me give you a few steps to end wars among us first of all this is very practical always make it a family matter if it's with a brother or sister it's a family matter in fact you'll notice that he says do not speak evil of one another brethren that's the plural for brothers and sisters he who speaks evil of a brother and judges a brother so brother and brother brother what is he doing he's he's saying i just want to remind you that we're part of the same family so keep that in mind if you're arguing with another believer that's a brother that's a sister it's more than just a client more than just a customer more than just a neighbor more than just a mother-in-law more than just a son-in-law more than just a weirdo in law that's a brother in christ a sister in christ we're part of the same family we have the same savior the same holy spirit that lives in me lives in you and and because of that i refuse to fight you i won't fight you i'm gonna fight i won't fight you i'll fight for you i'll fight with you given the right battle but i will not fight you because as long as you make it a family matter how can you so that that's the first step make it a family matter second get off the judge's seat that's sort of james point here isn't it you make yourself a judge now follow james impeccable logic he says don't speak evil of one another brother and he who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother speaks evil of the law and judges the law but if you judge the law you're not a doer of the law but a judge and then look at this there's one law giver there's one judge and it ain't you there's one judge and that's god and he's not giving his position away to you there's only one now what does james mean when he says all this here's what he means the essence of the law is summed up in one word what is it love jesus said if you love your neighbor as yourself if you love god with all your heart mind soul and strength that's the summary of the law so when you slander someone you violate love and when you violate love you are violating the very core essence of the law and when you act like a judge you are usurping god's authority as the law giver see that's his logic it's just brilliant logic so james is not telling them to stop evaluating people because we must he's not saying don't use discernment in situations because we must he's just saying stop condemning people so make it a family matter get off the judge's seat third tip use your mouth to heal and not to hurt you know that's a decision we can make before we leave this room today from now on i'm going to use these lips more to heal than to hurt look at the context of verse 12. it says there's one law giver one judge it's capital l so it's referring to god who is able to save and to destroy think for a moment of the power a judge has in a courtroom a judge by his or her words can save or can destroy you can't say as the gavel goes down innocent or guilty acquitted or condemned that's a lot of power you can save or you can destroy so just like the words of a law giver or a judge can do that so our words have great power we can save we can destroy you know you've heard me talk about dl moody in the past for years right dwight lyman moody the founder of the moody church in chicago a century ago or so also a great evangelist there's one thing about dl moody that people noted he was not a polish speaker he was not a highly educated individual like a lot of uh clergyman at the time were you know he's sort of like a simple person packs a punch you know street level kind of a guy so he didn't always say things perfectly and people noted that and often criticized him because of that now he was not naive he understood that people were talking smack about him so he addressed it look at what he said you may find hundreds of fault-finders among professed christians but all their criticism will not lead one solitary soul to christ that's powerful i never preached a sermon yet that i could not pick to pieces and i find fault with i feel that jesus ought to have a far better representative than i am but i've lived long enough to discover that there's nothing perfect in this world if you're waiting until you find a perfect preacher or a perfect church i'm afraid you'll have to wait till the millennium arrives first of all can i just make note that he believed in a millennium a literal millennium a way to go d.l moody old dead guy that i really like um but but but what he's saying here is powerful here's what he's saying he's saying look they're criticizing i'm evangelizing right they're pouting i'm preaching they're using their words for evil i'm using my words for good and that's why i say use your mouth to heal and not to hurt now we could do that we could decide we're going to do that he said well no man can tame the tongue you're right but you're filled with the holy spirit you're filled with the holy spirit this can happen you could use your mouth to preach the gospel you could use your words to encourage people you could use what you say to bless to instruct to equip to inspire so that's the war among us but there's a second war in fact the reason for the first war is because of the second war and that is the war inside of us let's look at what he says he says where do wars and fights come from among you we already went through that now he answers it do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members now when he uses the term in your members he's not saying in your church members he's talking about in your body the bodily members of your person the the the different parts of your body your makeup that are vying for attention and affection that's what he's talking about and then he continues you lust and do not have you murder and covet and cannot obtain you fight in war yet you do not have because you do not ask you ask and do not receive because you ask a miss that you might spend it on your pleasure let me sum that up and then pick it apart here's the summary the reason there's a war among us is because there's a war inside of us it's the war inside of us that is fueling the fires of the wars among us that's what he is saying the war inside the heart was fueling the war inside the church that's the real source so so just keep this in mind if you're struggling with other people that struggle could be generated by the struggle within you now some of you have no clue what i just said you're going to struggle within me i don't have a struggle with me i love me i'm not struggling with me i love me i'm my own best friend i get along fine with myself i give me whatever i want bingo therein lies the issue because you'll notice in verse 1 the word pleasure do they not where do these things come from where does the war among us come from he says do they not come from your desires for pleasure very interesting and important word the word pleasure here is the greek word haidanon and haidanon is the word from whence we get our word hedonism ever heard of hedonism a hedonistic person it's a philosophy of life that says my personal pleasure is my highest goal that's hedonism i live for pleasure a pleasure seeker now i'm going to push the pause button okay i'm pausing the sermon because i want to say something before we get back into this there's nothing wrong with pleasure per se god created us with a very amazing intricate nervous system with pleasure receptors so that we would find enjoyment in life he did that that's how we are created so there's nothing wrong with enjoyment there's nothing wrong with pleasure per se there's nothing wrong with say enjoying a fine meal together or a day in the sun where you feel like on a day like this oh i feel so good that warmth on my skin you don't have to feel guilty because of that a nice barbecue in the backyard with friends and family a golf game especially when you're hitting it really well and you're finding pleasure and that's like wow went right down the fairway it's so good a healthy sex life in the covenant of a marriage relationship god created you to enjoy those things but when those desires become the passion of your life that is they drive us they control us so that life is one continuous search for pleasure that's a problem it's a problem when we we become like what paul described in second timothy chapter three those people who are lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of god when we become like the seed sown that jesus spoke about in luke chapter 8 and he said that they were choked with the pleasures of this life or when we become like what paul described in titus 3 those who are enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures you get the idea driven by enslaved by controlled by okay now pause button off let's go to verse one look at the second part of it again do they not come from your desires for pleasure now notice this that war in your members the pleasures are waging war inside of you those pleasures are like little rebel soldiers demanding satisfaction and when they do not get satisfied they declare war that's the war inside you when a person is victimized by their own desires their inner life becomes a battleground and when that happens relationships around them get hurt because people at that point are collateral damage it's like i'm sorry but it's all about me right now i'm sorry that you i'm hurting you but really i i want to get my pleasure fulfilled see so when when you are that focused people around you don't matter and so you have diminished their importance and they get hurt so so the the war inside of us is what is causing the war outside of us among us uh but look at verse two now he gets a little heavy you know james is is up front kind of like d.l moody just in your face kind of a preacher but he says this you lust and do not have look at the next sentence you murder and covet and cannot obtain okay whoa i'm that that's sort of a shocking statement imagine having your friday morning ladies bible study group gather them all in your home and deliver and go well good morning murderers it's like what what did you just call me so he is he's calling them murderers what does he mean by this well most people think it's a metaphorical statement just like jesus said if you hate your brother you've committed murder he could be that i'm not going to disagree with that but some scholars actually believe that he was not being metaphorical he's being actual being literal that there was a case of a church where somebody killed another church member it became known it became a scandal and one of the reasons that caused james to want to write this general letter was because of incidents like that that's a possibility i don't know i can't tell you um i can tell you that if you were to look up in your bibles of the life of king david the man after god's own heart there's a record of how he treated a woman named bathsheba and her husband named uriah the hittite and if you go look at that story it is almost word for word verse two and three an adulterer a murderer it's like he acted these verses out in real life whatever the case james point is taken the struggle inside of you is real but that real struggle is ruining relations around you and ruining your testimony for the gospel it's all about you know i want this then i want this and if i'm not getting what i want so if you get five people together and they all want what they want only there's going to be a war in that room is that right there going to be a war there's going to be a war in that room i read an article this week i wanted to share with you there's a biologist from purdue university named willian muir purdue is in indiana he's a biologist and he was doing an experiment or doing research on chickens which i know it's a foul thing to research but okay i wanted to see if you're listening and you are chicken foul good good good good you're tracking okay so he's he's uh studying chickens and he decides to find out uh how they reproduce over time so he he divided these chickens into two groups let's call group number one the average chicken group and let's call group number two the super chickens the superflux so he he found chickens that were extraordinarily individually productive and put them all in the same group and just put regular chickens in the other group and watch them over six generations so after six generations of reproduction this is what he discovered the first group did just fine they were plump fully feathered their egg production increased all good what about the second group what would you imagine what he discovered is that all of the chickens in the second group except three were dead they killed they pecked each other to death now i see a corollary sometimes that happens you get a bunch of super achievers together right because it's like no no my plan is better oh no no you're you're an idiot michael you're it's like clash clash right that's that's that happens a lot so the war among us is according to james because of the war inside of us now keep following his line of thinking here because at the end of verse 2 he says you do not have here's something you want you want you want but you don't have it because you do not ask and the implication is you don't ask god you don't pray about it you're not talking to god about it you're not asking god should i have this should i not have this can i have this verse three you ask and you do not receive because you ask amiss that you might spend it on your pleasures without unraveling that too much let me just put it to you this way selfishness leads not only to wrongdoing it leads to wrong praying because you see when you're self-focused as an individual you become self-sufficient self-focused people often become self-sufficient and uh last time i checked self-sufficient people don't pray i don't need to pray i got this i'm strong enough i'm smart enough i don't need god to help me on this this is like easy stuff self-sufficient people don't pray and self-focused people when they pray it's just praying sort of all about them that's that's the greater point here now let me let me close this before we move on by saying whatever it is you think you need and you want in your life you need to understand that what god wants for you is far greater than anything you could want for yourself so when it comes to just enjoying life and having pleasure keep that in mind number two about that even if following christ is hard sometimes the very worst that god has for you is better than the best that the world has for you it is it's better it's a better plan so the war among us is caused by the war inside us but there's a third war and we're going to close with this and that is the war above us and and oddly often this really is the issue of war it's because people are fighting god so look at verse four adulterers and adulteresses again thank you pastor james god bless you too do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with god whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world and makes uh makes himself an enemy of god or do you think that the scripture says in vain the spirit of dwells in us yearns jealously but he gives more grace therefore he says god resists the proud but gives grace to the humble therefore submit to god resist the devil and he will flee from you do you know that a person can declare war on god you say oh yeah unbeliever can't sure unbelievers shake their fist to god all the time no no no he's writing to brethren speaking to fellow believers you can declare war on god you want to know how you can declare war on god by getting too close to god's enemy fraternizing with the enemy when you move from god toward god's enemy more and more you are in effect making god your enemy you're declaring war on god and and the enemy he's speaking of here is not only the devil but he mentions the world the world you probably know i hope that when the bible talks about the world it's not necessarily referring to the world of people we're to love them not referring to the world of plants and animals we're to enjoy them it's the world of ideas it's the system of values that is opposed to the values of god in his kingdom that's the world to be a friend of this world and notice that he compares friendship with this world to adultery and why would he do that well simply because we're married to christ romans chapter 7 says that we are married to jesus christ we are the bride of christ he is the bridegroom of the church so if you're a friend of the world if if the world is more important and the values of the world are more important to you and you are making yourself an enemy of god so this begs the question how do i know i'm a friend of the world well i've jotted down a few general ideas you know you're a friend of the world when your personal pleasure is more important to you than spiritual pleasure if that's happening if you're tending toward that pretty good indication you're you're a friend of this world you know you're a friend of this world when you care more about what unbelieving friends and family think about you than what god thinks about you or knows about you let me put that a a better way you know you're a friend of this world when you care more about what unbelieving friends and family think about you than what believing friends and family think about you and you know you're a friend of this world when you disregard scripture twice in this passage james is quoting scripture he's referring to old testament passages but if you're the enemy of god or if you're hostile toward god you don't care what he has to say in his word that's not important to you you disregard it yeah okay the bible's a book god wrote it's important tell me what it means from time to time i'll all listen to it every now and then but they disregard it so what's the solution the solution is verse seven i love it's so simple therefore here it is submit to god isn't that simple it's not complicated it's not easy but it's pretty straightforward therefore submit to god resist the devil and he will flee from you he's writing to a group of people that have resisted god and submitted to the devil now he's saying turn that around submit to god and resist the devil submit to god because god is fighting for you now i want you to look at verse 5. we're going to close with this i'm done almost or do you think that the scripture says in vain the spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously now the idea behind that verse is is simple it's this god is passionately pursuing you he's put his holy spirit in us because he jealously desires a relationship of intimacy with us that's his heart and he proved on the cross he was willing to go to any extent to rescue you so if you don't mind i'm going to close with a movie clip can i do that i know it's like i knows church maybe i shouldn't do that i'm going to say something maybe you don't want me to say this i'm going to talk about a favorite movie maybe a preacher shouldn't have a favorite movie but i'll tell you why this is one of my favorite shows it's about a father who loves his daughter so much nothing will stop him from rescuing her and that to me is the heart of god so in 2008 this movie came out it's called taken liam neeson was a cia operative and he finds out that his daughter is abducted by child by sex traffickers in paris in france and they're going to sell her so he flies all the way over to france inspects the crime scene he's a cia guy xcia guy so he knows his stuff he inspects it finds a cell phone makes contact with the abductors and has this conversation i don't know who you are i don't know what you want if you're looking for ransom i can tell you i don't have money but what i do have are a very particular set of skills skills i've acquired over a very long career skills that make me a nightmare for people like you if you let my daughter go now that'll be the end of it i will not look for you i will not pursue you but if you don't i will look for you i will find you and i will kill you good luck yeah yeah good luck they need good luck you know how the movie ends he finds his daughter rescues her he's beaten up he's bloodied but he rescues his daughter his daughter collapses in his arms and says daddy you came for me and he said i told you i would that's the commitment of a father and i and look i'm not advocating take the law into your own hands and go kill people by obviously but any daughter would love to have a father like that who will stand up for her and protect her and go to the ends of the earth for her so i i did that because that's that's a picture of this verse god's jealous love for you is i'm willing to take on the devil and all his thugs and go to the cross and get bloodied and beaten because i love you i love you thank you lord thank you for your love for us thank you for your willingness to do that we celebrate it so often today lord though we understand that that some of us are struggling inwardly and the real struggle that's causing the effect to be felt in relationships around us is that we just want what we want when we want it we want our own interest to be served and that spills out and breaks other things around us other relationships around us maybe what we need to do is realize we could be fighting you and we need to stop and submit to god and give the situation i ask you to work in it pray through it we have not because we ask not i pray that our relationship with you would would not be about getting what we want but getting what you want for us getting what you want through us getting what you want to accomplish by us in this world that you love so desperately i pray that we will be ambassadors of that love and of that peace in jesus name amen let's all stand we hope you enjoyed this special service from calvary church we'd love to know how this message impacted you email us at my story and just a reminder you can support this ministry with a financial gift at give thank you for joining us for this teaching from calvary church
Channel: Skip Heitzig
Views: 934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bible Study, Calvary, Albuquerque, Skip, Heitzig, Sermons, Calvary Church, How to Study the Bible, Gospel, battle, the church, conflict, division, fights, hedonism, peace, pleasure, sin, war, the world
Id: 7kN40teyBac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 14sec (2894 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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