The Paris Métro station where the trains DON'T stop - Mirabeau Explained

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Paris has 16 Metro lines connecting 308 stations and today we will explore the most fascinating of them all mirabor Metro station is part of line 10 and is located in Western Paris in the 16th around the small right here looking at this Freeze Frame you can already see all the reasons that make mirabu unique but without context it is impossible to connect the dots just yet so let's go on location and dive into some rapid fire mirable facts this is the most beautiful of the three entrances to the station the design is so iconic that it has its own name guima entrances are named after its legendary art and War crater Hector guimar 88 of these entrances still exist to this day 87 in Paris and a single one in Montreal Canada mirabu opened in 1913 as part of line 8's Western return Loop today it is part of land 10 which underwent the most true changes of all the lines in Paris Metro history line 10 also has the least traffic of all of the 14 Parisian main lines mirabo itself ranks 284th out of 308 stations when it comes to passenger numbers little more than one million people used the station in 2021. finally mirabor station is named after the street above which in turn is named after the count of Mirabal he was the president of the French National Assembly when France adopted its first constitution entering the platform I will shut up for a second and let you witness the magic of mirabu for yourself push [Music] you can see two things make mirabor unique its single side platform only serves one track for trains heading eastbound secondly you can watch the westbound train to bulonia go by on a steep ramp both factors turn the station into somewhat of a viewing gallery for the passing mf-67 series Metro Vehicles this setup is unique in Paris but what caused the station to look like this let's go back to the freeze frame from the first few seconds of the video and first figure out why mirabole only serves eastbound trains being part of the return Loop of line 8 Mirabal really only needed one single-sided platform its twin station eglisto Tay is only a two-minute walk away and serves all westbound trains igles tote therefore also only has one single side platform being so close to the Terminus in bulania and only serving westbound trains makes igles today the least used out of all of the 308 Metro stations in Paris it would have been possible to Surf both directions at eglisto Tay where not for the centuries-old foundation of the nearby church that vastly limited construction plans iglese by the way is the French word for church you can see today's Church which was finished in 1892 and built upon the foundation of an older church right here now let me show you the actual map of the current metal line 10. it shows the twin stations igles torte serving westbound trains and mirabor serving eastbound trains crucially this map is technically not correct to avoid confusing passengers the map does not show the actual routing of the tracks the real layout of the tracks looks like this with translated to English to Tay passing through mirabor station all trains you see go by stop just a few seconds later at mirabos train station iglesi time to answer the final question why is there a ramp back to the freeze frame we can see that mirabo is very close to the reverse 10. trains arrive from the East through a tunnel under the sand which necessitates mirabo to be a lot deeper in the ground than most stations in Paris the Paris Metro is not very deep some stations are just 6 meters or 20 feet underground being deep underground is also by building a two-sided platform in mirabor would not have been a cost-effective choice compared to mirabo The iglisto Taste station is rather shallow which is why the trains passing through mirabu have to keep climbing upwards via the rather steep four percent incline ramp I hope you enjoyed this little Deep dive and explanation of what I think is indeed the most fascinating Metro station in all of Paris and after filming about 10 trains go by it was finally time for me to say sorry if that was a bit too cliche thank you for watching until the very end and please subscribe for more videos just like this and help me hit 700 subscribers
Channel: Mind The Map
Views: 453,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mind, The, Map, Mirabeau, Mirabeau Métro, Mirabeau Métro Station, Paris Metro, Transit, Public Transport, Urbanism, Urban Planning
Id: ERX68Ye0btg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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