A train that never sees daylight

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Hi, Sandro here! Today I'm going to show  you a train that most of you might never   have seen in their lives in real life.  That is because it operates in a tunnel,   deeply buried in the mountain of Mittagskogel  in the Pitztal valley in Austria. A technology   that started out as streetcars in 1873's San  Francisco has evolved into the modern cable   cars that are capable of transporting  thousands of passengers a day through   arbitrarily difficult terrain and any weather  conditions. In this video you will find out how   this technology works, how it's operated  and what happens in case of an emergency. So, what exactly is a cable car? The term is used  for a variety of vehicles, and the terminology is   confusing, as it highly depends on the country  you're from. So the cable cars we're looking at   today are basically a set of train cars that lack  an engine and that are instead attached to a wire   rope that pulls them around. In the US those steel  ropes are called cables, and as they are pulling   a train car, the whole vehicle is called a cable  car. The street cars operating in San Francisco   have a cable that constantly moves underground.  Each street car can attach to it in order to   be pulled along. The cable cars we're going to  look at now though are different, and before we   go deeply underground in Austria, let's first look  at this technology in bright daylight. To do that,   let's take a quick detour to Zurich and  meet the Polybahn which was built in 1888,   just 15 years after the invention of the San  Francisco streetcars. In contrast to those,   the Polybahn is built into a single slope. Its  track is never flat. The rope or cable thus only   pulls it up, and gravity makes it roll back down.  Such cable cars are called funiculars, and they   are the dominant kind of cable cars today.  Well, so much for the theory, but let's make   this a little bit more tangible. What exactly is  a funicular, and how does it work? To illustrate   this, I printed two train cars that I found on  Thingiverse. At their current configuration,   they're just two regular train cars, happily  choo-chooing along the rails. It's time to make   a serious modification. We're now going to attach  a thread to the car. This threat is symbolic for   the - ouch - steel wire cables the funicular cars  are attached to. And the other end of the thread,   you probably guessed it, we're going to attach  that to our second car. With these modifications   being complete, it is now time to assemble our  funicular. With that, we'll need a drive pulley   and a shaft. The shaft goes into the pulley,  and then both are attached to the top station. And last, but not least: an electric motor. And  just like that, we have completed our model of   the funicular. As you can see, this kind of works  like a diagonal elevator, where one car is the   counterweight of the other. The cars themselves  are unpowered. There is a single motor in the top   station that moves the whole system, and whenever  one car moves, so does the other. And that is how   a funicular works. And this is what an actual  funicular's drive pulley looks like. Of course,   real funicular cars operate on rails, and their  path doesn't necessarily have to be a straight   line. Pulleys are used to make the rope follow  the tracks. As the rope's length varies with   the amount of passengers, as well as the current  temperature, the bottom station is equipped with   bumpers which ensure that the car on the rope's  long end still stops at its intended endpoint. An   intriguing detail is that the two cars share the  same track at the stations. But they flee to their   own track section for crossing each other in the  middle. Each car seems to magically find the track   it belongs to, and they never collide. So, what is  this 19th century sorcery? Looking at the switch,   we can see that the two outermost rails are simple  and uninterrupted. In contrast on the inside,   there's just a jungle of rails. Looking closely at  how a car passes the junction, we can see that it   follows closely the outer rail while apparently  ignoring the inner ones. But wait! The inner   wheel is just a drum. It simply supports the car's  weight, while the other wheel is shaped something   like this. The shape forces it to follow the rail  upon which it is placed. So each car will take   the side on which the shaped wheel is placed,  thus taking the correct track every time it   passes the switch. Knowing these basics, we can  now make our way to the Pitztal in Austria. Oh,   hi Marcus! This ordinary looking building houses  the bottom station of a funicular that is a much   more modern version of the Polybahn. The  construction of the tunnel of the original   trains was completed in 1983. But the trains  have just been replaced in 2022. These bad   boys can transport 1620 people per hour through an  altitude difference of 1111 meters. The tunnel is   3.6 kilometers long and has a fixed switch in the  middle, just like Polybahn. Both can be remotely   controlled. However, during normal operation,  the Pitztal express is operated manually. At   the top station we meet one of the operators.  Like most people featured on this channel,   his name is Michael, and he's a super chill dude.  Before departure, Michael checks the cameras and   closes the gates that split the waiting crowd  into groups the funicular can transport. The ride is closely monitored by a multitude of  sensors in- and outside the vehicle. A retrofitted   wi-fi system provides a gapless network through  which telemetry, communications and camera live   feeds are transmitted. We are now arriving  at the bottom station, which is the counter   station. It is called that way because the  propulsion system is located at the top station.   Even though the weight of the cars is  pulled by the steel cable from above,   there is a second wire rope, connecting  the bottoms of the trains as well. This way they are linked to the red counterweight  card that keeps the long steel ropes under   constant tension. Any tension spikes are canceled  by it by moving up and down on the lowest portion   of the rail. The trains are unpowered and their  batteries are charged at the stations. However,   with all the electronics inside the car, that  is not enough to keep them charged on days with   high demand, where the trains only spend a short  time at the stations. The new trains, installed   in 2022, are equipped with a generator that  charges the batteries while the train is moving,   a novelty that proved to work reliably. But how do  you actually replace a train that operates inside   a mountain? The answer is by removing this plate  off the bottom station including the wall with   that door. The process was filmed, and there is a  cool two minute video about it. I'll put the link   in the description. But now it's already time to  ride back up. Cumulating the altitude difference,   Michael and his colleagues ascend Mount  Everest multiple times a day. Even after   the just five rides I took for this video, I felt  exhausted by the ongoing change of the atmospheric   pressure. Working here as an operator is  not for cowards. We are now traveling up   to an altitude of 2840 meters.  The journey takes 8 minutes. The mountain keeps the tunnel  at a constant temperature,   causing the air to become foggy. To  counter this, the entrance is sealed   while the train is underway. The air pressing  through the door produces an uncanny song. There is something unsettling about  hurtling up the steep incline of this   dark never-ending pipe. Just the slightest  memory of the story of a terrifying incident   in a similar cable car in Kaprun in the year  2000 sends goosebumps down my neck. There,   an undetected fire had started in a similar  cable car, quickly spreading and causing   the funicular to fail and stop midway. 150  people died, trapped in the tunnel. Luckily,   many countermeasures have been taken to prevent  something like that from ever happening again. So, in case of a fire, the funicular speeds up  to its limit, and some sensors are disabled to   get the passengers out in any case, as fast as  possible, even if the fire starts destroying   electronics inside the train. Another of the  elements to look out for is water. The tunnel   is equipped with a sophisticated drainage system.  But the trains are still exposed to water from the   mountain, dripping down from the ceiling. For  this reason, the top station's tunnel entrance   is equipped with a car wash which sprays and  dries the trains whenever they need a washdown.   Whenever the infrastructure in the tunnel  needs to be serviced, the lights are turned on,   and the workers are brought to the location with  the train. In rare cases, they can also take the   stairs which consist of literally breathtaking  11'000 steps. To avoid that passengers have to   walk this in ski shoes in case of a technical  problem, the funicular can operate in three   extra propulsion modes. To learn more about them,  let's first talk about the drivetrain. Meet Heiko,   the chief engineer of the Pitztal express. He  has huge knowledge in many different fields, and   we're about to find out why. Interestingly, the  Pitztal Gletscher domain has its very own 30'000   Volt high voltage line, going directly into  their station. And they transform it down to 400   Volts themselves, also for the restaurants. The  high voltage is passed from the bottom station.   The funicular becomes a generator itself in the  late afternoon, when significantly more people   are transported down than up, their weight  generating electrical power. Overall however,   the cable car consumes a yearly average of  four and a half to five GW of electricity,   as much as 1'000 households. Part of that  energy is coming from solar panels on the   mountain. Their power output is also converted  to 400 Volts and feeds the local power grid   back to a few nuclear components. The 400 V is  then applied to four sets of controllers, one   for each motor. This is where the electricity is  converted to DC. I won't go much more into detail,   because I have covered this technology already on  an earlier video about the Gondelbahn Flaschen.   The DC power is then applied to the motors.  There are four in two groups, and each motor   has 340 KW or 462 horsepower. In 2018 the entire  controlling system was replaced and modernized. The torque of all four motors is then applied  to the main disk which is also where the series   break and the security break are located.  The security break is usually kept open,   and this is a service break that closes when  the regular stopping point has been reached. Wow, what a show! The wire rope  passes the drive pulley twice,   preventing it from slipping. So what exactly  happens if a motor or gearbox fails? Remember   that the drivetrain consists of two motor groups,  each driving the pulley through its own gearbox.   Between those two gearboxes and the pulley are  clutches. If a group fails, it can be decoupled,   and the cable car remains operational,  but it will run at only half the speed. So much for the first alternate propulsion mode.  This wouldn't work in case of a power outage. In   that case, those two 12-cylinder diesel motors  coupled through generators are used. Each motor is   equipped with two generators, one producing DC for  the cable car and the other generating three-phase   current for the lights and the drinking water  pumps. Each motor can output 462 horsepower,   meaning that both combined can drive  two of the cable car's motors which   can then operate at the half speed mode using  diesel fuel. To see the last emergency mode,   let's go up to the control room  with Michael! Oh, hello there! They really engineered this system for  robustness. The reason is that there is   no road leading up to the mountain in the winter  time. Even the transport of goods has to be made   with the cable car by attaching this special  trailer. To make this possible, the steering   system has an extra slow crawling mode, where  the cable car moves at a barely noticeable speed,   even slower than in this shot. Filming and editing  these videos takes me several hundred hours. I'm   not affiliated in any way and I'm not getting  paid by any of the places I film. So if you   would like to support my independent work, please  consider becoming a patreon. I put the link down   in the description. It will be much appreciated,  thank you very much! So, that's it for today,   thank you very much to Michael and Heiko for  showing me around, explaining me everything,   and also a big thank you to the Pitztaler  Gletscherbahn, who again allowed me to come this   year and film the heck out of their ski domain.  It's always a great pleasure of working with you,   So, so long for today, thanks for watching and  have a great day, maybe see you in the next video.
Channel: kalsan15
Views: 363,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mountain, Mittagskogel, Pitztal, Pitztaler Gletscher, Österreich, Austria, Funicular, Standseilbahn, Funiculaire, cablecar, cable car, wire cable, steel cable, steel rope, tunnel, train, railway, underground
Id: c1bqv3Q0Vjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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