The Parana Gypsy: Fly Fishing for Golden Dorado in Argentina

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[Music] the Parana river is one of the largest river systems in the world it's full of life in all of its forms including one of my favorite fish species in the entire world the golden dorado this is a story about how three friends and myself lived aboard the golden dorado River Cruiser on the par River in [Music] Argentina I left my home in Colorado in mid January to meet up with my buddy Dave before we headed to the airport once we got there we caught a couple of flights and ended up meeting our friend Derek in Houston Texas when we all got together we boarded the plane for Bueno and set off on a 10-hour flight we landed in Argentina the next morning we picked up our buddy Josh found a van and headed for the parau river after about a 3-hour drive we finally made it to the boat ramp and we ended up picking up a few folks including the captain of the boat as well as one of our guides named chaito we jumped in this little boat and started cruising for about an hour or so so up the par River to find our final destination on our trip to Argentina the golden dorado River Cruiser the boat itself is named the Paran Gypsy the boat can support up to eight Anglers you also have a liveaboard crew as well as a dedicated Chef during your entire stay aboard the cruiser this place Feels Like Home the second you step aboard the boat the attention to detail the kindness of the crew and all of the amenities made our trip absolutely fantastic but enough about the boat let's get to some fishing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the first day of fishing was my 31st birthday I was partnered up with Josh at the back of the boat and Toby was our guide I was anticipating maybe hooking a fish but what I wasn't anticipating was just how killer this day was about to be okay okay okay cookie hold the RO it up now the roaded up take it out yes sir time stamp 9:10 a.m. yeah I got you at 910 sick brother yeah you got Hammer yeah buddy golden dorado are no joke they're super vicious fish they've got insanely sharp teeth They smash big streamers and they are an absolute blast to catch the oh oh he's chasing [Music] I have to of wind happy birthday yes oh he's a dog and there it was my 31st birthday present to myself standing on a river in Argentina with some of my best friends holding the fish that's been at the top of my bucket list for years if only I knew just how many more we would catch on this trip yeah woohoo D me oh my God buddy he's around the log uhoh oh oh dude fighting in the lag now dude this is a good holy destroying you man Jesus dude this oh oh God holy okay holy bro going on man I see see yeah holy dude that was the first fish I ever hooked on a popper fly and fortunately here on the parau river if you break off one fish you're bound to find another woohoo he came after it did you see that wake nice one H yeah it's probably that same one he knew it oh Jesus it's gold man buddy this is a good fish too Sho now I'm going okay there we go that's it bud I got that one time did you hell yeah that's it taking my fish thanks Josh oh he a pretty good one oh yeah that's a good fish oh okay this is the golden the river where nobody else that was a video one nobody else that make couple of a step on your back really one fit more up to the first knot okay and now press this up I go that's a good one that's a fish look at he brother after after that first day we all found our golden dorado and now it was just time to put up some numbers this little spot was super cool Toby had Josh casting into that small Channel there on the right and I just kind of worked the back of the boat to see if I could find some fish okay and let me just say casting nine weights into the wind with 6 to 8 in streamers for 6 days straight will definitely put a crick in the neck wooo e it coming coming come on buddy [Music] woo woo goty come on buddy get him nice Josh was able to find a really nice Dorado in that little channel right there I continued casting but didn't end up bringing in any fish at this spot Toby then took us to one of the craziest things I have ever seen in my [Music] life schools of bait fish were being pulled from the up River into this lower Lagoon the Dorado were losing their minds I have never seen fish behave like this before we started blasting our streamers into the school of fish and we're getting takes on basically every single strip we finally hooked up to a few before the fish just kind of vanished the thing with golden dorado is that when they're there they're there and when they're not they're not there so sometimes we had to grind a little bit to find our next fish fortunately we never had to look too [Music] far is it yeah you look solid man trust me that was terrible timing to hit the record button on my camera huh this was actually one of the few fish I got to watch Derek bring in see he's left-handed and so am I and Josh and Dave are right-handed so we make great pairs on the boat but unfortunately the lefties and the righties can't fish together I guess maybe someday we we'll get [Music] there and while I didn't get to fish with Derek halfway through the trip we switched boats and I got to fish with Dave Dave and I have been good friends for a couple years now and even better fishing buddies it was really cool to get on the boat with him and watch him finesse a couple of these Dorado as well good stuff man little gold yeah yeah they're more hunting that's a great one right there Dave and I got to catch our biggest Dorado together as well we were dead drifting these big streamers in that channel behind him and for whatever reason some of the bigger Dorado end up stacking in places like this just look at how nice that fish is not too long after him I caught my nice personal best for the trip and these fish are just incredibly fun to catch good work homie good this trip to Argentina was truly Unforgettable being in a crazy place with some even crazier people and catching the craziest fish makes for one heck of a story I look forward to returning to Argentina someday thanks so much for watching please subscribe to pesava if you haven't and we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Pescavida
Views: 220
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Gu-S4KuCa6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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