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the 9volt Golden Stone fly is a super heavy nymph pattern designed for high water you can see this fly incorporates two beads the first is a 3 and 1/2 mil jig style slotted bead and the second is just your standard counter sunk bead the tail on this fly is made out of CDL fibers off of a feather and right in front of that I'm adding a little bit of copper wire to form segmentation on the body the body itself is made out of hairer ice dub and golden Brown and once that's added I take that copper wire up to behind that second bead then I tie in a small bit of thin skin and I'll jump my thread in between the beads to add some CDC once that's added onto the fly I'll bring that thin skin forward and finish this fly off with a bit more ice dub right behind the bead I throw in a whip finish snip my thread three and here you have the 9volt Golden Stone a fantastically heavy sinking nymph for springtime
Channel: Pescavida
Views: 1,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TfRHzrDJ-5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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