The Palworld Experience on a Powerful Handheld PC! (Lenovo Legion GO Gameplay)

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I am back with some more po world this time on the Lenovo Legion go I will be playing on the same server that I started playing in the last video which was um for the Rog Ally it ran really well on the Ally uh no crazy dips or crashes or anything strange like that this is The Game Pass version of the game um it is a little bit further behind inversion than the steam version of the game I just thought I'd point that out but it is uh on Game Pass if you don't want to spend the $30 at the game cost or whatever it is but I'm going to just jump in here show you my settings and show you my progress that I've made since the last video that I made start game Rog it's the same server it's apparently been 15 days and I'm level 12 in here I almost have to delete the world button that would have been bad it looks like all of my pals immediately went to work before I show you guys my base and talk about my progress in the game I'm just going to go ahead and mention my settings in the legion space settings I am currently at 1280x 800 144 HZ refresh it's pretty much it it for that and then ingame settings let's go to options over here um graphics and basically I'm at TSR for anti-aliasing and then everything under it is set to medium and then my field of view is 80 because I'm playing on a handheld I don't need it to be fully maxed out where everything's too far but on the legion go you can kind of go a little bit further with your fov just because the screen's bigger you can see a little bit better apparently I'm getting raided but before anything crazy happens let's just go to sleep cuz it's night time and wake up for a new day now when it comes to survival games I've always been a strange Builder I don't know I just kind of just go piece by piece until something is made and apparently this time it's a square inside a triangle it's like a tent house what what's happening are we under attack already oh my God yo my arm's going let's be part of the battle oh snap yo let me catch one of these guys oh shoot that's why I think we killed everything it's over yeah didn't even stand a chance my whole my whole crew messed these guys up oh man that was insane all right yeah you can get raided now let's go around the base and I'll just mention what's kind of going on in uh the server here so currently I'm at base level 9 I have to build a cooler box and a sphere Factory but I believe the sphere Factory is actually a little bit further out in the Technologies and the level currently it's level 14 and I'm level 12 so I have to go on like a catching spree and gain some XP and whatnot but yeah I've upgraded this uh base my friend helped me a lot last night with sort of like setting up this base properly and getting things automated so I don't have to collect and gather everything myself over here we have a plantation and basically if I have a water type and a grass type they will water and plant whatever harvest the seeds and get the berries and put them in this feeder so that that everyone can eat some berries and then over here I have a boar currently working on a stone pit here he'll just hit these rocks with his face and make some stone for me I put the stone in this chest apparently I have 300 close to 400 it's like 390 something and I think he might have got tired right now my other boar is currently in my party because he got a sprain I need to make some medicine so that he gets healed up and can work again cuz right now if I throw him out I don't think he's actually going to work let's see oh actually he's working but he probably just will feel tired sooner but if you have them in your party and not on your base or assigned to your base you can just throw them out um into the world and they'll also start working if they know how to do that job these Rush ores or bores whatever are uh good with the ston work so he's going to work on that I'm going to call him back in though I said I'm going to call him back in bro get get back in there there we go and then over here I've got my deers both these deers are assigned to the base currently because I took off the boar since he has a sprain I don't want to overwork him and drive him insane their sanity level goes a little bit wild if they're just working and not fed or paid attention to so these guys are actually making wood super fast I also have a third deer in my party so if I wanted to go even faster could throw this guy in there and now look I've got three deers just making some wood and they're going pretty quick right now in this chest right here I have 1100 wood um I'll call him back this guy seems like he's taking a break that's fine but yeah this is basically my logging station and my stone pit that way I can have wood and stone and over here I have a ranch with a malaca which is basically a llama or an alpaca it looks like a freaking llama but um I also have two Vixie which my friend caught last night very kind of him to go and find me some Vixie he said you need these because they'll go and find Pal speres for you and paler are basically the Pokeballs and you do have to craft them but with the Vixie they'll go out into the wild find them and throw them in a chest so right now there's eight of them in here which were uh all found by them and I can keep stacking that way and then the Melaka will make me wool so I can make cloth and things like that so that's pretty cool over here I have a Crusher which I can use to turn Stone into pum fragments to craft and things like that and I can also make fiber out of wood and over here I have an incubator which uh if you find an egg in the wild you can put it in there to hatch it and this guy actually let me throw him out this is AR Sox he's uh good with wood he's he's a woodworker or whatever and he also can cook things and light things on fire so he can uh cook food but he can also melt iron ingots or whatever you know use the furnace basically he'll heat up the furnace so that you can melt things and that's one of his jobs so I have him he came from an egg and I have him in my party as well I'm trying to get the mount for him so that I can ride around on r sox into the wild where is my deer I want to show you guys the deer so if I get on this guy there's actually two attacks he can do he does this like like Rush thing I just has to figure the buttons out so he does this Power Shot attack and then he does the the rushing attack this is definitely great to get around faster the boar went into the hotring nice ouch who is hitting me oh my God stop I'm about to die eat some food real quick those guys are actually hurting me actually I'm just going to go catch those guys over there oh my deer's going crazy killing them and whatnot great the deer murdered all these sheep I guess oh wait it was a oh I'm sorry last night we entered two dungeons which are like level 13 they were pretty doable they were fun um we got some rubies we sold them to a merchant we got some money um but look at these guys there goes the Penguin and the tany working together to get this Plantation going and these deers are obviously uh going crazy on the wood oh another pal spere dang they're finding those like fast and then in this room I have all of my crafting stations uh furnace workbench repair bench P workbench a high quality workbench for a more High tier recipes I guess and then a medicine station which I do need to uh get rid of that sprain on the board medical supplies that effectively treat ulcers and fractures uh and then low Green Medical goods for cold and sprains I could actually make this so let me go ahead and make the low grade medical supplies so that this boar can be healthy again are they fighting each other what are they doing are they mating what's going on over here all right oh they're fighting each other well one of them just got killed that's that's not good D this guy does not want to be caught there we go please tell me he's caught please please please please stay in there oh my this guy's being ridiculous get in there why is he like why is he fighting so hard oh [Music] my this guy is running me dry of palar right now I'm angry at this guy and he killed my deer stay in there please are you kidding me he's like one HP come on please if he comes out of that I need to take cover please tell me [Music] bro that was ridiculous I wasted so many p speres on that I'm just going to climb up here and see if I find any easy catches so I can level up faster chck oh I don't know why I thought that was my arrows I have no arrows right now so baseball bat it [Music] is are they resisting the [Music] heck all right chicky peas get in there I need you guys I need this XP bonus I'm noticing a lot of popping for the textures here um it's nothing too crazy like it doesn't bother me I'm just GNA you know I'm just pointing it out oh hey easy catches easy catches here that guy should be [Music] caught yep get in there okay we got looks like we got some some over here oh [Music] man I'm going to catch the thug I caught a thug oh man that's funny house here ooh what's that it's a big guy I don't think I could get him he's only a level eight I think we could actually get him get get over here he's like what is this is this Bulbasaur oh dang I have no [Music] stamina I want that one please let me get [Music] you please please please please get caught nope doesn't want to get caught bro and we're fighting on a cliff right now this is wonderful I need to call this guy back before he messes it up no need to call spark it back all right you should be I should be good are you kidding me I can't hit you anymore or you're just going to who is hitting [Music] me oh my God he doesn't want to be caught [Music] bro oh I got him wow that was annoying more thugs are you kidding me fast travel Point yeah ooh perfect new technology I think I leveled up too so that's good I'll keep the video short and sweet the game looks really good on here color-wise graphic wise um a little bit of pop in here but we are playing on Lower settings if you would like to crank that up that's up to you personally I like the smoothness of this right here but I'm going to head back to base and continue my journey bunch of paler is already ready for me to grab beautiful is there any in this chest there's three more in the chest yeah I don't feel so bad for wasting a bunch of them on the deer now cool kaery a ranch worker and can plant seeds whatever and I just want to see what this guy looks like oh he's actually that big that's cool what is he going to do oh working on the plantation is it speeding up the process it's planting seeds nice all in a day's work man I'm just going to stop here or else I'll just keep playing forever yeah game is really fun on the legion go as well perfect game to have on the go I'm just going to leave the video here I will continue to progress and share my progression I think we'll do steam deck next and I'll just use each of the devices as a chance to share the game and share my progress in the game so it's been a lot of fun so far hopefully we get some updates I know the Xbox game pass version is behind the steam version this is The Game Pass version right now it's not really a big deal to me I'm just here to play with whoever has the Game Pass version and enjoy it uh for what it is at the moment if we get the same updates eventually that would be awesome and if there's crossplay that would be awesome and if I could transfer my character over to someone else's server that would be awesome but game is Just brand new so it is in preview as well so I'm not going to for too much so far I've had a lot of fun that's it for this video as always thank you guys so much for watching and I will catch you guys on the next one peace
Channel: Misaac
Views: 9,314
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld gameplay, palworld pc handheld, palworld on steam deck, palworld rog ally, palworld playthrough, palworld base, palworld paldeck, palworld map, palword settings on pc, palworld gamepass, palworld free, palworld nintendo switch, switch 2, palworld update, how to play palworld, palworld steam deck OLED, Palworld Courage, Lenovo Legion GO Palworld Gameplay, Palworld settings Lenovo Legion GO, ROG ALLY palworld, palworld pokemon, pal world, palworld review, Palworld
Id: XDshjYrlHl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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