"The Pains & Pleasures of Living a Promise Filled Life" (Pt.1) Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.

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today on developing dynamic disciples some of your today I in lodz right now but you need to know lows don't last always you might be low now but you ain't going to stay low you might be broke now but you ain't gonna stay broke you might be unemployed now but you're not gonna stay on the floor you might be homeless now but you're not gonna stay homeless you you might be down now but when you ever promised some god you're not gonna stay low if you have run with the footmen and they have wearied you then how can you contend with horses welcome to the broadcast ministry of the First Baptist Church of Glen Arden with Pastor John cage Aiken senior we believe that God's Word will equip you to triumph over adversity until you're consistently running with the horses we're developing dynamic disciples through discipleship discipline and duplication and now here's Pastor John Kay Jenkins what I've come to understand and learn over the course of the season that God has allowed me to be in this has been a fantastic season for me and for our church the God has ushered us into significant and dynamic opportunities God has opened up doors and blessed us in incredible ways what I've come to learn that what goes along with the heights of great opportunity what comes along in life with the waves of riding riding the waves of success and blessings coupled with that wave of victory are also challenges of problems and downs let me give that to you again let me rewind it because maybe y'all didn't hear me turn the mic up they didn't hear me when you ride the crest of success although when you are on the thrust of victory or blessings or favor in your life what goes along with blessings also comes coupled with it challenges there are ups and downs there are victories and defeats in every arena of my life in every component in every season of my life but I've had God do incredible things what goes along with the crest of it are also secretly unknown behind the scene unpublished unknown pains and problems now I know that's not what you want to hear what everybody wants to hear is that life is sweet and wonderful as a matter of the gospel that is often preached in today's culture is a gospel that in essence says to people get saved and your life will be fantastic as a matter of fact if you listen to what some people teach and preach this you just get saved and you'll skip down the yellow brick road and when you get to the internet yellow brick road there'll be a pot of silver at the end of the rainbow but the reality of the fact is everybody that I have known who have had God catapult them into higher arenas of success and blessings in life also behind the scene and unknown to the masses in the public also have coupled in their life challenges and pains I wanted to talk to you about it because some of you we've been talking this year that this is our beyond beyond year we've been talking now that God is thrusting us into significant places in our lives and in fact it's happening and it would be irresponsible for me as your pastor to tell you about the the successes and the blessings that God is going to bring and it's bringing into your life without me also telling you and preparing you that what goes along with the joys of success are often the sorrows or some challenging moments in life as a matter of fact it is it is taught in nature that principle that truth is taught in nature and it is also taught in all components of life as a matter of fact if you look at the if you go out to the ocean and you watch the oceans watch the waves of the oceans with every huge way that people want to get their surfboard on and ride on the crest and you can ride the crest of that wave but what is also unseen is the turbulence that's going on at the same time on the bottom of what's seen in the waters yes the Sun rises but while it's rising on somebody that same Sun is setting on somebody else's life oh this is gonna be a tough sermon right here I can tell right now in in the world of electricity I used to study uses went to school for electronics and electricity and I learned about electronics and electricity and I learned that there are two sources of power there's direct current that's a battery the battery is great you don't have to be plugged into anything the battery is great but there's a problem with direct current direct current will give you a certain level of power for a while but then it begins to die down it begins to fade it begins to get a week but if you want long-lasting a long-lasting power consistent power the same level of power if you want that power for a long time there's something called alternating current AC that's what you plug into the wall and the power that plugs into the wall that will be consistent that will last for a long time and stay at the same level with no degradation and no going down you have to be plugged into the wall and what makes alternating current alternating current is that there are two ways to the current there's a positive spin to it but there's also a negative spin if you want an alternating current you have a positive source you have a positive charge but there is an equal negative charge I know y'all don't want to hear this but if you're going to have a positive charge in life if you want that thing to sustain itself you also have to have negative chair charge and change charge charge in life that's the way it rolls in life I wanted to talk to you about this for these next few minutes next few moments as a matter of fact the next couple Sundays I'm going to challenge you and talk to you prepare you that yes God will take you to a beyond beyond moment but please be prepared that what is coupled along with the beyond beyond fantastic moments in life are painful things I wish I could just tell you that it's great and it's wonderful and it's fantastic and life just rolls on but the reality is there's some downsides to life but here's the thing I know y'all say well what's the point bastard here's the point it is the negative things in life that number one prepare you to handle the positive things in life if you went from positive to positive the positive the positive and you just kept having great great great great great great things happenin to you you might begin to think that you're the reason that all of these things are happening to you so every now and then in between the highest mountains of life you have to have some valleys in between the tough high waves that you were riding the surf on your surfer having a good time you can't ride that wave for eternity sometime that wave got to come down and you got to roll back out to the water and climb back up and wait for it to come out there will be highs and there will be low it is the course of life it is the way of life and I wanted to take a look at Joseph's life as a matter of fact an incident in Joseph's life I wanted to take a moment and take a look at this and allow you for just a few moments if y'all were bare with me hang with me be tough with me and let me just talk to you a moment about the pains and pleasures of being a person who's living a promise filled life what are you talking about pastor well Joseph is one who had promises made to him he was one of twelve boys born to his father Jacob he turned out to be his father's favorite child he had nothing to do with being his father's favorite child he became his father's favorite child by virtue of the fact that he was born to the woman that his daddy loved the most he was the father's favorite child and because he was his father's favorite child when his other brothers learned that he was his father's favorite child they didn't like him and the story goes on to say there's a series of things that happened in Joseph's life and here we begin to see we pick it up in this 37th chapter and these things show with us and share with us for just a moment at you some of the pluses and minuses of life the first thing you need to know is when you have promises made to you got it made a promise to Joseph and when God makes promises or you guess what they're some things are going to happen man what is it pastor the first thing is you will be loves and hate it get that underneath you'll get that under your belt get an understanding that when you have been given an assignment from God when you have been anointed by God you have a destiny and you have promises give you will be liked and disliked you will be loved and hated you will be wanted and not wanted it is a part of the territory you will be loved and hated don't be shocked don't be surprised don't be disappointed you're gonna have some player haters you don't have some friends that don't like you anymore some neighbors some co-workers you're gonna have some family members that don't like you and yes I hate to say it I don't want to acknowledge it but the reality is I've learned over the course of my life that yes their friends and neighbors and co-workers and family members but yes there's also some church folk that ain't grown I wish that was far from the truth I wish I didn't have to come up here and make that confession to you but the reality of the fact is there gonna be some church people who ain't gonna like you matter of fact they might be on your roll right now look up and down your roll and see if you can see about who it is I thought I ought to drop that bomb on you because I came in the church as a young child grew up in church my momma brought me to church as a little kid I grew up in church I have no church I've been in church all my life I love the church I love church folk but I got the shock of my life when I discovered that all in church folk didn't like me young miles we'll come on explain accept the truth that there's some folk that distant it's not gonna like you there's some stuff about you that people not gonna like then I like the clothes you it they don't like the way you walk they don't like the way you talk they don't like the way you lead the song they don't like the people you hang out with they don't like that your weave is undetectable they don't understand they've been trying to figure out is it real or is it Memorex a time to figure it out I've come to realize from the course of my life and in the course of my ministry that they're people who hate me they hate me they're people trying to destroy my name and my reputation but it goes with the territory please don't let people hate who hate on you stop you from pursuing God write that down put that in your notes that I'm not gonna let no person no individual no group of people no click no player haters keep me from loving God keep me from pursuing my destiny keep me from being connected with the family of God in the house of God worshiping the Almighty God I refuse to allow people who are player haters to keep me from being where I am supposed to be Joseph was hated because his father loved him his father loved him look at verse 4 look at verse number 4 in chapter 37 he said but when his brothers saw verse 4 chapter 37 but when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers they hated him and could not speak peaceably with him there not only hated him they couldn't talk to him in a kind of way he was not his father's favorite child by virtue of anything that he did he just was born and they hated on him as some of you the same way people don't like something about you that you had nothing to do but here's the great news yes there's the low point that Joseph is but no father his home is hated that's a pain of a promise filled life that's a pain that his brothers the people that should have loved him the people that he should have ruh up with having fun with the people who he should have engaged with and lived a life long time of enjoyment with hated on him but guess what that's the pain of it but the pleasure is he had a father who loved him Oh y'all y'all missed a great place to shout alright then I said he had a father who loved him yeah y'all y'all missing the over you see I got this plane everything to you yeah yeah yeah yes yes yes he had a natural father that loved him but I'm telling you he had a spiritual father that loved him here's the thing you need to get underneath your belt that there are jacked-up Jokers player haters that hate on you but regardless of what the haters do you have a father a heavenly father who loves you you got a father in heaven who cares about you and cares about your life and cares about your destiny and cares about your destiny and cares about your destiny and cares about your destiny you have a Heavenly Father that loves you that's what makes me shout today that I'm loved and hated and here's what I'm shouting about yes I'm hated yes I'm just like yes I've been loud on yes I've been misunderstood but greater is He that lives in me then he that is in this world oh I'm thanking God that I have a father that loves me has checked up as I am he loves me as many mistakes as I have made he loves me as wrong as I have been as wicked and has nasty and has messed up as I am I thank God he loves me anybody here knows that God loves you just as you are he didn't love you cuz you fixed yourself up he didn't love you cuz you straighten yourself out he didn't love you when you cuz you turn your circumstances around some of you are here today and you still jacked up and you still messed up and you still doing things you ain't got no business doing it ain't you and Fokin saying things and drinking stuffing and doing things you have no business doing but I got great news for you has checked up and you are our Father still loves you look at your neighbor say he still loves you let's tell him as nasty as you are he still loves you I said tell your neighbor has nasty has you ears as contentious as you have been s wicked has drunk has high has whoremongering as you have been he still lost nothing you can do will cut off his love nothing you can say would make him stop loving you yes jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells you he loves you the devil has larger some of you and said that God could not possibly love you but you need to know that he loved you enough to spare your life till this day and give you the opportunity to come to this church and hear the on adulterated gospel of jesus christ being preached to you so you can get saved today I don't know who you are but you're here I don't know who you are but you're here and you got some mess up in your life but you need to know that he loves you Collin anybody here know how much God loves you you will be loved and hated he loves me in spite of my failures in spite of my disappointments in spite of my sins in spite of my attitudes he loves me Joseph was loved and hated he was hated listen here he was hated by his brothers but the love of God overtakes the hatred of people there's a second thing I see here that's the best the pains and pleasures of living a promise filled life and I said verse 23 and 24 that I read to you earlier today look at verse 23 and 24 it says so it came to pass when Joseph had come to his brothers that they stripped Joseph of his tunic the tunic of many colours that was on him they stripped him i'ma tell you that when you are living the pains and pleasures of a spiritual life you will have highs and lows I explained that to you in the introduction part of my message that there are highs and lows somebody said there are highs and lows said he getting their highs and lows when you're on the crest of the hide there's a low somewhere nearby you're either bout to head into a low or you're coming out of a low come on somebody some of y'all today are in Lowe's right now but you need to know Lowe's don't last always you might be low now but you ain't gonna stay low you might be broke now but you ain't gonna stay broke you might be unemployed now but you're not gonna stay unemployed you might be homeless now but you're not gonna stay homeless you you might be down now but when you have a promise from God you are not gonna stay low Joseph is on the crest of having his brothers who hated him come and strip him of his tunic now hear me on this for a second if y'all had nothing else today hear this what did I say I didn't say that I said if you don't hit nothing else that I say today hear this see y'all don't get the whole picture get the whole picture I said if you don't hear nothing else today here it is what did I say Thank You Joseph got stripped of the multicolored tunic the multi-coloured coat he had a Gucci sweater that's what it was right there looky that was given to him from his father his father gave it to him and they stripped him of it y'all need to understand that somebody's trying to strip you of the tulip that God has put on here oh I should have got a few more amens to that I'm trying to tell somebody up in this camp today that somebody wants to strip you of the mantle that God has put on you for some of you God has laid a mantle on you there's an assignment on you there's a destiny on you there's a purpose on you there's a call on you there's a destiny that God has put on you and the enemy's trying to strip it from off of you and so they took Joseph when he came he came to check on him and they stripped him of what he had on him people are gonna try to strip your destiny but they cannot strip you on your destiny they can't they can take your clothes but they can't take your call y'all excuse me for a second they might take your shoes but they can't take your sanity they might take your stuff but they can't take me that God's gonna ultimately take you too do you hear what I'm saying to you today lift up your hands and be encouraged the fact that they're trying to listen listen listen listen what did I say listen you ought to learn to celebrate instead of crying that they took your stuff you ought to thank God that you have something that they wanted to take instead of crying about what they did crying about what they trying to do crying about it thank God that you got something that they want amen hallelujah I got some folk that want what I have amen and I'm thanking God that God has put me in a position that they want what I have but I'm saying to them in the words of the great theologian MC Hammer you can't touch this you can't touch this you can't have this this is my assignment doesn't the call to God gave me you can't touch this you can try to mess up my name you can try to mess up my ministry you can try to mess up my reputation hey somebody hot by your neighbors say you can't have this high-five I'm on the other side telling with attitude you can't have this you can't have my purpose you can't have my destiny you can't have my call you can't have my assignment you can take my clothes but you can't mess with the stuff that God has put that he large deep down the side of me you can mess with me on the outside but the game that's my buddies but on the inside you can be external hallelujah somebody help me give him a pray somebody praise God right now say the chain tight ah that calls for a praise moment let's praise Him right here been watching developing dynamic disciples with Pastor John Cage incan senior of the First Baptist Church of Glen Arden today's message the pains and pleasures of living a promise filled life is available in its entirety on CD or DVD to obtain your copy call us now at 301 773 3600 again that's 301 773 3600 ask for the message entitled the pains and pleasures of living a promise filled life offer number 0 9 1 2 1 Oh see that's the pains and pleasures of living a promise filled life offer number 0 9 1 to 1 over C come worship with us at 600 Watkins Park Drive in Upper Marlboro Maryland join us for our 8 a.m. 10 a.m. or new Sunday service on the 4th Sunday our communion service is at the worship center at 6:30 p.m. all others 6:30 p.m. services will be held at our ministry Center located at 3600 bright seed Road in Landover Maryland please drop by our worship center on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. for Bible study and corporate prayer our Wednesday noon prayer and Bible study is held at the Ministry Center watch pastor Jenkins 24 hours a day 7 days a week on our web television broadcast for more information contact us at 301 7 7 3 3600 or visit our website at WWF BC Glen Arden so our ji thank you for joining us today and we pray that you will be ready to face life's challenges and live victoriously before we go here's pastor Jenkins with a final thought the pains and pleasures of living a promise fulfilled life there's good and there's bad whoever you are today lift up your heads o ye gates and be he lifted up the pit is not designed to kill you the pit is designed to catapult you into your destiny give God some praise Pastor John Kay Jenkins senior First Baptist Church of Glen Arden where God is developing dynamic disciples
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 13,040
Rating: 4.7968254 out of 5
Keywords: FBCG, Pastor, John K. Jenkins Sr., First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Lord, God, Jesus, Christ, Holy, Grace, Sermon, Word, Bible, Study, Baptist, Church, Gospel, Preaching, Ministries, Ministry, Praise, Spirit, Religion, Blessed, Blessing, Salvation, Revival, Fellowship, Choir, Black, Preacher, Preachers, Chorus
Id: XiPZpIg66H0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2015
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